Welcome to the Cooper County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Site
Site Submissions

I am often asked if information can be submitted to be displayed on this web site. The answer to that is a resounding yes and thank you! Which is always followed by the caveat of "Within the limits that I am allowed". This site which is sponsored by the MoGenWeb project has its server space provided by rootsweb. With regard to MoGenWeb and myself the information provided must be free of copyright restrictions or permission of the original author must be obtained. With regard to rootsweb the limitation and cost of server space must be recognized. Following is a list of the commonly asked questions.

Photographs Can I submit photographs of my ancestors to be added to the web site? Yes, you may. The restrictions regarding web space for photographs has been eliminated. However, for benefit of our patrons I may do everything that I can to use you photgraph with the least possible space.
Family Web Can I add a family web page to your site. Sorry, this requires just too much server space. We are happy to provide a link to your family web page; but can not host your site. Most internet service providers will provide free web space as part of your service package. My suggestion is that you contact you internet service provider. If you have a link, please send it to us.
Family History Can I add family history to the web site. Yes, if your family history is predominatly 1) past or present Cooper Countians, and or 2) ancestors of the same; then it can be added. My only restriction is that it be submitted as a word processing file which I can handle.
Databases Can I submit my Gedcom files to your site. No, again this requires too much server space. However, we can add your surnames along with birth and death dates to our "Combined Database" files. The only requirements is that 1) it be submitted in a form which I can handle, 2)you must agree to provide your e-mail and answer questions about your submitted information, and 3) agree to privacy with regard to living individuals. Since I use Family Tree Maker I can readily provide information on how to submit your files from FTM.


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This page was last modified on: 2/1/2025