The Accession/Serial No. links will take you to the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, web page for that land patent.
Accession/ Serial No. |
Section | Aliquot Parts |
Patentee | Issue Date |
MO3300__.494 | 01 | 2NE | Churchill, Armistead S | 11/13/1895 |
MO3300__.494 | 01 | 2NW | Churchill, Armistead S | 11/13/1895 |
MO3300__.494 | 01 | E½1NE | Churchill, Armistead S | 11/13/1895 |
MO6080__.496 | 01 | 1NW | Black, John W | 11/12/1900 |
MO6080__.496 | 01 | NESW | Black, John W | 11/12/1900 |
MO6080__.496 | 01 | W½1NE | Black, John W | 11/12/1900 |
MO6140__.485 | 01 | SESE | Dowell, George | 12/30/1902 |
48785 | 02 | 5 | Baumann, Edward C | 03/01/1909 |
48785 | 02 | 6 | Baumann, Edward C | 03/01/1909 |
88268 | 02 | NWSW | Hershey, Merritt D | 11/08/1909 |
MO1830__.346 | 02 | 9 | Taylor, John T | 09/01/1856 |
MO2040__.164 | 02 | 2SE | Richardson, Abel | 06/01/1859 |
MO3430__.257 | 02 | S½SW | Stark, James | 10/10/1896 |
MO6070__.402 | 02 | 7NE | Monks, Alexander | 04/21/1900 |
307662 | 03 | SWSW | Martin, Alva E | 01/06/1913 |
MO3340__.032 | 03 | 2NE | Piles, Joshua W | 05/30/1873 |
MO3390__.051 | 03 | W½2NW | Clemons, James J | 06/30/1884 |
MO3430__.271 | 03 | NWSE | Taylor, Mills D | 10/16/1896 |
MO3430__.271 | 03 | W½1NW | Taylor, Mills D | 10/16/1896 |
MO6060__.393 | 03 | E½2NW | Clemmons, John | 11/04/1899 |
MO6060__.393 | 03 | E½2NW | Clemmons, Macanda | 11/04/1899 |
MO6100__.111 | 03 | E½SE | Stark, Vincent S | 04/09/1901 |
MO6250__.284 | 03 | W½1NW | Canada, Minnie P | 11/15/1904 |
MO6250__.284 | 03 | W½1NW | Piersee, Minnie P | 11/15/1904 |
MO6250__.285 | 03 | E½1NW | Taylor, Samuel H | 11/15/1904 |
MO6250__.285 | 03 | N½SW | Taylor, Samuel H | 11/15/1904 |
MO6250__.285 | 03 | SESW | Taylor, Samuel H | 11/15/1904 |
MO6300__.199 | 03 | E½1NE | Clemmons, George W | 06/30/1906 |
253140 | 04 | SESW | Sharon, Ora E | 03/14/1912 |
253140 | 04 | W½SE | Sharon, Ora E | 03/14/1912 |
307662 | 04 | SESE | Martin, Alva E | 01/06/1913 |
MO3420__.124 | 04 | 2NE | Clemmons, Jesse | 03/21/1893 |
MO3420__.124 | 04 | E½2NW | Clemmons, Jesse | 03/21/1893 |
MO6250__.284 | 04 | 1NE | Canada, Minnie P | 11/15/1904 |
MO6250__.284 | 04 | 1NE | Piersee, Minnie P | 11/15/1904 |
MO6250__.284 | 04 | NESE | Canada, Minnie P | 11/15/1904 |
MO6250__.284 | 04 | NESE | Piersee, Minnie P | 11/15/1904 |
MO6260__.222 | 04 | SWSW | Ziegler, David P | 06/26/1905 |
1786 | 05 | 2 | Smith, William T | 07/09/1908 |
1786 | 05 | NW | Smith, William T | 07/09/1908 |
1786 | 05 | W½1 | Smith, William T | 07/09/1908 |
MO5800__.299 | 05 | SWSW | Benzing, John | 05/27/1901 |
MO5800__.302 | 05 | NWSW | Hughes, Michael | 05/27/1901 |
261730 | 06 | 2SW | Hollandsworth, Robert F | 04/25/1912 |
261730 | 06 | 2SW | Hollandsworth, Virginia A | 04/25/1912 |
307664 | 06 | E½1NE | Tipton, Robert T | 01/06/1913 |
307664 | 06 | E½2NE | Tipton, Robert T | 01/06/1913 |
MO3310__.173 | 06 | SESE | Rosenbeck, William | 01/10/1901 |
MO5800__.301 | 06 | NESE | Kappner, John A | 05/27/1901 |
253157 | 07 | N½1NW | Bonner, William J | 03/14/1912 |
253157 | 07 | NWNE | Bonner, William J | 03/14/1912 |
MO5800__.303 | 07 | NENE | Hanlon, Michael J | 05/27/1901 |
MO6040__.444 | 07 | NESW | Adams, Smith W | 02/13/1899 |
MO6040__.444 | 07 | NWSE | Adams, Smith W | 02/13/1899 |
MO6040__.444 | 07 | S½NE | Adams, Smith W | 02/13/1899 |
MO6100__.189 | 07 | NESE | Ekin, Perry H | 05/08/1901 |
MO6150__.212 | 07 | 2NW | Adams, George O | 03/17/1903 |
MO6220__.502 | 07 | SESE | Adams, John S | 03/19/1904 |
MO6230__.282 | 07 | S½1SW | Porter, Ross C | 05/13/1904 |
MO6230__.282 | 07 | S½2SW | Porter, Ross C | 05/13/1904 |
MO6230__.282 | 07 | SWSE | Porter, Ross C | 05/13/1904 |
MO1870__.038 | 08 | SENW | Butts, Eli | 04/01/1857 |
MO3360__.380 | 08 | SE | Hurst, Pryor L | 03/20/1877 |
MO3430__.192 | 08 | E½SE | Hurst, Wesley | 07/06/1896 |
MO6100__.189 | 08 | NWSW | Ekin, Perry H | 05/08/1901 |
MO6100__.189 | 08 | W½NW | Ekin, Perry H | 05/08/1901 |
MO6220__.502 | 08 | S½SW | Adams, John S | 03/19/1904 |
MO6230__.282 | 08 | NENW | Porter, Ross C | 05/13/1904 |
MO6230__.282 | 08 | NESW | Porter, Ross C | 05/13/1904 |
MO6230__.282 | 08 | W½SE | Porter, Ross C | 05/13/1904 |
253140 | 09 | NWNE | Sharon, Ora E | 03/14/1912 |
MO3250__.507 | 09 | SWNW | Hurst, Prior L | 07/01/1869 |
MO3320__.164 | 09 | NESW | Fowler, James M | 01/05/1871 |
MO3320__.164 | 09 | S½NE | Fowler, James M | 01/05/1871 |
MO3320__.164 | 09 | SENW | Fowler, James M | 01/05/1871 |
MO3430__.161 | 09 | NESE | Harrell, William | 05/21/1896 |
MO3430__.192 | 09 | NWSW | Hurst, Wesley | 07/06/1896 |
MO6110__.138 | 09 | S½SW | Chastain, Alexander B | 07/09/1901 |
MO6110__.138 | 09 | S½SW | Chastain, Nancy | 07/09/1901 |
MO6240__.196 | 09 | W½SE | Thomas, Lot F | 06/02/1904 |
MO6260__.222 | 09 | NWNW | Ziegler, David P | 06/26/1905 |
MO6300__.367 | 09 | NENW | Sharon, Ora E | 05/10/1907 |
307662 | 10 | NWNW | Martin, Alva E | 01/06/1913 |
MO1840__.190 | 10 | 4 | Allison, Burch | 10/10/1856 |
MO2040__.145 | 10 | 5SE | McClure, Avera B | 06/01/1859 |
MO2040__.145 | 10 | 5SE | McClure, Morris M | 06/01/1859 |
MO2060__.247 | 10 | 8 | McCluer, Avery B | 11/01/1859 |
MO2060__.247 | 10 | 8 | McCluer, Morris M | 11/01/1859 |
MO3360__.049 | 10 | S½NW | Simmons, Claiborne | 02/10/1876 |
MO3360__.049 | 10 | SWNE | Simmons, Claiborne | 02/10/1876 |
MO3430__.131 | 10 | 1NE | Brakebill, George W | 03/25/1896 |
MO6150__.224 | 10 | 2NE | Doyle, Richard G | 03/17/1903 |
MO6150__.224 | 10 | NENW | Doyle, Richard G | 03/17/1903 |
113873 | 11 | NESW | Stewart, Hiran M | 02/23/1910 |
MO6110__.234 | 11 | 1SE | Berry, Wesley | 08/12/1901 |
MO6130__.349 | 11 | 2SE | Mills, James C | 08/29/1902 |
MO6130__.349 | 11 | NWSW | Mills, James C | 08/29/1902 |
MO6130__.349 | 11 | S½SW | Mills, James C | 08/29/1902 |
192445 | 12 | N½SW | Piles, James C | 04/24/1911 |
192445 | 12 | SESW | Piles, James C | 04/24/1911 |
366836 | 12 | N½SE | Mitchell, William J | 11/24/1913 |
366836 | 12 | S½NE | Mitchell, William J | 11/24/1913 |
48802 | 12 | S½SE | Blankenship, William D | 03/01/1909 |
MO6110__.234 | 12 | SWSW | Berry, Wesley | 08/12/1901 |
MO6140__.485 | 12 | NENE | Dowell, George | 12/30/1902 |
192445 | 13 | NENW | Piles, James C | 04/24/1911 |
48802 | 13 | N½NE | Blankenship, William D | 03/01/1909 |
MO1930__.282 | 13 | NWSW | Bryant, Austin | 10/30/1857 |
MO3260__.329 | 13 | SWSW | Callison, John | 09/01/1869 |
MO3320__.489 | 13 | SWNW | Collison, John | 07/15/1872 |
MO6030__.279 | 13 | NESW | Guthrie, Isah | 04/06/1898 |
MO6030__.279 | 13 | SENW | Guthrie, Isah | 04/06/1898 |
MO6280__.399 | 13 | S½NE | Stark, Joseph H | 12/30/1905 |
MO2120__.023 | 14 | SE | Bryant, Austin | 01/02/1862 |
MO3260__.329 | 14 | SENE | Callison, John | 09/01/1869 |
MO3420__.262 | 14 | SESW | King, Jonathan | 02/24/1894 |
MO3420__.262 | 14 | W½SW | King, Jonathan | 02/24/1894 |
MO6100__.073 | 14 | NESW | Osborn, Benjamin F | 04/09/1901 |
MO6100__.073 | 14 | NW | Osborn, Benjamin F | 04/09/1901 |
MO6100__.141 | 14 | SE | Garrison, King | 04/09/1901 |
MO6110__.234 | 14 | NE | Berry, Wesley | 08/12/1901 |
30896 | 15 | SESE | Webster, Paddey | 11/19/1908 |
MO1860__.400 | 15 | 11 | Davis, Nathan | 04/01/1857 |
MO1860__.400 | 15 | 5 | Davis, Nathan | 04/01/1857 |
MO3340__.031 | 15 | N½SE | Garrison, Sarah | 05/30/1873 |
MO6080__.006 | 15 | 9SW | Harris, Pleasant | 07/21/1900 |
MO6080__.006 | 15 | SWSE | Harris, Pleasant | 07/21/1900 |
MO6230__.246 | 15 | 3 | Price, Shira | 03/30/1904 |
MO6130__.316 | 17 | NW | Vandiveer, William | 05/21/1902 |
MO6140__.130 | 17 | N½NE | Miller, Delia | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.130 | 17 | N½NE | Miller, James W | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.130 | 17 | NWSE | Miller, Delia | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.130 | 17 | NWSE | Miller, James W | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.130 | 17 | SWNE | Miller, Delia | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.130 | 17 | SWNE | Miller, James W | 09/26/1902 |
MO6230__.193 | 17 | E½SE | Larson, Lewis G | 01/28/1904 |
MO6230__.193 | 17 | SENE | Larson, Lewis G | 01/28/1904 |
MO6230__.193 | 17 | SESW | Larson, Lewis G | 01/28/1904 |
MO6230__.193 | 17 | SWSE | Larson, Lewis G | 01/28/1904 |
MO6230__.248 | 17 | N½SW | Uhlmann, Marselius | 03/30/1904 |
MO6230__.248 | 17 | SWSW | Uhlmann, Marselius | 03/30/1904 |
MO6220__.502 | 18 | NENE | Adams, John S | 03/19/1904 |
MO6230__.248 | 18 | SE | Uhlmann, Marselius | 03/30/1904 |
MO6230__.248 | 18 | SENE | Uhlmann, Marselius | 03/30/1904 |
MO6230__.282 | 18 | N½2NW | Porter, Ross C | 05/13/1904 |
MO3410__.177 | 19 | 2SW | Mustain, Sidney | 12/26/1891 |
MO3410__.177 | 19 | 2SW | Mustain, William R | 12/26/1891 |
MO3410__.177 | 19 | S½2NW | Mustain, Sidney | 12/26/1891 |
MO3410__.177 | 19 | S½2NW | Mustain, William R | 12/26/1891 |
MO6070__.336 | 19 | SESW | Scrivner, Nathan | 04/09/1900 |
MO3310__.006 | 20 | SWSW | Phillips, William | 02/29/1896 |
MO6140__.129 | 20 | NWSW | Ragan, Calvin | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.129 | 20 | SENW | Ragan, Calvin | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.129 | 20 | W½NW | Ragan, Calvin | 09/26/1902 |
MO6140__.480 | 20 | E½NE | Taylor, John T | 12/30/1902 |
MO6230__.193 | 20 | NENW | Larson, Lewis G | 01/28/1904 |
MO6230__.193 | 20 | W½NE | Larson, Lewis G | 01/28/1904 |
MO3430__.135 | 21 | SESW | Bishop, William P | 03/25/1896 |
MO6100__.076 | 21 | NESW | Piersee, Elias | 04/09/1901 |
MO6100__.076 | 21 | SENW | Piersee, Elias | 04/09/1901 |
MO6100__.076 | 21 | W½SE | Piersee, Elias | 04/09/1901 |
MO6140__.480 | 21 | W½NW | Taylor, John T | 12/30/1902 |
MO6230__.195 | 21 | NE | Munson, Peter K | 01/28/1904 |
30898 | 22 | N½NE | Blankenship, William D | 11/19/1908 |
MO6060__.387 | 22 | NESW | Dykes, Doctor T | 09/07/1899 |
MO6060__.387 | 22 | NWSE | Dykes, Doctor T | 09/07/1899 |
MO6060__.387 | 22 | W½SW | Dykes, Doctor T | 09/07/1899 |
MO6080__.006 | 22 | N½NW | Harris, Pleasant | 07/21/1900 |
MO6100__.151 | 22 | SESE | Ripley, Sylvenus | 05/08/1901 |
48785 | 23 | W½NE | Baumann, Edward C | 03/01/1909 |
MO3320__.489 | 23 | NE | Collison, John | 07/15/1872 |
MO3420__.262 | 23 | NWNW | King, Jonathan | 02/24/1894 |
MO6100__.151 | 23 | SWSW | Ripley, Sylvenus | 05/08/1901 |
MO6100__.464 | 23 | NENW | King, William H | 06/08/1901 |
MO6230__.196 | 23 | E½SW | Whitney, Cassius H | 01/28/1904 |
MO6230__.196 | 23 | SE | Whitney, Cassius H | 01/28/1904 |
MO6230__.196 | 23 | SENW | Whitney, Cassius H | 01/28/1904 |
MO1860__.237 | 24 | W½NW | Butcher, Louallen W | 04/01/1857 |
MO1990__.485 | 24 | E½NW | Richardson, Abel | 06/01/1859 |
MO3270__.011 | 24 | N½NE | Stedham, George F | 06/01/1870 |
MO6140__.484 | 24 | N½SW | Turner, Alfred P | 12/30/1902 |
MO6140__.484 | 24 | W½NE | Turner, Alfred P | 12/30/1902 |
MO6150__.274 | 24 | E½SE | Doyle, Daniel B | 05/25/1903 |
MO6230__.196 | 24 | SWSW | Whitney, Cassius H | 01/28/1904 |
MO6290__.279 | 24 | SESW | Alexander, Samuel H | 06/21/1906 |
MO6290__.279 | 24 | SWSE | Alexander, Samuel H | 06/21/1906 |
MO1660__.170 | 25 | 1 | Hudgins, James | 04/15/1853 |
29833 | 26 | W½NW | Blankenship, William D | 11/16/1908 |
MO6300__.144 | 26 | SW | Durst, Harry D | 06/30/1906 |
29833 | 27 | E½NE | Blankenship, William D | 11/16/1908 |
29833 | 27 | N½SE | Blankenship, William D | 11/16/1908 |
MO2060__.073 | 27 | NWNW | Scrivner, William L | 11/01/1859 |
MO6140__.490 | 27 | SESW | Barnhart, George A | 12/30/1902 |
MO6140__.490 | 27 | SWSE | Barnhart, George A | 12/30/1902 |
MO6220__.499 | 27 | SWSW | Tennison, Newman L | 03/19/1904 |
30889 | 28 | N½SW | Ross, William D | 11/19/1908 |
358863 | 28 | SWSW | Hendrix, William A | 10/08/1913 |
7952 | 28 | SENW | Ross, William D | 08/17/1908 |
7952 | 28 | SWNE | Ross, William D | 08/17/1908 |
MO2060__.072 | 28 | NWSE | Scrivner, Lawson | 11/01/1859 |
MO3430__.135 | 28 | N½NE | Bishop, William P | 03/25/1896 |
MO3430__.135 | 28 | NENW | Bishop, William P | 03/25/1896 |
MO6220__.499 | 28 | SESE | Tennison, Newman L | 03/19/1904 |
139254 | 29 | SWNW | Smith, John A | 06/20/1910 |
2071 | 29 | NWNE | Phillips, Irvin | 07/09/1908 |
MO3400__.467 | 29 | NWNW | Martin, James W | 02/05/1891 |
MO3420__.382 | 29 | SWSW | Young, Absalom | 01/02/1895 |
MO6110__.133 | 29 | N½SW | Williams, Benjamin P | 07/09/1901 |
MO6110__.133 | 29 | SENW | Williams, Benjamin P | 07/09/1901 |
MO6110__.133 | 29 | SWNE | Williams, Benjamin P | 07/09/1901 |
MO1790__.138 | 30 | S½1NW | Hays, Albern H | 01/15/1856 |
MO1830__.283 | 30 | 2SW | Benton, James H | 09/01/1856 |
MO1960__.189 | 30 | 2NW | Hays, Albern H | 01/15/1858 |
MO2030__.336 | 30 | SWNE | Hays, William G | 06/01/1859 |
MO2070__.176 | 30 | N½1SW | Hays, William G | 11/01/1859 |
MO2090__.489 | 30 | NWSE | Hays, William G | 06/01/1860 |
MO3260__.245 | 30 | SESW | Settle, Thomas B | 07/01/1869 |
MO3260__.245 | 30 | SESW | Settle, Walter P | 07/01/1869 |
MO3340__.460 | 30 | NESE | Frazier, William | 09/10/1874 |
MO3340__.460 | 30 | S½SE | Frazier, William | 09/10/1874 |
MO3340__.460 | 30 | SENE | Frazier, William | 09/10/1874 |
MO3400__.467 | 30 | NENW | Martin, James W | 02/05/1891 |
MO1790__.139 | 31 | N½1NW | Butcher, Lewallen W | 01/15/1856 |
MO1830__.282 | 31 | W½NE | Benton, James H | 09/01/1856 |
MO2100__.034 | 31 | 2NW | Settle, James S | 06/01/1860 |
MO2100__.035 | 31 | SENE | Settle, James S | 06/01/1860 |
MO2120__.125 | 31 | S½1NW | Young, Calvin C | 09/13/1872 |
MO3260__.245 | 31 | NWSE | Settle, Thomas B | 07/01/1869 |
MO3260__.245 | 31 | NWSE | Settle, Walter P | 07/01/1869 |
MO3420__.297 | 31 | S½1SW | Henderson, Zachariah T | 05/29/1894 |
MO3420__.297 | 31 | W½SW | Henderson, Zachariah T | 05/29/1894 |
MO3420__.333 | 31 | NESE | Young, Isaac | 11/15/1894 |
MO3420__.382 | 31 | NENE | Young, Absalom | 01/02/1895 |
MO6080__.029 | 31 | SESE | Tucker, John W | 07/21/1900 |
MO6230__.207 | 31 | SWSE | Lee, Emanuel | 01/28/1904 |
104470 | 32 | NESE | Smithpeter, Herbert V | 01/17/1910 |
104470 | 32 | SENE | Smithpeter, Herbert V | 01/17/1910 |
124780 | 32 | NWSE | Meeker, Mack | 04/11/1910 |
124780 | 32 | S½NW | Meeker, Mack | 04/11/1910 |
124780 | 32 | SWNE | Meeker, Mack | 04/11/1910 |
8435 | 32 | E½SW | Young, Isaac | 08/17/1908 |
MO3420__.333 | 32 | NWSW | Young, Isaac | 11/15/1894 |
MO6100__.440 | 32 | N½NW | Williams, David L | 06/08/1901 |
MO6290__.464 | 32 | N½NE | Williams, David L | 03/08/1907 |
MO6300__.108 | 32 | SWSW | Meeker, George T | 05/16/1906 |
104470 | 33 | W½SW | Smithpeter, Herbert V | 01/17/1910 |
358863 | 33 | W½NW | Hendrix, William A | 10/08/1913 |
MO3290__.116 | 33 | SWSE | Osborn, Isaac W | 06/01/1882 |
MO5960__.322 | 33 | NENE | Newton, Samuel W | 03/07/1892 |
MO6070__.335 | 33 | E½NW | Bench, Christopher C | 04/09/1900 |
MO6070__.335 | 33 | S½NE | Bench, Christopher C | 04/09/1900 |
270943 | 34 | SW | Hyatt, George W | 06/01/1912 |
MO6140__.490 | 34 | NENW | Barnhart, George A | 12/30/1902 |
MO6140__.490 | 34 | NWNE | Barnhart, George A | 12/30/1902 |
MO6220__.499 | 34 | W½NW | Tennison, Newman L | 03/19/1904 |
MO6080__.081 | 35 | SESE | Moore, Homer T | 07/21/1900 |
MO6300__.002 | 35 | N½SE | McPheeters, George W | 04/26/1906 |
MO6300__.002 | 35 | S½NE | McPheeters, George W | 04/26/1906 |
MO6300__.144 | 35 | NW | Durst, Harry D | 06/30/1906 |
164846 | 36 | 11 | Guthrie, William D | 12/08/1910 |
164846 | 36 | 13 | Guthrie, William D | 12/08/1910 |
395536 | 36 | 12 | Guthrie, Frank R | 03/28/1914 |
88268 | 36 | 1 | Hershey, Merritt D | 11/08/1909 |
MO1790__.140 | 36 | 15 | Winfrey, Elisha | 01/15/1856 |
MO1800__.365 | 36 | 6 | Anderson, Joseph W | 01/15/1856 |
MO1800__.475 | 36 | 2 | Brown, Ezekiel D | 01/15/1856 |
MO1800__.475 | 36 | 2 | Brown, Wade H | 01/15/1856 |
MO3310__.144 | 36 | 4NW | McPheeters, George W | 01/10/1901 |
MO3310__.144 | 36 | SESW | McPheeters, George W | 01/10/1901 |
MO3380__.295 | 36 | SWSW | Poynter, William | 06/30/1882 |
MO6030__.305 | 36 | 5NW | McPheeters, George W | 04/06/1898 |
MO6030__.305 | 36 | N½SW | McPheeters, George W | 04/06/1898 |
MO6130__.052 | 36 | 10NE | Poynter, Alfred C | 12/17/1901 |
Main page: | Dallas County Federal Land Patents |
Locations: |
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Decades: | 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s |
Surnames: | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z |
Maps: | Dallas County Map Section Number Grid |
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