Welcome to the Cooper County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Site

Assumption Catholic Church Committee, Assumption Catholic Church: Remembering Our Heritage, Heritage House Publishing, Marceline, Missouri (2005)
 Assumption Catholic Church of Cedron, Missouri is not really in Cooper County but it is just a hop and a skip across the county line in Moniteau County. So there are a number of families from this area of the county that have their religious roots founded in this church. This hardbound book contains interesting information about the church but also many family histories. If you have the family names of Baker, Fischer, Heinen, Imhoff, Klein, Schweitzer, Strickfaden, Waterscheidt, Weingartner, Zey (along with many others) you will want a copy of this book. The book is roughly 1/3 church history, 1/3 family histories, 1/3 advertising and pictures. The book is available for $45 which includes shipping and handling and may be obtained from Mr. Tim Imhoff; 601 7th Stree; Boonville, Missouri 65233-1512; phone 660-882.6267. Tim has mentioned that the church also has other memorabilia for sale including: plastes ($12 each); marble coasters (set of four for $25); coffee mugs ($4 each or four or more for $3 each) and all prices include shipping charges. Oops, as of 1/1/2006 there were only 140 copies of this book remaining.
Betteridge, Ann Beckner, Discover Cooper County by looking back., Interstate Studio. (1995)
 This book is presented each year, free of charge to every fourth grader in the county by the Cooper County Historical Society. Although written for the fourth grader, it is interesting to all ages. This book is available from the Cooper County Historical Society. The price is $15.00 plus postage
Boonville Chamber of Commerce, The "Boone's Lick"... A la Carte Missouri History on the Table., Cookbook Publisher, Inc. (1993)
 This delightful cook book is full of surprises!   The book provides sketches and descriptions of various houses and buildings around the county.   Provided with each house is a recipe provided by the current home owner.   Other recipes abound through out the book.   I bought the book for the houses.   My wife fell in love with the receipes and pointed out to me that a number of the recipes were from by great great grandmother!   Now if I can only get her to make that pecan pie.   This book is available from the Boonville Chamber of Commerce for $12.00.
Chestnutt, F., Cooper County Church Sketches., Cooper County Historical Society (1993)
 This pamphlet profiles the churches of Cooper County. A pen and ink drawing of each church is accompanied by the history of that church. This pamphlet is available from the Cooper County Historical Society.

Colton's, 1869 Sectional Map of Missouri., (1979 Reprint)
 This publication covers the entire State of Missouri.   Cooper County can be found on pp 25 and 26 of this 43 page booklet.   You will find the names of some towns in Cooper County that no longer exist.   But, by and large, I think you would be sadly disappointed with this publication if you are only interested in Cooper County.

This publication is available from:
Ms. Jeanette Heaton
Abe's Country Store
5236 A Highway
Bunceton, MO 65237-2201
Phone (660) 366-4482
Last known price $3.00 plus $1.00 shipping and handling.

Cooper County Historical Society, Old Pleasant Green "Underground" the Story of the Old Cemetery at the 1825 Pleasant Green Methodist Church, Cooper County, Missouri., Cooper County Historical Society (2007)
 This 32 page publication details the history of the Pleasant Green Methodist Church congreation and the Old Pleasant Green Methodist Church Cemetery. It includes some photographs, a map of Pleasant Green, Missouri, parentage of burials, and some family histories. Here is a chance to pick up some Cooper County History that is not included on this site while at the same time supporting the Cooper County Historical Society.

This publication is available from:
Cooper County Historical Society
P.O. Box 51
Pilot Grove, MO 65276
Price is $10 which includes shipping and handling.

Cordry, Eugene Allen, History of New Lebanon Cooper County Missouri., (1976)
 This indexed 304 page book deals with the history and genealogies of the southwestern part of Cooper County.   More specifically it concentrates around the area of New Lebanon.   The book is also strong in the history of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.   This book is contained on this web site; but if you are heavily concentrated in this area of the county I would suggest purchasing your own copy.   To the best of my knowledge, this book is not in reprint.

This publication is available from:
Ms. Jeanette Heaton
Abe's Country Store
5236 A Highway
Bunceton, MO 65237-2201
Phone (660) 366-4482
Last known price $25.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling
Recently, this publication was also available from the Friends of Historic Boonville.

Davis, Ralph E., Stories of Natural Gas., (1964)
 This book is a collection of stories on Davis's experience in the natural gas industry as it was developing in the early twentieth Century, and the profound effect he had on its development. Raised in Virginia and Iowa, educated at the University of Wisconsin, and as a petroleum geologist, Davis became an adopted Texan with an engineering consulting business in Houston, a sprawling estate in Santa Barbara, California, and an 8700 acre farm in Boonville, Missouri.

Davis, Robert Murray., Mid-Lands A Family Album., The University of Georgia Press. (1992)
 Who said you should read nothing but genealogical or historical books.   This small short book is about the author's childhood in Boonville.   Having grown up at about the same time in Boonville; I found it interesting.   This book is recently enough that you can order it through your local bookstore.

Dyer, Robert L., Boonville An Illustrated History., Pekitanoui Publications. (1987)
 This recently published history of 300 pages including index is out of print.   As the name implies, it deals primarily with the city of Boonville.   I would have to classify it as a history book with limited genealogical information.   However, the stories are interesting and the accompanying illustrations and photographs make this book.   An easy reading and delightful book.   If you desire a copy, it will probably only be found in garage sales.

Dyer, Robert L., Jesse James and the Civil War in Missouri., University of Missouri Press. (1994)
 This book by the local author deals with subject matter as stated in the title.   You can order this book from the University of Missouri Press web site; a site you may wish to frequently visit.

Ewing, Robert Chatham Donnell., Aunt Peggy: A Memoir of Mrs. Margaret Davidson Ewing (Wife of Rev. Finis Ewing)., (1876)
 I am unfamiliar with this publication.   But from the title I would have to assume that it deals with the life of Rev. Finish Ewing of the New Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian Church.   As a companion to this publication, I would suggest browsing the "History of New Lebanon Cooper County Missouri" by Eugene Allen Cordry.

This publication is available from:
Ms. Jeanette Heaton
Abe's Country Store
5236 A Highway
Bunceton, MO 65237-2201
Phone (660) 366-4482
Last known price $4.00 plus $2.00 shipping and handling

Fiala & Haren's, 1861 Sectional Map of Missouri., (1979 Reprint)
 This map is similar to Colton's.   Cooper County is located on page 17 of this 32 page booklet.   Like Colton's it does contain the names and locations of some now by-gone towns.   If you are just itching to purchase one of these maps; I would probably recommend Colton's.

This publication is available from:
Ms. Jeanette Heaton
Abe's Country Store
5236 A Highway
Bunceton, MO 65237-2201
Phone (660) 366-4482
Last known price $3.00 plus $1.00 shipping and handling.

Gerhardt, Roy B., A Town Called Speed, Walsworth Publishing Company. (1984)
 This book covers the history of New Palestine or Speed. Literally chock full of history, stories, and genealogies. The book is for the serious student or for anyone with ancestors from this area of the county.

Goodrich, James W. and Gentzler, Lynn Wolf editors, Marking Missouri History, State Historical Society of Missouri (1998)
 This book covers all the counties in the State of Missouri. Each county takes up approximately two pages. It is a very slick publication. But, in my opinion not worth the money unless you have an interest in the entire State of Missouri. This publication is available at a number of locations including the Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Hutchison, H. A., Old Nick Abroad and Other Poems., The Advertiser Press, Boonville, Missouri. (1895)
 Although the existence of this book has been known for a long time, I only recently discovered a copy.   Old Nick is, of course, Satan.   And the majority of this book is about what Satan may see and said if he walk in human form.   The rest is other poems, some about the county. I believe the poetry to be decent.   It is also available on CD along with other county histories and may be ordered through eBay or contact James F. Thoma for further information.

Johnson, W.F., History of Cooper County Missouri., Historical Publishing Company. (1919)
 If you have mutiple ancestors from Cooper County and money for only one publication; then this is the one you should purchase.   This 1167 page (excluding index), two volume set is considered to be the best source for biographical sketches.   The biographical section begins on page 354 and runs through page 1167.   Of particular note is that fact that the biographical histories come throughout the county and not concentrated in any one particular section.   Your ancestor would have had to pay to have his or her history included in this book.   The first section of this book contains historical information on the county.   It draws heavily on Levens and Drake's history but does contain new information.   You may desire to check for your surnames on this web site to see if this book contains information on your ancestors before purchasing.

It is also available on CD along with other county histories and may be ordered through eBay or contact James F. Thoma for further information

Kingsbury, Warren Taylor, Hobby Horse Rider., Timestream Inc. (1998)
 This is a collection of writings by Lilburn Adkin Kingbury 1884-1983 and edited by Warren Taylor Kingsbury, his nephew. Lilburn was a noted historial of the Boonslick Region. Little information of genealogical information is contained within the publication unless you are a Kingsbury. The book is interesting reading. At one time there were autographed and numbered copies of this book available at the Friends of Historic Boonville.

Lantos, Lauren, Boonville Historic Rivertown., Walsworth Publishing Company, (1992)
 This pictorial history of the city of Boonville was produced by students at the University of Missouri - Columbia Campus, School of Journalism.    Each subject area is introduced with a short story and accompanied by black and white photographs of the subject.   It is a recent publication, so you won't find your ancestors; but may find your cousins. Little genealogical information, if any, is included in this booklet.   A index to this publication exists on this web site.

This publication may be available at:
The Friends of Historic Boonville or
The Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Levens, Henry C. and Drake, Nathaniel M., A History of Cooper County, Missouri, From the first visit by White Men, in February, 1804, to the 5th day of July 1876. (1876)
 This short, 231 page, half page sized history was produced in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of this country.   It is considered to be the definitive source for the history of the country   It does not contain biographical sketches, per see; but contains a wealth of early genealogical information. A surname index listing for this history is included on this web site. At one time, this book was available as a reprint.   If anyone knows where it can currently be purchased, please let me know. One user responded that this book was available at a bookstore in Arrow Rock in 1992.This book is currently available from the Cooper County Historical Society. There are a limited number of these reprints available at a cost of $25.00 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. It is also available on CD along with other county histories and may be ordered through eBay or contact James F. Thoma for further information.

Mahan, W. D., Acts of Pilate: And Ancient Records Recorded by Contemporaries of Jesus Christ Regarding the Facts Concerning His Birth, Death, Resurrection , Boonville, Missouri (1884)
 The Reverend W. D Mahan of Boonville spent the best years of his life researching Biblical events of the New Testament.   This was the first book that he published. &nbps; This book is available from most major booksellers.

Mahan, W. D., The Archko Volume, Archko Book Company, Boonville, Missouri (1905)
 The Reverend W. D Mahan of Boonville spent the best years of his life researching Biblical events of the New Testament.   His findings were published in this volume.   Still widely printed today, the books was declared a hoax. To judge whether the writings that Mahan does on parts of the life of Jesus is a hoax or the truth; you will need to read the whole book.   This book is available from most major booksellers.

McDaniel, Lyn.,Bicentennial Boonslick History A compilation of many of the highlights and human sidelights of the history of Cooper and Howard counties from the first exploration by white men in 1658 to the Twentieth Century., Boonslick Historical Society. (1976)
 This booklet was published as an official project of the Boonslick Historical Society in Commemoration of the United States Bicentennial   It was written by members of the society and contains both prior published articles along with new ones.   The articles are short, generally accompanied by illustrations or photographs, and interesting.   As noted it contains stories on both Howard and Cooper counties.   An surname index has been compiled for this publication and is available on this web site.   If you are so fortunate as to have a ancestor in this publication, then you should definitely get a copy of the appropriate article.  

The booklet has gone through two reprints and may still be available through
The Friends of Historic Boonville or
The Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Melton, E. J., History of Cooper County Missouri., E. W. Stephens Publishing Company. (1937)
 This history also stands as a major body of work. The oversized, 554 page book is uniquely different from Johnson's history even though the two were published only a mere 17 years apart.   Melton's histories are generally short interesting or amusing yarns or tales not found elsewhere.   This is not usual since E. J. along with Lilburn Kingsbury and Charles Van Ravenswaay were charter members of the Boonslick Historical Society and were interested in collecting and preserving these tales.   The biographical sketches are generally of "young promising men of the day."   As a result there is not a great deal of overlap between the two biographical sections of Melton's and Johnson's histories.   Additionally, this history contains a vast amount of genealogical minutia.   Sadly, this book has never been reprinted and if you are fortunate to find a copy expect to pay between $100 and $200 depending upon condition.   A surname index to this history is available on this web site. News, News, this history is available as a reprint for $59. You may find it at the Barnes and Noble website. Or from Heritage Books. Their last cost was $36.00 (Cat. No. M1568).

Melton, E. J., Quick Darkness., State Publishing Company. (1960)
 There is no genealogical or historical information in this book. It is simply a mystery written by a local author.   But the young man on the cover is, biologically, my brother.   This book is out of print but can be found at garage sales. A few copies can be obtained from James F. Thoma .

Melton, E. J., The First Hundred Years., Missourian Publications, Boonvile, Missouri. (1957)
 This book by the local author is another non-genealogical book referenced herein.   It is a history of the first one hundred years of the Thespian Hall located in Boonville, Missouri. Additional it contains an update of the history of Cooper County from 1937 to 1957. This book can occasionally be found at auctions. It is also available on CD along with other county histories and may be ordered through eBay or contact James F. Thoma for further information.

Melton, E. J., Towboat Pilot., The Caxton Printers, Ltd. (1948)
 This book by the local author is another non-genealogical book referenced herein.   It is a Mark Twain "look alike" story.   Enjoyable to read.   The book is also out of print but can on occasion be found at estate sales.   A few copies can be obtained from James F. Thoma .

New Lebanon Cemetery (A Complete Listing by Name & Lot Number)
  Unfortunately, I do not own or have seen a copy of this publication.   I suspect that the information contained is this publication is also duplicated in Eugene Allen Cordry's "History of New Lebanon Cooper County Missouri".

This publication is available from:
Ms. Jeanette Heaton
Abe's Country Store
5236 A Highway
Bunceton, MO 65237-2201
Phone (660) 366-4482
Last known price $2.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling.

Paillou, E. R., Home Town Sketches., The Stratford Company, Boston, Massachusetts. (1926)
 What a wonderful book.   It contains intimate sketches of interesting people and quaint characters who lived in Boonville during the period of 1870 to 1900.   This book can occasionally be found at auctions.   It is also available on CD along with other county histories and may be ordered through eBay or contact James F. Thoma for further information.   He also has extra copies of the original.

Quarles, J. A., The Life of Prof. F. T. Kemper, A. M., The Christian Educator., Burr Printing House, New York.
 This is an extremely rare book.   It details the life of Professor Frederick T. Kemper and the founding of what was to become the Kemper Military Academy in Boonville, Missouri.   Contains interesting tidbits about many early people from Cooper county.   This book is being put in CD format.   Contact James F. Thoma for further information. It is also available on CD along with other county histories and may be ordered through eBay.

Rainey, Sheila, Images of Time, A Pictorial History of the Boone's Lick Area, D-Books Publishing, Inc., Marceline, Missouri (1999).
 This is a nice book of photographs taken through the decades of Boonville and Cooper County. It appears to have been produced by the Boonville Daily News. Material is taken from local archives, postcards, and submitted photographs.

Salmon, Richard L., Tales From The Village., Leathers Publishing Company (1998)
 This book chronicles the life of Dick Salmon. It includes a lot of information on Pilot Grove beginning in the 1950's. Another book by a 'hometown boy'. This publication is available from the Cooper County Historical Society.

The 1876 Catalogue of Kemper Family School for Boys and Young Men (Bicentenial Report)
 Frankly, I do not have a copy of this publication, and have never read it.   As a result, I am unable to provide any further information on its content.

This publication is available from:
Ms. Jeanette Heaton
Abe's Country Store
5236 A Highway
Bunceton, MO 65237-2201
Phone (660) 366-4482
Last known price $2.00 plus $1.00 shipping and handling.

The Centennial Book Committee., Pilot Grove Centennial 1873, 1973.
 This 248 page book chronicles the history of Pilot Grove from its incorporation up until 1973. It does contain the genealogy of the Samuel Roe family. Lots of photographs of the residents of Pilot Grove and surrounding areas circa 1973. This publication is available from the Cooper County Historical Association.

Thoma, James F., This Cruel Unnatural War, Self Published (2003)
 This book is a compilation of events of the Civil War in Cooper County, Missouri along with military service information on thousands of Cooper Countians.   This spiral bound book is 292 pages in length. About half of that is information on events of the Civil War with the remainder being service records and index.   I have recently reprinted this book and it is again available at a price of $25, which includes shipping and handling. Contact James F. Thoma for further information or order through PayPal or Amazon.

Weimholt, Mary., Memorabilia of Cooper County., Curtis Media Corporation. (1990)
 This publication has historical articles and family histories contributed by people throughout the county.   While a large portion of the historical section is not unique; it does have an excellent section on churches of the county. What makes the history valuable is that the family histories are generally of different families than those contained in the Johnson and Melton histories.   Some family histories are only for the current generation, while others go back many, many generations.   Since Melton's history is unavailable, I would consider this to be the second best biographical history to put in your collection.   The drawback to this history is the index.   This publication is available from: Curtis Media Corporation


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