Clay Hill Cemetery
AKA Madry Cemetery
AKA Civil War Cemetery

NW of Madry, Barry Co., MO
Ozark Twp.
Land Office Location - SW Sec. 12, T25N, R26W
GPS - 365308N 0934359W


Directions: From Madry: Take 39 north out of Madry and turn left (west) on FR2030 the turn right (north) on FR1180 then turn right on the gravel road to the cemetery.

From Aurora: Go South from Aurora on 39 to Z and turn right (west) on Z. At FR1180 turn left (south) and go 3/4 of a mile then turn left (east) on the gravel road to the cemetery

All the stones in this cemetery were photographed in 2006 by Jay Trace.

Visit Clay Hill Cemetery Files

Surnames A - D                 Surnames E - I                 Surnames J - S                 Surnames T - Z


The Old Clay Hill Church is no longer there. Two acres were deeded by Elias W. Williams for cemetery, church and school.


April 13, 1907, Saturday, Cassville Democrat, Barry Co., MO John I. Smith, a Union citizen, was killed at Clay Hill in Crane Creek township, in 1864. The federals shot him while he was seeking refuge in Forbes' house.

Cassville Republican, Weekly Paper, Thursday, Jan 11, 1894 L. Atkissson of Ozark was in the city Tuesday and reported that the Clay Hill school will begin Monday with James House as its principal. Mr. House has taught at that place several terms and given excellent satisfaction. Cassville Republican, Weekly Paper, Thursday, July 20 , 1893 James House reports re-opening Clay Hill School Tuesday morning with 50 scholars. We hope no further accident will break the continence of the term.

Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO Pleasant Ridge News: Mrs. Dick Stone and children and Mrs. Stone's mother, Mrs. Hinkle of Clay Hill were seen on the Ridge Sunday. July 13, 1911, Thursday,

April 26, 1894, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO Madry News: Died, April 17th, Miss Laura Lemaster, age 19 years. The remains were interred in the Clay Hill Cemetery. She leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn her departure.

Jan 28, 1892, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Weekly Paper, Barry Co., MO Died Jan 10th, John M. Ellis, an old citizen of Ozark township, at his home in Clay Hill settlement. Mr. Ellis was known all over Southwest Missouri as old "Uncle John". He was born in McMinn Co., Tenn., June 3rd, 1833, and resided there until manhood, and was married to Hannah Maples whom he leave to mourn his loss. He and his family moved to this state in the year 1852 and stopped in that part of Greene County now known as Christian, where they resided about eight years, then moved to Barry County where they have since resided. Uncle John raised five children, who are all residents of this county, three boys and two girls. He was converted to Christianity in his young days and has traveled that road ever since, being a prompt member of the Methodist Church until death. Uncle John never had an enemy on this earth that is known of. Just think of it, good people, how many of you to-day can say that you have not an enemy on this earth? Augusta.

January 13, 1910, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO Madry News: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Bina Johnson died December 21 and was laid to rest in the Clay Hill Cemetery on the 22nd. The bereaved parents have our heartfelt sympathy.

March 14, 1912, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO On Death's Roll:The people of Cassville were brought to sudden grief Tuesday morning by the announcement of the death of Mrs. W. H. Lathim of this city. For some time Mrs. Lathim had suffered from diabetes but her ailment was known to few of her friends. She was always about the duties of the home and bore her trouble patiently and for this reason the news of her sudden death came as a shock to her friends. Mrs. Lathim was down town Saturday. She was taken seriously ill Sunday night and died Monday night about 10 o'clock.

Mrs. Essie Williams Lathim was born Oct 1, 1884 and died March 11, 1912, making her 27 years, 5 months, and 10 days old. She was married to William H. Lathim, Dec 24, 1908. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Williams. Her father died in September 1900, her mother lives in the Clay Hill locality in the north part of the county. She leaves also three sisters.

The funeral services were held at the home in this city, Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. F. W. Jones of Stotts City, a [an] uncle of Mr. Lathim.

Mr. and Mrs. Lathim have lived in Cassville less than one year but during that short time have made a host of friends. Mr. Lathim has the deepest sympathy of the citizens of Cassville in his great bereavement. He had recently bought a farm south of town and was planning to move to it since his school in the Pasley district has closed.

State Historical Society of MO Microfilm

Donna Cooper