This is a list of persons researching surnames with ties to Vernon County, Missouri. If you would like your surnames added, please send an email to the County Coordinator (email at bottom of page), include SURNAMES in subject line, and include:
Surname and given names being researched (for those listed below, please email the given name to be added to your listing)
Dates this family lived in Vernon County
Your name
Your email address
Your city and state (optional)
Please report any invalid email addresses to the County Coordinator; email list at bottom of page. Thank you.
Approx. Dates in Vernon Co. | Researcher | |
- A - |
Addison |
1900-1960s | Lisa Addison Nelson |
Aingell |
1900-1915 | Charla Manica |
Alexander |
1880-1910 | Mimi Alexander, Big Bear Lake, CA |
Alexander |
1860-1950 | George Gordon, Northern Ireland |
Amack |
1901 | Elizabeth Hoffman |
Applegate |
1880-1910 | Mimi Alexander, Big Bear Lake, CA |
Armer, Bertha (Lee) |
Approx. 1890-1920 | Roger Armer |
Ault |
1900s-1953 | Liz Ault |
1890s | T. Wring | |
- B - |
Bailey |
? | Jeff Bailey |
Barnhill |
1880-1900 | Donna Egbert, Colorado Springs, CO |
Batson |
1900 - ? | Brenda Hughes |
Beachem |
1880 | Don Fuller, Chesapeake, VA |
Beard |
1850-1880 | Tonya Ferguson |
Bearnes |
1880-Present | Charles Foreman, Walker, MO |
Becket |
1860-Present | Phyllis Schnedler |
Bellgrew, Elizabeth (Lizzie Bedegrew) |
Diana Johnson | |
Bicket |
? | Paula Bicket |
Biggerstaff |
1900s | Dana Kim |
Bigham |
1850s? | Howard Bigham |
Boatright |
1870-1950 | Judy Ellis |
Boice |
1850-1910 |
Cindy Blankenship or Cindy B., St. Peters, MO |
Bolser |
1860s-present | Jean Peterson |
Bosworth |
1870s | Debbie Hoffman, San Luis Obispo, CA |
Boulware, Lafayette |
1863 | Doyle Boulware, Big Sandy, TX |
Box |
1860s-1900s | Diane Mahoney, Carney, MD |
Boyce |
1850-1910 |
Cindy Blankenship or Cindy B., St. Peters, MO |
Brandt |
Robert Ottmers | |
Bridgeford |
1880-1920 | Judy Ellis |
Briner |
1890s | Jan Sanford, Fort Calhoun, NE |
Brody |
1890-1950 | Paul Pettit |
Brown |
1900 | Kaye Eden, Stonewall, OK |
Brown, Calvin |
1850-1890s | Vicki Ames |
Burr |
1886-1910 | Dee Burr, Harrison, AR |
Burd |
1870s | Clara Hall |
Burris |
1860-1920 | Harold Burris, Cedar Rapids, IA |
Bussey |
1931-1940 | Richelle Buckles |
1925-Present | Mickey Buzzard, Sturgis, KY | |
- C - |
Cagley |
1878-1885 | Donna Welsch, St. Louis, MO |
Campbell |
1870s | Patricia Bauer |
Carpenter |
1910s-1920 | |
Carr |
? | Sue Crawford Smith |
Cashman |
1910-1997 | Jeff Cashman |
Caton |
1840s-Present | Erin Ortmann, Springfield, OR |
Caton, Noah, Wm. S., Mark L. |
1830's - | Nancy Caton, Oakland, CA |
Caughlin / Coughlin Alfred L. |
b. 9 Aug 1897 | Stacey Rego |
Charlotte |
1870s | Clara Hall |
Coble |
1870-1940 | Nancy Kessler |
Colclesser |
1890s | Jan Sanford |
Cole |
1950s-2003 | Sheri Fraser |
Conner, Lindsay George |
Corbin, Stephen |
Suzanne Bond, Basehor, KS |
Cottrell |
1860s-present | Karl Sprenger, Indiana, PA |
Cox |
1909-1937 | Deborah Witt |
Cox, Frank & Eliza | 1870-1880 | Norman Peterson, Jacksonville, FL |
Cummins |
1836-1852 | Ken Tessendorff |
Curtis, Harry |
1871-1873 | Philip Henry Goater, England |
A - C D - G H - L M - P R - T U - Z
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