Waldensian Cemetery

Near Monett, Barry Co., MO
Monett Twp.
Land Office Location
NW Sec. 8, T25N, T27W
GPS: 365348N 0935508W


Directions:From intersection of hwy 37 & 60 at Monett, Barry Co., MO take hwy 37 south 1.3 miles to farm road 2022 turn left, the church and cemetery are at the intersection of farm roads 2022 & 1080.

All the stones in this cemetery were photographed by Jay Trace.

Visit Waldensian Cemetery Files

Surnames A - E

Surnames F - L

Surnames M - P

Surnames Q - Z


Photos Submitted by: Gerald Haddock & Darla Marbut

Arnaud History

The marble slab chronicles the history of the Waldensian group that moved from France-Italy-Switzerland to Uruguay to escape the relentless persecution that the Catholic Church inflicted on them for more than 300 years.

Stephen Arnaud was a leader of this group who moved from Uruguay, experienced continued persecution in Uruguay, and moved into Barry County about 1876 where the railroad gave them a free tract of land for their church and cemetery.

The Courdins of Val Pellice

"The Courdins of Val Pelice" by Jim Staley, buried in the Waldensian Cemetery, documenting the journey of his ancestors from Italy to Monett. A pdf file of the book and many other documents and photos pertaining to his research and the cemetery.