This is a list of persons researching surnames with ties to Vernon County, Missouri. If you would like your surnames added, please send an email to the County Coordinator (email at bottom of page), include SURNAMES in subject line, and include:
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A - C D - G H - L M - P R - T U - Z
Approx. Dates in Vernon Co. | Researcher | |
- H - |
Hamilton |
1850-1930 |
Doreen Lowe Shewmaker, Pinehurst, NC |
Hancock |
1887 | Norma Shane, Spokane, WA |
Hanson |
1834-1860 | Mary McCune |
Hanson |
1876-1880 | Rose Fry |
Harbert |
1839 | Ken Tessendorff |
Hargrove |
1840-1900 | William Hargrove |
Harper |
1850s-1950s | Cindy Grant Atha |
Hartman |
1870s | Jean Peterson |
Harvey |
1880-1910 | Mimi Alexander, Big Bear Lake, CA |
Hatten / Hatton |
late 1800s-early 1900s | Sandra Hatten-Pongraz |
Hayden |
1880-Present | Charles Foreman, Walker, MO |
Haynes |
1920-1981 | Paul D. Haynes, Ann Arbor, MI |
Hemphill |
1895 - 1920 | James Hemphill |
Hennessey |
1860-Present | Phyllis Schnedler |
Heuser |
1900s | Sheri Fraser |
Hickman |
1870-1940 | Patrick Fletcher |
Hill |
1889 - Present | Cynthia Hill, Chesterfield, VA |
Hill |
1885 | Lena |
Hill |
1880-1920 | Paul Pettit |
Hill |
? | Talma Klaassen |
Hirni |
1860s - Present | Karl Sprenger, Indiana, PA |
Hollenbeck |
?-1990s | Christy Hollenbeck, Slidell, LA |
Hooper |
1870s | Terri Walker |
Hope |
1859 | Kay Shields, Parsons, KS |
Hornecker |
? | Gwen Miller |
Howell |
1880s-1940s | Linda Armstrong |
Howell |
1788 | Jens Barclay, Nevada, MO |
Hubbard |
1880s | Jennifer Mills |
Humble |
1890s | Linda Seehorn |
Hurst |
? | Sue Crawford Smith |
1887 | Norma Shane, Spokane, WA | |
- I - |
Ingraham |
1900 | Jo Ann Stephens |
? | Lyndon Irwin | |
- J - |
Jenkins |
1880s-1890s | Josh Jenkins |
Jobe |
1870-Present | Carol J. Carroll |
Johnson |
1880-1885 | Blairsville, GA |
Johnson |
1860s - Present | Karl Sprenger, Indiana, PA |
Jones |
1850s-1918 | Mariellyn Hilgeman |
Jones |
1850s-1878 | B. Dave Sarles, Jr. |
Jones |
1830-1860 | Dave Jones |
1850s-Present | Becky Siple, Portland, OR | |
- K - |
Kauffman |
1880-2010 | |
Ketterman |
? | Sue Crawford Smith |
Keeth / Keith |
Vickie Gurnee Calvin | |
Key |
1875-1950 | Charla Manica |
Kirkland |
1866 | Marysue Eulitz |
Kirkpatrick |
1890-1896 | Jean Peterson |
Kleen |
1850-1950 | Susan Long |
1860-1880 | Suzette Thompson | |
- L - |
LaGuire |
1900-Present | Jeff Cashman |
Lambert |
? | Douglas Lambert |
Landes |
1865-1908 | |
Leach |
1840-1950 | Paul Stonum, Dublin, TX |
Leatherman |
1870 | Joe Yokley, Bronaugh, MO |
Leigh, Harold (father-Finley P., brother-Charles) |
B. 1914 in Nevada, MO | Kim Leigh-Shivers, Crandall, TX |
Law |
1900s | Jackie Root, Prineville, OR |
Lee, Joseph & Elizabeth (Swart) Lee |
Approx 1880-1906 | Roger Armer |
Lewis |
?-Present | Pat Lewis McDowell, Shreveport, LA |
Liest |
1890s-Present | Pat Lewis McDowell, Shreveport, LA |
Lindberg |
1876-1880 | Rose Fry |
Linn |
1800s-Present | Derald Linn, Springdale, AR |
Linn |
1838 | Joe Yokley, Bronaugh, MO |
Lipper |
1882-1887 | Donna Krenzel |
Lookingbill |
1891 | Leon Lookingbill |
Long |
1860-Present | Phyllis Schnedler |
Longabaugh |
1900s-1950s | Elizabeth Periman |
Lowry |
1870s | Clara Hall |
Lowry |
? | June Lowry |
Lucas |
1870 | Karen Negron |
Lutsenhizer |
1839 | Ken Tessendorff |
Lynd |
? | Becky Siple, Portland, OR |
Lynn |
1838 | Joe Yokley, Bronaugh, MO |
A - C D - G H - L M - P R - T U - Z
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