Lee, Adaline Hedrick |
died |
1900 |
Lee, Albert E. |
died |
1995 |
Villisca Cem |
sb4153 |
Lee, Albert E. |
died |
1995 |
Villisca Cem |
sb5226 |
Lee, Arabella Corella "Belle" Melick |
died |
1907 |
Lee, Barbara Ellen of Council Bluffs |
marr |
1984 |
license |
#8684 |
Lee, Bertha Merrit |
died |
1971 |
sb111 |
Lee, Betty Doris |
died |
2001 |
sb2595 |
Lee, Bobby |
div |
1992 |
S |
sb2136 |
Lee, Brandon Edward |
born |
1991 |
(Oregon, Mo) |
sb502 |
Lee, Brandon Edward |
born |
1991 |
(Oregon, Mo) |
sb502 |
Lee, Byron |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2227 |
Lee, C. Horton |
marr |
1987 |
B |
Taylor co, Ia |
sb632 |
Lee, C. Horton |
died |
B |
2007 |
Fairview/Bedford |
sb6140 |
Lee, C. Horton of Bedford |
born |
1987 |
B |
sb0632 |
Lee, Corb Price |
died |
1991 |
sb2086 |
Lee, David Edward of StJo |
marr |
1992 |
SJ |
license |
sb2556 |
Lee, Elsie M. |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2209 |
Lee, Elsie M. Guy |
died |
1992 |
S |
sb2136-7 |
Lee, Elvis W. |
died |
1981 |
ES |
Rose Hill/Shen |
sb5682,99 |
Lee, Ethel May Watson |
died |
1993 |
M |
sb1092 |
Lee, Frank Preston |
died |
1979 |
High Prairie |
Lee, Ida Alice Arnold |
died |
Sunnyhill cem/Adair |
sb5981 |
Lee, John |
died |
1874 |
Lee, John's Infant |
died |
1883 |
Lee, Jonathan Richard |
born |
1988 |
sb0277 |
Lee, Jonathan Richard |
born |
1988 |
Red Oak, Ia hosp |
sb277 |
Lee, Justin Wade |
born |
1985 |
#8986 |
Lee, Larry Allen |
died |
B |
2003 |
Washington/Gravity |
sb6013 |
Lee, Lela Edna Spangler |
died |
2002 |
sb2692 |
Lee, Lora M. Wiley |
died |
1984 |
#8519 |
Lee, Mabel |
died |
1994 |
V |
Clarinda Cem |
sb5391 |
Lee, Mabel Grace Williams |
died |
1994 |
Clarinda Cem |
sb6071 |
Lee, Mabelle Fetzer |
died |
1987 |
M |
Chillicothe, Mo |
#9339 |
Lee, Mabelle Fetzer |
died |
1987 |
M |
#9339 |
Lee, Martha A. Noffsinger |
died |
1877 |
Lee, Martha Taylor |
died |
1985 |
B, CHJ |
#8845 |
Lee, Orvis Glen |
died |
1993 |
B |
sb3534 |
Lee, Phoebe Ellen Long |
died |
1879 |
Lee, Richard |
died |
1987 |
Seattle, Wa |
sb226 |
Lee, Robert Clarke Sr |
died |
1991 |
Honolulu, Hi |
sb512 |
Lee, Robert Wendell |
died |
1987 |
sb227 |
Lee, Roscoe Harvey |
died |
1998 |
M |
sb2670 |
Lee, Staci Leigh |
died |
1994 |
TA |
sb1826 |
Lee, Staci Leigh Ann |
died |
1994 |
M |
Tarkio Home Cem |
sb4653 |
Lee, Staci Leigh Ann |
died |
1994 |
V |
Home/Tarkio |
sb5297,-98 |
Lee, Stacy |
marr |
1989 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1124 |
Lee, Sunserray F. |
div |
1992 |
S |
sb2136 |
Lee, Terry |
died |
TA |
1995 |
Sheridan/Auburn |
sb5923 |
Lee, W.G. |
died |
1879 |
Lee, Walter Ray |
died |
1984 |
M |
#8726, 8728 |
Lee, Wayne Aldredge |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1211 |
Lee, William P. |
died |
2001 |
sb6381 |
Leech, Albert D. |
died |
1930 |
Leech, Anna Craig |
died |
1923 |
Leech, Avis M. Hackett |
died |
1989 |
M |
Sidney, Ia |
sb1173 |
Leech, Leonard "Jack" |
died |
1994 |
V |
Portland, Ore |
sb5304,-31 |
Leech, Sanford Cornelius "Sant" |
died |
1923 |
Leedom, Dakota William |
born |
1986 |
#9016 |
Leedom, Kevin Darrell of Clarinda |
marr |
1984 |
license |
#8513 |
Leedy, Garnet L. Dougan |
died |
2014 |
Am Legion/Barnard |
Leedy, John Edwin |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1201 (2) |
Leek, John R. |
died |
1970 |
sb1508 |
Leek, John R. |
died |
1970 |
Clarinda, Ia hosp |
sb1508 |
Leek, John R. |
died |
1970 |
Clarinda, Ia hosp |
sb1508 |
Leek, Melinda Jane Alsup |
died |
1989 |
M |
White Oak |
#9681, #9682, #9683 |
Leeper, Alicia Marie |
born |
1983 |
M |
#8494 |
Leeper, Alvira Frances Lawrence |
died |
1930 |
Leeper, Amie Jo |
marr |
2000 |
B |
Taylor co, Ia |
sb1404 |
Leeper, Helen |
died |
1986 |
M |
#9070 |
Leeper, Helen Bernadette of Mvle |
marr |
1984 |
M |
license |
#8502 |
Leeper, Hiram Franklin |
died |
1983 |
M |
#8616 |
Leeper, Mary Mildred |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2566 |
Leeper, Paul Edward |
died |
1991 |
M |
sb825 |
Leeper, Paul Edward |
died |
1991 |
M |
sb824 |
Leeper, Roy V. of Mvle |
marr |
1987 |
B |
license |
#9370 |
Leeper, William Henry |
died |
1966 |
B |
sb1517 |
Leeper, William Henry |
died |
1966 |
B |
Bedford, Ia |
sb1517 |
Leeper, William Henry |
died |
1966 |
B |
Bedford, Ia |
sb1517 |
Leeson, Joan |
died |
1985 |
#---- |
Leet, Franklin D. |
died |
1995 |
Glenwood |
sb4143 |
Leet, Mary V. |
died |
1992 |
sb2101 |
Leet, Sarah Jane Tucker |
died |
1916 |
LeFever, Genevieve |
marr |
1989 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1126 |
Lefevere, Vickie Lynne |
marr |
1992 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb967 |
Lefevere, Vickie Lynne of Mvle |
marr |
1992 |
M |
license |
sb0967 |
Leffler, Kevin Mercer |
born |
1988 |
M |
#9572 |
Leggett, Jo-Anna Henry |
died |
1992 |
Orange, Tx |
sb3851 |
Legore, Clark Irwin |
died |
1995 |
B |
Rose Hill/Blockton |
sb4335 |
LeGore, Hazel Maxine Henson |
died |
2001 |
B |
sb2171 |
Lehan, Wilma Barbara Blum |
died |
1994 |
V |
Defiance, Ia cem |
sb5336 |
LeHew, Dorothy |
died |
1991 |
T |
sb3750 |
Lehigh, Earl F. |
died |
Wheeler Grove cem |
sb6025 |
Lehman, Kathie Renee |
born |
1987 |
M |
#9460 |
Lehman, Lucille |
died |
1985 |
#8869 |
Lehmer, Emma Cecilia |
died |
1984 |
M |
#8823, 8824 |
Lehn, Francis Gilbert |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2221 |
Lehnen, George William Jr |
died |
1996 |
DN |
sb3586 |
Lehnen, Marvin Edward |
marr |
1991 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb827 |
Lehnen, Marvin Edward of Green Valley, Az |
marr |
1991 |
M |
license |
sb0827 |
Leialoha, Shelby Ray of Clarinda |
marr |
1985 |
license |
#8928 |
Leibfort, Hattie M. Horel |
died |
1992 |
Elmwood |
sb3858 |
Leibfort, Hattie M. Horel |
died |
1992 |
ES |
sb1941 |
Leicht, Jessica Ann |
born |
1990 |
M |
Westminister, Co |
sb1278 |
Leighton, Alba Jacob |
died |
1951 |
sb1519 |
Leighton, Alba Jacob |
died |
1951 |
sb1519 |
Leighton, Alba Jacob |
died |
1951 |
sb1519 |
Leighton, Berniece B. Brooks |
died |
2000 |
B |
Clarinda, Ia |
sb1403 |
Leighton, Bethany Lauren |
died |
1990 |
sb453 |
Leighton, Darold |
died |
1971 |
sb214 |
Leighton, Darrell Leonard |
died |
1971 |
sb212, 214 |
Leighton, Darrell Leonard |
died |
B |
1971 |
Washington/Gravity |
sb6003 |
Leighton, Elmer Ellsworth |
died |
1936 |
New Franklin, Mo |
sb1508 |
Leighton, Elmer Ellsworth |
died |
1936 |
New Franklin, Mo |
sb1508 |
Leighton, Elmer Ellsworth |
died |
1936 |
sb1508 |
Leighton, Harold O. |
died |
1957 |
card |
sb1515 |
Leighton, Harold O. |
died |
1957 |
card |
sb1515 |
Leighton, Harold O. |
died |
1957 |
card |
sb1515 |
Leighton, Joshua Donavon |
born |
1987 |
B |
#9269 |
Leighton, Lowell Lewis |
died |
1984 |
B |
#8681 |
Leighton, Paul L. |
died |
1988 |
B |
sb641 |
Leighton, Richard |
died |
1995 |
sb4161 |
Leighton, Richard E. |
died |
1995 |
DalCntr Cem |
sb5218 |
Leighton, Richard Eugene |
died |
1995 |
B |
sb4010 |
Leighton, Robert Alan |
marr |
1989 |
Page co, Ia |
sb393 |
Leighton, Robert Alan of Ames |
marr |
1989 |
license |
sb0393 |
Leighton, Roy Ellis |
died |
1966 |
B |
Bedford, Ia |
sb1521 |
Leighton, Roy Ellis |
died |
1966 |
B |
Bedford, Ia |
sb1521 |
Leighton, Roy Ellis |
died |
1966 |
B |
sb1521 |
Leighton, Ruth Olive Dutton |
died |
1999 |
B |
Cook, Wa cem |
sb5122 |
Leighton, Waive Lucile |
died |
1917 |
sb149 |
Leipert, Jeanne Kathleen |
died |
1995 |
sb4172 |
Leirer, Elaine Annette of Mvle |
marr |
1987 |
M |
license |
#9338 |
Leitzen, Beulah V. Bussard |
died |
1992 |
ES |
sb3554 |
Leitzen, Beulah V. Bussard |
died |
1992 |
ES |
sb3554 |
Leitzen, Beulah Violet Bussard |
died |
1992 |
ES |
sb3556 |
Leitzen, Beulah Violet Bussard |
died |
1992 |
ES |
sb3556 |
Leivan, Courtney |
died |
1996 |
M |
sb5500 |
Leivan, Courtny Renee |
died |
1996 |
Clearmont Cem |
sb5179 |
Leivan, Lanny Jr |
born |
1992 |
M |
Maryville, Mo hosp |
sb980 |
Leivan, Lanny Jr |
born |
1992 |
M |
sb0980 |
Leivan, Melinda Faye of Clearmont |
marr |
1984 |
M |
license |
#8634 |
Lekey, Cheryl Lynne of BJct |
marr |
1984 |
M |
license |
#8507 |
Lekey, Cleatus Earl Jr |
died |
2013 |
Lekey, Karrisa Dale |
marr |
1990 |
Page co, Ia |
sb477 |
Lekey, Karrisa Dale of Clarinda |
marr |
1990 |
license |
sb0477 |
Lekey, Mary Elizabeth McNutt |
died |
1923 |
Lekey, Pamela |
marr |
1989 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1123 |
Lekey, Roger Kevin of Shenandoah |
marr |
1987 |
license |
#9358 |
Lekey, Thomas |
died |
1881 |