Wigginton Book 1958 Raw OCR File

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Eisberw Publm Libran
:cm wmsmmom BOOK
Cl472»?_ 52

when speaking of our ancestry,
my mother's eyes would shine
And proudly she would tell us
alla "You*re of the Tudor
I-ine a "
But father with a smile would
says "While bearing that in
You Keep your eyes on goals
ahead; not those that lie
"You have a noble ancestry, but
all are dead ané gouet
'Tis you who have to prove your
worth, not thoee whowve jour"
neyed out
And beck along that Tudor line,
'tis sorry truth I state,
There may be some you oao't
approve, anu even some you'd
"The way to prove your an~
cestry is what you are your~
_ self;
Not by the charted family tree
in books upon the shelf.
So try to be an ancestor, within
the time allowed.
Of whom your chi1dren's children
in the future can be proud,"

Originally t ere were no family names. Men were knowa.by
a single given name. Surnames began to be used about the year
1000 and by the close of the twelfth century were in general use.
Family names originating at that time were derived from various
sources; some from occupations, as Smith, Priest, Farmer; some
by euffiaing "sen" to the father'e name as Wi1l»scn, Davids-son,
Roberts-son; some from physical characteristics as Long, Black,
Many were derived from places of_habitation, and among these
was the name of Wiggintons, who according to Bardsley (English
and Welsh Surnames, bardaley, page 812 british Family Names,
Berber, page 2263 came from Wigandetown, an important town in
South Lancashire, England and settled at a very early date in
what later came to be called Wigginton Parish in the counties of
Oxford, York, Hertford and Stafford.
The first mention of the name is found an the Hundred Rolls,
in which occurs the name of "Roger de Wygynton" as living in the
year 1273 in Oxford Conntya It is worthy of note that Roger was
the mont frequent name among the early wiggintons in America.
The Wigginton name is among the rarest cf English names.
It occurs in the New York City Business Directory but once and
in the San Francisco Director; but twice. The Chicago Directory
gives only two Wigginton families as living in that city, the ;
Saint Louis Directory gives one and the Post Office Directory of
London, England gives none. (City Directories, Edition of 1912.3
The family was never a large one and has evidently failed tc
keep pace with the growth of population in either Kngland or the
United States.

wleelmeon COAT OF ARMS
Library of Congress - Superintendent of the
Reading Rooms
letter from ` October 22, 1935
Hon. Clarence Cannon
U. S. House of Representatives
Washington, D. Co
october 15, 1935
The writing which Mrs Gannon desires explained follows in full:
Sable 3 masoles argent, or 3 lozenges pierced
_ as to show field in center.
The above is as I understand it. J.W»W»
This purports to be what is known a3_¢`Hb1aZogQ; ;,@,,,g
description in technical heraldic language from which a costeof-
arms may be drawn. The technical terms used here are
Sable w T318 ck
Mssole - s lozenge, pierced to show the field.
Argent ~ silver
Field » the general background of the shield, upon
which the armorial charges are placed.
In non»technica1 language, therefore, this Llazcn would read:
A black shield upon which are 3 silver lozengss pierced
to show the shields
But this is inoorrect, for the shield in the illustration is
white (silver) and the lozenges are black. The blazon should read
as follows in order to agree with the illustration:
Argent, 3 mascles sable.
(On a silver shield 3 black pierced lozenges)
That this is-correct is attested by both Burkefs "General
armory" (London, 188h) and Papworth's "Alphabetical dictionary of
coats of arms" (London, 18Th) who ascribe arms with the above
blazon to the family of Wigington (Wigginton).
Respectfully submitted,
M._M.'Roherts .
Superintendent of Reading Room.

William Wigginton e-~~-----»--~--» ---- Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
2-Roger Wigginton---Before l68?~---July , l?13
W11liam_Wi5ginton evidently emigrated to america from
England in the last half of the 1?tn Eentury and settled in
Stafford County, Virginia, which at that time comprised the pre-
sont counties of stafford, Prince William, Fairfax and Loudoun.
He received a irant of 85 acres of land in Stafford County,
November 21, l Qn, which is recorded in the "Northern Nowak
Records" of grants in the Colony of Virginia preserved et
Richmond. as no mention of any other family of the name has
been found in the Colonial records, and as the grants to him and
Henry (III-3) are the only grants to Wiggintons under the
Golonial Government, and a oareful search of the county records,
th  poll tax lists of l7nl and 17nn and the Census returns of
1752 and 1790 fail to disclose others of the name, they may have
been father, son and grandson. However, nothing is known of the
personnel of his family and such conclusion is purely surmise.
Two widely separated members of the Wigginton Family recall
the tradition that William (I-1) was the emigrant and came to
America in 1655 (1). But one of them later wrote saying he had
employed a professional genealogist to investigate the matter
who reported that "the hilliam who came to America in 1655 was
not our William" (2). No evidence has been submitted to
indicate definitely that such a Wi1liam.Wigginton oame to
America in 1655.
Roger Wigginton --- -- » ---- ----»-
3-William Wigginton-l699~l707*"
-Roger Wigginton-»-1700-l709--
eEl1zabeth Wigginton~l70l-1?l?
- -~-- Unknown
--_ -_--a-»--Unknown
6~Ann Wigginton-------l?Ol-lTl7------- -----Unknown
7-Henry Wigginton~----l7Ol~l?17--------------Unknown
(1) James William wigginton (VII-135) and Mrs. Lucretia okoggs,
Litchfield, Illinois.
(2) James William Wigginton (VII-135).

This is the tirst Roger in the Migginton records. Following
him a Roger appears in every succeeding generation. The only
information available on him is found in his will probated in
Westmoreland County, Virginia, July 30, 1718, as follows:
(Records of Westmoreland County, Virginia, D.b.6, page 3h9)
In the name of God, Amen. I, Roger higginton, of Gopal Parish_
in the County of Mastmorld., being sick & weak of body but of
perfect sense & memory, thanks be to God for the same, do-make
this my last will e testament in manner and form following,
revoking all other wills before by me made, either in word or in
writing. Imors. I give & bequeath to my dear son WML Wigginton
my negro man named Dick to him & his heirs forever. Item. I give
& bequeath to my dear son Roger Wigginton my negro woman named
Winney to him e his heirs forever. I give & bequeath to my dear
daughter Elizabeth wigginton my negro woman names natty to her
& her heirs forever. Item. I give to my daughter Ann Wigginton
a negro girl named Nanny to her and her heirs forever & in case
th  said negro girl should bear children then I give & bequeath
the first negro child the said negro girl shall tear to my dear
soH'Henry Wigginton & his heirs forever. Item. I give & bequeath
to all my dear children above mentioned & to each of them s '
feather bed & what furniture belongs to them. Item. I give &
bequeath my watch to my dear son William, Item. I give my
silver tumbler and my shoe buckles to my aaio son Rogers Item.
I give to each of my sons a gun & to my closet sons I give each
of them a pair of`pistols. Item. I order will & bequeath the
remainder of my estate to be equally divided between all my
chilorenq _
Item, I_constitute, ordain & appoint my dear brother william
Wigginton & my good friend Willoughby Allerton Lsq. in trust of
this my last will & testament that is to say till my two eldest
sons Wm. & Roger shall arrive to the age of eighteen at which
age it is my will that they be aomitted executors of this my last
will and testament and in witness_that this is my last will & _
I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 3rd say of Harsh
Anno. Dom. 1717/B¢
Wm. Donaldson, John, soho, Mersey Mark~ I
George G&Pl3H§ Mark#
Westmoreland SS. - _ `
1? 8 at a court held for the sd. Gounty the 30th day of
1 .
The last will & testament of Roger wihaiatcn doses was
presented into Court by Wm. wigtinton, of his Exorsa in _
who made oath there to & Being troved by sate of oeerga Garland;
was admitted to record h noon motion of the sd; william & his
Derformina what is usual in such cases, eartifieate is g

him & Willoughby Allerton gentt, the other Exor. in trust in the
sd. will, appointed for obtaining a grobate in due form,
' Tests, Then Sorrell Clrk. Gompld,
Recordetae lhth, Aug- 17l8»
Pre Eundm¢Cluuum¢
William Wigginton --------~-»--~----- ----Unknown
(Unknown) _ Unknown
` Unknown
Oldest son of Roger wiggintop (II-2) eno nominated as
co~exeoutor of his will. Under 18 yesrsgof age at the time of the
execution of the will in 1?l?. No further information.
Subsequent to
Roger wigginton »~- ---~----»»-------»»~eoroh
(Unknown) Unknown
_ 17524
§s§§§@£@P WieS§H£QBeeeereeeeU&KeG@H~err'"'**l@25
9»Ann Wigginton-----»-~#--~~Unknown~--»--»¢-Unknown _
The will of Roger wigginton is recorded` ehong the records
of Fairfex County at Fairfax, Virginia and is indexed in the eanm
book withfthe will of George Washington. He was deeded a tract
of land in Truro Parish in Fairfax County, Merch 2, 17h7. His
estate inventoried nearly eight thousand pounds (about eh0,000)
exclusive of his land. His will is as follows:
(Records of Fairfax County, virginia, book L, Page 2.)
I, Roger Wigginton, in the Name of God Amen, do give my
soul to almighty God & my.body to the Dust From whence it came,-
being very sick and week,though in perfect eenoe and memory.
L Item. I do give to my son, Spencer Uigginton, three negros,
lock, Frank & little Nan, and all my wsiring close, and its my
hill and desire that they may not be appraised to him, and his
heirs forever.
' Item. I do give to my Daughter, Ann Wigginton, two negros,
Jane and Sandy, they and their increase forever-

Item. I do give to my een, epenoer Vigginton the track of lend
lying in the County of Fairfax, to him forever.
Item. Though to my loving wife, eeran`Wigginton, I leave my
whole estate during her life & then after her deceeso the
remainder pert of my estate to be divided among all my children
I leave my wife, baron wigginton end my son, opencer Vigginton
Exeoutore under the care of Richard Golemend.
Rosen wlcellufeom (Seal) n
I Acknowledge this to be my lest
will and Testament & reecinding all
otheps, September 16, 1752.
Signed in the Presents of
John Brown
George Brown
William Hammondf
(Noto§ This will wee erobeted November 21, 1752; was
recorded by G. Wagoner, Clerk; end the Ietate exclusive
of the lend inventoried at 7,681 " 3u3 " 15 " 5 English
Elizabeth Uigginton ---- ----~------ ~--- Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
_ Elizabeth is mentioned of in her fether'e will. No
further information.
Ann Wigginton -- ~--- --~ ~~--~- » ~--- ----- Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
Y Unknown
Ann Wigginton wee left e legacy in her fether'e will.
No further reference.

III"?» `
Haart W1-as11'1'"°" -_-h*-2-;I~1';'"'-in" -"Sanus  
- _ Unknown
10-James Wlgglnton~--Unknown------~-ekugust 7, 1?66_ _
ll~John Wlgginton»-»~Unknown--»-a.~s»Unknewn ,
12-Roger Wigg1nton-~»Unknewn»----»-~»l7?B
l3~Eenry`Wiggintone-"November 19, 1T55e4Feb. 21, 18hh
Henry Wigginton revived two grants of land from the
Crown,athe first of 300 acres in what was then otafford, County,
Virginia, October 15, l?2h, and the_second, of 12h acres in the
same county in 1730, _
- No information relative to his immediate family, either
docu entary or traditional is to be found. Roger and Henry may
have been sons, grandsone or neohewe. The evidence at hand is
too meager to determine relationship, if any.
I'v"*Bo _ `
Spencer wigginton - ----~-- --- ---- ----e-Unknown
_ (Unknown) Unknown
_ Unknown
Spencer Wigginton was a lieutenant in Captain oampson
Trammel1's company of the Loudoun County Militia in 1781 and is
referred to in Order soot G of the Loudoun County Court (Grozier's
Virginia County records, Vol. 9, page san. His will is on file
in Fairfax, Virginia.
Hon. James R. Catch, an attorney of Alexandria, Virginia,
whose mother was a Wigginton, says that twd of spencer Wiggintonh
descendants, Misses susan ana Lucy Wigginton, owned and lived on
a part of the site of the battle of Manassas. During the battle
Miss susan was wounded by a_ball from the effects of which she
subsequently died. Mrs. Henry, a neightor, whose homo was directl
between the lines, was too ill to be moved and was instantly kill-
ed by the explosion. of a shell which fell into her room through
the chimney. That night Miss Lucy traversed the entire length
of the battle field to preeare her for burial. The sisters rear-
ed a niece and nephew, annie and William H. wigginton, the childre
of a deceased brother. William was reported by negro servants to
be supplying information to the Gonfederates and was tried by
Court Martial and sentenced to be shot, but President Lincoln
commuted the sentance to life imprisonment without further
investigation when he learned that the boy was but sixteen years
old, and he was incarcerated in a Federal prison in New Yorks
In 1865, shortly before his aasasination, the President granted
a full oardon. In 192h William was living in the state of

Ann Wigginton-~~ -»~T~-»»-~»~~~~ ~-»-Unknown
iUnknown) Unknown
Her marriage contract is on file at Stafford County Court
House, Stafford, Virginias
-4--- ---- ~-P-Sarah Betts
Subsequent to 1766
James Wigginton~~--»*-~-w--
-»-wUnknown '
1h»benjamin Higginton--Gir.l7h5----
15-Nancy Wigginton-~-»»November B, 1756----Unknown
The will of James Wigginton, recorded in Leesburg, Loudoun
County, Virginia, names benjamin as his oldest son and mentions
other 'sons and daughters". No further record of his children is
found, and no further information concerning James is to be had.
Strangely enough neither his name nor the name of any other
Wigginton appears on the poll lists for the election of
Representatives in the House o? Burgesses for Prince William
County, including Fairfax, Loudoun and Faquier counties_in l7hl
or for Fairfax County, including Loudoun County in l?hh. The
difficulty of tracing the relationship of the family is further
increased by the fact that all birth, death and marriage records
of Fairfax County and Loudoun County were destroyed by!?ederal
troops during the Civil War.
as indicated by his will, his wife was a daughter of Seth
and Sibacah Betts, and a sister of Aaron Lotte (born July 30,
1?26, Overton Parish Re ister, btafford County, Virginia, 1720-
17 O, by Wm. F. boogher§. as recorded in the same legister, her
sister, Elizabeth Betts was born Octoter 3, l?hl; her brother
William botts was born April 16, 17hh; her brother Joseph, June
23; 1?hB, her brother Joshua, July 2h, 1751 and her sister Jennie
Betts was born January B, 1757. Her sister Elizabeth died April
17, 1T51}¢
The will of James Uigginton is on record in Loudoun County,
Virginia, as follows:

(Records of Loudoun County, Virginia, Book A page lhd)
In the Name of God Amen. I, James Wigginton, of Loudoun
County and the Colony of Virginia, being at this time in my full
senses but in a very weak and low condition and desiring to
 set the certainty of Death, I first recommend my soul to God who
gave it and my body to he Decently interred at the Descreation of
my Exeoutors hereafter to be named.
Item. I desire all my Just Debts and Funeral Expenses to
be first paid.
Item. I desire that a negro slave named Moses in the
possession of my mother, oarah`Wi&ginton, to remain in her
Custody, and the Benefit of his LaLcur to he for my said Lother's
use as long as she live, and after her Decease to be a part of my
Estate as if the above desire had never been made.
Item. I give the use of all my Estate, Teal and personal,
to my beloved wife sarah Migginton so long as she Continue a
Widow, and in case my said wife should chose to merry, or if it
should please God to afleot her with Death, my desire and will is
that my Mother, harsh Nigginton, should take my whole Estate,
Real and personal in her hands,_and in case of her Death that my
Father-in~1aw, Seth Betts take it into his hands, and in case of
his death that my Mother-in-law, bibaoah Betts, take it into her
hands, and in case of her death my brother-in~law, Aaron Betts,
and in case of his Death, my brother John Migginton, and with it
also the care and Education of all my children to go with my
Estate and with the above persons as they are named by this my
last Will and Testament, in ease of Death or Marriage of the fire
mentioned and so in case of Death in either of the others, which
ever other, so as there shall be but one Executrix or Exeoutor at
the sam  time of this my Last will and Testament or Constituted
Exsoutrix or Executor as the case may be.
Item. It is my will and Desire that ng sons be to act and
to for themselves at the age of Eighteen years and my daughters
at the age of sixteen years, and as they arrive at theafhresaid
age that they may receive, each one, an equal part of my Estate,
excepting my land which I give to my Eldest son, benjamin. But
in case my wife be Living and she still remain a Widow she in
that case is to give eaoh one of my chiloren their part of my'
Estate at her Descreation.
My desire is that my Executrix or Taecutor Buy two slaves
with the Honey now in hand and what Money is due to me as soon
is it Conveniently can be done and the said slaves to b  able to
I, the said Janes wigginton, do renounce and Deny all other
Wills, Testaments, Gifts and Grants heretofore made and do make
this may last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have

33 hgponnto set my'hand and seal this Seventh day of august, Anno
  morn, 1766.
go .mos wxaoxsmom (L..S.)
.i Signed, Sealed and
acknowledged in
; presents of
-t his
Joseph X Clage
Ens. Campbell
at a Court continued and held for Loudoun County, August
the Tnelvtn, 1766, This will is proved by the ostnes of Fneas
Campbell, Gentleman, and Joseph Glage, witness thereto, and is
ordered to be Recorded and on the notion of sarah Wigginton, the
Executrix therein named, who makes oath according to Law,
' Gertiéicate is granted ner for obtaining a probate thereof in
due f§'m, giving securities. whereupon she together with
bengamin Wiggintcn and John Wigginton, ner securities, entered
into an oath and bond in_the Penalty of one Thousand pounds with
Conditions as the law directs.
Chas. Binns, C1.Cur.
John Wigginton -»~---~~-~-»-F--- ---~ --~-"Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
Not too improbable that he was the John wigainton (lT6O~l3n3J who
married Margaret H. George, september 6, 1737 ana who served under
Light Horse Harry Lee in the Revolution and was pensioned by the'
United states in 1833 {Grosier*s Virginia County Records, Vols T,
Page 50; Eckenrode's Virginia Revolutionary Soldiers,_page QTOI.
Q Mentioned in the will of James \IV~10} as being his brother.

Roger Wigginton F---~»---e-»----~-~~----e Eleanor
-Mary Wigginton---»»-Unknown~-i;»--~
»Henry Higginton~----November
#William wiggintonee-Unknown»
-Elizabeth wigginton-Unknown-
Subsequ nt
to 1778
55 --February 12, lbw
»Roger bigginton----»Unknown»~»»-~»--»»»l862
-Eleanor Wigginton»~-Unknown-------~---#Unknown
lg-Benjamin Wigginton--1762 ~--- -~--~
Roger Wlgginton is the first of the family of whom we have
positive and authentic records. Family Bibles,-old letters and
his own will establish and authenticate the meagre data given and
from him to the present day beyond question.
The first information available shows him to be living in
Bourbon County, Kentucky. He moved from Bourbon County to
Trimble County and was living in Trimble County in 1800* Un his
death  e was buried on his Trimble County farm and his wife who
went to live with her youngest son Greenberry in Oldham County,
Kentucky was brought back for burial beside her husband on har
doeth in 1869.
Tb  social distinctions extant in England were transplanted
to Colonial America where they were carefully maintained until the
close of the Revolution. These distinctions were preserved in
most of the deeds, wills and other le§al documents of the times,
as fon instance: John Doe, "Gentleman conveyed to Richard Roe,
"Yoeman". Consequently the phrase: "Roger wigginton, Gentleman"
used by the notary in indictlng his will indicates that his
family belonged to the Virginia gentry, which comprised a com- _
paratively samll and well-toedo class in the Colony. The number
of slaves named in the will and the property inventoried by his
cxecutrix indicate a busy plantation and substantial business
interests. but the fact that he signed his will with his mark
extremely feeble physical condition or complete illiteracy, the
latter of which hardly seems likelya
His will was reoorded°in the Loudoun County records at
Leesburg, Virginia:
(Loudoun County was cart of a large tract of Eountry granted
by the King of England to Load Fairfax, including all the land
between the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers to their sources,
and since called tbe"Northern Neck of Virginia", The first
Permanent settlement of this county began about 1730, when it was
Part of Prince Hilliam County. Prince William County, then owned

by Lord Thomas Fairfax, baron of Cameron, was divided in 17h2,
in Fairfax County being crested and named in honor of the
landlord. In l?§? Fairfax County was divided and Loudoun County
oreated_and named in honor of Lord Loudoun, a prominent officer in
Inglish army, afterward oommander~in~ohief of the british forces
in the American colonies, and Governor of Virginia from 1758 to
(Records of
Loudoun County, Virginia, book B, page 223.)
In the Name of God amen:
I, Roger Higéinton, Gentlem n, of Loudoun County, being in
perfect health (praised be God) do make this my last will and
Testament as followetht
Imorimis. I
named Charles and
after her Deoease
distributed among
give to my dear and loving Wife a Negro follow
a Negro woman named Befa, for term of life and
the said Charles to be (Sold &) equally
all my children, '
Items I (give) and bequeath to my Daughter, Mary Davie the
above named Negro oefs after my wife*s deceaae with all her
increase from the present time,
Item. Znd. I give and bequeath to my
a Negro Girl named Hannah, one feather bed
dark Bay Hare and
Item, 3rd. I give ani Lequeath to my
one Negro Girl named Gloe, one Feather bed
and Calf and the Colt that the old Mare is
son, Henry Wigginton,
and furniture, one
one Gow and Calf.
son,Benjamin Wigginton,
and Furniture, one Cow
with Foal at present
with, when he GOHGB of Age.
Item. nth. I give_and bequeath
one Negro Boy named Tim, one Feather
Mare formerly called his and one Gow
1 Item. Sth. I eive and Bequeath
Nigginton, one Negro Girl named Diner
to my son, william wigginton,
ned and Furniture, a Young
and Calf.
to my Daughter, Elizabeth
and one Cow and Calfe
Item oth. I give to my son, Roger Wigginton, one Negro Girl
named Nan and Twenty pounds hard Cash and one Cow and Calfe
Item. Tth. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elenor
Wigginton, one Negro boy named hristo and Twenty pounds hard Cash
and a Gow and Calf.
If any of my children above mentioned should die without an
Heir, it is my will that their Estates should be Sold and equally
divided among all the residue of my children,
The rest and Residue of mv Goods and Ghattles and oeraonal

Estate after payment of my Debts, Legacies & Funeral Expenses, I
legve to my loving Wife during her life, and afterward to be
Equally divided between my Daughters, Elizabeth and Eleanor and my
Sen, Roger.
I Gonatitute my loving Wife as Executrix with John Davis
and my son, Henry Higginton, my sole Executors of this my lest
Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this
tenth day of Merch in the year of our Lord, 1?73.
seeea H WIGGTEHON (L.s.J
John Jackson, Gent.
John Eagles"
At a Court held for Loudoun County, June the Eighth, 1?TB,
this will was proved by the osthes of John Jackson and John
Bayles, witnesses thereto and oreered to be Recorded, and on
motion of Eleanor Wigginton the Executrix and John Davis, one of
the Executors, therein named, who making oath accordin§'to law,
a Certificate is granted to them for obtaining a probs e thereof
in due form and giving Security. whereupon the said Eleanor end
John, with John Minor, Gent1emsn,,end'Ge0rge Kilgobe, theie eeauri
ties, entered into and acknowledged'the Bond in the Penalty of
Three Thousand Pounds, conditioned ae the law directs.
Ches~ Einns, GlaGu.
_gaatv os INVENTORY cs, ESTATE OF acces wlaemmgy
One sute close & nr. of Breeches 18
One Sute Segathy and a Sute of Fustian lh
312 Pr.of otocking§,hfpr}o£ Shoes and a pn of Buckles 2
OHS hat, 2 old coats, 2 shirts & a pr Trousers 15
26 sheep 39
1 Heifer and Calf, 1 Cow, 1 Ditto M9
1 Brindle cow e calf, 1 Red Do e Calf 1 brown cow M3

1 Heifer & Golf, 3 steers, 1 Gow
Q1ubfD0t Cow, 5 steers, M naifers
:I O
% Young Gray Mare, 1 Bay More & Coit, 1 Mare 155 H O
1 Gray MEPS, 1 Colt, 1 More 30 " 0
1 Bod and Furnituye, 1 ditto, l ditto 68 " O
1 Bed & Furniture, Q sheets and s Uountenpin Q5 H 0
1 Bed, 1 Blanket 1 Sonnterpin, 1 rug 2 pr, sheets 0 " 0
1 Still warm and Tubs 0 H O
Negroes: Charles 200; Bess 200; Hannah 220 620 H 0
Tim 130; C106 130; Dinnah 100; Nan 30; brister 60 §§? "
Rifle Gun, 1 old Gun
2 Stone dishes, 2 Bowls, some teawara, a tumbler 639° g H 2
1 Desk, 1 Choate, 1 Trunk N
2 Canistere, 1 table, 2 small looking glasses 2 "10
1 Sugar Box, 1 panel of books, n combs 3 U 6
2 olo scythes and hanger for one, 1 cutting knife 3 U15
1 shoe knife 1 nipoers and padlock, 2 pr sheep shears O "1B
1 parcel of Peapnooks, 2 homes and a razor 3 H 5
2 brass cocks, 1 new gun lock and 2 old ones 2 H S
1 case of cuttlsrv, 3 stone jars, 2 bottles 2 H10
9 pewter Gasona. L pewter dishes, 16 plates ln " O
1 large meta; spoon and 10 small ones L H 6
1 silver watch 15 H 0
{Tne above is about half the inventory)
The total of the inventory amounted to 21h0 "ll
Henry Wigginton ---- »~-~--» ---- - Anna Vallandigham
(March 2, 17781 July 26, :urge
July EG, 1833
23~Nary Wigginton~»~-~»»eDeca 25, LTTSM-eUnknown
2'-Eleanor Uigginton~~»~-April 10, l?80~»Unknown
2,-Jane Wigginton~»-»»-»~0ot. ln, l?52-~~Sop, En, 1855
26eE1izsbetn Ni5ginton~»~May 6, lT5@~~~~»l@&T
2?-Nargerat Wigginton~»~~Jnne 13, l?5§~ Unknown
23~Kancy Wigginton»-»~-»~Nov, 23, 1?So~ Unknown
29-william wi,;g1eton~---»-aflaron 16, 1768 sac., 22, 1869
30-Peter Nigginton-»~-»~~Msron 12, 1789-~Unknown
33-Jemima Wigginton ----- ~Aug, 18, 179U"~"April 29, 1823
32-James Nigginton----~-eapril ll, 1?92"-Sapa 13, 18?5
33~Spencer Wigginton- -~-- June 2?,`1T93- Unknown
BM-John Wigginton --~- ~--- April ll, 1795 Unknown
3S~E1ijah`Wigginton --~--~ April ll, 1795~»Unknown
36-Henry Wigginton~ ------ April ll, 1797 Unknown
Henry Wigginton was born in Loudoun County, Virginia.
moved to bourbon County, Kentucky where he lived the re
m inder of his life and is buried on his "old home place" (Owned

by w, L. Stewart, R.F.D. 2, Paris, Kentucky in 1929). Ee was a
planter and miller; was a comtunicant of the baptist Church and
a member of the Democratic Party. '
E He was married in Montgomery County, Maryland by Rev. Joseph
Thfodreid to Anna Vallandigham (pronounced Valandaml, daughter of
M1¢hgo1 Van Landigham and Anno Dawson; grandaughter of Michael
Van Landigham and Jane. Michael Van Landigham and Jane, his wire
were both natives of French Flanders new Gourtiers. They cane to
America in 1690 and settled in Stafford County, Virginia. Later
they moved to Northcumbarland County between the Rappahannock and
Chesapeake Bay. Their son Michael moved to Fairfax County where
he married Anna Dawson. It was about this time that the family
name was changed fro  Van Landigham to Vallendigham. Michael and
Anne had five children, three some and two daughters. Anne
Dawson was born in Fairfax County, Virginia and died and is
buried in Bourbon County, kentucky beside her husband.
(The following data taken from an application for a R|volu»
tionary pension and new on file in the archives at Washington,
and formerly accepted as applying to Henry Wigginton (lvalj) is
now considered subject to some question and should be checked for
positive identification):
"Henry`Higginton related in his declaration for a pension
that he was born the year of Eraddock's defeat, in Loudoun
County, Virginia. He served in the revolutionary war under
Captain Robert Fryer and Captain Sampson Trammel, in the battal-
ions of Maj. Cox-and Maj. Radioan with the regiments of-Col.
Levin Powell, Col. Meriwether and Col. Matthews, under the com-
mand of General Stebbins. He served at Yorktown and was present
at the surrender of Cornwallis although his enlistment expired
October l3 and the british did not surrender until the 19th. Ho
was named in his father's will to assist his mother in the '
administration of the estate, but was absent, presumably in the
war, at the time the will was probated. His services as a Revo-
lutionary soldier is referred to in"Gollins' History of Kentucky,
Fdge 6; in Perrin's History of Bourbon County, Kentucky, page 75;
in Eckenrode's Virginia Revolutionary soldiers, page h7O, and his
declaration for a pension is on file in the Bureau of Pensions,
in the Archives Building at Washington, D. G."
He migrated to Bourbon County, Kentucky in 1788 and spent
the remainder of his life there. He was sometimes known in the
family as "Harry",
Benjamin Wiggintone~-»---- ---- ---------Unknown
Oldest son of James Wigginton and the only child %
mentioned by name in his father's will. V
Nancy Wigginton-~-------»--»-- ee-----Unknown

Referred to in Overwnarton Parish Register, otefford County,
virginia, 1?2G~l?60, by Wm. F. Boogher. Doubtful relationship. '
Mary Wigginton ~---»»-----~»-+~»-- -~----- -~ John Davis
(Unknown) Unknown
Named in her father's will executed in 1773 as "Mary Davis".
SQ, was married prior to that date. Her hustand,_John Davis, _
was nominated as oo~exeoutor of tke will with her mother and her `
brother, Henry (V~1?). * *l `
v*17 1)
Henry Wigginton -~--~-~--~ ----- ---- ---- ~~-- Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
- Unknown
No informet1on»
v"1B 1
William Wigginton ~-----~---»-~---~---~~+»- Unknown
(Unknown) Unknown
No informetion» Hey have been the William Wigginton drafted
for service
absent, and
his younger
May be
and who mar
in the Continental Army but his elder brother being
his father having recently died, was needed at home ani
brother, Benjamin served as his substitute.
the Williem_Migginton whose will was probated in 1821,
ried Frances Johnson. Should be checked.
Benjamin Wigginton - ---- ---- ~~-»----- --~- ~~ Harriett B. Scott
(Unknown) Unknown
~?rank M. Wigginton -~---~- Unknown ---- ~--e-Unknown
-Catherine G. Wigginton--~Unknown ----- ---- Unknown
-Tmma W, wigginton»~»-----Unknown --------- Unknown
»Martha Jane wigginton~-~»Unknown--- ------ Unknown
h1»Ahn Elizabeth Wigginton~eUnknown~»~-----~Unknown

  nnlsuhrpun an
  an as nun ug; on
n»»»»m¢»u0Un nQwn
May be the benjamin Wiéginton who served in the Continental
Aymy under Captain William one in 1?Sl~ss substitute Fon his
brother. Was discharged at the end of his term and again enlisted
in the company of Captain william heaven, batallion.of Maj. Cox,
and regiment of Gel. Merriwethere was under`oommand of General
Lafayette and General Washington and in his declaration for a
pension mentions seeing boths
Elizabeth Wigginton*-»-------~--~---~»~-»»Spenoe E. Buchanan
(May 16, 1780) Unknown
Moved to bourbon County after her marriage,
Roger Wiggintone--~ »--»-~~---~eeeeeaee»e»Elizabeth,Wigglnton
(Unknown) Mai 6, 178h
18 9
5l~Fielding Wigginton----January ll, 1800~Jan. 9, 8730
S2~Mary Wigginton-»----»-Unknown---~»-»--»Unknown
53»Marths Wigginton---»~~Unknown»~--ee----Unknown
Sh-Emily Migginton--»-»--Unknown-~------~-Unknown
S5~Greenberry Wigginton 1807-------~~~-» 1881
, §§
-Nancy Wigginton~~---
»Sydnor Wigginton»---
-Mason wigginton~--~~
$1 1 *iii
Roger was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky but moved to _
Trimble County, Kentucky where he spent his life on a farm naar
Bedford, Kentucky,_and where he is buried in e family cemetery on
U16 farm.
His wife, Elizabeth {V»26) was the daughter of his uncle,-
Henry Wigginton, and was his first cousin. After his death she
lived with her son, Greenberry in Oldham County, Kentucky but_at
her death in 1869, was taken back for burial beside her husband
On the-family farm in Trimble County.
The children are not necessarily listed in their proper
°°HSecutive order»

Eleanor Uigginton--~- --~----~--»---~-Unknown
Mary Wigginton-»--~~y»---7-~~-~~~~--e-----Giles Tillett
(October 25, 1?98) Unknown
Known in the family as Polly. buried in Boone County,
Eleanor Wigginton----- ---- ~ ------ f-~~~-~-~Henry Boyer
(February 18, 1825) Unknown
Known in the family as "Bettie". Buried in Bourbon County,
Jane Wigginton ~--- --»-»»--~--»----w-~--~-¢Jeremiah Northcurt
(October 28, 1802) Unknown
* Unknown
No further information.
Elizabeth Wiggintonwe ----- » ~--~- -----~~-~-Roger Wigginton
(Hey ?, 1801) Unknown
-Elizabeth Wigginton-
-Fielding Higginton~~
-Mary wigginton--~--~~Unknown
-Martha Wigginton-~-~
-» Y   . Hunan
-Greenberry Wlbginton
»Neney migginton-~~--
Jeno 11, 1800----"Jan, 9,
- ~--~ +--v--Unknown
Unknown -~-~- --~~~-Unknown
1807-~ ---- -»-»»»-1881
1809 -~-~- - - ----~Unknown
-Sydnor Nigginton~--~»Unknown
Hu Fmil Wi~_inton
58-Mason Wigginton~----
annum annum
---~- ---»Unknown

Lived on a farm near Bedford, Hwimblo County, Kentucky, After her
hnsbend's death, lived with nor son, Greenberry in Oldham County,
but was taken hack to Trimble to be buried beside ner husband in
the fanily cemeserya
Roger Wigginton (IU-21) was the een of her uncle, Roger
wiggine-an (IU-12), and ner first cousina He is buried in the
family cemetery on his farm in Trimble County, Kentucky.
The names of the children are not necessarily listed in their
proper consecutive order. They are given the original numbers
found at (V~2l)»
V"27 4
Margaret Wigginton--» --- ----- ---~ --~ ---- Samuel Corbin
(1810) Unknown
* _ Unknown
Margaret was known in the family as Peggy.
V-28. _
Nancy H1gginton-~-~------~-- ---- -----ee--~Char1oa Hazo1ri§E
[January , 1825) May 21, 17
March 7, 1863
Haney is believed to have been born and married in Bourbon
County, kentucky,
Cnarlea Hazelrigg served in the War of 1812 and wee at the
Battle of the Thames against Tecumseh in 1813.
William Vigginton~»»--5~~-~-- ------- ~-f---Elizabeth Corbin
` (January 15, ldlll' Unknown
59-Snelman wigginton»----Unknown~-~--»- ----- ---Unknown
60 Unknown _---e-Unknown
_-Henry Lewis Wigginton
6n~Nathan Co Wigginton--
65-Silas Nigginton~---»-
66-Roger Wigginton ----- -
~67~Cynthia Wigginton---»
-....».¢..... -.. -.. ..-_-.Unknown
-Elijah Wigninton »--- - Unknown Unknown
~Samue1 Wigginton-- ~-~- Unknown Unknown
Unknown--~- ~----Unknown
nlbnuunlunu Qu- &|lnQ¢
»»-- »------»--Unknown

i J'
| I'
;T'r>;;j" ' 
.Ii :
53.Fanny Wigginton-------Unknown------------
59-Nancy Wigginton~~ ---- -Unknown------------
70-Elizabeth Wigginton---Unknown ---~----- ---
2-Josepn'Div;dia Wigginton-----Unknown--------Unknown
73-Benjamin Franklin Wigginton--Septe 23, 1830-Sept. 23, 1377
~ ;-0levia Wi gluten------Unknown~-----------
T 3
William Wigginton was born in Fairfax County, Virginia;
f&fmBP and miller; Baptist and Democrat. Married in Fairfax
County, Virginia by Rev. Isaac Tutt to Elizabeth Corbin, daughter
bf Lewis Corbin and Elizabeth Reade. tBuried in Scott County,
-Peter Wigginton---- -------~----»---"-Mary
Mary Vallendingnam was known in the family as Polly*
1~'e,-nina wi .1 1; -===- -°-----~ -----f-------John
' ' E8 n On (Maron 29, 1812;
Unknown ¢
Died in 1923 "leaving six small children". John Foster ia
listed ae her "let" husband. Was called "Mime"-
Bourbon County, Kentucky.
Ia buried in
James Wigginton------- --~-~ - ----- -----»-Nancy Campbell
Yu-Benjamin Franklin Higginton--Unknown
T5-Fabricioua Wigginton~~ ~~--- --Unknown
76-Lorena Uigginton-----»- -.-_- -Unknown
7?-Calvin Wigginton------ Jan. 8, 1335
78-Minerva Migginton--- -~~-» --Unknown
79-Amanda Wigginton---- ---- --Unknown
End- ----- ~----- ----- - ---- Lucy
(December , l8k6J
80-James Gannon Wigginton--Cote 3, 1Bk7
B1-Nancy Me Wigginton--3---UnknoUn-----
"'*"-Auga   3,   a
Mildred Johnson
July 25, 1537
---sept, 3, .1922
---Aug. , 18?2

» H. wi 1 -»---sokoooo~-»--»~--~-
83 "Tm" gg f't°" ,;{,»,.=f,gwo/og; 5, .mf `Uo`5i%'Lel1f+"f; :sfo
Jomss wigginton was born in Kentucky. _Hs was living near
Dover Church, at Cal mos, in ?£gs County, Missouri, in 1 MT, when
his son, James Cannonsniggintogsivl-67) was,born., served in the
War of 1812 (bowling Grssn Joi orsonian, fonm rly oublishod at
Bowling Green, Missouri, issue of August, 1926, quoting History
gf Piks County, published in 1883.) Baptist; Democrat; Former.
Dover Gemoteryl
Nancy Campbell was born in kentucky. All children by the
first marriage died prior to 1912. Buried in bourbon County,
Kentucky. _
Lucy Mildred Johnson was-born in Virginio.- Member of Dover
Baptist Church. Dover Cemetery.
  82»Corno1ia Wigginton~---Fobruary 8, 18 ~-wspril 27, 1928
    qnlu |||-up an--nu nmnmumwun nu: an    
(Unknown) Unknown
so mrohor information. sooo to be ourioo so Scott coonoi,
Kentucky; A
_    numnnnuusuadmlundn      
(Unknown) Unknown
No further ioforfoooim. John ond his brotheb E11 jon (11-35)-
were twins. Buried in bourbon County, Rentuckyo
(132h) Unknown
¢ré~»~#~»»-"+ ,A 1 Unknown
2nd~---w----»J4¢¥---Nancy Danusby
C Elijah and John (V-3u) twins.

. _
i f
_   (_, _.__-_. _=       _ ;.--_,_-,_ : ___ , _   -,   __   ___._, .___;_._-   _.,,.
§?i`;' \ f'-__-¢-41 -   __-=_fh'.-.1-,. _»»;>-=:....=-=-_--.'--=.__|-:-'nu-_ _-LM. =:. _;;.   'j,fé,=__.:a-.,~._   =_' A
§% %
"`   - `"'
%w@wm&§ ""'
VQB6 4. -
Henry-wig&in503,,&»»-"-»»»-n-T""__"-»»q-»~»Uuk§0q3 x
[Un5nown) Unknown
Henry Nigginton moved to the btato of Utah.
Frank M. Wigginton»-»- ~- ----»- --*~--~--~*U1aTH H- 56033
(Unknown) Unknown
- U6-
Fpgnk H, wigginton, claimed by some to be Francis M.
wigginton, had a family consisting of two boys and one girl.
9 _
9 o
Had nine ohi1dren»
VI~39. _
Emma W. Wigginton---
96»Lenjamin J. ihrry
9?-John Terry--»~-»-
98»Luoy Terry»--~»--
99~Kote Waller Torry
-L01-Frank ierry- -~-- -
~' 102-Lizzie Terry-»-»-
Catherine G. Wiggintonf*~»*'*-~""'*"*f°""*5P0tSW°Qd H- C03
(Unknown) _ Unknown
--»Co1. William P. Terry
-an- Qu -we -ilu nh was -ul    
-- -»-Unknown
Ȣ- -~-Unknown
~-» ------ »~-»~ Unknown
Qvvwwvnn »¢»**UnKHOWn
-»-»-»- ---- -»-Unknown
-vwirnu w¢°Hf§|¢\» Inna*-Unknown

VI-h.0 Q
Martha Jane Wiggintonnw~*r-f*--»-»»»»Ado1phus Gustavus Heir
~` (Unknown) Unknown
'Family of nine children.
Ann Elizabeth Wigginton-------__-¢-_.Archibald Bolling
(Unknown) Unknown
112#W1111am Holcomb boi1ing----Unknown-»-~Uhknown
113»Harriet W. Bolling--»-~~»--Unknown#--~Uhknown
llh-Mary J. bo11ing-»-------»--Unknown----Unknown
VI 2.
6 _
O. _
Elizabeth Wigginton»-~---»-~-~-----»-Peter Townsend
(Unknown) Unknown
Buried in Trimble County, Kentucky

@§ffd§1g1d1ng`Wiggint0H** _"= "-"' "_' ---- f*s~s»--s-s-Teresa E11&sbeth'Smith
§%$§,"f '.'-_' (Unknown) Sep, 21, 1311
  _ _   _   _     ~_ .'7'11»- 101 1533
§§ff;115»SereH ."_~`-' Elizabeth Wigginton~--Oct. 21, 1B3O»Jsn» 7, 1918
f -:'="_"__-_"_ :,"116~Edserd ~"_" Sydnor Wigginton-»-»~Nov. 18, 1832»Feb. 28, 1912
fFj`_;17»O1iver_Greenberry WiggintonwJan. 5, 1B35~Apr» 29, 1902
j§f_`118eWi11iem_Smitn_Wigginton-5--eJun, _-.- ll, l83Y~Dec` 29, l8T2
  -." _  _1;9»~:Resbe1t¢\'fessi'-§=H-iesieg-if '§T¥211?T?5§°1'I"3;\-¥- 11?¥`11e3lL?»,r4P»Pr;_,._-6»` 1916
  ._ I. _ IZ- . v,`__;n`§ ¢f_ -i_____,___i __'r1_-QQQL: ,lf . :_$_=_- sf. .,; _ Ut: ._ . 1 '12, "H
§§§f,;Eie1ding -_-__ Wigginton wes_msrried in what is not Trimble County,
igégngeky end all his children were born tnero. In 1830 he moved `
lie degrees _=~ County, Kentuoky to serve as oversoer-of the farm of
@§§§§§§§ndfetner, Henry Migginton (IV-13) but returned to Trimble
Q§§e§§§_in `_" 1332 and settled on s fsrm shout e half mile west of
§§@§§§t'offioe than-known as Palmyra.
;E§§;@His =" '_-__ sister~in-law, Angelina Curl, had moved from Kentucky =
§§§§Q§§ouri and was living on a farm near the present site of
f§§§§§i11y in Lincoln Gounty. _She wrote to ner brother, William
f§§§§@ith, telling him of the need of e teacher st the NewsSelem
i§§§§§1 nearby and William visited her and was appointed teacher
§@§E§§§ '_~` school, The following summer he returned to Kentuoky and
§§§§§§sted to Fielding that he sell his Kentucky lend, whidh had
  enhanced in value in the lest few years, and go with him
$$§§§§souri where lend eould be entered from-the eeverndenr for
@§§§§ ner acre, ~-
negeeen the spring of ldné, Fielding sold his fern and stock and
ggggggnent and most of his enettels end brought the rest, inc1ud~
§£§§ g daybed still enerished by descendents, to Missouri, His;
§§§§§Qereine1ew, william S. Smith went to Cincinnati end engaged
§§§§§§ge.on e through steamer. While preparations were being '
§g§§§¥§§ed, Fielding and Teresa with the children spent serersl
@@§§§§1tn_her mother, Sarah Dunlap Smith, at Milton, Kentueky;
§§§§&@@osrded the steamboat st Milton_on the Ohio River with.
€§§§§§§neueeno1d¢goods Sunday night and landed at St. Louie the _
§ §§Q§lDg Saturday morning, Tnsre W111iem,vieited nis`eunt, '
§§§§§H§Csrten, (sister of his father Reuben Smith)_whose'danghter
§ §§n%§dfGeQrge Knapp, associated with the St, Louis'Repub1ic fron
§%§§§§§ntilVhis_desth :~_ at ees on his way beck from Europe in 1833,`
€§@§@§§§F ed the family "traded" in the St, Louis markets. The
§@E§§ isbn continued up the Mississippi River and landed them et
égggg gg Gris near the present site of Winfield, Missouri; _
  .:,.,_. -, _ . .
 :_  1 . _ . ' f _

, Fielding rented a farm the first year in order th have an
ooportnnity to become acquainted with local land value and
instead of taking an new land as originally planned, bought the
farm of Crawford hodair, a neohew of Alexander Mohair, the first
Governor of Missouri. the farm renmined in the wigginton Family
§ag11 1950, a period covering more than s hundred years. The
house was a very ride structure, built of logs as was every other
form house ot the day, consistine QF two rooms with half a story
above and was in poor repair. The farm was heavily timbered.
Gnly a few acres had been cleared. The swamps in the lower land
below the bluffs had not been drained. Vegetntion was rank and
aaarms of mosquitoes spread malaria and made the house all but
uninhahitahle in summer. as screens had not yet come into use,
one only protection was a smudge fire built at the open door to
prevent their entrance. Everyone in the neighborhood was ill
hith,ma1aria and the family bitterly regretted leaving Kentucky
and more than once seriously considered abandoning their Missouri
ingastments and returning to Kentucky.
Teresa Elizabeth emith was the daughter of Reuben bmith who
aometime prior to 1810 moved from Virginia to Louth Carolina
where he married harah Dunlap, whose father had emigrated from
Ireland to south Carolina a few years before. bhortly after his
marriage Reuben moved to Kentucky where he spent the remainer of
'his life. His family bible carries the following record;
Thaddeus Sobeski Curl son of angelina C. smith and Wm. H.
-Curl, Born September 21, l8h5; died April 8, 18h6. .
Charles Lennett was born May 18, 1782.
Teresa Elizabeth smith, Born aeptemter 21, 1811. Married
" Fielding Wigginton.
Angelina G. smith, horn December 27, l8lS, Died May 30, 18h9,
married Wi1liam.H. Curl, October 17, ldhh. On his death
married Charles Bennett January 13, l8h8. Their daughter,
Leticia P. hennett was born Nay 3, 18h9, died May 21, 18h9.
Leticia P. Smith, Born oeotember 5, 1818, married Nerrell, two
children, moved to California.
William s. smith, horn February 13, 1821, married Mary M. Birkhead
" sister of dev. hirkhead, August h, l8h6, born December 20,
l828. Their daughter Margaret Enphemia Smith, born december
5, l8h7. 'While teaching school at New salem fell in love
with Mary and that no doubt was a factor in his removal to
Fhssouri for he married her soon after his return. Later
_ moved to Platt County, missouri.
Ilfaucy Jane smith, born august 3, 1825, No further information,
@Pgaret Kassandria Smith, born september 5, 1828. Thought to be
buried in family cemetery with mother and other relatives.

.»-_   _ »,m.3-§~,,¢,?;|_  ; = _- 5 -.
-  _ Reuben smith died at Milton, hentucky and was buried at
.M£unt Tabor Methodist-Church of which he and his wife were
;é5m¢unicants. The wiggintons were Laotists and Teresa made
l£ifgt contribution, a twenty dollar gold piece, to the establish-
aént gf a church of her faith at star Hope, now on Highway 79
*gear Elsberry, Missouri. Here she and Fielding are buried
f3§§f Hope Cemetery. On the death of her husband Sarah came
Missouri to be with her children, Teresa, William, Angelina
Zeficia who lived within a few miles of each other. As her
seeth preceded the establishment of Star Hope she is buried
whildren and grandchildren in a family cemetery on_the farm
hor sonain-law, Charles hennett, later known as the True Place,
new owned by the Foster Family. The cemetery, unmarked except
53 rough stones, is south of the farm house and on the left side
of the road leading through the farm. e ~
11 Mary Wigginton---~-- -"-- -%--- -»-- -~--~-f¢Frank Ferguson
(Unknown) Unknown
Buried in Idinbnrg, Johnson County, Illinolsa
»_ Martha w1&giaaen=»----»~- ---- ~-~-»»»~----Un arriee
Buried in Trimble County, Kentucky;
Emily Wigginton¢#»-»e----"~~°-*-"~""4~r~-Grochup Nicholson
(Unknown) Unknown
` After the death of her husband and her father, Roger
Higginson {v»21) she and her mother lived with ner brother,
Graenberry wigginton tV1»55). This was possibly after the death
of her husbands
Buried at Crewfordsville, Montgomery County; Indianee

': f 22 {?i'}'§§f':"?:"¢I
Gfgenberry Wigginton-- ----- »---------~---Matilda Guthrie
(Unknown) 1310
1 1
g '7 ?\ Jai- 1  
12O~Jomee N, Nigginton--Har. 11,11B&G3--5M&?$&9§¢1§E%&
12lmMelieeo Wigginton- -»-»-- --Unknown--~-Unknown
122~DeWitt Clinton Migginton~~Unknown----Unknown
l23~Greenbe?§y W£gginton~---»~Unknown~-~~Unkn¢wn
l2n»Cna Wigginton*"~-~--~-~--»Unknown----Unknown
Buried in Oldham Gounty,"hentucky» Janos N. Wigginten (VII-
120) writes that his grandmother lived with them after the death
of his grandfather and on her death he personally took hor back
to her old home to be laid beside hor husband.
Nonoy Wigginton-~»~-»--~--~~--~~~---»--»-Ballard Whitaker
' (Unknown) Unknown
" Buried in Logan County, Illinois,
Sydnor Wigginton-- ---- -~~» ----- ---»-----fE1izaboth Spillman
(Unknown) Unknown
Buried in Trimble County, Kentuokyo
Mason Wigginton--------»-e--~--~----»~--#Patsy Spillmen
l25»Mary Wigginton~-»--~
196 ' '
Helo W1gg1nton~-~»-~»-
Loren Higginton~~-w~
~®mrtna Migginton~»#~
Melinda W1gginton~-~
'Greenborry Wigginton
William Migginton~»»
Gharleo S. Wigginton
| n ¢..-»
1-Ia;-1-:E 5.6
-..H W... »» »- ¢. Ugéfngwn

End.--*-v~#--~-~-»--~~--~ --~-- --Unknown
133-Charles N. Wigginton--Unknown--~-»--»-------Unknown
-n` ' ' 1-dvcntn-Ill'-\lI|lbs|»'{I ku nmunb-u¢sdqqu¢¢¢U K
13g Ella wigglnton n own n nown
ij Mason died at the home of his son Greenberry in Trimble
Ggunty, Kentucky.
UI-59, Shellman Migginton. Moved to Nebraska.
Vlaéo, Henry Lewis married (lst) Lydia ~m-th; (End) Corbin.
- Moberly, Missouri.
71-51, William Higginton.married a Musselman. Buried in Scott
-A County, Kentucky.
VI-62, Elijah wigginton.married a Tomason.
¥1»§3` Samuel wigginton.
Vleéh, Nathan Corbin Wigginton.
VI-65, Silas Wigginton.married a Seibert.
VI-65. Roger Wigginton.married Partnena Greene and moved to
_ Boone County, Missouri.
'VI-67. Cynthia Wigginton.merried Col. Frederick Freert (True?);
'. moved to Mattoon, Illinois.
VI-68, Fanny Wigginton.merried Peter Lackett.
VI-69. Nancy Wigginton married (lst) Calvert; (End) Hanebrick.
_ Some name Hambrick as first.
VI-70. Elizabeth wigginton, known as Bettie, married Ireland.
f Buried in breokenridge, Missouri.
VI-71. Olevia Wigginton married John J. Peterson¢ (Miss Carrie
Peterson, Frankfort, Kentucky; wrote a letter in 1913.
sending data from.Fami1y bible of Henry Wigginton (IV-13).
VI"72. Joseph D. Wigginton married Glevia Toles and moved to
~' Moberly, Missouri.
  "YB ¢
Benjamin Franklin Wigginton ---~- ~~~-~-~~--Martha Jane Twgman
(Dae. ao, 1855) Dee. 23, 1 3h
June h, 1923
135-James William Wigginton-»--»-~---June 27, l85?---
136~Frederick Corbin Wigginton»~June 21, 1860-~April~l3, 1901
13?-Florence Wigginton -~-~ --»-~---=-Dec.. -2J_|_,_ 1363-=a-Jan. 27, 1892
133»Minnie May Wigginton ----- ~--~~»~-Hay 26, l36S----
139-Benjamin Franklin Wigginton, Jr.-June 21, 186?»~~
Benjamin Franklin Wigginton, Jr. was born in Scott County,
Kentucky; farmer and merchant; I.0.0.F., Christian Church;
Republican Independent. Married in Shelby County, Kentucky to
Martha Jane Twyman, daughter of James Twyman and Matilda
§Qb@rtson, born in Andersonville, Kentucky; buried at Virden,
llinois. Teacher; Whig.

f§§§f -'.:-' Bgnjamin Franklin wigginton----------Frances Johnson
§§fffpgbricious --`-. Wigginton-~-~~--~---~----»Varilla Bibb
§5°~-Lorena Wlgginton------~-s-»-~~--+-s*-Levi H» Wood
    (January , 1869)
="* _ (Unknown) February lg, lBh0
February 1 , 1899
IMO-Edward B» Wigginton~-v-eNov» 11, l861f»Sep$, , 193%
E_1_ lhl-Adeline Varilla Higginson--Aug. 3, l86h~0ct» 3, 1929
ffHfjCalvin -_.~ _-.' was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky and cams early
iso Pike County, Missouri. Farmer, Baptist, Democrat, A.F.&A.H»
zpover Cemetery, Calumet, Pike.County, Missouri. '
iffz Mary Ann Hunter, daughter of Stephen Hunter and Sallie Woods,
;bQrn_in Pike County, Missouri. Baptist and Demoorat» Dover
Minerva Wiggintonp--__ _---~-»- ----William H,.Bees1sy
_ Hmanda Wigginton--»~~--- -~--»--»--~~Uhmsrried
s' James Cannon Wigginton----------»----Mary Elizabeth Reid
(Deo` 22, 1869) sept. 15, 18u7
April 19, 1925

¥4»~-»,seea ésslle Miss s§°e~*'?¢b» EQ, %§?l'f~:v
+. fc             ?   o 33;  
o1Fe*e¢s¥§$s§iH;lseé osao osa, "ais駧§ss*=~JHHe;h3`;§??se;=%ss"§;§§;9§o§?
a;e ;§§§§§is§'3sis'@;eei§§aa=eevs=QsfSf3©;f1B@Q-e+'*" ssfossfsso
cove#-""--s» <~»~
,Qg,,Jgmea :'_ -'_- ==. Cannon wiggioton born near Dover Church at Calumet,
§ike éounty, Missouri. Helped out the timbers for the original
Dover Charon and became a member of the church at the age of 11.
Fafmer, Baptist, Democrat. Married at Louisiana, Missouri by
R@¢,-SSMH81 A. Moafee.
~: More Elizabeth Reis, daughter of Thomas Reid and Martha
M¢Cambe11, born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Baptist and Democrat
Dover Gemeteryp
Nancy Mildred Wigginton-----»-'"*~-"#"'P B Rogue
Buried at Dover, Pike County, Missouri.
Cornelia Wigginton-~»----w»--»~--------~-Mark Beasley
Dover Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri '
John H wigginton--»---Egggggggg -~~~ ee-Vigginia ES§E§1857
Jan.516, 192i
lhé- Wiggiotohw* -
lu?-Callie Elizabeth Wigginton»-Oct, 3, 18T8-~~May 26, 19h6
1MB-Oloa w1gg1nt0n-----»-»-~----FLer-fe. :seo---1%ee:11,!av4
1 9»Judah wigginton--- ---~---- »- --»
1 0-Zula Wigginton»~~--»--- ---- - - -
John Wigginton born near Dover. _
Virginia Estes born in Pike County, Missouri. Presbyterian,
Democrat. Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
VII- 1

 - §E;;:-1.56:->';';€-;'c -E  
;Benjamin J, Terry- ~---- ~~-----Caroline Gibbons (Galeberney?)
(Unknown) Unknown
Three children, 2 boye and 1 girl.
9?» _
John Terry --~- --~--~--~-~~-~--Sue Withers
_ {Unknown) Unknown
Three girls end two boys.
95-_ J
~Luog'Terry -~-- » ~--~- --~-~ --~-- Unmarried
Kate Waller Terry- ---- -- -~-- ~-Peyton Green
151-Kate merry Green-~#Unknown---~-Unknown
William Terry----~- ---»- -»--~ ~Virginia Moore
(Unknown) Unknown
Three boys endwsix girlse
Frank Torry~~--~- ----~- » --~~~ -Monica Green
(Unknown) Unknown
Five boys and two girls.

    sie Te Pxl'y.»..- - up - - --. _ -. _ _ -_ _ _ a- -.5 -»¢. »¢B@n   De nn is
"" f (Unknown) Unknown
Four boys end one girl.
  1 0 0
§§1ql12» u
  william Holcomb selling-----~»,-_Q-osa1116 S, White
` _~ _ (L86O) Unknown
152~Edith Bollingww-»~lB7l~~r -~-- -ee
153»Ro1fe Bo11iug~e-»-
15h-Robert Bolling~»»- '
`_` Sallie S. White was the daughter of Joseph Reese. Sallie*s
Sister married-Hiram Gheetwood, the father of Joe Cheatweod and
Ssllie P. Gheatuood Smith, both oi Peynesville, Pike County,
'lg-¥_§?°"Pi° ' o e ,
Hj_ "_' Francis Thornton Merriwetuer, of Louisiana, Missouri, wrote
in'the Press»Journa1, issue of October 21, 1915, Louisiana,
_Missouri, that he knew Judge william Holcomb Bolling intimately
-§§§,h1s_fsther Dr, Archibald Bolling who came to the neighborhood
Â¥9 take ~'-' over the practice of Men Merriwether's uncle, Dr. Cabell;
@§§jSOn, Willism_Holoomb later moved to Wytheville, Virginia to
F?50$ioe-lswa He and Nr¢ Merriwether were students at Unitereity
of Virginia together, Mr. Merriwether wrote that Hr, Joseph
§§§5B was also s near neighbor and had four.chi1dren, John Cheat"
QGGG, Miss White, Mrs. Julie Cheetwood and Mrs. Allen Hatcher.
Eiier Mr. white's death Sallie married e Mr. Logmood by whom she
555 two ohildree, a son and e daughter. q

w  `5'r"I"
~ " il l-,=ge_§f. _-ji - f 5.' - '
 <.;>2`AE-Zo»:'%.==5=;!3{...__=;_--; - -_ _
1.,7~P{»;.¢\-£5.11-=-.rfafre-.f.;,_¢..-._=- -_  
 li-?;»<;-1§§§.é iII- -I gi."- 1 Q'-
_f;.§:;._>;,\.»;:'¢= --,_-- - -
ij-_;;=2,'<=-?;1-Le-'=-==;=.-.--_';--I.'..' :-   _
I-'l'-`:'F.f:f-L'=11'-If-'-f=`   ` '
  - -`   1 ut 1.4 . Bo 11 ing- »~- »- - - --,-- - ---»- -- -Hobo rt H . waode ll
`""§@§§§rr 6 (Unknown) Unknown
` """ §@& Unknown
§§§§§g@f, '_ ~' '_.- J. Bol1ing-»- »----~----»~---Rudolph Tusler
Q." -__- ` Unknown
;E§,,._ !_____: ___: ____ No further informationf
§§§§§Serah Elizabeth Wigginton-------»---Oliver Perry Gibson
N EQ `_~` ' (Neve B, 1350) Unknown
_ Unknown
2nd---~»? ---- ~- ---~- ~- ~-~- Henry Harrison Morris
o , 1863) April 9, l8hl
¢;,  .  .  F@b» 13. 1897
éfg-1§5-Edward -`_. `--_ `.-' Smith Morris-~~Merch 2, 1565-September 17, 1937
§§§§§156-William .__- `_._- Henry Morris-»Ju1y 12, lB6?»February 18, 1895
:§§§§f157-Catherine _:__: Morris--~-~-July 12, 1867-July 12, 1867
§§§§§f3aran.E11zabezn wigginoon, known in the family as Sadie, was
@$@§ in Trimble County, Kentucky, and came with her family to
jM§§§ouri in lBh6. Communicent of the Star Hope Baptist Church.
§§§r Hope Cemetery. _
éégf-Oliver '=" Perry Gibson joined a party of local men recruited to
§§§§-the trip to California in the gold rush with the intention
§§§§returning at the end of e year but was evidently lost in the
giggg-across the desert eo he was never afterward heard from.
éég .Henry '___ Harrison Morris, Merchant, Baptist, Democrat. Star
3F55 Gemataryf
giirllog -
,QQ Edward Sydnor wigginton ----- -------"Georgie Robertson
*"- `-"' ` (Nor, 12% 1596} '§ovember 23, 1862
; 1 _ Qctober_1n, 1837
ig# 155-Georgie Pauline Wigginton-1Seot, T, 1900-#July 1, l9hB_

-fu.:' -ps--;-;'!.f"'  'S' " .. :. _   .»
=;e=;5g§i§,F,.9E- :Le '§ ,g,g§;,_-:;;;;-j-_::_r  .;: :-_': '_
EE? » $1 >'€i\~E¥?:='=E{€§é`-f£f:.-'.-:`¢ " '
 J ,_I,=\1;",£`\€<7§@}¥5§251?.'.73-ff'-'-'I-_'f-'f'
  F; -_.=_=
- .»\-ne; qs--_--_<,>»-sf-3-=.»_
~ m¢..=, E3 .,;>=?}.   ._= - _
  in Trimble County, Kentucky, Same to Missouri in lBh6»
§§§§%%@§§¢fBaptist, Democrat. Star Hope Cemetery. United_with
§§§§§§§§gQpe Church under ministry of Rev, Bnrnhem, December 31, l8?6
  Hcbertson was youngest cnlld of George William
§§§§§§§§§5¢n and Mary Ann ~--~ ---- 'who came from Kentucky after their
§§§§§§§§§g§, and reached Missouri in 18Ml, Forest Lawn Cemetery,-
`%§§§§;:01iver "_-_ .-" Greenberry Wigginton--------»Emme welter Robertson
@s§§gL '-'_ (April 11, 18?8) April 25, 18S3
        ew 1-3» we
E§§§§; Home '.'__- to Missouri from Trimble Gounry in 1886, Farmer,
%§§§§§§ist, Democrat. Childless. Star Hope Cemetery. '
  '_._5 _,_ 'William smith Wiggint sn--- »---- ---- U ms rr iss
Ff§§Qf'Farmor, -_-' "" Baptist, Democrat. Assisted in financial arrange-
$§§§E§ts for establishment of Star Hope Baptist Church.
@§§%%i%119, '
%@@WV¥ :=' "--' Reuben Tn mes Wigginton---»-1------»Lucy_Catherine Dawson
__f _ May 6, 1881
2- '-.'. 158%-Susan Dawson Wigginton»--June 10, 1880--Dec, 23, 1889
2nd»----~------~-Margaret Virginia Dawson
(June 28, 1883) November 3, 1858
- October 28, 1895
ig- --'. l59~Ids Dawson Wiggintone-June 1, 1885-~~- _ 10,l@T5
;sEF 160-Sarah Melinda Wigginton-Sept. lT, 1891--May 7, 1917
__ __ _;;_.  
  _n_- ,;_r-. ---went to wsstpsss (rs mouse) to enter employe of John Allen
sfs§@§hon =_- in 1861. Star Hope Cemetery,
  "-n'_   . 8
fiéqp ""' James N. wigginton-----~-~-------»--Unknown
=ff§§f __'_ Wrote Merch 9, 1926 from M12 E. Grey 5treet, Louisville,
1HEs§Htucky that he and his wife were living there but received his
gcgffl _.__._- _-__ at LaGrange, Kentucky.

n.~.:-;;=-=é1=-¢ =" "  ._ ,_,1`  ' '
-.;:-airy-s'  655.  _
\), J  ¢. |2J».... ..
==  . . fra?=?=se=.'?:?:§-i-Z- '- -
;:»<¢';=-=f.¢>s-.    '
*2-fjféifiI3\15§¥1-}`;L'-` " -
I Melissa wigginton»-~ ---- -~-- -~--Unknown
_:_'§j§§:f_'_;§'¢E£:=_I-_-f  '_ I I   ' _
%@%w @eWitt _`_-' Clinton Wigginton--»-- » -»---Unknown
§§§§_Qr@enberry _-_-_ wigginton------- ------ -#»-Unknown
      Ona Minton-~-~  
:_=.';=_:-_.:,j::;_'_._._-. '_ 4
Q, _._. .__:_-=_:__ __ Ragsdale
;Mary Wigginton---
.Ep-4 9... ug-nuununnuunu ||»¢»,p¢»_¢»-new
wg; 'N51g ZI. ."_ '_'= Wiggintgn-w ---- ---~-- ---»---~-Bell
$Tf "" Sarah Wigginton- --~- ~-»-»»---»------#Spencer
Fbrtha Wigginton-
,_¢n--aqnuu-» an au-|¢|~»u-me-una--»  
¥'j ` ._ Nélinda w1gginc@n---~~»-»»~- ------ -~~w L Clark
" (December 15, 1865) Unknown
161-D O Wigginton~~~February M, l86?---
162-D E Wigginton~-»November 6, lB63-~-
  l63~W T Wigginton---January 9, l8T1----
Q31 130 Greenberry Wigginton-----~-»-~--~--~------Unknown
  131 William w1gginu0n--------~- ---- --------- Unzmown
  132 char-les s. Wigginton -~----~ --»--- ---»-- - - -Unlmown
'FII 133 Charles N. Wigginton----»~» ----- » ---~- --Unknown
fgll 13M Ella Wigginton---~----~- ~-~-- -~»- --»-- -~ Ellison
Was living in Decatur, Illinois between 1920 and

,..,3,=,.;_E¢f -1-    __3¢_.;§_ -_ _:_ _-.ag
_ ' qw,;;_e:f53.=-;;=_-=;-;.€---'_--==-_-'- '-
 I_F_1;ir?-":-`§-i i2'§ j-'s
  5_ 3_2-2 - - _
  _ _
§%§§§§gmas william Wiaeintahs"-*""* ""----' Martha Jane ibbinetan
@*@§§§§ ___`-' ~ (Unknown) Unknown
" "':"":' §@§§- Unknown
§§§§§éne historian of the Wigginton Family who prepared a
§§§§§ibgy union unfortunately was never oublished and which seems
i§§ gang been lost since his death. when last heard from in 1938
§§§§§§-1iving in the Masonic Home at Deeota, California.
§§§w_Frederick '__' Corbin Wigginton#----~--~--Olive MoGind1ey
§§§§i1 Died at Virden, Illinois.
§§§§§§F1orenee --'=__' Wigginton-------»»» ----- ---Unmarried
Engf __~_ Buried at viraan, Illinois.
§§§§?Minnie May Wigginton~---~- ----~- ~--~-George McClure Lutterall
5513; _=_- __-_ :_- _'__ (Unknown) Unknown
5 _`_.'_ I :`_` __ Unknown
___ was living at santa Rosa, California in l929.J
@§§ ~"_ '-_" "Benjamin Franklin Wigginton»-----»»~éElizabeth Goodman
:W -"- (Unknown) Unknown
5' Unknown
_ ________ _ Living in San Diego, California in l829.
:¥m: "" "'_ Edward B. Wigginton--»-~-----~~»»-~»~Ada Hunter
"" (Maron 19, 1900) August 29,,l57M`
§_ ---_'. November 19, 1951
@3°" Born near Bowling Green, Missouri. Graduated from McGune
@@1lGge and the University of Missouri. Farmer, Baptist,
Egmoerat. Gnildless.
:iff Ada_Hunter, uaughter of Frank Hunter, Born in Pike County,
L;SB0uri. Baptist, Democrat, Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville,
Fake County, Missouri,

KQ§e=§;I;ie'é§,:§@'f:-F-2'¢ 5551 _E I-:=f_ I- PI- '   _ - _
5E §°If=_`='_f -`  ' ` _ -
.':5 gs .~;=_-_-.'g;_:?_1;=_-;_-';= =_ ; I   _
,-Q;-=:=;:5a4,-_¢3:>_»;>:;';-=~_=a _-   - _
__,_,______..___._... __ - ._ 'am--_ L_" "`  ._%'5-1'§I=
<:»~;_u¢e:-_;-:_s,==wc;-==_-L-L =-*$%°f3*";  -= _-  -  __-_._-4»:<;f! -_ -__
  .....         _
\4. sv  @ -_-,:,=;<;>:5:-';:_--__-_:_;_-__ _  
      ' '
_ 9 =__,,-, ,,_,;¢_,~_.-_-___-_______
-re .f_. -._ ;_._____..    
    _,_ -u____
-, ,;'~=',~:a~=,e -§'2>__>-
_._~. . ,, .__\.,  
;\»4s\\{'::\'-.   --
.,, A»_,.<,_.- _    
a!=~\'-2-rf-L`<:_-2,1 /_   _'.:; _-; -_ __
Ev-ri: 9.-f_'f'r -1; _-_= -   ' _' - ' - .- '
/-,,=-;:;=-.-_E_:;:_-_\:-;};:;__:_=:;_-_-g_--:-; -_   -_-
5fem;r§<¢=_<=-,-.-=~~..»;_,_-_:_.f_-.-_- -- _ _ _
ve--Ar -.,,/_<=-41-__f, _.__     '_
..._-;--,go -_-___\_.,__,/-cf 1.   - _ _ -
\-"-§--;-\1$,<,:q;;\-_-':,<__=_'_»:----=-_'_-' - -
_ ,-5;5=-_-_;:-_-_F'-;'_ :-_:_  
ine Varilla wiggintoneeew--»e»~w»Eqwin Lee Goodman
(December 10, l390) September 19, 1858
October 16, 1927
  _ '

  15|+~Mary Oneta Gooclmanm-1\¥ovembex= 15, 1892--»
Born in Pike County, Mieeourie Graduate of MoCune
Baptiet,Demoorat. Dover Cemetery, Pike County, Mieeoun
E\'I-G_I-?_§§".--'§'.'_ff§lE§-';`;Ef-_"_-'_"_:.`- - '-
@§§§§§§@ Edwin  oe Goodman, son of James Goodman and Mary Ann
M Farmer, Baptist, Democrat. Dover Cemetery.
,._=__<_=,=4;-_:;_>;_>;:-__-_, .-  _
U W4 .- .r. » ,     -
;.}=,-_-.>_-:_'ff;=,_-,-'f_e.:;   __ ; ._ _- - _ _
=_\_:L-s<;_<_- -_=_-:--:_-/_-_._./__  -_ -_-
'e=1;e':,»;<»Sa=_¢->=>_=;--.;-;_-az-__-_ _ _- -
=_,_§_=_:_€-:§?&=_E;:;:-';f,§;':_-_'-A' _ '_ _` _
_$;${{§l&\'»).1_'X\>;'_;:qg:__'_-_-__=_!_ _ -
§§§§§§§§ha Estelle Wigginton~~~----ee-»---»Simoon Shy
,A .______. .,__.___ _   ._l__ -_ (   c h 30 5 l l )   5 , 1 B6 
  :____     ______ l _Z .___ 1 _ November 27 , 1935
§§§§§§§§rn near Dover, Pike County, Missouri. Graduate of
  C olle ge , LaGrange , Mis e our' 1 . Bapt ist , Democra t , Dover
  . anna le S 3 .
§§§§§§éimeon Shy, son of Samuel Shy ano Sarah Ann Stedloy, Born °
f&§§§§§ke'Gounty, Missouri. Wee previously married to Ore Sohmit,
3%§§§§?§r 5, 1907. Dover Cemetery.
;§§§§ William Thomas Wigginton---~»--------Lottie Em o White
§%5 _'_-_ (October 26, 1911) October 15, 1889
135-Mary Luoile Wiggintonee-»-Oct. T, 19124--
ee '6~Raymond Thomas wigginton-e0at. EO, 191k--Aug. 27, 1?1T
167-Roy Huston-Wigginhon ---- --Jan. 22, 191T~-
  5 I - Born e t E d ge w o od , P ike G ou nty , Mi s e our i . Fa rme r , Bapts 1 s t ,
 ra t _ Dover- Ge me tary.
¥§&§-'Lottie ":_"- Em a White, daughter of Samuel Huston White and Mary
  .-__   Br- ooke a Dove r- Come t e ry .
ffun Tessa Mildred wigg1nton-----~-- ----» -Ira Richard Smith
- (January 21, 1897) May 5, 1B~e
October 23, 19*°

13% 3 we
-_ fe _ - .~ \.< /
=-' '95%-'9~2'-'¢'»f'5¢'\-'vu-'-:cl:=
      ' '
;reg;,-.m1-E=';¢;:£%:2;-seeuagyn-; w e - .ga
_____,,. . ,Jie   -1  f _,5-"f;:r.-_=_.-a-.__-_--  
    ' `== '  %      
-'T  .fs   weniZe:-5:-E='-%'§='=£i=€;
.e-  - ; E-2 ,§,_={'»,§`;»'¢4§_= 
;'_'{.f' '='\_';2='-_&="f Q we-3;§_L€=.=§1';-'
  -- _ , apqgzy '  
_;~-,»\1-;_ ,;-mf-',;~a` ~, c _;'=,7_¢r_=-_¢:_»=-_'-'
' »L%=~;&--:1>;+,s;\§:.{§§~_-.-»a._<_-_.-_--.-_-:
__ -   ms  =2:=e-ng.-_-5-;=;.   
 ~<.\_--.\-_f.»~@\_-.,.¢- . :€;_g;;;-¢_=_¢-   -_
 v_ 5_9 M W, _, ¢ ._..
   ` William smiune-November lu, 1897
  _._.-__ North 5th Street, Louisiana, Miseoooig Born ?ike
  Ire Riehard Smith, son of Wieeiem B. Smith.
§@%%§%e%%§§é gougty, Miseourie Farmer; Presbyterian, Democrat¢
  'j2§3§§=§';c€1<:'5§é!;-Q; 3gQ§§i; :'§,":`: 3'-_:_-;'    _'
  »`¢a?2~'o%=afJ>1'€f.£=_<_-_-'.':;-:-'_-_ _ -
 _¢;=¢¢f;=»_.;{_/,;»_,\;;:,;§=J:-;1-L-.2.35.;-.»;-. _:_-_ _
_   <-\.-.,- \\...\».-¢ _-:=\.'= =__-:;.-  
%E;j IIII 16QmMildred Viola Wigginton -- Aug» lk, 1913~"
__§fi _:________ =__~_ -izn M10 North Sth Street, Louisiana, Missouri;
  Amanda England; daughter of Nathan William England
  Jane Burnett»
&%§§§§§§§*j '-  `-e' - -»»---~~ Q ~--~--~ =-aoeoes Wells
~_-_-r=PA6%=-1=i¢>===<:2if-E&`.'-Ll'-I '     01.-*fn ) .   Own
°\ g' Unknown
f%§§§§§§§§111e Elizabeth w;gg;neen--~-»--»-»¢~~--~»-~~-Harry Thomas
""°_;;i* """ e napr. 6, l90M) UDRHOWQ
oe - Unknown
§§@§§§§§§ Ghi1d}gsq¢ -Methodist, Democrat, ~G1arkev1;16 Gemebeiyl
du?->-1-_-_-.'¢I_f:-.<:_=_-J:-u§_=_'f';-_-'-;~_= ;=_:_1-.=_- - ' '_ ' '
.._.==.<._,=<;_<¢-=;»->;,-=s     _-'_- _-
§§§ §§§§@&@
'f-==if-3;Q;gf-3=.-_Q;;<_-_§_-_:;_.__'_-.';=_=_4   ____-_ _ .
_____ _____=__ _._.__.__ _____ ,,______ __@1¢$ Wi€ginton___?__d__,__f___,,___*__,-*-e__¢-ee-Uhmarried
_.1,-.5-.1'=-_z5>;23.-_--_.5-_'_-:;_;_;_;   :- -- -     - '_ -_ _- - _ _
  ..._ _     _  
_ =
  ->f;_:;2-rg;-;;¢;.;a-;=a;  r-__< _   ; _ _ _ _ -
¥%%%£§§%&33` - - -Y - - .'~
  -12'--sf' -'->_->_'¢¢.'_:'-';s_:1;_ -;<-2-_--i  _' _ - -
' Fei" F; =€f=T5fi-E1-5% 3: €"=E ;'§:E'='_-: ;:= 3 -'  ':_-`-   - '_ 1 4 .

  _-_Q  1-_ =¢  fm -  
  __-me_=s=sQ;Q::ars-E:i-:5;§%1'éii§%E}_'§?E§%:¢ :¥` '  _Eafi-Q
 __-_-§@4;g:*§;_5|;,§¢g;@'i"5§{,.-{;¢\§§;$"% ' <§':=-.'.;2'~f.-.\:_
  .f `   2    
  ":  ???"§§§é§€-;€='=R==;
= 4:-;-, ._
  -:_ ¢E<'¢'?c~?» mes¢r3x-f=:as-_-_=.->->-   .
.- _-¢-=  ;?='~/ J--~ ,:=e_s-ee   _ -
5; - -,Q _ >.
  T9 _`_:;_,;_ _
_ .-_-_ _: qgg, R55
  '-.-'- Linnie Lindsebfs dauE3'l'l5Â¥1= of Clement B . Lindsay and
  Ha rve y .= Gre d ua 1: e o :E S t s 1; e Te e o he 1° s C ol le ge ,
  -' '   'P ,E »O = Stal' Hope =»
_- :_ = "¥.\,f-<=\- .' > e- -'»:;»}.-Nm-,  _; .___   -
  ' , ,  _     - -_
-\ _   -. '-T1  " '_ f'"*F,F`=" |'%z53"'!'35.1-'.2.'-'.'-' '
  Es. ,fs~*'»=_~  ._ - -
_ .-  §:<__{.,>,~ QQ
'Z \
  ='=_=   nnounoeme nt of P re s 1 de nt Wilson ' s ap pr' oe ching marria ge
  lt ple oe s me in e 1=e1'riin§.s oent mo od and my memory is -
  vis it ore , s trsnge fzoom an ebee noe of fifty ye ar s .
   eo _   
  he lf e century ego, I knew is he father of the bri de
  , Judge William Hole omlo Boll ing? intima te ly. He was not
  than I , and _ live cl on.L;r e few mile s fr-om my home . His
  . A rc hibe ld bol 1 ing , we s a line e 3. de s ce nde nt fr om
 oo a hon te s . He o one t o our ne ighboxmood t o ta ke t he
  - of my fs t he r= ' s uno .Le   nw- 1 ew , Dr U Gabe ILCL , 1-.1 no he d d ied ,
  of my.-uno le , Dr' .J rT':cen1»: 1~LIe1=im-ae toner, who had removed to- '
   _-F   county » He was me 1°r=ie d to Miss Anne , daughter of' one
  , Mr. Be_n_jami.n Wiggin toni. To them were born three
  two girls e nd Wms I-Lolo ombe Q The le tte r' we s as hands emo
 ollo . He e intended the Virginia Univers ity who re his _ les t
  my first and t here we met sgai n on tems of most frie ndl-y
  E; s oojniwint 'lg o Wyt k1e;Lri;.;e , Vjferginie , to pre ot ice law ,
  f..__-_   0 PH n lms e sa s soo e on e st ing from e srl o hi ld»-
  e es tate , came to an end . ' Y
'f `  -3 Josep tl Reese we s snot her o lose ne ighb or' of our family. I
  his san, Jornn, and his 'three daughters ,_ Mrs U White , Ms .
- _  I Q ' B8 woo s nd its . All __ He 13 ll -»» 11. b _ ,
_ _   two C dv eo h a ho er e_ eecnti fu 1 women Mrs .
-'¢ n  --   -_  s 3111 Pen by My ff W**3° 'Je s S am"-3 -L and 93115-9 o After
;*, 4;   138 Q de 9 'li 11, S T16 W3 B THE! PX' 1.9 il C 0 HI* 4 LQ gwog d by -Whgm 3 ha ha tj
,   1-d;'en , e s on end e d e ughte r= e
,I   Ss llie whine , the _ mot her of Mrs . Galt, was known beyond
_si _ _   _mit s of 1: he ne 1 ghbor hood for he 1° 'oe e uty e nd br ill i a noy of
° kr ny fl   0 t . The ne :Lgnbor 'o oye we re el 1. ore ey _ about he 1" , but none
xg* »   - isp ire to mn her , for word we nt around that she was e ngeged
  - G he e 'ow o od , brot he I'°-'iflw low of 'ne rv aunt , Julia C hes tt-:ood ,

J 'Y
  _ _-,|. -."....._, J...   .W
  .--_-,;._.-- , vp _espn-.;~;,
  . .; , ,_{,..,\
  _ _____ as _
  him for his namesake , Bishop Gobbs , went to
 pgity to. pursue the st udy of medicine , his chosen
  _'He was my room me te my third year at the university.
  of the '11 year in the Old Monroe _house on Monroe
  ~_'-f Qigalance og the session one of the Jus t finished houses
  Row -
 ed- 'f fe- -   F     
  -'-'s'e- _ e'e'e -1 a t- d tr na a si s t 1; an
 ltrgggsrimggieg le s timdlezitg 31; ihgab oi tom E13 fl the h;r»;ubr'§.-
  Meds `,, New although my room mate was a Dirty Med, yet
  but look up to him as I would ha ve done t o the 'inossese
  of Golconda . Did he not pos se ss the heart and
    the love ly Miss Sallie White '? They were infinite ly
  sure ly than all its diamonds .-
  has told us "Va rium e t mutabile Semper Famine" --woman
  and ever c hanging thing-»--so ala sl when we get home I
  Dr . Nick as a fas t friend only. The halo I had built
  had g one with the love ly 5a 11 ie E-Ihi te , who chose that
  nda nt of Pocahontas , Wm, H. Bolling, the lawye za-,__
  wait te fulfill her promise to the young },'Jl1`§'SiUi&~§1'r6.,n_
  friend I have ne ver' had the n Dr. Nichole s Lb Cheat-_1~_
'_   met ve ry often at part de a pduring land after   "\;§_r¢_h"a  
  one word ef oompla int or woman s fickle nesax In due 5 _
  ma rr fied and was the happy fathe r of se ve ra lf eh;  
  -of his deaths He was a noble man and a va'L__ue' '  as=-:Q- §' =¢_:_  _ _ ; _
 __ A, ~.   _.__ _ - _
\=_-_, ,l_m€€_¢,-=._§'ar»,,_____ ______   _
        : -
  liam Henry Morris - -- - T --- ~ - ----- T- -» -Ne 13. Ras t in
  a t Ape nz ,, Mis s ouri. . Me ro ha nt a n d b ui ld e r . Ere et e d'
  _~-' 'Opera goose . Bapt ist , Democra t .
  :'_    _~_i   5 _ '
  n s 1 s te r- o f W i 1 1 iam He nry Morr 1 s . Fami ly ce me te ry on _
eea§a§arP1»°=. _re_r rw_we d' ~
=;_ _=,__     GB or   a P 8 ul i ne wi g   n t on" _ _ _ ____ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ *Uma Tr, ie d

Born in Linco1n_County, Missouri, Graduate of University of
Southern California. Member of faculty of`Glendale Schools and
President of District Teecher's Assoolationn Listed in who's who
of Glendale Women, because of work as President of Glendale
Branch of American association of University Women. Fatality in
automobile accident near Grand Island, Nebraska. Forest Lawn
Gemetery, Los Angeles, 0alifornTe» _
Elsberry, Mo., September 22, l9hh.
Mies Pauline Wigginton, of Glendale, Calif., formerly of
Elsberry, has been listed among the "W-ho'a Who" of Glendalels
women, gaining that destinction through her work as president of
§he Glendale branch of the American Association of University
The same issue of the Glendale News~Press from which the fore
going information was gleaned, carried s picture of Miss Wigginton
and an editorial written by her on, "Postewar Planning of the
AAUN Programf'
Pauline Wigginton was born and lived in and near Elsberry
until her graduation from Elsherry high school. After her
graduation she entered the University of Southern California, Los
Angeles. Following com letion of her scholastic work at the
University she became a facnlty'memher of the schools of Glendale,
She still has her Elsberry home and other real estate interests
near town, and spends a pert of each summer here, Her many
Elsberry friends are pleased to hear of the honor that has been
given her.
Susan Dawson Wigginton.
Died in infancy. Star Hope Cemetery,

VIII-159. l _
Ida Dawson wigginton-~-»~-~~~»~--~»--»--»--Clarence Cannon
(aug. 30, 1906) Apre 11. 1379
l?3~Ida Elizabeth Gannon~~ »»-- ~ ---- ~-~Nov. 1, 1911-m
l?h»Huby Melinda Gaanon~~-~-»-s----»--Mar.3O, 1919s-
Born at E1»Mo Farm, Elsberry, Missouri. Hardin College,
Stephens College, University of Missouri, Beta Si ms Omiorong
History Club; P,E.0.; Vice President Congressional Club, Wash-
ington, D. C.; 0.E.S.; Society of Sponsors of United States
Navy; D. A. R.
VIII~16O. _ ,
Sarah Melinda Wiggintoneg--»-#William Caswell Prewitt, Jag
(Nov. 26, 191n) Aug. 2 , 1356
' Jan. 2 , 1950
l?5»Reuben Gaswell Prewitt---»~---~a--Deo. 13, 1915-~
Sarah Melinda Wigginton, born at Elsberry, Missouri. Hardin
College, Mexico, Missouri, and Stephens College, Columbia,
Missouri; Baptist, Beta Sigma Omicron, P.E,0., D.A.R.,.Glarkevil1e
William Gaewell Prewitt, born in Pike County, Missouri, son
of William Caswell Prewitt, Sr. and Martha Moss,_ Missouri Uni~
versity, Los Angeles, California, Second marriage, Harsh 2,
192h, to Julie Brown, daughter of Joseph Brown and Ada Davis,
Julia Brown married second time to James Starling Thomas, Sante
Monica, California. -
VIII~l61. De 0. Migginton ---- »#--»- ---- Unknown
VIII~l62. D.`E. Wigg1nton~-~---» ~---#Unknown
VIII»163, W. T. Wigginton~»-~ - ----»~- Unknown
Mary Oneta Goodman--»-+---~----»--~~4Wi1liam Chester McCue
(DBG1 20,   FQb¢ 1.6,  
1?6~John Edwin MoGus~~~»~~-~ --~» Feb, T, 1913-»
17?-Catherine Vanilla McCue-~»-~Dec. 30, 1923--
Born in Pike County, Missouri. Hardin College, Mexico,
Missouri. Baptist; Democrat,
William Chester McCue, son of.John William McCue and Mary
Catherine Dritz, born in Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri.
Salesman, Presbyterian, Republican, I.0.0.F.

VT1Ie165e _
Mary Luoile Wigginton-#--~~--»-~---------Glenn Wharton
(October 12, l9h0) January 2, 1913
lT8»Norma Jean Wharton-a-r-»~Narch 1, l9h2---~~--
179-Charles Wil1iam.Wharton-~May T, l9h3 ----- »-~-
l8O»Glenn Edward Wharton#-~-~September 25, 19h5--
L81-Thomas Leroy Wharton ~--- -September 10, l9h6--
Born in Glarksville, Missouri.
Glenn Wharton Born in Erinkman, Green County, Oklahoma.
Son of Charles Thomas Wharton and Elvina Hiils Farmer.
Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri,`R»F;D. #1,
Raymond Thomas Wiggintona-----~ ~---Unmarried
Dover Gemeterya
Roy Huston Wigginton -~-- --~- -----~-»~ -e--Onsite Agnes Kuntz
(March 16, l9h0) January 1, 1920
182-Melinda Louise Wigginton~~Dec, 13, l9h2-~
l83»Barbara Ann Wigginton~--»~Feb¢ 17, l9hh~*
Born in Clarksville, Missouri, Missouri Experiment Station,
Hannibal, Missouri. Missouri State Military Reserve Forces.
Baptist, Democrat. President, Bethel Brotherhood Association,
Annual Bethel Baptist Association, 19h9.
Onieta Agnes Runtz, daughter of William Ernest Kuntz and Iva
Cuba Henderson. Baptist; Democrats
James William Smith»--»-~----~-~--"Mary Frances Biiss
(October 3, 1927) July 16, 1900
Born in Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, Salesman; Baptist;
Democrat. Childless.
Mary Frances Bliss, daughter of Charles E, Bliss and
Gertrude Younger, Democrat,

VIII-169. I
Mildred Viola Wigginton----4»°~-~-"Robert omith Venable
Qwaroh 28, 1937) May 10, 1916
lgailris Josephine vessels---December és, 1937--
1 a
' Born in Mexico; Missouri. Christian Church. Democrat,
Robert Smith Venable, son of James Niel Veneble and
Laura Allison. Salesman; Christian Church.
Ix»17o. `
Everett Moore Morris-----»---_s_--»Hazol Leigh wampler
(Merch 20, 1917) September 29; 19MB
Znd#---------~»»Hazel Rosalie Gentrg
(Deo. 16, 19HT) October M, 188
Born at Apex, Missouri. Railway Conductor; Baptist; Democrat.
Brotherhood of Railrosd"Treinmene Ghildless.
Hazel Leigh Wamoler, daughter of Lillian Rowell (Now Mrs. A.
J. Howell) ans Robert A Wampler. Fifth street Baptist Church,
of Hannibal, Missouri; American Legion Auxiliary; Ladies Auxiliary;
Brotherhood of Railway Trsinmen. Star Hope Cemetery.
Hazel Rosalie Gentry, daughter of B. F. Gentry and Jennie Lee
Gilliland was horn in Lincoln County and was first married to
Grover B. De Jarnette, April ln, 1913. He died August 30, l9hn.
Sarah Morris-----~--»~--»---»~1r--»Glarenoe Raymond McDonald
` (February , 1912) U
185~Glarence Raymond MoDoneld-~July 21, 1913-ed
186- MoDonalo~-July 21, 1913--July 27, 19
_ _l87-Ruth Alino McDone1d~-~~June 9, 1919~~March 29, l9nh

1X"1'?2f¢ __ -
Clement Lindsay Morrie--»-~---- -------Kathe§;ne Mayes
158-Themes Edward Merris-~~-
Ida Elizabeth Cannon-----»*--~--»-----#William Irwin Pixley
(June 1, 1937) March
A 189-William_Gennon Pixley--August 20, 19L0»~
190-Thomas Dawson Pixley--~Apri1 25, 19h3-~-
IX~1Th. _
Ruby Melinda Gannon-»---»----#---»-~~»Harry Bert Hackethern
(April 6, 19h3) May
191~J0hn Gannon Heekethorn----Jbec. 28, 19h3*-
192-David Lyon Haekethorn~»--e~June 1, 19h9--
l92%~Susan Melinda Heekethorn-~Ju1y 13, 1951--»
Reuben Caswell Prewitt---- ---- -»------Naney Cortelyou
(December November lu, 1919
&93»Thomes Gortelycu Prewittw-Merch 20, 19M8-----
l9u»Melinda Prewitt»»»~~»»»m~~November 18, l9h9--
l9L;é~-1"la1°y Dawson------~---1----»-=--JL11y 3.0, l953-»-»----
John Edwin McCue~--- ---- --~- ~- ~--
Gatherine Varilla McCue ----»- » -- ---~- éQalf}» HQ;4£ fbubkwm gb

Norma Jean Wherton-----~--- ---»~--- é
Charles William Wharton--~---»----~----
Glenn Edward Wharton-»---------»----»--
IX""1-Sql l
Thomas Leroy Nharton»+-» ----~-=--»---~
Melinda Louise Wigginton--~»----------~
Barbara knn Wigginton---»--- --- --
Iris Josephine Venable~--~ ----- »-»----»
Clarence Raymond MoDonaldE~-~ --~»Dorothy Pittman
Tower Theatre, Springfield, Missouri.
Died in infancy. Star Hope Cemetery.

Ruth Alina Mobohaf3----»- »---- ~- ~--- -~-~¥-Unmaraied
- Born in Eieberry, Missouri.. Graduate of Missouri
Baptist Hospital Nursing Sohoola Served during war as Ensign NG,
United States Navy at Bethesda Naval Center. Received posthumous
award of bronze madal of American National Red Cross. Elsberry
Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri-
Thomas Edward Morria»_-----_------~-»--»--Patricia Robinson
(November 17, 1951)
Willilm Cifmon P1S1&yw°=~~°»¢»-¢~¢~~w»u»~a»
Thomaa~Dawaon Pixley--»-~»~~~ »~~~»~»-»~»~
John Gannon Haoketho?n~~-- ---- -~~-
David Lyon Hackethorn4~-"-»---~---~-- ---
Suaan Melinda Hackethorn-~--~ ----- -» »-»-~
Thomas Cortelyou Prewitt -»--~-- ~ -----»- ~
Melinda Prewitt»----- ---- --~»-
Mary aawaon Prawiti;-----» ------~»---------

Abbington, Martha Jane 135
Beasley, Mark B2
William H, 75
Bibb; Variiia 75
Bliss, Mary Frances 168
Belling, Archibald M1
Edith 152
Hairiett We 113
Mary J, llh
Robert 153
Rolfe 15h
william Holcomb 112
Boyer, Henry 2h
Buchanan, Spence E, 29
Campbell, Nancy 32
Cannon, Clarence 159
Iaa Elizabeth 173
Ruby Melinda 17h
Clark, we Ln  
Corbin, Elizabeth 29
Samuel 27
Gortelyou, Nancy 75
Danueby, Nancy 35
Davis, John 16
Dawson, Lucy Catherine 119
Margaret Virginia 119
Dennis, Benjamin 102
Eaetin, Nell 156
Englané, Elizabeth Amanda
Estee, Virginia B3

Ferguson, Frank 52
Poster, John 31
Galt, Norman H. 152 %
Gentry, Hazel Rosalie 170
Gibbone, Caroline (Ge1eberney?
Gibson, Oliver Perry 115
Goodman, Edwin Lee lhl
Eli Zabe th 139
Mary Oneia 16h
Green, Kaye Terfy 151
Monica 10l_
Peyton 99
Guthrie, Matilda S5
Heokethorn, David Lyon 192
Harry Bert 17M
_ John Gannon 191
I Sueén Melindg l9Eé
Heeeieiee, Gharles 25
.ngguee R"`_H% B%H"",-8;
Huhter, aaa IMO
Mary Ann T7
Johnson, Frances Th
Kuntz, Oneite Agnes 16?
Lindsay, Minnie 155
Lutterell, George McClure 138
Meena, bateerine varilla §77
John Edwin 176
William Chester / 64

MoDona1d, Clarence Raymond 171
Clarence Raymond 185
Ruth Aline 16? '
MoGind1ey, Olive 136
Mayes , Katherine 1?2
Moore, Virginia 100
Merrie, Catherine 157
Clement Lindsay 172
Edward Smith 155
Everett Moore 170 _
Henry Harrison 115
Sarah 171
` Thomas Edward 188
William Henry 156
Nieholson, Greenup Sh
Northoutt, Jeremiah 25
Pixley, Thomas Dawson 190
William Cannon 189
William Irwin 173
Prewitt, Mary Dawson 195
Melinda 19h
Reuben Caswell 175
Thomas Gorteliou 193
William Ceswe 1, Jr., 160
Reid, Mary Elizabeth 80
Robertson, Emma Walter 11?
Georgia 116
Scott, Clara H. 37
Harriett B. 19
Shy, Simeon IMZ
Smith, Ira Ricn&*d lun
James William 165
Susan 33
Teresa Elizabeth S1

spi11men;'E1i$eeeen 57
Patsey 56 _
Stewait, Nancy-35
Ta§1¢r,¥E1izabeeh 155.
Terry, Benjemin_J. 96-
Feenk 101'
Kata Walter 99
Lizzie 102
Luoy 98 ,
William 190
William P» 39
Thomnn, Harry lu?
m111ezt, Giles 23
Townsend,'Pe%er SD
Trumbo; Mary Ann BM
Tusler, Rudolph llh
Twyman, Martha Jane 73
Vellandinghem, Anne -
Venable, Iris Josephine 18%
Roberi Smith 169
Wkddell; Rbb6?t Ha 113
Wgmpler, Hazel Leigh 170
Weir, Adolphus Gustavus MO
wells, JemeS'lh6
Wharton, Charles Wiiliem 179
Glenn 165 '
Glenn Edward 180
Norma Jean 178
Thomas Leroy 181
wnitaker, Ballard 56
White, Lottie Em a lh3
Sallie S; 112

Adeline Varilla lhl
Amanda 79
Ann 6
Ann 9
Ann Elizabeth M1
Anna Estelle 1h2
Barbara Ann 133
Benjamin lu
Benjamin 19
Benjamin Franklin 73
Benjamin Franklin 7h
Benjamin Franklin 139
Gallia lhj
Calvin 7?
Catharina G. 38
Charles N. 133
Charles S. 132
Ds Eg  
SJ 0.
Daw1tu'c11auoa 123"_
Edward B. 1h0
Edward Sydnor 116
Eleanor E2
Eleanor Eh
Elijah 35
Elizabeth S
Elizabeth 20
Elizabeth 21
Elizabeth £6
Elizabeth SO
Emily Sh
Emma 39
Fabrioious 15
Fieléing S1
Florence 13?
Frank M. 37
Frederick Corbin lgo
Georgia Pauline 15
Graenbarry 123
Graanberry 130
Henry 13
Henry 17
Henry 36

Ida Dawson 159
32 .
Gannon BO
Ne 120
Re id 1145
william 135
Jamima 31
Jane 25
John 11
John BM
J0h.n Ha  
Judah l@9
Lorena T6
Malinda 129
Margaret 27
Martha 53
Martha 128
Martha Jane M0
Mary 23
Marg 52
Mary 125
Mary Lucilo 165
Mason SB
May 16
Melinda Louise 1
Mildréd Viola 169
Minerva 75
Minnie May 138
Nancy 15
Nancy 23
Nanay 56
Nancy Mildred 51
Nela 126
Olca 1h3
Oliver Graenberry 117
Ona 12M
Peter 30
Raymond Thomas 166
Reuben Thomas 119
Roger 2 `
Roger M
Roger 12
Roger aa
Roger £6
Roy Huston 167

Sarah 12?
Sarah Elizabeth 115
Sarah Melinda 160
Spencer B
Spencer 33
Susan Dawson 158%
Sydnor S7
Tessa Mildred lub
William 1
William 3
William 13
William E9
William 131
William Smith 113
W.'T» 163
William Thomas 1k3
Zula 150
Nilsen, Themes Woodrow 152
Withers, Sue 9?
111906, LQV1 Ha  