Smail, Amy Jo of Mvle |
marr |
1988 |
M |
license |
#9545 |
Smail, Clifton Wayne of Mvle |
marr |
1985 |
M |
license |
#9046 |
Smail, Eugene |
died |
1993 |
sb2937 |
Smail, Eugene H. |
died |
M |
1993 |
White Oak/Pickering |
sb6257,69 |
Smail, Eugene Herman |
died |
1993 |
Smail, Frances E. Kelley |
died |
1924 |
Smail, Herman |
died |
1951 |
Smail, Jesse Richard |
born |
1992 |
M |
sb0919 |
Smail, John |
died |
1883 |
Smail, Kelly Elaine |
born |
1984 |
M |
#8692 |
Smail, Kimberly Diane of Mvle |
marr |
1983 |
M |
license |
#8491 |
Smail, Kyle Fabian |
born |
1986 |
M |
#9167 |
Smail, Lavon E. |
died |
2020 |
Smail, Leslie Eugene |
died |
2016 |
Oak Hill/Mvle |
Smail, Lewis W. |
died |
2015 |
White Oak |
Smail, Lisa Nicole |
born |
1988 |
M |
#9570 |
Smail, Mikayla Dawn |
born |
1987 |
M |
#9359 |
Smail, Mildred Jacquetta Simmons |
died |
1988 |
M |
White Oak |
#9629 |
Smail, Stephenie Ann of Mvle |
marr |
1987 |
M |
license |
#9402 |
Smail, Vanessa Elaine |
born |
1983 |
M |
#8599 |
Smail, Vicki Lou of Mvle |
marr |
1988 |
M |
license |
#9627 |
Smaligo, Janine |
died |
1994 |
V |
Exira, Ia |
sb5347 |
Small, Anna Geneva |
born |
1983 |
M |
#8493 |
Small, Britton R. "Britt" |
died |
2019 |
Small, David Myles |
born |
1987 |
M |
#9387 |
Small, Dennis O. "Dennie" |
died |
2001 |
B |
sb2177 |
Small, Mary Osborn Cory |
died |
1874 |
Small, Otho C. |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2553 |
Smalley, Clarence V. |
died |
1988 |
sb246 |
Smalley, Edward Wayne of Clarinda |
marr |
1988 |
license |
sb0276 |
Smalley, Hazel Pauline Dawson |
died |
1986 |
B |
#9221 |
Smalley, Hazel Pauline Dawson Moore |
died |
1986 |
#9225 |
Smalley, Martha Laverne Glasgo |
died |
1993 |
ES |
sb3704 |
Smalley, Myrtle |
died |
1972 |
sb155 |
Smalley, Nelson W. |
died |
1994 |
B |
sb3544 |
Smallwood, Barzilla Wister |
died |
1937 |
Smallwood, Harry Alonzo |
died |
1938 |
Smallwood, Julia Miller McKee |
died |
1960 |
Smallwood, Robert J. |
died |
1925 |
Smallwood, Sarah M. King |
died |
1921 |
Smay, John |
died |
1985 |
M |
#9049 |
Smejdir, Mary Agnes Krohmer |
died |
B |
2006 |
Prairie Rose/Corning |
sb6230 |
Smeltzer, Myrtle |
query |
1984 |
#8650 |
Smet, Arthur Doulgas of Rochester, Mn |
marr |
1986 |
license |
#9002 |
Smidt, Laura Elizabeth |
born |
1988 |
sb0281 |
Smiley, Alice Almira Martin |
died |
1963 |
Smiley, Anson Earl |
died |
1985 |
#8783 |
Smiley, Charlotte Emma Ridgeway |
died |
1924 |
Smiley, Clara Crane |
died |
1989 |
M |
Ohio/BJct |
#9664 |
Smiley, Helen Loomis |
died |
1880 |
Smiley, Helen, 1880 - 1880 |
died |
1880 |
Smiley, Phil Ridgeway |
died |
1963 |
Smiley, Willis R. |
died |
1937 |