Welcome to the Cooper County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Site
Bible Records

This section contains Bible records that have been submitted by our users. If you desire to make a submission, please send it to the webmaster by clicking on the word "Webmaster" at the bottom of this page.

John Calvert Bible The John Calvert Family Bible
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ruby Coleman.  The John Calvert Family Bible.
Philip T. Friday Bible The Philip T. Friday Family Bible
File contributed for use by Mary Ellen Sanders.
John Washington Friday Bible The John Thornton Augustine Family Bible
File contributed for use by William E Bedinger and Traci Parsons-Holder. John Thornton Augustine Washington was a grandson of Samuel Washington and brother to George Washington (the dollar bill Washington). The Cooper County connection is George Washington and Mary Virginia Dempsey.
McClanahan Family Bible Bible The family Bible of Jackson McClanahan and Elizabeth Broyles
File contributed for use by Linda K. Sonnenberger.
McClanahan Family Bible Bible The Dr. Samuel Yardley Thornton Family Bible
File contributed for use by Joanne Morgan. The family Bible of Dr. Samuel Yardley Thornton and Frances "Cittie" Clarke.
O'Bryan Family Bible Bible The John L. O'Bryan Family Bible
File contributed for use by Debbie Yates. The family Bible of John L. and Elizabeth nee' Bousfield O'Bryan.


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This page was last modified on: 2/1/2025