1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri
An Index
Please contact an area genealogy library near you to locate a copy of the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri. Many biographies from this book are available on this website--look for possible additional mentions of your ancestors in the index below. The 1887 History of Vernon County Missouri is also now available online at https://cdm16795.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/mocohist
McAdams, James M. 663-N-
Nance, Sam'l. 459
Nanson, John 572
Neafus, J.A. 455, 881
Nechoumani 137
Nelson, A.F. 177
Nelson, Albert F. 384
Nelson, Alfred F. 177
Nelson, Dr. --546
Nelson, E.L. 509
Nelson, Hardin 384
Nelson, I.F.S. 606, 611
Nelson, Isaac S. F. 676
Nelson, Julia 384
Nelson, O. M. 610
Nelson, Oscar M. 384
Nelson, Susan P. 384
Nevada & Minden 373, 791
Nevada & Minden R.R. 790
New Galicia 89
Newgent, Wm. 238
Newkirk Cyrus 713
Newland, J.C. 459
Newton, Galletson 158
Newton, Samuel 158
Newton, Wm. 720
Nezuma 112, 125
Nichols, Ozem B. 591
Nixon, David 677
Noel, "Maugraine"
Norman, Alfred R. 425, 887
Norman, Cornelia A. 887
Norman, Eliza 887
Norman, G.A. 887
Norman, Jacob F. 887
Norman, Nannie A. 887
Northcroft, Emma 820
Northcroft, Wm. 820
Norton, S.W. 721
Norton, Silas W. 740
Norville, Robt. 607
Nottingham, Dr. --877
Nottingham, Samuel 188
Nugents, The 813
Nugent, Charles 885
Nugent, Cyrus 238, 885
Nugent, Hugh 885
Nugent, Linsford 885
Nugent, Martha 885
Nugent, Mary 885
Nugent, Rice 885
Nugent, William 885
Ogahawasa 125
Ohler Place 847
Old Sacramento 289
Olumb, Preston B. 206
Order No. 11 321, 385
Orleans, Fort 102, 103, 104
Orndorff, Levi H. 802
Orr, Z.T. 751, 893
Orrick & McNeil 209, 264
Osage, Fort 165
Osage Indians 87, 94, 381
Osborne, Nanetta 368
Otter, Wm. H. 203
Overland, Mail Co. 250
Overstreet, Charlie 876
Overstreet, James 169, 423, 433, 457, 875
Overstreet, John M. 741
Cverstreet, Latise 158
Overstreet, & Sluder 718
Overstreet, Wm. S. 803
Owen, E.D. 819, 820, 849
Owen, Henry 849
Owen, Jennie 849
Owen, John 849
Owens, Wm. 876
Packard, Alanson 455, 860
Packard, Horatio 199, 455, 860
Packard, Phineas 455
Page, M.A. 858
Pahuska 118, 124
Palmer, Dr. 138, 145
Panis 107
Pape, George 858
Papin, Malincourt 541
Papin, Melicourt 158, 164, 168
Papin, Theophile 542
Papinsville 140, 164, 886
Parker, L.R. 720
Parker, Mary 720
Parker, Simeon A. 677
Parker, W.H. 791
Parkinson, John D. 364
Park's Mill 385
Parks, R.T. 349, 854
Parmenter, Dick 385
Parrell, Jas. H. 547
Parrish, Eugene 678
Parrish, George W. 492
Parrish, H. Clay 781
Paryman, Aury 861
Paryman, I. 861
Patterson, Alex R. 606, 679
Patterson, Ann S. 611
Patterson, Melville C. 680
Patton, Jesse D. 722
Pawhuska 131, 141
Pawnee Indians 92
Paxton, Richard S. 680
Peake, E. 901
Pearson, Kindred 434, 879
Penaloza 92
Penfield, Agent 374
Penfield, Herlan 681
Pennington, Simeon 284
Pentecost, Eli 459
Peoples, G.M. 720
Peoples, Granville 719
Peoples, Mary 719
Peoples, Samantha 719
Perdue, Wm. C, 804
Perkins Waterworks 605
Peshaw Creek 875
Peyton, R.L.Y. 201, 242
Phelps, John S. 363
Philips, John F. 324, 330
Phillips, A. J. 846
Phillips, Eli 204, 240
Phillips, Jacob 367
Phillips, Joe 846
Phillips, William 206
Phipps, John 836
Pierce, Geo. 716
Pierce, Geo. A. 713
Pierce, Jno. N. 791
Pierce, John N. 804
Pierce, R. 869
Pike, 101, 104, 109, 110, 113, 540
Pike, M.E. 788
Pike, Zebulon 109
Pike, Zebulon M. 106
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery 121
Pine, Mrs. Martha 789
Pitcher, A.A. 346, 356, 603, 609
Pitcher, Col. 790
Pixley, Miss--158
Pixley, Bros. 350
Pixley, Lewis 350, 353
Pixley, Perry 350, 353
Pixley, Rev. Mr. 145
Place, Isaac W. 897
Poage, G.W. 537
Poage, Geo. W. 546, 557
Poindexter, W.A. 606, 607
Pomeroy, "Brick" 714
Pond, Geo. F. 322
Pond, Homer 321
Pool, Dave 333
Pope, Dr.--817
Pope, George 879
Pope, Preston 860
Popplewell, S.G. 860
Popplewell, Sovereign G. 682
Porter, Belle 893
Porter, Grace 893
Porter, Frank 893
Porter, Samuel 893
Potteet, J.A. 751, 893
Pottawattamies 108
Pottorf, W.H. 791
Powell, O.N. 791
Powell, Rev. 751, 770
Powell, W.T. 788, 789, 790, 791
Powers, John 885
Prall, W.A. 610
Preston, Sanford J. 510
Prewitt, Chas. H. 365, 684
Prewitt, Henry 204, 854
Prewitt, W.H. 366
Prewitt, W.W. 269, 276, 284, 518, 523, 602, 606, 607
Prewitt, William H. 511
Prewitt, Wm. W. 683
Price, D.B. 440
Price, Ed. 283
Price, Ed "Stump" 283
Price, Henry 888
Price, Mrs. L. 888
Price, Thos. L 348
Priestley's Mound 223
Prince, W. E. 286
Pringle, Sam 318
Prior, Daniel 845, 846, 848
Prior, George 847
Prior, John 845, 848
Prior, Lafayette 847
Pritchard, John N. 256, 259
Proctor, A. 607
Proctor, D.M. 608
Proffit Horse Mill 769
Profitt, Smith 157, 563
Proffit, Thos. 773
Profitt, William 157, 168, 170, 563, 768
Proffit, Wm. D. 896
Prouty, L.E. 720, 721
Pryor, Mr. --885
Pryor, Daniel 190
Pryor, Jonathan 157, 383, 885
Pryor, Joseph 885
Pryor, Nathan 885
Pryor, William 157, 199, 238, 240, 383, 390, 885
Pryor, William Sr. 156
Peckett, Anderson 198
Puckett, Thos. 518
Pugh, A.J. 312
Pugh, Andrew J. 301
Purington, J. 716
Purington, J.A. 721
Pernel, Henry A. 447
Purnel, Henry 440
Quantrill 332, 392, 413
Quay, Robert 156, 382, 386
Quay, Robt. Sr., Jr. 382
Quay, William 156, 382, 386
Quick, James 372
Quick, V.C. 610
Quisenberry, Mr. --881
Quivera 90
Rachel, R.C. 720
Rafter, John 335
Raines, James S. 513
Raines, Matthew T. 512
Rains, John 439, 888
Ramey, James 195
Randall, John 888
Randolph, W.B. 858
Rathbun, Jeptha 818, 849
Ray, Ambrose 819
Ray, George 819
Ray, Geo. W. 276, 853
Ray, James 199, 819, 853, 854
Ray, Jeremiah 856
Ray, Joe 340, 847
Ray, John H. 276, 853
Ray, Priestly 385
Rea, Branch T. 348
Ream, Joseph 805
Reaves, F.G. 858
Reavis, F.G. 859
Redfield, Abram 145, 157, 166, 175, 199, 272, 281, 310, 517, 520, 522
Redfield, David 310, 345, 348, 522
Redfield's Schoolhouse 345
Reece, Lewis B. 244
Reed, B.L. 233
Reed, John D. 882
Reed, Mr. --876
Reed, Samuel 885
Reed, Solomon 885
Reed, Wm. 720
Red-Legs 519
Rees, James M. 404
Remsberg, J.H. 346
Renault, Philip 96, 127
Renick, Burton 147
Renick, W.S. 537
Renick, Wm. 885
Renwick, O.J. 610
Requa, J.H. 204, 345, 348, 517
Requa, James H. 527
Rexrode, Peter 359, 365, 606, 607, 610, 684
Reybourne, J.H. 719
Reynolds, Dr. 307
Reynolds, John 272, 767, 771
Reynolds, R.W, 413, 608
Rhea, Ezekiel 156, 157, 199, 204, 209, 238, 383, 411, 885, 887
Rice, Ben 223
Rice, Thomas 242
Richardson, Mrs. Lizzie 414
Riggs, Jesse 815
Riley, E. 849
Riley, Elias 320, 846, 847
Riley, Mr. --340
Rimbey, Mary 566
Rimbey, Theophilus 573
Rinehart, J.H. 364, 887, 888
Rinehart, Johiel H. 890
Rinehart, M.A. 888
Rinerson, Miranda 819
Ripley, Horace 574
Ritchey, C.G. 611
Ritchie, John 234
Roark, J. 860
Roark, Joseph 870
Roberts, Jas. 459
Roberts, John 199, 204, 711
Roberts, Lafayette 711
Roberts, Samuel 711
Roberts, Sidney R. 250
Robertson, James 860
Robertson, Mary Ann 861
Robertson, R.D. 198
Robertson, Wm. 233
Robinson, B. 721
Robinson, Chas. 282
Robinson, E.A. 721
Robinson, Elizabeth 721
Robinson, F.W. 721
Robinson, Jas. 881
Robinson, Jas. S. 242
Robinson, John 885
Robinson, John H. 109
Robinson, Myra 721
Robinson, Nancy 393
Robinson, W.H. 612
Robinson, Wm. H. 685
Rockhole, Mrs. E.J. 893
Rockwood, Chas. A. 686
Rogers, J.K. 607
Rogers, J.M. 242
Rogers, John 174
Rogers, John E. 199, 854
Rogers, Miss Minnie 613
Roodhouse, James D, 574
Rose, Eleanor 860
Rosenbaum, Geo. 767
Rosenbaum, Teacher 770
Ross, Patrick 233
Roth, Adam 576
Roth, William 575
Rowan, Jas. H. 758
Roy, Alexander 109
Ruby, John 439
Rucker, George H. 405
Rucker, Jas. M 238
Rumbaugh, Jacob 414
Rusk, Isaiah 788
Russell & Majors 208
Russell, Jas. W. 687
Ryan, Alfred 881
Ryan, Thomas 437
Ryan, William 437
Rye, John 203
Rynard, Joseph 888
Salloway, A.P. 719-T-
Tahlman, Joseph 481
Talbot, J. Walton 695
Talmadge, Len 719
Talmage, L.D. 717
Talmadge, L.G. 721
Talmadge, Leslie 719
Talmadge, Leslie D. 745
Tanico 89
Tanner, Mr, --242
Tapp, --856
Tar Springs 842
Tartarrax 90
Tawangaha 125
Taylor Chas. 719, 752, 888
Taylor Chas. C. 758
Taylor Henry 299, 309, 317, 322, 330, 336, 344, 771, 856, 857
Taylor J.C. 718
Taylor John 752
Taylor W. 610
Taylor W.B. 819
Taylor, W.C. 819
Taylor, W. H. 276, 324, 330, 359
Taylor, Wm. H. 249, 873
Tebo & Neosho 358, 603
Teels, The 272
Teel, David 170, 584, 585
Teel, Peter 584, 610, 813, 814, 839
Temple, G.W. 820
Terrill, Wm. A. 537, 538, 546, 560
Tetobasi 109, 125
Tharp, Thos. T. 840
Thomas, A. 530
Thomas, Amanda 607
Thomas, Elijah E. 577
Thomas, Family 594
Thomas, J.V. 369
Thomas, Mattie 720
Thomas, Samuel 607
Thompson, --566
Thompson, Archibald 566, 577
Thompson, Granville 482
Thompson, S.H. 610
Thompson, Sam'l, 349
Thompson, Sam'l. H. 610
Thornhill, Reuben 406
Thornton, Dr. 244
Thornton Bank 601
Thornton, Ella J. 820
Thornton, Ella M. 820
Thornton, Paul F. 358, 364, 697
Thorp, Rev. --901
Thorp, William T. 899
Tibbs, W.W. 392
Tiembre Hill 353
Tillotson, H.L. 603, 606, 610, 611, 698
Tillotson, Hiram L. 365
Tillotson, Mildred J.
Tilton, Wm. 252
Timbered Hill 381, 383
Tinkham, Henry 303
Tippitt, James 423
Tippitt, Singleton 423, 433
Todd, Jos. D. 759
Todd, Thomas W. 898
Tom Stephens, The 184
Tourmansara 125
Towner, N.H. 782
Townsend, Anderson 347
Townsend, Andrew 238
Townsend, J.J. 888
Townsend, Leah 888
Townsend, Phelps & Gardner 698
Townships 360
Towneley, James 235
Tracy, N.M. 348
Trim, Allen 578
Triplett, Margaret 819
Triplett, Susan 819
Trone, Peter 721
Troutman, Amelia 720
Troutman, Geo. E.A. 720
True, Mrs. Sarah 566
Tucker, Gen. 856
Tucker, Greenup 892
Tuggle, W.D. 751
Tupper, T.J. 303
Turley, James M. 426
Tumbull, R.L. 608
Turner, John 244
Tutt, A.M. 609
Tuttle, Wilbur F. 610
Tuttasuggy 109, 112, 116, 124
Tyler, John A. 699
Ulch, John 427
Uncle Dicky 386
Underwood, J.W. 413
Underwood, James W. 427
Union Mission 145
Upton, George 901
Upton, James 885
Upton, John 312
Ury, Jo. 333
Ury, Joe 773. 787
Ury, Josiah 771, 772
Ury, Josiah C. 322
Ury, Lewis L. 322
Utterback, Bennett 861
Utterback, Sidney 861
Vail, Asenath 168
Vail, Rev. Wm. F. 168
Vail, William 428
Vandervort, Mr. --790
Vandiver, James E. 806
Vandiver, L.H. 413
Vandiver, Pollard W. 495
Vandiver, Rev. --414
Vannice, R.L. 893
Vanorman, Chas. 713, 721
Van Orman, Dr. --716
Van Quickenborn, Fr. Chas. 142
Van Swearingen, A. W. 359, 860
Van Winkle's Mill 598
Vasquie, Baroney 109
Vaughn, H.B. 751
Vaughan, W. W. 610
Veach, --789
Venable, Wm. J. 720
Vernon, Miles 194, 196
Vetter, John 580
Vicanque 89
Villazur, Captain 102, 103
Vinall, Rev, 144
Vittum, D.C. 321, 334
Vivion, J.A. 788
Waddell, Jas. R. 364
Waddell, Joseph M. 531
Wade, Edward 238
Wade, J.W. 610
Wagenhals, W. 718
Wagner, John 766, 768
Wagonhols, Wm. 720
Waldo, --165
Waldo Ford 289
Waldo's Store 168
Waldo's Store 886
Waldo, William 159, 184, 204, 384, 486
Walker, Hiram F. 497
Walker, John 710
Walker, R.P. 858
Walker Town Co. 497
Walker, Zechariah 429
Wall, R.T. 748, 751
Wall, Sarah C. 751
Wallace, --439
Wallace, David 367
Wallace, Elder 849
Wallace, Joseph 367
Wallace, H.C. 849
Wallace, T.J. 437, 440
Wallbrecht, George 604
Walters, Aaron 364
Walton, A.B. 720
Walton, Green 788
Walton, Henry 203
Walton, Permelia 203
Walton, W.R. 748, 760
Ward, Daniel 532
Ward, E.B.W. 791
Ward, Maria 893
Ward, R.B. 751
Warden, Alice 893
Warden, S.A 364
Warner, William 860
Warren, W.W. 607
Warsaw 173
Warth, E.J. 613, 700
Wasaba Tunga 125
Washita 89
Wassum, W.J. 197, 203, 204
Was-tah-whe-he 135
Watchawaha 121
Watchkesingar 124
Watson, --607
Watts, H. N. 459, 721
Watts, John W. 608
Waugh, Lorenzo 587
Wave, The 184
Weams, J.M. 413, 414
Weaver, Henry J. 533
Webb, Adela 820
Webb, Edith 820
Webb, John W. 807
Webb, Mary 820
Webb, Matt 820
Weber, Edwin 322
Weber, Geo. G. 522
Weber, Henry 522
Webster, John F. 808
Weddel, --151
Weddell, Marion 772
Weer, Wm. 279
Weidemeyer, B.O. 276
Weidemeyer, John M. Capt. 289, 290
Weidemeyer's Store 859
Welch, Levi 238, 382, 407, 885
Welch, Peter 434, 845
Welch, Thos. 885
Welch, Wm. 238
Welch, Winston 439
Weld, Sam'l. 817
Wells, Nich. 817
Welton, Archibald S. 580
Wentworth, Horace 585
Wentworth, John 170, 766
West & Joclyn 717
West, James 245
Westfall, I.N. 348
Westfall, Isaac W. 348
Westphal, 718
Westphal, C.H. 718
Westphal, Ellen D. 720
Westphal, P.F. 717
Westphal, P. Fred 745
Weyand, E.S. 348, 748, 751
Weyand, Enoch S. 345, 610, 760
Weyand, Peter 156, 382, 380, 885, 886
Weyand, Washington P. 581
Wheeler, B. 608
Wheeler, Mrs. J.M. 608
Wheeler, Walter Sewell 809
Wherritt, H.P. 720
Wherritt, Mary E. 720
Wherritt, Henry P. 746
Wherritt, W.P. 721
White & Coble 718
White, Arcbibald G. 701
White, Dr. --486, 586
White's Ferry 333
White Hair 107, 113, 115, 538, 539
White, Henry 610, 762
White, J. Ella 613
White, Jacob 199, 563
White, James 198, 204, 276, 610, 813
White, Jas. J. 242
White, John 768, 772
White, L.B. 749
White, Sarah J. 719
White, Wm. 768
Whitesides, Yom 332
Whitfield, General 216
Whitford, Jas. H. 303
Whitley, Richard T. 874
Whittlesy, Eunice 720
Whittlesy, Phoebe 720
Wichita 91
Wickam, Benj. 887
Wight & Pitcher 602
Wight, H.A. 364
Wight, S.A. 356
Wight, Sheldon A. 702, 517
Wilcox, Abram 766
Wilcoxsen, --844
Wilder, Louis 585
Wilderson, W.H. 610
Wilhite, --816
Wilhoit, Hammet A. 762
Wilker, Henry 789
Wilkes, J. M. 607
Wilkes, L.B. 607
Wikeys, The 157, 852, 854
Wilkins, Jas. 888
Wilkinson, 101
Wilkinson, Allen 235
Wilkinson, James 106
Wilkinson, Jas. B. 109
Wilkinson, Lt. 540
Williams, H.L. 849
Williams, J. 609
Williams, J.A. 607
Williams, J.H. 352
Williams, Jas. M. 288, 390
Williams, Jno. W. 888
Williams, Jos. 246
Williams, Lewis 350
Williams, R.H. 199, 203, 205, 254, 272
Williams, Reuben H. 199
Williams, S.A. 215
Williams, Z. 204, 854
Williams, Silas 751
Williamson, David 846
Williamson, Zach. 846
Wilson, Robert L. 451
Wilson, Fannie 849
Wilson, G.L. 860
Wilson, G.W. 721
Wilson, Hiero T. 140, 175, 215
Wilson, Mrs. Hiero T. 286
Wilson, Hiram H, "Grab" 769
Wilson, J. L. 240
Wilson, James 199, 203, 240, 608, 854
Wilson, Jas. A. 702
Wilson, John 109, 438
Wilson, John L. 345
Wilson, Lewis 391
Wilson, Lurena 860
Wilson, M.H. 860
Wilson, Marvin 752
Wilson, Stephen 845
Wilson, Wm. 597
Wilson, Wm. M. 304
Winton, Geo. 721
Wiseman, Lavina 819
Withers' Store 854
Withers, William 198, 199, 204, 303, 857, 859
Witt, J.G. 566
Witt, James 429
Wolf, Henry 382
Wolf, Lena 719
Wolf, M.A. 719, 881, 887
Wolfe, M.A. 818
Wolf, Rev. 719
Wonsettler, --438
Wood, J.D. 413
Wood, Richard Schell 715
Wood, William 190, 856
Wood, Wm. N, 201
Woodall, Abram 846
Woodfill & Merrill 809
Woodruff The 166
Woodruff, Alexander 157, 158, 311, 517, 519
Woodruff, M.P. 240
Woodruff, Marcus 519
Woods, Alfred 773
Woods, David 198, 810
Woods, H.T. 566
Woods, J.W. 791
Woods, Joe 300, 309, 324, 338, 859
Woods, Minta 566
Woods, Peter G. 514
Woodson, Judge 214
Woodward, John 846
Woodward, Lucas 199, 854
Wooley, Myron 721
Wooliver, --879
Wooliver, Mr. --432
Worden, Jos. 345
Worsley, John 0. 783
Wormley, Abram V. 483
Wray, John 788
Wright Clark 309
Wright Elizabeth 153
Wright Foster P. 203
Wright H.A. 585
Wright, Hardin 157, 383
Wright, John H. 582
Wright Mary E. 608
Wright, Samuel "Pickles" 243
Wrightsman, W. C. 718
Wyatt, E.B. 888
Wyrick, Frank 272, 287, 311, 880
Yater, C.A. 364, 366
Yelton, B.F. 298
Yocum, Isaac 156, 382
Yocum, Rebecca 383
Yokley, John 783
Yokum, Isaac 386, 885
Yokum, Margaret Jane 885
Young, Daniel 199, 204, 711
Young, John 369
Young, John Adam 763
Younger, Henry W. 215
Yungar (Pomme de Terre) 125
Zeal, Philip 184, 238
Zerbe, Darius 747
Zellweger, J. 606
Ziegler, J.R. 439
Zuni Indians 89
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