Mineral Spring Cemetery
AKA Mineral Springs

East of Cassville, Barry Co., MO
Mineral Twp.
Land Office Location: SW Sec. 29, T23N, R26W
GPS: 364018N 0934629W

Photo submitted by Linda Skelton Corbin


Gate and church photos submitted by Richard Maxwell

Directions: From Cassville take 76 east to FR 1170 (there is a sign that points north and says the church is 1/2 mile) and turn north. At FR 2180 turn east (right) and the church will be on your left.

All the stones in this cemetery were photographed by Diana Cope in September and the first week of October of 2006.

Visit Mineral Spring Cemetery Files

Surnames A - D

Surnames E - L

Surnames M - R

Surnames S - Z

Donna Cooper's Note: This cemetery was first posted with researcher submissions. When I compared those listings to the stone photos, I learned that there was a high percent of error content in the files that we had posted. I have tried to post every thing accurate - according to the stone listing. When a date was given that was not supported by the stone I looked for another source to support the stone date. Since this file has been posted for many years now, incorrect information and dates have probably filtered into many computers by now. It is too bad that this happened and I have tried to correct the files with accurate dates and names with the cemetery photos.

On the first transcription there were lot and block numbers given for the entries posted. After carefully checking over the listings and comparing them to the numbers in the block layout photos, it looked like a good idea to remove those transcriptions because there were too many that were incorrectly stated.

For accuracy you can go to the block layout photos given below and do your own lot and block number report for your cemetery stone listings.

Also on the first transcriptions some people's names were posted as having served in the wrong war and others were listed with military service but there with nothing to support that information, and so that information was also removed from our files. But in the block layout photos you will see that the cemetery association has a listing of soldiers posted with stars by names where you can double check your findings there. Also military stones were posted with the new photo submissions.

Block Layout          Block Layout           Block Layout

Cemetery Management         Looking Toward Church Church         Stone Covered Grave         Looking Toward Trees        

Yard Shot         Looking Toward Church         Yard Shot - Toward Trees         Yard Shot         Gate        

Church and Yard         Looking Down A Row         Across the Yard         Yard Shot         Across the Fence        

Yard Side View         Church         Gate and Church         Yard Shot