Wilkinson Book 1957 Raw OCR File
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This raw OCR conversion of the PDF for Clarence Cannon's The Wilkinson Book (1957) was created using the Windows command-line version of Tesseract. Due to the nature of OCR conversions, no feedback is desired. This file is provided stricly "as is". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;'; imgceava-au W 1 5 1975 v* THE \ LKINSON BOOK by Gla1°e nce Cannon (l95?) _ H' _... 1.- 5 9§f~' Property of L§}}1'a1'}f SI, Louis Genealugical Society. ANCESTORS 60336005 If you could moot your anoostors, All standing in a row, would you be proud of them or not, Or don't you really know? Some strange discoveries aro made, t t <5 In Climbing family areas, And some of them, you know, do not, Particularly please, If you could see your ancestors, All standing in a row, ~ There might be somo ofg them, Perhapa3 You wouldn't oaro to know, ` But here's another question, which, Requires a different viowoww If you could moot you ancestors, would they be proud of you. THE FAMILY NAM From "Wil", end the pettonymio termination "kine". The son of Wilkins. Arthur's Dictionary of Names, Page 266, Most other authorities agree that the name is e derivative, one or more degrees removed of the Christian name, "William"» Lower, Eeerdsley and others. 1? Ei e me il 0 me | I i I 3 l e W§ 3° The early arrival of the Wilkinsons in america" and their general distribution, doubtless including many widely removed branches of the family, is shown by the First Census, taken - in 179o. 'i y A ` Owing to the illiteracy of the times, the inadequate maohi nery of the census organization, and the carelessness of many of the enumerators, the spelling of family names was largely phonetic ana varied greatly in the returns, The Wilkinson name was no exception to the rule and appears in various forms as follows: Wilkinson, Wilkenson, Willinkineon, Wilkerson, Wilkason, Wilkeson, Wilkieon and Wilkeon, although the great majority appears as Wilkinson. In all 355 of the above families were reported including a total of 1561 persons. These families were distributed as follows: l nsuu -uuuuu-an-:nuns-I-runnin-n ' New Hampshire--~-~--~---- V@fInQntqu-#nan-u-uuamunmm ' 3 2 Massachusetts --~----» s--e M Rhode Island- ~~-~ ~--»~---21 iConnecticut~v- »--- ~e+-e~- 6 _New York -~-------- ~--»~-~22 Pennsylvania --~~ »~-»~ -~»»28 Mary1ane~~---~ -------- ---12 Virginia~ ~---~»---- ~~-~e»66 TO lb s North Carolina--~ -----ee South Garolina----~~-~-»- This schedule shows that the family was found ineavery state in which the census was taken although the family see s centered in Virginia and North Carolina which returned 156 of 255 families reported. t The Census of 1910 reports members of the family living in every state and territory of the Union. lr l he The name of Wilkinson in its various forms appears among the earliest in the American colonies. Immigrants of that name evidently camo to America from many sources and continuously throughout the pre~Revolutionary period. Certain it is that by the close of that period they were widely distributed and many - families of the name had resided in America for several genera~ tions. It is therefore practically impossible to trace through the maze of names occurring in practically every colonial and Revolutionary record of any extent the line of any particular branch not conclusively established and authenticated by local familylrecordss The following citations to Wilkinsons data are hastily compiled from notes made at random during searches for other references, It is manifestly impossible to connect many, if any, of them with the Missouri branch, The libraries teem with other references to persons of the name, and of course the great bulk of those who bore the name in those pioneer days when re- cords were few and inadequate lived out their alloted days leavw ing no ripple upon the surface of the great sea of written re" cords which has come down to us. William Wilkinson, of Sta Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, Virginia, applied for a Revolutionary pension, October 25, 1952s He was Tl years old at the time and his claim was allowed. He enlisted at Greensville, County, Virginia in 1779 as a private and was stationed near Petersburg, Virginia, He served three months and again enlisted under Captain Henry Robinson in the regiment of Colonel Richard Elliott, at the close of his term he again enlisted for a further three months in the regiment_of G olonel Downman, His entire service comprising three terms of three months each was in 1779 and during the entire time he was at Rctersburg, Virginia, No family data is given in his appli~ cation, and the Pension.Bureau certifies that he is the only soldier named Wm. Wilkinson (or Wilkerson or similar name) of Virginia found on the Revolutionary War Records of the Bureaus BUREAU CF PENSIONS, REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORDS, S.F. ence do I V |, N! ml MQ i 1 1, \ i | i | NQ 5. William Wilkinson served in the 10th Virginia regiment in the Continental Line. War Department 207, ls William Wilkinson served in the King George Militia v.l, Regs M9- ECKENRODE'S VIRGINIA SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTION, page BZN. Inman-uunquesauunuu William Wilkinson served in the Revolutionary War as a private of Virginia Cavalry, designation of organization not shown. A list of soldiers of the Virginia Line on Continental establishment who received certificates for their full pay agreeable to an act of the Assembly of Virginia passed at the November session, 1781, shows that on June 27, 1783, a Mr. Pollard received the sum of lo pounds sterling and 5 shillings on account of the service of said William Wilkinson. Nothing further relative to his service has been found, U.S. War Department. uunnnsuunnnpup-mnnuzaug U.S. Census of 1790 -~ Virginia Wilkinson Wm ~»--- page 50 Chesterfield County William page 58 Nansemond County Wm. Sr. page SB Nansemond Cpunty Wm{Empd.by Brown) ---- page T8 Surry County Wm(Empd.by Crittenden-pageT9 Surry County Wilkerson William page 23 Halifax County - William page 33 Mecklenburg County William Wm, ~--- Page 33 Pass at ¢-»- Mecklenburg County Sussex Countyi A MISSOURI BRANCH OF THE WILKINSON FNHILY I"1 Q ggpslsscs Wilkinson ------- »~= -~-- -s-#Unknown (Unknown) Unknown . Unknown 2-William ----- Cir.l76O- ---------~--- ~--~ Jan,23, 1838 Nothing whatever is known of this Wilkinson. The earliest knowledge of the family places his son, William, in what was than Hampshire County, Virginia, now Grant County,iVest Virginia. Tradition makes no mention of either his name or his place_of residence, although an examination of the records of the Census 6. of 1830 for Lincoln County, Missouri, would doubtless give the birthplace of his son, William, who died there in 1838. II""2 u William Wilkinson -~--»»»~ -~~- Lucy Watkin (Unknown) Cir. 1760 Nov. 1833 2*-Nnn¢y~---~~ Unknown ---» ---- »»» ~--Unknown 2;-Polly-»-~~ ---------- ~Unknown -----~----- ----- Unknown 3nJchn~ ------ Unknown»--~ ~--~ ~- -~~~~ -~Unknown h-Jaokonias~~ Dec. 12,1783--= --------- Jun. 1869 5-James »--- -- Novo 2,1785 -----------~ SSP- 13, 1555 6-Anderson--~ Jan. 26,1792 ~~#~--~ ~-~~- Apr. 22. 1561 7»Herod -»--~- Cir. l792--"-- ~~-~*----- Nov. 1352 8~Tabitha --»- Unknown- --~~~- -~~~~ - ~-~» Unknown 9-Elijah ----- Unhnown-- --~------------ Unknown 10-Jacob ---- Unknown ---- - ----- ~~-~~ Unknown ""**" 1801" """*"'"*"****" """"J3-no 20, William Wilkinson was living, in 1788, in Hampshire County, Virginia. at born there or ern migration located among although that least three of his children and perhaps others were near there. He seems to have started on his west- prior to 1790 as his name has not been definitely the heads of families reported in the first census, is not conclusive evidence as the census, from the very nature of conditions, could not be absolutely accurate, and many of the records of the Virginia census were destroyed in the burning of the Capitol at Washington in l8lh. He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War and served as a private in the company of Captain John Cellison in the 10th Virginia Regiment commanded by Colonelldward Stevens; in which he enlisted February 27, 1777. He was wounded and taken prisoner September ll, 1777, probably in the same battle in which his Colo nel was wounded, He reenlisted at Middlebrook March 9, 1779, in the same company to serve during the war but his name is last borne on the roll for the month of November, 1779. No further rec ord of him has been found in the archives of the War Depart- ment. (Letter by the Adjutant General, May 6, 1913). (Eckenrodefs List of the Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, page 32h). Middlebrook is in Augusta County,1firginia, originally embracing with Frederick County the whole of the present Grant County, West Virginia. William probably removed first to Indiana as a granddaughter (IV-18) says that his son, James, was the first time married in that state, but in 1812 he was living near Knoxville, Tennessee, where at least two of his sons enlisted in the secondrwar against England. lt is possible that he next resided in the State of Kentucky, but sooner he had it is certain that during the early twenties or settled in Lincoln County, Missouri, where he spent his last days. On his arrival in Missouri, he preempted land from the government to which he added later by purchase, and at the time of his death owned a tract bequeathed in his will and a number of slaves. Hfter his death this land was held by his son, Herod Wilkinson, possibly also by his son, James Wilkinson. f@ J db wm- MQ MQ c 7" Later it was owned by a Mr. Blanton and subsequently by Clint Prewitt, Dr. Leroy Lee and others respectively. An examination of the records in the government land office and of the deed records in the Hscorder's Office at Troy would give the exact location and extent of the tract and the history of its ownership. His residence, the usual log house of the times, stood on the crest of the bluff at the foot of which runs the Wilkinson Spring, and is near the present site of the old "Prewitt Place". Here he died January 23, 1838. A granddaughter (lV~22) remembers visiting him here when a small child, and recalls seeing his slaves dress the cancer on his breast which brought about his death. He was buried in the family cemetery which lies about 50 yards southwest of the present Prewitt House (or perhaps his own original log house). The site of this cemetery has long since been ploughed over. Late in the 19th century no sign of the cemetery or any of its graves remained. MILL 0E;MlLLlAMHW1L§lN§QN Book 1, page 62. Will records of Lincoln County, Missouri. In the Name of God Amen. I, William Wilkerson, of the County of Lincoln and State of Missouri, of sound and des- pbsing mind, being according to my will, Do hereby declare this my last will and testament, revoking all others. In the first place, I resign my body to the dust and my soul to Cod; and my wish is that after my death my body shall be buried in a decent Christian like manner. my worldly goods I dispose of in the following manner: My just debts to be paid out of my personal estate. My personal effects not bequeathed or disposed of in this will to be sold on a credit of twelve months and the proceeds to be applied first to the payment of my just debts. I will and bequeath to my daughter, Nancy Hays five dollars; To my daughter Polly Hull the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dol~ lars. To my four sons, John, Herod, Jackonias and Elijah, I will and bequeath the tract of land, and improvements, on whicn'I now reside, together with four yoke of cattle and all the farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture. Also, an ox waggon. To my son, John Wilkerson, I will and bequeath a negro wo- man named Patsey. To my son Elija a negro boy named Minton. ' To my daughter Tabitha Price a negro woman named Ann. To my two sons Herod and Jackonias I will and bequeath my negro fellow, Spencer to be equally divided between them by their paying to ' my son Elija one hundred and fifty dollars. To my sons; James: = and Anderson I will and bequeath my negro fellow named Edmund to be equally divided between them by their paying to my daughter Lucy Simonds one hundred dollars. lf after the payment of my just debts and the specific leg- acies msntioned in this will there should be any effects left it is in my will that it be equally divided amongst all my childre And lastly, I nominate and appoint my sons John and Herod Wilkerson as the executors of this my last will and testament. l'1 8. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this the thirty-first day of December in the year of Dur Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. his William X Wilkerson (SEAL) mark Signed and acknowledged by William Wilkerson as his last will and testament in the presence of: Ceo. W. Zimmerman Ages S. Knapp _ This will was filed for probate on January 27, 1838. Ill-Qg, 'Nancy Wilkinson ------------ » --~- ~ -~---------- - ---- Mr, Hays Named in her father's will. No further information. Ill-2%. Polly Wilkinson ----------~-------~----- --------- --Mp, Hull Named in her father's will. No further information. ' IIl~3, John Wilkinson John is supposed to have been born in Virginia and accom- panied his father to the State of Tennessee, where he served as a soldier in the War of 1812. His service in the War is certified to by two nieces (IV~l9} and (IV-22)1 it is highly probable that he came with his father's family to Missouri and that he later went with his brothers to the State of Wisconsin and is buried there, although there is no record of his later life. It is now known whether he was married. Ill-Il. Jackonias Wilkinson ------ ~ ~---- ----------- ------- Unmarried Known as Jackson Wilkinson. He went to the State of Wisconsin from Missouri with his brother, Herod, and died there in early manhood. Smeltser Cemetery, Georgetown, Grant County, Wisconsin. III"'5| James Wilkinson ~~»*---- -»-~-- -~~------ -~-~ Bestia Partial (Unknown) Unknown ' Unknown 12-Wil1iam--- -»-- - ~---- ~Unknown--. --~--- Unknown Married in Kentucky. After death of Bestia, he took the child to Tennessee. 9. 2d-»--~~»~~~»-~~»~~ -»»~ ~~-»---~~Tehporance Ehight (Cir. 1815) February 22, 1796 July 25, 1875 lfedoseph Conn~- -~»~-- ~September h, 1816--»January 17, 1867 lL~John »-~- »--=- ~---- »- ~~~ g 15~Jane --~---- ~~~~ --»-~ September 26, 1821-~August Zh, 1872 l6~Ralph Criffin~» --»-- December 27, 1822--»January 26, 1915 1g»Susan--»~~-~~-~ -~~-~ January 5, 1823--~--March 16, 1855 1 ~woodson.Khight~~~--~February »~, 1 27---Subsequent to 1890 l9~Catherine Christian»January ll l829»~»» 2o~re11y was-»---~-~~~~Ja1y io, 1851-~»---~setrcary 50, 1856 ~Nancy Ann»»~--~~ ~--» July 10, 1851 -~-- ~»~September 15,1891 ~Lucy- ---~~ -»---~~-~eDecember 22, 185§~~»December 20 191k aseandrew Jackson~~----September 2, l8§5--March 5, 1928 21 22 James Wilkinson was born near Petersburg, Virginia, new West Virginia, in what was then Hampshire County, originally a part of Augusta County. lm lZ86 this section was incorpora~ ted in Hardy County, and in 186 on a further subdivision became as it is towday, a part of Grant County, West Virginia. '_ He accompained his father into the West, and was the first time married in the State of Indiana according to the version of (1V~l9), his daughter Catherine, and his wife died and was buried there, but his youngest daughter, Lucy (lv-22) thinks he removed to Kentucky and that the death of his wife took place there. Certain it is that he is found later with his £ather's family in Tennessee where he was married about the year 1815 to Temperance Knight, probably in Knox County. The place of his second marriage is in doubt. Catherine (IV-19) recalls hearing her father say he was married at or near Khoxw ville in Knox County, Tennessee, while Lucy (lV~22) remembers it as Nashville, Tennessee, as the county clerks of Davidson County, in which Nashville is located, and Wilson County, from which Davidson County was formed, certify that they have saw amined the records of their counties from 1788 to 1857 and from 1810 to 1820 respectively and find no record of any such marri~ age, and as Knoxville would be the more unfamiliar name and not easily suggested otherwise, it is quite probable that the marri~ age took place at or near the later place. an inquiry addressed to the County Clerk of Knox County would probably show a record of the marriage. Janes was a soldier of the Car of 1812, (History of Lincoln County (1888) page 629)s The files of the Adjutant Ceneral in the dar Department show that a Janes Wilkinson was enlisted January 28, l8lh at Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennessee, as a private in the Company of Captain Alexander Provin of the 5d Regiment, West Tennessee hilitia, commanded by Colonel Cope# land, and served until the expiration of his term on may 20, 1818. If the marriage of Janes to Temperance Knight occurred in Davidson or Wilson counties this is undoubtedly the record of his service, as it is in the year immediately preceeding his marriage, and probable as to time. But if their_marri+ age took place in Rhea county, than the place of his marriage was at least 150 miles from the place of the above enlistment, and in View of the distance in that day of lack of roads and 10. facilities for communication, and in view of the general dis~ tribution of the Wilkinson name and the failure to make applie cation der a pension in later life, it is to be regarded as decidedly improbable, But the statement of the history cited above is sufficient to show service, whether this particular citation is his record or note Some time after his second marriage his father again moved, this time to Kentucky and James and his family accompanied hime Their stay in Kentucky seems to have been brief and in the early twenties or sooner they settled in Lincoln Countyp Missoruig James lived for a while near Troy; but later moved into Hurri~ cane Township and pre~empted the old Tilkinson Place, later known as has Lilly Place, located just north of the Wingfield Place now owned by(T° Gt Howard; about two miles west of Els~ berryn He was living here when the Census of 1850 was taken and his name appears in the returns as James "Wilkerson", aged 62_ a farmer, born in Virginia and with property assessed at $930. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church and in his later years consistently voted the Democratic ticket" He died in 1855 of a virulent epidemic of contagious malignant dysentery which swept the country, claiming among its maiy victims Rachel and Temperance, the sister and mother of his son-in~law Isaac Cannon. He was buried in the Cannon Cemetery on the old Stinebaugh Place now owned by Robert Wilson, aniin l9hl reinterred in Elsberry City Cemeteryi Bestia Partial, the first wife of Janes Wilkinson, was of German parentage and a communicant of the Catholic Churcho According to Catherine (lV»l9) she was living in the dtate of Indiana at the time of her marriage, hut the state is not mentioned by any other records She died shortly after the birfh of her son in Indiana or Kentucky¢» Lucy (lV~22} mentions Ren~ tucky but may have confused the names of the statese Nothing further is known of her, and even the spelling of her name is phonetic and therefore perhaps inaccurates -Q., Temperance Knight, the second wife of James Hilkinson, and the daughter of William Knight and Jane Griffin? was born in Tennessee near Knonvillep Catherine (IV»l9 says the family of William Knight belonged to the English gentry, and that he having married against their wishes was disowned and came to America from England about l765 or 1770 and settled in Virginia near Richmondo as Lucy (lV»22) recalls hearing her grandmother recount it was the Griffin family which belonged to the gentry and disinherited Jane on her mesalliance with Williamo Both were communicants of the Established Church of England, From Virginia they emigrated to Tennessee, and there reared a large family; of whom Thomas Knight, Jonathan Knight and Andrew Knight served he the war of l8l2, Andrew being killed in battle, Two sons-inelaw also served in the war, Thomas Barton who married Mary Knight and James Wilkinson who married Tenperancea Jonathan Knight went west and settled in Coffey County, Kansas, The trek from Tennessee and Kentucky to Missouri was made overland, the few household cattels being carried in twoewheeled carts drawn by oxen. The very young and the very old rode, but T 1 was AD I V we I au, \ 031% ' §_@i ant ll. Temperance with most of the other women in the clan walked the entire distances Lucy remembers that on one occasion while she was arvery small child and her mother was at home alone with her and her brother Andravthen an infant in arms, a wounded deer cams down the valley pursued by men and dogs, Her mother placed her on the floor in front of the fireplace and gave her the child, so that she could not drop it,and hurried out to head off the deer, which was overtaken and killed. Lucy recalls pinching the baby to make him cry in order to be relieved of her duty as nurse and go out to watch the hunt. rswperance spent the years following her husbandis death with her sons Ralph andsndrewon their farm near Calumet; in Pike County, and died there in l8T5. She was buried in the Dover Church Cemetery on the Pike County GratelB» Known in the family and signed the deed as "Tempy" (page 558 of Book Je in Recorder's office at Troy, Missouri 1II~6. Anderson wi1kinsen-~-~---- ~--~-~~~---~- J Ehewilliam Mumford --~--» *Moy 25~Polleyann Wilkinson~--Sep 26eJohn Fulton Wilkinson-Jan 2g~Eliaa.Jane Wilkinson--Nov 2 ~Margaret Wilkinson --~» Jun 29~Thomas Benton »--- ~-~- "Sep 50-Eligha Wilkinson- --~-- Jul -Jechonias Wilkinson---Aug _ ~Nancy Wilkinson ~~-~-~ ~Dec 3 »Benjamin Franklin ~-»-~ Sep 5 -Eliaabeth Wilkinson---Aug 51 52 ana,--~»- -~-- ---- »--~-- Elizabeth Oden Jan. 26, 1801 Feb. 26, ldhh s, isa; t, isaa 16, 182 -- aa, 182 26, 182 1, 1850 51, 1855 ag, l8§6-~ 1 , less 2, lsgc ai, 1 ta May 18, l8hR Apro 6, ~- ---- Margaret Delaney 55~Charles Carol Wilkinson~-June 9, 1855 This'is a.record taken from Anderson Wilkinson's Bihle new in possession of Nanny Ann Williams (Wilkinson), l2. This record also says Nancy Wilkinson departed this life November 25, l858, but this is obviously incorrecte- Also says Lucy Wilkinson departed this life August 25, 1858. anderson Wilkinson came to Missouri with his fathers Later he moved to the State of Illinois, and when last known of was at Gilead, 'His descendants probably still reside there He owned a_slave, "Uncle Edmond" in common with James Wilkinson (Ill~5) who stayed alternately with him in Illinois and with James in Missouri* He was the only negro ever allowed to stay oter night in Calhoun County, Illinois. 11I~a; Herod Wilkinson-----~~~~~~--~~~--~-Elizabeth Robertson (January 15, 1859) oct, 27, 1818 e Nov. lh, 196% 5s~wi11iamQsuatia»apr11 8 1sha~~~~ §g~John Randolph~~0ctober'lh, 18 ~Sep. l, 1863 5 -Olive-e ---- --~~January 1, 18h ~» 59-a11ee~~~ ---~ ~~-January 1, 1851-~Nov. lt, l9OQ 13. Herod Wilkinson came to Missouri with his father, and was married in Lincoln County by "Ephraim Davis of the Baptist Church". The marriage is recorded at page lll in Book of the marriage records at the Recorder's office in Troy. After his father's death he resided on the old home place, later known as the Prewitt Place, now owned by heirs of R. A. Black, until 1850 when he moved to the State of Wisconsin, where he spent the remainder of his lifes ' Buried: Hazel Green, Grant County, Wisconsin. Elizabeth Robertson, daughter of Heretic Robertson as re- corded in Book J. page 338 of deed records of Lincoln County in Recorder's Office at Troyn III"'B» ' Tabitha Wilkinson -~-- ~-- e -~-~--- John Price ' hO~Frank Price--» --~ hl~John Price ~---- -~~ h2~George Price --~-- h3»Thomas Price ---- hh-Emaline Price ~-~-- Tabitha, was known in the family as "Tabby", She was nsrrim ed in Missouri and resided there until about l 50 when her family went with her brother to the State of Wisconsin. III-9° 'Elijah Wi1kinson~-~#~-~--~~--»- -~--- ---~»Unmarried. Died in Saint Louis, Missouri No further information" III-lOe Jacob Wilkinson- --~--- -» -- ~= »- - --~--- Unmarried. No further informations 111-11. ~ Lucy Wilkinson -~----~~-- --~ ------~--- ~Oliver Simonds (September 23, l83h) May S, l8**_ h57John Simonds-~--~~~--- h6~Elizabeth Ann Simonds~ 1 Lucy Wilkinson lived at Troy, Missouri. She was married by Ravi David Lubbard, and her marriage is recorded at page S7 bf Book l of the marriage records of Lincoln County. She died t-'1 I i ill' !, 1 nl. of the same disease with which her father had been afflicted cancer, and is buried in the Troy Cemetery at Troy, Missouril Her descendants reside at Clarksville, Missouri; r, Oliver Simonds was first married to Elizabeth Cole, and had by her the following children: Mary Jane, Nathaniel, Martha-and John; Her reared the orphaned John Henderson, later United States Senators Iv""1k2.u- William Wilkinson ----- ---f -------~-»-- -~-~ William Wilkinson, the only child by his father's first marriage, was born in Indiana or Kentucky. as his mother died at his birth he was taken by his maternal grandparents and reared by them, probably in Kentucky, He never saw his father after James came to Missourio He wrote to him a number of times that he would come to Missouri to visit him and they corresponded at long intervals but he never camel There is sums reason for belieuing that he was never married, He lived to an advanced age, and accumulated considerable property, estimated by one (IV-l9) as tco,occi He was a devout Catholic and on his death is said to have willed all his property to the Catholic Church. o Joseph Conn Wilkinson~-- ------ »--Julia Church Unknown Unknown h?-Sarah Jane -----~-~ 2d --»---~- ~- ~-------------- Gabriella Gibson (April 27, 18h5) 1818 1880 h8»James Causyra--January 22, l8h6~Aug0ll, l888 h9-Mordecai Watts-December 5, l8h8-July 7, 1883 Joseph Conn Wilkinson is buried in the Watts Cemetery on The Forrest Keeling Nursery, on Hi hway 79 south of Elsberry, Missouria His sister Polly (IV~2O§ lies just north of him, _ Joseph was born in Tennessee, and came with his father's family to Missouri and spent his entire life in Lincoln Countya Julia Church is supposed to have been born in Tennessee, and according to the biography of' his son in the History of Lincoln County, (1888), page 629, she was married to Joseph and died and is buried in that states Nothing definite is known of her. ' ' Gabriella Gibson, daughter of william.Watts, was born in Tennessee. She was first married to Jordan Gibson, and had two children by him, William Ni Gibson and a daughter who marri~ ea a was Ward(see will of Mordecai wiiaiasen (v»c?) in Probate Office, Troy, Missouri) She was married to Joseph.Wilkinson T 86 w E, I B~ Qui( l 1 alt J 1 i §O»Charles»~~ -----~ - Sl-Lucy--~~-~-~-~-~» Ed ---»- ~»----~~--5 ~--- Nancy Crow Stephens (April 27, 1865) 3d ---- ~--- » ---------~- Jane Gilliland Berkalo John Wilkinson, was known in the family as Jack or Jacky. He was a merchant at Clarksville in the days when the river traffic made it a great business point and handled a large businessi A nephew (V-7h) relates that while visiting him as a boy there was a clatter of horses and fusilade of shots and.a " band of guerillas known as "Bushwhackers" came charging down the street and rifled the business housesg Uncle Jack saved the large part of his cash by wrapping up the bills in his till and hiding them in the potato bins He owned a noted race horse which he was accustomed to run on the race track just south of town. One day a stranger with a fleabitten nag came across from Illinois on the ferry and challenged him for a race. Uncle Jack eagerly accepted _ but when the stranger bet large amounts on his nag, in the race to be held next day, surreptiously slipped the nag out of the barn that night and ran the race in the moonlighti The nag outdistanced his_race horse so easily that when the stranger came around the following morning to run the race all Clarks- ville sporting men claimed it was merely a joke and they had not taken the stranger seriouslyn Shortly after the war he migrated to Californian He died there many years laters Elizabeth Ann Simonds is (IV-hh) in the direct Wilkinson lines She was living in Lincoln County at the time of her marriage which is recorded at page 330 of the records of Lincoln County, Book B and was married by"E° To Noel of the Methodist Churcht She lived only a few years after her marriage and died in Pike County where they had moved and is buried in the cemetery at Ramsey Creek Churchn Nancy Cn Stephens was the daughter of Mrs Crown and was the first time married to a Mrs Stephense She was married to John Wilkinson in Pike County by Revs Lo He Downing, and her marriage is recorded at page 625 of Vol 3 at Bowling Green. 18 She is doubtless buried in Pike County but may gave been buried with her first busband. She had no children by John Wilkinson, from whom she was divorced. Jane Berkalo was the daughter of Mrsu Gilliland and was previously married to a Mrs Berkalo, after his death she moved to Carson City, Nevada. IV~l5. Jane Wilkinson ~»~- ----»~~--- »--~- Andrew Johnson Hogue (June 27, l8h?) September 2, l821 December 25, l890 52»Hardin Hogue ~---» ~-~- December l8h8 l859 53-Shannon Alfred Hogue~March, 1, 1850 l886(Sub to] 5§~Susan Hogue ----~-»~ ~- 1853 185h 5 -Alice Hogue -~-----~-~ December 28, 1855 56~Dorcas Hogue -~~------ August h, 1860 Jane Wilkinson was married to Andrew Hogue by "Joseph Winston Sitton, Justice of the Peace", and the marriage is recorded on page 156 of Vol. B. of the marriage records of Lincoln Countye She is buried in the Gannon Cemetery on the old Stinebaugh Places After the death of Jane, Andrew Hague was the second time married to Virginia Blackmore, a widow, nee Lally, and had three children by his second marriage, Myrtle Hogue who married Hub King, Andrew Hogue and Zella Hoguee Zella died unmarrieds He is buried with his second wife and Zella in the Oak Ridge Gemeterys 9 Ralph Griffin Wilkinson- -----~-»~ »-»-Unmarried ` Ralph Wilkinson was known in the family as "Rafe"4 He was born in Lincoln Gounty, Missouria Ralph was a veteran of the Civil Ware He was enrolled February 20, l862, at Louisiana, Missouri, and was mustered into service February 22, l862, as a corporal, Company A, 3d Missouri, State Militia Cavalryt He was appointed sergeant February 10, 1863 and honorably discharged with his company February 27, 1865 at Macon, Mis souria He was granted a pension July 21, 1890 under certificate Noe 67h7O° His regiment was commanded by General Lwinge After his return from the war he entered partnership with his brother Andrew with whom he resided until his deaths The two moved from Pike County, Missouri to Montana in the spring of l883 where both entered land, about two miles south of Bill~ ings, Montana the second year after that town was established and owned it at the time of his deatho He was a member of the Wm. McKinley Post GQAURG, and was buried in the cemetery at Billings, Montanao I I do I I nIo I I I ali \p, IQ) 1) ]= `-D IV-17' 17. Susan Wilkinson-~~»~»-~m~~-"~~~~~~~~~*-~ dusan Wilkinson was burned to death at the age of ten. Every pioneer family had its Maple Sugar grove and its sugar camp just as dairy herd. it had its spring, its apiary orchard and its Practically no other sugar was obtainable and pioneer sweets were limited to honey, sorghum and maple sugar. The Wilkinson family use living at the time on a farm near Troy, probably their first permanent location after reach~ ing Missouri. The sugar camp was located several hundred yards from the house in a grove on a small brook. The syrup was cooked in large open kettles suspended from a long slender log called the crane log supported at either end by forked posts driven in the ground, and under it the fire was built and kept burning day and night until time to "sugar off". It was in the early spring when the alternate freeze and than of the cold nights and warm days sent the sap up through the trees and all at the camp were busily engaged in gathering the sugar water from the buckets hung to the trees through the grove. No one was in the immediate vicinity of the fire except Susan and Uncle Edmond, a negro slave. Susan amused herself by climbing up on the crane log and running from one end to the other through the smoke and sparks from the fire beneath, when a ilame leaping up unexpectedly caught her skirts. With the usual panic of a burning child she sprung from the log and started to run through the forest, jumping across the running: stream in her terror instead of stopping to quench the fire. Uncle Edmond started in pursuit but before he could overtake her she was so badly burned that she died the following days Illustrsting the primitive penury and the lack of all manufact- ured erticles in pioneer times, even in the midst of abundant resources supplied by nature, Susan possessed two treasures, a steel needle and a brass button. And realizing that she was dying she gave as a parting gift her needle to Jane and her button to Jacky. ..` IV-18° Woodson Knight Wi1kinson~"Ma arette Hubbard Stubblefield February 28, 1829 September 12, 1855 (August 15, 18h8% ahary--a --~- ----~-l8h9-»~---»~-Unknown 5, 58~John Allen--- ~---- Gir.l85l-~~--September 15, 1855 59~uiicen--~~ ----»-~ c1r,185§-~--septeaber~he 1855 60 61 3d~»»»~~- ~--- &~-Sglinalhomas 8 (February 2. l 57 March 5 1 51 1 December h, 1888 ~Jefferson Devis--1828---~--»-~"'""~wl860 *Charles P,~~»-~~»l8 8~ ~»-- ~~~~- 18. 3d-e-~-»»---~-Alpha Virginia Woods (July Zl, 1889) Unknown Unknown Woodson Knight Wilkinson was born in Lincoln County, Misso~ uri. He was married to Margaret Stubblefield by Joseph Winston Sitton, J.P. (page 155 of Book B of the marriage records of Lincoln County, Missouri.) While visiting relatives in Pike County, Illinois he met and married his second ware and resid~ ed there until about l86O when rumors of the threatened draft oausedhim to move with others of the same mind to Carson City, Ormsby County, Nevada. Here His son Jefferson Davis Wilkinson was born in Pleasant Hill, Pike County, Illinois and is sup~ posed to have died there. His son Charles was born in the State of Nevada. He remained at Carson City until about l869 when he moved to Sandiego, Californian In 1887 he returned with his wife to Pleasant Hill to settle the estate of her father and arrived on a visit to Elsberry,Missouri, November EC, 1887s Here he experienced a.severe attack of pneumonia but recovered sufficiently to return to California in February of 1888. He was living in Downey County, California when a letter was rew ceived from him in l89Ce Who census of l89O returns his nate and reports him living there with his son on his farm, but evidently separated from his wife. When visited in l907 by J. W. Cannon he had sold his farm and moved away and had died soon after reaching his new home, the name of which J.W.C. could not remembers Margaret Hubbard Stubblefield, spelled Margarettejh the marriage record, daughter of Mary Cannon and Robert Stubble» field, left motherless almost from her birth, was reared in' the same home of her grandfather, Samuel Cannon and was named Eor her Aunt Margaret, from whom she also inherited the name of "Peggy" by which she was always known in the family. She was born in what is now Hawk Point Township of Lincoln County, but spent her entire life in Hurricane, She was the victim oi the egidemic of maglinant dysentery which soourged the coune try in l 55 decimating practically every family. She died at midnight; her father~in~law died the next morning, James Wilke inson, and her son, John Allen, died that evening, Her youngest son had succombed nine days before from the same sourge. She is buried in the Cannon Cemetery on the Stinebau h Places Nev headstone was of slate carved by Clifford (Cliff§ Sitton who carved all the gravestones in that vicinity for many years, But unfortunately the slate was of a material which disintegrated easily, and little legible data remains on any of them. Selina Thomas, daughter of Samuel Thomas and Elisabeth was born in Pike County, Illinois and was married there by Samuel Lippuncott, J.P, Her father was born in Kentucky in 1808 and her mother was born in the same state the same year. The census of l86O shows that she was livin at Pleasant Hill, Illinois with her parents and one son in 1880. She must have followed her husband to Nevada shortly after, and doubtless her son died either there or in Nevada a little later. She returned with him to Illinois and Missouri and cared for him Y Wi! '59 E, V ii \w@ 1dr do{ is wi rw# ol , _ 19. in his serious illness but died almost immediately upon her return to California, and is buried there, doubtless in Downey GoUl'°.Lt'yo , ,__ Alpha Virginia Woods was married to Woodson hilkinson in Los Angeles County, California. The marriage is recorded at page,27 of Book EO, The census of 1890 shows Woodson and_his son Charles living alone, but reports Woodson as married. ' s 1v~i9., i Catherine Christian Wilkinson---~----"-"-~-Alvin Hsrfit 82~Clara.Boone Harris-------~~-Jenuefl ls. 1351*"' 6 ~Sarah Temperance Harris-- ---- """ 6 ~John Woodson HaPriS~-" -"' """ """ 22-Emma Jane Harris -----~~ -"~"-' """ ' _ -Charles Albert Harris -»----- .»JulN 25a 186O""""" 6g»James Milton Harris -~~- --~- ~~ 6 ~Mary Mira Harris* "--~'""** ""* 69-Ella.Ellen Harris- "~---"-"' "- 70 -William Levi Harris"---~-~-"- Catherine Christian Harris was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. She was no doubt married in Missouri, and all her dhildren were born there, as she went to Nebraska in 1875s Much of the information relative to her father contained in this was received from her. Alvin Harris was the son of ~-~-~-Hands and Sarah BluGSle° Arnold, Custer County, Nebraska. _ ' I Jr - 1v»20» S psiiy Ann wi1rinsen~~---~--»-----~~-~-»-~-~~-Unmarried Polly Ann Wilkinson was born in Lincoln County, Missouri and died unmarried shortly after her fatherfs death. She was buried in the Watts Cemetery on The Forest_Kbeling Nursery, on highway 79, south of Elsberry, and lies beside her brother, Joseph Conn Wilkinson. She and her sister Nancy were twins and on that account received the same middle names Nancy Ann Wilkins0D~"~-*"""""'"'"'""8ndT9W WI Frazier (oeeemser 27, 18t9) Unknown Unknown 71-g§m€S Frazier- ~»-- Thought to have died young. 72~Virginia,Frazier--died 6 Or T at home of Aunt J. Hogue T5-Hamilton Frazier--Thought to have died younge 20. ' Unknown January 16, 1902 Thezula Moore~~January 2, l866~-~November 17, 191k 75~Alice Moore- *"' ' Known in the family as "Nan". Born in Lincoln County, Missouri a twin sister of Polly, and both received the middle name of Ann. The first time married by Ephraim Davis and the marriage is recorded at page 156 of Vol. B of the marriage records of Lincoln County. The three children by he? first marriage all died young. andrew W. Frazier, was kicked by a horse and killed at rew~ Rope G r P. Moore was a soldier of the Civil War and recei- ved a Zgniion. He was the second time married to Mary Elizabeth Martin, daughter of Nalley who was first married to Joseph H, Martin. Iv"'22| vfillkirlsOrlnmnn-mum-num¢»-II-=l¢l\°l""'l'°*"°*""'l9\IS&a.B» (October 23, 1355) august 26, 1855 April 9, 1910 T6*J0hn saneeipn csnnen~~--~Ser»25, 1856 §us»50» 1€§§ -William Andrew Gannon»-eehay 12, 1858-may 27, lsaa ;EeJanes Samuel Cannone~»~~~Nov.2l, 1859 Jun.2U. l?§E 9~Taylor Steele Gannon#-~--Jan.9 1862~Mar.25, 122; gO»Rachel Temperance Gannon~Jan.T; l86h~0ct.§l, Qgag 31-Gtto Boomer Cannon-~--~~»Jan.2, l86g~&UE 189 ifij 32-Elizabeth Cannonee- --~-~ -iun.3, lggo gud gg. &§§j ~Ada Cannon------»- ----- ~ Pfu , " HH s Te 3 -Anna Cannon~~---»-- ---- ~ Oct 20 1871-Jan 5, l8To 82-Owen Russell Cannon~---- Nov:22: l875~Ncv.l5, l9g3 8 ~Mary Letdcia Cannon-~~~-~0ct.18, l3?5 May_5C, 1940 87-Luranna Cannon~»-~--»~-»»Apr.l5, 1377 SSp.l5, 1955 Marriage by A, B. King, J. P., a close friend of the family, qrowd so great could not gain entrance to the house. R@G0Pd@@ 'at page 297 o£ Vol. B. of marriage records of Lincoln Countye See Cannon Book. Q Andrew Jackson Wilkinson-~~--~-~-eehancy Elizabeth Elgin ' . 1 is J . 2 18 a (Sep 5' 59) M33 lg: 18%8 88»E1f1@d& ~*~- e-eebec, h, 1860-~-e--Deo. 50, l8§d B9~Oletha~ -~------ 1862~--»-- 18s9 9C~Viola --~»- ~ ---- sag. 1h,1B6%~ -~~-- rev. 26, 1350 9l»Thurston ~»~~ ~-edep. 2M,136 "'" "'N°V- 15» 1 31 e @ 21 \ f sl# tl 2d »--» -¥-- ----- ----- ~-------Mary Margaret Henry (Nov, Eh, 1371) Apr. 1, l8h5 Jun. 15, 1925 92-Bessie ---- - - 9 "R0Y"*"""" """" ""' 9 -Roscoe Thurston-August 16, l83h~ _ Andrew Jackson Wilkinson was born in Lincoln County,Missouri He lived after his marriage on a farm near Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri which he owned in partnership with his brother~ in-law, Isaac Cannon. After the return of his brother Ralph from the war, Ralph bought out the interest of Isaac and from that time until the death of Halph they were in partnership in many lines of business. On may h, 1885, they sold their Pike County farm and traveled up the Missouri River by boat and then on the Northern Pacific Railway to Yellowstone County, Montana. Andrew Jackson Wilkinson was a member of William Mc# Rinley Post of the General Army of the Republic and served in Company A of the third Missouri Cavalry. Re was a farmer and stockman; Republican. Nancy Elizabeth El in was married by J. J. Rrrett, M,G. (Minister of the Gospel§, and the marriage is recorded at page 27h of Book 5 in the marriage records of Pike County. She is buried beside her mother-in-law in Dover Church Ceme~ tery on the Pike County Gravel. hollis Henry, daughter of John D. Henry, was married at Louisiana, Missouri at her father's residence by James W. Campbell, and the marriage is recorded at page 256 of Rook h of the marriage records of Pike County, Missouri. She was buried in Rountview Cemetery, Billings, Montana, Billings, Yellowstone County, Montana. Iv' 2}.|. | . William Wilkinson- --~- -- ~~-- ~- - »---- -Amanda Buell william Wilkinson probably resides in Gilead, Calhoun County, Illinois as his father's family was reared in that vicinity, No further information. we l JH 'U r 22. `""@ is s, , Polly Ann Wilkinson-~-~ ---- ~~--~ ---- ~-John-Di0kson_,l " Qi Unknown Unknown aduennnuunumnmunssvnnnmluengssnnusanun-numumunknguvn Ul'J.1{l'}.0W]f1 U1']lC1'10WJf1 Polly Ann was parted from her first husband and married the second time. She probably lives near Gilead, Illinois. No information as to her children if any. Nu John Fulton Wilkinson~-~-~-»»-~-»---»~-~»~--~~Uhmarried. From ambiguous data it is to be inferred that he died unmarried and he is probably buried in Calhoun County, Missouri. But Isaac Cannon thinks his death and burial occured in Missouri. IV~2T» Eliza Jane Wilkinson-~~~- -»--~-- -~~»»»~ __Csmbell Eliza was probably born in Lincoln County, Missouri but Gi is thought to have moved with her father's family to Calhoun County, Illinois and.married there, if at all. The death or marriage of her four elder brothers and sisters is supposed to.. have occurred in Lincoln County, Missouri and of the remaining children in Calhoun County, Illinois. The descendants of all the Anderson Wilkinson branch doubtless reside in Calhoun County, probably near Gilead. IV~28° tw Margaret Wilkinson--~--~----»»~--~-eeee Margaret Wilson was born in ldncoln County, Missouri and probably married there, or soon after moving to lllinoiss No information as to children. She probably resides in Cal- houn County, Illinois. IV~29 Thomas Benton Wilkinson»----»---~»-»-~»- 1, ~si Iv-50. i aligns wiirinsea-~~~~-~»~-~-~--~-~-~--~- A do Iv"3lo \ Jeohonias Wilkinson ---- _._ls__ See note on (IV-28) IV~32. sassy Wilkinson~ ----- - - See note on (IV-28) IV-33, Benjamin Franklin Wilkinson--- - iv-gh, Elizabeth Wilkinson ---- --- ~--»» --_ IV-35. Charles Carol Wilkinson~- -~----- ---- »-»----- Son of Anderson Wilkinson and Margaret Delaney. IV-36. William Austin Wilkinson--~-~4E1iaabeth Ann Tomlinson 95-Olive Maud ------ ~-- 96-John William ~--- » 97-Walter Eugene--~ -~ 98-Clifford Austin- - William Austin Wilkinson was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, In 1350 he moved as a pert of his father's family to the Sato of Wisconsin where he was married, lived the re- mainder of his life and where he is buried. 0 John Randolph Wilkinson- --»------» »--- --- .--- Unmarried John Randolph Wilkinson was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. He moved with_bis istber to Wisconsin in 1850 and there was enlist ed as a member ef'Gompany I of the 25th Regiment of the wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He was in s battle on the Yazoo EM. River and was fatally wounded, was brought down on a transport to Memphis and died while being carried from the landing up to the hotel. According to another version wounded in the taking of Memphis and carried to Memphis where he diode Buried: National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenneeseoe lV»5B» Olive Ann Wilkinsonw---~-~"»-~ -~-" John W9SlBY Thomgeon (Sep. 12, l366) March lk, l L5 may 6, 1§96 Clive Ann Wilkineon_was born in Lincoln County Miesourie She went with her father'e family to Wisconsin in 1550, and probably married there, There seens to have been no children. IV"§9» Alice Ann Wi1k1neon~--7--»»-we---»»-~=Lawrenoe Williams (Maron 15, l867) Unknown January 12, 1912 99 ~Bobert~~~-~»e--~ 1GG'»Dora ~-»- ~»-~~»»~ 101 -eerena~~~--~»--- l022~Milton ---- W ----- Alice Ann Wilkinson was born in Wisconsin ald married there» ¢¢ Frank Priee-~---»---~~~--~»=-~---»~-~--Unmarrlea Frank Price and all his brothers probably died in Missouri before the emigration of the family to Wiaoonein, doubtless in infancy, and are buried in Lincoln County. IV~h1 Jenn rr1ee~--~------»~~»»~~~-~~ ---~--Unmarried See note under (IV-58) George Prioe==» ------ ~-~ -----~---~»-»Unmarried See note under (IV~§S) 25. IV"M5» ' See note under (IVHZB) IV-he . Emaline Price»~-» ~-- ----- --- --»~»--William Bond Unknown No further information, 0 .John Simonds~---» ----- ----~-~ -~--~ -Louise Middleton Unknown Unknown ¢ 10 ;Thomas Simonde- ---~ ~~~»-e 3 -Fannie Middleton Simonds~ lO5-Tana e1m0nee»--~--~-~---- s Tenn ie a son. _ - Residence, Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri Ivehé. Elizabeth Ann Simonde--»-~~»~~~=»-~--~=John Wilkinson _ (May M, 1857) Unknown Unknown IGQ-Charles ----- --~~ 1D?»Luoy-~----f-~~~~ Elizabeth Ann Simonds was born in Lincoln County, Missouri and was married there by "E, T. Noel, of the Methodist Chnroh" the marriage being recorded at page 550 of Vol B of the marrie age records at Troy. She died in Pike County, probably at Clarksville where her husband was in business and was buried at the Ramsey Creek Cemetery north of Paynesvillea John Wilkinson is (IV-lk) in the direct Wilkinson line, v-av. _ W Sarah Jane Wl1kineon--»~-é- -»~-- ~----"William Plummer Unknown Unknown l03~Mary Plummer----Unknown~~~~~»-Unknown 26. Sarah Jane Plum er lived in Illinois, Her daughter Mary, known as Mattie, died in early youths From ambiguous data it seems she died and is buried in Calhoun County, Illinois, and that her husband is still living or vice versa, M.w. Wilkinson (v~h9) refers to (vi-206) in his will as ("My niece Mattie March (or Wasoh)" "daughter of my half sister Sarah Jane Wilkinsonw) V"Lf.8 a James Causyra Wilkinson-»Nancy Elizabeth Hester Egsberiy 2 , (Sep, 6, 1866) February l8 9 March 28, l923 lO9~Joseph Robert -~~- ~--Feb , l868» llC~Belle Zora ---~- -~-~Apr° 2, 1870 Jan. 30, 1939 lll4Eudora Leatonee ~~~-~ May , l8T2~Jul 27, 1935 ll2~John Mordecai ~-~-»-- May , 1875-Nov 21, l93T ll3~Gabrilla Ann- ---- ~--Nov, 18, l8?7 Jul 12, 1892 llh»James Andrew~- ------ Mays 3, l88O~Apr 19, 1926 ll5~Laura Viola ------~~- Oct , l882~Jul ll, 1957 116-Hattie Temperance--~Jan° 8, 1885 For a complete biography of James Causyra Wilkinson, see History of Lincoln County, Missouri (1888) page 629, Buried in the Elsberry Family Cemetery on his old place just north of the Brown's Mill Road and south of the Page Branch Road. Nancy Elisabeth Elsberry, daughter of Robert Thomas Elsberry and Julia Buchanan, born in Elsberry, buried in Wilkinson Ceme- tery, founder of the Town of Elsberry (Born June lh, 1818, died October lh, 1891) born in Lincoln County, Missouri. For her genealogy see History of Lincoln County, Missouri (1888) page §BS» Wilkinson Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri, V"'I-l~9o Mordecai Watts Wilhinson~- ------- »»-» ~~-Mary Jane Wells (April l, l87l)July 9, 1850 April lh, 1872 Ed ----~ ~--~»Margaret Ann Elsberry (April an, level July ii, 1859 1935 Mordecai Watts Wilkinson, was born and died in Lincoln County, Missouri, His death occurred under tragic circumstances. (History of Lincoln County, Missouri, 1888, page 382). He is buried in the Watts Cemetery on Bl-Mo Farm, Highway 79, south of Elsborry, Later moved to father's cemetery in town, Elsberry Cemetery, There were no children by either marriage, ` -Y --Y Y 2T» Mary Jane'Wells, daughter of Elizabeth Cannon and Curtis Franklin Wells, born on the walls Place'near Paynesville, Pike County, Missouri. Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri, Margaret Ann Elsberry, daughter of William Lewis Elsberry and Mary Ellen Mayes, born in Lincoln County, Missouri. She was the second time married to Newton Levi Luchett, born on January 18, 1868. He died August 28, 1956, buried with Margaret Ann Eleberry in the Elsberry Cemetery. v'50| I Charles Wilkinson ~---- - ----~~-----~--- ----~ Charles Wilkinson went early to the state of California with his father. He was raised by Aunt Jane Hogue till ten, then with Uncle Andrew to manhood. V"51e Lucy Wilkinson~ -------- - »--- ---~- --~- ~- ~--~ --~Unmarried Lucy Wilkinson died when about four years old. She is ' buried beside her mother in the Ramsey Creek Church Cemetery, north of Paynesville, Pike County, Missouri. v'S2 | Eardin Hogue ------- »~ ~---~------ »--- ----- ~~ ~--- Unmarried Hardin Hague died in childhood in Pike County, and is buried near the Pinaole, Clarksville, Missouri. V..53_ _ _ Shannon Hogue-~-~-~ -~-- »-~ -~-- ~-- »--------- -~--Unmarried Shannon Hogue was of roving disposition and never stayed long in any one place. He formerly came at long intervals to visit friends and relatives in Lincoln County, but has not been heard from for years and is doubtless dead. He was never married. v-Sn. I Susan Hogne-------~----------~---- ------------ -Unmarried Susan Hogue died in early childhood and is buried in the private bunnng ground on the old Wilkinson place just north H" _I 3, .. \n _... . J ,I . ¥ F . ) \ \ \ F F e¥*55- 28. of the Wingfield Place west of Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri Alice Hogue-»e----~»~~-~~-»~~----»ee----~--Henry Kruser (September ln, L879) November 10, 1855 llE»Wil1iam Kruser~~-~~~-Jan, ll ~Elery E usere--~-~--~Apr. ,_ 1881-1 rr . 6(M e), 88, 1885- LL S E18;'5) ll9~George Rruser~~~--e-"Sept 26, 1885- l20~Louis Shannon Kruser-Dec, 22, l887- _ 12l~Alvin Kruser ---- ee-»-Apr. 2&, 1890- Married in Missouri, Moved from Missouri to the State of Nebraska where they now reside, Residence: Milldale, Custer County, Nebraska. v-»-56. Dorcas Hogue--~--~~-~--~---~-»-- -~~-- Henry William Leo (January 15, l88l) July 8, 1852 122-Raleigh Francis-eydove 5, 12 ~Stella Alice-»~-e»Feb° 5, l2.~Russell antone ---- Sep, 2, l25eJoseph alfred ~-~-- Nov. 2, l26~Mary Freda»~~»-~e»Mar,1l, l2g»Rosina Wilhelminaehars 1, 12 ~Helen Loretta- ~--~ Aug.l5, l29-Teresa-»-»--~~----Jan.21, 150-Henry August~-»~»-Jul. 19 151-Bernard Andrewe-~-Jan, h, J- l52~George Mitchel~~--Mare 12, 1881- 188,- 188 ~ 188% Jul. 21, 1917 1890- 10 months 19 days 1892- 189 - 189 - 1898s 1900- 1905i - Dorcas Hogue was born in Lincoln County, Missouri and was married in that county. They later moved to the State of Neb~ raska, doubtless to Custer County where the Rruser family sett~ led, and probably made the trip with them; Henry W. Leo was first married to Drusilla V. Scott (b. April 5, 1856; d. November 10, 1880) and by this marriage had two children: Rosina Hester Leo (b. August 1, 1879; d Noveme ber Eh, 1880) and William Andrew Leo (b. November 5, a88o; d. Nobember Eh, l88O)¢ This wife was evidently related to the Elsberry family and probably the Wilkinson family as she and her two children are buried in the Elsberry Cemetery on the Janes C. Wilkinson Place between the Browns Mill Road and the Page Branch Road, V*57- Unknown 8§EHown Unknown 8 29. l5 ~Unknown---~~-~~------Unknowne---~ ---- -Unknown 15 ~Unknown---------~-~--Uhknown----»-----Unknown gduunuuuoqununouuuuuuecunuuunum--nmnununknown Unknown Unknown Mary Wilkinson was born in Lincoln County, Missouri and was named for her grandmother Mary Cannon Stubblefisld, She went with her father to Illinois on his second marriage and later to California where she was twice married. When last heard from she was living in San Diego, California, a widow with two children, Exhaustive inquiries made for her between 1907 and 1912 gave no clue except rumors among acquaintances where she had formerly lived that she and her children were dead. No further information. She was not enumerated in San Diego and other places suggested including Downey County and Los Angeles in the Census of 1880 or the Census of 189Ov Q John Allen Wilkineon»~--»~~ ~------- ~ ------ ~--Unmarried John Allen Wilkinson died at the age of four the day following the death of his mother of the same sburge. He is buried with her in the Cannon Cemetery on the Stinebaugh Place. V~59» Milton Wilkinsone--~ ---- ~---»~--~- ~~-- ---~--Unmarried Milton Wilkinson died in infancy at age of two years, nine days before death of his mother, and is buried beside her in the Cannon Cemetery on the Stinebaugh Place. V"'609 I Jefferson Davis Wilkinson----------~- ~---- -~~Uhmarried Jefferson Davis Wilkinson died at age of two or three, either in Illinois or Nevada. Little Information. 5 CharlesiP. Wilkinson-----~-»-~»~--»----- Charles Wilkinson was the youngest child of Woodson Wilkinson and was born in Carson City, Nevada. He moved wimhq his father to California and in the Census of 1890 was enumera- ted as a farmer, 22 years old, single, living in Compton Road District of Compton Township, Downey County, California. In 30 1907 when Downey was visited by W. J. Cannon he had moved,_ his father had died and no trace could be found of him, No further information, " V-62 9 Clara Boone Harris---~- (June 155~Norham Montrose-- l56~Nettie may 85 -Orville--~--»~ -Mary Alice---~ 1 9~Thomas Arthur O-Bessie Blanch- 1:11 iii? -Berniece~----- -James Franklin -alethea Maude- nulnxnnnnuqnu anal-o_o-| clown: 11 *untill William Franklin Cannon 2, 1872) may 19, 1858 Apr, 6, 1875-- reb. 26,1875--aug. 12, 1876 Jul Dec Jul Apr May Jun N . 1 _18 6 ov 18' 188 ROQ1882 5, 188 9, 188 a5,1889-- 19,1896 lllii Dees 1, 189k anom- Clara BooneHarris was born in and was married there by We A. Tarwater, M,G, (Minister of the Gospel), use marriage being reeeraee at page 260 in voi. 5 of the marriage records of Lincoln County, They later moved to the State of Nebraska where they now reside. William Franklin Cannon, son of Samuel Perry Cannon and Elizabeth Ann Bitton was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, and is (v>198) in the Cannon'Bo r st111 1 t 8 the state of washington, Y O ° a er hey moved t° 1 Lincoln County, Missouri Residence: Entiat, Chelan County, washington, V-65 n-ummm. .¢-__ lMh~Alonao Leland --~-- » lh5»Harry Leland------- 186-Archibald Leland--- 187-Jenn Leland-------- Residence Arnold Custer County Nebrask H t (Aunt Kas) is living with ner, ' a' ar mo h°P v~6h. John Woodson Harris-- il-luinlpllull 183-Roy Harris- --~-- 189-wrrtne Harrie--- l50-Florence------~- l5l~Janes Harris---~ l52~ Hannah Harris--- ¢--»-use-quunqng--» llllth lllnnul null it ""'-'Mable Hoglin UnEnown Unknown umm rllul- :neun _.au ll-till! C ,e§ ss= il, NI are ro is 31° 2d~»- ---»--» te---Unknown Unknown Unknown John Harris, favorite cousin of J, R, Cannon was born in Lincoln County Missouri and moved early to Nebraska with his father's family, He lived for many years in Hastings , Nebraska and was a merchant. He is now living in Cincinnatie V"'65§ Emma Jane Harris---- ~ -------- ~---Charles Ayres -A 9 Unknown Unknown 15 - Frank Ayres---- --- l5 -5on~---------~~- ~~-died Early Died when second child was born and, buried in Kentucky¢ He married two times and lives in Kentucky ncws veéé. Charles Albert Harris ---------- ~--~--~--Jennie Cannon (December 6, 1885) April 9, 1862 152-Gladys Undine Harris--Nov. 50, 188 - 15 -Audrey Harris- ---~---~ Aug. 12, 188 - 15%-Ardenvoir Harris ------ Sep. 1 , 1888- 15 -Anna Christian Harris-Aug, 2, 1890- 159-Naomi Harris-- ----- ~--Deo. 29, 1892- 16O~Alvin Oden Harris ----- May. E, 1896-Oct, 21, 1900 161-Thelma Harris -------- -Bec°_2 , 1898- Jennie Cannon, daughter of Samuel Perry Cannon and Eliza- beth Hnne Sitton, was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Christian; Democrat; Fruit-grower; married by William Cannon, at Nebraska, 8 Charles A, Harris, son of Alvin Harris and Katherine Christian Harris; born in Clarksville, Missouri; Christian; Democrat; I.C.C.F. Employed Roscoe Thurston Wilkinson in 1928, worked with him for Six years. Address; 8528 Corliss Avenue, Seattle, King's County. V#8T. 1 James Milton Harris---- ---- ---Unknown Unknown Unknown No further information. E' I l 32 v""68 p Mary Mira Harris»» --»- --»»~»-»»~-~-~-»~~ 9 Hueghinson Unknown Unknown l62~Frank Hutchinson--e ~=~ (Separated) _ - ' 2d~"-~~~- ---- --~-- ""'~~"""~~-~--Marion Miiier i Unknown Unknown ' 16 eases Miller-~»~~ 16 -Don--~----~~»---- 165-Emma Gene---- -- 166-Marion---~-~---- 167-Virginia-~~~-sms Mary was known in the family as Molly By her last mgppi age she had Ann and four more children. ' Resided in Wheatland, Wyoming, v'°69| l68~Reginald--~---~_a l69~Julia-~-~--~-_~s- 170»Son--~»--- --~-as 2d,""""""""'*"'l 1=1"l*~»|uln-nnvuuumonu-_nn-nun V"70° William Levi Harris»----- -~~-.a.--s,_, 171-Glee Harris~~-~-e 1T2»Mabel Harris~»--~ 17 "Dora Harris~-»-~~ 17 ~Iyman Harris--~s~ -Hhh n-nuwunnuummgg.. Salisbury* Unknown Unknown Grace Schroeder Unknown Unknown Separated: No further information: California: v~71 FraZier°""""* **'*l HH-#nunin-n-¢¢¢¢-¢,",,Unmarr V Died at the age of one year, and is buried in the Frazier Cemetery. ' 9 33- v'?2 Q Virginia Fraziere--~--=~-»»-------~----~--~--Unmarried Died when about four years old of membranous oroupt Buried in Frazier Cemetery, V~T5» Hammilton Frazier----~»-~~--~-~ ------ 9-~~~--"°Unm&rriSd Lucy (IV~22) thinks there was no such child. There was a Hamilton Frazier but does not think it was in this family, V"7uv Znla Moore -----~-- ~~Charles Robert Sylvester Suddarth ` December 13, 1862 _ January 25, 1955 i7ke~oearies Mayes Suddarth-April 29, 1885~-~» Zdww ------ »------~»-~~~»-William Thomas Watts February 1, l858', September 22, 1951 lT5~ Emmett waets--~-- --~- ~Deo¢ ak, l889~ 176-neue; watts---~ ~---- ---Mar. M, l895-Jan. 2, ieke 17g~owee watts ---~ -~ ---- --~Apra 2, 1893-Jun,15, 1913 17 ~William J, Brya Watts-Deo, ?, 189 ~Jul» 5, 1916 139-Ruben Watts~ -------» ~--Oot. 22, I9O&~ 1 0-otis Watts---~~»~~-»-»-Apr. 22x 1905- 181~May wates--- -~~»- ~~-~--May, 29, 1909* iS1é~Hewara Kenneth watts-- Zula Moore was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, and spent her life there. She separated from her first husband shortly after her first child was born* (Charles usually known as "Coot") She was burned to death, her dlothing being drawn by a heavy draft into the hearth of a heating stove, and is buried in the Taylor Cemetery, in Lincoln County, Missouri Ch rlee Robert Sylvester Suddarth, son of Louisa Gather» ine Mayes and Robert Jefferson Suddarth was born in Lincoln County, and subsequently married Ida wayman, nee Robinson by whom he had children; Wm. Quincy, James Quintius, Lee sane Howard Paul and Florence May, ` U William Thomas Watts, son of John Wiseman Watts and Pauline Jane Martin, born in Lincoln County, Missouri so to f I I 3t- '1-~m » Alice Moore~ --~~- »~ ------- »- -- -------- William Martin Unknown Unknown l82~Ida May Martin --~ l8 -Mary Lou l8 ~Pearl l8§eOther Child Was born in Lincoln County? Missouri and after her marrie age there moved to the State of Montana. N0 further informate ion, Went from North Dakota to Canada, v-76. John Randolph Cannon~--~----~-~»~Ida Glovina Whiteside (april h, l8T8) November 50, l85? September 11; 19hl 186-Clarence Cannon--~~--e-Apr. ll, l8g9~ l8g~Buby Cannon~~~--we-~---Jhn" BO, l8 1-Dec,26, 1955 is "Cecil tnitesiee cannea»JanD it, l89lfSep.7 , 1957 Bern on present site of Cannon Heights, Elsberry Lincoln County# 1m.esem~i; were to sets-ears in the spring of 1376 and again in September l87?f in partnership with T. R. Goodman and Dr. We ap Hemphill bought the first general store in Elsberry from James C0 Wilkinson and R. T. Elsberry, April lE. l88O and moved to Blsberry from his farm, September 8, l88CD Member of the_firm of Goodman, Cannon and Hemphill from l88C to 1881; Cannon and Sons, l88l~188h; Cannon Brothers, l88h»l886; Cannon and Alloray, l886~l895; Cannon & Mitchell, l895e1896; Cannon Dry Goods Company 1896»l925; Was one of the incorporators of the Village of Blsberry, November 17, l885; of the Blsberry School District, l88h; of the Elsberry Chamber of Commerce l9Oh, Wes a charter member and secre» tary of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Blsberry 1885; of the Elsberry Baptist Church, October 27 1885; of the Board of Trustees of the Elsberry School l88h; of the Trustees of Deadwood-Lcd e I0 Os 0° FQ 1907; Clerk of Cuivre Baptist Association l9lE; Mayor of Blsberry l885 to 1889; Democratic Congressional Committeeman from the Seventh Congressional Dis- trict of Missouri, l895»l896y 1897-1898; Unitea.aitn star Hope Baptist Church under ministry of Rev, W. He Burnham, January 10, 1875; married at Elemo Farm, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri by Revo Marcellus Sobeski Whiteside, Elsberry, Ceme~ teryo History of History of Salt Manual of State 259; Minutes of Lincoln County by Mudd, pp hC9,hlE, MT7, 516; River Association b Patrick pe 565; Official or Missourio iB95~1§96,pc 252, l89T~;898, p. Cuivre Baptist Association, l9lh. s' " _,fe 9 .,.. a »BQ -\ ill* K "si 35° Ida Glovina Whiteside, daughter of Edwin Ellis Whiteside and Sarepta Ann Mayes, born at E1-Mo Farm,Elsberry, Missouri; United with Step Hope Baptist Church Jane lT, 1875; attended Presbyterian Academy at Troy, Missouri i876-l8T7; Troy Collegiate Institute; Member_of Pike County_Chapter D°A»R.; Elsberry Chapter O.E.S.; Federated History Club; and Bolo Chapter P.En0.; Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouriq' V-77- 1 "_ William Andrew Cannon~~--»ee~~eElnorah Belle Jamison ¥` w (Cote 13, l83h) May 3; 1865 __ Jul 9, l9h1 ` 189-Ethel Anna Cannon~-~-»»Auge 10, l38§"APP¢ 313 l9t9 190-William Roscoe Cannon-~ To 19; l88?~Dec° lh; l95§ l9l»Lester Thompson Cannone r. 6; l889~AugQ 19, 1890 192-Adley Omar Cannon»~~~-~Mayc 31; 1391" '- _ Y 193~Lucy Opal Cannon~~~-~-dNay0 315 l89l~Msye ln; l92M L9h-Velma Elnorah Cannon---Bebo lO5 l89HrDOG° 3; l956 195-Jamison Bryan Cannon"-~O0t» 55 l897r_ 196-David Russell Cannon»~~Sep¢ 29, l399r william Ae Cannon, was born in Lincoln County, Misanufii Elsberry School Board; Baptist; Democrat; Merchant; Director Elsbcrr Banking Company; EQOUOQFQ; married by Rey" Groves at the home of Z W. D. Jamison, Elsberry, Linmmln County, Missourio Elnorah Belle Jamison, daughter of William David Jamison and Cynthia Thompson; Methodist; McCune College, Louisiana M03 H Teacher; Teacher of W0men'S Bible Class Methodist Church for 2; years; Presb WQCGTQUD; Elsberry Cemeteryg Elsberry, M1SS0UPl= V"78 0 James Samuel QauuOm»~~~~»ee»~~Hettie Berkley'Elsberry (gppn 109 1&8u) Aug" l3£ l8o6 Deco ' 25 197-Berkley Everett Cannon~May= 6; l335~D@G° S73 195C l98~Garth Benjamin Cannon~»Oct° lug 18879 ' y 199-Randolph Thomas Cannon~Jun¢ 20; l892~ ' W 2CO~Leon William Cannon~--~Juh0 18; 1895"N0V° 17? 1933 2Cl~Ruth Cannon ---" ~---""~~J9H° 12; l397" 202-John Samuel Cannon-»~~~§un° 16, l902" James Samuel Cannon was born near Eksberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; LaGrange College? B8PtiSt§ Democrat; MGFGBEUFJ 130~O°F°3 married by Charles Ao Mitchell, near ElSbSPPY» MiSS0UT1§ M1H0t Cemetery, Minot, North Denotes ' - * Hottie Berkley Elsberryp born near Elsberry, delghter of Thomas Blsberry and Frances Bo Berkley; moved to North Dakota ' in 1888; Presbyterian; Democrat; Eastern Star; Royal Neighbors? Pythian Sisters; Minot Cemetery, Ward County, North Dakotae Address: (Formerly) 8h3 Fifth St, Devil's LHk@,R3mS@Y ' County North Dahotaelater, l2O Cleveland Avepp Minot, ward G0UHtY» North Dakota; ~ Vr79» 36. f Taylor Steele Cannon-=-- ~--- ~-»--Nancy Lucinda Morton ' (March 25, 1890) October ll, 1868 October M, l9hO 20 ~Jates Esaac Cannon -Jan, l9, l891~Augl 10, 1891 20 wwanda Emeline-e -~-~ ~Aug, 25, l892~ 205-Waldo Perry Cannon~~Aug, l89M» 206~Ralph Morton Cannon~Jun¢ Taylor Steele Cannon was born in 9, ai; 1897s Lincoln County, Missouri! Baptist; Democrat; Farmer; l.0.0.F. Married by M. G, Lett, Diamond, Newton County, Missourie United With New Hope Bapt» ist Church in 1907 under ministry of Rev, J, S. Eames and Rev, R. T. Campbell-and_nas ordained as Deacon l908e Elsberry Cemee tory, 'Nancy Lucinda Morton, daughter of Em eline Venn, born in Clinton County, Teacher. Elsberry Cemetery, veto. James Morton and Illinois, Baptist; Rachel Temperance Cannon~~---~~-James William Shannon (March 20, 1887) "»-vl -mn-u -unn-nn n»-»u¢-nu.--_ (March 10, 1890 ' 207~Augustine William Isaac Rachel Temperance Cannon was born Missouri, -Baptist; Married first time We Shannon at Newton County, Missouri, James Millimt Shannon was born in Baptist; Democrat; AQF5 & a,M, ; Dgput led in Neosho Cemetery, John Seneca Mayes united with the in l876 under ministry of Reverend Mod See Mayes Book. Elsberry Cemetery, E Missouri, A, n ` V"-814, _ ' I nares ac, 1858 December 19, 1887 --John Seneca Mayes ) May 6, 1856 Move 29, 1920 Mayes~June l2, l892~ in Lincoln County, by Rev, Barton to James Elsberry Cemetery; Ngwton County, Missouri; y Sheriff; Merchant; Bur~ New Rope Baptist Church isett and Rev, Luck¢ lsberry, Lincoln Cdunty I Ca,r1rlQI1°'0'l'l;I'\-lllwuw-ellulu-an ununn -»|¢v'.?;;&i'eF' (Jan. 2, 1900 J Jai, 5, 1880 Cote 27,l9Mn 208-Mary Lucy Cannon-~--~~July 8, 1902e---»- _ 209-Isabelle Mayes Cannon~No vember 27,,19l5» 37. Otto Boomer Cannon was born in ldncoln County; Vice Preside ent of the Bank of Lincoln County, Deacon and Supt. of Sunday School B7 consecutive yrs, Baptist; Democrat; I.0.0.F. M.W,A.; Merchant; Married by Rev, J. T, Nevins, residence of C. A, Mayes, Edsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri Mary Elsie Mayes born in New Hope, Missouri; daughter of Charles Addison Mayes and Mary Jane Downing Sanders; Baptist; Hardin College; Rebecoa~-_lts~- Pricilla; Elsberry Cemetery. V* Elizabeth Cannon------ ---- -~------Richard Martin Mayes (June l0, 1888) February 8, l860 January 9, 1955 210-Lottie Temperance Mayes~~May , l889~Jul 15, 1955 211-Roy Wilkinson Mayes -»-~-Jun.& , 1892- 2l2~Russell Taylor Mayes »~--~ sep.s5, 1898- 215-Lucy Catherine Mayes~---~Jul.2O, 1905" Elisabeth Cannon was born in Lincoln County, Baptist; married by Charles albert Mitchell, residence oflsascCannon, Lincoln Coe Missouri. Known in the family as Bettye Richard Martin Mayes son of William Henry Mayes and Matilda Catherine Matte, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; M.W,A. Farmer. Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri, ' 'V-"85 c- ' Ada Cannon ---~~--~~- ------- - --~-" ~"*"~-~~-*UhmaFPi®@ Ancient Cannon burying ground on Stinebaugh place now owned by Robert Wilson. _ v""8l-L 5 anna cannen--~--~--~~----~-~---~~~--~~-~--~--Unmarried Ancient Cannon burying ground on Stinebaugh place, now owned by Robert Wilsons Mmnbranous croup. Sat every night in the small chair (non with Lurana Ellis (V-219) after supper and sang for father, but night before death said "Can't sang tonight, Pa, my throat is sores Will sing tomorrow night . V-85, ` Owen Russell Cannon~-~~~----e--~"~*"---~---ROW@H&-M000 ' (J 8 1901) aug. 10 188h anuary ' rest 152 1922 ° A' F1 if" 33- 2d~------ ----- ~ ----- Maida Nancy Belle Michau (January 7, 1915) August 5, 1891 May §O, 1951 21h-Edward Michau Cannon-November 9, 1915-- _ 215-Eugenia Marie Cannon- 1918-- Owen Russell Cannon born in Lincoln County, Missouri Merchant; Married in the city of St. Louis, Missouri to Rowena McCoy, daughter of William McCoy Edith Cox who was born in Forsitell, St. Charles County Missouri. She married Major Thomas D. Barton in November 6, 1905 at Amarilla, Texas.-Adjutant General of Texas and resides in St. Joe Montague County, Texas. Died at Austin, Texas" Buried in Elsberry Cemetery, Maids Nannie Belle Michau, daughter of EugenaFrancis I Michaue V-86. Mary Lett ia Cannon~- ~~-- ~ -~-~- ~~-William Crosby Boone , (February 26,l89©December 29, 1875 Mar 15; 1957 2l6~Arnold Cannon Boone-~--Oct. 18, 1898- 213-Mary Frances Boone-~---Dece l_, 1905- 21 -Helen Louise Boone-----Oct. l , 1907- 2l9~Mildred Virginia Boone~Apre 29, 1915- Mary Letitia Cannon was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Baptist Married by Dr. W. J. Pattrick, at Residence of Isaac Cannon, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville Pike Count Missouri Y, l William Crosby Boon; was bornsin Clarksville, Pike County, 7 Missouri son of William Peen Boone and Mecoy Catherine Stall» ard; Democrat Merchant, Buried Greenwood Cemetery, Clarks- i 7 ville, Pike Co, Missouri, j V-87. Imraana Cannon ---- ~~-~--~-~~-- -~-~ -Jesse Buckner Ellis (February 26, 1906) February 9, 1876, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missourio lmrana Cannon was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, Baptist; Democrat; Hardin College; Good Time Club; Married by Rev. Je W. King, at residence of Isaac Cannon, Lincoln County, Missouri. President A.B. Chapter 1950-1955, Elsberry Cemetery, Jesse Buckner Ellis, son of Malter Ellis and 7 Fisher Yeager born at Madisonville, Balls County, i Christian; Democrat; Merchant; l.0.0.F. and M.M.A L ~"iirfifr2f;"2i;rse~=~~e>e~ o Elsberry P.E.O» Fannie Missouri, ; Mayor of 39. City of Blsberry, l9l8 to 1950. 8th Generation in Carr Family, Geneaology, page 277, Paul Princely Crest Book, part 5, p9.gS 52, Fu; Bic Q V Elileda Wi1kinson~- ----~ ~--~-Granville Gibson Ccthron (February 16, 1892) Mar 11, 1350 July28, 1981 22o~se1en Faye ceuneen-- -~-- Dec. 25, 1895 221-Thurston Andrew Cothron-Mayf 25, 1895 Elfleda Wilkinson, known in the family as Fledae Born in Pike County, Missouri and went with her fatheris family to Yellowstone County, Montana Billings, where she was marrie ed, Congregational church; Republican, married by Bev. B@_Fe Stuart at Billings Montana at residence of fathers Mountview Cemetery, Yellowstone Co, Billings Montanae Granville Gibson Cothron, born in Pike Co. Missouri son of Thomas Cothron and Sarah Jane Todd, imngragational church, Democrat ; member of city Council of Billings;Mountview Cemee tery, Yellowstone Cemetery, Montanas V-89, Oletha Wilkinson-~"- -~~---- ~-~ ---~-- ~"-"JHM We Vauehan Unknown Unknown 222-Paul Vaughan-~-~ -~~ 229-alice Maughan--- ' ~-~ Visited Montana in l878 and later persuaded the family to move there, Known as Lethaa Born in Missouri, Married in Montana, Jay M. Vaughan was the second time married to Lucy A. Metcalf, November 10, 18910 v"'9Os veeia Wilkinson ------- --~----~- »~~--Geofae Rev GHHHOH (march 5, 1902) Born in Missourie Married in Montanaa V"'91.¢ I Thurston Wilkinson----- ---- ---~-~~-~~-~--~""~UHm&TTi@9a Buried in the Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri wo. Vega, Bessie Wilkinson" ---»-- ~ ---- ---- -~--~~--~~J, W. Polly Married end resides in Monmenae V~95» Roy wileineon --»»--~~--~--~~--»-~----~~ No informetiono V~9M» Roeooe Thurston Wi1kinson~»---~~ -»-- ~-Abbie Moa Talbott (December 25, 1907) January T, 1885 22n~Ciinton Andrew~November ET, 1911* 225-Edward Talbott-June 10, 191n»Dec» 51, l9l6 Married at Columbia, Boone County, Missouri. Residea in Ardenvoir,Weshington Employed with G. A. Harris Co. (Yeoh) for six years in 192é@ Mountview Cemetery Billings, Montana; Vb95¢ Qlive Maud Wi1Kinson~~-~ ~ -~~-»----»---John Hey Watson Unknown Unknown 226~Leland Austin Watson »~- 227-Bessie Alice Watson --~ Alden, Hardin Gounty} Ioweb Vh96, _ John William Wi1kinson-»~-- -- -»---~~~»---~Kete McCue Unknown Unknown 228»Haro1d ----~- ~-~ »-- 229~Lenore-- ---- »~~ -» Williams, Hwmilton County, ¥0we V~97s Walter Eugene Wi1kineon~-~~ ~~--~ --~-Almeda UhEnown No. Children, Unknown No further infor atione nl V;985 _ Clifford Austin Wilkinson--=~~ --»- ~» -~-~»MebeI Neilson Unknown Unknown / 25OmIr@r]_6=n|==»m°l=-» a-annum-nuuu||I\]Ia'y' ala lgllnnunuuuumm Reeidenoe: v"'99° o Robert Williams~----~¢~- Nb Children Dore Williame-- ------ »-- Ne childrenee Residence: Yi1Ola Bertha Williems~-»~=-~~- No children, Residence: g Milton Wi1liame~--»~--- Residences' V#105. Thomas Simonde---~ ---»- 'U-"lull-3 Fannie Middleton Srmonds TenaoS1monde¢--»----~-~» -~°-»»~-~-"Nettie Meyers (Meera) - - »-------»~Andrew Brown Unknown --»~» -~--- -~-~»~~- M§mith -warn-ll°'" neu mnunnmnwmnnqg unlmwnunnnunnnul-museum umnnmsnmmuasum mmm I f»'~=» _,pu , , ,W _ ,.__ _ _._< - me " " _ V'lO6e az. Charles Whlkinsoneewr- ----- »-e-»--»--_~~ Went to the State of California. V-lOT. lncy"Wi1kins0n~»»--- - ---- -_ -----_ Unmarried Died in childhood. V"108o Mary Plummsr~-- --- ~ - ---»---~ Vl~lO9, Joseph Robert Wilkinson ----- ---Sarah annie Jeffries (May 22, 1338) September 21, 1863 251-Janes Samuel Wilkinson---Jul. 21, 1890-Mar ll, 1952 252-Gordon Robert Wilkinson~-Jul. 2h,_l892- Joseph R. Wilkinson, son of Janes Cyrus Wilkinson and 9 nancy Elizabeth Hester Elsberry, born Feb. 25, 1868; Elsberry, Missoufli Farmer and Stationary Engineer; Christian; Democrat; I.0.0.F.; Buried in California. VI-110. Belle Zora Wilkinson~ --------- -~-Kirby Smith Galloway (Aug. lh, 1889) Aug 25 ~Hettie Inez Gallowaye-Aug, 6, 25 -Lynn Galloway --»-»-~ --Oct. 15, 255-Uma Lee Galloway -~---- Feb, 21, 356~Earl Galloway ---~---- -May, 9, Belle Zora Wilkinson, daughter of Janes Mary Elizabeth Elsberry Wilkinson, born near 18, 1867 1890- 1891-Jan, 21, 1395 189g~ 189 - C. Wilkinson and Elsberry, Linn s Knoll; Christian Church; married by Rev. Chas A, Mitchell; buried Rose Hill Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri. Kirby Smith Galloway, son of Matthew Mark Galloway and Nancy Ellen Bradshaw; farmer; resides with daughter, Mrs, Jacob.T. Whiteside in Elsberry, Missouri. VI-111. Eudora Leaton Wilkinson -----~-- - -»»_- --Eawapd L69 Ligon (August lh, 1889) May 25, 1870 nay 6, 1955 M3. 237~James Causyra Ligon---Jul. ln, l892»Jan» 21, lB93 238»Hugh Adolphus Ligon~-eaug. 6, lB96~ 239~Dorris Edward Ligon-e~Apr. lo, l90l- Eudora Leaton Wilkinson, daughter of James Causyra Wilkin~ son and Nancy Elisabeth Hester Elsberry; born in Elsberry, Missouri; attended Elsberry School; Baptist; Democrat; Royal Neighbors; married at home, Lincoln County, Missouri by C. A. Mitchell; Buried Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri. ~ Edward Lee Ligon, son of John Henry Ligon and Eliza Ann Luckett, born in Elsberry, Missouri, buried in Elsberry; attended Elsberry School; Shoe Repair Man; Baptist; Democrat; Woodman; Elsberry Cemetery. VI~ll2s John Mordecai Wilkinson-~»~¢Frances Elisabeth Pearson (1907) Dec. 20, l873 2hC»John Wilbur~-~-»~Sep. 15, 1908 2hl~Francis willard~-Jul. 28, 1913 Frances E. Griffin, formerly married to Pearson. John Mordecai Wilkinson, buried in Elsberry_ Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri; Democrat; Methodist; Mason; A.R. & A.M.; married in Hannibal, Mo. to F. E. Pearson, daughter of Robert Hall Griffin and Louisa Hooper; born, Time, Pike Co., Missouri. VLll3. Gabrilla Ann Wilkinson--~~-»»e~~-~----~-- Buried in Elsberry Family Cemetery on her fathers farm. VI°"ll,.\.| James Andrew Wilkinson »--» ~ *-------- ~-~~--~~"»NehGy Finley (D9Ca Juno 2H2»Raymond Leon~Jun. 22, 1902" 2h3~Hester Jane»-Oct. 26, l903»Apr. 9, 1910 James Andrew Wilkinson, son of James Causyra Wilkinson and Nancy Elisabeth Hester Elsberry, born in Elsberry, Missouri; attended school Elsberry, Missouri; C.B.& 2. R.R. Go. Conduc~ tor; Sth. St,, Baptist; Democrat; Order Railway Conductors: Woodman; Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen; married at Pleasant Hill, Illinois, by Rev. Hartsock; Family Cemetery, Elsberry Mo. Nancy Finley, daughter of George Finley and Jane Zumnelt; born at White Hall, Illinois; Baptist; Democrat. _ VI-11§. MM- Laura Viola Milkinson» ~»~---- -------- William Otis Fox (Mar. 20, 1902) July 23, 1877 Zhh-William Wilkinson Fox-»Ju1. 9, 2h5-Robert Miller Fox---»~ 2h6-Mary Temperance Fox»~- Zh?-James Gausyra Fox--~--- Laura Viola Wilkinson, daughter and Nancy Elizabeth Hester Elsberry, 21, Feb. 8, Nov. 1, of James born Els 1905- 1907- l909- ' l913~Sep. 3, 1931 Causyra Wilkinson berry, Missouri Attended Elsberry Public School; Housewife; Baptist; Married Elsberry, Missouri by Rev. E. M. Chewning; Buried in Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri. William ctia Fox, son of Wm. H. and Isabaiie c. Fox (Miller) born in West Virginia; attended school at Jeems and Fagg School ' Baptist; Farmer; Democrat. VI~ll6. Hettie Temperance Wilkinson ----~-- ---»Homer Estes Fox, (November 21, 1902) January 6, 1885 2hB-Stanley Miller Fox~--Oct. 1906- 2h9-Homer Wilkinson Fox»-Oct. 1907- 25O€Elizabeth Belle Fox--Feb. 1909- Nellie E. Howell adopted daughter, born D. S. Cheer. Jan 1917; Married Hattie Temperance Wilkinson, daughter of James Causyra Wilkinson and Nancy Elizabeth Hester Elsberry, born near Elsberry, Missouri; attended school, Elsberry, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; married Elsberry Missouri by Rev. E. W. Chewning; Eastern Stare Homer Estes Fox, son of Wm. H. and Isabelle C. Fox (Miller) Attended Paynesville Public and Margaret Lang School at Payneeville; retired R. R. Engineer; Baptist; Democrat; Mason; Board Trustees, Hannibal LaGrange College; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Address: West Ely Road, Hannibal, Missouri ¢. J. VI~l1T. William Kruserw~~~~~~~--"~»-~»~ Died in early youth. Buried in Omaha Nebraska. \fI"'1-3.85 Elery Kruser-~~~~-»~---~»~ -~~~ ~- -*'-°° -"M8Ud 3G9D9g (February 17, 1905) July 3, 16 9 25l~Garner Kruser-June 2, 1907- 252~Bargin Krueer-April 29, l9ll~ 2S3»Donael Kruser-August 23, 19lS~ Residence: Arnold Nebraska. VI~1l9. George Druser~~--= --~~*~- **"*~ "'~""""' 'rmebel Baile? (January 1, 1907) February 1 1888 25h»Orville Alfred Kruser-Dec 2, l908~ 255»R. Edwin Kruser ------- Jan l9lO» 256-Rolland Kruser»--~~-~~ Mar 257-Ione Kruser~--~~-4 ---- Feb 3 Louis Shannon Kruser ---- ~~~-~- | Al-V-in Kruse?-_-_-__-..........--»--..-.----- (May 16, 1915) 19, 12, l9l2~ 11, l9lh~ n-_arg-p --Elsie Byra Oct. 16, 1999 Jan. 9, 1921 258-Mable Krueer»-Nov. 16, 1916" 259-Alvin Krueer--Oct. 2, l9l8~ 26O~ Kruser» 1920- VI-122. Raleigh Francis Leo~~~ Me. a. Stelle Leo ------ -~ ----- »~~-ww--ChaPleS MitGh811 Grissom (November 16, l9__ 261~Lee Griseon July 2, l906--- 2.62-Lillian June el, 1909---» Residence: Hntehieon,Keneas. VI"12ua Russell Antone Leo ~--- ~ ~---~---~ VIvl25. Joseph Alfred Leo~-- ~--- ---~ -ee VI"126o Mary Fredrioe (Freda) Lee ------- - -~-- ----- -- Died in infancy -10 months l9 days. vm-Law. Reeina Wilhelmine Leo (Mine}~~»»-~»--------Louie Welton VI"l28| Helen Lerette Leo-»-~--- ---- -»»----~Ley Pierce Kearney, Nebraska. VI*l29| TereSa-- --~- #-- -- ~ -~-----Walter Snumaker Omaha, Nebraska. VI-150. Henry August ------ ~--- - ---- » ---- --~- VI-15l. Bernard Andrew~--- ---~----- --»-»~~»---~-~ 'Q 132. George Mitchell Lee--- 133.- Unknewn~ ~--- ~ --»»--- 13H. Unknown ----- - 135. Nornem Montrose Cannon 136. Nettie May Cannon- ~-~- 137. Orville Gannon --"- l3B. Mary Alice Cannon ---- 139. Themes Arthur 0ennon»- o Bessie Blanch Cannon-~ lnl. ;,Bern1eee Cannon--e"--" -ln2. James Franklin Gennenf lh5» Alethee Maud Cannon ~ 1LJ+-f Alonzo Le1end~ge» sheath# Harry Le1and--~----»~- " -- lhé. Archibald Leland lh7e John Leland-»--~ lhdl Roy Herrie»-~--- lh9» Myrtle Herrie--- l50. Florence Herrie~ Died Early: 151. James Herrie---- "'l52|. `Henneh Herrie--- 155. Frank Ayres--~-~ uuunqqil :In-||uIl|l¢ gggggg -sg; an-nah: \n|»|u|\Q|n»lum|u||uz|| lllmn |u1|n|uu1|I4n|lI\lIlllvl»lI'l'l!l"l __ :null lnsnnnn-| ggqmnqnmnwu n--wen-u-1-nun-an-uns WW et We mf. l 1, ~o Q* 1 ` ®'> ini (D h9» Vlelgh. Son~~Ayree-~»---Died eerly~~~ VI as Gladys Undine Herris»- »~~- --~-William Kinneer McKenzie (April 15, 1905) April 5, 1880 263~Jennie Mohenzie---Feb. Zh, 1905- _ 26h~Doneld McKenzie-~-Aug. 21, 1908- Gledye Undine Harris, born in Custer County, Nebreeka; Ghrletien; married et Entiet, Chelan County, Washington. William Kinneer McKenzie, born in Super, Fife, Scotland; son of William Kinneer McKenzie and Elizabeth Sheer; Christian; Prohibition; M,w.A.; Farmer. Address: Entiet, Chelan County, Weshingtone 5 Audrey Harrie --»~ ~ »------- ~ ~-»~ --~- Otto Monroe Thomeeon (September 5, 1905) September 17, l87h Audrey Harris, born in Milldele, Nebraska; Disciples Ghuro Democrat; married by J. A. Groves, Entiet, Chelan County, Wash" lnton. ' ' Otto Monroe Thomeeon, born in Minoy, Toney County, Mieeour Son of John Hiram Thomason and Edna Jane Killmen; University of Oklahoma, end LL.B. University of Washington Law School; Disciples Ghuroh; Republican; Attorney at Lew; Kc of Ps Otto Monroe Thomason was married on December 25, lQ00 to whom e son was born Otto Kelsey Thomason, November 7, l90l» Address: Seattle, Washington. V1-3.57. Haprlisw-u-un-annumnaxasmwnn-nu-»--#uhm VI-155. Anne Christian Harris -~----- ~---Chester Milton Lockwood (May 26, l9l2) August 13, 1386 265#Frenoes Arden Lockwood---~--~#ebruery 20, 1913 50 Anna Christian Harrie, born in Badger Mountain, Waehingw - ton Christian; Married at Seattle, King County, Washington! attended University of Washington. _ Chester Milton Lockwood, son of Francie A. hookwood and Elizabeth Steiner, born in Indiana; Bissell College; N%thod~ let; Engraver; VI~l59~ Naemi Harrie----- -~~_-"~- ~-*-- -~°"-""'" VI-160| Alvin Oden Harrie--=--~-~ --~-~" """" vI"'1 Q _ Thelma Harrie-~ ~"~- ~ --"~ ""~- *'"~"" """"" VI~162. Frank Hutchinson* ----- »-~-- --~- ---"--- -" 0 Anna Mil1er---- ~=~°-~ -""" VI»l6H. Don mi11er---~-»~- -~»~~-- ~~~~~~~»~~ VI~165» Emma Gene Hiller ~*~'-- V1~l66. Marion Miller~-~- --~- --~~ " ----- ~"~"--~~"" VI~l5T¢ Virginianni11er-----~~~--~~----~--~---~~~ Slv VI»168e Reginold Saliebury~~»~--»-= ------ --~---- Died Unmarried. VIel69@ Julia Saliebury~-- -~-»-~~»»»»~~-~~ mme V1-170. Sane-»Sa1iebury»~ --~------ ~--@»»-~-~~=-= VI@1Tle Glee Harrie--~--~~ ----~~ ~-~-~ -~--e v1~172. Mabel Harrie---~-~-~ -»-~~~---»»--»~-~~» VI~=-175° HafI'iSnnww una-elvlnnnlslnnnmsmnn-n una-In mdluu umm VI~1YMe _ Lyman Harrie~ ------ ~~--~ --~ ~ ~~---~ V1"17ht» Charles Mayes Suddarthe-~~~#*e~~~~=ee~~e@ VI»lT5» Emmett Watts-~-~~-- -~-»- ~~~~ ---- ~--- ---Malvina Wheeler Drag line operator living in the state of Louisiana (l9hl) 265%~Mary Lou Watte~ VI~lT6a Ethel Watts --~-- -»----~-~-~~-~--~~-----~James H, Gregory (1910) ~ n Lived in St. Louie Miesouria. They were separated and James H9 Gregory lives in Olney, Missouri. 53' at 266~Clarence Gregorye~--"-- 26?-James Gregory »--- ~~~~-~ Eodewillism Gregory -~»- ---» 269»Mary Margaret Gregory " 53. Vlelde. -nun $5 ¢,¢,.,,,,,.,_ "-'"**""' "'-' """ "' "' Y B Y 27leMalter Lewis Gregory~-- E72~Emmett Charles Gregcry~ 273JRuth Gregory-----~--~~~ Owen Watts~-~ --- -~~--= -~---»»----*~- vI°'ZL?8e K William J. Bryan Watts-~~ ~»~-~ »---- ~~e" VI°l79. Ruben.Watts---- --»»»Miss. Matte (No relation) VI-180. osie weeee---~~--- »--~-~-~-~»»-»»~»-»---Miss Schaffer Do 0Gto VI~lBl. Viola May watts-~--~ ---- -»-~»--~----~----Herbert Peters VI-ldlsf Howard Kenneth Watts-~-~~- ---~-- --»-»~Doris Faye Evans (Sep. Eh, l9h2) VI-152. isa may Maet1n---~~~--»~- ---- »------~~-- v;f¥§3a .Mary Lou Mees1n» ----»- -~- ---~ -»~»-»-~-»» V1-ish. Pearl Martin-~~»eve~-f-re--F-~r-~--~--»~» Operating garage in state of washington. (August 30, l906) June l, 1885 27h~Ida Elisabeth Cannon-Nova l,' 1911- 275-Ruby Melinda Cannon--Mar. 30, l9l9- Clarence Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Buchanan College; LaGrange College; william Jewell College; University of Missouri -- BeS,, A.B., A;M., LL;Be; LL.D. from William Jewell College, Culver-Stockton College, University of Missouri, Southeastern University; Parliamentarian of House of Representatives under both Democratic and Republican administration; Parliamentarian National Democratic Convention from 1920; Democrat; O.E.S.; Baptist; I.0.0.F;; Kappa Sigma Fraternity; B.P.O.B.; A¢F. & A.M,; Knight Templar; Scottish Bite; Shriner; Lawyer; author of various books; President Bank of Lincoln County from 1922; Member of Congress longest in history of Missouri, Chairman of Committee on Approprlae tions longest since organization of Committee; married by Rev; Charles King at Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri Ida Dawson Wigginton, daughter of Reuben Thomas Wigginton and Margaret Virginia Dawson; born at El-Mo Farm, Lincoln County, Missouri; Hardin College; Stephens College; University of Missouri; Beta Sigma Omicron Sorority; O.E.S.; Baptist; Democrat; P.E.O.; ' D.A.R.; Federated History Club; Vice President Congressional Club, Washington, D.C.; Christened Battleship Oriskany at Brooklyn Navy Yard; Member Society of Sponsars United States Navy. Address: Elsberry, Missouri n Ruby Cannon ----------- ee -~---- ---#William Barney Peeler (August 30, l9Oh) September 25; 1869 October Eh, 1953 2T6»William Randolph Peelereauga h, l9lO~ Ruby Cannon, born in Blsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High School; Elsberry Academy; Stephens College; B.O. and B.M.; member of Tuesday Club; Alumnae Association; D.A.R.; Kings Daughters; i Elsberry Cemetery; married by Dr. C. M. Hatcher, at Baptist Church, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; President of P.E.O. Chapter 1932-1933. William Barney Peeler, son of William Henry Peeler and Eliza M. Atherton, born in Fayette, Howard County, Missouri; Missouri University, B.S.; President of Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; Elsberry Cemetery. 5H» 9 Cecil Whiteside Cannon~-»~-=-Margaret Rebecca Trescott (September 25,l9l5Beptember Zn, 1892 27;-John Lewis Gannon--~-~Nov. h, l925~ _ 27 ~w1111aa JQsepn.cannsn-Jan. 7, 1925s Cecil Whiteside Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Wil- liam Jewell College; Baptist; Democrat; l.0.0.F. and A.F. & A.H.; married by Rev. H. L. Hatcher, at Hlsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; Hlsberry. Cemetery. Margaret Rebecca Trescott, daughter of Isaac Louis Trescott and Eliza Calhway, born in Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri; attended Howard Payne College; A.B.; Baptist; Delta Pi Delta P.E.O. and 0.E.S. Second time married to Harry Curtis Gladney, son of Benjamin F. Cladney and Nettie Maud Luckett; married Jun. 16, l9h5. - Address: Elsberry, Missouri. VI~189» 1 Ethyl Anna Cannon ~---~~---~~~- William Alloway Clayton (Har. 5, 1920) Nov. 25, 1868 Jun. 15, 1956 279-Imogene Clayton-~~Aug. 50, l92l» Ethyl Anna Cannon, born in Hlsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; attended weltmer Conservatory of music, Cincinnati Conservatory; halter Spry School of Music, Chicago; Music Teacher; Methodist; Officer in W. S. C. S.; Democrat; married by Reverend R. H. Holland, at Hotel Nation, Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas; Elsberry, Cemetery. William Alloway Clayton, son of Arthur Willis Clayton and Sarah Elizabeth Alloway, born in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri Baptist; Democrat; First married to Lena Alloway; Elsberry Cemetery. Address: Hlsberry, Missouri. | William Roscoe Cannon -~-~-»- "wr"-¥NBl1G Oneida Cochran (September 28,19OTHun. 22, 1887 28O~Kathryn Preston~-Jan. 6, l909~ 281-Woodrow Wilson--~Ju1. 10, l9l2~ 282-Lilla Mae---~-»--Mar. 25, 1918- William Roscoe Uannon, horn in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;.attended St. Charles Hilitary'College; Cem.City Business College; Democrat; Banker; married by Rev. Hiller at 5680 Laclede Ave. St. Louis, Hissauri; Cashier, Elsberry Danking Company; Secretary Elsberry Drainage District, 1950; Hlsberry Cemetery. Hells Oneida Cochran, daughter of Chelton Preston Cochran and Kathryn Hemphill, born in larksville, Missouri; Episcopal; Democrat. Lester Thompson Cannon ---- ~~-~-~ 55. inane-nlulldh _ %Huried`in Lincoln County, Missouri; died at 15 months. v1~192, Adley Cmar Cannone -----------~~--------- Verdella Dixon (October lO, 1915) Jan. 25, 189k 28 -Lucille Verdella Cannon~Jan. 28, 1917- 28 -Louise Ellnorah Cannon--Jan. 28, 1917- Adley Omar Cannon, born in Elsterry, Lincoln County, missouri; attended Cem City Business College and Missouri Uni» versity; Baptist; Democrat; Assistant Cashier, First National Bank, Havelock, Iowa; married by Rev. T.J. Phillips at residence of R.C. Dixon, Elsberry Lincoln County, Missouri. Verdella Dixon, daughter of Richard Charles Dixon and Cassa A, Jenkins; Baptist; teacher. Alta Iowa. vI"195¢ Lucy Opal Cannon» ------ ~--~- ~»---B---Charles levengood (April 22, 1916) may 29, 1372 Lucy O. Cannon, Hlsberry High School; in Elsberry Cemetery. Charles Levengocd, later married Mrs Elsberry Cemetery, Elsbsrry, Missouri v1»19h. Velma Hllenorah Gannon~ ---- ~»---~Rev. (Sep. 17, 1925) 285-William Cannon Hanes-~~ 236-Robert Landon Hanes---- 287-Lillie Belle Hanes ~---~ 2871/16-Sarah Lee Hanes--~» 2871/8-Fred Page Hanes, Jr. 2371/h~Velma Nadine Hanes-- 12S7l/2-Anna Elizabeth Hanes 1 Aug Jul Jul Jul Hay Jun Oct Jun 15, 1956 Methodist; buried Emma Pryor Burke;- Fred Page Hanes FSb 4 20, 273192 ' 73192 " 7: 1926" se, 1928~ 2 , 195c~ 1 , 1952- 5: 195M- Velma E._Cannon, graduate Hissouri University; B.S., H.H.; Phi Beta Kappa; P.E.6,, Eastern Star; Methodist; Principal Else berry High School; Democrat; Chillicothe_ Cemetery. Rev. Fred P. Hanes, Dist=Supt. Chillicothe Richmond, Mo.; Methodist Church; Fred P. Hanes, son of C. W. Hanes and Miss Page; Central College, A.B., and Missouri University; 'Y.H,C A Representative in France in World War; Pastor, Methodist Churches at Troy, Chillicothe and Macon, Missouri. 56. V1""l95e Jamison Bryan Cannon»--~-~~~------Ida Pauline Phillips (May 50, l9l8)Decemher h, 1399 288»Lester Thomas 0annon»Aug. 11 l9l9» 289~Patricia Jeans Gannon~May. 25, 195O» Jamison Bryan Cannon, born in Elsberry, Lincoln Uounty, Missouri; attended Ste Louis College of Pharmacy (1920); Baptist Democrat; Pharmacist; married by Rev.;Anderson at St, Louis, Missouri; partner in Cannon & Biffle Drug companys Ida Pauline Phillips, daughter of Ret. Thomas Jefferson Phillips,(Baptist Minister) and Mary Alice Corn, born at Gordor, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; attended Elsberry High School, Hardin College and Marrensburg Normal School. VI~196. David Russell Gannon~- ~~-~ ~»-~»e»Virginia Young Henry (June 50, 1929) August 8, 1901 29OeBetty Jean Gannon-Sep. 15, 1950- David R. Cannon, graduate University of Missouri, B.S» 5 Construction Engineer; Baptist; Democrat; currently overseas with the Near East Foundation, Virginia Young Henry, born at Whiteside, Lincoln County; Missouri graduate of Northeast Teachers College, B.S»; Member Faculty, Montgomery City High School; Eastern Star, D.A.R, ' VI~19T» Berkley Everett Gannon»--~-e ---- -~--Margaret Eva Wolfe ` (Feb. 190h) October 9, 1835 29l~ Ruby may Cannon Margaret Eva Wolf, daughter of Frank Wolfe and Katharina Baker, born in Germany; Catholic; Democrat, - --n-,m ___m______,_,___;____ J . \ . -_ r s - ST. _ - .¢, - -" _ ' , ff ` ,. -- . 2' B;Everett cameos; born_in Elsberryp'Lincoln=County, " ' ' Missouri; Democrat; Conductor, Brotherhood of Railway " _ Trainmene *Married by Justice of Peace at Fargo; North f U" Dakota; Marriage blessed by Father.Verhaga; Lady'of`Lourdes Spokane Washington, - _ e ' Address: Spokane 25 Washington l9§9 Em 1568- Sth Avenue. VI~l98, Garth Benjamin Cannon-~~-~e»~»»Agnes Elizabeth Hyland (June l§, 1925) December 15, 1902 k Garth B. Cannon was born in Elsberry, Missouri5Minot High School, Railway Conductor, Democrat, AFM AM, Order Baile ~ way Conductors (o.s.c.) Married at Minot,Ward Goa by Revs Pr M, Erickson to Agnes Elizabeth Hyland daughter of Owen Hyland and Mary Anna Musha born in Sauk Centre Minnesota, Minot High School, Catholic, Democrat; L.A. to Brotherhood of Rai1~ ' way Trainmen and L,A. to O,R.E. 2 lr 'm ,_ =.| Address: Minot 501 Fair Blook (l9hh) North Dakota. 3 w n ,_ =,,-. n ,_ |-" \ ~». I-:| - ;» I VI"199, T Randolph Thomas Gannon ~--- ~~-»-~-»-~Georgia Anna Houff c (December 25, l9l2)July 1, l§92 K 295~Eterett Garth Gannon~ 296~Besi1---~--~~-~----~- Randolph Thomas Gannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist; Railway switchman; Member of Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen; Married by Revs M. J. Haggith, at Calgary, Alberta, Ganadaa Georgia Anna Houff, Daughter of William Henry Houff and Mary Hussey born in Gidertown, Georgia; Methodist; Formerly at East Calgary, Alberta, Canada. ` Now: 2915 Seventeenth Street. Los Angeles, California ' ) Leon William Gannon---e~»~»-»~-=-~-Della Margaret Bauer (September 5, 1920) May 19, 1898 V \ W , f - 51; ' if f ---f --- -~ '-:'- =-f~ -g:;s;¥;f :;;'-,, -- 11: i_,;f;§!fF:;2 <-=--'*""*-""' *iii-,, - -1H'w»f-- g 58. nies in railroad accident at wisnram, Oresena Member af Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, E1ks;_Knights of Columbus; Spokane Catholic Society; Holy Cross Cemetery; 0 _ Della Margaret Bauer, daughter of Herman_Bauer and Lenora Mc/Cormick, Great Falls Mont, High School Liminpton, nontanao Catholic; Democrat; Auxiliary dailroad Trainmen; The Royal Neighbors; Spokane, Washington, (Married by Bets Father Buckley) Spokane, Washington (1959) Q 2 233 299 500 501 502 (December 5, 1917) James Robert Byrne-~~-- Terence naurioe Byrne-~ William michael Byrne~- Richard Benjamin Byrne Hattie Jo Ann Byrne--~- Patricia Anna Byrne~~-- Sep Oct Jul May Dec har Ruth Genevieve Cannon~--»----»----Lawrence Maurice Byrne April 5, 1892 lb: 20, 21, 29, 22, 25: 1918 1920 1925 1925 1929 1952 Jun 1, l9h5 Ruth Genevieve Cannon, born at Rolla, North Dakota, att- ended St. Marys Academy, Devils Lake, North Dakota; Catholic; Daughters of Isabelle; Royal Neighbors; married at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota. Lawrence Maurice Byrne, son of Nobert Michael Byrne and Nellie C. Goghian, born at St. John, North Dakota, attended North Dakota A. O. and Success Shorthand 5chool, Chicago, Illinois. Catholic; Democrat; Brotherhood of Railroad Train- men, K.of C,; District Court deporter, Sth Judicial District of North Dakota. 9 ' ~Captain, lnfantry, U. S. Army, at Officers Training Camp Fort Snelling, Minnesota, 1917; Commissioned First Lieutenant and assigned at Camp Dodge, Iowa. Commissioned Captain July 19, 1918 and served overseas until discharged in 1919. Chief of Police, Minot, North Dakota; Building Loan Associations VI-202° John Samuel Cannon~~~ -~-»--~-~---- ~»June Emily Ann Snow (June 15, 1925) April 7, 1902 505-Donna May Cannon» John Samuel Cannon, born at Bisbee, N, Dakota, Catholic; Democrat; K. of C.; St. hary's Academy; Married at Minot, North Dakota; Switchman. June Emily Ann Snow, daughter of Fred Oral Snow and Martha Clive Richardson, born at Marietta, minnesota, Ste haryls Academy hinot Normal School; Athiest; Democrat; Stenographer gddresss Vancouver, Washington, M15 E. 9th Street. (1959) 59. viesce, 'W James Isaac Cannon~--~----__-_---,--_------_-UhmarriBg Buried in iamily cemeter of moth ' 1 i N H ton County, Missouri. Y er B peop S n SW VI~2Dh, Wanda Emeline Cannone--~-~~-s-_»as-R0y Ezgkiel Hammack (Sera 29; l9lO) January 27, 1887 April 15a l9h3 50k-Thomas Taylor Hammack~Jan. 22, 1912 §05~Roy Cannon Hammack~~-»Jan. L, 191 i_NDV. 9 19 O » 506-Mary Lou semmacr---»»-aug, lo , 3,91 ' ' 5 5Og»James Waldo Ham ackse-Jul. 2), 1918 50 -Bonnie Jean Hammack~--Jan. h, 1921 509-Ralph Eugene Hammack-~Imc, 10, 1952 _Wanda Emeline Cannon, born in Lincoln County, Missouri Baptist; Democrat; Teacher; Married by Rev. W. A. Bibb at Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, 3 Her Ezekiel Hammock, son of Thomas Destin Hammock and Mary Mildred Elsberry, born in Lincoln County, Missourie Baptist; Democrat; Stockman and buyer; County Assessor, Lin# coln County, Missouri, 1925~55, Elsberry Cemetery. Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri VI~205, '"** "'°= _wnmmn (September 20, 1950) February 7, 1910 510-James Taylor cannon--A . _ 1 511-Wanda Ruth Cannon-»~-Sggl gi, Qggg 512-Norma dean Cannon~~~-Nov; 15, 1957 _ Born in Lincoln County Mo. Farmer Baptiste Bemoorat. married by Rev, L. H. LyHH,'E1sberry Lincoln Co ,Missouri ' V101 M%§§k?6mpere%ce Fox, daughter of Wm¢ Otis Box and Ladra 9 1H50n, GPH LiHG0ln Co, Missouri. Baptist: Democrat. | R&1Dh Morton Gannon---»---_-__-- ____ _ __,___Anne Barr _ (Mal 11; 1929) ` Nov. 18, 190% Apr; 16, l9h9 - _ =. _ .L -.s1fT; -fue _<-: -T:-:rzrmgr Tv-:' _< 'Pu 51'-Nancy Ann Gannon "-"" *' """" 60° 51 -Ralph Morton Gannon, Jr.~-- §15-Delores Cannon -~--"- ~-"'" "" 516-Mn. Barry Cannon--- ~~~-~~ 51;-Eleanor Gannon ---~ ---" 51 -Joseph Uannon-- ~-~- "-""" °'" 519-Kathleen Cannon ---- ~--j~'~- Ralph Morton Gannon, born near Llsbefrr, IQQGOQU Counts, Missouri; sapeist; Demosrsta astefmsns Farmer; Mafflsd by _ i Rev, P,P, Crane, at 2Obj East Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missour Anne Barry, daughter of William Patrick Barry and Mollie Marv Roennigke; attended Holy Name School and Bosaua-Hain High; Catholic; Denocrat; born in St, Louis, Mise0UP15 Ga1VaTN Came" tery St. Louis, ` » Address: 1119 Obear Avenue, St. L0UiS» MiSS°uTi I A s' W°ll an Isaac Mayes-- "----- ""'""*B@11@ Sssss UEHS ine ll 1 1 (November 26, 19lh) Jul? 6, 1895 520-Jenn William sages-mar. 9, 1916- »2OB. VI Mary Lucy Cannon--_,_--»~---"Thomas Cannon Howard (November 18, 1920) October 11, 1396 521-Charles Gannon Howard-Dec. 15, 1921- 522~Wi11iam outs (set) " -Apr. 5, 1925- 52 -John Randolph Howard--Sep. 17, 1925* 52 -Molly Ann Howard ---- »-Jan. 29, ;9h0- 9 H H Mary L. Cannon, D.A.R., P-E-0~» ha§t@fn °taT3 BaPtlSL° Thomas C. Howard, son of Alice Lelia Haters and Chas Martin Howard; Designated Master Farmer by MO. 5BT&11St, l9M03 Held office in Farm Bureau; h-H» Sponsor; Pike Hereford ASSU- | , . '?sabel1e Mayes Cannon ---- ~-----John Bernard Griffitts (Jan. 13, 19hY) §25»Ann Gannon Griffitts-Dec. 2, 1950- lsabelle Mayes Cannon, daughter of Otto Boomer and "__" Cannon. Mttended Elsberry High School; Hardin_C0}l9€§5 DSP" sonnel analyst in office of Army Engineers. Married in 5P@ Baptist Church, St. Louis, 9? RGV- C- O°,J°hnS@n' Bernard Griffiths, son of Ann Griffitts, Galesburg, 1111- nois, High School; Washington Unversity; employed with company engaged in manufacture of cosmetics. Address, 5575 washington Ave. St. Louis, Missouri, V 1 tt is 1 L i 9 1 1 1 1 Q)Jio§ 1 1 1 M 61. u -"- vm»21c. ' 1ettd%WTemperance Mavesaéf ---- 1---;~-Guy Cannon Elstcn (August 10, 1903) February 25, 1836 526-Curtis Mayes M1ston~--May 26, l909~ §2g~Harry Daniel Blston--~May M, 1912- 52 -Richard Guy Blston ---- Feb 10, 1916~ 529-Mary Llizabeth Blston-Sep 35, l918~ 550-Kathrine Eileen L. ---- Sep 15, 1920» Guy Gannon Elston, son of Samuel Lee Elston and Ada Rebecca Cannon. Iiemperance Mayes, Blsberry, Cemetery. V1-211° Roy Wilkinson Maves~--~»~-- ~-~~~~~- -~mLou Altha Ellis (October 25, 191n) February 17, 1896 §5leInfant ------ s ----- ---Jan. 6, 191T~Jan. 6, 1917 552-Marv Willena Mayes--~Ju1. 6, 1925~ Lou Altha Ellis, daughter of Ee B. Bllis and Mary Billena Elsberry, Boy W, Mayes, Farm Bureau; Baptist; Officer in Road District and Drainage Uistrict. Address: Blsberrv, Missouri VI"2l2s Russell Taylor Mayes--~~ ~~-»- -~-~ ~~~-- Cavs Blanche Weeks (June 20, 1920) November M, 1895 555=Samuel Cannon Mayeseaug. 50, 1927~ Bussell T, Mayes, Farmer; Baptist; Farm Bureau. Sava Blanche Weeks, daughter of Dtatira Bllena Whiteside and Samuel Taylor Weeks, born in Lincoln Uountv, Missouri; marrie in Louisiana Missouri, by Kev. Chas King; Baptist; Garden Club. B.F,D, Blsberry, Missouri, Lucy Katherine Maves»---~~-1-Q--Virgil otuckert Weeks (May 15, 1926) December 25, 1396 55h-John Richard weeks-~ssy 2 , 19§O- 555-Katherine Lou Weeks-Jan 2 , 1952- Virgil Stuckert Meeks, son of Statira Bllena Whiteside and Samuel Taylor Meeks; married as home by Reverend J, S, Eames; Baptist; employed by wells-Lamont Corporation. Lucy K. Mayes, Baptist; a.B.C. Clubs ' __,_< ;iV-:; ; , _ _¢,, _, Tr" ,; _._,¢_ ifilf J' '1T"'I7 ' 62| vi-aiu. Edward Michau Cannon- -~-»-- ~ ---- Helen GPBCS HSH@@TS0H (kdgs Zh, l9h6} 556-Hugh Miohau Gannon---~ 55;-Maids Gannon ----- ----- 55 -Eugenia Louise Gannon-Dec. ll, 1951 Edward M. Gannon, Physician; married at Atlanta, Georgia; 1919 S. Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. 0 Eugenia marie Gannon -=--~~----- owe (March 12, 1953) 559-Frederick Nienaher-~ J ll Isaac Nienaher Eugenia M. Cannon, Lincoln High School, Lincoln Nebraska, U 1 G bl S Florida Rollins College, Pi Beta Phi; married at ora a e , by Br. George B. Laird. Jewell I. Nienaber, son of J. H. Nienaber; University of Minnesota; Aviator, Pan American Airways Port in Spain. V1-216. Arnold Gannon Boone~ ~------ ~~-~~--Alice Marie Bowers (October 27,l%BJecember 9, 3.910 5nO-John Arnold Boone--May 22, 1929- 5hl-Nanoy Ann Boone ~--~ Arnold Cannon Boone, horn in Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri; Democrat; Creditman; Ely in St. Louis Missouri. Alice Marie Bowers, daughter of Edward Bowers and Emma Dempsey, horn in Mexico, Missouri; Catholic; Democrat, -Walker Dry Goods Go.; married Address: 7l2h Forsyth Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. V1»2l7, Mary Frances Boone- ---- -~--~--~- ---- Carl Bichagd Moore (September 20, l9EfDct, lh,,l 95 5h2-Eleanor Marie hoore-Jul. 5, 1928- 5h5-Frances Moore --»--- ~Aug. 26, 1950- Bary Frances Boone, daughter of William Crosby Boone and Mary Letitia Cannon, born Clarksville, Pike County; Manual Training School Peoria, Illinois; University of Mexico City, Mexico; Baptist; married at Chicago, Illinois, by Rev. Boynton. Q6 1 Q3 qt " 9)W 'i. I 1 P oklwf ¥ 63. VI~21Ss A Helen Louise Bo 6-e-~»e»-_ _-___ thu, Nelsnn Tracew 11 P 5MM~Msrs Ls~~»rraeews11~~eot, 28 i 4 5M5"G90Tg6 E¢»Tracewel1~-Jule 27; 132; Helen Lo Boone was born in Clarksville Miss 1° B marries in use some of sr°s s s * °?P ' aptist Chessmang 1 e paren s, Peoria, Ill, by Rev, Arthur Ne Tracewell son of George E Tracewell a'd Ol' Ma? Earl? born in Valentine Y b k - ' '° H lve sbyberiang Republican. ; le Tas &, optical merchant; Pre" e ' BoOn.@"""""""°°°Hé=Hunun¢~m|nuumE1H1&r\ RW De@» 25, 1959 Mildred Vs Boone was born in Clarksville Mc. "Dis Elma" R; BOBPRE Salesman, Lipton Tea Go. Rockford, 111s~ Helen Faye Gothron~~--ae---,--,- RO "*~~~ y Julian Bans 0°t° 11; 1921 Mason 20, l895 an Helen F. Gothron born Billin s M t B' ° High School; University of Montan§;,Te;2her;lllégigrgggiioggg Gh"f°§;yM§fP§@d by gev. Miller, Billings, Mons. . ansen ern Muskegon Michigan- Gertifigatg f Normal School' Mase - B bl" f r ' , rom Diese, Ca1ifornia» H' epu loan' Member Planning Dept# Sa" 5M6~Dewey Julian Hanson~-Deo. 29, 1925 Address: 109 Yellowstone Ave, Billings, Montana, m~n|.|¢|.u-no-aura-uae-svn-as-noni:mwnnnfn-wmqnfg-gg. ,,. Son of Granville Gilison Cothron and Elfl d w i k iorn Billings, Montana; Billings Grade and Higg §¢h@é1%ngg§£ty ssesnr, Democrat; Treasurer; Yellowstone Go, Mont, , Address: Yellowstone Ave, Billings Montana. VI~222. mannoon-uunuanmmmu-qs; _¢,,,,,',,,,""""" _ ~ ,,:f , , - . gg, -» »-- - exe-~»'le==%J ;»4===ef»==-1~=-e__;.~=»_L_=~»._r=:-Ee.;-, al oh. VI-225. Alice Vaughan--'" " """""""° """"'"" v1-22h. Clinton Andrew hdlkiuavnr' """ """""""" 0 Edward Talbott-----~"-'" '""'""""' '""" VI-225. Leland Austin Watson*--~~"""*"""""""'""" 0 Bessie Alice Watson~--~~-~---° '""*"'""" VI»228. Harold Wilkinson»--~~-----*°*""*"""'""° VI-229. 1 Lahore Wi1kinson»~»~--"o-»--°*"' '""'""" _UI~2§O. Irene Wilkinson#-~-~~~-"-~-"**-"*""'""'"" ?IIwE51. Janes Samuel Wilkinson--»-=--*"*""""'" "'"" Pearl na11&5 Deceased James S, Wilkinson Railroad worker: Address: T15 Home Blvét, Alhambra, California. VII. 232. Gordon Robert Wilkinson---~--~"~--~"-"r" V11-233. 65 Hottie Enos Galloway~- -~-~ - --~~-» Jacob Tapleg Whiteside (Jan. 16, 1915) Feb. 25, 18 h 3h7-Helen Frances Whiteside-Feb. 1, 19lB~ 3h8-Martha Belle Whitesids~-Aug. 7, 1919~ J. T. Whiteside, son of John Luther Doris Whiteside and Sarah Ellen Mitchell. VII~23h. ' Lynn Galloway--~ -~ ---- -~ VII-235. Oma Lee Ga1loway~»---~»-- ----»--»- ~ -~»-» -Peyton Howard (Aug. 6, 1925) Sept. 8, 1891 3h9-Mary Howard ------ ~---~- Jun 22, 1926- 35O~Jana Louise Howard- ~--- Jul B, 1930- 351~Kathryn Howard»»- ~~--- -Jul 21, 1931- 352~James Howard---~--- ---- May 31, 1936~ 353-Suzanne Howard~---- ~-»Ju1 21, 193T~ Oma Lee Galloway, Methodist; School Teacher; Peyton Howard, Farmer; son of Alice Lehawaters and Charles Martin Howard. o Earl Galloway-~-~ ----»»-- »--~-~-- --~» Sadie May Ford (May ah, 1927) Jana 23, 1900 35h~Son »-~~ ~-Sep. 5, l929~Sep. 8, 1929 355¢Winona~--Apr. h, 1931- 356"S0H"" ""'" MEY- 3. l93H"M5F 3. l93H Sadie May Ford, daughter of Thomas J. Ford & Mary Anna Ferguson; born Lincoln County, Missouri; Hardin College; N. Missouri State Teachers College; Teacher, Fortnightly Club; Christian. Earl Galloway, Farmer. | VI1»23?. James Gausyra Ligon- ~--- -~-~- Died at the age of one year. _ 1 ...~f»»_=-f-H-.-=.--favs'-.f»_c. 1, , _H ,,f,_T,? _,._r _. _ sgesss- .=f~-+=<.s..=a1___,c_e_;4=gm-51_._ .,,n _.._, E. 1 66. _ __________,_,,,,,_,... X M Hugh AdOl°Ql'1`L3.5 L1g0n"""'""'"'_- A ie ae an (N0V_ 7, 1Q15} Apr. &, 1396 _All Hugh Liaoa-"true 1 1915" gg;-Jeugnaeward Lia0a~~b@@ 3; 1920" f Edward B96 Liaoa and Eudora Leato§u%?lii§;gQ?SbE;§02t §l§b;rrY M0°5 Elsberrg High b?hoo1iied Electric Power Plant OD6r@tOP§ 5HPtiSt3 Democrat; Mason' mary in E13"2""ldZnR°§;ultt§; 'i"a'"§2*;i°1~ae.= Allen and Fannie E°"'§§'_""t. Kelly-Xaeéfa afaéf=af11»1a§ "infield High "°""t°" "°`;"?"`"""é"§T,1£ ap S ' Democrat? Eastern Star; R@b@k3h3 Pike G°' em°°r& lc ° VII»239~ __ _ L ) ______*_,__,___-,_-M@py Ellen Gray Dorria Edward igon (Jan, 15, 1922) Dec, 30, 1903 Dorrie E. Lieoa, SOD of Edward Lee Lig°§°aE§SE;ggl? §;;;§;e~ wilaineen; born Eleberryi attaaaad Elsbetfy lg é K E' naarudar Democrat; Gas & Appliance Retailer; mdffled bY Rev' ' ' at E1§§;§r%. Gray daughter of Arthur Francis Gray and Myrtle ° ! Linn Mitchell; attended ElsberPY High S°h°°15 H°"Se"ifB; Baptist; Democrat. . 359-Francis Lee Ligonedua- 5, 1935" VII»2n0~ _,_ ,_,- . 1 John wiibur w11k1naea»»»»- -~ Irene will ""S°" Address: Hamden» Conn' 'VII~2nl. reaneia Willard Wi1KiHS0D""""'f"""""'""Ei1e°n L1°Yd Address: Capitol Heights, Md. VII~2h2. . _________,_ .__. -Grace VTVi9D Rigg Raymond Leon Wilk1neon(Jun` 12, 1926) Died N0v_ 23, l9hn 36G¢Jan@t Rae wilkinson~~Mar. ls 193M" 2d____________, ____ ",Marjofi@ Ellie Stuart (Apr. 25, LQM6) Got. 16, l9lh _ _ __ 3- 6l»L a Kay Wilkinson- Jan- 31, 19M 362-Jagge Leon Wi1kineon»-Jun. 20, l9h9~ f J Anderson Wilkinson and nartlialgggg ¥li§;§io%or;O;toElS;§;;Y M1SS°"Pi5 fafmeflv brakeman $ 'V *X mel Q3 _ owl b '_ lkaia i 57. " of Burlington Railroad; Interior Decorator; Baptist; Democrat. 9 _ Grace Vivian Rigg, daughter of Elvin Rigg and Ruthalla y Elliott; married at Hannibal, Missouri by Reva J. B. Trotter' born in Hermann, Illinois; Registered Nurae; Baptist; Democrat; .buried Grand View Park, Hannibal. Marjorie Ellie Stuart, hae a daughter by a previous marriage. _ Addreaes- 321 South Arch Street Hannibal, Missouri v1;»an3; 9 Heater Jane Wilkinson-~~»-»-»~~»--»»-»»-» Bnried_in the Family Cemetery, Elabarry, Mieeouri» William We Fox~~»~- ----- ---»----~~-- --»- ~Nola Coona William W. Fox, son of Laura Viola Wilkinson and William O. Font Address: San Jose, California. VII»2n5» 9Robert Miller rex---~-----»~-»~--»-----»aainn Walker Robert MQ Fox, son of Laura Viola Wilkinson and William -Otie»?ox. Address: Indianapolis, Indiana. c Mary Temperance Fox~~---»~~~»#»»-*- -~Waldo Perry Cannon 363~Janes Taylor Cannon»~-Apr. 3, l93h~ Bénewanda Ruth Gannon~-»-Senaa215 1935* 365=NormamJean~"f~"-- --~- ~Nov. 13, 1937* Sea Waldo Perry Cannon, Gannon Book. VII~2n7. a James QanayraaFox--»»~~-»~»»»~»»»~»-»-»~ Jamee»Ganeyra Fox, son of Laura Viola Wilkinson & Willi mm -Otis Fox, born in Payneaville, Missouri; Baptist; Foreman; Cutting Room Glove Factory at Elaberry, Missouri; Drowned in Mieaieeippiwdiver, while on Sunday School Picnic. HlI»2n8. _ Stanley Miller Fox, son of Hattie Temperance Wilkinson &rHom r Estee Foxe = ---- ---T ---a ---===-==--\===-=--;" ,W 71° VII-272s Emmett Gregory---- » »»~--- »-~- VII»273° 1 _ Ruth Gregory»~~ --~~- »- -~~»=~ V1I»2Tha -_ Ida Elizabeth Cannon~~~ ----» = ~--~- ~4Milliam Irvin Pixley (June 1, 1937) March 7, 1911 367¢Wi1liam Cannon Pixley-Ango 20, 19hO- 363-Thomas Dawson Pixley~»Apr, 28, 19h3» Ida Elizabeth Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; Eastern High School, Washington DaC,, Missouri University; B.J, 1932, MDA, 1936; Baptist; Democrat; Alpha Phi, Theta Sigma Phi; P,E,Oa, Jessie Black Club; married at Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia, by Revo H,La Doll, Rector and Rev. James Shera Montgomery, Chaplain of House of Representativesa William Irvin Pixley, son of Harry Clinton Pixley and Sarah Ann Irvin, born at Ferguson, Sta Louis Go. Missouri; Ferguson High School; B,S,, Missouri University; Mechanical Engineering 1933; Methodist; Democrat; Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Tau Sigma, Tomb and Key; A,S, M,E; Power Transmission Club; Sales Engineers Address; 21 Huntleigh Moods, St, Louis 22, Missouri~ VIl~2TS, Ruby Melinda Gannon~~-~»---~ ----~-- Harry Bert Hackethcrn (april 6, 19t3) May 20, 1918 369~John Cannon Hackathorn~~-Deco 28, l9h3- 37O~David Lyon Hachethorn ---- Jun. l,' l9h9- 3T1~Susan Melinda Hackethorn-Jule 13, 1951- Ruby'M, Cannon, daughter of Clarence Cannon and Ida Dawson Migginton, born St, Louis, Missouri; Randolph Macon Wcmen's College; University of Missouri; A,'B,, M, A.; Methodist; Democrat R,E,C», D,A,Ra, O,E,S,,-Pi Beta Phi; Alpha Pi Zeta;-married Christ Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Virginia by Rector Edward Randolph Welles ' Harry Bert Hackethorn, son of Harry Dalton Hackethorn and Pearl Mount; born in Columbia, Missouri; University of Missouri; BQSQ in Business Administration; Captain U,S, Army; Methodist; Democrat; Kappa Alpha; Asst, District Director with Aetna Life Insurance Companya Address: 531 Pine Haven Houston, Texas, - 72. VlI»2T5» W1111 Randolph Peeler--»»-~-Eleanor Sheppard Browne am (October 25, 1957) august 27, 1919 ' - » 15 19 9" 5 g-william Randolph Peeler,II. ADP s H §;§~Me1inda Peeler~ ---- '"""'""""D9°° 15» 19 1 . _ " Hissouri; William 3, Pgglgr, born in ElSb?PPY, L1n0OlH Coily i M ' Hi h School-.Missouri Universiti, Hall Wa? Q9 ?S§: _ Uggégg suites Naval Anacortes?-3° (1951) Naval °ff1°@"= Baptist' Si ' N rfolk German u . KgppaEle§§ir Sheppard Browne, daughter of Randolph Maufl BTQWHB and Joan Maxwell, born in Norfolk, Norfolk 00° VHG; EPiS0°P' olian; Democrat; Member of Ju ior League; Maur? Hidh 5°hg°%£ Norfolk, va,; Wells Business School? married in ¢h"f°h ° 6 f lk. Va B Rev Gunn 6 Good i§g§;;S§ Ngggopoépy Eve? Corgna del Mar, California, VII~2TT¢ J hm L -5 Gannon---_-_o-_---------Doris Marie Stratton O BW1 (Oct, 29, l9h3} ` -Jaaes andrew Cannon~---Anas 12 1951" ;;%»John Lewis Cannon, Jr;-Econ 13; 195M~ L, C n of Margaret Trescott and Cecil C&HU0n§ atteng;EFElsbe;g§O§lg;OS0h0013 Central C°lle3e§ Fayette* M°'; Yale University; School of Medicine l9h1, Nu Sigma NUS Intern" ed Hartford Hospital Conn; married st, nary*s Episcopal Church, Manchester Conn, by Rev; Alfred Wilmosu Doris H Stratton dau hter of Thomas J Stratton, STad"9t° » _ S . ° _ Hartford Hospital tchoél of Nurses, Supervisor of Nurses, Hart- ford Hospitals VII-2788 J h Ganngnma-M---u »-n- w-DOI"€.S El6E.I101' Shoop am osep (saga 15, 1950hPT11 5, 1929 576aWilliam Olin Cannon»drP. 13, 1952* 57g~Joseph Edwin Cannon-Nay. 50, 1955" 57 ~Cynthia Rebecca 0»""AUS» 51: 1955* William J; Cannon son of Cecil Nhiteside and Margaret B Rebecca Trescott Canned, born Elsberry, Lincoln Co., Missourl; attended Elsberry High School; Central Gollesd, W9Sh1"St°n University; B.S,, H, .;Physician; Post Graduate Work, Colorado General Hospital, Denver, Colorado; Baptist; Democrat; American Medical Association; Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity; married lst, Presbyterian Church, Findlay, Hancock Co., 0h}°= bd DT° Guy Cheek to Doris Eleanor Shoop, daughter of Willlam Hay and Donna Bell Brickman Shoop, born McComb, Hancock Co?3° Ohio; McComb High School; R.N. Lina Memorial Hospital, Ohio; B.S. University of Colorado; Nurse; Presbyterian; Danocrat; American Nursing Association; National League Nursing Education. VII-2799 1 Imogene Clayton~-~ ---~- ~-~» --~- -~ ---- »»~Hnrold Edward Ernst _ (July an, 195h) Jai. 29, 1918 5E9-Lance suo»»--»~~way 6, 1955- ; 5 O-Michael Edwarde-Jun 1, 1956- lmogene Clayton, daughter of William A. Clayton and Ethel Cannon; born at Hlsherry, Hissouri; attended Elsberry High Schoo Catholic; Democrat; married by Rev. E.J. Blankeneier, at Shh9 Jennings Road, St. Louie County, Missouri. Harold Edward Ernst, son of Harold Joseph Ernst and Myrtle Pickett attended Jennings High School, St. Louis County; clerk (Civil Service); Catholic; Democrat. Address: 1501 South 12th St. St. Louis, Missouri. vIi~28o. K§@hTYH-PPGSCGH; Cannon-~---* ----- »~-~--Malcolm Baskett Reid (Feb. ao, 1958) March 50, 1907 581-william aioaeei--Jae. 18, l9hO~ 532-Stephen Halcolm~~Sep. 27, l9hh-Aug, 17, l9h5 Kathryn Preston Cannon, born in St, Louis, Missouri; Elsberry Public Schools; Central Uollege; KSTC, Missouri Uni- versity, washington University; Methodist; Democrat; P.E.O,, Eastern Star; married by Rev, Fred P, Hanes, Troy, Missouri. M&lC0lm B» Reid, son of Wallace Salem Held and Edna Effie Beckett, born St. Louis; Elsberry Public School, John Brown College, Arkansas; A.R,E.; Democrat; Alderman and Mayor of Hlsberryehotary; Chamber of Commerce. T62h Stanford, St. Louis, Missouri. VII~28l» Roscoe Woodrow Cannonwe--~»~~~~» -~--- --»---Vera McMillan (ADP» 15, 19U5) Ed"-~~"-e~~°~--~---*-~~-»~~~*Ruth Arnxdnotto sisnop (5BP- 50, 1951) AU8- 5, 1925 58 -David Clarence Cannon-November %},l955 58 "Edward William-1 ~~~» a.January , 1955 H. Woodrow Cannon, accounting clerk with Shell Oil Co. attended Elsberry High dchool; Central Uollege, Fayette, Missouri,»Brown's Business College, St. Louis, dtaff Sgt, U.S, Navy Air Force WQN. ll. _'= Vera McMillan, married in home of brides parents, Wood River, Illinois, by Rev. D. H. Toomey, Vera Mchillen, daughter of Roy McMillan, Mchurray College, Jacksonville, Ill; B, A, Shurtleff College, Alton, Ill; Teacher. _ - ; 1 ' ` galwi, Y W _, f _ We nh 1 7M~ Ruth A. Bishop, daughter of Ularence A. Bishop and Antonio L. Bishop, born Edwardsville, Illinois; married Immanuel Methodist Church, Edwardsville, Illinois by Rev. J. E. Attey; Brown Busis ness College, St. Louis, Missouri; Methodist; Democrat; W,S.C.S Address: 2525 East Fark St. Edwardsville, Ill. l Lilla Mae Cannon~ -~--- -~ ~~------ William David Sullins _ (June 16, l9hC) aug. 11, 1916 5§2~Stephen David Sullins-Oct. 25, l9h7~ 5 _ _ _ Lille Mae Cannon, daughter of William Roscoe and Nelle Oneida Cochran Cannon, born Elsberry, Missouri; Uentral College and Browns Business College; M thodist; Democrat; P,L,O,; married gy Rev. W. D. Simmons at Mood giver Ill, Wood River= Methodist hurch. William D. Sullins, son of Richard J, and F, Backer Sull- ins, horn Mbkane, Missouri, Mohane Public Schools; Methodist; Democrat; A,F. & A.M., l,0.0.F.; Chamber of Commerce; Kiwanis; Democratic Club; Dist. Commercial Manager; Missouri Power a Light Co. Address: Booneville, Missouri, lOC5 Santa Fe Trail v11~285. ` Lucille Verdella Cannon-» ------ »~-~~ ---- J. R, Moore (Jul. 19, l9h2) Married First Congregational Church, Cromwell, Iowa Je R, Moore, son of A. B. Moore, Meaubleau, Missouri. address: Cromwell, Iowa. Louise Ellnorah Cannon- -~----- »-~- ---e~-Dr, C, J, Martin 587-James sinners sartin-seo. 15, 19h5 Dr. C. J. Martin, Captain Medical Corps, U.5. Army. Address: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, VIIe255. William Cannon Hanes~--~~~ ~--- ~~~-e-~--Mary Lee Barnes (Sep. l, l9)l5} Aug. 17, l92l|_ 7 __, 75- 538~Nora Jo ~~--- »--~ ~-Jun. 5, l9h9~ 539-Linda Lee -~-~----- Jul. 27, 1951- §9O»Jeffrey Barnes-~~-Feb. 19, l957~ William C. Hanes, son of Rev. Fred Hanes and Velma Cannon; born, Chillicothe, Missouri; B.S.; U.S. Military Academy; President Midland Machinery Co.; Methodist; Rotary; married in Chillicothe, Livingston Co. by Rev. Fred Hanes. Mary Lee Barnes, daughter of Prentice Barnes and Bernice Davos; born in Bonner Springs, Kansas. 1107 Zhth St., St. Joseph, Missouri VII»286. Robert Landon Hanes~ --~~ ~-~~-~~~--~~--~-Edna Lee Duncan General Hospital No. 1, Kansas City, Missouri. C U Lillie Belle Hanes--~~""~ "*-- ~~~- "r-BYPDH L. Roadhouse 5901/lE»George Byron Roadhouse- 59Ol/8--Deborah Page Roadhouse- aedressz 52h south Jackson, Pittsfield, Ill. Vll»287 1/16. Sarah Lee Hanes-~~-~- -»---- we ----- ~Dr. Ed. Thorington (June l9h9) C Sarah L. Hanes, daughter of Velma Ellnorah Cannon and Fred Page Hanes, horn Macon, Missouri; attended Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, B.S.; Methodist; F.E.O., Sigma Sigma Sigma, A,A.U.M}; married by Rev. F.P. Hanes, Kirksville, Missouri. Dr. Ed. Thorington, born in Alabama; Doctor; Methodist; attended Klrksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery, D.O 3; Theta Pele é Address 1859 Vance ave, Ft. Wayne, Ind. VIl»287 1/8. Fred Page Hanes, Jr.»-~» --~-----»- »-Barbara Whitmore (Feb. 1957) Fred P. Hanes, Jr. son of Velma hllnorah Cannon and Fred Page Hanes, born Macon, Missouri; graduate NEMOSTCL- President Historical Society, Pres. Pi Delta Kappa, Pres. lnter~ denominational Group; Chaplain Sigma Tau Gamma; F siness Manager of Echo, Student Yearbook; Secretary International Club~Member of College Players; active in Music activities; Minister; sal# e -ff - f eff" f "" """"` 6. Represented Students of Missouri at 55th Congress of americgn Industry in New York; Methodist; married in San Francisco, California. ' Barbara Whitmore, Methodist. Address; 1150 Villa May Aroata, California. lv11-a87,1/a. Velma Nadine Ranes~- ---- Dr. James Alfred Yeoham 591-James Alfred Yeohamlll.~aug. 8, 1957 Vilma No Hanes, born Norhorne, Missouri; A,B. University of Michigan; M.S. Northeast State Teachers* College; Methodist; Democrat; P.E.O.; Sigma Sigma Sigma, A,A.U,M.; married at River Rouge, Michigan. Drs James Alnred Meoham, son of Alfred L. Yeoham and Lorra ine Rreiger; born in Jefferson City, Missouri; Methodist; Demo- crat; mason; American Legion; Rirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery; Doctor of Csteopathy; Northeast Missouri State Teachers College. Address: l2hO Boca Ciega Isle, St. Petersburg, Florida, o Anna Elizabeth Hanes~~~~ »--- - ------ ---aDavi@ W, Shinn VIIQEBS. Address: 2101 Chander, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Lester Thomas Uannon~~- ~--- -~-Marjorie Carroll Pettey fans- ll, l9tl) Jun. 17, 1925 592»Carol Rue Cannon-Nov. 26, 19hg~ 595»Vicki Rae Cannon-Apr. 21, 19h - n Lester T._Cannon, son of Jamison Bryon Cannon and Ida Paul ine Phillips; Mlsberry High School; St. Louis School of Pharmac Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery (ranked Third in Class of 50) Internship at Sparks Clinic and Hospital Hellas Texas; Baptist; Osteopath ' ' _ Maraorie C. Pettey, daughter of W. G. Pettey, Colorado Springs; Colorado Schools, graduate Louisiana Missouri High School; married at Crystal City, Missouri. 5755 Valley Ridge, Dallas, Texas. VII-239. Patricia Jeans Cannon--~- ---- - ~--- Ronald 0, Nordwald (JHH- 5, 19t9) 1950 59h-Richard JBruce Mordwald~Jul. Zh, 1951- YS 77- 2d-»~~--~~»= ----~-~- ~~~~-_--»»Jene cole Jul. 51, 1950 595-Kerry Lynn Cole~May 9, 1956 Patricia J, Cannon, daughter J. B. Cannon and Pauline Phillps Elsberry 'High School, Salutatorian; Hannibal La Grange College; Baptist. Ronald C. Nordwald, son of Florence C.,Nordwald and Gladys Reynolds; Elsberry High School; U.S. army; Farmer; Evangelical. John Cole, son of F. M. Cole, born in Monroe," Louisiana; Stock Broker. Address: 2017 Province Lane, Dallas, Texas. vii-290. Betty Jean Cannon--~~ --~- »~-~ Robert Milton Showalter casa 19,1951> 9 596-Virginia iynne snewaiter-Mar. 27, 1952 597 -------~-- ~---- -~---~----~ Betty Jean Cannon, daughter of David Russell Cannon; Hickman High School Columbia Mo; member of Alpha Epsilon Rho; Nat'l~Radio Franternity; graduate Stephens College, Phi Lambda Beta Social Sorority; married at Missouri Methodist Church, Columbia, Missouri, by Rev. F.P. Hanes and Dr, A. C. Williamson. Robert M. Showalter, son of Mrs, John A. Showalter, West~ port High School, Kansas City; A.B. Missouri University, Address: M21 Crawford Road, St. Louis, Missouri. VII~29l° Ruby May Cannon-~~~»» -~~~-~ ~~»»Joseph Sidley DeLisle (Jun. M, 1926) Jai. 21, 1906 598-Dennis Sidley DeLisle---Jun. 2, l927»May 15, l9h6 599-Patricia Jean DeLisle~~-Feb. , 1929- ;OO~Barbara Ann DeLisle ~--= ~Cct. 2 , 1957- hCl~Miohael DeLisle~ --~----- Dec. 28, l9il- Ruby M, Cannon, daughter of Everett Berkley Cannon and Margaret Eva Wolf, born Fargo, North Dakota, Lourdes Grade School, Holy Name High School, Spokane, Washington; Catholic; Democrat; married by Rev. John Calohoun, Newport, Washington. Joseph S. DeLisle, son of Joseph DeLisle and Elizabeth Murphy, born Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, Lourdes Grade School, Gonzaga College, B.A. Degree; Catholic; Democrat; Pan American Airways Buyer. Address 7265 S. l92th, Seattle 88, Mashingtong Vlleaaa. Harold Cannon-»-e ~-»--- ----- ---- -~-- Lillian Ruby Harmon (Sep. a. 1929) hO2-Harold Harmon Gannon-Jul. l2, l93O- f Harold Gannon, born in New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist; Democrat; married by Bev. M-9° Dudley at Troy, Missouri; Troy Cemeterye Lillian Ruby Harmon, daughter of John Riley Harmon and Jessie _Lee.Irwin; born at Moscow Mills, Missouri; Christian; Democrat. Troy, Missouri, VII-293° 1 ` Marguerite Cannon-»------a-,-»---John William Scharf, ' (Jane 5, 1927) ' Jr hO2l/2-John Cannon Soharf ~-~- ~Nov. 21, l927» hO2l/%~Harcld Eugene Scharf»--Oct. l3, 1928" hC2l/ »Riohard Barnett Scharf~Nov. 3, 193i- h02l/l6~Msry Margaret Soharf-~Nov. 28, l9hh- Marguerite Cannon, born at Troy, Missouri: Buchanan High School; 'Managed Western Union Telegraph Office at hotel in St. Louis; M married at St, Pius Rectory in St. Louis, Missouri. s 6h63 Smiley, St, Louis, Missouri. v1I~293t. Katheryn Collard Cannon ~--- ~ -» °"'2 u Pauline Frances Cannon-~---- --~- ~---Ralph Bryant Hampton (sepo 39 l93M) hO3-Sandra Jane Hampton---Jul. 29, 1935 hO3l/2»David Alan Hampton-May. 9, l9hl an -l Pauline Frances Cannon, born in Troy, Missouri; married at Paragould, Arkansaso Ralph Bryant Hampton, with St, Louis Bank for Cooperatives. llo Summit Place, St. Louis, Missouri, F VII~295» Everett Garth Cannon-~~»» ` VIE-~296.e _ s ~ , Basil Cannone-~» -- VIIe297¢ James Robert Byrne-~-» ------ ~4--~Margaret Louise Monahan (cet. u. l9ul) Mae. 21, 1919 }_|_Oh-Kathleen Mary-e ___!May 3.9; l9h3- hO5»Terence Michael-Sep. 5, l9h5- hO6~Timothy Patrick-Feb.23, 195c~ QC?-Patricia Jeanne~Dec. 2, l952~ hC8-Colleen Anne~~~»Nov. 5, 1956- ,M _ et James Re Byrne, son of Lawrence Maurice Eyrne and Ruth tg Genevieve Cannon, born in Minot, North Dakota, attended Port od Huron High School; Chrysler Institute of Engineering; Sales as H Manager;AEvans Products Company; Catholic; Non»Partisan; Knights ft - a of Columbus; Detroit Traffic Club; National Defense Transportation 'e Assoc; Meadowbrook Country Club; married by Rev. Pr. Clement Eeper, at Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan» r 1 I Margaret Louise Monahan, daughter of william Henry Monahan and Jane Edna Monk, born in London, Ontario, Canada; attended Port Huron High School; Catholic; Mon~Partisan; Detroit Traffic Club; Womens Athletic Assoc; Meadow Brook Country Clube J Address: 33635 Hathaway Livonia, Michigane M 1 ' -1' ' """""'-"""""""""""""*'*"'""*"""- ff" --Y Y ' - - - ---- 7' - -W W--if faf- Y-W -Y _ as .!lll"&'\' Ti, _ V \ 1@ , 79- vj:I"'298o fig Terence Maurice Byrne~-~~- »- ~--- --~»~- l Lieutenant, U.S, Air Force, pilot of plane that went down over South Pacific, killed in action on Jun, l, l9h5. V11-299. " William Michael eyane ~--- ------ Leia narjean Hershey (Apr. 19, l952)July 17, 1929 1 hC9-Christopher Michael Byrne-Feb. 28, l95 - l hlO-Brian Anthony Byrne~--~--~Jun. 19, 195 a 00 hll-Lisa Anne Byrne- ~------ -~~Mar. 20, 195 ~ hl2~Lynn Mary Byrne-~ -~-----»- Mar, 20, 1956* William M. Byrne, son of Lawrence M, Byrne and Ruth Gen@e1veCannon, born in Minot, North Dakota; attended Por Huron High School; Mississippi State College; Sales Manager- Electric Houseware-Westinghouse Electric Corp; Catholic; Repub lican; K. of C,; Elks; B, and B.N. Investment Club; married at Mansfield (Richland Cc. ) Ohio, by Monsignor Gobel. Lois Marjean Hershey, daughter of Burton Floyd Hershey and Ida Grace Brown; born Bellvllle (Richland County) Ohio; t _da attended Mansfield Senior High bchool, Ohio; Catholic; Catholic f Q Newcomers; Civic Club; Women's Clube ; Address: 563 Coleman Road Mansfield (Richland County) Chioe \ 1 V11-500. f Richard Benjamin Byrne"---Josephine Caroline "oppoech 1 (Jan. 1h, 1950) ner. 7, 1926 $0 hl ~Suzanne Marie-~Mar. 25, 1951- i' al anark aienara---aug. 51, 1952- i hl5~Elizabeth Ann--Dec. 18, l95h~ Q Richard B, Byrne, son of Lawrence M. Byrne and g Ruth G. Cannon; born at Minot, North Dakota; attended i Port Enron High School; Production Supervisor; Catholic; » Democrat; married to JOBGphlHG Caroline Roppoech at Port 1 ~ ' , Huron St. Clair, Michigan, by Megr, Thomas A. Connell. | Josephine Caroline doppoeoh, daughter of Frank Roppoech ' and Karolina Zotter; attended school at St. Stephen High ` School; Democrat; Catholic; Jr. League of Catholic Women; P.T,A,, Q Christian Mothers. I Edge. Address: 9599 Montana,Livonia Michigan. i I no 80. v11»5o1. Henrietta Joanne Byrnes" -~"- ~-~-Edward Robert Moore.Jr. (Jun. lh,H§2)June 6, l929 Henrietta Joanne Syrne, daughter of Lawrence Maurice Byrne and Cuth Genevieve Cannon; born at Providence Hospital Detroit; Michigan; attended Saint Stephen Grade and High School; Junior College, A.A,; Marygrove College, B.A;; Social aseworker; Roman Catholic; Republican; St. Mary's Altar Society; married by Rev. Father John R. Hogan, at Saint Stephen Catholic Church, Port Huron, Michigan. Edward Robert Moore,son of Edward Robert Moore and Martha Adele McLaughlin; attended St. Johns Military Academy, Port, Huron Junior College, Michigan State University; Hillsdale College, H.S. Degree; born at Port Huron Hospital, Port Huron, Michigan; Insurance Agent; Roman Catholic; Republican; Elks, Toastmasters International, Port-Huron Junior Chamber of Commerce, Delta Sigma Phi, Blue Mater Spcrtsmans Club, Black River Country Club, Port Huron Golf Club. hl5é:Patrick William Moore-Jun. l , 195 - h15B.Ann Mary Moore ---- ~-~-oct. 2 , 195 - Address: 5222 Riverside Drive,Port Huron, Michigan. v1i»§o2. - Patricia Ann Byrne-» ~~~~~~~-»~-~~ -John Edward Senyczko (Jun, 20, 195§Mugust 28, 192h Patricia A.Byrne, daughter of Lawrence Maurice Byrne and Ruth Genevieve Cannon, born at St. Clair, Michigan; ettend~ ed St. Stephen Grade and High School, Pt. Huron, Michigan; Dental Assistant; Catholic; Republican; St. Maryfs Altar Society; Junior League of Catholic Women; Legion of Mary Mercy Hospital Auxiliary; married by Rev, Father Robert Allen, St. Stephen Catholic Church Pt, Huron, Michigan; John Edward Senyczko, son of Dmytro Senyczko and Mihalina Kinach, born in Hamtromck, Michigan; attended School at Holbrook Grade School; Copernicus Junior High; lmmaculate Con" caption High School; Hamtromck High School; University of Notre Dame; Sports Director of Radio Station WTTH; Assistant Sports Editor; Catholic; Republican; Hootball Writers Association of America, St. Mary's Men's Club, St. Clair County Officials Association, Elks, Black River Country Club, Holy Name Society. Address? 2919 llth Ave. Port Huron, Michigane 81, VII»303. Dona Joyce Cannon VII»3Oh. Thomas Taylor Hammaok --~~-»- -~~~ ~-~-Ruth_01evia Singleton (Jun. 25, 1938) app. 5, 1913 hl6»Barbara Jean Hammach~-Feb. 6, l9hl~- hl7~Carol Jane Hammack~~»»Nov; l2, l9HC"" hl8-Sharon Lee Hammack----Oct. 26, l9hE-- Ruth Singleton, daughter of B; C. Singleton and Grace Waddell Cobb; born in Elsberry, Missouri; Gem City Business College; Baptist; Democrat; married by T. J. Smith at home of bride's parents. Thomas Taylor Hammock, born in New Hope, Missouri; Elsberry ghd Troy Schools; Chillicothe Business College; Salesman; Baptist; emocrat. Address: 2238 Malcolm Avenue, Meet Los Angeles, California. 9 Roy Cannon Hammack ------- ---------- Anna LaFrange Sheltomi (APP» 30, 1937) hl9-Charles Hammack-»»eDec° 10, l938~~ h2C~Bonnie Hammaoh ---- "Sep, 23, l9hC»- h2l-Nancy Hammaok ---~-- Dec, lg, 19u1_l h22-Susan Hammaoke- -~-- Nov. 17, l9hh-- Hoy Cannon Hammaok, known as "Mi"; served with UBS; Cavalry Service in World Mar Il; married by Rev; Joseph Pettie at Grant Court House, New London, Halls County, Missouri; Hlsberry Cemetery Anna LaFranoe Shelton, daughter of Charles Shelton and Maude Stewart; Hlsberry High School. Elsberry, Missouri. vii-306. 82. Mary Lou Hammacke--~---e ----- Charles Howard atwell (Huge 29, 1939) set. ao, 1912 h23-Sandra Diane ----~ Dece 3, l9hO- nan-Reeaa---~-»~--~-- ' h25-Stephen Howard-~-Cote 7, Mary Lou Hammaok, daughter of Roy Ezekiel Hammack and Wanda Cannon, born New Hope, Missouri; attended New Hope Grade School Blsberry High'School; Secretary at Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, Weldon Spring, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; married in Denver, celereae by Reve Rich, (Baptist Minister). Charles He Atwell, son of Hugh Marcellus Atwell and Ida Thompson (Atwell); born Tuscumbia, Missouri; Eldon High School; Baptist; Democrat; Instrument Engineer for Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, Weldon Spring, Missourie ' No. 61 Barton Place, St, Charles, Missouri James Waldo Hammack ---- ---- = ----~--- -~ Elsberry Cemetery, Ehsberry, Missouri" VII-308, Bonnie Jean HammacK~ ---- -= ------~- Richard L. Crevelt (December 21, l939) May 15, 1915 h26»Janice Lee Crevelt-Jule 26, 19to- H27-Rebecca Ann--~ e---~ Oct. 31, l9hl~ Bonnie Jo Hammock, attended Elsherry High School; Steno- grapher; Baptist; Democrat; married by Revo J. A. Rageweid, St. Peters Rectory, Jefferson City, Cole Co, Missouri. Richard Le Crevelt, son of Henry Joseph Crevelt and Meta Brinegar; Ste Peters Parochial School and Jefferson City High School; Chief of Tabulating Department; Unemployment Compensation Commission of Missouri; Catholic; Demoorate Address: "'309e ' Ralph Hammack- -»---~-~ e --»- »-»~--»Carol Ann Christensen ' (Novo 10, 1957) Dec" 19, 1931 Ralph Hammack, attended Louisiana High School; U.S. Army, overseas l9§3; married at'First Lutheran Church, Omaha, Nab. Carol A. Christensen, daughter of Robert Christensen; Nurse. VII-310. ' James Taylor Cannon»-~--e-~~- -»~- Norita Burnett (May 25, l95?) Hove l?, l93? James Te Cannon son of Waldo Perry Cannon and Mary Tempe rance Fox, born Elsherry, Lincoln County, Missouri, _ 83° _ Attended Elsberry High School, Chillicothe Business College; IBM§TAB~Operator; Baptist; Democrat; Married at New Hope Baptist Church Parsonage, Elsberry, Missouri, by Revo Alvin Tylere Morita Burnett daughter of Clarence Lee Burnett and Finis Vivian Purkey, born St, Louis County, Missouri; attends eehcol at Pattonville (no) Hiah 59h00l; Clerk; Baptists Democrate , St, louis, Missouri, t1I~511, ` Wanda Ruth Cannon~»»~-~~~----"--i*"""" Attended Elsberry High School. 5 I _ Mora Jean Cannon---~----~-~--~--"""'--""""G@n@ Lilley (June a9, 1956) Norma J, Cannon attended Blsberry High School in 9 1 e _ 955 Gene Lilley Son, of Char1es"Do€L Lilley. Married at th? home of Rev, Winchell Troy, Missouri. u28,DGD&ld Eugene Lilley~May 16, l957~- Address: Winfield, Missouri Vll~§l§» Nancy Ann Cannon-~ *-""- "'*""'" ""' '"""" v11~51he Ralph Morton Cannon, Jr.--~ """*"'""*'" VlI~5l5e 9 VlI~516f _ - William Cannon ---- ~-~~---r-'rr *"'""""*"" V1l~§l7. , aa. VII»31Sa Joseph Cannon ---- ~-- = ---"- --ee 90: Kathleen Cannon~-»~ --- - ~-------- VII-320. John William Mayes-»--~~---~-~-Martha Belle Whiteside (Jul. 3O,l9hC)August Y, 1919 h29»James Lester Mayes---May 19, l9h1~ h3O-William Ronald Mayes-Jul ll, 19SS- John W. Mayes, son of Gus Mayes; Farm Bureau; Baptist; Layman; Farmer. Martha B. Whiteside, daughter of Jacob Tapley Whiteside and Ines Wilkinson; Baptist; Elsberry High Schools o Charles Cannon Howard ----~-------- ~-Martha Virginia Reid (November h, l9hh) April 30, 1921 h3l~Charla Ann Howard~May 17, l9h6- h32-Brenda Jean Howard~Janl6, 1951- Charlee C. Howard, son of T. C. and Lucy Cannon Howard, born E1sberry.'Missouri; attended Elsberry High School; West» minster College; Naval Aviator; Ensign in U.S. Naval Reserve; Baptist; Farm Bureau. Martha V. Reid, daughter, eslie C. Reid. and Mary Cladney; attended Elsberry High School; Erskine College; Central College; P.E.O., D-N.C.; married at the Presbyterian Church (A.R.P.) at Elsberry, Missouri; Presbyterian. VII-322, William Otto (Bob) Howard~ -----~» -»--Jane Willis Hunter (June 5, l9hB} June Eh, 1925 Q33-Robert Thomas Howard~-May 20, 1951- h3h-William K. Howard ----- Jun 9, l95h- Jane W. Hunter, daughter of Howard C. Hunter; Married at Clarksville, Missouri, by Rev. G. Elmo Purvis; attended William Jewell and Hannibal LaGrange Colleges; Missouri Univer» sity; Teacher. William C. Howard, attended Missouri University; Alpha Gamma Rho; Farmer; Baptist; Kiwanis; Farm Bureau. VI1~323» John Randolph Howard-~»---~ ---~ e»»--~-#Mary Lynne Parks (June 23, 1957 August lB, l93h `35. JOHR R. Howard, served in U S arm e - » , I 0 Y' F&FmST° Ba E ° Kiwanis; Farm Bureau; Nason. 2 9 P lst' Mar? LYHH Parka deuahter of 1. Linwood Park b ~ Egivggggié M;;§;Er;;'%§aduat§ of Christian Colleg;,an§r%a;;ington J f e * i Mu or "t ~ " w ; byterian Géurcha bt: Louis' MiS;§;ry: married at Nelson Pres VI1~52h, Molly Ann Howard~--» ._._ 1"____,_________ Attended Elsberry High School. VII~525. Ann Gannon Griffitta- ~-»_ -__ _.__. _-__ _ Daughter of Isabelle Mayes and John B, Bpiffittst VII-526, - Curtis Mayes E1Sa0n-_- _ _ ____ _________ Son of Lottie Temperance Hayes and Guy Cannon Elston, Carbondale, Ill, V11-527. H3TTY Daniel Elstgn---w-- ..__ _;____Anna Mae Van Matre (Apr. 12, 195h)Jan 28, 191§ h5 -Iris Jeanette-~A , 28 1 _ MBE-Alice Faye ----- Dgg. : 135;- M59-Anne Arleen-e--May; Z, 1932- BETTY D. Elston son of Lottie Ter H g;gl§a§n§n Elston; m;r?iBdE¢R°V°'éfedofgézigggetZ;;;:a?gsseuri e orseman has ap e r d f _ . " f-3 west; Democrat. ! p a 6 a SHOWS thrcughouu has Mid" ADH H V 5 1 q " . II"V`j.l'].3; %€Ii'f;2I"9.'§1ol Natl-ia' daxhghteri of D.I. V-an Ma-tra and Izleiita 86° vII""?)28a Richard Guy Elston----»~--» ----- -tunes Maurine Lgter (March 20, IQME) Sep. 10, 1921 Mhl~Gonnie Lou Elstone---Feb, 5, l9u5~ Richard Guy Elston, son of Guy Cannon Elston and Lottie Temperance Mayes; born Eleberry, Missouri; attended Elsberry School; Farmer; Baptist; Eemocrat; I.0.0.F., Legion Pose §u9; married to uanaa aaoriae Lyter, March 20, l9h2 by Rev, Holland N, Dutton, at St. Louis, Missouri, Wanda Maurine Lyter, daughter of Luther Alexander Iyter and Roxio may Edwards; born on September 10, l921, at Clarksville, Missouri; attended C1arksvil1eg,5chool, Gem City Business College; Baptist; Democrat. Clarksville, Missouri, VII~529. Mary Elizabeth Elston~»»~-~»--~~~Nathan Brady Hughes (Jan. M, l9M7) Jun. EM, 1909 Mary Elizabeth Elston, daughter of Guy Cannon Elston and Lottie Temperance Mayes; born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missour auueaaes Elsberry sign School; Brown Business °ol1ege, su. Louis, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat. Nathan Brady Hughes, son of Nathan Asbury Hughes and Mabel Clare Brady born, Houston, Texas; married by Dr. 010. lohnson, in gt, Louis, Missouri; attended Boys' Big! 13 School, University of Geongia»L,L,B¢-; Lawyer; Baptiste Q Demoorata. Address: Route 1, Buna, Texas, 9 S7 VII-330. Katherine Elston-----~~»=_»~»--~-~Robert Lee Taylor (Feb. 8, 1939) Sep, 29, 1913 Mu2»Robert Stephen Taylor- un3»Betsy Kay Taylor~~---- Katherine Elston, daughter of Lottie-Temperance Mayes and Guy Cannon Elston; born in Lincoln Co, Missouri; attended Elsberry High School; Brown Business College; Stenographers Baptist; Democrat. Robert L. Taylor, son of O. Cecil Taylor'and Annabelle ?almer; Farmer; Democrat? married in Elsberry, Baptist Parson age by Rev, Ed, D. Dausen. VII~33l¢ Infant Mayes Child of Roy Wilkinson Mayes and Lou Althea Elliae Elsberry Cemetery, Eleberry, Missouri. VII-332, Mary Willena Mayes-~~ -~--~-- ~~-~-re"--" Mary Willena Mayes, daughter of Roy Wilkinson Mayes and Lou Altnea Ellis; attended Elsberry High School; Linden* wood College for Women; Teacher of Clarence Qannon 5Gh0Ol, Elsberry, Missouri _ 0 damuel Gannon Mayes--Carol Frances'Walterscneidt (April 15, 1950) Jun. 25, lQ30 qua-Richard Cannon Mayes--Aug, LQ; 19511 uu5~Peggy Ann Mayes--- ~--- Jul. 3Q4 l953" Mh6»Wi1liam.Edward Mayes--&ep.,lT;g1955~; ' "W K" "" ' 117111 V 88. Samuel Cannon Mayes, son of Russell Taylor Mayes and Cave Blanche Weeks, horn in Lincoln County, Missouri; attended Flsberry High School; University of Missouri; Farmer and Stockman; Baptist; Democrat; Alpha Gamma Rho; married at Morrison, Missouri, by Rev. William woltering. Carol Frances Walterscheidt,ciaughter of S. H. Walterscheidt and Emma Augustine; Catholic; Democrat; Typist in State Division of Employment, Jefferson City, Missouri. Address: BFD 2, Elsberry, Missouri. VII»33h. John Richard Weeks -----~ ~ ~---- ---- -- -~-Bonnie Lee Stone (June 27, l95l) Sep. l5, 1931 hM?~Rieaafe say wears-»oae. 5, 1952--i hh8-Kathy Lou Weeks ~~-- Jul. 9, l95h"* John R. Weeks, son of Virgil Stuckert Meeks and Lucy Catherine Mayes, horn in Elsherry, Missouri; Elsberry High School; Central College; Rubicam Business College; married by Rev. Marvin Fortel at Epworth Methodist Ghurch,S't. Louis, Missouri. Bonnie Lee Stone, daughter of Henry£3tone and Jessie Taylor Stone; Elsberry High School. VII"335 ~ Catherine Lou Weeks ----------~~--- ~ ----- Harold Edward Moran (Dec. 17, isha) Dec. 27, 1925 hh9-Joseph Wayne Moran-- »~~--- ---~ Jun. 30, 19§1~- h50-John Edward Moran-~~ ------ -~~-Oct. 3, 1952-e M51-Kevin James Moran----~a -----~~ »Apr. 6, 1955-- h52-Harold Edward Moran ll ----- »-~-Dec. 21, 1956-- Catherine Lou Weeks, daughter of Lucy Catherine Mayes and Virgil Stuckert Weeks; Baptist; Flsnerry High School; formerly employed by Bank of Lincoln County. Harold E. Moran, son of Hugo Moran and Margaret Weber; M Wlsberry High School; Baptist; U.S. Navy, World War ll. Address: llhO Redman, St. Louis, Missouri vII"336¢ Hugh Cannon Son of Eduard Michau Cannon and Helen Grace Henderson. Maids Gannon Daughter of Edward Michau Gannon and Helen Grace Henderson. 89. vii-558. Eugenia Louise Uannogluwu....-.»»-....-.=---.-.»»»..@- Eugenia L. Cannon, daughter of Edward Michau Gannon and Helen Grace Henderson, VII-559. Frederick Nienaber- "-~- *-"' *"""" '"'" """ Frederick Nienaber, son of Eugenia Marie Cannon and Isaac Nienaber. _ VII-5h0. John Arnold Boone~--~~---- L5 -Christy Boone-~»- h5_-Cheri Boone----ee John A, Boone, son of Arnold Gannon Boone and Alice Marie Bower. Washington, Illinois. vZI"5ula Booman-noun-mv --*-"' . cess. 28. 1957) Nancy Ann Boone, daughter of Arnold G. BOOHS and §1iG@ Marie Bowers; Graduate of Maryville Uollege; married in the Our lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, by Msgr. Edward §. Rogers# Wilbur Fiske Warner, son of John B. Warner and Miss Kinsella; QpaQQate of St. Louis University; overseas duty with Marine Corps W.W.Il; Alpha Delta Gramma FT&t@PHi3Y» VII~§h2» Eleanor Moore --~-- ~ --"~ "" ""' '"'°""""""" Eleanor Moore, daughter of Mary Frances Boone and Carl Richard Moore. VII~5h5. ' Frances Moore-~ ---- ~~--~-William Raymond Coleman, JPQ (June h, l9h3) - Frances Moore, daughter of Mary Frances Boone and Carl Richard Moore. Baltimore, Marylande 47 ____1_zz111_11__11__111111EE1Sii5333323%E%E533GQmgg5g;;;3QgtSSSSH1113111111111111111:11111111:_1q;;;;;g;;g=g=$§g;;;H 90. vii-est. Mary Tracewell ----- -~ ----~- ~-*~~~"--~-~* Mary Tracewell, daughter of Helen Louise Boone and Arthur Nelson Tracewell. VII-5n§. I Gaorge Tracewell--_-»»~-»--_Q-an-~-»~--- *George Tracewell, son of Helen Louise Boone and Hrthur Nelson Tracewell. Dewey Julian Hansen-~-- -~»- --~---~----~~ Dewey J. Hansen, son of Helen Cothron and Hay Julius Hansen; designated by Jaycees of Billings, Montana, as outstanding young man of the year, January 1957; clerk of Montana-Dakota Utilities Company. Deacon of First Congrega~ tional Church, Scout Troop Leader, Scout Master, "Key Club Advisor for Billings Kiwanis Club; Adjutant of the 9h5hth Air Reserve Squadron. H vIIs5h7. Helen Frances Whiteside ---~ s--~ -----~- Maurice Bartee (ost. 31, l9h2) Helen Frances Whiteside, daughter of Hettie Inez Gallo- way and Jacob Tapley Whiteside. VIII-5h8, Martha Belle Whiteside~-- -~-- -John William Mayes _ §Jul. 50, l9nO) _ Martha Belle Whiteside, daughter of Hottie Inez Galloway and Jacob Tapley Whiteside; graduate of Elsberry High School; Baptists John William Mayes, Pres, Ouivre Baptist Associational Brotherhood; Farm Bureau; Farmer, HB9 ~James Lester Hayes~--May. 19, l9n1- &§O -William resale Mayes~Jul. 11, 1955~ 91 VIIl~5h9. MQTY HOW&Td-"~~"-~~- ~~---- --William Arthur Gardner (August 12, l9h6) August ll, 1926 B BM55-Cheryl Rae Gardner »~~- Dec. 2, l9h7~ M56-Kendra Lee Gardner-~~~Jul.2l, 1951- h§T-William Allen Gardner-Apr.l?, 1955- Hary Howard, daughter of Peyton Howard and Gma Galloway; Blsberry High School; Hethodist; formerly secretary; William A, Gardner, son of W, A, and A1166 Gardner, Operator G;H,&@O. Railroad. Ashland, Illinois. V111-550, Jane Louise Howard-~--~~~-Howard De France Hardeman (Aug. 10, 1956) August 5, 1919 Jane Louise Howard, daughter of Peyton Howard and Oma Galloway; Graduate of Hlsberry High School; Central College; Former director of religious education, Stephens Memorial Church, St. Louis; married in Methodist Church, Elsberry, Missouri, by Rev. Marvin Hortel. Howard D. Hardeman, son of Hrs, G. H. Hardeman of Jones" bufs, MiS§0UPi3 Graduate of Central College and Duke Divinity School; Minister Methodist Church; Wellsville, Missouri, Wellsville, Missouri, " ..-¢.____----_-___----__--ui_-inn;==§====5n1Qmn;gm5;;;;!!Qgggununn-_-______-_-_____-___-_-_-_-»-!!!!;!,g¢g=__ME!-J 92° V111-551. I'I0UU'a.]?|i""""=°»*l'¢v~-»~°m-¢--u-¢|»m_qm¢,,|¢.,,@I1'aI;I1-y- A' (Ser» lk, 1952) July 51, 1952 u58~aionare Allen weeer~eep. 22, 1957; Meth §?t§ryn Howard, daughter of Peyton Howard and Oma Galloway 0 S , Eleberry High bghoolg 5 Harry A. Weber, son of Harry Weber- Tool and Dye Specigligt in th€ U.S. Navy, ' v111~552. Ho¥Jva.I\d.""""'"""'°l|l¢I¢s\w»u-~u-»n|=||»\.¢|.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,_"_ James Howard, eon of Peyton Howard and Oma Galloway' M@th0diSt: Farmer; attendee Eleberry High School, ' vIII»555. HoVvaI.d.""""""""*lHv- nnmu #umm-q¢-_-,_ Suzanne Howard, daughter of Peyton Howard and Oma Galloway' Methodist- Att d Q E . - Teaohere'Colleae. , an S lgbefry High Schoolfmmrfenaburg v111~»aa. VIII Infant Son»~-~---~------_-n_l__m_"______ Infant son of Earl Galloway and Sadie May Ford, "555. Winona Galloway"--»--_a___d___ Donald Gear """" ge Bone5 5 \ l F T( , . !' v* 5 Hammaok,0harlea M19. Barbara Jean hl6. Bonnie Jean 303. Bonnie h20. James Waldo 307. Marg Lou 306. Nancy h2l. - Ralph Eugene 309. Roy Cannon 305. Roy Ezekiel 20h. Sharon Lee h18. Susan h22. _ Thomas Taylor 30h. r Hampton,David Alan M03 1/2. Ralph Bryant 29h. Sandra Jane h03. Hanes, Anna Elizabeth 287 1f2 Fred Page l9h. area rage, Jr. 287 1/B Jeffrey Barnes 390. Lillie Belle 237. Linda Lee 289. Nora Jo 338. Robert.Landon 286. Sarah Lee 287 lfl6. Velma Nadine 237 1/h. William Gannon 255. Hansen, Dewey Julian BM6. _ Roy Julius 220. .r Hardeman, Howard De France 35 Harris, Alvin 19. Alvin Oden 160. Anna Christian 158. Ardenvoir 157. Audrey 156. Charles Albert 66. Clara Boone 62. Dora 173° Ella Ellen 69. Emma Jane 65. Florence 150. Gladys Undine 155. Glee 171. Hannah 152. James 151. James Milton 676 John Woodson 6h. Lyman 1711.0 _ Mabel 172. Mary Mira 68. Myrtle 1h9. O O 0 Harris, Naomi 159. Hoy lh8. Sarah Temperance 6 Thelma l61. William Levi 70. Henderson, Helen Grace 21 Henry, Virginia Young 196 Hershey, Lois harjean 299 Hogue, Alice 55. Andrew Johnson 15. Dorcas 56, Hardin 52, Shannon Alfred 55. Susan 5h. Hoglin, Mosle éh. aeaff, aeergia 199. Howard, ` Brenda Jeanh52. Charla Ann h5l. Charles Gannon 521 James`552. Jane Louise_550. John Randolph 525. Kathryn 551. Mary 5u9~ Molly 52h. Peyton 255. Robert Thomas M55. Suzanne 555. Thomas Gannon 208. William K. h5h. William Otto 522, Hughes, Nathan 529. Hunter, Jane Willis 522. Hutchinson, Frank 162. 68. Hyland; Agnes Elizabeth 198 Jamison, Elnerah Belle 77. Jeffries, Sarah Annie 109. Khigh§,Temperanee 5, Eraser, Alvin 121, Alvin 259, Bargin 252, Denzel 235. Elery | Garner 251.' George 119. Henry 55. lone 25?. Louis Shannon 120. Mable 258, Orville Alfred 25n, Holland 256. _ R. Edwin 255. William 177. 260. Leland, - Alonzo lhh. Archibald lné, Harry ln5. JD1'l1'1 s Stephen 65. Leo, L Bernard Andrew 151. George Mitchel 132. Helen Loretta 12 . Henry August 150, Leo, Henry William 56a Joseph Alfred 125. Mary Frede 126. Raleigh Francis 122, - Roeina Wilhelmine 127. Russell Antone l2h. 7 Stella Alice 125, Teresa 129. Levengood, Gharkas 195. Ligon, 5 Allen Hugh 557. Dorrie Edward 259. Edward Lee 111. Francis Lee 559. Hugh Adolphns 258. Janes Ceneyra 237- Jehn Edward 558, Sandra Lee nel, Lilley, Donald Eugene uae. Gene 512. Liter, Wanda 528. Lloyd, Eileen 2n;_ Lockwood, Chester Milton 158 Martin, ne, G. J. adn. Ida may 182. James Richard 587. Mary Lou 185. Pearl 1Bh. William 75. 185. Mayes, Angnstine William 207. lnfent.Meyes 51. James Lester 29. Jehn Seneea 80, John William 520. John William 5n8. `Mayee, _ Moore, Lottie Temperance 210. E Lucy Catherine 215 Mary Elsie 81. Mary Willena 552, Pager Han MM5. Richard Gannon Richard Martin 2, Roy Wilkinson 211. .Russell Taylor 212 Samuel Gannon 5' , William Edward 6 William Ronald R50 McCoy, Rowena 85, McCue, Kate 96. McKenzie .G Donald 26h. Jennie 265. William Kinnear McMillan, Vera 281. Meyers (Meera) Nettie Miehau, 99- 1 Maida Nancy Belle 85. Middleton, Louisa R5, Miller, Ann 16 , Don 16 . Emma Gene 165, Marion 68. Marion 166. Virginia l6T,_ , Monahan, Margaret Louise 29T. Moore ' lime 75. Ann Mary Moore hl5%» Carl Richard 217. Edward Robert 5019 Eleanor Marie §h2a Eranoee 5M5e George Wheaton El. J. R. 285. Patrick William R15e. zula Th. Moran, H&§O1d Edward, II; 2526 Harold 555. John Edward R O. Joseph Mayne .9. Kevin James h5l, Morton, nancy Lucinda 79. Neilson, Mabel 98, Nienaber, Jewell Isaac 215. Frederick 559, Nordwald, _ Richard Bruce 59h. Ronald C. 289. Norton,""___5T. Oden, Elizabeth 6. Parke, Mary Lynne 52§@ Pearson, Frances Elizabeth 112. Peeler, Melinda 575. William Barney l87¢ william Randolph 276. William Randolph, II. 572 Pertial, Beshia 5. Peters, Herberrl8l. Pettey, Merjorie 288. Phillips, Ida Pauline 195° Pierce, Loy 128, Pixley, Thomas Dawson 268. William Gannon 567. William Irvin ETL. Plummer, MB.I"§f 0 William M7. Polly, J. w, 92. Price, Emaline hh. Frank h0. George h2. John 8. John ull Thomas h5, Reid, ` Malcolm Baskett 280, Martha Virginia Reid 321s Stephen Malcolm 582. William Michael 581. Rigg, Grace Vivian 2h2, Robertson* Elizabeth TG Roppoech, Josephine Caroline 500 Salisbury, _____§9- Julia 169. ' Reginald 168. Son 170, Schaffer, 180. Soherf, Harold Eugene h02l/h John Cannon h02l/2 John J-re Mary Margaret M021/16. Richard Barnett h02l/8 Scheer, Karen Temperance 366. William D. 250. Schroeder, Grace TO. Seaney, Maud 118. Senyczko, John Edward 302. Shannon, James William 80. Shelton, Anne La France 305. Shoop, Doris Eleanor 278. Showalter, ___397» Robert Milton 290. Virginia Lynne 396. Shumeker, Walter 129. Simonde, Elizabeth Ann lh. Elizabeth Ann h6. Fannie Middleton l0h. John ME. Oliver ll. Tone lO5. Thomas lO3. Singleton, Ruth Olevia 30h. smith, 101. Snow, June Emily Ann 202. ru- P } E! ll nn g E J i 3 Q L 1 'pn I Q P Q M A 5 h '\ M L E! ,,; Stone, Belle ZGT. Bonnie Lee 55H. Stratton, Doris Marie 277. Stephens, Nancy Grow ln, Stubblefield, Magarette snbbaee 18. Stuart, Marjorie Ellis 2h2. suesertn,ohee1ee Mayes lTh%. Charles Robert Sylvester 7 Sullins, Stephen David 585. 586, Talbott, Abbie Mea Qh, Taylor J 5955? KEY uh5» Robert Lee 550, Robert Stephen hh2. .Thomas, Selina 18. Thompson, John Wesley 58, Otto Monroe 156, Tolinson, Elizabeth Ann 56. Traoewell M Arthur Nelson 213.l George E. U5, Mary L. 5 , 3' Tresoott, Margaret Rebecca 188, ° Van Metre, Anna Mae 527. } ll' i I 1 ¥ I l I \ QLM Q, .ih- Vaughan, _Alice 225. Paul 222, Jay We 890 walker, saith 2n5. Maltersoheidt, Carol Franc Warmer, Wilbur Fiske ihl. Watkin, Lucy 2. Watson, Bessie Alice 227. 'John Hay 95. Leland Austin 226. watts, EmmBtt 175s Ethel 176. Howard Kenneth l8l% nary Lou 265 é Otis l8O, Owen 177. RubSn 179¢ William J, Bryan l78 William Thomas Th. _l___}79- Weber, Harry A. 551. Richard Allen h§3. Weeks, Cara Blanche 212° John Richard 55H. Katherine'Lou 555. Kathy Lou MQS. Richard Guy hhT. Virgil Stuokert 215. Wells, Mary Jane h9. GS 0 D Q¢1 1 Y' 1 r W P 3 gn 5 P' V un 1 éé s~ in H H 7 W _ Welton, Louis l27. Wheeler, Malvina 175. Whiteside, Martha Belle 520. Martha Belle §h8. Helen Frances 5h7. Jacob Tapley 255. Ina Glovina 76. Wiggington, Ida Dawson 186. Wilkinson, Alice 590 Almeda 97. Anderson 6. Andrew Jackson L, Andrew Jackson 25. Belle Zora 110. Benjamin Franklin 55. Bessie 92. Catherine Ghristian 19 Charles Carol 55. Chanles P. 61. Charles 50, Charles 106. Clifford Austin 93. Clinton Andrew 22h. Edward Talbott 225, Eliloda 88. Eligha 50| Elijah 9. Elizabeth 5h. Eliza Jane 27. Eudora Leaton lll. Francis Willard 2h1. .Gabrilla Ann ll5. Gordon Robert 252. Harold 228. Herod 7. Hester Jane 2175. Hattie Temperance 116. Irene 25 O-. Jacob lQ. James Andrew 11%. James Cansyre M - James Samuel 251. Jmms5. Jane 15, Janet Rae 560. E W ' Wilkinson, 7 lecholias 51. 97; Jefferson Davis 60. ' John Allen 58. 1 dohn_Fulton 26. Joh1Mordicai 112, , John Randolph 57. as 1 g John , 1 ' John lh. * ' John §, Jenn Wilbur sho, John William 96, Joseph Gonn 15, E Joseph Robert lQ9. l Laura Viola 115. Q Leona Kay 561, Lenore Wilkinson 229 Lucy 107. I Lucy 11. ' Lucy 51. Lucy 22, Margaret 23. Mary Margaret 25, Mary 57,. Milton 59, - 9 Mordecai Watts he. Nancy Ann 21. i 0.9 Nancy 52. Oletha 89. 7 Olive Maud 95, 1 Olive 58. L Polleyann 25. ' Polly Ann 20. Ralph Griffin 16. Raymond Leon 2h2. Roscoe Thurston 9h. Res 95s 1 Sarah Jane MI. Susan 17. { Tabithd 8, Thomas Benton 29. I Thurston 91. Viola 90. Walter Eugene 97. William Austin 56. William Mumiord 2h. William 12, 7 William 2. 1 Woodson Knight l8. 1. QLW 2 Williams, 9 ' Bertha 101. ' Dora 100. € _ "r ', 1 § ? i \ Q Ml Q 55 =?' nn -<1 lam #qi EH ' _,U l=»= M lr; 74. H 'L !'§ < tfi M Williams; Lawrence 59. Milton lO2, Robert 99. Williamson, lrene EMO, Wolfe, Margaret Eva l97. Woods, Alpha Virginia 18 Yeoham$ D119 (FQ Ag James Alfréd, III 591