Rine, Harry Theodore |
died |
Clarinda, Ia |
sb134 |
Rine, Hildred Deenice Burke |
died |
1972 |
Rine, Jacob William |
born |
1991 |
sb503 |
Rine, Jacob William |
born |
1991 |
Clarinda, Ia hosp |
sb506 |
Rine, Jennifer |
born |
1989 |
Hamburg, Ia hosp |
sb330 |
Rine, Jennifer Lea |
born |
1989 |
sb0330 |
Rine, Jessie Osburn |
died |
1972 |
Shenandoah, Ia hosp |
sb148 |
Rine, Jill Marie |
born |
1987 |
#9383 |
Rine, Mae McClanahan |
died |
1988 |
Clarinda, Ia |
sb249 |
Rine, Silas Newton |
died |
1957 |
Rine, Tara Lee of New Market |
marr |
1988 |
M |
license |
#9572 |
Rinehard, Ronald L. |
div |
1987 |
B |
#9259 |
Rinehart, Linda G. |
div |
1987 |
B |
#9259 |
Rinehart, Mayme |
died |
1987 |
M |
#9339 |
Rinehart, Mayme |
died |
1987 |
M |
Grant City |
#9339 |
Rinehart, Ramona Gail Wake |
died |
1990 |
M |
Des Moines, Ia hosp |
sb1243, 1244 |
Rinehart, Steven Ray |
died |
1991 |
San Antonio, Tx cem |
sb4841 |
Rinehart, Truman Randall |
died |
1993 |
sb3060 |
Riney, Alvin Raynard of Mvle |
div |
1984 |
M |
#8529 |
Riney, Dorie Lynn of Jefferson City |
div |
1984 |
M |
#8529 |
Ring, Herman and Ada |
query |
1984 |
#8667 |
Ring, James |
died |
1883 |
Ringer, John Saeger |
died |
1881 |
Ringgold, Bertha Annetta Johnson |
died |
1962 |
Hopkins |
Ringgold, James M. |
died |
1918 |
Oct 5, 7, 1918 |
Ringgold, John |
marr |
1989 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1162 |
Ringgold, Rufus George |
died |
1930 |
Ringold, Asa Andrew |
died |
1961 |
Ringold, Bertha Alice Wood |
died |
1976 |
Ringold, Dorothy Victorine |
died |
1985 |
M |
#8904 |
Ringold, Elizabeth Ann Anderson |
died |
2012 |
Burr Oak |
Ringold, Harold R. |
died |
1996 |
B |
sb3113 |
Ringold, Harold R. |
died |
1996 |
M |
Hopkins Cem |
sb5470,-76 |
Ringold, Howard W. |
died |
B |
2003 |
Hopkins Cem |
sb5826 |
Ringold, Howard Wood of Mvle |
marr |
1987 |
M |
license |
#9393 |
Ringold, Isaac T. |
died |
1886 |
Ringold, Jennie Alice |
died |
1954 |
Ringold, Karen Dorothy |
died |
1949 |
Ringold, Lester Albert |
died |
1950 |
Ringold, Lulu V. Morehouse |
died |
1937 |
Ringold, Marie Tennessee Walker Fakes |
died |
1956 |
Ringold, Marjorie A. Gordon |
died |
1995 |
H |
Hopkins Cem |
sb4386,89 |
Ringold, Marjorie A. Gordon |
died |
1995 |
Fx |
Hopkins Cem |
sb4092 |
Ringold, Marjorie A. Gordon |
died |
1995 |
B |
Hopkins Cem |
sb4110 |
Ringold, Marjorie Gordon |
died |
M |
1995 |
Hopkins Cem |
sb6325,28,29,44 |
Ringold, Susan Nancy "Susie" Gray |
died |
1933 |
Ringold, William Ira |
died |
1948 |
Rinner, Mark Alan |
div |
1993 |
B |
Taylor co, Ia |
sb599 |
Rinner, Mark Alan of Lenox |
div |
1993 |
B |
sb0599 |
Rinner, Tina Marie Johnson |
div |
1993 |
B |
sb599 |
Rinner, Tina Marie Johnson of Gravity |
div |
1993 |
B |
sb0599 |
Riordan, Jeannine Louise |
marr |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1207 |
Riordan, Roland |
died |
1992 |
TA |
sb3178 |
Ripley, Alexander Donald |
born |
1990 |
Wichita Falls, Tx |
sb446 |
Ripley, Alexander Donald |
born |
1990 |
sb0446 |
Ripley, Ashley Pearl |
born |
1985 |
#8926 |
Ripley, Ashley Pearl |
born |
1985 |
#8921 |
Ripley, Berniece |
died |
1986 |
#9010 |
Ripley, David |
died |
2001 |
sb2617 |
Ripley, Domonic Walter |
born |
1985 |
#8787 |
Ripley, Douglas Eugene of Clarinda |
marr |
1985 |
license |
#8791 |
Ripley, Elaine Marie |
born |
1997 |
M |
Maryville, Mo hosp |
sb1096 |
Ripley, Emily Jade |
born |
1990 |
M |
Fairfax, Mo hosp |
sb1272 |
Ripley, Joan Leann |
born |
1988 |
Clarinda, Ia hosp |
sb295, 297 |
Ripley, Joan Leann |
born |
1988 |
sb0295 |
Ripley, John N. |
died |
1918 |
Oct 19, 23, 23, 1918 |
Ripley, Jordan Blair |
born |
1988 |
M |
#9576 |
Ripley, Joyce Elaine Davison |
died |
1994 |
Maple Hill/ColSprs |
sb6065 |
Ripley, Joyce Elaine Davison |
died |
1994 |
V |
Maple Hill/ColSprs |
sb5339 |
Ripley, Patricia Kay |
born |
1986 |
#9221 |
Ripley, Patricia Kay |
born |
1986 |
#9221,#9250 |
Ripley, Ralph Nelson |
died |
1989 |
M |
Maryville, Mo |
sb1167, -169 |
Ripley, Ray Nelson / (two) |
died |
M |
1995 |
Kyle Cem/Graham |
sb6331 |
Ripley, Tina M. Smith |
died |
2018 |
Ripley, Viola Belle Brooke |
died |
1986 |
M |
Kyle Cem/Graham |
#9136, 9137 |
Ripperger, Herman J. |
died |
1987 |
B |
Lacona, Ia |
sb632 |
Rischer, John William "Jack" |
died |
1992 |
M |
Maryville, Mo |
sb896, 898 |
Rischer, Katherine Ruth |
died |
1989 |
M |
sb1106 |
Rischer, Katherine Ruth |
died |
1989 |
M |
Kansas City hosp |
sb1109 |
Rise, Nina Walston |
died |
1999 |
B |
Rio Verda, Az |
sb1389 |
Riser, John Edward "Jack" |
died |
1972 |
Sanborn |
sb5935 |
Risley, Robert |
died |
1984 |
M |
#8727, 8728 |
Risner, Margaret Jane Mendenhall |
died |
2020 |
Risser, Abbott |
died |
1953 |
sb3272 |
Risser, Dean |
died |
1975 |
B |
#8887 |
Risser, Eva Marie Powell |
died |
1992 |
M |
Harrisonville, Mo hosp |
sb875, 877 |
Risser, Heather May |
born |
1987 |
#9274 |
Risser, Ivan Oakley |
died |
1961 |
sb3333 |
Risser, Lola Townsend |
died |
1997 |
sb2798 |
Risser, Lola Townsend |
died |
1997 |
B |
sb3119 |
Risser, Mary Garland Swaim |
died |
B |
2007 |
Hopkins cem |
sb6084 |
Risser, Mary Hensley |
died |
1942 |
Risser, Max Robert |
died |
2017 |
Risser, Otto |
died |
1952 |
sb3271, -72 |
Risser, Theodore D. |
died |
1908 |
Risser, Ulysis Senator |
died |
1948 |
B |
Luteston Cem |
Risser, Vilas Vernon |
died |
1991 |
M |
Maryville, Mo |
sb814 (2) |
Risser, Virginia Elizabeth |
died |
1989 |
M |
sb1128 |
Risser, Virginia Elizabeth Sumy |
died |
1989 |
B |
sb732 |
Ritchie, Hamill M. |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2242 |
Ritchie, Jeffrey Tyler |
born |
1986 |
B |
#9013 |
Ritchie, John R. |
died |
1987 |
M |
nr Hardin |
#9399a |
Ritchie, Kyle Douglas |
born |
1984 |
#8510,#8513 |
Ritchie, Kyle Douglas |
born |
1984 |
B |
#8792 |
Ritchie, Misty Dawn of Bedford |
marr |
1992 |
B |
license |
sb0564 |
Ritchie, Richard Lee - Janette Elsie Parrott |
div |
1993 |
B |
sb3546 |
Ritchlin, Felicitas Ulmscneider |
died |
1883 |
Ritchlin, Ignatius Aloysius |
died |
1881 |
Ritko, Effie J. |
died |
1991 |
T |
Trenton IOOF |
sb3718 |
Ritnour, Bonnie E. McNeal |
died |
1995 |
Villisca Cem |
sb5250 |
Ritnour, Delilah G. Means |
died |
1995 |
Nodaway Cem |
sb5220 |
Ritnour, Delilah Grace |
died |
1995 |
Nodaway Cem |
sb4164 |
Ritnour, Floyd F. |
died |
1996 |
Nodaway Cem |
sb5172 |
Ritnour, Homer John |
died |
1988 |
Villisca, Ia |
sb288 |
Ritson, Marie Shockey |
died |
1972 |
sb3499 |
Ritson, Rebekah Marie |
born |
1985 |
#8849 |
Rittenour, Edward's Infant |
died |
1876 |
Rittenour, Milton |
died |
1923 |
Apr 26, 1923 |
Ritter, Joan Raines |
died |
1997 |
M |
sb2834 |
Ritter, Margaret A. |
div |
1991 |
S |
sb2123 |
Ritter, Randall K. |
div |
1991 |
S |
sb2123 |
Ritter, Rose Untiedt |
Ritterbusch, Gladys Cook |
died |
2018 |
Ritterbusch, Gladys Marie |
marr |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1204 |
Ritterbusch, Louis H. |
died |
1987 |
M |
Miriam |
#9350 |
Ritterbusch, Louis H. |
died |
1987 |
M |
Miriam |
#9350, #9359 |
Ritterbusch, Louis H. |
died |
1987 |
M |
#9350 |
Ritterbusch, Louis H. |
died |
1987 |
M |
Miriam |
#9359 |
Rittman, Butch's SON |
born |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2201 |
Rittman, George W. |
died |
1992 |
sb2108 |
Rittman, Margie E. Davidson |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2558 |
Ritzgerald, Elyse Renee |
born |
1988 |
B |
sb648 |
Ritzinger, Donna's SON |
born |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2210 |
Rivera, Patricia's DAU |
born |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2555 |
Rivers, Charles |
died |
1997 |
M |
sb2845 |
Rivers, Charles |
died |
1997 |
M |
sb2847(2) |
Rivers, Larry D. of King City |
marr |
1992 |
SJ |
license |
sb2223 |
Rivers, Ricky Dean of Essex |
marr |
1985 |
license |
#8847 |
Rix, Jessica Lynn |
born |
1987 |
#9289 |