Welcome to the Cooper County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Site
Tax Records

This section provides information on taxpayers in Cooper County, Missouri. Besides establishing dates when people known to be living in the county. Some additional information may be gleaned from the "Stray" books.

1835 Tax Records, A-C The Cooper County 1835 Tax Rolls, Taxpayers A-C
Not all information from the 1835 tax rolls is included in transcribing. An attempt was made to capture every tax payer but only certain pieces of information was collected on the tax payers. We have transcribed the land information along with the name of the tax payer.
1835 Tax Records, D-H The Cooper County 1835 Tax Rolls, Taxpayers D-H
1835 Tax Records, I-M The Cooper County 1835 Tax Rolls, Taxpayers I-M
1835 Tax Records, N-R The Cooper County 1835 Tax Rolls, Taxpayers N-R
1835 Tax Records, S-U The Cooper County 1835 Tax Rolls, Taxpayers S-U
Stray Book A Cooper County Stray Book A
This book records the finding of stray animals from 1819 through 1828. A valuable reference for noting when an ancestor may have lived in Cooper County.
Stray Book B Cooper County Stray Book B
This book records the finding of stray animals from 1828 through 1833. A valuable reference for noting when an ancestor may have lived in Cooper County.
Stray Book Saline Township Cooper County Stray Book for Saline Township
This book records the finding of stray animals from 1868 to 1874 for Saline Township, Cooper County, Missouri. A valuable reference for noting when an ancestor may have lived in Cooper County.
Debt Records Debt Records for Saline Township
Justice of the Peace Record of Debts Owed for Saline Township for years 1868 - 1870.


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This page was last modified on: 2/1/2025