Welcome to the Cooper County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Site
Military Records

The Revolutionary War
William Ross - Revolutionary William Ross, Revolutionary War Soldier
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jason Ross.  Revolutionary War Pension and Service record of William Ross.
Rev. Hugh Larimore Hugh Larimore, Pension Application
The pension application of Revoluntionary War soldier, Hugh Larimore.  This application describes the events of his service.
Adam Scott - Revolutionary Adam Scott, Pension Application
The pension application of Revoluntionary War soldier, Adam Scott.  This application describes the events of his service.
William Campbell - Revolutionary William Campbell, Pension Application
The pension application of Revoluntionary War soldier, William Campbell.  This application describes the events of his service.
The Indian Wars and War of 1812
1812 Indian Muster Roll Muster Roll of Captain Sarshall Cooper of April 1812
File contributed for use by Kathy Bowlin.  This file contains the names of the officers and men who enlisted in Captain Sarshall Cooper's company. This company fought in the Indian War of 1812. An early source of information on Cooper County's earliest settlers.
Charles Woods - War of 1812 Charles Woods, Pension Application
The pension application of the War of 1812 soldier, Charles Woods.   This application describes the events of his service.
The Civil War
"The Men"
Beckers Battalion Muster Roll of Becker's Boonville Battalion of 18 December 1861
You have heard of the Boonville Battalion or the Boonville Home Guards, who were formed during the Civil War. This is the muster roll of another company of Cooper County men who were formed at the same time (actually earlier) as the Boonville Home Guards. But instead of staying in Boonville they were sent off immediately to fight at Lexington, Missouri. There they were captured and then paroled, and after such a defeat they were immediately forgotten. But your ancestor may be listed here and in no other record.
Company A Muster Roll of Company A of the Boonville Battalion on 18 December 1861
First known as the Boonville Home Guards and later as the Boonville Battalion; this company of men was formed by General Lyons after the first battle of Boonville. It was captained by Joseph Eppstein. Company A is unique in that it was the first company of men from Boonville.
Company B Muster Roll of Company B of the Boonville Battalion on 18 December 1861
First known as the Boonville Home Guards and later as the Boonville Battalion. As Company A of the Boonville Battalion was dispatched to Jefferson City, more men joined in that city. Company A returned to Boonville when right before the Second Battle of Boonville, more men joined the Boonville Battalion. At that time Company B was formed. By now, Joseph Eppstein was a major.
Company E Muster Roll of Company E of the Boonville Battalion on 18 December 1861
First known as the Boonville Home Guards and later as the Boonville Battalion. Immediately after the Second Battle of Boonville, there was a need to follow the Confederate Army under Price who was heading toward Lexington (remember Becker's Battalion). The infantry of Company A and B were not fast enough so Company E of Cavalry was formed from Company A, Company B, and new volunteers.
Headquarters Muster Roll of Headquarters of the Boonville Battalion on 18 December 1861
First known as the Boonville Home Guards and later as the Boonville Battalion. This is the muster roll of the headquarters of the Boonville Battalion.
Company H, 52nd Regiment Muster Roll of Company H of the 52nd Regiment
This company of Cooper County volunteers was Captained by Charles Leonard. The company served for a total of 123 days.
PEMM of Boonville History of the Provisional Company of Enrolled Missouri Militia at Boonville
This is a short synopsis of the Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia at Boonville under command of Captain Horace Shoemaker. The company saw service from 26 Aug 1864 until 01 Jan 1865.
52nd Rgt. EMM Muster Roll of the 52nd Regiment EMM
This is the muster roll of the 52nd Regiment Enrolled Missouri Militia. This Union regiment is almost entirely composed of men from Cooper County. If you ancestor was of Union sympathies, and did not serve in a regular military unit, was 40 years old or younger; then he probably served in this regiment. A very rare document from the Civil War era.
Cooper & Moniteau County Militia Muster Roll of the Cooper and Moniteau County Militia
This is the muster roll for Captain Thomas Miller's Company of Cooper and Moniteau County Militia. The unit was form in May of 1865 predominately of mne from Cooper County.
Cooper County Militia Muster Roll of Company H of the Second Cooper County Militia
This is a very rare muster roll. Little is known of this Civil War militia unit.
  1883 Pensioners on the Roll for Cooper County, Missouri
Transcribed by Gordon Byers. July 13, 2000. Congress directed the Pension Office to prepare a listing of individuals receiving pensions for war service. The Pension Office produced a listing called "Pensioners on the Roll" as of January 1,1883.
The pensioners included veterans of the war of 1812 and Union service during the Civil War. In addition to the veterans themselves, family members receiving pensions based on said service were also included. Pensioners on the Roll was prepared from the official government records of the time, so this listing is likely to be one of the most complete and accurate records of the time.
1890 Cooper Census 1890 Cooper County, Missouri Census of Civil War Veterans
Please read the disclaimer on the reliabiity of this document.  This is what I hope to be a larger treatise on the Civil War in Cooper County.
The First Division The First Division and the 14th Regiment Illinois Infantry
This document provides information on the officers of the First Division (Union) and on the men of the 14th Regiment Illinois Infantry. The information is taken from the official camp newspapers of the period. This Division and Regiment served in the Otterville, Lamine, Tipton, and Syracuse areas during the early part of the Civil War
Alton Prison County Deaths in Alton Prison
This document lists people either from Cooper County or captured in Cooper County who were sent the Union prison in Alton, Illinois; and died in that prison.
Graitoit Prison Prisoners in Graitoit Street Prison
This document lists people either from Cooper County or captured in Cooper County who were sent the Union prison on Graitoit Street in St. Louis, Missouri.
Deaths in Cooper County Civil War Deaths in Cooper County
This document lists soldiers who died in Cooper County during the Civil War. It is predominately Union deaths; another rare compilation.
Provost Marshal Records Missouri's Union Provost Marshal Records for Cooper County, Missouri 1861 - 1865
This document is excerpted and corrected from the records compiled by the Office fo the Missouri Secretary of State. If additional information is needed then the base records should be consulted.
The Civil War
"The Stories"
Battle of Boonville New-York Times report of the Battle of Boonville
Taken from an original copy of the Jun 24, 1861 New-York Times, this is one of the earliest reports of the First Battle of Boonville. The reporter for this story was from the Missouri Democrat. As you read this report you will notices phrases from it which were copied verbatum in latter histories and articles. What you will also find in this article is everything those later histories omitted.
Frederick Banttrop Frederick Banttrop Civil War Tales and Family
Submitted by Darren Ivy, this selection relates the Civil War tales of his ancestor Frederick Banttrop. It also contains other information on his family. Normally, I do not post "family histories". But this is an exception due to Frederick Banttrop's interesting story of his own experiences during the War of the Rebellion.
Key and Crowbar The Secret of the Key and Crowbar
Submitted by Thomas Anthony Quinn, this is the story of Mary nee' Carroll Brooks and her brother Dennis Carroll. You can find bits and pieces of this story in several of the county histories and newspaper articles. This is Mary's experience during the Civil War in her own words. A wonderful story.
Civil War Letters The Civil War Letters of Nancy nee' Chapman Jones
These unpublished Civil War letters were written by Nancy nee' Chapman Jones, the wife of Caleb Jones to her daughter in Texas. Many stories never known before are told. As well as, antedotes about the local people and events. Print it off an read it at your leisure. Interesting.
Charles Boarman The Civil War Experiences of Charles Sylvester Boarman, Jr.
Charles Sylvester Boarman's father was the well-known Boonville doctor. And while the father had some interesting war experience; his son's exploits were ever greater.
Charles Alexander The Civil War Experiences of Charles Alexander
Charles Alexander was a Confederate recruiter from around Pilot Grove, Missouri.
Negro Soldiers Negro Soldiers in the Second Battle of Boonville
The Second Battle of Boonville may have been the earliest Civil War battle in which Negros were used as combat soldiers.
MSG Gunpowder Disposition of Missouri State Gunpowder at the Beginning of the Civil War
James McGhee is the author of this intriguing article on the disposition of the Missouri State Guard Gunpowder. This gunpowder was sent at the beginning of the war to Jefferson City, Missouri. From there it was widely dispersed. Most of it was next sent to Cooper County and then reshipped and secreted away in surrounding areas.
Bloody 1864 Bloody 1864
Stories of some of the massacres, death and outrages committed in Cooper County in the year 1864.
HEW McDearmon The Civil War Letter of Henry E. W. McDearmon
Written while Henry E.W. McDearmon was a fugitive from the Union troops after having killed a Union soldiers. John K. McDearmon, H.E.W.'s nephew was a Clerk and recorder of deeds for the City and County of St. Charles.” Submitted by Elizabeth Werner.
HEW McDearmon A Talk With Uncle Tom Woolery
This story was recorded by the Bunceton Weekly in 1931. Thomas Woolery recounts his story of as a veteran of the Confederate army under Jo Shelby. Submitted by Nancy LaGore.
Loyalty Statement The Loyalty Statement of Andrew R. French
A statement given by Andrew French after the conclusion of the war. The statement declares that his father was a loyal man during the war.
World War I
  Soldiers Database: War of 1812 - World War I
If you have a relative who served in the War of 1812 through World War I and was from Missouri, then this is to place to go. I highly recommend this site!
WWI Deaths World I Deaths of Cooper Countians
The deaths of Cooper Countians in the First World War. Taken from "Missouri - Soldiers of the Great War".
Company B, Third Infantry WWI Service of Cooper Countians in Company B, 140th Infantry
Information on the men who servied in Company B, 3rd Missouri Infantry, later the 140th Infantry. These men, mainly from Cooper County, servied in the First World War.
World War II and Beyond
WWI Deaths World War II Deaths of Cooper Countians
The deaths of Cooper Countians in the Second World War.
WWI Deaths Cooper County Veterans
A listing of Veterans from Cooper County; taken predominately from the Boonville Daily News.


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This page was last modified on: 2/1/2025