This is a list of persons researching surnames with ties to Vernon County, Missouri. If you would like your surnames added, please send an email to the County Coordinator (email at bottom of page), include SURNAMES in subject line, and include:
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Approx. Dates in Vernon Co. | Researcher | |
- R - |
Rackleff |
1870-1940 | Judy Ellis |
Raisor |
1866-1916 | Annie Thalman |
Rauck |
Michael Rauck | |
Reed |
1800-1870 | Ray Reed, Martindale, TX |
Reed |
1838 | Joe Yokley, Bronaugh, MO |
Reed |
1910-Present | Verda Fulkerson, Haysville, KS |
Rhodes |
1850s-1860s | Iona White |
Richards |
1870-1940 | Patrick Fletcher |
Riddle |
1919-1978 | Thomas L. Harman, Midland, TX |
Ridgeway |
1873-1900 | Jenell Rector Cremeans |
Reginato |
1860s-Present | Karl Sprenger, Indiana, PA |
Rimmer |
1880-Present | Jeff Cashman |
Ritchey |
1900 -? | Brenda Hughes |
Robinett |
Abt. 1870/80 - 1894 | Tom Robinett, Tulsa, OK |
Robinson |
1850 | |
Roher, Clarence Wesley |
1910-1930 census | Rick Womack, San Francisco, CA |
Rodgers |
? | Lyndon Irwin |
Rose |
1850s-Present | Becky Siple |
Russow |
1892-1910 | Helen Graves, Lake Almanor, CA |
- S - |
Saathoff |
? | Lyndon Irwin |
Sallee |
1850-1910 | Cindy Blankenship or Cindy B., St. Peters, MO |
Sample |
Blanch Stevens | |
Sauders |
? | Sherry Fleischer |
Schmitt/Schmidt | 1870-1900? | Nan Schichteln |
Schnedler |
1860-Present | Phyllis Schnedler |
Schoneweather |
? | June Lowry |
Scott |
1880-Present | Charles Foreman, Walker, MO |
Seehorn |
1891 | Linda Seehorn |
Selsor, George Washington | d. 19 Jul 1884 | Gene Whitmer, Brazil |
Shaw |
? | Sue Crawford Smith |
Short |
1879 | Joe Yokley, Bronaugh, MO |
Simpson |
1800s-Present | Justin Simpson or Justin S. |
Smith |
1860-1950 | George Gordon, Northern Ireland |
Sonner |
1848 | Calvin Sonner |
Smallwood |
1880-1900 | Juanita Johnson Schneider, Blairsville, GA |
Smith |
1870s-1900s | Alicia Maisano |
Smith |
1900s | Jackie Root, Prineville, OR |
Smith |
1908-1930 | Evleta Gruber, Las Vegas, NV |
Smith, Walter S. |
Robert Ottmers | |
Smith | 1870-1900? | Nan Schichteln |
Snell |
1900s | Cliff Oliver |
Snider/Snyder |
1860s | Flossie Owens, Burnet, TX |
Sprenger |
1860s-Present | Karl Sprenger, Indiana, PA |
Springer |
?-Present | Pat Lewis McDowell, Shreveport, LA |
Stark, John |
1850-1890s | Vicki Ames |
Steele |
1850-1910 | Cindy Blankenship or Cindy B., St. Peters, MO |
Sterling |
Abt 1900-1930 | Connie Sterling, Hulett, WY |
Stewart |
1860s-Present | Karl Sprenger, Indiana, PA |
Strain |
1869-1900 | David Strain, Alexandria VA |
Stinson |
? | Tom Stinson |
Stonum |
1840-1950 | Paul Stonum, Dublin, TX |
Stump |
1890s | Jan Sanford, Fort Calhoun, NE |
Summers |
? | Talma Klaassen |
Swan |
? | Talma Klaassen |
Swart, Dennis |
Approx 1860-1914 | Roger Armer |
1896 | Jean Peterson | |
- T - |
Taggart |
1870 | Beverly Hintergardt |
Templin, Lucinda, dau. of William W. |
1885- | Donna Gore |
Thalman |
1866-1916 | Annie Thalman |
Tharp |
1870s | Thomas L. Harman, Midland, TX |
Theisen |
1887-1907 | Chris Shearer Cooper |
Titus |
1899-1959 | Liz Ault |
Titus |
?-Present | Pat Lewis McDowell, Shreveport, LA |
Thomas, Samuel |
1850-1890s | Vicki Ames |
Thomas |
?-Present | Pat Lewis McDowell, Shreveport, LA |
Totten |
1870s | Pat Lewis McDowell, Shreveport, LA |
Tucker |
1850-1910 | Cindy Blankenship or Cindy B., St. Peters, MO |
Tully |
1900-Present | Charla Manica |
Tuxhorn |
1880-1904 | Linda Hansel |
Twigg |
1872-1935 | Joy Keister |
Tyree |
1875-Present | Thomas L. Harman, Midland, TX |
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