Welcome to the Cooper County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Site
Probate Records

This section provides images of probate records for Cooper County, Missouri. You will actually be taken to the Church of the Latter Day Saints web site to view the images. This is a real plus for the serious researcher.

Administrator bonds, 1819 - 1868, vol A

Administrator letter, 1845 - 1891, vol A-C

Bonds, 1867- 1890, vol B

Inventories, 1847 - 1854, vol A-B

Inventories, 1854 - 1862. vol C-D

Inventories, 1862 - 1874, vol E-F

Inventories, 1874 - 1887, vol G-H

Probate accounts, 1855- 1869, vol B-D

Probate accounts,1867 - 1880, vol E-G

Probate court minute index, probate court minutes, 1861 - 1866, vol 1

Probate court minutes, 1866 - 1878, vol 2

Probate index,1848 - 1900, vol A

Probates, 1847 - 1852, vol A3-B

Probates, 1853 - 1857, vol C-D

Probates, 1857 - 1860, vol E

Probates, 1860 - 1866, vol A1-A2

Probates, 1866 - 1869, vol F

Probates, 1872 - 1881, vol G-H

Probates, 1881 - 1887, vol I-J

Settlements, 1880 - 1884, vol H-J

Settlements, 1884 - 1886, vol K

Wills, 1818 - 1894, vol A-B2

Wills, 1894 - 1910, vol C-D

Wills, 1910 - 1918, vol E


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This page was last modified on: 2/1/2025