To fully search for your ancestor or topics, you must utilize several search engines. The most important of these is the Free Find search engine. FreeFind indexes the entire Cooper County MoGenWeb site, which at the time of this writing includes in excess of 1100 documents covering many subject areas (e.g. marriage, church, census, cemetery, and military records) for Cooper County, Missouri. The site is generally reindexed within a couple of hours after any significant new information is posted to the Cooper County MoGenWeb site. |
The second search that you need to perform is against the MoCooper e-mail databases. The following search engine will search these databases for any surname or topic. You will have to perform three or more searches as there is a database for each year. The e-mail log files are generally reindexed every ten to 14 days. | |
The third and final search to be performed is against the combined Rootsweb and Ancestory.Com boards. Currently there are fifteen boards. To access the individual boards use the "View Message Type" drop down box once you are enter the web site. While some of the information may be duplicated by the FreeFind engine; the majority of it will not. |
This Cooper County Message Board is hosted by Rootsweb and Ancestry.Com.
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