1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri
An Index
Please contact an area genealogy library near you to locate a printed copy of the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri. Many biographies from this book are available on this website--look for possible additional mentions of your ancestors in the index below. The 1887 History of Vernon County Missouri is now available online at https://cdm16795.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/mocohist
Abbott, George 846
Abbott, Joe 846
Abbott, Major 206
Ackason, Wm. A. 881
Adams, Charles 192
Adams Family 544
Adams, J.B. 861
Adams, J.W. 721
Adams, Peter 720
Adcock, George W. 459
Adrian, G. 901
Aingell, Jos. B. 395
Alcott, Joseph 199
Aldridge, Reuben 586
Alexander, Robt. 349
Algares, Faciendo 110
Allen, Chas. H. "Horse" 142
Allen, J.H. 720
Allen, James 168
Allen, Jesse P. 861
Allen, N.S. 844
Allis, S.D. 788
Allison, J. M. 791
Allison, Silas 606
American Fur Company 164
Amos, --856
Anderson, A. G. 199, 202, 347, 597
Anderson, Frank P. 346, 373, 394, 602, 613, 817
Anderson, H.B, 718
Anderson, J.C. 215
Anderson, J.E. 818
Anderson, J.M. 440
Anderson, Jesse 584, 585, 586
Anderson, Martin 376
Anderson, Mary 720
Anderson, Robert S. 396
Anderson, Thos. P. 364
Anderson, Washington 199
Anderson, Wm. T. 723
Andrews, J.H. 605
Anahony, J.N. 721, 861
Antrim, Chas, 719
Apperson, Celia 766, 814
Arbuckle, J.C. 721
Arbuckle, Rev. 876
Archer, Benj. 816
Armsby, C.L. 718
Armstrong, Mrs. Ann 414
Armstrong, Blacksmith 135
Armstrong, Matthew 203, 204, 240
Armstrong, Bolert 544
Armstrong, Robt. M. 545
Armstrong, W.B. 748, 752
Arnett,Thos. B. 215
Arnold, Danl. 788, 790
Arnold, David 498
Arrington, Josephine 439
Ashlaugh, Dr.-790
Ashbaugh, J.M. 788
Asheraft, Rev, 437
Asper, L.F. 751
Atchison, Senator 214
Atebley, Ann 197
Atkinson, E.J. 791
Atkinson, Edwin J. 616
Atkinson, J.E. 612
Atkinson, Mr. -844
Atkisson, Jas. 251
Atterbury, Robert 893
Austin, D.H. 158
Austin, Daniel 637
Austin, Daniel H. 145, 148, 154, 158, 159, 383, 387
Austin, Ehzabeth 157, 158
Austin, Josiah 345, 383, 388
Austin, Josiah M. 160
Austin, Lydia 158
Austin's Mill 383, 387, 388
Austin, Samantha 637
Austin, T.H. 348, 610
Austin, Thos. 315, 345, 548
Austin, Thos. H. 198, 200, 202, 314, 586, 595, 596,597, 606, 615
Avery, Joseph P. 410
Babb, J.W. 260
Babbitt, S.C. 720
Babbitt, Sylvester C. 723
Bacon, George W. 414
Bacon, James 711
Bacon, Wm. 711
Badger, A. 439
Badger, Albert 183, 191, 432, 440, 542, 610, 877
Badger, Emma 439
Badger, Henry L. 439
Badger, Sarah F. 439
Badger School 436
Bailey, D. H. 611
Bailey, Jos. 347, 348, 350, 766, 774
Bailey, Sarah J., 611
Bailey, W. D. 606
Bain Captain 206, 224
Bain's Fort 228
Baker, A.W. 819
Baker, Augustus 311
Baker, Beni. 856
Baker, F.E. 751
Baker, J. S. 820
Baker, James 817
Baker, James S. 820
Baker, Morris 846
Baker, Rev. -720
Baker, Zach. H. 820
Ball, C.D. 159
Ball, Cecil D. 154, 383, 388
Ball, Eddie 861
Ball, Wesley L. 857
Ball's Mill 162, 171, 288, 382, 385, 609
Ball, William 861
Ballenger, Jos. 109
Ballinger, Sgt. 108
Balbo, Dewitt C. 203
Bander, John 300
Baney, Isaac 791
Bankson, Henry 346
Baptists, "Two-Seed" 786
Barber & Kisner 713
Barber, G.W. 718
Barlow, W.P, 264, 265
Barnaby, J.F. 751
Barnes, C.P. 817, 820
Barnes, Sophia 881
Barnes, William 156, 410
Barnett, James H. 787
Barnett, Mac 297
Barney, F. 238
Barnhart & Baper 159, 388
Barnesville 210
Barr, Freeman 168
Barr, James 617
Barracks, Jacob 893
Barrett, J.R. 497, 713
Barrey, John F. 439
Barrows, F.F. 609
Barrows, Freeman 158
Barry, C.M. 364
Barstow, Co. 305
Barter, Alfred 881
Barter, N.G. 611
Barter, Nat. C. 617
Bartlett, James 227, 238
Bartlett, William 199, 238, 410, 413
Barton, Burke 619
Baskett, Addie 820
Baskett, Elder 819
Baskett, W. L. 819
Bass, Wm. 768
Bateman, David A. 606
Bates, Mollie J. 611
Bstes, W.A. & Co. 619
Batts, L. 849
Baugh, Benj, 204, 369, 597
Bax, Father 876
Baxter, John J. 586, 786
Bayles, Bob 300
Baze, S.J. 888
Beagles, J.L, 610
Beagles, John L., 620
Beal, Robert 710
Beale, Widow 332
Beard, Asa J. 753
Beard, Jackson 749, 750
Beard, Mary 412
Beard, Robt. Jackson 752
Beauchamp, Frank 459
Beavers, Sam'l, 585
Beckford, Bill 228, 411, 412
Beebee, Mark 893
Beicher, Robert 173
Belcher, W. N, 145
Bell, M. Fred 376
Bell, J.M. 415
Bellamy, Thos. 844, 848
Belle Fontaine 108
Belle Oiseau 109
Belvoir Ferry 542
Benedict Bros. 753
Bennett, Captain 183
Berry, Lucian 587
Berry, William 893
Bevier, R.S, 283
Bickett, Alexander 819
Bickett, Gavin 819
Bigelow, Emma J. 611
Bigelow, S.S. 611
Bigelow, Silas S. 620
Biggs, Joseph 893
Bigham, --813
Bigham, David H. 198
Big Hill 141
Bimbey, Theophilus 566
Birch, Oliver 314
Birdseye, J.T. 345, 364
Birdseye, Mrs. J. T. 901
Birdseye, John T. 346, 353, 358, 606, 622, 722
Birdseye, Mary A. 611
Birge, Elder 720
Bishop, Thos. 346
Bivins, Mary J. 881
Black Hawk 878
Blame 394
Blair, C.W. 312, 750
Blake, J.H. 602
Blake, Jas. M. 359
Blakeley, Jas. W. 716
Blakely, J.W. 720
Blakey, R.A. 455, 457
Blaney, Hugh 350
Blann, Chas. H. 254
Blanton, H.H. 364, 270
Blanton, Horace H. 623
Blanton, James 331
Blanton, N.H. 290
Blanton, W.H. 202, 209, 607, 610, 857
Blanton, William H. 203, 597
Blaylock, W.W. 888
Blaylock, Wm. 720
Bledsoe's Battery 283
Bledsoe, Hiram M. 284
Bledsoe, Smith 860
Bledsoe, Willis 201
Blevins, J.L.B. 610
Blevins, J.L.D. 597
Bloomfields, The 813
Blue, John 624
Blue Lodge 239
Blue Mounds 320
Bodley, Wm. 415
Bogan, Andrew 348
Boggs, Washington 608
Bohannan, Potlilen 238
Boland, Charles 440
Bole, I.C. 439
Boley, John 109
Bolton, Geo. W. 276, 497
Bond, P.J. 607
Boon, John C. 204
Boone, D.C. 597
Boone, Daniel 105, 877
Boone, John C. 202
Boone, Nathan 877
Booth, B.L. 721
Boss Hotel 717
Bossu, Captain 102
Boughan, Dick 266
Boughan, B.A. 168, 171, 203, 210, 240, 263, 273, 275, 388, 394, 609, 610
Boughan, Richard A. 625
Boulton, Geo. 271
Boulware, Barnett 814
Bourland, A.H. 254
Bowen, John S. 258, 264
Bower, Abbie 720
Bowers, W.E. 716, 720
Box, Muke 878
Boyd, John W. 595
Bradley & Wrightsman 718
Bradley. B. 566
Bradley, G.W. 718
Bradley, Geo. W. 724
Bradley, J.W. 820
Bradley, James 789
Bradley, John C. 566
Bradley, Mary 320
Bradley, Pendleton 712
Bradley, Sam'l. 109
Bradshaw & Sandoe 718
Bradshaw, B.H. 369
Brand, James L. 396
Branes, William 860
Branham, John F. 199
Braimin, J.B. 720
Brannin, Margaret 720
Brannin, W. W. 720, 721
Brannock, T.Y. 440
Branson, John 169, 845
Brashear, B.H. 204, 854
Brazille, Mr., -541
Breckenridge, James C. 204
Brewer, --856
Bridges, J.N. 566
Bridges, Maggie 566
Bridgman, Bill 320
Bright, Sam'l. B. 145, 158
Bright, William 158
Brightwell, 11,1. 791
Bridgman, Wm. 318
Brim, W.A. 881
Brim, Wm. M. 204, 240, 458, 854
Britton, --845
Britton, Wm. 901
Brizandine, Joe 717
Brockman, John 602
Brockman, Shelby 792
Bronaugh, W.C. 791
Brooks, J.F. 416
Brooks, Mordecai B. 775
Brothers, Jesse 788
Brown, Amos 818
Brown, Chas. F. 722
Brown, Cynthia 852
Brown, E.B. 330
Brown, Frederic 348
Brown, J.H. 860
Brown, James M, 819
Brown, John 109, 204, 209, 219, 220, 222, 223, 226, 233, 235, 240, 345,
359, 409, 411, 412, 720, 767, 768, 789, 856, 884
Brown, M.F. 717
Brown, Mrs. Malinda 566
Brown, Oliver 235
Brown, Owen 235
Brown, Peter 345, 768
Brown, Philip 847
Brown, B.C. 349, 602
Brown, Richard S. 486
Brown, Walter 820
Brown, Watson 235
Brown, William N. 548
Brownson, O.L. 719
Brownwell, Mary 820
Bruce, Aaron 767
Brushy Mound 382
Bryan, James 199, 205
Bryan, P. Gad 301
Bryan, W.H. 547
Bryant, Elder 720
Bryant, John M. 190
Bryant, W.H. 888
Bryant, Wm. 881
Buchanan, J. Robt. 626
Buchanan, James 204
Buffingion, --815
Buford, B.N. 459
Buford, Jno. 459
Buford, John Y. 792
Bugg & Wilson 176, 564
Bugg, John A. 175
Bullit's Mill 384
Bullock, Charles P. 201
Bullock, Charles W. 862
Bunce, Wm. 820
Burdett, E.P. 881
Burks, W.A. 369
Burning of Nevada 205, 206
Burrows, Rev. --901
Burrus, Nancy 341
Burton, Alice 611
Burton, C.G. 359, 364, 606
Burton, Charles C. 627
Bushee, Moses 460
Busby, Moses 881
Bush, Willis 748
Busley, --151
Butler, Elizabeth 439
Butler, Jonathan 847, 854
Butler, Richard 845, 437
Byers, J.H. 609
Byers, Mrs. M.J. 608
Cabell, Gen. 324
Cake, F.B. 607
Caidwell, Oliver K. 901
Callaaay, Dr. --486
Callaway, Larkin H. 707
Camanches 107
Camp, H.R. 611
Camp Independence 115
Camp, John 879
Camp, John B. 856
Camp Scott 175
Campbell, --856
Campbell, John 233, 282, 318
Campbell, John T. 863
Campbell, B.G. 818
Campbell, Robt. G. 822
Campbell, Wm. 318
Canett, James 414
Cano, Wm. A. 628
Capehart, Thos. 848
Capeheart, Thos. 845
Caplinger's Mill 172
Capps, Thomas B. 397
Caracterish 124
Carghill, Wm. 844
Carlile, John W. 888
Carlin, Hugh 243
Carloff, Alex, 349
Carondelet, Fort 539
Carpenter, O.H. 322
Carpenter, Robert 321
Carr, C.G. 203, 204
Carr, Conrad G. 197, 199, 455
Carr, Coonrod 435
Carr, J. M, 458
Carrico, J.B. 860
Carroll, -459
Carter, Jacob 109
Carter, Lawson 485
Carter, W. W. 607
CaseboLt, J,B, 721
Casebolt, W. F. 721
Cashesegra 124, 131
Cassell, Abram 595
Catherwood, Samuel 413
Caton, Hugh M. 822
Caton, Noah 170, 196, 198, 199, 200, 485, 595
Caton, Wm. 198
Cephas Ford 159, 384
Champion, Geo. 856
Champion, Dock 285
Chandler, J.M. 819
Chapman, Rev. 144
Chaporanga 125
Charette, La 125
Charette's Mill 385
Charles, Benj. 885
Charles Family 884
Charles, Joseph 885
Charles, Simon 209, 884
Charles, Wash 887
Charlevoix 102
Chase, S.M. 721
Chenault, John H, 271
Che-to-ka 130
Childs, F. 721
Childs, Fielding 713, 716
Chivlngion, --599
Choate, Mary 886
Chorn, John 157, 517
Chouteau, Auguste 157, 163
Chouteau, Charley 157, 165, 564
Chouteau, Cyprian 101, 164
Chouteau, Edmund (Edward) 157, 165, 564
Chouteau Fort 104, 105
Chouteau, Francis 164
Chooteau, Frederic 164
Chouteau, Gabriel 165
Chouteau, Pierre 101, 104, 113, 131, 134, 156, 159, 163, 539
Chouteau's Store 518, 563, 586
Chrisman, John 369
Christian, Lewis F. 863
Churchell, Albert 628
Cibola 89
Civil War Rations by Boat 184
Clack, W.S. 607
Clagett, Jas. P.722
Clark, C.L. 858
Clark, Fort 134
Clark, Green 718
Clark, J.B. 348
Clark, R.M. 369
Clark, T.F. 612
Clark, William 106, 163
Clarkson, Jas. 293
Clarkson, Rev. M. 175
Claycomb, F.P. 791
Claycomb, Fillmore P.793
Claypool, David 766, 767, 769
Clayton, Martin 244
Clayton, Powell 565
Claywool, John 547
Cleland, Mrs. C.J. 608
Cleland, J.W. 608
Cleland, John W, 629
Clemens, Jos. 720
Clements, Arch 333
Clendenin's Hotel 305
Clendenin, Wm. 304, 333
Clendinin, --856
Clin, Victor 398
Cline, Green 347
Cline, J.D. 439
CIme, Mary F. 820
Cline, Melissa 820
Cline, O.G.B. 611, 820
Clinton, Alfred 486
Clinton, B. J. 497
Clinton, Bennett 345
Clinton, George P.L. 499
Clinton, Willis 486
Cloughley, Jennie 719
Cloud, W.F. 294
Coates, C.F. 722
Coble, G.W. 718
Coebran, J.W. 881
Cochran, Mrs. --439
Coffee, A.M. 215
Coffee, Colonel 196, 305, 331
Coffee's Fight 856
Coffee, John T. 299
Cogswell, H.C. 247, 289, 518, 893
Cogswell, Mrs. Maria 894
Cogswell, S. P. 791
Cohenour, David 788
Cohenour, Peter 788
Colby, Marshal 234
Colby, Mr. --145
Cole, Jas. 881
Coleman, John L. 754
Collen, Peter 383, 541, 542
Collen's Ford 146, 159, 320
Coller, H. 719
Collett, John M, 537
Collier, H.J. 791
Collier, Harry J. 794
Collier, N.J. 785
Collins, C. 849
Collins, Josephus 459
Collins, Manuel 857
Collins, Wm. 204, 455
Colly, Peter 541
Colpetzer, Wm. 233
Colson, W.3, 369
Combs, J.B. 748
Company of tbe West 93
Compton, Oliver P. 398
Comstock, Miss--145
Conklin, J.M. 606
Connely, Emily 722
Connely, J.W. 722
Connely, Josiah W. 549
Connelly, J.B. 881
Conner, S.J. 887
Connor, J.N. 204
Connor, James 597
Connor, John 199, 768, 772
Connor, Mrs. John 773
Conrad, C.W. 606, 610
Conrad, W.D.D.G.M. 820
Conyers, B.R. 861
Conyers, Eliza J. 861
Cook, Thomas 860
Coonrod, John 819
Copeland, Jefferson 813
Copeland, Joseph 816
Copelin, Jeff 412
Copland, Eliza 860
Corbin, Lewis F. 461
Corbin, Mrs. Sadie 459
Cordrey, J.B. 369
Corker, Chastine 199, 768, 769
Corker, H.W. 457
Corker, Hillery w. 497
Corkins, Fr. --537
Cornyn, F.M. 259
Coronado, Francisco 88
Correll, C. 365
Correll, Corneiloos 823
Cottey College 612
Cottey, Miss Dora 613
Cottey, Miss Kate 613
Cottey, Miss Mary 613
Cottey, Miss Bose 613
Cottey, Miss V.A. 613
Couch, Frank 566
Couch, J.E. 820
Couchman, W. B. 820
Coulter, B.M. 791
Coulter, Bichard M. 795
Courtney, --719
Covington, J.M. 204
Cowan, James V. 500
Cox, Charles 860
Cox, D.W, 901
Cox, Eliakim "Buck" 749, 755
Cox, Hugh 385
Cox, J.H. 367
Cox, M.F. 566
Cox, Martin 767, 771
Cox, Willliam 752
Coyl, Francis M. 550
Craft, Jacob 607, 608
Craft, Bosanna 608
Craig, Jas. 455
Cranmer, Mr. --372
Creek, Nathan 845
Crenshaw, --856
Cresap, H.B. 537, 546
Criss, C.V. 719
Crockett, J. 274
Crockett, John 282, 318, 857
Crockett, Bobert 858
Crockett, S.B. 349, 362
Crockett, Mrs. Virginia 608
Crockett, W.R. 603
Crockett, Wm. 318
Crockett, Wm. B. 630
Croft, Fairfield B. 417
Crow, Bev. 437
Crowley, Henry 199, 766, 770
Crowley School 770
Croy, J. 844
Croy, John 817, 824
Crozat, M. 93, 104
Cruise, David 156, 158, 204, 224, 228, 238, 284, 383, 410, 411, 884
Cruise, "George" 228
Cruise, Lucinda 158
Cruise, Ralph 228, 284, 411, 412
Croise, Rufus 228, 411
Crumb, Oscar B. 303
Culbertson, Andrew J 860
Colp, Geo. W. 713
Culp, Mrs. Geo. 721
Cummins, A. 607
Cummins, Alfred 359, 365, 436, 634
Cummins, Cothbert B. 631
Cummins, Thos. 288, 390
Cunning, D.W. 718
Cunningham & Co. 718
Cunningham, L.A. 718
Curley, Thos, 260
Curry, Mrs, Betsy Ann 846
Curry, Wm, 846
Curtis, C.B. 719
Curtis, Harry 795
Cuirtis, Jennie 719
Curtis, John W. 820
Curtis, B.F. 719
Dade, Dr.--300-E-
Eacott, J.H. 463
Eads, Strawther 464
Earhart, Michael 826
Easley, Stephen 459
Easton, A.B. 256
Easton, G.T. 369
Eddy, Merchant 546
Edgar, James 242
Edmiston, A.J. 459
Edmiston, James M. 551
Eidson, John B. 240
Elam, B.E. 712
Elder, "Bud" 332
Election, First 878
Elledge, L. 719
Elledge, L.L. 818, 820
Elledge, Lewis 727
Elliott, Asa 858
Elliott, J.W. 566
Ellis, Erial 798
Ellis, Lewis 0. 639
Ellis, Hobart T. 417, 887
Ellis, Wm. 486
Ellis, William B 465
Ellis, Wm. J. 204
Ellis, Willis 486
Elawick, E. 860
Emerson, A.J. 566
Emerson, Andrew J. 567
Emerson, Burr H 203
Emerson, John 719
Emerson, Mrs. L.A. 566
Emerson, S.T. 817
Emmons, Rev. 818
Encell, P.D. 881
Ensley, J.W. 721
Ensminger, J.F. 718
Eppenauer, Anton 719
Eppenauer, Mollie 719
Erdman, Sebatian A. 728
Ervin, A. 227, 237
Ervin, W.H. 289
Escalente, Padre 103
Eslinger, John 352
Estes, E.B. 861
Estes Family 544
Estes, Helen M. 814
Estes, Jonathan 204, 814
Estes, Lucinda 861
Estes, Richard H. 465
Estes, Robert 861
Ethridge, Elizabeth 893
Ethridge, John 893
Ettress, Miss--145
Evans, Albert 487
Evarts, John 318, 320
Everman, Muse 459
Ewell, Jesse 385
Ewell, Joshua 157, 160, 383
Ewell, Mrs. M. J. 439
EwelI, Mollie 439
Ewing, Charles 141
Ewing, Gen. 321, 385
Fail, Wm. B. 227, 238, 410
Failor, John 767
Fail's Store 209
Fairchild, Mary E. 566
Faith, Jacob 866
Farley, Emory 418
Farline, Noble 204
Farris, Sampson 385
Faulkner, --880
Faulkner, Place 879
Fergus, James 157, 199, 202, 204, 455
Fergus, Joseph 455, 466
Fergus, Virginia 455
Ferguson, Hugh 585
FerrilI, Jesse 204
Ferry, Benjamin E. 827
Ferry, Lady's Old 203
Ferry McKenzie 203
Fewick, W. S. 546
Fields, John 820
Fields, Martha 820
Fillmore, Millard 204
Finch, A.A. 418
Fisher, Wm. I. 364, 419
Fishpool, E.I. 348, 349, 350, 602, 610
Fish-Trap Ford 209
Fitch, S. 348
Flesher, W.A. 888
Flinn, Jas. T. 720
Flora, Jones 183
Floyd, John B. 228
Flynn, J.T. 718
Foland, Erasmus 485
Foland, Jacob 485, 489
Fonburg, John 776
Forbes, Miss L. 720
Ford, John 244, 820
Ford, Joseph 820
Ford, William P.467
Fort Carondelet 112
Fort Gibson 175, 191
Ft. Hempstead 878
Fort Leavenworth 175
Fort Scott 155, 214, 603
Foster, Charles E. 640
Foster, Horace F. 828
Four Houses 164
Fox, William 366
Frakes, Oliver P. 372
Franks, Isaac 819
Frazier, Joe 297, 323, 845, 846, 847
Frazier, Tabitha 845, 848
Freeman, T.B. 719
Freeman, Thos. W. 203
Fremont, John C. 204
French, William 457
Frizzell, John 311
Frost, D.M. 255, 259
Fuge, Clark 893
Fuller, Frank 893
Fuller, Mary 893
Fuller, Rev. Mr. 151
Fuller, Sylvester 348, 488
Fulton, H.L. 717
Funderburk, J.P. 819
Funderburk, Jacob 789, 799
Fur Trade 162
Gabbard, Wm. 240
Gabbert, Eliza 320, 336, 328
Gabbert, Jeff 318
Gabbert, John 336, 338
Gabbert, T. 566
Gabbert, Wm. 318
Gale, Sally 151
Gallaway, J.M. 751, 893
Galloway, Rev. 720
Galvin, Cornellus 468
Gammons, David 768
Gammons, Elizabeth 766
Gammons, Jno. 203, 204
Gammons, John K. 157, 199, 770
Gammons, John Kinchin 765
Gammons, Kinchin 563, 767, 770
Gammons, Phebe 766, 770
Ganterman, Wm. 844
Ganther, Nicholas 585, 749, 768
Gantier, Hugh 857
Garber, Demas 859
Gardiner, Hiram 893
Gardner, Chas. 459
Garrard, Mrs. F.P. 608
Garrard, Wm. P. 608
Garrett, John W. 246
Garrison, G.W. 536
Garrison, John 156, 158
Garrison, Marcus Irenaeus 903
Garton, Marcellus 895
Garrison, Mark 156
Gates, Tolbert T. 501
Gates, W. C .238
Gates, William 227
Gates, Wm. C. 210
Gatewood, J.M. 296, 855, 857
Gatewood, Jas. M. 269, 299
German, F.M. 790
German, James 544
German, Thos. 606, 857
German, Thos. W. 204, 853, 858
German, Z. 204, 854
Germantown 320
Gero's Store 167
Gibbs, A.L. 522
Gibson, Fort 154
Gibson, Henry 158
Gibson1s Mill 276
Gilbert, Thomas 860
Gilbreath, John N. 439
Gilbreath, William 173
Gllhagatche 125
Gillam, W.H. 721
Gillette, J.A. 888
Gilmore, S. W. 523
Girard, Andrew 876
Gireau, Michael 541
Gireay, Michael 164
Glasecock, David 749
Glenn, Hugh 147
Glenn, Hugh G. 192
Godfrey, Nathan 199, 773
Godfrey, William 215
Goodlander, Chas. W. 357
Goodman, Mrs. I.S. 717
Goodrick, Isaac 458
Gordon, James 817
Gordon, W. F. 364, 365
Gordon, Wm. 109
Gordon, Wm. F. 640
Gose, Barbary 439
Gose, Wm. A. 439
Gosler, Fr. --715
Goss, Calvin 846, 848
Grace, Elkanab 198
Grace, Mrs. J.P. 853
Grace, James 197, 198, 786, 813, 814
Graham, Joseph C. 524
Graham, Wm. M. 175
Granhery, John C, 608
Gravely, Jos. J. 271
Graves, C.O. 364
Graves, Mrs. C.O. 901
Graves, D W. 365, 602, 611
Graves, DeEtte 611
Graves, J.A. 607
Graves, Orville 606
Graves Vella 719
Gray, Ashby 607, 610
Gray, B.H. 414
Gray, H.P. 359, 365
Gray, Hampton P.641
Gray, Jesse 198
Gray, Mrs. L.A. 414
Gray, Susannah 719
Green, C.J. 568
Green, James 234
Green, Gen. W. 438
Greene, W. P. 242
Greeno, H.S. 298
Greeno, Harris S. 281
Gregory, Prof. 858
Gregory, Wm. 290
Grey, Gooch 439
Griffey, John 768
Griffith, Hanging Of 243
Grigge, Jesse T. 858
Grimsley, John B. 867
Grisham, John 881
Groom, Wm. 486
Grooms, Jacob 198
Grooms, Wm. 204
Guess, Jim 314
Guibor, Henry 264
Gunn, O.B. 713
Guthrie, Bettie 820
Hadsall, C.C. 223-I-
Independence 165, 166
Indians 389, 437, 769, 770, 885
Indian Seth 243
Ing, C.C. 820
Ingels, C.B. 606
Ingels, Chas. B 648
Ingram C. 867
Ingram, Chas. 881
Ingram, Tom 352, 369
Ingraham, Andrew 881
Inman, Henry 91
Ireland D.H. 605
Irons, Robt. 606 649
Isbell, Harvey W. 650
Isenhower, Moses 860
Ishesohunger 124
Iskatappe 124
Jackman, S.D. 284, 334
Jackson, Bill 333
Jackson, Capt. 389
Jackson, Claiborne F. 214
Jackson, Congreve 263
Jackson, Jeremiah 109, 240
Jackson, Jerre 242
Jackson, Joe 244
Jackson, S.D. 712
Jackson, Thomas 241
Jackson, Wm. 256, 267
Jagmeau, A.H. 901
James, J. 849
James, Jim 768, 772, 773
James, P.M. 203
James, Wm. 858
January, M.T. 650
Jarboe, Robert H. 503
Jarboe, Shelby 847
Jarrell, Nathan 189, 845
Jarvis, Harriet E. 712
Jarvis, Henry C. 731
Jarvis, James 712
Jayhawker 222
Jaynes, A.D. 713
Jeffries, E.G. 472
Jenison, David 242
Jenkins, W.M.E. 720
Jennings, D.H. 718
Jennings, David 721
Jennings, David H. 732
Jennison, Chas. R. 243
Jennison's Jayhawkers 193
Jent, Benjamin F. 423
Jent, Henry 410
Jent, Jeff 348
Jernigan, John 766
Jernigan, Louis 766
Jernigan, Noah 766
Jewell, Henry E. 651
Job, Abram 209
Job, D. 849
Johnson & Wallace 861
Johnsons, The 165
Johnson, Daniel 159, 385, 886
Johnson, H.M. 721
Johnson, H.P. 279, 289
Johnson, Hiram 346
Johnson, James 159, 385, 437
Johnson, James B. 652
Johnson, Jesse 887
Johnson, Jim 886
Johnson, Jos. J. 733
Johnson, M.D. 504
Johnson, M.W. 537
Johnson, Manelous W. 554
Johnson, Philip A. 901
Johnson, T.E. 820
Johnson, Waldo P. 190, 203
Johnson, William J. 569
Johnston, Jacob A. 830
Jones, Rev. Amasa 145, 151, 158, 187, 884
Jones, Anderson W. 830
Jones, Andrew 790
Jones, Eliza 158
Jones, Geo. R. 364
Jones, J.P 364, 818
Jones, J.T. 788
Jones, James 790
Jones, James M. 653
Jones, Mrs. Jane 414
Jones, John 444
Jones, John P. 92, 611
Jones, Joseph 413
Jones, L. 785
Jones, Lizzie P. 611
Jones, Lewis C. 203, 240
Jones, N.J. 606
Jones, Philip W. 525
Jones, Richard C. 652
Jones, Roxana 157, 158
Jones, T. J. 610
Jones, Wesley 867
Jordan, Michael 654
Jordan, Robt. 853, 876
Journey, Angus 198, 199, 204
Journey, James B, 868
Joy, James F.R.R. 604
Justus, J.M. 786
Kagi, Abolitionists 158
Kagi, J.H. 222, 884
Kagi, John H. 231, 234
Kaiserman, Sum 336
Kane, Bob 879
Kans, 107
Karnes, Harvey 602, 788, 789, 790
Karnes, Mary M. 790
Kaskaskia 93
Kaufman, Richard 414
Kaufman, William 423
Keister, Teacher 770
Keithly, J.W. 849
Keithly, Obediah 859
Kelly, J. I. 204
Kelly, John 458
Kelly, John D. 254
Kelly, Jos. 259
Kelly, Robert 887
Kelly, T.B. 788
Kelly, Will 848
Kelso, Z. 365
Kelso, Z.C. 654
Kenada, J.P. 819
Kendall, Mrs. --770
Kendall, John D. 768
Kendall, Geo. 770
Kennedy, --879
Kennedy, Geo. 244
Kennedy, Lamoureux N. 655
Kennerly, Clark 264, 267
Kennerman, Henry 109
Kennett, J.M. 413
Ketterman, M. 548
Key, James 720
Kibler, A.J. 445
Kibler, Andrew 440
Kibler, J.T. 440
Kimball, Mr. --881
Kimball, E.E. 365, 611
Kimball, Elbert E. 656
Kimball, Rose L. 611
Kimball, V.W. 348
Kimball, Virgil W. 881
Kimber, M. 611
Kincaid, John 537, 538, 546, 554
Kincannon, Andrew N. 505
King, A.J. 610, 612, 657
King, Andrew 365
King, E. 819
King, W.L. 413, 414
Kirker, Hattie 719
Kirker, Ira 721
Kirker, Ira I. 733
Kirker, Ira R. 719
Kirtland, Al 112
Kitchen, --852
Kitten Creek 711
Klontz, John 570
Knapp, John 256, 259
Knau, Henry 490
Knight, of Labor 374
Knox, Joseph 413
Koontz, F. 748
Koontz, Frank 751
Knontz, Melsena 751
Kug & Wilson 769
Kuhfuss, Wm. 788
Kuhlmann, August 831
Kuhn, H.K. 606
Kuhn, Henry Knight 658
Lobadie, Sylvester 163
Lacaff, Theodore 376
Laclede & Ft. Scott R.R. 357
La Croix, Father 142
Ladd, Miss--858
Lady, Joseph 170
Lady, Lane 289
Lady, Milton 170, 200, 204
Lady, William 170
Lady, Wilton 711
Lafevre, Mr. --819
La Fon, Jean 115
Lambert, John 520
Lambert, M.W. 349
Lambert, Samuel 564
Lamey, Mrs. Mary F. 608
Lamey, Michael 659
Lamkins, G.M. 881, 887
La Motte, 96
Lancaster, E.F. 881
Lancaster, James 880
Lancaster, John T. 473
Lancaster, Mrs. Julia 459
Lancaster, Lucinda 881
Lancaster, S.L. 881
Land Office, 194
Landes, G.W. 721
Landes, Geo. W. 734
Landis & Woolsey 716
Landis, A.P. 537
Landis, Geo. W. 716, 721
London, Daniel 393
Landon, Miss Theo. 720
London, W. L. 720
Lane, J.H. 206, 287
Lane, Jim 220, 412, 637
Lankin, G.M, 819
Larkin, W.E. 785
Larue, Isaac 204, 227, 228, 237, 238
LaRue, John 224, 227
Larue, John B. 237, 238
Latimer, J.B. 659
Lattie, John 719
Law, John 93, 95
Lawler, Robt. 719
Lawrence, Mrs. --413
Lawrence, Frank M. 424
Lawrence, James 224, 227, 410
Lawrence, Jas. 237
Leach, J.H. 251
Leath, J.M. 791
Leavenworth, Fort 154
Lee, John S. 611
Lefler, Levi 735
Leeper, D.A. 770
Leeper, Jno. A. 751
Leener, Martha A. 820
Leeper, Rev. 587
Lemmons, Isaac 845
Lemons, Isaac 198
Leonard, Abiel 901
Leslie, Wm. 497, 716
Letiembre, Henri 382, 542
Le Tiembre, Louis 156
Letiembre, M. 485
Letton, E.J. 547
Letton, E.T. 537, 538
Letton, Edwin T. 556
Le Vent 109
Lewellen, W.S. 843
Lewis and Clark 121
Lewis, Jas. 720
Lewis, John S. 860, 881
Lewis, Merriwether 106
Lewis, Reese 296
Lewis, Ruth 720
Lewis, W.F. 610
Lewis, Walter F. 660
Lexington & Southern 372
Liddill, J.D. 607
Liguest, Pierre Laclede 162
Lillard, Mrs. --752
Lillard, J.W. 748
Lillard, Jas. Warner 755
Lincoln, D.C. 364
Lindsey, C.D. 849
Linn, A.P. 608
Linn, H.W. 563
Linn, Hayden W. 661
Linn, John 280, 563
Linn, John G. 778
Lipe, Evan 2O4
Lipe Farm 853
Little, J.H. 224
Little Osage 158 388, 392
Livingston, Tom 289, 310, 332
Lloyd, J.H. 820
Lockwood, Jason 719
Lockwood, Jennie 719
Logan, C.N. 359, 364, 722
Logan, Chas. N. 439, 662
Logan, The Family of 506
Logan, Hugh 486
Logan, J.B. 170, 563
Logan, J.H. 583
Logan, James B. 485
Logan, Jas. H. 439
Logan, John H. 589
Logan, Mrs. Mary 565
Logan, Nancy 439
Logan, P.A. 486
Logan, Sarah 439
Logsdon, Richard E.507
Loney, I. 717
Long, A.M. 610
Long, B.F. 346
Long, Benj. F. 349
Long, T.S. 721
Longacre, Andrew J. 831
Longan, G.W. 607
Lowe, J.M. 848
Lowe, Jesse 199, 485
Lowe, Jesse A. 204
Lowe, William M. 474
Lowell, Jerry A. 663
Lunsford, I.N. 736
Lusk, J.K. 720
Lusk, Mary S. 720
Lusk, Nellie S. 720
Lykins, David 215
Lynd, Francis 439
Lyon, Nathaniel 273
Lyons, Henry Clay 402
Lyons, J.A. 303, 304
Lyons, Thomas H. 402
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