This is a list of persons researching surnames with ties to Vernon County, Missouri. If you would like your surnames added, please send an email to the County Coordinator (email at bottom of page), include SURNAMES in subject line, and include:
Surname and given names being researched (for those listed below, please email the given name to be added to your listing)
Dates this family lived in Vernon County
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Please report any invalid email addresses to the County Coordinator; email list at bottom of page. Thank you.
A - C D - G H - L M - P R - T U - Z
Approx. Dates in Vernon Co. | Researcher | |
- D - |
Dally |
1880-Present | Charles Foreman, Walker, MO |
Darlington |
1880-Present | SuzAnne Darlington Jorgensen, Panguitch, UT |
Darr |
1875-1950 | Susan Long |
Davidson |
1874-1916 | Rebecca Davidson, Columbus, IN |
Davies |
1900 | Kaye Eden, Stonewall, OK |
Davis |
1840-1900 | Eva Trullinger, Clovis, CA |
Deering |
1890-1950 | Charla Manica |
Demmick |
1901 | Elizabeth Hoffman |
DeMott |
1870s | Charlott Jones |
DeMotte |
1870s | Charlott Jones |
DePoyster |
1795 | Joe Yokley, Bronaugh, MO |
Dickinson |
1839-1900 | Ken Tessendorff |
Dixon, Edmond B. |
Paulette Young FL | |
Dodd, Ruben & wife Mary Ann (Johnson) | Until late 1890s | Laurie Westberg |
Dodson |
1870-1890 | Carol J. Carroll |
Drake |
1839 | Ken Tessendorff |
Dunagan |
1880s | Debra Tucker |
1860-Present | Phyllis Schnedler | |
- E - |
Earhart |
?-1852 | Verda Fulkerson, Haysville, KS |
Eidson |
1800-1900 | Susan |
Edmiston |
1880-Present | Charla Manica |
Edwards |
1854-1890 | Carol J. Carroll |
Elder |
1860 | Emily Stallings, Lakeville, MN |
Ellison |
1880 | Judy Adkisson |
Elswick |
1869-1880 | Chris Elswick, Lamar, MO |
1870s | Penny Kennedy | |
- F - |
Fenton |
1900-Present | Jeff Cashman |
Ferguson, Thomas Bunn & James |
1851-1924 | Tonya Ferguson |
Fitzpatrick |
1880s-1890s | Josh Jenkins |
Fletcher |
1870-1940 | Patrick Fletcher |
Fluke |
1877-1880 | Carolyn Peters |
Ford |
1800-1900 | Susan |
Foreman |
1880-Present | Charles Foreman, Walker, MO |
Franz |
1867 | Jens Barclay |
Freeman |
1860s | Pat Lewis McDowell, Shreveport, LA |
1860-Present | Phyllis Schnedler | |
- G - |
Gabbert, Martha |
1850-1890s | Vicki Ames |
Gaskill |
1900s-1950s | Elizabeth Periman |
Glahn |
1890-1920 | Charles Foreman, Walker, MO |
Glimpse |
1902-Present | Doug Breen, Dunkirk, MD |
Goddard |
1800s | David Goddard |
Gordon |
1860-1950 | George Gordon, Northern Ireland |
Grace |
1870s | Randwolf |
Granville |
1870 | Ernest McGowen, Houston, TX |
Graves, Oliver T. & wife Melissa A. |
ca 1878-1884 (death of Oliver) | Marilynn Wright, Whidbey Island, WA |
Gray, Thaddeus & wife Sarah Jane (White) & son Franklin Joel Gray & wife Emma | Wendy | |
Gurnee |
1800s-1920s | Vickie Calvin |
Gutridge |
1839 | Ken Tessendorff |
A - C D - G H - L M - P R - T U - Z
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