Whiteside Book 1957 Raw OCR File

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Dear Cousin:
Am enclosing your copy of family book.
After you have nad opportunity to read it shall be
glad if you will let ue know in accompanying envelope of any
errors or omissions which you find so that they may be corrected
in the revised edition.
r Snell also appreciate it if you will notify from
time to time of subsequent births, deaths or marriages in your
brancn of the line.
Regret that no further copies of the book are avail-
able for general distribution as only enough were printed to
supply tnoee whose poet office address we had.

I T E S I D E B O 0 K
Clarence Gannon

"Remember the days of old, consider the
years of many generations; ask thy father and
he will show thee; thy elders, and they will
tall thee."
Deuteronomy XXXII 7.

Feirbeirnfs Book of Crests of Great Britain and Ire1end,Vo1.II,P1ate 12
_ No.1
"Whiteside of Soerborough, Yorkshire, e demi»1ion, rampant, per
feeso, argent and gules, holding in the dexter paw a rose of the
second, eeeded_or, slipped end barbed, vert."
(Half of e lion, standing erect, divided into two equal parts
of_different oolore, silver or white and red, holding in the right
pew a full blown rose, red, with yellow eeed end five green eepale,
and e green stalk.)
Fairbeirn¥e Book of Crests, Vol, 1, p age 589,

' 3»
"A people which takes no pride in the achievements
of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy
to be remembered with pride by remote descendants,"
' »-Macaulaya
The names and characteristics of forefathers when handed
down from father to son by word of mouth are soon forgotten,
Even the most vital facts in family history, such as the u
European sources of the family or service in epooh»making wars
become merest tradition. Only by being carefully enrolled in
a permanent record can they be preserved and transmitted with
certainty or accuracy.
The hundred years following the American Revolution con~
stitute a peculiar period in family reoords._ It was a uti1i»
tarian age and men were too busy ciearing the forest snd.bu11diq;
homes to give attention to less practical matters, County
archives were meager and current periodicals rare, and usually
the only records kept were lists of births,_deaths and marriages
preserved in family Bibles. ` `
Revolutionary records are fairly numerous as an inevitable
accompaniment of military routine, and recent laws providing for
the filing of vital statistics insure the preservation of future
records, but the period between is unabridged and with the pass#
ing of the present generation the great majority of American
families will have lost forever all means of tracing the annals
of their people through the most interesting century of the He~
pub1ic's history.. '

Surnames are comparatively modern in
their origin. Formerly
men were known by a single given name, as in Biblical times. But
about the tenth century the increasing complexities of civilization
rendered necessary the adoption of an additional family or clan
name, and by the close of the thirteenth century hereditary family
names were in universal use in all civilized countries.
Surnames are derived from various sources. Nicknames applied
to a man fastened themselves on his children and became the family
name. Names indicative of some physical
or mental characteristic
of the father frequently descended to posterity, as Long, Black,
Christian, Savage, Armstrong. In numerous cases the addition of
"son" to the father's given name became the family patronymic, as
Johnfs son became Johnson, Willis son became Wilson or Davidis son
became Davidson. The family occupation often supplied the family
appellation as Farmer, Carpenter, Smith,
' Perhaps the greatest proportion of names were derived from the
home or location of the family, the name
of the town, county, parish
or farm becoming the family names, as Roger of Wigand~town, a town
in Lancashire, England, became "Roger de
Roger Wigginton. Or the family took its
mark, as did the Waters, Forests, Hills.
Whitesides, who according to authorities
name from the fact of their residence by
orchard or hill (1) just as the Garsides
dence by the side of a earth or orchard,
Wygynton" modernized to
name from some local land-
Among these were the
on nomenclature took their
the side of some wood,
took their name from resi~
and the Akensides from resi
dence by the side of a clump of eak or acorn trees, - side being a
oom on suffix of numerous English local names. (2). ,
Another version is that the name originated when Fionn became
King of Ireland, those who stood with him being distinguished as on
the "white side" (3). This is hardly tenahle however as there is
no evidence of the use of the name in Ireland prior to the seven-
teenth century. The authorities agree
name. Guppy says it is a very ancient
"hwite" (white) and "side" (side), and
in the thirteenth century and later in
(l)-Gentry's Family Names, page 25?
that Whiteside is an English
Anglo~Saxon name derived from
was found in Cambridgeshire
Lancashire (H).
Barherfs British Family Names, page 225, 276.
Alfred Henry Longis Personal and
Family Names, page léh
(2)~Bardsleyfs English and Welsh Surnames, page h3 and page BOB.
(3)-Compilation of data on Whiteside Family by Frank E. Best,pag¢
(h)~Guppy*s Home of Family Names, page 25?

It occurs in the Hundred Rolls, where a Whiteside is enrolled as
living in County Cambridge in the year 1273, and later in the tax
books of 1379 where "Willelmus Wnitesyde" is credited with the
payment of a poll tax in Yeeaeaiea(5). It is worthy of note that
William, the modern version of Willelmue, was the most frequent
name amoung the early Whitesides in America.
Of course many circumstances and conditions, expressed in many
different languages and dialects, with the changing influences of
centuries of illiteracy and innumerable lingual and geographical
transitions, have combined to produce names the origin of which can
never be accurately traced, Even those which persisted suffered
many changes, At so late a date as 1790, amoung a people in a high
state of literacy (6) the first census of the Uhiteé States shows
that in thirty~six families, thirty-one of which were unquestionably
closely related, the name was spelled in four different ways:
whieaaaae, whitaaeaea, waitaaia aaa wh1taa1aaa(?).
The name is new widely distributed. an examination of city
directories shows En families living in New YorkGity, 25 in Chicago,
17 in Saint Louis, 9 in San Francisco and 10 in London, England.( }
(5)-Bardsleyfs English and Welsh Surnames, page 808
(6]~Fiskfs Old Virginia and Her Neighbors, page 392, Volume II.
(7)~A Century of Population Grown in the Uhited States, United
States Census Bureau, page 268
(B)~Gity Directories, Edition of 1912

The Whiteside Family from which our branch of the American
line is descended was living in the Province of Ulster in the north
of Ireland at the close of the 17th century. They had entered Ire-
land not more than two generations before(9) in the Protestant
colonization of the island. Family traditions conflict as to whether
they came to Ireland from England or from Scotland. The family has
always termed itself Scotch-Irish, and the greater part of the
Protestant emigration was from Sootland(1O), but some of the White-
sides were Quakers, "William whitesite" holding an important place
in the Society in Gharlemonte, Ulster Province, as early as July ET,
l695(ll), and the Quakers are supposed to have come from Chester
County, England. In support of the Scotch version is the fact that
many of them.were Presbyterians, one of them, the Rev. James White-
side (l?hO~lB22), being pastor of the Benburb Presbyterian Church
in County Tyrone for many years(l2).
It is`certain that Whitesides were living in both Scotland and
England long before the Irish colonization. Men of that name held
both civil and ecclesiastical offices in Scotland in the 17th cen-
tury and the name, undouttedl§_ of Anglo-Saxon derivation, is found
on the Hundred Rolla of England as early as 1273. Hanna classified
the Whiteside family as being of Scotch descent(l3}, and there is
no further data available on the subject apparently unless it is to
be found in the archives of the Irish government.
But whether they emigrated to Ireland from the lowlands of
Scotland or from the mountains of Chester, it can not be denied that
by the beginning of the american Revolution intermarriage with other
Ulster families had made them in blood as well as in mental processes'
typically Scotch-Irish.
The term Scotch~Irish does not denote an admixture of the Scotch
and Irish races. The Scotch are Saxon in blood and Presbyterian in
religion while the Irish are Celtic in blood and Catholic in religion.
The two races are distinct in Ireland to this day.
any suggestion of Irish blood in the Whiteside family at the
time of its immigration to america is effectively disproved by,an
inspection of the burial records of the island which show that no
Whiteside was buried there prior to the Protestant emigration and
only in Ulster for many vears after that time(lh). as late as 1390
the Birth Indices of Ireland show that out of 18 entries for the
entire island 16 were from two counties in Ulster(lS). The race is
called Sootchelrish simply from the circumstance that they are des~
oendants of Scots who took up their residence in Ireland.(l6).
(9)~Fisk1s Old Virginia and her Neighbors, Vol Il, page 393
flO]~Ibid, Vol. II, page 393
E113-MyerYs Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pinnsylvania, page393
12 ~Memorials of the Dead, Ireland, Vol. VI, page L09
(13J»HannaIs The Sootch~Irish, Vol. II, page 519
(ln)-Memorials of the Dead, Ireland, Nine volumes
(15)~Hanna1s The Scotch-Irish, Vol.II, page 519
(16)-Futhey's History of Upper Octorara, page 63

The Scotch colonization of Ireland began in léll when two Irish
nobles in Ulster revelled against James I and he confiscated their
lands° The plan was to establish a Protestant population there which
might ultimately outnumber the Catholics and become the controlling
element in the country. The settlers were picked men and women of
the most excellent sort(l7), They found Ulster the most neglected
part of the island, a wilderness of bogs and fans. They transformed
it into a garden and by the beginning of the 18th century their num-
bers had risen to nearly a millions They carried with them their
love of liberty and their fondness for education. ln a document
signed by a miscellaneous group of men in l?l8 only 13 made their
mark while 306 wrote their names in fulla "Nothing like it" says
Fisk "could have happened in any other cert of the British Empire(l3J
But the flourishing manufactures in Ulster aroused the jealousy of
rival manufacturers in England who in 1698 succeeded in obtaining
legislation which seriously damaged the Irish linen and woolen in-
dustries¢ about the same time a fever of persecution seized the
English Church and from lTOh the Presbyterians in Ireland were sub-
jected to intolerable persecutiona For a few years this tyranny was
endured in the hope that it was but temporary but by 1719 this hope
had worn away and the people of Ulster began flocking to America.
The Catholic Irish did not emigrate until after the Revolution, but
between lT30 and lT70 half a million souls were transferred from
Ulster to the American colonies, where they played an' important
part in American affairs. "The first public voice in america for
dissolving all connection with great Britain came from the Scotch~
Irish Presbyterians" says Bancroftn The support of the movement for
religious liberty came principally from the Scotch»lrish says Fisk.
Only a part of the Whiteside family joined the exodus, and from
those remaining in Ireland descended several men of note, among them
James Mhiteside (lBOh-1876) who became Lord Chief Justice of Ireland,
and whose statue is in the Hall of the Four Courts at Dublin(l9),
The family seems to have been a small one and the American emigration
was proportionately Sllghta Half a century afterwards there were
but 168 persons of the name in america(2O) and a hundred and fifty
years later but 807 of them in Ireland[2l).
(lT)»Fiskis Old Virginia and her Neighbors, page 392, Vol Il
(l8)~Ibid, Vol Il, page 392 '
(19)-Ireland and Her People, Vol II, page 36h
(2C)»United States Census of l?9O
(2l)~Hanna?s The Scotchelrish, Vol II, page 519

The great majority of the Ulster immigrants first landed either
at Newcastle, Delaware or at Philadelphia{22). The Hhitesides-seem
to have landed at Philadelphia about l?2G»l73O. They settled in
Chester County, Pennsylvania and later spread over into the adjoining
county of Lancaster where some of their descendants still reside.
From here one branch followed the Cumberland Valley into Vir-
ginia and North Carolina and thence to Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinoisg
and Missouri, while another turned to Western Pennsylvania ultimately
reaching Ohio, Indiana and the far west.
In the Census of 1790 Whiteside families were found in but-
four states, the four enumerating 36 families with an aggregate of
168 persons as follows: Pennsylvania, 16 families of lla persons;
North Carolina, 7 families of 32 persons; South Carolina, 8 families
of M3 persons and New York 5 families of 22 persons. The Census
of 1910 enumerated Whiteside families in every state in the Union.
(22%-Ibid, Vol. II, page 60

I""1 |
William Whiteside----e--»»~~(Cir. 1?35}~e=~-
Elizabeth Stockton
Sub. 1777
2»Davis Whiteside »~~~~-~--~--- Gir.1738 ----- »~l780
3eRobert Whitesidee -~----- ~~~~ Gir.l7hO ---~ ~~eUnknown
h~James Whiteside--- Unkeeen- 1790
5-John Whiteside-~~» ~---~-~- --Unknown ~----~~ -1815
6-Margaret Whiteside Unknown- Unknown
Tewilliam Whiteside~- Unknown- 1815
8~Thomas Whiteside-~ Unknown ----»-- #Unknown
9-Samuel Whiteside --»-~ ~~ --~- -Unseeee~ 1811
lO~Adam Whitesideeeeeee ~~~- ---"Unknown-~~ ~-~- ~Unknown
ll-Francis Whiteside' -----~-- ~-~Cire1755 Jul 8,1830
12-Ann Whiteside ~~-~ -- ~~~~-~--~ Uekneee ~»~~--- ~Unknown
l3~Elizabeth Whiteside~-~~--»--Unknown- ~--»--- Unknown
ln-Sarah Whiteside--»~-~ ~-----~ Unknown-~ Unknown
William Whiteside was born about 1710 (John P. Stockton says
1699) in Ulster, Ireland ees immigrated before his marriage to Ameri-
ca (23), It is possible that he accompanied his father as he was at
that time still in his teens, and at least one brother and probably
other members of his fatherfs family came at the same time. If so
his father settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania and remained there
Nothing is known of the personnel of his fatheris family. The
Thomas Whiteside who served with the Colonial troops in 1782 and 176h
(2h), who patented land immediately ad'oining William*s land in
Goochland County, Virginia in l7h8 (25), who was a joint defendant
with William in a lawsuit in 1768 (26) and whose name appears with
Wil1iam's on the subscription list of Ivy Greek Presbyterian Church
in 17h7 (27) must have been his brother. Best thinks (28) that Moses
Whiteside who lived in the same neighborhood (29) and who signed
a church subscription with William in 17h8 (30) and served with him
in the army in 1758 (31) was also a brother, The John Whiteside who
(23)~Gleveland Genealogy, VOL. III, page 2077
Reynold's Pioneer History of Illinois (1887) page 186
Edwardsville (Illinois) Republican, November 25,1877
Gillaspieis Life of General Samuel Whiteside, page 1
History of Madison County, Illinois (1882) page h5h
(2n)-Grozizgfs Virginia County Records, Colonial Militia, Vol II,
(25)-Records of Land Office, Richmond, Virginia, Book 27, page 50
(26)~Chalk1y's Records of Augusta County, Virginia, Vol 1, page 330
(27)~History of Albemarle County, Virginia, by Woods, page 362
(28)~Gompi1ation of data on Whiteside family by Frank E. Best, page 2
(29)~Chalk1y's Records of Augusta County, Virginia, Vol. l, page 175
(30)-Foot's Sketches of Virginia, Second Series, pages 90 and 98
(31)~Hennings¥ Statutes at Large of-Virginia, Vol, VII, page en
A great grandson (Ill-16) made the statement that one branch of
his family arrived in Delaware Bay at the time of Braddock's defeat.
Josiah (V-109).

resided contemporaneously in Augusta County, Virginia and who on
August 7, 1792 filed with the Glerk of Amherst County a certificate
of consent to the marriage of his son James (32) was doubtless close-
ly related. A pioneer clan which in 1790 numbered but 31 families
could hardly have had a much`wider relationship in l73O¢
No specific record of Williamfs immigration to America had been
found but judging from the course of the group with_whom he is close~
ly associated in church and civic affairs in the Virginia Colony
soon after, he evidently remained in Chester County, Pennsylvania
until about l73h»l736 when he crossed the Blue Ridge by "Stocktonis
Thoroughfare" and settled in what was then Gooohland County, Virginia.
(Miss Daisy La Whiteside, saiieviiie, Illinois, says William White-
side came from County Kildare, Ireland to Virginia in l7hO, but
cites no authoritya The statement is subject to doubtl
Shortly before or immediately after he settled in Virginia he
was married to Elisabeth Stockton, daughter of David and Martha
Stockton who was born in Ireland about l7l5 and who came to America
with her fatheris family while yet a childs Unfortunately no official
record of marriages was kept at that time in either Pennsylvania or
Davis Stockton crossed the Blue Ridge from Pennsylvania in 173h
by the gap which was thereafter known as Stoohtonfs Thoroughfare,
and made his first entry of MOD acres of land on Ivy Greek in 1739.
In l7hl he patented soo acres more on both forks of Mechumfs River
and erected the first mill in that section of the country, The
north fork of Mechumls River still bears his name and the south fork
in early times was called Stochton's Hill Greek, All his family
were Baptists and he and his sons were Whigs, He died in 1760 leav~
ing two daughters and four sons, Richard, Samuel, William and Thomas,
Samuel and William served in the same Militia Company with their
brother-in~law, William Whiteside, in the Albemarle Militia (33) and
moved with him to Tryon County, North Carolina about 1763. (3h)
It has been suggested that he may have been that William White-
side who was married to Mary ?eterson at the First Presbyterian
church in Philadelphia, November as, 1731 (35) but if as she also
shortly after the marriage, and it is much more probable that she was
the wife of William Whiteside who was divorced by sary Whiteside in
Augusta County Virginia, about 1756 and who was married to anne
Thompson in lTél (36), or of the william Whiteside who died in Lan»
caster County Pennsylvania in 1750 survived by his wife Genet
Whiteside (373,
Williamfs first grant from the Crown is recorded in the land
Office at Richmond at page l62 of Book 20, and is as follows:
32)-Marriage Records of Amherst County, Amherst, Virginia. .
33)~Groaierfs Virginia Colonial Records, Colonial Militia, Vol.lI P.66
(3h)»Wocd¥s History of Albemarle County, Virginia, pa e 319.
[35)~Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Vol. IX, page 73, '
(36)-Gialklyls Eecords of Augusta County, Virginia, Vol,l, pages 71,
T and   e
(37)-Reéords of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Will of William
Whiteside, filed June 1, 1750s

George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France
and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, 22 gg; E9 whom THESE PHES»
ENTS shall cone Creating: KNOW YE that for divers good causes and
considerations, but more especially for and in consideration of the
Sum of Forty Shillings of the good and lawful money for Our use paid
to our Receiver General of Our Resources in this our Colony and
Dominion of Virginia, HE HAVE Given, Granted and Confirmed, and by
these presents for us, our Heirs and Successors do Give, Grant and
Confirm unto
One Certain Tract or Parcel of Land containing Four Hundred Acres,
lying and being in the County of Goochland on both sides of the South
Fork of Mechums River and bounded as followeth, to wit: Beginning
at a Blazed Pine and running thence South seventy-seven degrees West
one twenty~eighth the said South Fork in all one hundred and ninty-
two poles to two Hickory Saplins on the side of the Hill, South five
degrees East one hnndred and thirty~one a Branch in all one hundred
and seventy-two Poles to a Chestnut Saplin by a Spring, North eighty-
five degrees East at two hundred
in all two hundred and forty~six
five degrees West at eight-six e
and twenty-four the said South Fork
Poles to Pointers and thence North
Branch in all two hundred and eight~
two Poles to the first station.
Swamps and Marshes, lcwgrounds,
WITH ALL woods, Underwcods,
meadows feedings and his due share of all veins, mines and quarries,
as well discovered as not discovered within the bounds aforesaid and
being part of the said quantity of Four Hundred acres of land, the
rivers, waters and wstercourses therein contained together with the
privileges of hunting, hawking, fishing, fowling and all other
Profits, Commodities and Hereditaments whatsoever to the same or
any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining,
T0 HAVE, HOLD, possess and enjoy
Land and all other the before granted
with their and every of their Appurts
and his heirs and assigns for ever to
the said WILLIAM WHITESIDE, his heirs
the said Tract or Parcel of
premises and every part thereof
the only use and Behoof of him
and assigns forever, to be
held of us, our Heirs and Successors as of our Manor of East Green-
wich in the County of Kent in free and common socage and not in
Capita or by Knightfs service, YIELDING AND PAYING unto us, our
Heirs and Successors for every fifty acres of land and so proportion-
ally for a lesser or greater quantity
that fifty acres the fee rent
of one Shilling yearly to be paid upon the Heast of Saint Michael
the Arch.Angel and also cultivating and improving three acres part
of every fifty acres of the tract above mentioned within three years
after the date of these presents. PROVIDED always that if three
years of the said fee rent by in arrears and unpaid or if the said
WILLIAM WHITESIDE his heirs or assigns to not within the space of
three years next coming after the date of these presents cultivate

` 12|
and improve three acres part of every fifty acres of the said tract
above mentioned then the estate hereby granted shall cease and~be
utterly determined and there after it shall and may be lawful for
our Heirs and Suooeeeore to grant the same lands or premises with
the Appurte to such other person or persons as we, our Heirs and
Sucoeseore shall think fit.
IN WITNESS whereof we have caused these presents end letters
patent to be made.
WITNESS our Truety and we11~be1oved William Gooch, Esquire
Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and
Dominion, at Williamsburg, under the Seal of our said Colony, the
fifteenth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and forty~one,
in the fifteenth year of our Reign.
_ (Signed) WILLIAM eooca

The land received under this grant is located in what is now
Albemarle County, between the towns of Gordonsville and Charlottes-
ville. Prior to the formation of Albemarle County in l?uu it was a
part of Goochland County. Among the records of Goochland County is
"A list of Tithables taken pr Charles Lynch at The Mountains on the
North side of James River in Goochland County, lThh" in which the
name of "Wm. Nhitesides" appers as one of the "Persons not Imploide
In making Tobo .
After the incorporation of Albemarle County William received two
further grants of land adjoining his first, one for 300 acres "On
both sides of Stocktonfs Fork of Mechumls River" dated April h, 1753
(38) and another of 181 acres "Cn both sides of Stocktbn's Mill
Creek" dated July 20,1?5B(39), Some time afterward he sold the three
tracts of land and moved to Amherst County(hO), and still later to
Augusta County where he received his last Virginia grant of 160
acres "On South Mountain in Augusta County", April 6, l769(hl). This
land he held at the time of his death and bequeathed in almost the
exact phraseology of the original grant, to his son Jamesa
The Scotch-Irish settlers in Virginia brought with them the
faith of their fathers, and at the first opportunity established
Presbyterian churches, each of which owing to the difficulty of
securing pastors and the thinly settled condition of the country
served a territory which embraced practically an entire county, The
name of William Whiteside appers on the two earliest subscription
lists which have been preserved. Whether he transferred his member-
ship from one to the other or whether in one instance he merely con-
tributed to the maintenance of a sister church does not appear. The
first is dated ITRT and recites:(h2):
"Ivy Creek, March 29,l7h7
Whereas it is aareed or proposed that ye Inhabitants of Ivy
Creek and ye Mountain Plain Congregation joyn together with ye
Congregation of Rockfish, to cell and invite ye Reverend Mr. Samuel
Black, now Residing in ye bounds of ye Reverend Mr. John Craigfs Con-
gregation, to be our Minister and Pastor to administer ye ordinances
of ye (Gospel among us: AILwe, whose names are hereunto affixed,
do promise and oblige ourselves to pay yearly and every year ye
several sums annexed to our names, for ye outwards support and
Incouragement of ye said Mr. Samuel Black during his abode and
continuance among us, for ye one half of his Labor in ye Administra~
tion of Gospel Ordinances to us in an orderly way, according to ye
Rules and Practice of our Orthodox Reformed Rresbyterian Church: as
Witness our hands,"
38)-Records of Land Office, Richmond, Virginia, Book 32, page 55
39)-Ibid, Book BT, page 272 `
(MO)-Mcllhaneyfs Some Virginia Families, page 27
(ul)-Land Records, Richmond, Virginia, Book 38, page Sl?
(u2)~Woods¥ History of Albemarle County, Virginia, page 362

Fifty~seven signatures follow, of which "William Whiteside" is
the fifty~third and "Thomas Whiteside" is the fifty-fifth, each sub~
scribing ten shillings annually which is a little above the average,
The Reverend Samuel Black seems to have settled permanently in
the community as the deed records of Albemarle County show a convey-
ance to him of MOC acres of land in 1751 by Richard Stockton a brother
in-law of William Whiteside (h3).
The second list is in the nature of a memorial addressed to
Reverend John Brown and is thought to have been presented by the
congregations of Timber Ridge Presb terian Church and Folks of the
James Presbyterian Church in 1753 (Eh):
"WORTHY AND DEAR SIR: He, being for these many years past in
very destitute circumstances, in want of the ordinances of the Gospel
among us, many of us under distressing spiritual languishments, and
multitudes perishing in our sins for the want of the bread of life
broken amongst us, our Sabbaths wasted in melancholy silence at
home, or sadly broken and profaned by the more thoughtless amongst us,
our hearts and hands discouraged, and our spirits broken with our
mournful condition and repeated disappointments of our expectations
of relief in this particular; in these afflicting circumstances that
human language can not sufficiently paint, we have had the happiness
by the good providence of God of enjoying s share of your labors to
our abundant satisfaction; and being universally satisfied with your
ministerial abilities in general, and the peculiar agreeableness of
your qualification to us in particular, as a Gospel ministcr;_we do,
Worthy and Dear Sir, from_our hearts and with the most cordial affec-
tion and unanimity, agree to call, invite and request you to take
the ministerial care of us ~- and we do promise that we will receive
the word of God from your mouth, attend on your ministry, instructions
and_reproof, in public and private, and to submit to the discipline
which Christ has appointed in his church administered by you, while
regulated by the word of God, and agreeable to our Confession of
Faith and Directory, and that you may give yourself wholly up to the
important work of the ministry, we do promise that we will pay unto
you annually, the sum which our Commissioners, Andrew Steel and
Archibald Alexander, shall give in to the Reverend Presbytery from
the time of your acceptance of this our call; and that we shall be»
have Ourselves towards you with all the dutiful respect and affection
that becomes a people towards their minister, using all means within
our power to make your life comfortable and happy, We entreat you,
Worthy and Dear Sir, to have compassion upon us, and accept this our
call and invitation to the charge of our immortal souls, and we shall
ever hold ourselves bound to pray, We request the Reverend Presby~
tery to present this our call to the said Mr, Brown, and to concur in
his acceptance of it -~ and we shall always count ourselves happy in
being, Your obliged and humble servants",
(nj)-Woods' History of Albemarle County, Virginia, page 320
[hh]-Footefs Sketches of Virginia, Second Series, page 9h

of North
It hears 116 signatures of which "William Whiteside" is the
fiftymeeventh and "Moses Whiteside" is the twenty-first. Nc amounts
are named. »
In 1758 William Whiteside served as e private in Captain James
Nevilleis company of the Albemarle Militia in the French and Indian
War(h5). The nature of his service is uncertain. The various
companies of the Virginia Militia participated in three principal
campaigns in 1758, One under General Jeffery Amherst
resulted in the
capture of Louisville, July 26, 1758. another under General James
Abercrombie made an unsuccessful atte t to take Ticonderoga, July 8,
1758 and a third under General John Forbes and George
took Fort Duquesne, November 27, 1758. William White
been with one of these expeditions or his service may
limited to frontier duty against the Indians.
In July,
name appears several times in the records of
1761 he went on the bond of one, John Lynch.
ide may have
have been
Augusta Gounty»
In 1767 his
name appears on another bond. On May 17, 1763 he brought suit a-
gainst a James Crawford on a note and on May 20, 1767 he was given a
judgment against one Arthur Grahamlh6). His first visit to the State
Caroline must have been made about this time, In a suit
brought jointly against his and Thomas the return of the serving
officer showed that Thomas was at the time in the army and William
was out of the Co1ony(h7), He returned and in 1769 patented the land
on South Mountain. In 1772 he was again residing out of the Colony
of Virginia, having given tower of attorney to his son James under-
which the letter brought suit and secured judgment against one
Charles Tees(h8). The tide of emigration from Virginia which had
been deflected from the West to the Carolinas by the hostilities of
the French and Indian war was still flowing strongly to the South.
William first visited North Carolina about 176h (John P. Stockton
says 1760) and on August 8, 1765 entered 250 acres of land "Cn both
sides of Green River and two miles above John Hutsonis Survey" in
Mecklenburg County, which he received under a grant dated September
25, l766(h9}, and which came to be known as "Whiteside Settlement".
Mecklenburg County is noted for its early espousal and determined
support of the American cause. Wheeler calls it "The Birthplace of
Liberty" and Tarleton who ravaged the southern colonies with fire
and sword from coast to frontier termed it "The Hornet Nest of America"
(50). Here on may 20, 1775 was written and signed the first declara~
tion in favor or American independence, known to history as the
Mecklenburg Declarationo
(h5)»Woodo2 History of slbemarle County, Virginia, page 363
Henningds Statutes at Large of Virginia, Vol VII, page 203
Crosieria Tirginia County Records, Colonial Militia, Vol II, pages
67 and 68
(h6)»Chalr1 "s Records of Augusta County, Virginia, Index
I: Page 3301 M59
Records of Augusta County, Virginia, Vol 1, page 367
(h9)»Reoords of Land Office, Raleigh, North Carolina, Book 18, page 263
(5C)~Wheeler?s History of North Carolina, page 25h
, y»
(t7;~Ie1a, Vol
(M8 »Chalkly's

About four years after Williamls settlement, Mecklenburg County
was subdivided and the western portion which included his land be-
came Tryon County. William served in the Tryon Militia and in l77S
was elected with his son, Davis Whiteside, and one other to repre-
sent his company on the Tryon County Committee of Safety which con-
vened at the county seat and on August lu, 1775, almost a year before
the memorable July u, 1776 issued "An association" usually termed
"The Tryon Declaration"(5l5.
"The unprecedented, barbarous and bloody actions committed by
the British Troops on our american brethren near Boston on the 19th
of April & 20th of May last, together with the Hostile operations &
Traiterous Designs new Carrying on by the Tools of Ministerial Ven-
geance and Despotism for the Subjugating all British America, suggest
to us the painful necessity of having recourse to arms for the
preservation of those rights & Liberties which the principles of our
Constitution and the laws of God, Nature and Nations have made it
our duty to defend,
We therefore, the Subscribers, Freeholders & Inhabitants of
Tryon County,-do hereby faithfully unite ourselves under the most
sacred ties of Religion, Honor & Love to our Country, finally to
resist force by force in defense of our National Freedom and Con-
stitutional Rights against all Invasions, & at the same time do
solemnly engage to take up arms and Risque our lives, and fortunes
in maintaining the freedom of our Country, whenever the Wisdom and
Council of the Continental Congress or our Provincial Convention shall
Declare it necessary, & this Engagement we will continue in and hold
sacred *til a Reconciliation shall take place between Great Britain
and America on Constitutional principles which we most ardently de-
sire. And we do firmly agree to hold all such persons Inimical to
the liberties of America, who shall refuse to subscribe to this
Association." A price was placed on the heads of all who signed
including William and his sons
William was evidently too far advanced in age to participate
actively, in the Revolutionary campaigns, and died early in the
struggle, but all his sons who were old enough enlisted in the cause
and seven of them and two of his sons-inalaw fought at Kingfs Moun-
tain(S2). Governor Reynolds said of them; "One trait of character
-~ bravery ~~ the Whiteside family possessed to an eminent degree.
(53), and another author wrote: "The Whitesides were an entrepid
family. They were among the most noted men engaged in Indian Warfare
?§§}many years the name Whiteside struck terror among the red skins."
(Slg-Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. X, page 162
(52 -Cleveland Genealogy, Vol. II, page 2077
(53)-Reynolds* Pioneer History of Illinois, second edition, page M25
(Eh)-History of Madison County (1852), page h5h

William Whiteside and all his sons were Whigs Four of his sons
R*and two of his sons-in-law served in the North Carolina House of
Representatives (55). One son and a son-in-law served in the State
Senate, while several of them held various county offices and state
commissions. Elizabeth Stockton Whiteside seems to have exerted the
stronger influence over her children for although William was a
Scotch Govenanter Presbyterian all of his children and grandchildren
concerning whom there is any data on the subject were Baptists.
William died in 1777 while the Revolution was yet young and
while the Carolina troops, desperately at bay, were fighting their
first disastrous battles in the unequal struggle with the British
regulars and Tory recruits under Tarleton and Lincoln.
He was no doubt buried in a family cemetery on his farm as was
the custom of the times but an exhaustive correspondence has failed
to locate his place of sepulture.
His will is on file among the probatesrecords at Lincolnton,
North Garolina and is as follows:
"In the name of God, Amen, I William Whiteside, of the County
of tryon and State of North Carolina, Being very sick and weak in
Body, But of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto god, call-
ing unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is
appointed for all men oust to Die, Do make and ordain this my last
will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I
give and recommend by Soul into the hands of almighty God that gave
it and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Desent
Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executer, nothing doubting
but at the general Resurrection I Shall Receive the Same again by
the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate Where-
with it has pleased God to Bless me in this life I give, Devise and
Dispose of the same in the following manner and form:
I Give and Bequeath unto my well Beloved wife Elizabeth, my
household goods and moveable effects and also my plantation during
her life and after her Decease all the Movables to be Equally divided
between these my children, Davis Whiteside & Robert & James & Jdhn
& Margaret and william, Thomas and Samuel & adam, and if She should
depart this Life before my Son Francis Whiteside comes of age my
Children above mentioned to have the Benefit of the plantation and
So Soon as my son Francis comes of ase he may enter in oossession
of the same for I do bequeath my Land to him allowing him to pay
twenty pounds to my Daughter Ann in Twelve months after he Enters
into possession of my plantation and also to pay to my Daughter
Elizabeth Twenty pounds of the Value of the land in Two years after
he enters into possession of said plantation and the Third year he
Shall pay to my Daughter Sarah Twenty pounds, all Lawful money of
North Carolina. I also give and Bequeath to my Son James Whiteside
my Land on the South Mountain in Virginia, Augusta County, allowing
him to pay fifteen pounds Virginia Currency towards the Discharging
(5S)~Cleve1and Genealogy, Vol II, page 2077.

my Debts and the Remainder of my Debts to be paid out of my move»
ebles before Devided.
I also appoint and constitute my son William Whiteside and
Thomas Whiteside to be my Executers of this my lest will and test-
ement and I do here By utterly Diselow, Revoke end Disennul all
and every other former testements, wills, legacies, Bequests and
Exeeutere by me in any wise Before Named, willed end Bequeethed,
Retifying and Confirming this end no other to be my lest will and
have here unto Set my hand and Sea
the year of our lord one thousand
Signed, Sealed, published, pro-
Williem Whiteside as his lest will
us who in his presents and in the
testament. In Witness whereof I
this twenty fourth of October in
seven hundred and seventy-seven.
nounced and Deelered by the Said
and Testament in the presents of
presents of Each other have hereto subscribed our names.
William X Whiteside (Seal)
Davis Whiteside
James Whiteside (Wits.}

Davis Whiteside ~-~-- ----»(Uhknown) ----- ----- - ~--~~ Eliza Johnson
_ Unknown
15.nsv1s-- ------- ~ ---- » ----- ~-about 1773-~-- -~~--- Je; a, 1813 y
16-Isaae~~~~-~» ~~~-------- ~»~~About 1775- ------- -_ , 1825
Davis Whiteside was William's oldest son and signed as the first
witness to his fatherls will. Strangely enough, although he lived
a generation later, was a Revolutionary soldier, and a member of the
North Carolina Legislature, less is known of him than of his father.
He was born in Virginia, probably in Augusta County (Clarence
Griffin, County Historian,Rutherford County, North Garolina,l935},
and was named for his maternal grandfather, Davis Stockton. (Griffin
says he came to Tryon County with his father and brother in 1760).
The place and date of his marriage is unknown, the exact date of his
death'and his place of burial can only be conjectured. Griffin says
he married Eliza Johnson and in the census of 1790 the returns from
Rutherford County, North Carolina include the schedule or "Eliza
Whitesiden, a widow with two sons whose age and residence indicates
that she was his wife. If this be true there were but two children,
a theory which is apparently confirmed by the account of their emi-
gration which mentions Isaac and "his older brother" only (56).
Best sugaests(57) that among his children may have been Rev. Jacob
Whiteside, Johnson J. Whiteside, William Franklin Whiteside and
Stephen Whiteside, all of whom were early in Illinois. There is
certainly no ground for such a surmise in the case of Rev. Jacob
Whiteside who was a Methodist and came from Tennessee (58) while
Davis' children were Baptists and came from North Carolina by way of
Kentucky. Nothing is known of the connections of the other three
but as Best missed altogether the only son whose descent is unques-
tioned, little weight can be given to this surmise which seems to
have been prompted by the fact that he could find no record of Davis*
children, and was unable to trace the ancestry of these four men of
that there were but two sons
the Whiteside name. Griffinfs statement
seems to be bound out by the meagre data
land records of either Vir-
enter land in'North Carolina
is particularly inexplicable in view of the fact that as the repre-
sentative of his county he must have been a freeholder. Early in
the settlement of the state a number of irregular grants were made
affecting large tracts of land in the southern and western counties.
Davis's name does not appear in the
ginia or North Carolina. His failure to
(§6)»History of Lincoln County (1888), page 627
(5T]~Gompilation of data on Whiteside family by Frank E. Best, page 5
(58)~History of Methodism in Tennessee, Vol II, page 339

when titles were adjusted at the close of the war many who had pur-
chased from the original grantees were dispossessed (59) and emigrated
to the West (60). It is possible that this explains the failure of
seven of the Whiteside brothers to enter land, and also the rather
sudden emigration of most of them to the West at a time when they were
undoubtedly prosperous and well situated.
_ Davis served in the provincial militia against the Indians in
the company of Captain Joseph Harden, and the first official mention
of him in the colonial records of North Carolina is the account of
his election at a meeting of freeholders held at the Tryon County
court house, July 26, 1775, with his captain and Benjamin Harden to
represent his company on the Committee of Safety for Tryon Gounty(61)
This Gommittee was in session august lh, 1775, and on that day
promulgated the Tryon Declaration. Davis Whiteside participated in
the deliberations and was the fourth man to sign that historic docu~
ment. He served as Justice of the Peace, an office of local impor-
tance, in Tryon Gounty in l77B~l779 and for Rutherford County from
1779 until'his death.(62) '
Tryon County was formed from a part of Mecklenburg Count; in
1768 and was named in honor of His Excellency William Tryon; oyal
Governor of the Province who has been appointed by George III_in
1765. During the days immediately preceding the Revolution the
Governor strove vainly to stem the rising tide of revolt, his attempts
at repressions becoming more savage and tyrannical as the situation
grew ominous. His oppressive measures rendered his name so odious to
the American_patriots that in 1779 the Legislature divided Tryon
County into two counties which were named in honor of General __
Griffeth Rutherford and General Benjamin Lincoln, respectively, and
Davis Whiteside was elected as the first member of the House of _
Commons from Rutherford Gounty(63)» Unfortunately the journal of the
House for that session was lost. The preface to the Golonial_Be»
cords of North Carolina closes with the following paragraph (oh):
"The Editor has to express regret that the Journals of the Gen-
eral Assembly for the year 1780 could not be found though diligently
searched fora" This is further explained by the following note
signed by the Clerk of the House (65):
"The Journal for May, 1780 was left with Governor Nash by myself
at the breaking up of the Assembly. The Journal of the August session
has not been in my possession at all, Mr, Haywood the assistant
Clerk, having transacted the business of that session alone, has
not yet filed the Journal with me.
(59)»Haywood*s Governor Tryon of North Carolina, page 53
(60)-Draperis Kings Mountain and Its Heroes, page h§l
(61)-Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. X, page 120
(62)-Clarence Griffin! County Historian, Rutherford County,N,G.,l93S
(63)~Wheeler¥s History of North Carolina, page hoo
(6h)»Golonial Records of North Carolina, Vol, XIV, page xvi
(6S)~Ibid, Vol. XIX, page 399

"A List of allowances which originated in the House of Commons"
(66) shows that Davis Whiteside received L 1,081 " 12 from the
dispursi officer of the House as member's salary and allowance on
May 3, l$8O, and B l.h28 as memberis salary and allowance on August
3, 1780. No further reference to his legislative career has been
found among the state archives.
The account of his military service is even more fragmentary.
There is no record of his service during the first four years of the
war. The early successes of the enemy swept away the Continental
organization and in the volunteer system which took its place no
departmental files were practicable and no rosters have been pre~
servede_ Uhquestionably he was following the fortunes of the young
Republic in the field (67). No man who played a neutral part in
those days of desperate need when boys fought side by side with
grandfathers could have received in that crisis the highest political
office within the gift of his county, But the only details that have
come down to us are the notes by Colonel Ben'amin Cleveland (68),
recounting that he fought at Kings Mountain 669) and the statement
by Griffin that he was wounded at Kingfs Mountain and fuss, removed
to Hillsboro where he died a few days later.
The Battle of Kings Mountain was one of the most illustrious
and timely achievements in the annals of American arms. General
Gates had met disastrous defeat at Camdene The gallant Sumner had
been surprised and overwhelmed at Fishing Creek, and the entire South
was reported to the British Government to be completely subdued.
So desperate was the situation that the dontinental Congress had
entered into negotiation to release all territory south of Virginia
to England and confine the United States to the northern territory
(70), At this gloomy period when the American cause seemed hopeless
the border pioneers marshalled their clans and joining forces fell
upon Ferguson at Kings Mountain, October 79 1780. The Royalist army
was utterly annihilated and all Tory support was destroyed at one
blow, Davis Whiteside with six of his brothers fbught under their
brother-in»1aw, Colonel Richard Singleton {II~l2) who commanded the
Rutherford County Troops(7l), Apparently the Griffin account is
corredt and Davis was severly wounded in this battle for although
in the prime of life he died immediately after (John P, Stockton says
Davis was wounded at Kingfs Mountain and died a few days later), So
soon after in fact that were it not that Cleveland gives the place
of his death as Hillsboro it might be supposed that he perished in
this battle. That his death must have occured very soon after the
battle is shown by the fact that there was time for a special election
to fill his seat in the House of Commons which met at Halifax for the
last session, January 27, 1781. The Journal for that day records
(66)-Ibid, Vol. XIX, pages 38h and 388
(67)-History of Lincoln County (1888), page 627
»Biographical Record of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Cos.p.h32
(68)-Draperfs Kings Mountain and Its Heroes, page M25
(69)-Cleveland Genealogy, Vol. III, page 2077
(702-Congressional Record, Second Session, 75th Congress, p,h232
(71)-Kings Mountain and its Heroes, page M75

that:(?2) "The returning officer for the County of Rutherford cer-
tified that Mr. William Porter was duly elected a member of this
House in the room of Davis Whiteside, Esqr., deceased, whereupon
the Said Nw. Porter appeared, was qualified and took his seat."
Hillsboro is almost two hundred miles northreast of Rutherford
County. As his brothers Samuel and Adam Whiteside were living at
Hillsboro in 1790 he doubtless died while with them and is probably
buried in or near Hillsboro. He seems to have left no will as none
has been found of record.
(72)-Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. XVII, page ?15.

Page 23 was
omitted in
the original

Robert Whiteside-»--1-¢ -~-- -~(Cir l770)-- ---~ ~»~~- Elizabeth Coffey
17-James -----~---- -~-----~---~Ju1 21,1771 -~-- Apr 2h,l8n8
15-Wil1iam~-- ~---- -~~--~---~~-Cir.1773--- »-~~ ¢"`t ,l82h
19-Jonathan ----»-_~~-------~-- A pr l3,l776---»--- ,l360
Robert Whiteside was born in Virginia about l7hO and moved with
his fatherfs family to North Carolina in the sixties. He was a
farmer but his name does not appear in the records of the land office
of either Virginia or North Carolina. He was married about 1770 to
Elizabeth Coffey, a daughter of Rev. James Coffey and Elizabeth
Cleveland, who was born in North Carolina betwaen'l7h0 and 1750,
and who is recorded as No. 1603A in the Cleveland Genealogy.
"Robert was a Whig and fought at Kings Mountain. He removed to
Tennessee, evidently before 1790 as his name does not appear in the
First Census.
James Whiteside--~ »~--~ ~»~--(Unknown)--- -~-~----- Unknown
20~Prudence~ ----~--- ~ ---- ~ ---- Cir. 1775 ~----- Unknown
21~John G.-- --~------~ ~- ~-»- ~-Unknown ~---~--» 1798-1803
Jame Nhiteside moved with his father to North Carolina about
1770 and received two grants of land, one of "150 acres on Beaverdam
Greek" and the other of "acc acres on the waters of First Broad
River", both dated March 25,l780.
Nothing is known of his marriage and a complete list of his
children has not been found. Mclllhaney (73) has confused him with
the son of a John Whiteside who married Ann Kinney but this mistake
is discovered by the marriage bond filed in Amherst County, Virginia,
August 6,l792. Griffin says he was a pioneer physician and practiced
medicine. He was Justice of the Peace, succeeded his brother Davis
in that office in 1750 and retaining it until his death in 1790.
John P. Stockton says James was one of the Commissioners who laid off
the town of Rutherfordton as the county seat of Rutherford County,
North Carolina.
(73)-McIlhaney's Some Virginia Families, page 27.

James seems to have been a favorite of his father's who left
his business affairs in James' hands when he moved to North Carolina,
and who in his will bequeathed James the homestead on South Mountain
in Augusta County. James was a Whig and a Revolutionary soldier and
fought under Colonel Singleton at King*s Mountain. He succeeded in
a large measure to the place his brother Davis had held in public
affairs. He was one of the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature
in 1788 and reappointed in 1787 to buy fifty acres of land and es~
tablish thereon a county seat for Rutherford County (78), was a mem»
ber of the North Carolina Senate in 1786 (75) and a member of the
Convention of 1788 which refused to ratify the Constitution of the
United States and which selected the site for the state capitol (76).
He made a prospecting trip west at a very early date and Cleveland
says he was the first American to visit Illinois. He evidently
moved there with his family almost immediately after the Convention
of 1788 (77) as his name does not appear in the Census of 1790, and
is thought to have moved later to Missouri where he died sometime
between 1805 and 1809. The claim of his heirs to M80 acres of land
near Flouresant, Missouri based on a deed to him dated September l2,
1805 was rejected December 31,1809 by the United States Land Com-_
missioners sitting at Kaskaskia(78). Another claim to 100 acres was
confirmed to them by the same Commission on January M, 1813(79).
Griffin says he died in Rutherford County between July and Oc-
tober of 1790.
Is this the James Whiteside who signed the petition to Governor
St. Clair of the Northwest Territory at Great Run, May 23,1790 with '
gghn Whiteside and William Whiteside, Sro, and William Whiteside,Jr.,
(7h)~Co1onial Records of North Carolina, Vol. XXIV, page 935
(75)-Ibid; Vol. XVIII, page 3 and 185
(768-Ibid, Vol. XXII, page 8 and page 35
(77)-Houokis History of Missouri, Vol II, page 69
(78)-American State Papers, Public Lands, Vol II, page 550
(79)-Ibis, Vol II, page 237
(80)-Territorial Papers of the U. S. by Carter, Vol II, page 252

John Whiteside-~--- --~~ »(Gir.
23-Samuel-~~ -----~---- --~~
25»w111iam Lee------- - -----~
nqnnnn- .nan annum
1775)-r ~--- -~-Unknown
Apr 12,1738 ~---
Jan l3»lB66(9)
John Whiteside was a Revolutionary soldier and was at Kings
Mountain (81). He was Gsptian of Militia in the Revolution and
commanded a company under General Butler (82). He was living in
Rutherford County, North Carolina in l?9O and according to the first
census his family at that time consisted of five children, three boys
and two girls, all under sixteen years of aaa. He moved from North
Carolina to Kentucky that year immediately after the taking of the
census and thence to Illinois and on auaust 1, 1790 was enrolled in
the Illinois Militia and doin duty in the district of Kaskaskis(B3).
He settled at Bellefountaine %Stockton says at "Whiteside Station")
in what is new Saint Glare County, and resided there until his death
in 1815. Is buried at Bellefountaine but Daisy L. Whiteside reports
searching for his grave in the family cemetery there without success.
Name of wife not definitely established but Daisy L. Whiteside
says it may be Mollie Underwood.
(Is this the John Whiteside who signed the petition tc Gov. St.
Clair of the Northern Territory at Great Run, May 23, 1790 with'James
Whiteside, William Whiteside, Sr., and William Whiteside, Jr.,
Territorial Papers of the Uhited States by Garter, Vol II, page 2S2.]
Margaret Whiteside-»-- -~-(Unknown) ---~ - -------William Monroe
(8l)~History of Madison County, Illinois, pane 76
(82)»Reynolds' Pioneer History of Illinois, page l35
(83)-Colonial Records of North Carolina, vel XXIV, page dll

Margaret was married to William Monroe, who was cousin of Presi-
dent James Monroe (Bu). He was a soldier of the Revolution and fought
at Kingfs Mountain, He was elected Sheriff of Rutherford County after
the war and later represented his county in the House of Commons.
Following the lead of his brother~in-law he moved west and settled
in Lincoln County, Kentucky where he died at an advanced age. Nothing
is known of their children. (85)
William Whiteside »----------~- (Unknown) ~~--~------ Mary
28-Elizabeth Whiteside Cir.lT?5 Unknown
29-Thomas Whiteside-~~ Unknown ~--»-~-- l?9h
3O~Uel Whiteside ------ Unknown~ Unknown
31-William Whiteside~- l?8? ---~ Unknown
32-Jem; D. wsieesice-» 1791+--~- 1850
33-Robert Whiteside--- Unknown -~------ Unknown
' 3u~Sarah Whiteside ~--- Unknown ---- ~~-~ Unknown
35-Elvira Nhiteside~~~ Unknown- Sub. 1850
Although William was one of the most noted of the whiteside
brothers nothing is known of his career in North Carolina except that
he fought in the Revolution at Kings Mountain and was appointed by
the North Carolina Legislature as Commissioner to establish the
Rutherford county seat to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna-
ture of his brother(86). He apparently received no 1and.grants in
North Carolina and about 1789 emigrated to Kentucky and settled, proe
bably in what is now Shelby County. Later he moved to Illinois,
reaching Hul11s Landing, January l, l?93. Governor Reynolds says
of his coming:
"Illinois received in l?93 a colony of the most numerous, daring
and enterprising inhabitants that had heretofore settled in it. The
Whitesides and their extensive connections, the Griffins, Enochs,
Chances, Musica, Goings and others were born and raised on the
frontiers of North Carolina and were used to Indian fighting and the
hardships incident to frontier life. The patriarch and leader,
William Whiteside had been a brave soldier in the Revolutionary War
and was in the celebrated battle of King's Nountain(BT). Another
historian says of them: "The Whitesides were an intrepid family.
They were among the most noted men engaged in Indian warfare. or
many years the name Whiteside struck terror among the_red skins."(3B)
(Sh)-American State Papers, Public Lands, Vol II, page 17h
(85)-Cleveland Genealogy, Vol III, page ZOTT
(86)-Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. XXIV, pages hll,h?3
(87)-Reynolds's Pioneer History of Illinois (1852), page 151
(88)-History of Madison County, Illinois, page h5h

William_sett1ed within the present limits of Monroe County, and
erected a fort between Cahokia and Kaskaskia, about half way between
the present towns of Columbia and Waterloo, which.was known as White-
side Station, and which became a noted landmark. In 1793, u5 Kickapoo
warriors under Chief Pecon raided the outskirts of the settlement and
drove off the horses. Captain William Whiteside with eight men hasti~
ly recruited pursued the Indians and surprised them on Shoal Creek f
where Chief Pecon surrendered but escaped when he discovered the
smallness of the attacking force. In 179A a nephbwsand a young son
Thomas, (III-29) of the Captainfs were tomahawked and butchered while
at play near the fort, and from that time the bitterness of the Cap-
tain towards the Indians was insatiable. In l79S with lu men he
attacked a war party of Osage Indians who had crossed the Mississippi
at Canteen Creek about twelve miles above Saint Louis and though
himself severely wounded in the engagement, killed the entire party
with the exception of one who was afterwards put to death by his
tribe for running away. He was elected Justice of the Peace, at that
time an important executive office of wide jurisdiction, and later
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. During the War of lBl2 he was
active in organizing the Militia and was made Colonel of Militia.
He was a member of the Baptist Church and voted the Whig ticket(89).
He died at Whiteside Station in 1315. This is undoubtedly the William
Whiteside Sr. who signed the petition to Governor St. Clair at Great
Hun, May 23, 1790 with James Whiteside, John Whiteside and william
Whiteside, Jr., Territorial Papers of the U. S. by Carter, Vol ll,
page 252. Signed petition of "Inhabitants` of Illinois County"
February 7, 1 OO. Vol. III, page 78.
II"'8 Q
Thomas Whiteside ----- ~»-~ ~--- ~(Unknown) --~~~--~~»-~---- Unknown
Thomas Whiteside was one of the executors of his fatherfs will.
He received a grant of 100 acres of land "On both sides of Main Broad
River", March 27, 1780, the same day on which his brother James re-
ceived grants on First Broad River and Beaverdam Creek. On June 3,
l78h.the General Assembly by legislative enactment appointed his
"Collector of the Taxes" for Rutherford Gounty(9O). He was living
in Rutherford County in 1790 and the_First Census returns him as
the head of a family of five children, three boys and two girls, all
of whom were under sixteen years of age. Nothing further is known
of his marriage or of his children. Best thinks he may have been
the father of William Young Whiteside who had land in Illinois before
(89)»Gillaspie's Sketch of the Life of General Samuel Whiteside,
Reynolds' Pioneer History of Illinois _
History of Madison County, Illinois
(9O)- Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. XIX, page 707

1800 and ot Dr. Thomas Whiteside, a physician who served in the
Mexican War(91). The Cleveland Genealogy says he was a member of the
North Carolina Legislature but his name has not been found on the
rolls of either the House or the Senate. He served in the Illinois
Legislature, however, which may account for the mistake in the
Cleveland records. He moved to Illinois some time after lT90.
Territorial Papers of the United States
Volume XIII - Louisiana»Missouri Territory 1803-1806
Department of State (sent to Guy Motley -January 25,l9h9)
December 2T,l805)
Understanding that reports unfavorable to Governor Wilkinson have
been diligently circulated throughout the United States, by which_
he is represented as unpopular and obnoxious to the People of this
Territory, We the undersigned, perfectly satisfied with the adminis-
tration of our Governor, and convinced that these Reports, so unfounder
and injurious to him_and ourselves, have taken their origin in e few
discontented Spirits, unfortunately in Office in this Territory,,in
,this public manner evince our Confidence in the Government, our
Approbation of his Conduct and his general Popularity.
Section 12 of Subscribers to Memorial, page 3h0 -
signed by Thomas Whiteside
Samuel Whiteside-»--- -~ ~--- (Unknown) --»- --- ---~ Elizabeth Brackets
Unknown __
- 36~Samuel -»~~-- ---- ---~---~--- l?3h-~- ~--- -~-~l856
37-E1izabeth- ~~-~~------------ Unknown ------~~ Unknown
In l78h Samuel was living in Bedford County, Virginia, and his
son Samuel, Jr. was born there. The Census of 1790 reports him as
living in the Hillsboro District of Orange County, North Carolina,
and assessed with 200 acres of land and one poll. He later moved te"
Kentucky and settled near Bowling Green in Warren County where_he was
residing at the time of his death. `
Entered land in Warren County, Kentucky in l?9l, old record
says moved to Tennessee in 1809.
(91)-Compilation of data on Whiteside Family by Beet, page 19.

II~lO» '
Adam Whiteside~-~~---~~~~---(Unknown) --~---~- ~-~-~Uhknown
" Unknown
Adam Whiteside was living in the Hillsboro District of Orange
County, North Carolina in l?9O. The census returns give his name as
"Adam Whitesill". Nothing is known of his family. His brother
Davis doubtless died at his home. The Cleveland Family says he was
a member of the Legislature but his name does not appear on the rolls,
Franois W¢7Whiteside ~-~~~~~~»----- ~~--- ~~--- ~~ Mary Ann Clark,
Jan 28,17eu
Jul 3,l8h3
38-James Whiteside ------~~ apr 2O,lS5h~~~- ,l85h
39~Major Holland Whiteside Dee 25,1301----Feb 26,l8Sh
hO»John Clark Whitesids--- ,l807 ~~-- Jul ,l86O
hl-Lucinda Whiteside -»-----~~~ ---»
h2»Sarah Whiteside ~---~»-----~ ----
M3-Susannah Whiteside ------»~ ~ ----
hh-Ann Whiteside ----- ~-~-~-- -~ -»-~
h5~Mary French Whiteside ~-~- s- ,l8CC ~--~ Dec 25,l3?2
he-Narcissa Whiteside --~--~- ~~ -
Francis Whiteside the youngest son was born in Rutherford County,
North Carolina, and was not of age at the time of his father's'death +
in 1?7T. The Cleveland Genealogy refers to him as "Frank". He was
bequeathed the North Carolina homestead in his father's will.
He was married to Mary Ann Clark, a descendant of Abraham Clark,
signer of the Declaration of Independence, in North Carolina about
1775, about 1880 they removed to Christian County Kentucky. In 1818,
following his son James who had oreceeded him, Francis moved to
Missouri, and settled in Mhntacmery County on the farm where he
died about 1835, His wife survived him and died a few years later.
The family Bible was in possession of J. C. Whiteside, of Collins~
ville, Oklahoma, but has been lost. .
James Clark Whiteside(IV-ll3) says Francis had l3 children.
Mary Ann Clark, daughter of Isaac Clark; Baptist,
(92)-Kentucky State Historical Society Register, Vol an (l926)p.235

II-12» ,
Ann we1tes1de----»-- --------- ~-~ - --- ---- ------- R 101-ees Singleton
' Cir lT§0
MT-Luvina Singleton ------ - ---- -----lB2h
Ann Whiteside was undoubtedly older than her brother Francis
although her name follows his in their fatherfs will. She'married
Colonel Richard Singleton who was born in Brunswick County, Virginia,
about l?5O and settled in what is new Rutherford County, North
Carolina, before the Revolution. He led a company against the Scotch
Tories, acted as Major in 1780 at Earle's Ford, Gene Creek and Kingis
Mountain, and on a campaign against the Gherokees in March 1732. He
served in both branchescf the North Carolina Legislature, in the
Convention of 1788, and as Sheriff of Rutherford County. About 1800
he removed to Lincoln County, Kentucky where he died at an advanced
Elizabeth Whiteside--- -- ~ -------» --- -~-- Davis Stockton
Elizabeth was probably older than her brother Francis. She
married her cousin, Davis Stockton, son of Samuel or William Stock-
ton. '
John Preston Stockton says they are his great-great-great~
grandparents. He was living in Rutherfordton, March 3o,1a55.
Sarah Whiteside -»--- -~- ------- ~ ~ -»-- ---- ------ Lewis Noland
Sarah Whiteside, known in the family as Sallie, married Lewis
Noland. His name was not returned in the Census of l?90. (Daisy L.
Whiteside reports finding headstone of "David" Nowlan, member of
State Legislature -» January 8,l83?).
(93)-Draper's Kingfs Mountain and Its Heroes, page h?5,

Davis Whiteside.
Davis Whiteside the "older brother" which whom Isaac started
from North Carolina, and who went on to Illinois leaving Isaac# in
Kentucky, presented a claim for land before the United States Land
Com issioners, sitting at Kaskaskia, January h, l8l3(9h). He served
in the War of 1812 in the Company of Captain Allen Ramsey, and was
killed in a battle with the Winnebago Indians fought near the present
site of Saverton in Balls County, Missouri, near Fort Mason on the
Mississippi River, July h,l813(95). There is no record of his having
married, -(See poem in Missouri Historical Review for January,l9hl).
Isaac Whiteside- ----
-Davis----~ ---~ ------- ~ --~~ ~Jan
M9-Isaac Ellis ~--- - -~~- ~ ~~---» May
»Jacob ~~----~ - -~~~ ---- ----Dec
51-William -~--
52~John ---»----- --- - ~-~--- ~-~Dec
288 ------- ~~-
-Josiah -»---- ~----~~--~----~May
-Dorothy Jane--» -~--~----~- -Apr
gg-George Veach ~-~~ -- --------- Jan
56-Isaac Veach~---» ---- - -~~- ~-Apr
Isaac Whiteside was born in Tryon
-»- ---~ (Apr ll,lT99)~-~ »--Eleanor Ellis
May 30,1780
Jan 2?,l8ll
~~~-Feb 21,1827
-~~-Feb 18,1885
»~-Jul 6,l8?3
----Dec 19,1898
--~»Feb 21,1827
~~--Mary Veach
Sub,Aug, 1836,
----Apr 8,1875
----Jun 8,1856
----mar 23,1907
---Jan 20,1882
North Carolina, and he
and his "older brother" were living with their widowed mother in l?9O.
A few years later, probably after their mother's death, they converted
their property into money and started westward expecting to joingthe.
families of their uncles in Illinois. They stopped in Shelby County,
Kentucky to visit relatives and Isaac was so pleased with the country
that he decided to go no further and his brother continued the journey
to Illinois alone. Isaac settled near Shelbyville and there passed the
remainder of his life. His home was near Bullskin Church or Bullskin
Creek, The cemetery is on his farm. The place was later owned hy
Captain Dick Knight. The achars, Finleys, Knights, Reeds, Ellis,
Palmers and Whitesides pioneer families of Lincoln County, Missouri all
came from the same locality in Shelby County. (Josiah V-109) -
(9h)~Hmerican State Papers, Public Lands, Vol II, page 228
(95)~Hcuck's History of Missouri, Vol. III, page 111.

In 1799 he was married to Eleanor Ellis (96) known in the faudly
as Linnie. The census of 1810 shows him to be a landholder with
two slaves and a family of five boys and three girls. The ages of
the boys correspond with the record above but the three girls aged
about three, fourteen and sixteen years respectively, are mentioned
in no other record that has been found. Whether they died early or
lived and were married and have been forgotten by later generations
or whether they were other relatives then daughters, or merely ser~
vents, is unknown.
Isaac served in the Kentucky Militia, and fought with Daniel
B0Qne in the Indian Wars, and under General Andrew Jackson in the War
of l8l2(9T). In the War of 1812 the Kentucky and Tennessee riflemen
supplied their own equipment, and the powder horn which Isaac used at
the Battle of New Orleans was brought by his son William to Missouri
in 1828 and is now in the possession of his grandson, J. F. White~
side, of Whiteside, Missouri.
Kentucky troops played an important part in every battle of the
War of 1812. One third of Commodore Perry\s men in the Battle of
Lake Erie were Kentuckians, few of whom had ever seen a vessel before,
The sharpshooters who won the Battle of New Orleans were Kentucky
and Tennessee riflemen. Practically every officer and soldier en-
gaged in the Battle of the Thames were Kentuckians. Eighty per cent
of the soldiers who died in battle during the entire war were from
Isaac Whiteside left a substantial estate. As probated it in-
cluded sight slaves, two boys, Anthony valued at $300, Moses at $100,-
two girls, Rebecca, 8175* Caroline, tl25; and four women, Clary,
appraised at $35O; Sal, lace; Rachel $350 and Nellie, 8325, also
two distilleries one having a capacity of Th gallons and the other
of llh gallons,
Land belonging to Isaac is described in Book S, at page 29H» of
the Records of Shelby Gounty and is located as "Line in original
survey on the east side of the road leading to Moore's Mill." Mention
is also made of "corner Lot No. l"; also of "Marry Tesso's original
survey" and Menro*s line." Moore¥s Mill was later known as Stiverfs
Mill, and was about half a mile from the line between Henry and
Shelby Counties and was northeast of Shelbyville. `
Isaac Whiteside was constable of Shelby County at the time of I
his death .
Isaac was the second time married to Mary Veach sometimes called
Polly, daughter of George Veach, of w om little is known. She with
her stepson, Davis were joint administrators of her husband*s estate.
Their appointment at the January term of Court in 1831 indicates that;
his death must have occured either in December l82O or January 1821. `
She was still living in Shelby County with her children in August 1836
She died in Shelby County and is buried near Shelbyville.
(96)-Marriage Records of Shelby County, Kentucky, Book I, page h5 5
(97)-History of Lincoln County(l888). page 62?
Biographical Records of Saint Charles, Lincoln & Warren Cos.p.h32

Linnie Ellis was the eldest child of Isaac Newton Ellis, who
was born in Frederick County, Maryland, new Washington County, Mary»
land, October 29, 1752; was married at Catfish Camp, Washington
County, Pennsylvania, May 18, 1779 to Ann Downing_who was born in
Virginia October 16, 1762. 'Her grandfather Captain Ellis was one of
five brothers who emigrated to america from Scotland prior to 1750.
He married Nancy Garner who came from Wales to America with her
parents. Traditions say she had known her future husband before
their emigration to America as the two families lived just across
the border from each other. But as the border of Scotland and Wales
do not touch at any point this romantic story, although evidently
founded on some kindred fact, is rather difficult of explanation.
In the sketch of members of the Whiteside family found in The Bio-
graphical and Historical Record of Saint Charles, Lincoln and Warren
Counties, this incident was wrongly attributed to the Whiteside side
of the house(98).
Linnieis father, Isaac Newton Ellis, served in the Revolutionary
War from June l, 1777 until October 1, 1732. He was a member of the
company of Captain Timothy Downing, his brother-in-law, under Major
McCulloch, Colonel Shepherd and Colonel David Williamson, as a pri»
vste,as orderly sergeant, as Lieutenant, and at the age of twenty-
seven, as Captain of his company (99).
In 178k Captain Ellis moved from Pennsylvania to Jefferson
County, Kentucky. In 1791 he again moved to Shelby County where his
daughter married Isaac Whiteside and where he was elected successively
Justice of the Peace and Sheriff of the County. At the close of his
second term as Sheriff in 1829, he moved to Owen County where he
died, April 10,l333. He is buried at Cane Run Church Cemetery in
Henr County, Kentucky. His widow moved with her son Duncan Ellis
in lgho to Lincoln County, Missouri. .
Evidently other sons included Isaac Ellis who was appointed as
guardian of Jacob Whiteside (IV-39) and who was witness of will of
Davis Whiteside(Iv~37) and John Whiteside (IV-hl) also Thomas Ellis
appointed as guardian of william Whiteside (IV-MO) and John White-
side (IV-hl) also William Ellis aopointed guardian of Isaac E. White-
Slde (IV~38).
(9B)»Biographical Record of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties
(1395) page H32-
'(99)»Declaration of Isaac Ellis, Bureau of Pensions, Washington,D.C.
"; (Nonie Palmer and Lillian Shield Long are decended from Isaac
gi Ellis, also Stella L. Catton, Bowling Green, Missouri)

James Whiteside--»~~ ---~--»- {Jan 3,13l1)» --~~ --Elizabeth Dick
Feb 10,1736
Oct 23,18h3
S?-Jenkin ----- ~-- --~ ----Nov 18,1811--~-Jun 6,182n
EB-John Tilford»~~ ----~- ~ ----- Apr l7,18l3~---May 13,1892
Born in North Carolina. Moved with his father to Tennessee
prior to 1790. Emigrated to San Felipe, Texas in 1821. Died at
Independence, Texas, where he is buried.
William Whiteside ~--- ---»~~-(Cir.150h»1805B---Luvinia Singleton
` 182k
59-Davis Whiteside- ---»~----~~ Unknown -------~ Cir. 132k
60-Nancy Whiteside-~ ~-»---»- --1808»~~- ------- Gir. 1861
61-George Washington --»~~--- ~-Mar 10,1311 ---~ Apr 25,l8nB
62-Eliza waiteeiae -~--~-- » ---- ----
63-Mary Hhiteside- --~~---»- -- --»»
6h-Jefferson Whiteside ---- --~ ----
6S~Phi1ip Whiteside ---~-- ~--- ----
66-Elisha Whiteside-»-- ~--- 1 ----
6?~Wi11iam Whiteside~~-----~e»Uhknewn --»- Cir. 152k
Kentucky pioneer and built a lumber mill on the Cumberland River
Moved from Kentucky to Texas about l82n where in a short time both
parents and oldest and youngest child died. George was only son to
marry but all daughters married. Buried at Coles Settlement or at
San Felipe, Texas.
Luvinia Singleton (111-36-10/9) daughter of Colonel Richard
Singleton and Ann Whiteside born in North Carolina.
Jonathan Whiteside»- ---- -- -~-~(Unknown)- ------- Thankful Anderson
63-Elizabeth WhiteSide» ---~~ ~» '1T9T~~~~
69-Henry Whiteside---------~~~Oct 30,1801-»~~l88§
7O~James Anderson Whiteside-~-Sep l,l803----
Born in North Carolina. Moved with his father to Tennessee.
Died at Lookout Mountain.

?rudenoe Whiteside-»~~ --»-(l?9n)----- - --~~David Music
p sir. 1763
David Music was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, Moved with
his parents to South Carolina in 1766 and to Rutherford County, North
Carolina in 1?73. Emigrated with his father's family to Illinois in
179k and married at Whiteside Station the same year. Moved for the
last time to Florissant,Saint Louis County, Missouri where he resided
until his death. He served in the Revolutionary War and the war of
1812, was a member of the state legislature for three terms, and e
Presidential Elector in 182u.
Jenn G. whites1sa»» ~-~~ -~-~~~-~ ~-~»-~-»---- ~---~~~Pheebs
was living in Illinois in 1798 and received a grant of 1
that year. Died prior to 1808.
Margaret Whiteside-~~ --»- - ---~-» »
T1-Jacob Judy ~-~-
72-Sarah Judy -~»-
73~Samue1 Judy--- -
Tu-Thomas Judy ---~~- -
?5»Nanoy Judy~ ---~ ~- --~--- »»-~
Unknown--- -~---
Samuel Judy
sus 19,l7T3
Deo 19,l8On--~~Unknown
and in
Samuel Judy was the son of Jacob Judy who emigrated from
Switzerland to America in l??T. He was Captain of one of the four
Illinois companies in tba War of 1812. Was member of first Board
of Commissioners for Madison County and member of First Territorial
Legislature of Illinois. Extensive biography is given in Madison
County and Illinois histories

Samuel Whiteside ----- ~ ------- (May 28,18Oh) ----~ ~--Haney Miller
_ Apr 1,1?89
Jul 11,1851
76-Michael Whiteside- »~~~- --~-Jul T,18U5 »-~~ Hay 20,1881
??~Judith Whiteside -~~---~ ~---Apr 28,1807 ~~~~ Apr 10,1876
78~Nanoy Whiteside ------~~- ~~- ,1808 ---- Cir 1825
T9-Sarah Whiteside ~-~----~»--- Cir. 1810-~~~Cir 1825
80-Joel Whiteside --~- --------- Mar 21,1811 ~~-- Aug 8,1882
81-William MO8PSl Whiteside~--Nov 7,l812~~~~ ,l86h
82-Thomas Whiteside- ~~-------- Unknown -~~~
83-John Perry Whiteside ------~ ~~~~
-8h~Samuel Ray Whiteside ---~-~ »Mar 13,1820-~~-Oct 15,1866
85-Elizabeth ann Whiteside ~-~~ Apr 11,1825 --~» Nov 29,1910
86-Mary Ann Whitesidee ~~-~-~~- Mar 29,1830 ~-~~ Jul 23,1900
Born in Rutherford, County, North Carolina and emigrated with
his parents to Illinois in 1793. In lT9h was attacked with his brother
and a cousin by Indians who tomahawked his companions. Samuel started
for the fort and was saved by a brush pile which he leaped while his
pursuars had to go around. The following year he participated in an
engagement with the Indians at Canteen Creek under the command of his
uncle, william Whiteside and during the battle killed the Indian
chief and was himself wounded in the cheek. He commanded a company
of Rangers in the War of 1812, and in l8lh led an expedition against
the Indians who had massacred settlers on the frontier, and drove
them from the country( He commanded a detachment of the river ex-
pedition under Zachary Taylor, afterward President of the United
States, and by a daring exploit saved a part of the expedition from
annhilation by the British and Indians. Commended a company in the
first and second expeditions of Governor Edwards to Peoria in l8lh.
He was a witness to the treaty between Osage tribes and U. S. ` "
Ggmgissioners, signed at Portage des Sioux, Missouri, September 12,
1 1 .
Commended a company in the Minnebago War in l82T. Commended the
Spy Battalion in the Black Hawk War in 1831. Was made Brigadier
General and had command of all forces against the Sac and Fox Indians
under Black Hawk in 1832. was a member of the first State Legislature
in 1818 and was one of the Commissioners who selected Uandalia as
the State Capital of Illinois. Whiteside County, Illinois formed in
1836 is named in his honor.
General Whiteside was the second of General James W. Shields
in his duel with Abraham Lincoln. "The challenge arose over anony~
mous letters published in the Sangamen Journal, written by the sister
of Mrs. Lincoln, who wielded a peppery pen. They gave such offense
to Shields that he went to the editor and demanded to know who the
writer was. The editor of the paper was in a quandary and meeting
Lincoln on the street, asked him what he had better do. "Oh", said
Lincoln, "just tell Shields that it was me." Shields sent a ohallenge
to Lincoln, who had just gone to Tazewell County to attend a lawsuit.

"Lincoln accepted the challenge, and the weapons selected were
broadswords, which Lincoln knew well how to handle, having been ,
thoroughly drilked in their use by Maj. Duncan, a brother-in-law of
Maj. Lucas. The field selected for the combat was naar Alton.
A friend of Lincoln, who knew the source of the newspaper article,
learned that Lincoln and Shields had left to go out of the state to
fight a duel. This man followed them and overtook the would~he com-
batants just in time to make an explanation to Shields, and a recon~
ciliation was effected. (January l3, 1922-St. Louis Globe~Bemocrat)
General Whiteside was a Mason and was the first man to take the
Masonic obligation in Illinois. He was a devout communicant of the
Baptist Church and was an uncompromising Whig, Buried in Troy Ceme»
tary, Madison County, Illinois.
Harriet Allison (27?) Latham, Illinois has his family Bible.
(Wisconsin Historical csiisssisns, vsi. 2, psgss 2l2,2l3,22l,3S2.
III*"2L|.o '
Sarah Whiteside---- ---~- - ----- ~--- ~~~~ -~»---~» -~-John Johnson Whiteside
John Johnson Whiteside was a militiaman serving in the District
of Kaskasia, Illinois, August 1, l?9O. He fought under Captain
William Whiteside against Indians in lT9h.
Commissioned as Captain by acting Governor Winthrop Sargent at
Kaskaskia, October M, 1797. (Territorial Papers of the United States
by Garter. Vol III, page MSQ)
at the same time a "Jacob Whiteside" was commissioned as Ensign.
There is no other mention of this Jacob Whiteside.
William Lot Whiteside ~~-~---- -----~--~~~---- Nancy Pulliam
B7-Joseph Ogle Whiteside Unknown Unknown
88 William Whiteside ---- Unknown ~»-Unknown
S9 Green Whiteside-- -~-- Unknown Unknown
90 Lucy Whiteside ~--~ ~~ Unknown Unknown
91 Maria Whiteside ~-~--- Usenswn Unknown
92 John S. Whiteside -~~- Unknown- -~»---- Unknown

William Lot Whiteside preempted land in Illinois between lT9h
and 1800;
Nancy Pulliam, daughter of John Pulliam of Botetourt County,
Virginia, and Margaret Stockton of Princeton, New Jersey (said to be
first cousin of Richard Stockton, signer of the Declaration of lndea
Miss Daisy L. Whiteside of Belleville, Illinois is great grand»
daushter of William Lot Whiteside.
Uncertain whether the William Whiteside, Jr, who signed petition
to Gov, St. Clair in 1790 was this William or William Bolen White~
side (III-31).
Joel Whiteside~-~~~--------»-------~--~~~»~-~~---~Uhknown
' Joel Whiteside was a member of a party of four who were attacked
by Indians in February, 1793. He was wounded and was the only one o£
the party to escape. In l?9h while driving a yoke of oxen about f
150 yards south-west of where the public square is new located in the
present city of Waterloo, an Indian shot him through the body, but _
he recovered from the wound. The Indian was pursued and killed by 1
Ue1's relatives. He presented a_land claim before the United States
Land Commissioners sitting at Kaskaskia who on December 31, 1809
handed down an opinion unfavorable to his contention.
Thomas Whiteside
No data.
Elizabeth Whiteside--~ -»~-John Moore
No further data.
Thomas whites ide `
Killed with his cousin by the Indians in lT9M.

Uel Whiteside~-»- »--(l795)-~~- -~--»----~Miss Raines
I Unknown
was with his father in the Indian battle of lT95. The Captain
was stunned by a bullet and thought to be mortally wounded. Uel was
also wounded in the arm and had to retire. On examining his father
he discovered that the bullet had struck a rib and glanced off towards
the spine and was protruding just under the skins He out it out with
his hunting knife explaining: "Father, you are not dead yet." Where-
upon the old gentlemen jumped to his feet and resumed his place in
the fight,
Signed petition of "Inhabitants of the Illinois Country" to
Congress, February T, 1800. (100)
III»31. `
William Bolen (l01}Whiteside- ---~ {Gir.1795)~-~---~Miss Arendell
93~Sarah_Nhiteside ~--~-- ~ -~--- Unknown-~-~----Unknown
9H~Moses Whiteside---~ ---- Unknown-~- ~--- -Unknown
95»daughter ---»~ ~- --~~ ~ ~----- Unknown- -----~ ~Unknown
Born in North Carolina. Emigrated to Illinois in 1793. Comman»
ded one of the four companies of Rangers in the War of 1812. John
Reynolds and Thomas Carlin, each of whom later served as Governor of
Illinois were privates in his company. Sheriff of Madison County
in 1819. The name of his wife is by some spelled "Randall".
(Daisy L. Whiteside reports finding headstone: William B. Whiteside--
aurgeon U.S.A. -- Vera Cruz.)
Uncertain whether the William Uhiteside, =~- Jr. who signed the
petition to Gov, St. Clair in l?9O was thds william or William Lot
Whiteside (III»2S). Signed petition of "Inhabitants of Illinois
Country" to Congress, Februar? 7, 1800, Vol III, page 78. Appointed
Adjutant of Militia, St. Clair County, by Governor, September 29,
1?95,'Vol III, page MMO. Suspended September 29, 1997 indicted for
orime,.Vol III, page 883.
John D. Nhiteside--~-- -~-~»~- - ~»-~Unkn0wn
(100)-Territorial Papers of U. 3. by Garter, Vol III, page T8
(101)-"Bowling" Vol III, page MMO. "Bolin" Vol. III,page M88

Born at Whiteside Station, Illinois. Served in the Indian were
and in the War of 1812. Was a close friend of Senator James Shields,
whose challenge he carried to Abraham Lincoln, and was chosen by
Shields to aot as his second in the duel. Served as County Commis-
sioner in 1825, as member of the Illinois House of Representatives
in 1530, 1832, 1838 and 18hn, as member of the Illinois Senate in
1836, Presidential Elector in 1836, State Treasurer of Illinois in
1837, and as member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1887.
No information as to family.
Robert Whiteside ---» ---~Mary Gilham
96-Robert M. Whiteside~-~~ ---- Unknown »~-- -»-~§nknown
Had other children of whom no record has been found.
Signed the petition of "Inhabitants of the illinois Country",
February T, 1800. Territorial Papers of the United States by Carter,
Vol. III, page 78. Declined appointment as Justice of the Peace of
Randolph County, Vol. III, page uno. Declined appointment as Sheriff
of Randolph County, Vol. III, page neo. '
In-314. -
Sarah Whiteside»~~~ ----- ---~~(Jan<26, 1818)---~~~-John F. MoCol1om
Married in Madison County, Illinois.
Elvira Whiteside~- -~~- -- --»»--- -~~ ---- ~~»~---»---~Mr. Marshall
Survived all her brothers and sisters and died near Sacramento,

Samuel Hhiteside ~-»------- -----~---
-~----»~-~--~--Rebeeoa Bell
9?»George Washington Whiteside-1811-»
98-Thomas Jefferson Whiteside
99-Davis Bell Whiteside-- ---~ -
100-Benjamin Whiteside ~---~ ~~--
101-William Franklin W. ---~----
102~Eliza Whiteside» ----- ~-~- ~
103-Elizabeth Whiteside -------
lOh~Ellen Whiteside--»--~-~---
- ~--- ---oct ,1B59
Born in Bedford County, Virginia, moved to Tennessee and soon
afterwards to Warren County, Kentucky, about 1791, where he is buried,
III-3?. `
Elizabeth Whiteside-~- ~-~-- - »-~- ~~ ~--~~ -------~~~- Jesse Barbee, Sr.,
lO5»Jesse Barbee, Jr., -~---- ~
James Whiteside ---- -- --»----- ~~-~----~~--- -- ------ Unmarried
James Whiteside moved to Missouri in 1816 and settled on land
which he preempted on Loutre Creek in Montgomery County. He was never
married and as soon as he was settled he sent for his widowed sisterf
Mrs. Lucinda Singleton, who was living in Illinois, and she presided
over his household while they both lived.
James was a member of the early legislature of Missouri (no re-
cord in State Manual), and had much to do with the formation of the
first laws of the state. He was a man of much piety and was a leader
in the oamp meetings of his day. He was intimately associated with
Andrew Monroe in the beginnings of Methodism in Missouri. He was a
slave holder but an ardent sympathiaer with the Union, freeing his
slaves before Linoolnfs emancipation proclamation.
Major Holland Wniteside~ ------ (Sep 2O,1832) ---- Sarah Davis Snethen
oct 11, 181s
Feb 26, 13Sh

l MB.
l06»John Clark Mhiteside»» ~~-- Aug 20,1833---~Jan 22,1908
lOT~Jamee David Whiteside- ---» Sep 8,1835-~-»Apr 26,1878
108-Alia Snethen Whiteside~~~-Jun 13,l837~--~
109-Susan Jane Whiteside ---» --Jul 5,1839 ---~ Sep 8,1878
110-Mary Prudence Whiteside---May 11,1882 --~~ Nov %,l8T9
l11~Caroline Matilda -~--~--~- Nov 19,1888-»-~Jun 2 ,l880
112-William Francis Whiteside~Oct 3,l8uT~~-e
ll3»Patriok Henry Whiteside~~-Nov 2,1851 --~- Jan 18,1888
Born in State of North Carolina; Emigrated with father's family
to Christian County, Kentucky in 1800 and thence to Montgomery County,
Missouri in 1818; Farmer; Methodist; Whig; Buried Montgomery County,
Missouri; Married in Montgomery County, Missouri, by Rev. Alia B.
Snethen to Sarah Davis Snethen.
Sarah Davis Snethen, daughter of John Snethen and Prudence Box;
Baptist; Buried in Montgomery County, Missouri.
John Clark Wniteside~-~- - ~»-- ~-~-Caroline Steward
2nd ---- --~- Polly Stone Wade
1lu~James Clark Whiteside--~--Sep 11,1857----Jan 23,1936
Moved with his father from Christian County, Kentucky to Mcnt~
gomery County, Missouri about 1818. His son, James Clark Whiteside,
wrote from Collinsville, Oklahoma on December lk, 1913, giving his
address as P. 0. Box No. 817. Buried Montgomery County, Missouri.
Lucinda Whiteside ---- ~-- -~-~» (Apr 30,l809)~~- --~-- Spyars Singleton
Married in Christian County, Kentucky. After her husbandfe
death she moved from Illinois to Missouri and lived with her bachelor
brother, James, on Loutre Creek, in Montgomery County. Buried
Montgomery County, Missouri.
(lO2)~Kentuoky State Historical Society Register, Vol. 25,(l92T),p.l62

Sarah Webster Whiteside---~ ------- ~-» ----- ----~ »--David Craig
Probably came with her father from Christian County, Kentucky,
to Montgomery County, Missouri in 1518. Buried in Montgomery County,
Missouri. For further data inquire of F. M. Craig, High Bill,
Missouri (1909). `
xxx-h3. _
John Armstrong
1313 (#103)
Susannah Mhiteside-»» -~-~-
115#James Madison Armstrong-~-
2nd-~ ---»- -»¢»----»»»-+y$--~~-William Norman
Came with her father from Christian County, Kentucky, to
Montgomery County, Missouri in 1818. Buried in Montgomery County,'
Will of John Armstrong, dated July 1l,l913, probated in Christian
County, Kentucky at November term 1913.
Ann Whiteside ---- ~~~- (Dec l7,l8M )--- ~---- William Appling
~ Unknown
Came with her father from Christian County, Kentucky, to_M0nta
gomery County, Missouri, in 1818. Buried Montgomery County, Missouri.
For further data inquire of Sarah A. Bretton, Montgomery City,
Missouri, June 27, 1909. Married in Christian County, Kentucky
(Kentucky State Historical Society Register, Vol. Eu, 1926, page 235.
(103)~Kentucky State Historical Society Register, Vol 25,(l927)P.1B3.

Mary French Whiteside-»~-- --~~--- ~ ----~ »~ ------~-- William R, Jeneg
Game with her father from Christian County, Kentucky, to Mont-
gomery County, Missouri, in 1818. Married Rev. william R. Jones;
Buried Montgomery County, Missouri. For further data inquire of
Milton Jones, Montgomery City, Missouri. (1909)
Nareiese Whiteside- -------- - ---- ---- ~~-~------- -~-William w1111eme
Came with her father from Christian County, Kentucky, to Mbnt~
gomery Gounty,Missouri, in 1818. Buried in Montgomery County,
Missouri. For further data inquire of William O. Williams, Wells-
ville, Missouri. (Jute 2T,l909)
Levine Singleton- -»-- ~ ~--~ ~» ---~ --- -----~ ~ --~-~ ~-~no information
See Cleveland Genealogy, Vol. III, page 2077.
Davis Whiteside.
Unmarried. Born in Shelby County, Kentucky. Died of malignant
dysentery, at that time a contagious scourge. Buried in the family
cemetery, near Shelbyville, Kentucky. The probate records of Shelby
County show that he with his step-mother were joint administrators
of his fatherls estate.
The last will and testament of Davis Whiteside who is sick and
weak of body but proper mind and recollection, who makes and order
this my last will in this order that my body be buried in a decent
Item, I order all my just debts paid out of my estate that can
be best spared.
Item, I give unto Josiah Whiteside one dollar and no more. I
give unto George Whiteside one dollar and no more. I give unto
Dorothy Jane Whiteside one dollar and no more. I give unto Isaac
Whiteside one dollar and no more.
Item, The balance of my estate, both real and personal, I give
unto Isaac E. Whiteside, Jacob Whiteside, William Whiteside and John
Whiteside to be equally divided between them without distinction.

_ ue.
I appoint Benonie S. Newland my executor of this my lest will
and testament. Done this 21st day of February, 1827.
" Davis wslssslos
Isaac Ellis
Catherine X Downing
Book B Page 16, Records of Shelby County, Kentucky. Bsnonie
S. Newland refused to qualify and Isaac E. Whiteside was appointed
in his stead.
IV "hge `
Isaac Ellis Whiteside ------- ¢-- -~- ~~-- J -~-- Susan Bealer Parker
Sep 93 
ees 2h,13T7
l16~Sarah Whiteside ~-~---~--- -Oct 29,lB3u ---- Mar l3,192u
117-Erlinda Whiteside -~~---~- -Aug 7,1336 ---- Feb 19,1903
118-Effie Knighi Whiteside--~-Jen 29,l839'"--Mar 26,1886
119-John Bealer Whitesideéy--»Mar 8,13u2~---
12O»Golumbus Whiteside -------» Nov 'u,l3hh---eNov u,l865
Born in Shelby County, Kentucky, removed to Missouri in 1525.
Farmer; Methodist; Democrat. Buried near Whiteside, sussouri. '
Susan Bealer Parker, daughter of John Parker apd"Sarah Collier,
born in Shelby County, Kentucky. Southern Methodist. Buried'at
Middletown, Missouri. After death of her husbandrmoved to Middlee
town, Montgomery County, Missouri, where she spent`the remainder of
her life.
Book 2, ?age 2, Will Records of Lincoln County, Missouri.
I, Isaac E. Whiteside, being infirm in body, but sound in mind,
make this last will and testament.
lst. My will and desire is that my remains be decently interred.
2nd, That my just debts be all paid.
Brd. My will and desire is that my beloved wife, Susan, have
all the remains and residue of my effects, both personal and real,
whatsoever as though she had been seized and possessed of the same
since my deeesse, to dispose of, sell, or convey either land or slaves

This 30th day of January in the year of Our Lord, Eighteen Hun-
at her will or pleasure during her life, and at her death whatever
may be on hands to be divided among my children or such of them as
may survive their mother in such manner as to make them equal sharers
and participants in the effects on hands, and any portion that may
have been given previous to the death of their said mother, they
shall account for the same.
8th. My will and desire is that this will may be proven and
made a matter of record, and that nothing else shall be necessary to
consum ate the right and title of my beloved wife, Susan to the be-
fore above alluded to effects.
dred and
Felix G.
Isaac E. Whiteside (SEAL)
Nichols (SEAL)
William Whiteside (SEAL)
This will filed for probate, May 18, 1886
Jacob Whiteside-~-- ~~ --»-- (May 18,1829)--- ---~Lydia
Vardeman Moss
Oct 30,1807
Jan 30,1885
121 Daniel Harvey Whiteside-- Mar 15,1830 Dec 3,1911
122»Edwin Ellis Whiteside--~-~Jan 13,1832 Sep 8,1899
123-Marcellus Sobeski W. ~--~-- Dec 8,1836 Dec 22,1918
128 Emma Louise Whiteside-~~~ Jan 28,1838 Aug 16,1922
125-Velinna Sarepta Whiteside-May 15,1883 -~-- Dec 2,1888
126 John Luther Davis- --~----- Jun 15,1885 ---~ Oct 18,1893
Born in Shelby County, Kentucky, immigrated to Missouri in 1828.
Farmer, Whtg, Baptist. He and his wife were constituent members of
Mill Greek Missionary Baptist Church and he was one of the first
deacons ordained by the Church and one of the messengers sent by M111
Creek Church askina for admission to Salt River Association(108].
(108)-History of Salt River Association by Patrick, pages 106,152,158

Married in Lincoln County, Missouri(1OS) by Rev. Davis Hubbard
to Lydia Vardeman Moss, daughter of Rev. Daniel and Sarepta Moss{lO6)
who was born in Halifax County, Virginia (l07). She named Ebenezer
and Star Hope Churches established by her son Rev. M. S. Whiteside.
Subscribed to weekly New York Ledger, a paper which combined fiction
with the news.
Book 1, page 6, Will Records of Lincoln County, Missouri. _
In The Name of God amen. I, Daniel Moss of Lincoln County and
State of Missouri, being of sound mine and frail in body but sensible
of the decaying state of our bodies and knowing that all men must die
do make this my last will and testament, at the same time utterly re-
voking all others.
First, After all my just debts are paid I will and bequeath unto
my beloved`wife all my monies, credits, lands, houses, househohi and
kitchen furniture, stock of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, together
with all farming utensils to be at her own sole will, power and
Secondly, It is my request, will and desire that my wife, as
far as may lay in her power persue the following course with our
children: First of all that she cause James Isaac Watts & Edward
one years schooling, Daniel Harvey eighteen months and Absolem two
years schooling. Thirdly, that as far as may lay in her power my
beloved make the following distribution of property. That she charge
Elisa with three hundred and fifty dollars; Peter Philip Doderidge
and Melinda with one hundred dollars each, then endeavor; Fihst,
to cause William Lydia, James Isaac Watts, Edward Daniel Harvey and
absolem each to receive one hundred dollars. Endeavor then to-cause
all to be made equal to Eliza, that is each to receive three hundred
and fifty dollars, the balance, if any to be equally divided among
the whole.
Finally and lastly, I make my beloved wife my sole and only
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
first day of October in the year of Our Lord, Eighteen Hundred and
Twenty-Eight. 5
In the presence of '
James Downing
William C. Downing _
G. C, Eastin -"
Will probated January 21, 1829.
(195)-Marriage Records of Lincoln County, Book i,page 16.
(106)-History of Salt`River Association,pages 2O,lOS.
(lOT)~Record of the Census of l86O at Washington, D.C. says she was
born in Kentucky, but family tradition fises`place as Halifax
County, Virginia. f

william Whiteside~- -~~~-» ~--(Dec lO,l829)~~~~~-Eliza Ann Robertson
. Jun ?,l8lO
F681 3 3  
l27~Mildred Ann Whiteside ----- Nov 28,1830-~~-Sep 2h,l899
128-Isaac Whiteside"-~ ---- ~--- Jan 21,1832 Feb 25,1899
129-Amanda Elizabeth WhitesideBec 26,1833 -~-- Jul 22,1860
130-Robert Robertson W. ---- ~~-Jul h,l835 ~--- Dec 28,1831
131~DaVis-Whiteside ~-~-- ~~---» Mar l,l83T---#Aug 29,1861
132 Mary Whiteside ~»»~~- ~~~~- -Dec 26,1837-~--Mar 18,1916
l33~George Washinaton W. -~~--- Dec l2,l8h3~--~Aug 5,1929
l3h~William Duncan Whiteside-»Dec l2,18h5 ---~ Jen 2T,l9O?
135-Jacob Ellis Whiteside -~--- Jul 29,l8h7 ---- Mar 8,1928
136-John Franklin Whiteside---Jun 26,1850 ---- Mar 9,1938
137 Josiah Whiteside- ---~-~--- May 25,1853 ---- May l5,l933
" 2nd---~~(Jan l,l863)---Sarah Ann Metcalf
Mar 7,1816
Dec 2T,l89h
Born in Shelby County, Kentucky. Came to Missouri in 1828 and
settled in Lincoln County, at that time a part of Pike County which
extended to the Iowa Line. Farmer, Baptist, Whig, until the opening
of the Civil War after which time he voted the Democratic ticket.
The town of Whiteside, Missouri was founded on his land and named
in his honor. For biography see Histor of Lincoln County (1888)
page 627, Atlas of Lincoln County (18798 Page 15' Biographical Record
of Saint Charles, Lincoln and warren Counties (1895), page h32;
History of Salt River Association (1910), page 338. -
Married in Lincoln County, Missouri to Eliza ann Robertson,
daughter of Horaito Robertson and Nancy Gill, born in Shelby County,
Kentucky, buried in family cemetery beside her husband, near White-
side, Missouri.
Sarah Ann Metcalf, nee Carr, born in Nelson County, Kentucky.
Buried with husband in Whiteside Cemetery.
Book 1, page 6, Will Records of Lincoln County, Missouri.
County and
but sensible
men must
die, do make this my last will anddtestament, at the same time
utterly revoking all others.
In The Name of God Amen. I, Daniel Moss of Lincoln
State of Missouri, being of sound mind and frail in body
of the decaying state of our bodies and knowing that all
First, After all my just debts are paid I will and bequeath
unto my beloved wife all my monies, credits, lands houses, household
and kitchen furniture, stock of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, to-
gether with all farming utensils, to be at her own sole will, power
and discretion.

Secondly, It is my request, will and desire that my wife, as
far as may lay in her power persue the following course with our
children: First of all that she cause James Isaac Watts & Edward
one years schooling, Daniel Harvey eighteen months and Absolem two
years schooling. Thirdly, That as far as may lay in her power my
beloved make the following distribution of property. That she charge
Eliza with three hundred and fifty dollars; Peter Philip Doderidge
& Melinda with one hundred dollars each, then endeavor; First, To
cause William,_Lydia, James Isaac Watts, Edward Daniel Harvey and
Absolem each to receive one hundred dollars.
Endeavor then to cause
all to be made equal to Eliza, that is each to receive three hundred
and fifty dollars the balance, if any, to be equally divided among
the whole;
Finally and lastly, I make my beloved wife my sole and only
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
first day of October in the year of Our Lord, Eighteen Hundred and
Daniel Moss (SEAL)
In the Presents of
James Downing
Wm. G. Downing
C.G. Eastin
Will probated January 21, 1329
John Whiteside
Born in Shelby County, Kentucky. Was never married, Died on
same night and of same malady as his older brother, Davis. Was not
considered dangerously ill, but when neighboring Justice of the Peace
was called to write Davis' will, requested that his be written also.
The nuncupative will of John Whiteside,
February, 1B2?, who in the presence of Isaac
Downing called on them_to take notice of his
Item: I order that all my just debts be
on the 21st day of
Ellis and Catherine
will was as follows:
paid out of my estate
that can be best paid.
Item, I give unto Josiah_Whiteside one dollar and no more. I
give unto George Whiteside one dollar and no more. I give unto Isaac
Whiteside one dollar and no more. I give unto Dorothy Jane Whiteside
one dollar and no more.

Item, The balance of my estate both real and personal I give unto
Isaac E. Whiteside, Jacob Whiteside and William Whiteside to be `
equally divided between them.without distinction. Made and sworn
to this
21st of February 1827.
Isaac Ellis
Catherine X Downing
Isaac Ellis was appointed administrator with
$800.00 bond
Josiah Whiteside ----- - ---- (Jun 3O,l836) ~-~- ---Emanda Parker
Sep 5,1309
- Nov 23,183h
138~Mary Lucretia Whiteside--~Jun 1,1B3T -aug 1,1901
139-Victoria Whiteside ~-~-~-~~ Dec 5,1839 ---~ Dec 2h,l918
lh0-Susan Jane Whiteside ----- ~May l2,18h1 ---- Feb 21,1Bh6
lhl-Sarah Brock Whitesidew---~Oct 16,l8h3 -»-- Feb 2B,1Bh6
1h2~Julia Carson Whiteside -~-- Feb l8,1Bh6 --~- Aug 3O,l8hT
1h3-Gilchrist Porter Whitesidenpr 18,1852 ---- Jan 10,1939
Born in Shelby County, Kentucky. Buried at Middletown, Missouri
Married by S. G. Patterson in Lincoln County, Missouri. (Marriage
Records of Lincoln County, Book 1, page TS) ' _
Amanda ?arker, daughter of John Parker and Sarah Collier, born
in Shelby County, Kentucky. Methodist. Buried with her husband in
Middletown Cemetery.
George Veach Whiteside---~ ~--~ ~»-Martha Murphy
lhh-Susan Whiteside--- --~Unknown---
2ne----- ~~~--~-
3rd -~~»-- (Aug 31,l851) ~-~-
Marie Ann Craig Gil
Feb 13,1887
1hE~Ann Mary Whiteside ------- ~May 23,1852-~--Uhknonn
1h6~George Veach Whiteside----Sep 23,1853--~~Jan 1,156h

Born in Shelby County, Kentucky; was graduated from a Kentucky
medical school with the degree of M.D.; practicing physician; was
living in Audrain County, Missouri at the time of his death; buried
in Middletown, Missouri. Nothing is known of his first two wives
both of whom died shortly after their marriage.
Maria Ann Craig, daughter of John Craig and Mary ann Craig, was
born in Kentucky; evidently had been previously married as she is
remembered as Mary Ann Gilbert. Buried in Middletown Cemetery.
Dorothy Jane Whiteside~- -»---- ~---~James Ware
lu?-Mary Jane Mare-~-- ~----»
lu8-Isaac Ware- ---~-- - -»----
lh9-Minnie Were --~---- ~-~--
150-Dorothy Ware ----~-------- ~
151-James are~»---- ---- ----~
152~Martaa Ware---~- --~~-----
153~Joseph Ware» ---- - ----
Isaac Veach Whiteside~~-
hB1»Wi11iam Whiteside Allowsy-Mar
h82»Joseph Lewis Alloway--»--»Oot
Malcolm McGee Alloway ---- -Sep
Carrie Ellen Alloway ------ Oct
Nov 13,1856
Jan 11,1906
Mary Hulda McGee
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Meritt Monoruif Alloway, born in Clerk County, Missouri; Mor»
chant; Baptist; Democrat; M.W.A.; Married at residenoe of Abner True
in Lincoln County, Missouri by Rev. James Reid.
Artmessie True, daughter of Abner True and Emily Palmer,
Elisa Ann A1lowey---- --~- (Jen B,18803~~--Richard David Robertson
cet 1,1655
Jun 10,1918

Eliza Ann Alloway -econtinued.
n85~Eugenia Allen Robertson~--Sep 7,1880--~-Sep 19,1880
M86 Bessie Blanch Robertson---Aug 12,1881 May 22,1952
887 Mary Amnah Robertson ----- ~Feb 12,1883
h88~Linnie~ Gertrude ----~-- ---Nov 18,1888-~-~
M89-Nannie Elizabeth RobertsonJun 30,1886
M90 Mildred Robertson ~-----~~~ Sep 23,1888 Aug 30,1889
M91 George Alloway Robertson Dec 28,1890 ,l9h?
M92 Charles Meritt Robertson--Aug 7,1892 '
h93~Wi1liam_David Robertson-~-Mar 26,1895---»Jun 13,1896
u9n~Laura Lucille Robertson-~-Mar 6,1897
M95 Raymond Duncan Robertson May 25,1899
Eliza Ann Alloway, buried Bowling Green Cemetery, Pike County,
' Rev. Richard David Robertson, son of George William Robertson
and Mary Ann , born in Lincoln County, Missouri. One of
10 children, 9 boys and S girls. Joined Star Hope Church 1876,
Entered Ministry 1886 La Grange College; licensed to breach by Star
Hope Church 1887, ordained 1890. Moved to Bowling Green 1890.
Buried in Bowling Green Cemetery.
Sarah Caroline A11oway~-- -»-(Apr 7,189l}»--David Biokum Chapman
Jul 1,1861
M96-Charles Mackey Chapman--~-Feb 20,1392~*--
Buried in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Address of husband, Holliday, Monroe County, Missouri.
Linnie Davis A1lowey~~~ »--~~ (Jun l2,189u]----Abeolom Hurleg Kereheval
Oct 20,1 60
Jan 26,1933
n9?»Carolyn Elizabeth Kercheval-Aug 18,1897--~
M98-Robert William Keroheval -»-- Feb l3,l899»--
M99-Baeyl Veaoh Keroheval -~----- Aug l2,l902~--
absolom Hurley Kerchedal, son of Robert Kercheval and Elizabeth
Keester, born in Vigo County, Indiana; State Normal School at Normal,
Illinois; Wesleyan College, Bloomington, Illinois; Indiana University,
Valpariso, Illinois; Baptist; Democrat; Pomoloaist; Elsberry Cemetery,
Lincoln County, Missouri.

Josiah Lewis Allcway- ----- (Sep 1,l890)
500-Alphonse Reed Alloway-----Aug
501-Louis Bracy Alloway~-~ ---- Jul
Ellen Reed
502-Mary Margaret Alloway ----- Jul 17,1B9h----Sep 26,1893
503-Lawrence Cooley Alloway---Jan 12,1396-~--Jul 13,139
EOM-Anna Luoile Alloway -~---- ~Jan 25,189B~-~-Jun 13,1923
Children buried at Asberry Chappel, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Separated in the l900's. He resided in Wanzanillo and later
in Bayemo, Cuba. She kept house for Dr. J. A. Knox at Auburn, were
reconciled in 1922 and resiaed at Shepard, Texas.
Mildred Ellen A1loway»-»--~-(Oct 25,191h)-~---Andrew Bingham.Little
Jul 23,156Y`
SBP 23s1915
Mildred Alloway, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
married at Methodist Parsonage by Rev, J. N. Boyd; attended Elsberry
High School; milliner; Baptist; O.E.S.; Oakland Cemetery, Moberly,
Missouri. _
Andrew B. Little, Insurance and Real Estate business. '
William Robertson Whiteside-~*~~(May 1T,18?7)~Ssreh Elisabeth Houston
Aug 2s185u
Apr .1935
505-Eugene Houston--- -~--Oct 8,1880---»
506-Jessie Houston --~~-~--»--- Feb l6,l832~~-~
Aberdeen, Ghehalis County, Washinston
John Alloway Whiteside ---~ (May 2O,1396] -~---- Ida Catherine Lawless
Dec 27,1887
Jul 16,1955
5o7~E11eabeth nary Whiteside--Jun 30,1897 ---- Feb u,192O
BOB-Ada Mae Whiteside --------- Dec 5,l898----
Kahoka, Clark County, Missouri,
John Alloway Whiteside, born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Lawyer; Baptist; Democrat; Representative from_Clark County to Missouri
General Assembly. `

Anna Eliza Whiteside~~~~(Jun l5,l88l) -~~-~ -~»James Watson Powell
` Mer 3,1855
SO9~Sarah Clyde Powell ~------ ~Apr 27,1882 ----
5lC~Mary dnn Powell ----»-~ ~~--Aug 2h,1886----
51l~Uathleen Powell -~------- --Sep 3,1888---~Jan 25,1890
S12-Watson Whiteside Powell---Sep 5,1892
513-dohn Zimmerman Powell ----- Nov lT,l89. ---- May ll,l898
' 518-Lenelle Powell» ~~»-~»~~~-~ Mar 11,189
515-Thomas Powell --------~~--- Nov l,l898 Nov h,l898
516-James Edward Powell ---~ ~~-Nov 8,1902
Anna Eliza Mhiteside, born near New Hope, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Baptist; married in Lincoln County, Missouri; Constituent
member of Elsberry Baotist Church, organized October 27, 1883. S. A .
Assn p-298; Troy Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
James W. Powell, son of Watson Thomas Powell and Sarah Washington
Zimmerman, horn near Troy, Missouri; Editor; Lawyer; Democrat; Mason;
Admitted to Bar 1880 and became a member of the firm.of Walton, Avery
& Powell in Troy. Moved to Elsberry 1880 one year after the town
was started and was the first attorney to establish an office here.
The following year he purchased an interest in the Elsherry Advance,
previous year by H. F. Childers, editor of the
a few months later assumed complete control and
in connection with his law practice until the
when he was elected prosecuting attorney of the
County. In this capacity he served four years. Retiring_from office,
he resumed the practice of law in Troy and continued until 1902 when
he was elected probate judge of the County, a position he filled for
eight years. Upon his retirement as judge of the probate court, he
removed with his family to Elsberry, and again engaged in the practice
a paper launched the
Troy Free Press, and
conducted the pa er,
latter part of 1898,
of lawn
Eugene Davis Whiteside
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Minister; Unmarried; Baptist; `
Democrat; Buried near New Hope, Lincoln Count , Missouri; (Patriokfs
History of Salt River Association, pp 2T8-279¥.

Luella Emmaline Whiteside---(Jun 6,1888)~-»-Eugene Beauregard Moore
51?-James Folsom Moore ---- ---- Mar
518-Anna Mary Moore--~-- ---»Jul
519-Nellie Moore ----~-- --~» Apr
S2O~Luella Moore--~-- ~~~-Oct
52l~Emmagene Moore~---~~ ~---Deo
522-Elizabeth Moore--- ~»~----- Jun
523-John Gollahan Moore---~---Jun
;:;*AU8 3»l39&
--out ,1922
Luella Emmaline whiteside, resided in Los Angeles, Ga1ifornia;'
born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; died at Bisbee, Arizona
and buried at Los Angeles, California.
Mary Isaac Wniteside--- ---Eugene Beauregard=Moora
Jul 13,1883
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; Music Teacher; was
graduated from Gincinnetti Conservatory of Music; Member of music
faculties in Missouri, Tennessee, and Fennsylvania.
Los Angeles, California.
Wi1liam.Duncan Ellis- _-.._ ~(Oot lS,l37n)~-~- ~-~-Mary Ann Park
SEM-Gynthia Elizabeth Ellis---Aug
525-Lee Ellis --~- -- -~------~»- Sep
526~Claudius E1lis» »~~---~- -~-Jul
527-John E11is--~~-- --~-Sep
523-Naomi Ellis-~ ~--- ~---~----Nov
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
Apr 3,1558
Married by Rev. Jesse
Sutton (Records of Lincoln County, Book S. Page 305)
Liberty, Montgomery County, Kansas, R.F.D. #1

Joseph Hamilton Ellis ---- ~~-(Sep 2h,l882)~---Sarah Elmer Patterson
Couohie Madeline Ellis
Gertrude Mildred Ellis
Clem Madge Ellis-- ~--» --~-
Bess Lueile E1lis-----
Nov 25,186u
Mar 21,1907
19|   ***"
3,1887 --»~
9,1891 -~--
- Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; Married by Dr
J. Petrie (Records of Lincoln County, Book 5 page Bl). '
Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas. R.F.D. §3
Elisa Ann Ellis ---»--~--- (Dec 2O,lB7u)
533-Mary Elizabeth Miles--
S3u-Cordelia Leigh Miles--
535-Lula Belle Miles ~---~-
Cleveland Mortimer Miles-~
53?-Myrtle mas Miles ~---
»-»--~--Benjamin Taylor
Dec 2O,lBuB
h,l3T6 ----
1,1881--~*Oct ,l93u
Eliza Ann Ellis, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; buried in
Creek Gemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri. _
Benjamin Taylor Miles resided with Mrs. Lula Belle Wilson at
Whiteside, Missouri.
John Maloome Ellis
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; unmarried; Mill Greek Cemetery,
Lincoln County, Missouri,
VI-BOM. Cora Ellis
William Mortimer Waters- ~-~-~ (Apr 23,l8BS)~~~--Mary Alice MeDannold
Mar 21,1365
Got 1u,l922
533-Mamie Iris Waters --~---- »»Jan 30,1386---~Feb 2,19M9
539.william Thomas Waters --~-- Aug 9,1889-»~»Aug 29,l9h6

5039 Vernon Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.
William Mortimer Waters, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Mer-
chant Manufacturer; Baptist; Democrat; moved to St, Louis 1903.
Ordained deacon of Ramsey Creek Church, February 12, 1586, (Patrickfs
History of Salt River Assn. p. 35.) "
(Allie) Alice McDanno1d, daughter of Thomas J. MoDenno1d and
Susan uJ,_Smith_ ` ; Baptist; Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County,
Ada Viola Waters---- ---(Jan 12,1882)~~-~--John.Seneca Mayes
May 6,1856
Nov 29,1920
2nd -~~~ ~(Sep 2u,l859}»-~-~~-Charles Edwin"Britt
r Feb 6,3856
Feb 19,1928
SuO~Mary Elizabeth Britt--~~--Nov 19,1391---r
Born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; Married by'Rev.-W. N.
Maupin in Lincoln County, Missouri; the second time married by Rev.
J. W. Ramsey in Lincoln County, Missouri; Blsberry Cemetery, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
John Seneca Mayes, son of William Henry Mayes and Matilda- 1
Catherine Watts; Farmer; Baptist; Democrat; M.W.A; the-Second time
married to Rachel Temperance Shannon, nee Cannon, March 1O,.lS90
See Mayes Book. Buried Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Edwin Britt, son of G. S. Britt, born in Pike-County,
Missouri; Presbyterian, Merchant; Democrat; Married at Clarksville,
Pike County, Missouri, by Elder J. W. Ramsey; Old Prairieville
Cemetery, Eolia, Pike County, Missouri.
Robert Davis Weters~-~~-~-(Jun ll,1892) -~-»-- ~~MeheI'Mettie Black
oct 26,1370
Jun 25:  _
Sul-Robert Gordon Waters~~~~~-Jul 11,1393---~
5u2-Mabel Blanch Waters- ~--- --Aug 9,1895-»-~
Robert Davis Meters, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Farm r;
Baptist; Democrat; Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mabel Mattie Black, daughter of John Elliot Black and Susan
Jane Dameron; born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist. See Cannon
Book. Elaberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.

V1-308. »
Alice Lelia Waters- --~--~ (Nov 28,l835) ---»~ -Charles Martin Howard
' Dec 1?,l8S6
Jun 28,1905
SMB-Otha Groves Howard -~~-- ~~-Aug 8,l887--~-
Suu-Robert Armstrong Howard---Jun 5,lB90~---
SMS-William Peyton Howard --~*- Sep 2,1591 ---~
Ehé-Thomas Gannon Howard ~--~» -Oct 11,1895 ~---
' Alice Lelia Waters, born in Lincoln Gounty, Missouri; Baptist;
resided in St. Louis, Missouri; and Elsberry, Miseouri¢E1sberry Comets
Chandos Martin Howard, buried Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County,
Missouri. ' -
Landy Philip Waters ---- ~--(Jun l8,l89l) ---~- Maydee Dawson Lindsay
sep 3,1871
SMT-Berniece Lindsay Waters--~Sep 26,l896~~-»
Landy Philip Waters, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Traveling
Salesman; Baptist; Democrat; M.W.A.; T.P.A.; Charter member of Els-
berry Baptist Church organized October 27, 1833; married by Rev. J. D,
Hacker at Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, Missouri; Eleberry Gems- -
tary, Lincoln County,_Missouri. Patrick1s History of Salt River
Association, p.285, 298.
Maydee Dawson Lindsay, daughter of William Culbertson Lindsay
and Melinda Hervey Dawson, born near.St. Paul, St. Charles County,
Missouri; Baptist.
Margaret Diana waters- ------ (Sep 29,l892)--~--Hurley Basoomb Bibb
Jul 30,1868
Sep 1h,19S6
SQS-Mortimer Thomas Bibb -~---- Oct 2O,l89h ----
Sha-Jenn William a1b8~- ~--- ---sap 6,18a8--~-
Margaret Diana Waters, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist,
Elsberry, Missouri Cemetery. _
Hurley Bibb, son of William Thomas Bibb and Lucy Ann Brown, born
Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist; Blue Lodge Mason; building con-
tractor, for S years Superintendent of Construction for floats used
in Vailed Prophet Parade.

Virginia Catharine Waters~~-(Jun lT,l89T) --~~- Stephen Hunter Kerr
Nov 2,1855
' Oct 3,1906
Virginia Waters, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Baptist;
married Lincoln County.
Stephen Hunter Kerr, Physician; Episcopa1ian;Democrat; Mason;
Buried Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Albert Waters~ -~~~~- (Jun ll,l9Ol) ----- ~--- Elizabeth Dawes
Jan 7,1370
_ oct l2,19Sh
5SO~Phyl1is Waters ------- -~-~ ~Jun 6,1909»---Sep 1,1909
S51-Willa Dawes Waters-~ ~----- Jul 13,1912---~
Charles Albert Waters, born Lincoln County, Missouri; Minister;
Methodist; Democrat; Married by Dr. J. S. Kirtley.
Elizabeth Dawes, born Pacific, Missouri; Methodist; Elsberry
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
vI'313» '
Mary Elizabeth Waters- ------- (Nov 28,1895}--~-~-John O. Dean ashbaugh
Feb 6,1897
may 22,l9h3
552-Charles Waters Ashbaughf--Feb 6,1397---~
Mary E. Waters born Lincoln County, Missouri; Baotist; married
by Rev. W. J. Patrick in Lincoln County, Missouri, Elsberry.
John O. Dean Asbbaugh, son of Henry Harrison and Harriet
Mary Waters buried St. Charles Cemetery, St. Charles, Missouri.
Maud Elizabeth Whiteside-~-» -----~--- ~-~~~ --- --~Howard Burke
553-George A. Burke ------ -~-- -
2nd-»---~(Jul 22,l903)--Albert Hurley McDannol€
Mar l6,l8ST n

Maud Elizabeth Whiteside, born Lincoln County, Missouri; Bap~
tist; married Lincoln County, Mo.
A. H. McDannold born near Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri;
son of Newton McDannold who was Judge of County Court of ?ike County
"in the seventies". A. H. MoDannold was Treasurer of Pike County
Frank Jeter Whiteside »-~~~ (Sep h,1S95)~~---Burrell Elivra Davie
may 17,1372
Apr 20,1921
55n~Davis Nicholas Whiteside--Feb 22,lS9T----
Pomona, Los Angeles County, California
\ Corona, California (1936).
Nettie Gertrude Whiteside ---- -(Dec 2E,l898) ---~~- Samuel Overton Davis
Deo 23,1872
Sep 21,1930
555»Raymond Armstead Davis~-~-Nov 2l,l900----
556~Ralph Earl Davis ~~-~ ---~-- Apr ln,l903 ----
557-Herbert Franklin Davis----Apr 3,l9C5~-~~
558-Hugh Francis Davis -------- Apr 3,l9O5»A~-
Nettie G. Whiteside, born Lincoln County, Missouri hear White-
side; Baptist; attended McCune College.
Samuel Overton Davis buried Mill Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County,
Missouri; son of Marshall Davis and Miss Raines.
Russell Baskett Whiteside----(Jun l5,l9ll)---»-Sarah Jeanette Vincent
Jan 25,1887
559-Mildred wnitasiaa -------- -oct 2,19l6~--~Oct 2,1916
Dr. Russell Baskett Whiteside, born near Whiteside, Lincoln
County, Missouri; William Jewell College, LaGrange College, Rochester
Theological Seminary; A.B.; Th. B.; D.D.; member of Mill Greek Baptist
Church and ordained to the ministry by that Church, July 16,l903;
Pastor of Canton Baptist Church 1906-1910; Fullerton Baptist Church,
Fullerton, California, 19lO~l9l5; Sulphur Springs Baptist Church,

Sulphur Springs, Texas,_l915¥l91T;`Euc1id avenue Baptist Church, Str
Louis, Missourd`191T-1929; during his pastorate of the Euclid Avenue
Church 2,275 members were added to the church, more than doubling its
membership and a new building was erected; member of the Missouri
State Baptist Executive Board, in charse of church institution and
extension; Moderator of the St._Louis Baptist Association; Trustee of
LaGrange Gollege and a prominent factor in its removal'from LaGrange
to Hannibal, Missouri; received the honorary degree of Doctor of
Divinity from the College to which he bequeathed his extensive
library; married in Los Angeles, Ua1ifornia;_buried Mill Greek Ceme-
tery, Lincoln County, Missouri
VI-318. _
-Paul Patrick Whiteside-~---(Mar l,l911)-~~~-~~-Della Ingram
_ Mar 21,1387
560»George Baskett Whiteside-~Aug 16,1915-7;{Hsr 1Q,19hh
561-Frances_Whiteside--é~»--~-Sep 2O,1918g~»¢
Della Ingram, daughter of John A. Ingram and Nora Baxter.
Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri.
VI   a
Earle Griffith Whiteside»-~-~(Nov 2,1911)»--~-~Lutye Mae Lingenfelter
Sep 28,1881
Jul 3,l9lT
Lutye Mae Lingenfelter, buried Riverview Cemetery,-Pike County,
James Davis Whiteside ------ (Oct l6,1598}- ------ --Tina Bell Harrell
Apr 8,lB7h
562-Sarah Willie Whiteside~--~Jul 11,1903---~Apr 1u,l913
S63-Martha Luoile Whiteside-»~Noy 3,1905~---
Montgomery City, Montgomery County, Missouri
Elisa Ann Whiteside
Died in infancy.

` 111.
Helen Love Whiteside ---- --~-(Dec h,1907) -~-- Crittenden Oleg Teague
- _ ' Jan h,1 61
Dec 11,1926
D S6l|.-»Jo1m Whiteside Teague-----Jae 23,1909---Q
- §6S~Helen Crittenden Teague---Sep 1T,19lO-~--
S66-Margaret Maria Teague~~-~-Aug l9,19l2----
Helen Mhiteside, born Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri; Bap-
tist; Democrat; married by Rev. W. J, Patrick, Bowling Green, Missouri
G.G. Teague, born Auburn, Lincoln County, Miaaouri; son of Darius
Teague and Wilson; buried Eclia Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri;
Ruth Carr Whiteeide»-~~ ---(Sep 1,1901)-aaa-william Alpheus Magruder
Sep 8,1380
56?-Halen Love Magruder ---~--- Jul 9,l902-~--
568-Gentry Christy Magruder---Dec 15,19Ou-~-~
568é~Mi1dred Isabel Magruder~~-Aug*11,1911 ~---
` Ruth Gap; Whiteside, born near Weitédlde, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Baptist¢"
- 1 -- '.'».=-
vrf-32u, r
Anna Marie Whiteside ----- ~--~(Jun 2,1B96)~-~-~~James D. Teague
' ` Mar 26,18?u
Mar 19,1951
569~Alfred Crittenden Teague-~Sep 1,1893-~-~
57O~John Heward= Teague-~-~~-~Oct l7,1900~~--
571-Mary Elizabeth Teague ----* Aug 31,1903--~~
5T2~Ghar1 Waters Teague ------~ Oct 16,1905 ----
573»Anna Marie Teague ~-~~~~-~- Jan u,l908 -~»-
5?u~James D. Teague ~-~~~--~ ~-»Aug 19,191O~-~~
5?5~Marian Frances Teague ----- Dec lB,1913----
5T6eMax Metcalf Teague --~~---- Apr 2731916--~~
5?7~Melvin J, Teague ~~----- ---Sep 9,1917 ~--- Sep 15,1917
S?8»Ruth N. Teague -------~---~ May 26,1919 -~-~
James D, Teague, son of Darius Teague and Mary Elizabeth Wilson;
Baptist; Farmer; Mill Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.`

William Lovelace Hhitesido- ~-~- »»-(Feb
29,1902)--Dolora Groovy
Oct lO,13TT
579-Evaline Whiteside-~----~--Nov 22,1902-~-~
5BO»Susan Elizabeth Whiteside-Aug 10,1905---»
5B1~De1ora Whiteside-»-~ ----- -Jul 27,19O?-»»~
S82-daughter Whiteside~-------
william L. Whiteside, born Lincoln County, Missouri, Farmer and
Stookman; Baptist; Democrat; formerly lived Shaftar, Presidio County,
Magellan, LaCar1o County, New Mexico.

Walter Davis Whiteside- »~~- (Sep lO,l902)- ----- --~ADelia wilson
Sep 11,1886
E83-George Richard Whiteside~-Oct 8,l903~----
588-son~----» ---- ~- -~-- ~------ Jul 13,1911----
585-Lucy Whiteside-~~---~ -~--- ~---~
Delia Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Wilson.
» Electra, Texas.
Eva Lee Whiteside ---- ~-~--(Jun 22,l9Ol)-- ---- -Charles C en Garson
Oct 10,1879
Nov 26,1955
B86-Georgia Elizabeth Garson~~Apr 28,19o2»--~sey 15,1903
58?-Geneva Nevada Carson--~~--May lO,l9Oh----
Eva Lee whiteeide, Baptist; Marion County Women*s Democratic
Club; Auxiliary to Burlington VA; Womenfs Benefit Association;
Auxiliary to Macabees; Ladies Auxiliary United Spanish American
War; Star Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Owen Carson, national aide to Commander in Chief United
Spanish war Veterans and Missouri delegate to Moth National encamp-
ment, active in assisting veterans and their widows; former news-
paperman on St. Louis Republic; life member Association of American
Railroad Superintendents; retired passenger conductor on Burlington
George Edward Whiteside
Died in Railroad accident.
Richard Franklin Whiteside-~---(May l,l906)~-~----Mary Creevg
Jul 13,188
587 l§S-Helen wniteeiee ---- -»-Jun 29,1907»~-_
58? 2 5~Odessa Whiteside- ----- Jun 2,l909----
58? 3/ ~Josepn Whiteside »----- Jul 13,1911 ----
58? M 5-Richard Franklin, Jr.,-Mayl9,l92O--~~
Richard Franklin Whiteside, born Foley, Missouri; married
Mogollon, New Mexico and resided there for many years. Member New
Hope Baptist Church, Lincoln County, Missouri; 33rd Degree Mason;
Democrat; in 1981 was elected County Judge of Lincoln County, Missouri;
Served three terms as Representative from Lincoln County in the
Missouri State Legislature . °

Ezra Sharp .
Died in infancy, Buried Middletown, Missouri.
Julius Caesar Sharp
Unmarried. 311 North Mlst Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Martha Sharp
Unmarried. 311 North Mlst Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Ida Sharp
Unmarried. 311 North Mlst Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Nina Sharp -
Uhmarrisd. 311 North Mlat Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Harry Whiteside Sharp---- --»(Jun 28,19U6) ---~-- Nellie Esther Beebee
Jul 29,1378
B29 Tth Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Georgia Sharp---~ ~~-[May 10,1905)--- ---Vine Williams Gale?
Deo 29,1369
Port Crescent, Washington, temporary address.
Seattle, Washington, permanent address,

Beulah Sharp ,
Unmarried. 311 North ulst Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Jack Sharp-~- ---~--- (Nov 8,1913)--- ----- Effie Parker Hubbard Haight
Feb 33  
Woodland Apartment, 31st and Dewy Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska,
Omaha Transfer Company, luth and Jackson Streets, Omaha, Nebraska.
William Sharp
Unmarried, Buried in Omaha, Nebraska.
VI ""3L|-on
Cora Lillian Aokerly
Unmarried, Middletown Cemetery, Montgomery County, Missouri.
Stonewall Jackson Acker1y~~~~-~(Jan u,lS9u)-~ --~-- Minnie Reach
Mar 5,l8?0
583-Don Franklin Ackerly ---- --Aug T,1895 ~--~
§88%--Gertrude Pauline Ackerly--Jan 2h,1898-~--
2816 Monterey Street, Saint Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri.
Ole Bull Acker1y--- ~~-~ ~-~(Aug 2S,1908)--~Martha Johanna Godenw .
Wichita, Kansas

wiliiam a. Paxton- ~~-- ~-~-
G , P _ , e raska;_heoama a
millionaire; childless; bequeathed sooo 0 ' '
,-----~~~~~-~ ----~- ---- -»--»Uhknown
overnment contractor' resided in Omaha N b
U , 00 to his wlfe, $100,000
to an adopted daughter and large bequest to mother. His mother
Mary Jane_Ware Paxton survived both husband and son and willed her
share_o§ tae '___ estate to her brothers and sisters,
aaseaseeasaaessaaaeeeaa D `%"""`
Robert Bennet Fike
VI'1'3LL9 .-
Maud Ann Fike~~ -------- ~~¢(Jul 1O¢1392)-»~-v~-Hamilton Purcell
'_ Jul 3;136§
Jan ;0él901
596-Fira Purqell ---~~~---~---~ sap 11,1393--rj
Mary Jane Fike-- -»~- -~ ~»--- ---(Jul h,l89?)--~
-~~-Jesse Paris Dodd
2nd~~---(Feb l1,l9l3)~-Harry Sawyer
_ 1 Nov 16,1881
S21 East Main Street, Denison, Grayson County, Texas,
Born in Missouri; Methodist; Married by Rev. Kingoade in Denison,
Texas. -" '"' ` '
Jesse P. Dodd, son of Jacob Dodd --divorced; Merchant; Christian;
E John Fike
Unmarried; 521 East Main Street? Denison, Grayson Geunty,Texas,

Myrtle Elmore Whiteside-- ---- (Aug l8,1909)~-~Adolph Henry Kurs
589-Dorothy Juanita Kurs
590-Adolph Henry Kura~--
591-James Rodgers Jurz-~
592-Joe Herald Kurs -----
_ John Kurtz, Sr., father of Adolph
in his name when he came to America.
Frankford, Pike County, Missouri.
sep 16,1879
6,1912 ----
25»l9lH ---~
18,l92O~---apr _5,19ao
Henry Kurs, dropped the "t"
. »
James Pearl Whiteside-~»--(Oct 26,l9l2)-~--Marie Emilie von Overstolz
Nov 5,1380
593~Gharles Ehward Whiteside--Oct l7,1@l9----
James Pearl Whiteside, born at Old Monroe, Lincoln County,
Missouri. Newspaper editor; Presbyterian; Independent; Mason; married
at St. Louis, Missouri by Rev. John F. Cannon to Marie Emilie von
Overstolz, daughter of Henry Overstolz
elected in St, Louis and Mayor of St. Louis two terms) and
Philippine Espenschild (whose grandfather Louis Espensohild was
personally selected bv President Lincoln to provide military vehicles
for Union Army in Missouri campaign in Civil War) born at St. Louis
Missouri, attended Bases (private school), Marv Institute; and
Washington University Law School; Presbyterian; Democrat.
James P. Whiteside editorial writer for St. Louis Post Dispatch.
(youngest comptroller ever
John Rodgers Whiteside~ ----- ~~(5ep 3,l9lO) ------ Amelia Glick
Sep 3,1910
Amelia Glick from_Louisville, Kentuek§.
John R, Whiteside died in St. louis, issouri, -
VI   1
Mary Beulah Whiteside ~~~---- (Nov 5,l9lO)___--Frank Paul Nims
Féb 13,1952
59h-Alice Josephine Nims-- -~-- Jan 8,1912-~-1
595-James Whiteside Nims- -»~-- Dee 15,1915--»e '
Carrollton, Illinois.

Louella Fika~-- -------~» ---(Nov 21,l89B)-~-»~-Edward Wilson Elkins
" Feb 12,1575
59?-Cleo Dolores Elkins ----- »-May 21,1901----
2nd--- » -----~ ~~~- --~J. W. Hayes
598~Mamie Hayes- ~~------~----- Jan 8,1935
Louella Pike, born in Missouri; Methodist; married by Rev.
Eubank in Denison, Texas to E. W. Elkins.
Edward Wilson Elkins, son of Elijah Elkin and Lucinda Thompson.
S21 East Main Street, Denison, Grayson County, Texas.
Sallys Fika~--- --~{Mar 21,1909)-Charles William Smith,Jr
ost 13,18Tn
Nelson Fike
S21 East Main Street, Denison, Grayson County, Texas.
VI "'32.1` 0
Eliza Ann Whiteside
Died in infancy.
Solomon Isaac Moxley- ------ (Jan 1u,l897)--- ---- Minnie Brown
Jul 13,1380
S99-McKinley Moxley ------ -»~-~Oct T,1902-y---
Corso, Lincoln County, Missouri

Ruth Ebaugh ----~ - ~--- ~----(Sep 1?,l9l?) .__. -~Wil1iam Wirt Haines
Dec 16,1881
600-Ruth Louise Haines- -----~~ Oct l5,l9l8~-»~
601-William Wirt Haines --»-~-- Feb ,l930-~-~
William Wirt Haines, son of M. W. Haines, for genealogy see
History of Lincoln County, Missouri l888, page EMS.
- Olney, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Jesse Ebaugh--~- ~»-» (aug 5,l921)-~~--- ---Marian Jones
. Oct ,l89M
602-Jean Elizabeth Ebaugh~-~--May 6,1922~-~-
603-Virginia Ann Ebaugh~ ----- -Nov 2M,1928~---
7866 Beverly Blvd., Highland Park, Pennsylvania,
Mary Pearl Mhiteeide
Unmarried; known in family ae "Ma11ie."
Burbank, California.
Dorothy Jane Whiteside
Unmarried; buried at Gallup, New Mexico.
Mary Jane Whiteside ------- -»(Feb 2n,l920) ----- Jacob Heard Middleton
Dec l6,l892
608-Virginia Lou Middleton-~--Dec 23,l92O»~-~
605-John William Middleton-~--aug l9,l925-~--
606-Julia Elizabeth Middleton-Aug 22,l928~---
Mem# Jane-Nhiteaide, Farm Bureau; Democratic Committeewoman from
Cuivre Township; D.A.R.; talented musician.
Jacob H3 Middleton, former President, Pike Hereford Association;
Farm Bureau; Democrat; farmer; Public Administrator of Pike County,
Bowling Green, Missouri.

John_Veach Whiteside-~~ ~--(Jul 3,1925) ---- Beatrice Jaculine Hooper
" ,190H
6OT~J0hn WhibeSide,Jr.,~---~-~Feb h,l936----
Columbia, South Carolina. Later, Clinton, Ohio.
Missouri State Life Insurance.
Manhasset, Long Island, New York.
Julia Elizabeth Whiteside--~~(Jun 2B,l93O) --~~ Wilmer Lee Mcllroy
Deo 9,1356
608-Wilher Lee McI1roy,Jr.,~--aug 30,1931---»
Julia Elizabeth Whiteside, married in Bowling Green, Missouri
by Rev. J. S. Eames; graduate of Long Beach, California, Polytechnic
High School, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri; Phi Theta Kappa
honorary scholastic sorority; Theta Tau Epsion academic sorority;
B.S. Degree in Home Economics from Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa;
Phi Epsilon Omicron honorary professional sorority and Gemma Phi Bet
National Academic sorority; University of Minnesota at St. Paul for
four years; Presbyterian; Democrat.
Wilmer Lee Mollroy, son of Henry Thomas Mcllroy and Hattie
Scholl; graduate of Missouri Valley College at Marshall and Missouri
University; Manager of the Eastern Missouri territory of Investors
Syndicate with headquarters at St. Louis; Presbyterian; Democrat.
Quincy, Illinois. _ `
James Nevins
Joseph B. Nevins
Kenneth Nevins

Stella ann Shell- ---~ --~-----~ --------- -~--Unmarried
Buried Macon County, Illinois
` Bessie Beatrice Shell~-~-~-(Sep 27,1902)- -~-- William Peters Matthews
Dec 11,1865
_609»Alfred William Matthews-~-Nov l2,l903--~-
Bessie Beatrice Shell, born Cowden, Illinois; attended Nasella
High School; College of Puget Sound Normal Graduate; Sum er sessions,
Oregon Normal, Bellingham Normal, Washington State College; teacher;
Presbyterian; Republican; librarian; Member of County Board of Ed-
ucation, Lewis County, Washington; Rebekah; Washington Education
association; married by Rev. H. M. Crain at Wilbur, Lincoln County,
William Peters Matthews, son of James Thomas Matthews and Em a
Jane Peters; born Penzance (Cornwall) England; attended LaGreole
Academy, Dallas Oregon; McMinnville College; Willamette University,
Salem Oregon, and University of California, also University of
washington; PH.B. at Willamette; Curator of the Paul Karshner Memorial
Museum; Teacher, Principal or Superintendent for H8 years; Methodist;
Republican; member of County Board of Education, Pacific and Lincoln
Counties, Washington; member of State Education Course of Study
Gom ission; I.0.0.F.; Tacoma, Washington Public Forum; Washington
Educational association; National Educational Association; Pioneers
Association of Washington; Washington State Historical Society.
Author of many historical articles, also articles on Museum and has
published much poetry.
1822 North Madison, Tacoma, Washington.
Margaret Edith Shell
Wilbur, Washington.
Lena Alice Shell -~--~-----~-- - -»--- --~-David Walker Hudkins
610-Alice Shell Hudkins -------
Her daughter, alice Snell Hudkins, supolied all data for this
branch of the family.
Wilbur, Washington.

Lelia Lee Bel1sen--~-
611-Boone MeGoy-~--
Victor Eugene Whiteside ----
Elvins, Missouri.
Miriam Lorinda Whiteside --~-
Festus, Missouri.
Elma Lucile Whiteside ---- - -~-- -
Katharine Margueritte Whiteside--- - -~--
Crystal City, Missouri.
Marjorie Lorine Whiteside---
Fastus, Missouri.
----Eugenino H. McCoy
----D'Arline Sarah Brandt
------Marsh Linn Mallette
-~-Raymond Lyle Miller
Parker Cornelius Wilksou
--»-Chester Abraham Vandive
Samuel Weslio Huntsman--- ~-~(Mar 29,1905)-~~~--Lester Parsons
.Jun -3,3881
612-Ore Huntsman Parsons--v»»~Mar 16,1906-»~~
New Hartford, ?ike County, Missouri

Geneva Blackwell
Everett Blackwell
George Isaac Bartlett
Robert Lynn Hendershett
George Eugene Hendershett
Harry Albert Henderahott
Howard Lea Hendershott
Charles Doran Henderahett
William Earl Henderehott

,_ Paul-Wayne-Henoersgotr
Irene Summerton
VII-388. `
Vere Wesley Summerton
VII-359. ~
Claudine Summerton
Pauline Summerton
n Theodore Roioe $um erton
Marven Witham Suggett
Marvin Earl ?ence--- ---(Oct 2B,l912)- ----- Louise Margaret Litas
Deo 17,189u
613-Marvin LeRoy Pence--- --»Deo 6,19l&---~
Litas, California.
Howard Pence

  ""3  a
I Eugene Pence
Irene Pence
Maldew Bqford Suggett
Elmer Russel Williams
jVII-699 .
Charles Wesley Williams
Coin, Iowa
Earl Williams
Died in infancy.
Georgia Etta Williams-- ---- ~--
Montgomery City, Missouri
William Forest Williams
Ashton, Idaho
Charles Edwards

Margaret Virginia Williams
Ida Maburn Williams--~- --~- Stacy Gopenhever
Ralston, Iowa.
Elizabeth Stone Williams ---- -~--
Welkeville, Missouri.
Susan Lee Williams
Died in infancy.
Nellie Hlberta Williams
Died in infancy.
Altha Marie Williams ~--- --
Gonway, Iowa
Hubert Hedley Williams
New Florence, Missouri
Eugene Simpson Williams.
George Dunbar
- - -- ----Chaney Renolde

Hndrew Hagood Williams
Glen Burton williams
  Q '
Vera Estal1s_whiteside
Mildred Virginia Whiteside
Hazel Luella Whiteside
VII-M16 .
Katherine Gray Whiteside
Alma Leomi Whiteside
Zilpha Ora Whiteside
Roy Monroe Foster
Ora Ellen Foster

George Alfred Gilbert
Clarence Gannon --~---- ~~-- ----- ~~--~~-- Ida Dawson Wigginion
(Aug. 30, 1906) Jun. 1, 1885
61M-Ida Elizabeth 0annon~---~-Nov. 1, 1911--
615-Ruby Melinda Csnnon-5-----Mar. 30, 1919--
Address: Elsberry, Missouri.
VII-h23. `
Ruby Gannon -~--~---- »~-~ ------~- ~ ------ William Barney Peeler
(Aug. 30, 1900) Sep. 23, 1369
oct a ZLI.,  
élééwilliem Randolph Peeler-~-Aug. M, 1910--
Ruby Gannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; attended Elsberry
High School; Stephens College; B.O, and B.M.; Member of Tnesdaj
Club; Alumnae Association; D.A.R.; P.E.O.; Married by Dr. G. W,
Hatcher at Baptist Church, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
william Barney Peeler, son of William Henry Peeler and Eliza
H. Atherton, born in Fayette, Howard County, Missouri; attended
Missouri University; B.S.; President of Stephens Gollege,Cb1umbia,
Missouri; Baptist.
Elsbsrry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.

Gecil Isaac Whiteside-Gannon--~(Sep 23,l913]~Margaret Rebecca Trescott
617-John Lewis Gannon-~-- ~---~ Nov 7,1823
618-William Joseph Cannon- ---- Jan 26,1926
sep 2u,1892
Cecil Whiteside Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; attended
William Jewel College; Baptist; Democrat; I.0.0.F. and A.F. & A.M.;
Married by Rev. W. L. Hatcher, at Eleberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Margaret Rebecca Trescott, daughter of Isaac Louis Trescott and
Minnie Rebecca Callaway, born Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Howard Payne College, £.B.; Baptist; Delta Pi Delta; P.E.O.;
0.E.S.; second time married Harry Curtis Gladney, June 16,19u3; son
of Benjamin Franklin Gladney & Nettie Maud Luckett,first time married
Nets Waggener." - 1" '= -
Address: Elsberry, Missouri.
Joseph Vane Whiteside ----~e (Jun l2,l915)~-- --~~- Elsie Jane Glark
- Jul 1;1899
619~Edwin Vane Whiteside ----~- May 30,1916 ~~~-
620»Lenora Jean Whiteside---- Jan 1u,l9l8----
62l~Jack Whiteside -------- ---- Aug 9,1919 -~--
622~E1sie Leila Whiteside- -~-~ Feg 9,1922
623-Gladys Marie Whiteside~~- Jan 12,l92u----
62u~Vera Rose Whiteside ~----- Mar u,1926 ~--~
625-Joseph Lyle Whiteside ---~- Mar 28,l93h ----
626-Cheryl Lynn Whiteside---~ Feb 8,l9hh~---
Joseph Vane Whiteside; rancher; Democrat; buried Wells,Nevada.
Elsie Jane Clark, born Oakley, Idaho; daughter of Richard
Clark (born Sept 3,186§, Baxter Springs, Kansas, died Sept 10, 19
at Twin Falls, Idaho) and Charlotte Elizabeth Lee (born July 3,18 9
at Tooele, Utah, died April 2l,19h8, Twin Falls, Idaho); housewife;
Gladys Rebecca Whiteside--~~(Aug 9,19lO} -~-~---- Ira Clyde Epley
627-Clyde Erskine Epley~ ---~ ~
628~Gladys Whiteside~ --~- ~-~-
629-Wendell Mayes Epley-~----~
630-William Nayland Epley ----
631-Clifton Walter Les1ey--_-
Jul 1,1911
Jun 6,1913
Feb 3,1915
-May 8,1916
5,1921) ~--»
Nov 18,1928
Jun 23,1889
Jun .6,1913
cet 22,1983
Edwin Malte
Sep 6,1893
r Lesley

Gladys Rebecca Whiteside, born Whiteside, Missouri; Democrat;
Christian Missionary Alliance; Womenfs Benefit Association; married
Ira Clyde Epley at Fort Smith, Arkansas, by Edward M. Digger,
Ira Clyde Epley, son of William Epley and Ella Bell Smith,
born Sedgwioh, Goloradof mechanic
Edwin Walter Lesley, born Danville, Illinois, son of John
Carnahan Lesley and Sarah Ellen Hulse; married at El Paso, Texas, by
E. B. MoCllntook; St. Johns Milit
District Chief Clerk of Southern
Lions Club,
The Ephay children took name
Edwin Walter Lesley.
Box 533, Redding, California
Rawleigh Clayton Millner~--~(Nov
2nd ---- ~(Mar
Rawleigh G. Millner, buried
Minnie Etta Mayes, daughter
(Levis Farber born May 30, lS6n,
County, Missouri near Paynesville.
2335 Pontoon Rasa, Granite city, 111111615
; Methodist; Democrat; Odd Fellow.
ary Academy; accountant; Republican
Counties Company for several years;
of Lesley and were adopted by
l9,1908)~~- ~---- -Minnie Etta Mays
Nov 12,1891
T, l95l) ------ Ella Mae Carbough
Jan lh,l896
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County,
of James E. Mays and Levis Farber
died August 2l,19ln). Born in Pike
---- ---Clarence Jeans
Beuna Vista Millner~~~»e»(Nov 22,19OH)
Vernon Millner Jeans -~---» Jul
Lola Virginia Jeans------~Jun
Gatherine Margaret Jeans
Thomas Jefferson Jeans~--~spr
Clarence May Jeans~~-~-~~-May
2nd ~--- -(Jun
Robert Newton Braid- -»»--- May
Beuna Arlene Braid ------- ~Apr
Winifred Euphemia Braid--~Jul
Doris Irene Braid --------- Jul
William Clayton Braid--
Feb 12,1832
Sep 2 ,l9l8
21,1906 ----
2,1908 --~-
2§,19l1 ----
26,l9lh ~~~~
26,1919 "'"
lO,l92l) -»»~- Robert James Braid
-'53-Hg gs  
3,1922 ----
2T,192% »--~
20,192 ~~-~
30,1929 *"~~
30,1929 *~-- J

Beuna Vista Millner, born Sledd, Pike County, Missouri; Methodist;
moved with parents to Canada after death of husband. Married at
Paynesville Christian Church by Rev. M. D. Dudley to Clarence Jeans,
son of Thomas Jefferson Jeans and Sarah Virginia Fauber.
Clarence Jeans, born at Pavneaville, Pike County, Missouri.
Christian Church; Democrat; Farmer and Stookman. Clarksville
Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Married the second time at Tamarish Parsonage, Grand View,
Manitoba, Canada, by Reverend J. B. E. anderson to Robert James
Braid, son of William Braid and Ephemia Cummings, born at Colling~
wood, Ontario, Canada, farmer and stockman.
110 Eagan Drive, Lake Orion, Michigan.
Harry Randolph Miller»»~ ---- (Aug lO,l9ll)--~--Russia Allene Carver
Jul 19,1893
6h2~Burdel1 Mackey Millner ---- Sep 30,l913----
6h3-Willella Carver Millner---Jul 2O,191B----
Married at Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri, by Rev. E. L.
Rutledge and immediately left for Dauphin, Canada where they resided
until 1926 when they returned to Elsberry, Missouri.
Glendon Dee Millner ---- ~(Jul 29,l9l6) ~--- Ruby Frances S ringston
Jai E,189u
6u§»Minnie Catherine Millner--Mar l5,l9l8-»--
6h -Glendora Millner- --------- Mar 19,1920-~-~
ohé-Frances Lucile Millner --~~ Apr 19,1921 ---- Apr 2h,l92l
6h?~Annis Jean Millner ---- ~~~~ apr l5,l92u ----
6h5~Charles Newton Millner ---- Mar 3,1927 ----
6u9-Robert Lee Millner ~---~--- Jul 1,1929 --~-
650-Beverly Jewell Millner ---- Dec 29,l93h -»--
5161 Alcott Street, Denver, Colorado.
Vincil Sledd Millner --~- -~(Jun l,1919)-e--~~-~~-Gertrude Ellen Ford
Dec 27,1899
651-May Imogene Millner----~-~Apr 3,l92O----- I
652-Margaret Genevieve Millner-Mov?,l92l--~--

"--"` Vincil Sledd Millner, horn Paynssville, Pike County, Missouri.
Seventh Day Adventist Church; later Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, Canada.
Married at Dauphin, Canada.,
_ Gertrade Ellen Ford, daughter of John Madison Ford and Mattie
Martin, born Eolia, Pike County, Missouri.
Ithaca, Michigan, Route #3. (1933)
VII-h32. 9
Buford Vardeman Mi11ner~--~»-(Sep 7,1935)-~---Margaret Jane Hutchens
May 5,1911
653~Peggy Ann Millner ---- ~» Nov 3,l936----
6Eh»Patricia Jeanna Millner Mar 2l,l939----
655»Barhara Kay Millner---- Sep B,l9hl~---
656~James Buford Millner-~- Sep 29,l9hh----
65?»Kathryn ann Millner ---- Mar 3,19 T»---
658»Thomas Vardeman Millner Jul 23,19 l -»-- _
Lansing, Michigan.
Randolph Thomas Ford---- ~--~ (Jun §,192T) ---- -~-ViTgiS PG&T1 ISf&Gl
9 Jul 8,1901
Feb 16,l929.
659eMarilyn Forde--~~~ ~~~---- ~Apr 6,192B~-~~
2nd»~~~~~~~-(May 7,l93?)~~- ----- --Ruby Lee Richards
Jul 25,1907
Randolph Thomas Ford, born Pike County, Missouri; Farmer and
Stockman; Christian; Democrat.
Virgie Pearl Israel, daughter of David Israel and Hattie Jones;
born Martinsburg, Missouri; teacher at Huntsville High School and
Northeast Missouri State Teachers College; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarks
ville, Missouri.
Ruby Lee Richards, daughter of James Sherman Richards and Ora
Davis, born Lincoln County, Missouri; Elsberry High School; Hann
LaGrange College; Kirksville State Teachers College; Methodist;
Democrat; Teacher.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Sadie may Ford» ~~-- ~-----~ ~~(May 1h,192?) ---~ ~-~»-
66O~son»---~ ~--- - ~~»~------ ~-~~sep 8,1929--~~
oolawinona Galloway~~~ ~---»- »~-Apr h,l93l----
662-sen~ ----»- ~~-- --~~~~~ ----~- may 3,193a~---

Sadie Ford, attended Northeast Missouri State Teachers College,
Kirksville, Missouri; Hardin College; Christian Church; Fort-
nightly Club. Teacher, Francis Howell Elementary School.
Earl Galloway, son of Kirby Smith Galloway and Belle Zora
Wilkinson. Farmer, Stockman.
Earl Harvey Brown~--- ---- -~(Jun 3,l925) ~---~- ---- ~Ida arnold
l oct 2,1897
Ida arnold, born Thornhill, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Sarah
Cary and Ridgewater Arnold.
Earl Harvey Brown, retired Civil Service Cost Accountant.
2921 -llth Street, North, St. Petersburg, Florida.
William Louis Brown~~ ~-------- (Mer 9,1921)-----~~Ima Laura Maohir
_Jun 6,1899
William L. Brown, born in Lincoln Count , Missouri. Army
Serial No. 2Sh,2BO, was inducted Seotember lg,19l7, at Troy, Missouri
assigned to Company D. 35hth Infantry, Camp Funston, Kansas; Partici~
pated in Champagne-Marne defensive; Aisne~Marna offensive; St, Mihiel
offensive; Toul-Boucq, Pas Fini, Hupt and Troyon sectors.
Laura Machir, daughter of Frank Machir and Annie Vanhatre;
member of Fortnightly Club; Christian Church.
Obinetta Brown ---- ~--~ ~------ (Jul 3O,l919)--»-~John Downiné Cobb
Feb §,l_8h
eau-John Carlton cate---~ ---- ~oet a,192o~~¢~Sép l§,l9ML
665~Jane Dean Cobb-»- ~~----- -~Jul 2S,l929----
666-Charles Andrew Cobb-~~~--~Jun lh,l9hOa-»-
John Downing Cobb, son of Esekiel Hndrew Cobb and Sarah Jane
Cannon. Retired merchant, farmer, Mason. See Cannon Book,
Obinetta Brown for several years operated the Lullabye Hbuse,
Elsberry, Missouri.
Address: Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.

` 13h.
Ida Elizabeth Brown- -»---~ (Apr l8,l929)-~~~--Kenneth Edward Thayer
Jan 31,1906
Ida E. Brown, born Eleherry, Lincoln County, Missouri; graduated
from Elsberry High School; Christian Church; Democrat; married at
Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, by Rev. A. W. Bartz to Kenneth Ed~
ward Thayer.
Kenneth E. Thayer, son of Ralph Scott Thayer and Mary Ellen
Rooney, born at Antigo, wisconsin; attended Beloit High School and
Northland College; Roman Catholic; Democrat; Caterer. Optometrist.
commander of American Legion Post at Elsberry, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Edwin Kenneth Whiteside---~-(Jan l2,l93l)--~Dorothy Josephine Britton
'Feb 20,1912
66?-Howard Wallace Whiteside--Feb l3,1935"--~
Edwin Kenneth Whiteside, born Potlatch, Idaho; miner; Baptist;
Democrat; Eagles Lodge; Shoshone County Bportsmens Association;
'married at Coeurd felene, Idaho by Rev. Hunter.
Dorothy Josephine Britton, daughter of Arthur Clarence Britton
and Elsie Tombs; born Colgary, Alberta, Canada; Mullen, Idaho Schools
Baptist; Republican; C.E}S.; Rebekah. '
SOS Mullen Avenue, Osborn, Idaho.
Robert Gerald Whiteside
Buried Union Town, Washington.
Helen Whiteeide~--- ------ --(Jan 26,1936)~ ----»-~- J. Bartlett Ward
668-James Bartlett Ward,Jr.~-~Deo lS,1939-~--

VII~hh2 .
Kathryn whiteside-- »»--~- ~--(Nov 3,l93h) -------- --Ermal Cloud
- Nov 29,1909
Nov 29,l9h7
669~Talleyrand B. Cloud ----- --Jan 16,1937---~
2nd----(Sep 6,l9h6) -----~ Robert Scolman
Apr 30,19lh
, Kathryn`Mhiteside, born Bristow, Oklahoma; graduate Marshfield,
Missouri High School and Springfield, Missouri Teachers College;
Methodist; Democrat; teacher.
Ermal Cloud, son of William Walter Cloud and Ida Ray, born at
Ponce do Leon, Missouri; plant employee; Democrat; divorced l9h6.
Robert Scolman, son of John Scolman and Hazel Crowe; born in
Rice Lake, Wisconsin; Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Public Schools; Metho-
dist;_Democrat; employed by U. S. Rubber Company.
3hEl Olive Street, Huntington Park, California.
Francis Edwin wn1tesise~~--~~(Jun 11,1937)----Elsie Alice Bancroft
Apr 5,1918
670-Victoria Pearl Mhiteside~-Mar 28,l938----
Francis Edwin Whiteside, born Marshfield, Missouri. Attended
Marshfield High School; Sporting goods salesman; married by Rev.
Ingle, Whittier, California.
Elsie Alice Bancroft, daughter of Allan Clark Bancroft and
Morfydd Alzina Freeman; born Tulsa, Oklahoma; attended High School,
Marshfield, Missouri; Draughnfs Business College, Springfield,
Missouri; Methodist; Democrat; Womenfs Society of Christian Service.
3288 Eccelston, Walnut Creek, California.
Norris Talleyrand Whiteside---(Aug ll,l956)~--Betty Penn Wilkins
Nov lT,l932
671-Laura Penn Whiteside--~~--Sep 3O,l9S7~---
Norris Talleyrand Whiteside, born Marshfield, Missouri; graduate
of Navy Officers School, 19h1; Ensign Naval Corps, 19hh; married
Bala-Cynwyd Methodist Church, Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania; formerly
employed by Atlas Construction Company, French Morrocoo. Now with
Union Carbide Company, Most Virginia. Draughon's Business College;
Engineer; Methodist; Democrat; Kanawha County Juvenile Council;
Chairman, Kanawha County Youth Program; Lions Club; Mason; Y.D.C.
Betty Penn Wilkins, daughter_of Willis Jarrell Wilkins and
Martha Elizabeth Williane;born Atlanta, Georgia; Mary Washington
College of University of Virginia; Methodist; Independent.
96h2 Maplewood Estates, Scott Depot, West Virginia.

Edwin Richard Whiteside-~---(Dec 5O,l955)--»-Julia Lucinda Leve
Jan 15,1907
672-Judith Ann Whiteside------Jul 10,1957---~
Edwin Richard Whiteside, Elsberry High School; Northern
Illinois College of Optometry, O.D.; Optometrist; Mason; Mayor of
Elsherry, Missouri; Director, Bank of lincoln County; Christian
Church Board; Merchant; Chamber of Commerce.
Julia Lucinda Levengood, daughter of George Gurrence Levengood
and Julia Edith Evans; born Elsberry, Missouri; Christian College;
Culver-Stockton, B.S.; teacher; Jesse Black Junior Club; Sunday
School Teacher; Christian Church; Rebekah.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Winifred Whiteside~-~---~--(Jun 15,l955)----Joseph E. Langford
Aug lh,l91l
675-Harriett Jane Langford-~--Aug 25,l9§h~~--
Joseph Langford, son of Jesse I. Langford and Hattie May
Brewer; employed Charles D. Kelly Engineering Company, St. Louis,
l5h1 North Geyer Road, St. Louis, Missouri.
Cecil Bicksler Wakely ----- ~~(Mar 8,l9l5)~~»- ---»- ~Helen Engle
Helen Engle, daughter of Mrs. Emma Engle, grand-daughter of
J. H. Engle, born Louisiana, Bike County, Missouri; did reside in
Dallas, Texas; sister of Charles Engle of Louisiana, Missouri(l9§T]
Riverview Cemetery, Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri.
Raymond Whiteside Wakely
Bloomington, Illinois (1957)
V11-the 5/LJ
Helen May Wakely
Riverview Cemetery, louisiana, Pike County, Missouri.

Ralph Edmund Whiteside
Mildred Mary Armstrong---~(Jul lR,l920)-~-~--Roy Richard Siegel
Apr 15,189
675§»Mary Louise Siegel ------- May #,l926---~
Mildred Mary Armstrong, born St. Louis, Missouri; Mary Insti-
' i d b Rev. Samuel
tute and Lenox Rall; St. Louis Women s Club; marr e y
Ewing at St. Louis, Missouri.
Roy Richard Siegel, son of alfred Siegel and Anna Louise
Foegeding; born St. Louis, Missouri; attended Smith Manuel; Presi*
dent Huttig Sash and Door Company; Baptist; Racquet Club; The Old
Warson Club. _
_ 5565 Lindell Boulevard, so. Louis, missouri.
Robert Marcellus Armstrong---~(Aug 2B,l95§)~--Marian Kinoade Walker
SGP 7,1909
Robert Marcellus Armstrong, born St. Louis, Missouri; Washing-
ton University, St. Louis, Missouri; Episcopalian; Republican;
I L an eles California'
President, Modern Specialties, ne., oe g , ,
married by Rev. Samuel Ewing at Webster Groves, Missouri.
Marian Kineade Walker, daughter of Charles A. Walker and Ger-
trude Zoll; born Everett, Washington; Missouri University; Episoo»
Theodore Roosevelt Armstrong-~(Aug 22,l956)-~Vassar Fambrough More~
sap 16,1915
675 2A+-Theodore Morelock Armstrong---Jul 22,l959--
675 5/hfaamela Whiteside Armstrong ~-»- Mar 2T,l9§9-e
Theodore Roosevelt Armstrong born St. Louis, Missouri; Washing-
ton University, St. Louis, Missouri; B.S., B.A., 1952; Vice Presi-
dent, Huttig Sash.and Door Company, St. Louis; Beta Theta Pi;
University Club; President Junior Achievement of Mississippi Valley;
l95?~58; married by Rev. E. C. Cargill, Presbyterian Church,
` Raynesville, Louisiana.

Vassar Morelook, daughter of Maurice Melvin Morelock and Lolia
Pauline Fambrough; born Haynesville, Louisiana; Presbyterian;
A.B. Tulane University, 195&; Graduate School Columbia University,
1955; Kappa Alpha Theta. `
15 Cricklewood Place, Sb. Louis, Missouri.
Mary Lou Whiteside-- ---- ~ ---- - ------- Harry J. Brookmsn
SE. Louis, Missouri.
May Fern Whiteside -----~- - - ---~-- -~"--* Smart
St. Louis, Missouri.
VII-1.1.55 _
(daughter) Whiteside---- -- - - ---~--~ ---»--~-~~Artie Lewis
Zenna Whiteside

.._.....-. _..._ -.-_..._ .-   ..  
Byron Harlow Whiteside# »-~- (apr 9,l9h6)----Dorothy Eleanor Enloe
` Apr 8,1912
67M-Robert Byron Whiteside----Feb 21,l9MB~--~
Byron Harlow Whiteside, born Enid, Oklahoma; McKinley High
School, St. Louis, Missouri; Manufacturers Sales Representative;
Baptist; Independent; Club Managers Association; Stewards and Caterers
Association; National Restaurant association
, Dorothy Eleanor Enloe; daughter of Archibald Enloe and Dolly
Jane May; born Sorento, Illinois; Baptist; married Second Baptist
Ghurch, St. Louis, Missouri.
662 Selma, St. Louis, Missouri.
John G. Whiteside V
Born Hannibal, Missouri; Photographer.
MMHB Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
James Marcellus Whiteside
Missouri National Guard and UQS. Army, World War II.
MC 56 Alva Avenue, Warren, Ohio.
William Theodore Davis
Died in infancy.
Emma Adalee Davis
Mary Arline Davis
Cavs Blanche Weeks-~»~----~(Jun 2O,192O)-----Russell Taylor Mayes
Sep 25,l39h
675-Samuel Cannon Mayes ~-~---- aug 30,1927 ~---
Russell Taylor Mayes, son of Richard Martin Mayes and Elizabeth
Cannon; farmer; Baptist; Farm Bureau.
Gave Blanche Weeks, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; married
Louisiana, Missouri, by Bev. Charles King; Baptist; Garden Club;
History Club.
R.F.D., Elsberry, Missouri

' IMO.
Virgil Stuokert weese-~----(Meg 1e,192e)----Q--Luey Catherine Meyee
Jul 20,1903
éfo-John Richard Weeks ----~»- ~Mey 23,193O---- `
677-Catherine Lou Weeks-~ ----- Jen 2M,l932 ----
Richard Martin Mayes and
Lucy Catherine Mayes, daughter of
Elizabeth Cannon; Baptist; A.B.C. Club.
Virgil Stuokert Weeks, married at
Baptist; employed by Wells-Lamont Corporation.
Elsberry, MiSSOUPl»
home by_Rev. J. S. Eames;
Ethel Mey`Weeks--~- -~-- ~--(Apr , ' ------ _
' Jul 9,1892
26 1925] John Thomas Lilley
6?8~Forrest Taylor Lilley----~Ju1 18,1926----
Lille son of Thomas Lilley and Annie Creech; Esrmer.
John T. y, »
Ethel Msg Weeks, Baptist; Garden Club; History C1uh._
vm;-een. _ o A
Ernest Whiteside weeks---~----~(spr 2,1927)---;.;Mefy Luckett
6?9~Robert Eugene Weeks--- --~- Deo 1M,l92?----`
mery Luokett, adopted daughter of Neweee Luckeit. fserriee at
ti e.
Christian parsonege by Rev. M. Dudley, Troy, Missouri. Bap _s
Ernest Whiteside Weeks, Baptist; Farmer.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Malcolm Everett Gladney--~ ---- (Aug 1,19
Jen 19,1695-
15) ---~- Blanche EstelIa Mitchell
680-Russell Everett Glsdney---Jul 9,l9lg~----
681-Samuel Reid Gladney- ~--- ~-Jul 1,191 ~~-»-
Meloomb E. Gladney, Baptist; mail carrier; died at age of
1 G one
twenty~seven of pneumonia; Elsberry Cemetery, Lineo n o y,

Samuel Paul Gladney~ ---- --(Sep 28,l916) ~----~-- Ella Mae McCarthy
" Apr 9,1393
682-Helen Mae Gladney--- ~-»-apr 2T,l92l-»-»
2nd~ --~- - ~----- (Jun 1930) ---- Hilma
ana 3;1a6§"""""""
lug 10,1930
Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin
General Manager Department store. Died in automobile collision
with train at Beaver Dam.
Luther Laws Gladney-----~ __-(Aug ll,l926)-~ --~-- -Willa Phoebua
683-Wayne- -~---~----~~~ ~~~~ ~--Sep 2?,l92?--~-
Willa Phoebus, daughter of J. B. Phoebua and Effie Pearl, born
in Lincoln County, Missouri; graduated from Chillicothe Business
College in 1923; married at Methodist pareonage by Rev. W. H. Ellington
Lorena Katherine Gladney
Died in infancy.
Margaret Gertrude Gladney ~-~--- ~~-- - --»~~- ~----~Eugene Gunningham
St. Louie, Missouri.

Gordon Edwin Whiteeide~ ---- (Aug 25,192u)---~~~Sudie Zelma Bowton
Jul 22,19Oh
68u~Bonnie June Whiteside~-~»~Jun u,1925»---
685-Gharla Dean Whiteside--»»~Aug 26,l93O~~--Jun 5,1953
Sudie Zelma Bowton, daughter of C. E. Bowton; honor graduate of
class of 1923, Elsberry High School; married at Fort Madison, Iowa
by Rev. E. A. Bentainger at'Methodist oarsonage.
Gordon Edwin Whiteside, Baptist; Minister; celebrated 10 years
as Minister of Immanuel Church, Moberly, Missouri. Resigned as Pastor
of Immanuel Church, Moberly, Missouri, December 1957. New at
Bismark, Missouri.
Edith Mabel Whiteside~-~---(Jun h,192?)----»-~--Valvard Gentry Cox
Jun 19,1910
636-Lewis Lynn Cox--~~---~ ~~-- Aug 31,1930---»
63?-Anna Dean Cox ---~---~» ~--- Sep 9,1937--»-
éBB~Ruby Ernestine Cox ---- ~~-- Dec 6,l93B----
Valvard Qentry Cox, son of James Thompson Cox and Anna Elizabeth
Gentry; farmer. See Kemper Book.
Foley, Missouri (1957)
Emma Katherine Edwards- ------ ~(Jun l2,l926)----~-Edward Yeaman Brown
Born Lincoln County, Missouri; graduated from Elsberry High
School and State Teachers College at Kirksville, Missouri; attended"
Elsberry ?ub1ic Schools until her marriage; married at Christian
parsonage at Troy, Missouri by Res. M. D. Dudley.
Edward Y. Brown, son of C. Y. Brown; farmer and stcckman.
Winfield, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Edna May Edwards-~~~ --~---- (Aug 2O,l931)--- ---- Herman Long Purdin
Jul 1h,l9OO
Edna Edwards, born Lincoln County, Missouri; graduate of Kirks-
ville State Normal School; married at Troy, Missouri by Rev. M. D.
Dudley; Baptist; Democrat; Teacher.
_ Herman L. Purdin, son of Nathaniel Charles ?urdin and Lyda Iris
Long, born in Linn County, Missouri; graduated from_Kirksville State
Normal; B.S. in education, M.S,;Methodist; Democrat; Principal
Elsberry High'Schoo1 for many years,1ater Superintendent of Elsberry
Pub1io,Sshoo;s.` ~ »
Elsberry, Missouri.

Alton Andrew Whiteside---~~--(Oct lo,1937) ----- Stella Mae Lonsberry
f Hes H,19l8
689-daughter ---- --~-~ »--- #Jun l6,l9n3----
End- ---~--- (Jun 1h,l9h7)- ---- ~--Anna Lee Leffler
Alton Andrew Whiteside, born Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Elsberry, Missouri High School; farmer; served U.S. Army
during World Mar II; Baptist; married first time by Bev. G. Ge
Orinsbee, Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Stella Mae Lonsberry, daughter of Paul Ernest Lonsberry and
Stella Valentine Hunter; born Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended High School, Elsberry, Missouri.
Anna Les Leffler, daughter of Ad and Myrtle Leffler of O'Fal1on,
St. Charles County, Missouri.
Owen Edwards Whiteside~-- -~~-(Oct l3,l935)-~-~-~-Luoile Hearn
ret 27,1913
690-Leslie Owen Whiteside ----- Deo 8,l9uO-~~~
Lucile Hearn, daughter of Elmer and Nona Beckham Hearn of
Bowling Green, Missouri.
Owen Edwards Whiteside, farmer. '
R.F.D., Elsberry, Missouri.
Helen Frances Whiteside- -----~ (Oct 31,19h2)- ~---~ ~Maurice Bartee
Maurice Bartee, born Moberly, Missouri; married Elsberry,
Missouri, by Rev. Bernard King.
Martha Belle Whiteside~- ------ (Jul 3O,l9hO) -----~ John William Mayes
Mar 19,1916
691-James Lester Mayes --~-- ~~~May l9,l9ul----
692-William Ronald Mayes -~~-- -Jul ll,1955~---
Martha Belle Whiteside, Baptist; graduate of Elsberry High
School, Lincoln County, Missouri.
John William Mayes, son of Augustus William Isaac Mayes and Belle
Stone; farmer; Farm Bureau; President, Cuivre Baptist Associational

Alma Florence Magruder- ---- f~(Aug 29,l905)--Steele Simington Gladney
Apr 6,1330
Aug 29,l9hO»
693-John Matthew Gladney- ---- ~Jul l3,l906~---
69h-Charles Alloway Gladney--~Jan l2,l908----
695-Ellen Elizabeth Gladney--~Feb 9,1912-~»~
Alma Florence Magruder, born at New Salem, Lincoln County,
Missouri; graduate Elsberry Schools, Lincoln County, Missouri; buried
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Steele Simington Gladney, son of John M. Gladnev and annie I.
Watson; born Lincoln County, Miasouri;_farmer and salesman. Presby-
terian Cemetery, auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Anna Reid Magruder- ---~-- ~--~(May ,l908)- ---- Samuel Arthur Thomas
696~Mildred Thomas ------ ~ --~- - -~~-
697-daughter M- ---- --__ ~---- -_ ----
698-daughter ~--- ~~» ~-»»--- -~--Apr l6,l92O----
Virden, Illinois. '
Grace Truman Alloway---- ----- »(Nov 29,1922)----William Kirk McGee
aug 2,1900
After teaching at Lancaster, Ohio from l92h to 1929 she was
appointed in 1929 Superintendent of the Elementary Division of the
Public Schools for the State of Ohio. Married at Springfield, Ohio
at Methodist Church, by Rev. Hugh Houston. Born near Apex, Lincoln
County, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat.
William Kirk McGee, son of William Hartford McGee and Cordelia
Frances Suddarth, born near Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; grad-
uated from Elsberry High School; Methodist; Democrat; a.F. & A.M.;
Salesman for Proctor and Gamble Company.
William Whiteside sllowa?@~ -~~~ (Nov 1932) ---- -~--- Ovela Myers
sep 2, 1913
699-Shirley Ann alleway-~-----Feb 26,193l:,----
YCO-wilva Dean allows? ---- ---Sep 5,1936-~--

` William Whiteside A11oway~-»2nd~-~- ~~-- ---~»- »~-- -Maud Satterlee
1, Ovela Myers, daughter of A. B. Myers and Swan of White~
`side, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ehud Satterlee, from St. Louis, Missouri; married at St. Louis.
122 Zerrcliff Lane, Ean antonio, Texas.
Joseph Lewis Alloway- ~--- --(Mar 12,l93h)~ -~------- Eleanor Keintzy
Jul 2S,l9lh
?0l-Charles Robert Alloway ---- Jun l2,l938--»-
T02-Joseph Edward Alloway- ~--- Feb l6,l9M5»~--
_ Eleanor Keintay, daughter of Hubert Keintzy and Miller.
3600 St. Joachim Lane, St. anne, Missouri.
Malcolm McGee Alloway---~-~--(Jan ll,l9u2)----Jean Alderman
Sep l.191?
703-Ann Alloway ---~--- ~~-- ~-~»Jan 29;l9hh-»--
TOh~Jane Alloway ------~-~-- -»-Jul 2h,19S2----
Malcolm McGee Alloway, born Elsberry, Missouri; attended Els-
berry High School; Brown*s Business College, St. Louis, Missouri;
Lieutenant in Medical Administration Corps, World War II; married in
Chanel at Camp Maxey, Texas by Chaplain Hill.
_ Jean Alderman, daughter of J. W. alderman of Republic, Missouri;
degree in education from State Teacher's College; teacher.
Carrie Ellen slloway-~ »--~~ -(Sep l2,l9h2) ---- -Earl Burke Kirby
Mar ,189l
Carrie Ellen Alloway, secretary; married Clayton, St. Louis
County, Missouri.
Earl Burke Kirby, previously married; builiing contractor, St.
Louis, Missouri; '
Route #1, Festus, Missouri.

Eugenia Allen Robertson
Died in infancy.
Bessie Blanch Robertson --»-- -(Nov 30,l905)- ---- -James Thomas Biggs
Oct 8,1880
T05-Mildred Rebecca Biggs ----- May 9,1909 ~---
Bessie Blanch Robertson, teacher; attended Bowling Green High
School, Pike County, Missouri; buried Odessa Cemetery, Odessa,
Mary smneb Robertson -
Born Lincoln County, Missouri; attended Elsberry and Bowling
Green Bublic Schools and Pike College, Bowling Green, Missouri;
retired school teacher; Baptist; Democrat.
615 Centennial Avenue, Bowling Green, Missouri.
Linnie Gertrude Robertson- ---- (Apr l6,l9l3}-----Harry Allen Ball
Aug 23,1359
?O6~Helen Gertrude Ball--~-~-~Sep 2M,l91M----
70 -Harry Robertson Ball--~---Oct 29,l915----
TOT -Dorothy Ann Ball-~-» »~---- Feb 6,l922----
Linnie Gertrude Robertson, born Lincoln County, Missouri; etten~
ded Elsberry and Bowling Green Public Schools and Pike College, Bow~
ling Green, Missouri; Baptist; married by Rev. Richard D. Robertson
at home of bride's parents, Bowling Green, Missouri.
Harry Allen Ball, son of Benjamin Franklin Ball and Elizabeth
Ann Rose; attended High School, Columbia, Missouri; Missouri Univer-
sity; Baptist; Democrat; born Audrain County, Missouri, near Vandalia
Dairy Cattle Herdsman at University of Missouri.
1512 Ross Street, Columbia, Missouri.

Nancy Elizabeth Robertson ---- (Jun 5,l9l2) ---- Perlie Martin Carroll
` Sep 1,1856
Nancy Elizabeth Robertson, born Lincoln County, Missouri; Bap-
tist; Democrat; attended Public Schools, Bowling Green, Missouri;
married by Rev. R. D. Robertson at Bowling Green, Missouri.Divorced.
Perlie Martin Carroll, son of Jay Carroll and Nancy Alice Scott,
born Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri; has been married twice since.
Mildred Robertson
Died in infancy.
George allowey Robertson ------ -(Nov 22,l915)---Ruth Evangeline Cooper
Jan 29,1591-
Mov 27,1950
TO? 2/B~Pauline Bertha Robertson-Jen 2,l9lT--
707 3/B-Mary Amneh Robertson ----- Sep l3,l918~~
TO? h/B-Raymond David Robertson--Jul ll,l920»-Jul 23,1953
George Alloway Robertson, born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Bowling Green High School, Pike County, Missouri; Baptist;`
Democrat; Vice President of Rocky Mountain Credit Mens' association;
Married by Elder George Thorburn, Conrad, Montana; Buried Indepen»
dence, Missouri.
Ruth Evangeline Cooper, daughter of I.N.W. Cooper and Malvina
Ashmoor Sheen; born Lamoni, iowa; Heorganized Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints. Buried Independence, Missouri.
Charles Meritt Robertson------(Aug lh,l9l5)---~Mildred Jane Grafford
Jan 21,1895
707 S/8-Charles Eugene Bobertson»Nov ll,l9l6»
TOT 6/3-Willeyne Guy Robertson---Feb ll,l9l8--
TOT T/8~Elizabeth Ann Robertson--Nov 7,1925 I
Charles Meritt Robertson, born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Bowling Green Public Schools, Bowling Green, Missouri; Owner
and Operatbr of Motor Freight Line; Baptist; Democrat; City Councilman,
Bowling Green, Missouri; President, Chamber of Com erce; I.0.0.F.;
Rotary Club; Modern Woodman of America; married by Rev. Richard David
Robertson, at Bowling Green, Missouri.

Mildred Jane Grafford, daughter of Marcellus R. Grafford and
Laura Belle McCue; born Uriah, Henry County, Missouri; attended
Public Schools, Cyrene, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; Rebekah Lodge;
Business and Professional Womens Club.
MOS Centennial Avenue, Bowling Green, Missouri.
William_David Robertson
Died in infancy.
Laura Lucille Robertson---- -»~- ~ ---- ~- -- ~-----~ --W. H. Sidwell
Mexico, Missouri.
Raymond Duncan Robertson~
Born Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri; Bowling Green High
School; Extension Course I.C.C. School in Bookkeeping and Accounting
Baptist; Democrat; Bookkeeper and Accountant; Independent Order of
615 Centennial Avenue, Bowling Green, Missouri.
Charles Mackey Chapman.
Carolyn Elizabeth Kercheval--(May 3,l9l9)-~- --~~ --lan Dawson Marsh
May 23,1896
708-Dorothy Doris Marsh ----~- -Sep 7,1920 --~-
T09~Hugh Linn Marsh ----»---»~- Jan 9,l92h ----
710-James Kercheval Marshe -~-- Mar lC,l92S----
T11-Mary Carolyn Marsh- ~-~--~ -Aug 26,1939 ----
Carolyn Elizabeth Kercheval, born Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry
Public Schools, University of Missouri, Washington University, St.
Louis, Missouri; Teacher; Child Quidanoe Director; Presbyterian;
Independent; American Association of University Women; D.A.R.; P.E.O
Wednesday Club of St. Louis; Govenor, Illinois' State Wide Public
Health Community; Director of St. Clair Child Guidance Clinic;
married Elsberry, Missouri.

M9 .
Ian Dawson Marsh, son of Thomas Charles Marsh and Ella Wool-
heiser; born South Omaha, Nebraska; Missouri University; Washington
University, St. Louis, Missouri; Personnel Manager, Aluminum Company
of America; East St. Louis, Missouri; Presbyterian; Independent;
Board Member, Illinois State Board of Vocational Education; Mason;
Kiwanis; Illinois Society of Engineers; Chamber of Commerce; Bike
Hereford Association.
Address: Route #1, Elsberry, Missouri.
Robert William Kercheval
Besyl Reach Kercheval~ ------ (Jun 3O,l93O)-~ ~--- Helen Mary Nesbit
Aug 6,1910
?l2~Helen Louise Kercheval--~~Mar ,l932----
?13~Basy1 Hurley Kercheval ~--- Dec l ,1933~-°-
Basyl Veach Keroheval, born Elsberry, Missouri; University of
Missouri; San Jose State College; Assistant President of Wenatchee
Federal Savings and Loan Association; Mason; Elk; married 120 South
Third Street, Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois.
Helen Mary Nesbit, daughter of Walter Nesbit and Regina-Marxer;
Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, wisconsin; Manager, Dr's Gongdon
Medical Arts Clinic; Democrat. '
Route #U, Box hl8l, Wenatchee, Washington.
Alphonse Reed Hlloway
Died in infancy.
Louis Bracy Hlloway
Mary Margaret Alloway
Died in infancy.
Lawrence Cooley Alloway
Died in infancy.
Anna Lucile Alloway
Unmarried; Died at age of 25 years.

Eugene Houston Whiteside I
Aberdeen, Chehslis County, Washington. Murtioianf
Jessie Whiteside -------------» »--- --~-~»-~ ~--~-L. G. McClellan
Aberoeen, Ghehelis County, Washington.
Elizabeth Mary Whitesiée
Member of High School faculty at Montgomery City, Missouri at
time of her death; buried at Kehoke, Cl rk County, Missouri.
Ada Mae Whiteside
Sarah Clyde Powell--~~ -~-- ~-»( ,19Ou)--~-William Prince Brown
d.NoV 21,1935
Tlu-Marion Wray Brown-~--~----Oct 22,19Oh-~~~

Mary Ann Powell -~--~-~ ¢»~--(Jun 3O,191S)»~~--Elmer Lawrence Anderson
Jun 2,1886
T15-Elmer Lawrence Anderson,»-Dec 15,1921---~
(Name legally changed to John Powell anderson)
Mary Annie Powell born Elsberry, Missouri; A.B. & B.S., Missouri
University; A.M.,Columbia University; retired
Teacher; Baptist; Democrat.
_ Elmer Lawrence Anderson, born Goodwater,
University; M.D. Columbia University; married
Church, New Eork City, N.Y., by Dr. Randall.
620 Lamesa Drive, Menlo Park, California
Cat-hle SI1 P owell
Died in childhood.
High School and College
Missouri; 3.3. Missouri
Mt. Morris Baptist
Physician and Surgeon.
Watson whitesiee Powell ---- ---(Jun 9,1915)-~---~He1en Hall Harsh
716~Helen Harsh Powel1~~--»~--
71?-Watson Whiteside,Jr.--- -~
2nd ~--- ~-(Jul 5,l922) --~- -~-Margaret Kehun
Watson Whiteside Powell, President, American Republic Insurance
John Zimmerman Powell
Died in childhood.
Lenelle Powell
Parole officer for Judge Louis Comerford of Court of Criminal
Correction, St. Louis, Missouri.

Thomas Powell
Died in infancy.
James Edward Powe11--~- ----(Nov 1O,193O]~»----LeNora Piloher Boyer
, Apr 23,1906
7lB»Jamea Edward Powe11,Jr.,~--Apr 22,1933*~-
713%-Lenera Jane Powell ---- ..»"_ J an 21,1956--~
James Edward Powell, born at Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Graduate of Elsberry High School and University of Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; Manager, Accident Department, Southern Surety Company of
New York; Married at Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri by Bev.
Joseph N. Myers; Vice President, Provident Life and Accident Insurance
LeNora Piloher Hoyer, daughter of Edward Hoyer and Margaret
Crowe, born at Boone, Iowa; Graduate of Boone High School; Methodist.
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
James Folsom Moore
Anna Mary Moore
VII~519. _
Nellie Moore
Died in babyhood.
Luella Moore
Emmagene Moore

153 .
Elizabeth Moore _
Died in babyhood.
John Collahan Moore
A Die& at age of 22,
Cynthia Elizabeth Ellis- ---- --~-- ~»---»-~ ~ -----~- ~Sherman Lee
Lee Ellis'
Claudius Ellis ---- -»-- --~~(Feb 9,19lO) ---------~- Maggie Hand
Sep M,lBB6
T19-Louis Claude Ellis-- ~--- ~-Oct l8,19ll--~-
Karval, Lincoln County, Colorado.
John Ellie
Naomi E1lis»-~-» ----»-- »--(May 2,l9Oh)--»--~-»--Loyd Earl Deming
Dec 11,1383
72O~Gonstance Lee Deming-- ---- Jan 18,l905~~--
?21~Edward Arley Deming-~-~---Nov 6,1906-~-~
503 Walnut Street, Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas.

` Gouchie Madeline Ellis---~-Q--(Apr 10,1902)-»~--George Walter Moore
Jul 2B,18__
722~George Henry Moore----~~~~Ju1 20,19Oh---»
T23~Joeeph David Moore~-~~~-~~Jen 15,190?-~--
Liberty, Montgomery County, Kansas, R.F.D. #1
' Gertrude Mildred E11is» ---~ ---(Feb 25,190S)--~»---Paul Drake
Sep 7,1831
Muskogee, Muskogee County, Oklahoma, 313 North G. Street
E Clementine Madge Ellie---~»~»-(Feb 2?,19GB)---Charles Clarence Jones
Jan 17,1885
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1201 Poplar Street
Bess Lucile Ellie- -»-- ---~~--(May B,1909)---~
Aug 23,188h
Goffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas, 1107 Spruce Street
i Mary Elizabeth Milee»~~--»~~-(Apr 3,l90S)----~-*Charles Henniba
72h~Graoe Virginia
725-Jemee Benjamin
726-Gherlee Marion
72?-Clement Victor
Dec 20,1875
Dec ,193
3 1   '*"""°'°"
algo? *'*"
?,1913 -~-~ Feb ?,191h
3,1918--~-Feb ,1957
M111 Creek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
-Henry Nicholas Schutkofke
1 Lewis

Cordelia Leigh Miles---~ ---(May 3,19O&)w-F-Lowall Lea Callison
Sap 2,1871
28»Ett& Mae Céllison-~----~»~DeG 19,190§h#h-
29-Homer Frances Callison----May 25,190 ----
New London, Halls County, Missouri
Lula Bolle M11@s-~-- ~~,-~ »-~~-»»---
O-Victor Wilson ------~-- ---~ Feb
731-Virgil Wi1aon~~-- ~~---- ~-»Fab
2~Vera Wi1son»»~-~~~»~-~~~-+May
-James Hugh Wilson- ---- ~~~»Mar
-Carroll Lee Wi1aon~ ------- May
733 H
T3h~Va1ma Wilson ----- ------- ~»Nov
-Willard Wilson- ---- ~ ------ ~Feb
737»Viv1an Mabel Wi1son~-~-~~-Jun
Ralston Wilson
----(died at M months)
Sep ,l92l
Ralston Wilson, aon of Jaméa and Sanura Molntoah Wilson.
Cleveland Mortimer Miles-~~-+-(Oct 1h,l9O6)#~-#J-Bertha Mae King
~Etho1 Dfaline Miles»- ---- -Oct
~Jamaa Taylor Mi1as»~ »~-- --Apr
OGG 1,1588
Deo 28,1910
2nd~~-»(Apr 3,1912)-~F#Margarot Lee Heari
O-Etta Mae Mi1es»~ ---- ---~Aug 11,1913
New London, Balls County, Missouri.
Nov 15,1885
Myrtle Mae Mi1es----»»-~- »»~~(Ju1 1T,1911)-~~~Jamas William Owen
Long Beach, California.
Nov 13,1879

Mamie Iris Waters~ -
Born Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat;
D.A.R.; Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
William Th0mBS WaterS~ --~-~------ » ---~-------- »-Margaret Cheatwccd
2nd---(Jan l2,l9l9)~-~Mae Mildred Davidson
Jul 2u,l393
william T. Waters, born Clarksville, Missouri; farmer; Sanford~
Brown Business College, St. Louis, Missouri; Democrat; Baptist;
Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri.
Margaret Cheatwood, daughter of Joe Cheatwood and Camp;
born at Paynesville, Pike County, Missouri. Divorced by consent
and she subsequently married Dr, Charles Bankhead,
Mae Mildred Davidson, daughter of Rolla Chilton Davidson and
Sallie M. Walker; married at Presbyterian Parsonage at Louisiana,
Missouri by Rev._A. D. Johnson; horn Mexico, Missouri; attended Mo,
Valley College at Marshall, Missouri,
Mary Elizabeth Britt~~--e-(Apr 2O,l9lB)~-~--~e»Lorenzo Dow Jones
. Mar 2M,1887
Aug ao, 1925
?ul~James Hunter Jones~- ~--~-- May ?,l92l~---
7LL2~laa May Jones--_ ~--- _ ~»~- ~ --~-
2nd~»~-(Jan u,l93l) --~-- Edward Oscar Eam on
Dec 26,1886
Mary Elizabeth Britt, born St. Louis, Missouri; attended Els-
berry High School, Lincoln County, Missouri; Lexington College, B,S.
Music; Organist, Epworth Methodist Episoopal Church;
Lorenzo Dow Jones, servdd in Battery A, 128th Field Artillery,
35th Division, Married at Camp Donithan,
Edward Oscar Eam on, son of Moses Hammon and May Reeves, born
at Annada, Pike County, Missouri; Evangelical Church; Democrat;
married at St. John's Evangelical Church, Mehlville, Missouri,served
in World Mar I,

Robert Gordon Waters--~~~»---~(Apr 3,192O)~ --»- ~Mildred Louise Leighton
7h3-Sybil June Waters----» -~»- Jan 2T,l92l----
Oilahoma City, Oklahoma.
Mabel Blanch Waters- ---- ~-~(Mar 2O,l93l)-~~ ---- ~---~w.
O. Clinton
Jen 13,1936
Mabel Blanch waters, graduated from Elsberry High School, Lin~
County, Missouri and Missouri University; Home Extension agent in
St. Charles County, Missouri for lu years; member of High School
facu1ty,`Richmond, Missouri; Christian Church; married
Christian Church by Rev. Edmund Miller; Home economist
W.O. Clinton, member of Christian Church; Manager
Stores, Richmond, Missouri. Died at Bolivar, Missouri;
berry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Richmond, Bay County, Missouri.
at Richmond
for Ozark H.E»A
of J. Gv Penny
buried E1s~
Otha Groves Howard-~ ---- ~-~(iug l6,191l)~~~--Gertrude G. Wilson
7hh~Virginia Lela Howard~ ----- Oct 1?,19l2-»~-
TMS-Robert Wilson Howard -----~ Apr 18,l92B~-~~
Th6~David William Howard~-»---Apr 30,l93O~---
2nd~~~-(Dec 1h,l9uO)--Mrs. Grace Elizabeth
Kaiser Shahenian
May 13,1900
Otha Groves Howard, born Elsberry, Lincon County, Missouri;
farmer; Methodist; Democrat; married at iouisiana, Pike
M' i
issour .
Gertrude G. Wilson, daughter of David Neely Wilson
Sanders, later Mrs. W. H. Baskett.
Grace Kaiser Shahenian, daughter of Charles J. and
Kaiser; married by Justice of the Peace in St. Charles,
and Virginia
annie Hartzell

"Robert Armstrong Howard-- --~- (Sep 1O,l9l2) ----- Dorothy Oseina Shipp
Robert Armstrong Howard, son of Charles Martin Howard and Alice
Lela Waters; born Elsberry, Missouri; attended schools at Payneeville
and Elsberry, Missouri; President, St,
Gom ission; Baptist; Democrat; married
B. G. Beavis.
Aug 27,1893
Louis National Livestock
Elsberry, Missouri by Rev,
Dorothy O. Shipp, daughter of Benjamin Blanton Shipp and Mattie
Forrest Scott; born Baynesville, Pike County, Missouri; attended
schools at Elsberry, Hannibal, and Stu
Louis, Missouri; Baptist;
SEO Bonne Place, St. Louis EM, Miseouria
v11~5h5. ,
William Peyton Howarde- -~---- ~-(aug 6,l925)»~--Oma Belle Galloway
-Mary Howard~~~ »-~- ---
TUB-Jane Louise Howard- --~-- ~~Jul
-Kathryn Howard- ---~ --
?5O»James Peyton Howard- ~--~- -May
751-Suzanne Howard- ------
Feb 21,1595
22sl926 ~---
21,1931 -~~~
Oma Belle Galloway, daughter of Kirby Smith Galloway and Belle
Zora Wilkinson; Methodist; school teacher. '
Peyton Howard, farmer.
' Thomas Cannon Howard ~--- ---(Nov l8,l920)~- ---- ---Mary Lucy Cannon
TS2~Charles Cannon Howard
7S3~William Otto Eowardem
7Su=John Randolph Howarde
T55-Molly Ann Howard ---»-
Jul 8,1901
17,1925 ---"
Thomas Cannon Howard, designated Master Farmer by Missouri
Ruralist l9hO, held high offices in Farm Bureau; h-H sponsor;Baptist.
Mary Lucy Gannon, daughter of Otto Boomer Cannon and Mary Elsie
Mayes; P.E.O,; D.A.R¢; A,B,G.Glub; Baptist.

Berniece Lindsay Waters~ ----- (Sep 13,1917)-»-~-Alfred Harvey Harrison
Oct 6,1395
?56»Luey Catherine Harrison---Jen 1O,l919----
End--~~ ---- ~ ----- -~-» --~- Jesse Spradley
Bernieoe Lindsay Waters is in Dawson and Harvey Books.
Kansas City, Missouri.
Mortimer Thomas Bibb
75?»Mortimer Thomas
St. Louis, Missouri
John William Bibb- ------- --(May lS,1930)- -~--- ~-~~Edna Burton
758-John William Bib
759~Harris Bibb~~-~-
T60-Betty Lee Bibb-»
T61-Barbara Bibb---~
Mrs. Florence Pfaff,
Robert Marvin Pfaff
Troy, Missouri.
?hy11is Waters
Willa Dawes Waters -------
T62-Jaer Cline ------
.t)'.Ti"|-una*-uluo his-u-nun
2n6~- ----- ~-~-~~~-~» -~-- ~Mrs.F1orenoe Pfaff
formerly married to Charles J. Pfaff, had
of Troy, Missouri.
-~--fepr 12.1933)-~---Victor Henigar Ledbetter
_ Deo 12,1909
End ~~--- »---------~ ---Burns Cline

~- _a%¢Qs*"
_ Born at Pickens, South Carolina; attended Getty College,UK»C.
Homer Conservatory, Bethany College, LindenmooH`Col1ege,B]Ef; Married
=hv*Bev¥ Ge AIfWaters`at'M. E. Church, Amitz, arkansas to Victor
Ledbetter. ` ' _ H J,,
Victor Henigar£;edbetter,.son of-william Charles Ledbetter and
Georgia Ellen Carter, Born at Benton, Arkansas; Arkansas Technical
Institute, B.5.A., teacher,Qimsoience, Principal of High School
Amitz;~Arkansae:'""` " N
Willa Dawes Waters res1led=on Guam»1953F§5§'Ne1liqdAhE,B.,
Nevadai'-"1955.'="" 2 ' E E A A   'LMP hi- 1'   " u ' " '
Charles Waters Ashbaugh~ ----~- -----» ~~---~~Myrtle §nda£§or§mueller
_ _ NS" 3?@l@95
763-Dorothy Jean Ashbaughefll-oct l8,l§2h1---_l_ __ m
'.j' _. ¢ --I*
4- --
Charles Waters Ashbaugh, born Eleberry, Missouri; Field Represen-
tative for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company; served during World War I
Myrtle Anna Bornmueller, daughter of Oscar A. Bornmue1ler_and z
Clara Shieker. _
7351 Pershing Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. *__* _._ ~. l
.F _. _E __ '__ ..
_ '_ _ *_ _'__ __ .¢. - . _
t. :_|. .
\]II_553* qi U M __ _____.... .   - H* _ I-_
George A. Burke-{§§§; ~----- - »~-- QQ!-aa-»~-»~~-»>»> " ' " `§ufford
Miss Bpfford is_Qanghter_o£ Holley Bufford.
"f Whltes&de,"LlnEoln County, Missouri. J_=
. » i" "` - °' '
_ - :- >_»_.r'1' '_ \ P-   _ ' , ._ J - __ ~ ' -TL
'1' -. ' ~ __ ,_ . : _
Davis Nicholas Whitesiée
Raymond Armstead Davis ------ (Feb 2O,l95S) ---~~~-- Nellie Spyres ,N
May 16,l900`
Raymond Armstead Dsvis,,farmera1 '»--» ~~"~~" ' ' '" `_
-;:e~- Nellie'$pyres§'EaiQhter'of William Worsiok Spyres ana Annie
Belle Wohbleea a A
i'\'E'.;": -.~:..--:.,,-_,._.... .-....   v.. --°-°""' """lT`:r

VI I   5
Ralph Earl Davie--~- ---- --- ~-- -~------- --Prudie Shuek
` Oct 28,1902
76h~Ra1ph Lindell DaVia~»-----Mar 2l,l932----
Prudie Shack, daughter of Webb Shuck and Hattie D. Grote.
Herbert Franklin Davie- ~----- (Dec 5,l929) ---~ -~~Mary Barnum Luck
Nov 23,1908
Mary Barnum Luck, daughter of Racca Henry Luck and Barbara Jane
Carson; married by Rev. R. B. Whiteside, Whiteside, Missouri.
Hugh Francie Davia~-- ~~~(Apr 17,l95h)--MreI Vineil Wilson Finley
Mar 20,1909
Mrs. Vinoil Wilson Finley, daughter of Frank and Mary Mitchell
Wilson, first married to Robert Finley.
Mildred Whiteside
George Baekett Whiteside
Farmer; Baptist; teacher of Menfe Bible Claes; buried Mill Greek
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Frances Whiteside
Sarah Millie Whiteside

Martha Lucile Whiteside
John Whiteside Teague- -~-~-- - --------~- ---»-- Ruth Patterson LaRue
Eolia, Missouri.
Helen Crittenden Teague--~»-~~--~---~--~ ------- ---Mason York
765-Joyce Marie York--~--»~--~
Y66-John Mason York-~ ~------ ~-
76?-Irene York
T68-Mary Ann York
Eolia, Missouri.
v11-see. A
Margaret Maria Teague----~ ~»~~- ---~ ------ ---4----~Hayden Wood
Margaret Teague buried Eolia, Missouri.
Helen Love Magruder------ -»-- (Dec E,1923)--+»»Robert Andrew-Neikirk
Aug 23,1899
?69-William Gentry Neikirk»---Oct 25,192u~~-~
T70-Robert Franklin Neikirk-~-Sep 19,1929---~
T71-David Wharton Neikirk-----Feb 18,1932-~-~
Helen Love Magruder, born whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended public schools at Mhiteside and Eolie, Missouri; Baptist;
school teacher; married by Rev. W. N. Maupin een minister*s home,
Eolia, Pike County, Missouri.
Robert Andrew Neikirk, born Lincoln County, Missouri; son of
Wharton Laubam_Neikirk and Viola Neikirk; attended Eolia schools
and Hannibal LaGrange Gollege; farmer; Baptist; Republican.

T\ :   -
Christy Gentry Magruderm ~--~- (May 22,l926)~--Ruth Stephens Dawson
Nov 28,1903
Feb 17,1929
7T2~Kathryn Ruth Magruder ----- apr l,l927---~
2nd----(Oct l5,l932}--~Dorothy Leonora Kontny
Feb 22,1911
_ TT3~Joan Eva Magruder»-~ ------ Jul l2,1933"~--
Christy Gentry Magruder, born Whiteside, Lincoln County,Missouri;
attended public schools at Whiteside and Eolia, Missouri; Baptist;
Democrat; head of Southwest Division, Pennsylvania Railroad; married
by Rev, R. T. Campbell at Bowling_Green, Pike County, Missouri.
Ruth Stephens Dawson, daughter of Ludwell Dawson and Kate
Meyer; born Eolia, Pike County, Missouri; Methodist; Democrat. See
Dawson Book, Buried Eolia Cemetery,
Mildred Isabel`Magruder~~-(Jun ll,l9ul)~-Marion Randolph Fillingham
Aug 21,1907
Mildred Isabel Magruder, born Whiteside, Lincoln County,
Missouri; attended public schools at Whiteside and Eolia, Missouri,
Central Missouri State College, University of Missouri, B.S. in
Education; Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. R. T. Campbell at
Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri.
Marion Randolph Fillingnam, son of Arthur Fillingham and Laura
Stone; born near Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri; Baptist; Demo-
Alfred Crittenden Teague
John Harvard Teague
Whiteside, Missouri
Ruth Elizabeth Teague~ -~---- ~~ ~-»~-- ---»a~~-~-~~~ Rector
St. Louis, Missouri

Couchie waters Teague
Nauvoo, Illinois.
Anna Marie Teagua-
James D. Teague,Jr.,
Evaline Whiteside
Susan Elizabeth Whiteside

Delore Whiteside
George Richard Whiteside--»-»»~»-» ---- ---»~-- ---» -Buna Hubbard
Served in U. S. Navy during World Wav II.
son Whiteside
Lucy Whiteeide-- --»--~----------~--- - ---»~----Ira Smith
77h-Ira Davis Sm1th~~- ----~ »-
Georgie Elizabeth Carson¢
Died in infancy. Buried Star Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County,
Geneva Nevada Garson-~-»~--»(Sep l1,192h)-~--Louis Charles Hagen
End---~--»--»»---~---Colonel G. N. Brooks
Married to Louie C. Hagen at pereondge of Central Baptist
Church, Qgincy, Illinois, by Rev. R. V. Meigs.
Cel. Brooks retired Army officer, new connected with Military
service of State of Texas.

Helen Whiteside-~-~ -~-- ~»(Aug h,lQ28)~--- ----William H. Maohir
' May l,l9Oh
T75-William Lee Machir --~--~-- Jan 10,1929 ----
Helen Whiteside, graduated from Elsberry High School with the
Class of 1928; married Baptist Parsonage by Rev. L. D. Gregory,
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; Secretary of Sunday School,
Elsberry Christian Church.
William H. Machir, son of Frank Machir and Annie Vanhatra.
graduated form Elsberry High School, Lincoln County, Missouri, 192h;
farmer; later'employed Burlington Railroad.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Odessa Whiteside -~-- ~---(May l?,193O)----Richard Curtis Trail,
Apr h,1903
776-Jack Curtis Trail ~----- ---Jul 3O,1933~-~-
TT?-James Trail ---~- - ------ ~~-May 2,l93B-~--
Was graduated from Elsberry High School in 1928; married at
Baptist Parsonage in St. Charles, St. Charles County, Missouri by
pastor of St. Charles Baptist Church.
Richard Curtis Trail, son of Richard Curtis Trai1,Sr., and
Beulah Singleton; born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; was grad~
usted from Elsberry High School, 1926; operates Burlington Trailways
BUPliDgtOH» Iowa. 1800 South 35th and Burlington Streets.
VII-557 3/5.
Joseph Whiteaide~-~~~ ----- ( ) ---- ~ ~---- Milroy Blackmore
S613 6: 1912
?TB~Jo Anne Nhiteside~~-~--»--Feb ll,193H-~--
779~Joseph Samuel Whiteside»»-Sep ll,l9hl --~-
T30-Edward Lee Whiteside -~--»- Mar 3,l9h9----
7 1"
Joseph Whiteside, farmer.
Milroy Blackmore, daughter of Millie L. Blackmore and Mabel
Cunningham, of Foley, Missouri; attended Elsberry High School, Lin-
coln County, Missouri. _
Foley, Missouri. ""»g

, lav.
VII*53T u/E.
Richard Franklin Whitaside,Jr.,--(Jan 1,19h2)-Frances Evelyne Shannon
Apr 12,1923
T82~Gonstanca Jean Whiteside-~May 11,l9h? ---»
783-Richard Franklin Whiteside, III,-~Apr 25,1951--~-"
Richard Franklin Whiteside, born Apex, Lincoln County, Missouri;
graduate of Elaberry High School, Elaberry, Missouri; Baptiat;_Dem~
ocrat; winner of 100 Bushal Corn Contest for several years; married
by Rev. W. Nale Falls at home of Mark O. Shannon.
Frances Evelyna Shannon, daughter of Mark 0. Shannon and Iva
Evarameyer; graduate of Buchanan High School, Troy, Missouri; Bap-
tist; Democrat.
Don Franklin Ackerly
Gertrude Pauline ackerly
Dorothy Juanita Kunz
Adolph Henry Kunz
James Rodgers Kunz.
Joe Herald Kunz

Charles Edward Whiteside
Alice Josephine Nims--~- - --~- -»--- -- ----- -Ralph Grandquist
Chicago, Illinois.
James Whiteside Nime
7Bq*Juey Nims--~-~ ~------- --~- ,
Wotchmekor, Carrollton, Illinois, 19M0; Democrat; Christian
Scientist; wife from England.
Fike Purcell
S29 East Mein Street, Denison, Grayson County, Texas.
Cleo Dolores Elkin
Mamie Hayes- -~-- -~ ~---- --~~~~-~ ----- »-~-- ~---~--~- Sawyer
Died in Dennison, Texas, January 8, 1935.
VI   I
J. McKinley Moxley

Ruth Louise Haines-- ~------- (Apr l6,l93B)~-~-Howard Benjamin Moss
_ aug 5,1918
785-Howard Haines Moss--~ ---- -Jan 2h,1939-"~"
Ruth Louise Haines, born Lincoln County, Missouri; attended
Bowling Green High School, Pike County, Missouri; stenographer;
Christian Church; Democrat; married by Rev. M. D, Dudley.
Howard Benjamin Moss, son of Shelton Moss and Minnie Louise
Bartles; born Ashley, Missouri; graduated from Bowling Green High
School 19373 tank truck operator; Methodist; Democrat.
Ashley, Pike County, Missouri.
William Wirt Haines, Jr.- ~---~ (Jun 25,l9h9)~-~-Bathsheba Jane Wommaok
Bathsheba Jane Wommaok, daughter of J. B. Wommack,Sr., married
St. Alphonsus Church, Millwood, Missouri.
Jean Elizabeth Ebaugh
Virginia Ann Ebaugh
VII-60h. '
Virginia Lou Middleton-~ ----- »(Nov 25,l9hh)---Louis Pierre wenze11;Jr.,
786-Louis Pierre Wenzel,III,--Aug 3O,l9hS~--»
?87~Julia Elizabeth Wenzel-~--Mar 28,l9h8--~-
788-Patricia Middleton Wenzel»Sep lS,l9h9~~~»
TB9~John Bates Wenzel-~ ---- ~-~Jan 7,195?-*mm
Virginia Lou Middleton, attended Central College, Fayette,
Missouri; married at Presbyterian Church, Bowling Green, by Rev.
walter G. Mitchell.
Louis Pierre Wenzell, son of Captain Wenzell; attended Peddie
School, Heightstown, New Jersey; graduate of Princeton; Masteris
Degree, Washington University; American Institute of Chemical En-
gineers and Electrochemical Society.

John William Middleton- -~~-~--- (Jun l?,195l)~~---Mary Alice Jaeger
T90-John William Middleton,Jr.-~Jun 25,l9S3--
T91-ilice Jane Miee1eeen~~~- ~--- Jun 23,1955-~
T92~Joseph Heard Miaa1eten~-~-~-aug 15,195?--
John William Middleton; Physician; Missouri University; U. S.
Army during Worlo War II.
Mary lice Jaeger, daushter of Joe Jaeger; Missouri University;
Delta Delta Delta.
Louisiana, Missouri.
Julia Elizabeth M1dd1eton~-~»~~»(Dec 23,lQ5O)-Me1villeDwight Cenne£,Jr
793-Melville Dwight Cannet,III,»-Nov 16,1952-»
TQLL-Sally Middleton oannev-~_ ---- Joe 7,195J4_--
Married in Bowling Green, Missouri.
VII-607. `\R
John Veeco,whitee1de,Jr.----(Feb 23,1957)--~-Jean Thornton Smith
John Veaoh Whiteside, born Cleveland, Ohio; married Ithaca,
New York.
Jean T. Smith from Washington, D. C.
Wilmer Lee Mollroy,Jr.
Graduate of U. s. Military academy at West Point, 1953. Officer
in U. S. Army.
Alfred William Matthews- »---- ( ; ',1925)~-~~Qgnes Carrie Scott
2nd ~--~ --(Jun ?,l932)%%Margaret Grace Springer
Oct 2,1909
795-Marie Elizabeth Metthews~-Oct l2,l93M --~-
796-Winston Edward Alfred Matthews--Mer l9,l9hl----

Alfred William Matthews, born Camas, Clark County, Washington;
attended Boistford High School, Bellingham Normal School, College of
Puget Sound, A.B., University of Washington,M.A.; importer; Teacher
of High School; Professor at College of Puget Sound; Professor at
Western Union College, Lemars, Iowa; Arizona Military Academy,Prin-
cipal; F.E.R.A and salesman; lecturer and writer; Republican;
End Lieutenant in Officers' Reserve Corps; A.F. & A.M.'
- Mary Margaret Grace Springer, born Moselle, North Dakota;
daughter of Alonzo J. Springer and Elizabeth Sly; attended Wyndmere
High School, Dakota Business College at Fargo, North Daketa, Western
Uhim1Co11ege, LeMars, Iowa~~a.B. Degree; teacher; Methodist; Republi-
can; Pi Kappa Delta; Pi Gam e Mu.
slice Shell Hudkins
Boone McCoy -------~ ~-~ ----- ~--~ --~- -~---- ~-~- - ---~ Emery A. Dugat
Mission, Texas.
Ore Huntsman Parsons
Marvin LeRoy Pence
tea Elizabeth Cannon ~~~--- ~(Jun 1,1a37)--- -~-- William Irwin rixley
Mar 7,1911
79?~Wi1liam Gannon Pixley---~-Ang 20,l9MO---~
T98»Thomas Dawson Pixley----~-Apr 25,l9h3--~~
Ida Elizabeth Gannon, born Elsberry, Missouri; Elsberry High
School; Eastern High School, Washington, D.G.; Missouri University,
B. J. 1932, A.M. 1936; Baptist; Democrat; Alpha Phi, Theta Sigma
Phi; P.E.O.; Jessie Black Club; married at Christ Church, Alexandria,
Virginia, by Rev. H. L. Doll, Rector, and Rev. James Share Montgomery,
Chaplain of the House of Representatives. O.E.S.

n 172.
William Irwin Pixley, son of Harry Clinton Pixley and Sarah
Ann Irwin; born Ferguson, St, Louis County, Missouri; Ferguson High
School; Missouri University, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 19335
Methodist; Democrat; Pi Kappa Alpha; Pi Tau Sigma; Tomb and Key;
A.S.M.E.; Power Transmission Club; Sales Engineer.
21 Huntlsigh Moods, St. Louis 22, Missouri.
VIII~6l5. '
Ruby Melinda Cannon ---~~------ (Apr 6,l9LL3) ---- -Harry Bert Hackethorn
as-_,T 20,1915
799-John Cannon Hackethorn---#Dec 28,l9h3---~
SOO-David Lyon Hackethorn --~- ~Jun l,l9h9-~--
801-Susan Melinda Hackethorn--Jul 13,1951 ----
Ruby Melinda Gannon, daughter of Clarence Cannon and Ida Dawson
Wigginton; born St. Louis, Missouri; graduate Elsherry High School,
Lincoln County, Missouri; Randolph Macon Momen*s College, Lynchburg,
Virginia; Missouri University, a.E., M.A.; P.E.C.; D.A.R.; O.E.S.;
Pi Beta Phi; alpha Pi Zeta; married at Christ Episcopal Church,
Alexandria, Virginia, by Rector Edward Randolph Wells.
Harry Bert Hackethorn, son of Harry Dalton Hackethorn and Pearl
Mount; born Columbia, Missouri; Missouri University; 3.5. in Business
Administration; Captain U.S. Army; Methodist; Democrat; Kappa Alpha;
Assistant District Director, Aetna Life Insurance Company. ,
731 Pinehaven Drive, Houston, Texas. I
William Randolph Peeler- ---- ~(Oot 23,1937)---Eleanor Sheppard Browne
Aug 27.1913
8O24Milliam Randolph Peeler,II,~Apr l3,l939~-
B03-Melinda Peeler ---- ~-~ ------ ~Dec l3,l9hl--
William Randolph Peeler, born Elsherry, Lincoln County, Missouri
Mexico, Missouri High School; Missouri University; Hall War College;
United States Naval Academy; B.S. l93h; Naval Officer; Baptist;
Kappa Sigma; Norfolk German Club.
Eleanor S. Browne, daughter of Randolph Maury Browne and Jean
Maxwell; horn in Norfolk, Norfolk County, Virginia; Episcopalian;
Democrat; Member of Junior League; Maury High School, Norfolk, Vir-
ginia; Wells Business School; married Church of the Good Shepherd,
Norfolk, Virginia, by Rev. Gunn.
712 Poppy Avenue, Corona del Mar, California.

John Lewis Cannon»--~¢ »---~ -(Oct 29,l9hB)~--~-Doris Marie Stratton
BOM-James Andrew Cannon-- ~---- Aug l2,l95l--~-
805-John Lewis Cannon,Jr.,--»-Dec l8,l95M----
John Lewis Cannon, son of Margaret Trescott and Cecil Cannon;
Elsberry High School; Central College; Yale University School of
Medicine l9M?; Nu Sigma Nu; interned at Hartford Eospital, Hartford,
Doris Marie Stratton, daughter of Thomas J. Stratton; graduate
Hartford Hospital School of Nurses; Supervisor cf Nurses, Hartford
Hospital; married St. Mary*s Episcopal Church, Manchester, Connec-
ticut by Rev. Alfred Wilmes.
William Joseph Cannon~-»~~~~-(Aug l3,l95O) ---- Doris Eleanor Shoop

app 3,192]-L
806-William Olin Cannon-~~----Apr l8,l952--~-
BOT-Joseph Edwin Cannon ------- May 30,1953--»»
SOB-Cynthia Rebecca Gannon-~--Aug 3l,l955--~-
William Joseph_Cannon, son of Cecil Nhiteside Cannon and
Margaret Rebecca Trescott; born Elsherry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Elsberry High School; Central College, Fayette, Missouri; Washington
University; B.S.; M.D.; Physician; Baptist; Democrat; American Medical
Association; Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity; Post graduate work at
Colorado General Hospital, Denver, Colorado; married First Presby-
terian Church, Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio, by Dr. Guy Cheek. `
Doris Eleanor Shoop, daughter of william Ray Shoop and Donna
Belle Brickman; born McComb, Hancock County, Ohio; McComb High
School; R.N. Lima Memorial Hospital, Chic; B.S., University of
Colorado; nurse; Presbyterian; Democrat; American Nursing Association;
National League Nursing Education.
VIII %Sl9.
Edwin Vane Whiteside~- ---~--- - ------ --~~- -~-~-Elizabeth Ann Barnes
1? East Kelsey, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Lenora Jean Whiteside »----~ --(Oct 26,l933)- -----~ ~James Grossman
' Dec 26,1909
809-James Dallas(Grossman) Jones~Jan 26,l93h~
2nd-»(Feb l3,l939)- ----- ~G1yde Toyn Jones
B10-Leslie Kay Jones---~--~~--Dec l1,l9hh~~-~
Lenora Jean Whiteside, daughter of Joseph Vance Whiteside and
Elsie Jane Clark; born Roaerson, Idaho; Metropolis, Nevada High
School; Latter Day Saints; Democrat; Married by Bishop E. M. White
at Wells, Elko County, Nevada, to Clyde T. Jones.
Clyde Toyn Jones, son of James Samuel Jones and Nora Toyn; born
Oakley, Idaho; graduate wells High School, Wells,Nevada; Locomotive
Fireman on Southern Pacific Railroad; Latter Dev Saints; Democrat;
James D. (Grossman) Jones son of James Grossman leaallv adopted bv
Clyde T. Jones.
M37 west Tth,Brigham City, Utah
Jack Whiteside~-~~~~~~ ~~~»---~------- - ----- --Laverne Irene Jewkes
508 Prater Way, Sparks, Nevada.
Elsie Leila Whiteside- --------- ~~- -~~--- ~-~-~Gordon Walter Enke
Patterson Blvd., Concord, California.
Gladys Marie Mhiteaide-- -----~~ ~--- ------------- Kirk Richard Mitchell
Kirk R. Mitchell, Major in United States Air Force.
Vets Village, Box Th, Stillwater, Oklahoma.:
Vera Rose Whiteside- --~-~~~~---- ~~--» ~-~- ~~~--Robert Rex Brooks,Jr.,
695 Cranliegh Drive, Reno, Nevada.

Joseph Lyle Whiteside
Cheryl Lynn Whiteside
Clyde Erskine Lesley- ~~--- ---- ~----~- ~ -~-~ ----Evelyn Osgood Deering
5ll~son Lesley- ----------- ~-~- ,1935»-~
Clyde Erskine Lesley, son of Gladys Rebecca Whiteside and Ira
Clyde Epley, legally adopted by Walter Lesley. Teller at First
National Bank of Pomona, California.
391 Columbia avenue, Pomona, California.
Gladys Whiteside Epley
Died in infancy.
Wendell Mayes Lesley -~-------- ~ ~~~»~ ~~ ~-~-------- ~Married
Wendell Mayes Lesley, son of Gladys Rebecca Whiteside and Ira
Clyde Epley, legally adopted by Walter Lesley; aviator, Flight
' d t ith Air Corps Ferry
0fficer,kil1ed in plane crash while on u y w
Command during world War II.
William Naylend Lesley» ~~-- -~-(Jan l,19nl) --»- -~Mary Margaret Emery
Jun 1,1916
8l2eMargaret Nayland Lesley-~-May 3l,l9M2-~~~
William Nayland Lesley, son of Gladys Rebeccas Whiteside and
Ira Clyde Epley, legally adopted by Walter Lesley; born Cleveland,
Ohio; served in United States Air Corps during World War II; French
Croix de Guerra; 5 Combat Stars, Purple Heart and Oak Leaf Cluster;
History teacher; skilled photographer; film editor; Pomona High

School, Pomona, California; J.C. Laverne College; post graduate work
at Claremont Menfs College; Christian;
Republican; Birdie Club;
California Teachers Association; P.T.A.; Married Lea Vegas,Nevada.
Mary Margaret Emery,'daughter of Joseph Faulkner Emery and Mary
Margaret Florence Hamilton; Santa Barbara College; Riverside Juninr
College; Christian; Republican; Pomona
Riverside, California.
387 West McKinley Avenue, Pomona,
Clifton Walter Lesley
Studying for the ministry.
Country Club; P.T.A; born
Vernon Millner Jeans- ----- ~(Jun l2,1926)-----»~~-Elma Dara Sonith_
Dec 11,1907
B13-Vernon Millner Jeans,Jr.--Jun 27,l927----
8lh»Dawn Elaine Jeana~~ ------- Mar 19,193O----
3lS~Jeesie Marlene Jeans -~---- Nov 16,1933~--*
816-David Clarence Jeans-~--~-Jul 17,1938---»
75 Vanderpool Street, Birmingham, Michigan.
Lola Virginia Jeans ---- --~- (Dec lG,192U}~~-----Willard Jenn Cole
oct 1,1902
Bl?-Willard Mydren Cole--~ ---~ May l3,l926~»--
818-Virginia Adeline Cole ----- aug l2,l93M ~---
819~Natalie Sue Bird»-- --~-~-- May
820-Alfred Mark Bird ----- ~--~-
821-Phyllis ann sire- -~---- ---
Lake Orion, Michigan.
Catherine Jeans- ---- ~~-- -~---~~- ----- ---Mark Edward Bird
»l9H? ~~--

Thomas Jefferson Jeans ----~- ---~ - ------ -~ ---~ ~»~»Erme Dunn
I 822-Glen Elwood Jeans-~ ~--~ --~Aug 28,1935----
823-Thomas Edward Jeans ---- ~~-Jun 1,1937--~-
_ 82h~Judith Ann Jeans
Oxford, Michigan.
Clarence May Jeans ---- ---
SES-Larry Edmond Mil
826~Richerd Greig Mi
ua|_u.¢n|»_ anna -na-mann
---- --» »-»»George Miller
ler~---- »
ller ---- ~
2nd---_- ---_ _ ,.-?HIoherd Plessey
Lake Orion, Michigan.
Robert Newton Braid- --~- ~-(Sep h,19h2)-~---Marian Dore Venwegner
Feb 1,1923
Marian Dora Venwegner, daughter of Ewey Alonzo Vanwegner and
Helen Mary King.
\ Robert Newton Braid, student Company G First Engineer School
Regiment, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
T65 South Lapeer Reed, Oxford, Michigan
Beane Arlene Breié
Winifred Euphemie Braid
Doris Irene.Breid

William Clayton Braid '
Known as "Buzzy". President of Junior Glass at Lake Orion High
School, Lake Orion, Michigan. Winner American Legion auxiliary '
v%?%r%5§uism Award. I I
Burdell raackay Miiiner --»---- -(aaa 26,l939)---"Helen Louise crank
Apr 12,1915
32?-John Mackey Millner--- ---- Nov 3,19hM-~~-
828~Janet Louise Millner ~--» --Nov 3,l9ub----
829-Karen Lorlane Millner- -~-- Dec 2l,19uE-~-~
Burdell Mackey Millner, Methodist; Democrat; I.0.0.F.; Sales-
man; born near Pavnesville, Missouri; Eolia High School; Scout-
master; Manager, Kroger Store, Louisiana, Missouri.
Helen~Louise Crank, dauehter of Charles Meriwether Crank and
Ethel Corine Shields; teacher; Baptist; Democrat; Coterie Club;
Rebekah; Hannibal LaGrange College; married by Rev. Guy Brown,
Gurryville Baptist Church, Gurryville, Missouri.
VIII-6h3. _
Willella Carver Millner-»--»~-~(Apr B,l9hu)»»---Gordon Taylor Gilliland
Jul l5,l9lu
Gordon Gilliland, son of Gayland Gordon Gilliland and Zalma
Esther Waggener. See Harvey and Kemper Books.
Janesville, Illinois.
Minnie Catherine Milluer-- ---~ ---- ~»---»»-------»--- Holthoff
83OwTeddie Glen HO1th0ff~»----Feb 3,19MO---*-
Glendora Millner
VIII*6H6» _
Frances Lucile Millner

Annie Jean Millner _
Charles Newton Millner
Robert Lee Millner _
Beverly Jewell Millner
May Imogene Mi11ner-- ~--- -~
831-Mildred Kay Scott-
832»Riohard Lee Scott-
B33-Patrioia Ann Scott
Margaret Genevieve Millner-
83h~Harold Cuteha1l---
B35-Bryan Cutshall ----
Peggy Ann Millner ----
836~Gheryl Lynn
Patricia Jeanna Millner
an-sunuur-ua me-|
William Cutshall
d.Jan 9,1955

Barbara Kay Millner
James Buford Millner
Kathryn Ann Millner
VIII-658. _
Thomas Vardemsn Millner
Marilyn Ford- --~- ---~ ---~--~~(Oot 1,l95O)-- -»~- ~--Vernon D. Hart
May 23,1921
83?~Leonerd Randolph Hart ---- ~Nov 3,1952-~--
Marilyn Ford, attended
Missouri; Gem City Business
Mexico, Missouri; Christian
bridefs home.
Vernon D. Hart, son of
Elsberry High School, Lincoln County,
College; secretary, A.?. Green Company,
Church; married by Rev, Harold Odor at
Leonard B. Hart; born Gesoonade County,
Missouri; attended Hermann High School, Hermann, Missouri; served in
U.S. Army Air Corps; employed at A. P. Green Firebriok Company,
Mexico, Missouri.
Qusntico Road, Mexico, Missouri. _
Infant son Galloway
winons Gs1lowey--~- ---- (Oct 15,195O)~~---Donald George Bowers
Oct 21,1928
838~David Thomas Bowers ---~ ---Jan 1,19S3----
B39-Bruce Bowers~»~»- ~---~-- -~Oot M,19ES-~~-

Winona Galloway, graduate of Elsberry High School, Lincoln
County, Missouri; formerly employed by Blue Cross, St. Louis,Missouri
a.E.P. Club; Christian Church; married Elsberry Christian Church by
Rev. Harold Odor.
Donald George Bowers, son of Frederic Clare Bowers and Elnora
alice Hard of Battle Creek, Michigan; Christian Church; Scoutmaster;
employed by McDonnell aircraft Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Infant son Galloway.
William Louis Brown,Jr.,~--~(Mar l,l9h3]-- ---- ~-~-Rosemary Beauchamp
Nov l6,l9l91
8hO»Mi1liam Beauchamp Brown---Mar 1T,l95l-~»-
William L. Brown, attended Elsberry High School; Culver4Stockton
College; member of the college basket ball team; U. S. Army during
World War II; attended Uhiversity of Arkansas and Stanford College
while in service; B.S. & M.S. at Washington University, St. Louis, '
Missouri; teacher; Christian Church. .
Rosemary Beauchamp, daughter of William Manlove Beauchamp and _
Grace Tannehill; graduate of Southeast Missouri State'Teacher's
College; did graduate work at washington University, St: Louis,
Missouri; teacher; married by Rev. J. C. Schenk, castor of Evangeli-
cal Church, Uhion, Missouri.
John Carlton Cobb
Graduate Elsberry High School; served U. S. Army Air Corps
during World War II, missing in action and later declared dead.
Jane Dean Cobb- -~-- ~~~- ~-~--- (Mar 25,195O) ---- ~Raymond Thomas Peasel
Dec 29,1926
8hl»Jane Raenet Peasel -------- May 23,l95l~~--

r ~ Jana Dean Cobb, Elsberry High School; Central Coelege; Rubicmn
Business College; Baptist; formerly employed by Missouri State Leg»
islatura; D.N.C. Club; Officer in Lincoln County Young Democratic Club
Raymond Thomas Peasel, son of Frank and Frances Lenk Peasel;
born Silex, Missouri; U. S. Army; Agent, Standard Oil Company, E1e»
berry, Missouri; officer in Young Democratic Club; President, Ehs-
bcrry Chamber of Commerce; Kiwanis Club; Catholic.
Elsbcrry, Missouri.
Charles andrew Cobb
Howard Wallace Whiteside
James Bartlett Ward,Jr.,
Talleyrand Hayns Clohd
Victoria Pearl Whiteside-~-~-(Jun T,195?)-~--Richard Eugene Shore
Jul ,193T
Victoria P. Whiteside, born Los angeles, California; student at
College of the Pacific, Stockton, California; Methodist; Democrat;
married Morris Chapel, College of the Pacific, by Rev. George Goodwin.
Richard E. Shore, son of Halter E. Shore and Tillman;
student at College of the Pacific; Methodist; HepubI§can; Phi Mu
Alpha; Beta3Bsta_Beta.
633 North Hunter, Stockton, California.
Laura Penn Whiteside
Judith Ann Whiteside
Elsberrg High School, Lincoln Countg, Missouri; Missouri Uhiver»
sity, Gam e hi Beta Sority; Christian C urch.

Harriett Jane Langford-»- --~- (Sep 1?,l955)--~Rohert Allan Lawson
8n2-Joseph Martin Lawson- ~-~-- Aug 5,1956 -----
Robert Allan Lawson, son of Morris Lawson of Bay Village, Ohio,
originally from Denmark.
Mary Louise Siegel ---- ~~~~ ~( ) ~--~-- Charles R. Manassa, Jr.,
9035 Ladue Road, Clayton, Missouri.
Theodore Morelock Armstrong
Pamela Whiteside Armstrong
Samuel Cannon Mayes- -~~~~-- (Apr l5,195O)-~--Carol Frances Walterscheid
Jun 25,1930
8n3~Richard Cannon Mayes ~-~-- -Aug 18,1951 ----
Shu-Peggy Ann Mayes -------~-~- Jul 30,1953 -~--
Bu;-william Edward Mayes---~--sep 1?,1955~---
Samuel Cannon Mayes, son of Russell Taylor Mayes and Sava Blanche
Weeks, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; Elsberry High School, Lin-
coln County, Missouri; University of Missouri; Farmer and stockman;
Baptist; Democrat; Alpha Gamma Rho; married at Morrison, Missouri,
by Rev. William Woltering.
Carol Francis Walterscheidt, daughter of S. H. Walterscheidt
and Emma Augustine; Catholic; Democrat; Secretary in State Division
of Employment, Jefferson City, Missouri.
Elsherry, Missouri.
John Richard Weeks ---~ ~ ----- ~fJun 2?,l95l]- ---~--- Bonnie Lee Stone
sep 15,1931
Sho-Richard Guy Weeks ~--~ -»~--Dec 5,1952~»--
Bn?-Kathy Lou Weeks-- ~~»~--~- -Jul 9,l95n----
John Richard "Dickie" Weeks, born Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Elsherry High School; Central College; Rubicam Business
College; employee of Forrest Keeling Nursery, Elsberry, Missouri;
married by Rev. Martin Fortel, Epworth Methodist Church, St. Louis,
Bonnie Lee Stone, daughter of Henry Stone and Jessie Taylor
Stone; Elsberry High School, Lincoln County, Missouri; Methodist.

VIII-677. y
Catherine Lou Weeks ------ ¢(Dec 17,l9M9)-~~-Harold Edward Moran
Deo 2?,l9&5
8h8»Joseph Wayne Moran -~~---»~ Jun 30,1951 ----
SM9-John Edward Moran ---~-~ ~~-Oct 3,1952 ~---
85O~James Moran ~--~»--------- ~Apr 6,1955 ----
85l~Harold Edward Moran, Jr.,-Dec 21,1956 ----
Catherine Lou Weeks, Baptist; graduate Elsberry High School,
Lincoln County, Missouri; Teller in Bank of Lincoln County, Els-
berry, Missouri; married Elsberry Baptist Church by Rev. C. n. O'Neill
Harold E. Moran, son of Hugh Moran and Margaret Weber; Elsberry
High School; Baptist; Democrat.
llh0 Redman Street, St. Louis,_Missouri.
UIII»6T3. ' ' ` '
Forrest Taylor Lillye-~ ----- (May 29,l9h9)-»-~-Darlene Cleo Stephens
Jan 2h,I9}l
852-Stephen Ray Lilley-~--~~~»Sep 13,1950---~
853-Michael Thomas Lilley -~--- Sep 13,l9SO~---
Forrest Taylor Lilley, Elsberry High School, Lincoln Gounty,,
Missouri; served in U.S. Army during World War II; Baptist; married
Eleberry Baptist Church, by Rev. G. Elmo Purvis.
Darlene Cleo Stephens, daughter of Ray Stephens and Cleo Fish-
bach; Baptist; Garden Club; A.E.P Club; Elsberry High School;
studied art at Hannibal LaGrange College. -
Elsberry, Missouri.
Robert Eugene Weeks ------» ~-~( ,l9S3) ---- -~~-Patricia Strus
BSL-Joseph Robert Weeks ---- ---Nov 2h,l95h-~~~
End -----»~------ (Apr l9,1958}- -~~----- Valerie Thompson
Robert Eugene Weeks, Elsberry High School, honor student;
Baptist; UQS. Army during Korean Conflict; Sergeant in U.S. Army
Reserve; divorced.
Patricia Strus, daughter of George Strus and Nola B. Watts;
Elsberry High School, Lincoln County, Missouri; later married
Reginald Carver.
Valerie Thompson, daughter of Cyrus Thompson; married at
LaGrange, Missouri, by Rev. A. N. Wilkinson, pastor of Mill Greek
Baptist Church.
713 Ellis Street, Elsberry, Missouri.

Russell Everett Gladney--- ~--- -(Sep 28,l939)--~--Hilda Alberta Day
- Apr 3,1920 .
Russell Everett Gladney, born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Elsberry High School, Missouri Chiropractic College; Doctor
of Chiropractic; Baptist; Democrat; 32nd Degree Mason; American Legion;
Sigma Phi Kappa; married by Rev. Dudley, Troy, Missouri.
Hilda Alberta Day, born Silex, Missouri; attended public schools
at Silex, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; daughter of Henry Leslie Day
and Mary Ann Eddy.
6029a Carlsbad Avenue, St. Louis 16, Missouri.
Samuel Reid Gladneya ---~ ---(Dec 22,l9h5)--~~~-Veda Dorothea Miller
Dec 27,1920
8SS~Ronald Craig Gladney- -~-- -Feb 19,l9h9~--~
B56~Jeanette Kay G1adney~-----Dec ll,l95h~~--
85?-Janus Ann Gladney ---~---~- Apr l,1956-~~-
Samuel Reid Gladney, born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Elsberry High School, Missouri University's School of Arte
and Science (A.B.),also School of Law (L.L.B.); Lawyer; Baptist;
Democrat; Alderman, Fourth Ward, Baytown, Missouri,1955*56; Phi Delta
- I I C h Sta
Phi Legal Fraternity; married by Rev. Neidner, Lutheran_ hurc ,
Charles, Missouri.
Veda Dorothea Miller, daughter of George Miller and Dorothea
Miller; born Eleworth, Kansas; attended Halstead Hospital School of
Nursing, Halstead Kansas; College of Business and Public Administration
(B.S.} University of Missouri; Lutheran; Democrat.
E816 -h2nd Street,DesMoines, Iowa.
Helen Mae Gladney'
Wayne Gladney

Bonnie June Whiteside ~--~--- (5ep lh,l9h5)--~--~~Rev. Virgil Lee Vaughn
' Apr 22,1922
B58-Phillip Uaughn~-~ -»------ -
B59~Randal Vaughn~---~- -~~-- ~-
Bonnie June Whiteside, born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Bowling Green High School, Pike County, Missouri; Hannibal
LaGrange College; Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar, Missouri;
Baptist; married at First Baptist Church, Keytesville, Charlton
County, Missouri, by Rev. Gordon Whiteside.
Virgil Lee Vaughn, son of Rev. William Thomas Vaughan and Jesse
Beulah Phillips; born Carterville, Illinois; A.A. Hannibal LaGrange
College; A. B. William Jewell College; Lambda Chi Alpha; Beta Chi
Zeta Biological Fraternity.
Charla Dean Whiteside~~-- ---- (Jun h,l95C)---- -~-- -Lamar'O'Bryan,Jr.,
Cherla Dean Whiteside, born Hannibal, Missouri; graduated of `
Moberly High School, Moberly, Missouri; Moberly Junior College;
Baptist; Talented artist and musician; died of leukemia at home of
parents; Keytesville Cemetery, Keytesville, Missouri.
Lamar Oibryan attened Hannibal LaGrange College and William
Jewell College; Minister. .
Lewis Lynn Gox»--- » ------- ~-(Apr l,l9§O)-Shirley Delores'Monsewita
Aug 26,l93H
B60-Gilda Ann Cox ---- ---Dec l,l95O-»-~
861-Connie Lee Cox ---- ---Sep lC,19§U"*'
B62-Patsy Lynn Cox -~---- ~ --~Aug 13,1956-~~~
Shirley Delores Wonsewitz, daughter of Charles and Minnie
Anna Dean Cox-»-- ~»»(Nov 25,l953)---~-John Thomas Colbert
oss 7,1932
B63-Terry Lee Colbert ---- ~--Mar lh,195o----
Sou-Sherrie Kay Colbert---~»--Aug 30,1957--"~
John T. Colbert, son of John W. and Ethel Aohor Colbert.

_Ruby Ernestine Cox~--~ --~~ ---- (Sep 22,1956)----Franklin Delano Brown
B65-Dianna Lynn Cox- -~-»---- --Sep 17,1957-~-~
Franklin D. Brown, son of John Allen and Lucille Garsona Brown
Daughter Whiteside
Lasiie Owen Whiteside
Jamos Lester Mayes
William Ronald Mayes
John Matthew Gladney
Charles Alloway Gladney
Ellen Elizabeth Gladney
866-daughter Mudd»
(Jul 3,1935) ---- --Thomas Joseph Muaa
~ *.»_ -_ -»-»Jun 25,1936
Deo 2,1905

Ellen Elizabeth Gladney, married at Millwood, Lincoln County,
Missouri, by Rev. W. F. Carr; graduate Elsberry High School, Lincoln
County, Missouri; William Woods College, 1932; Teacher at Forest
Glen School 1933-l93h; Baptist; Democrat; Rebekah; Jessie Black
dunior Club; M.F.W.C.
Thomas Joseph Mudd, son of Eva Thomas Mudd and Agnes Dwyer;
Kirksville State Teachers College and member of faculty of that
oollege;Jones Commercial College; Salesman for Eickerman Milling
Company, Silex, Missouri; Catholic; Knights of Columbus; teacher;
Mildred Thomas
daughter Thomas
daughter Thomas
Shirley Ann a11oeay»--(Jul 26,l956)-~~Cnarles Joseph Runser
Feb 7, 1933
Shirley Ann Alloway, born New Hartford, Missouri; graduate
Bowling Green High School, ?ike County, Missouri; welfare Worker,
Pike County, Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; married St. Clement Church,
?ike County, Missouri, by Rev. T. J. Odlum.
Charles Joseph Runser, son of Eugene George Runser and Henrietta
Hargaret Behlmann; born Bowling Green, Missouri; Bowling Green High
School; Salesman for Central Motors, Inc.; Catholic; Knights of
Columbus; Lions International.
Bowling Green, Missouri.
Wilva Dean Alloway----(Nay 26, 1956) --~~-------# Robert Ebers
Nov. h, 1932

wilva Dean Alloway, born New Hartford, Pike County, Missouri;
Bowling Green High School, Bowling Green, Missouri; Catholic; married
at St. Clement Church, by Rev. John Driesoarner, Pike County, Missouri
Robert Ebers, son.of Ernest J. Ebers and Luella Thompson; Bow~
ling Green public schools; employed at shoe factory, Bowling Green,
Missouri; Catholic.
Charles Robert Alloway
Joseph Edward Alloway
Ann Alloway
Jane Alloway
VIII-705. ,
Mildred Rebecca Biggs --~- ~~--~----------~--~-~---Elbert Gilbert
Columbia, Missouri.
Helen Gertrude Bell
Harry Eobertson Ball

Dorothy Doris Marshee-~~---> ---» ~-~- ~--~- --Floyd Randall Waltz,Jr.
2h28 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria, Virginia
Hugh Linn Marsh-- ---- ---(Apr 8,l9M9)--~-Helen Yakovleff-Gunn
Sep 8,1925
866 155-Michael Paul Marsh ---- oct l2,l9h9 ----
866 2/S~Linn Ellen Marsh ----~- Oct 2l,l95O----
866 3/5»Boberta Joan Marsh-~--Aug 18,l952----
866 h 5-Carol Lee Marsh--- ~--- Apr 22,1956-~--
Hugh Linn Marsh, born Belleville, Illinois; Belleville Township
High School; University of Illinois; Airline Pilot; Presbyterian;
married Shanghai, China.
Helen Yakovleff-Gunn, daughter of Ivan Yakovleff and Evdokia
Semenova Saracheff; born Shanghai, China; St. Francis Convent Gheefoo;
College Municipal de Shanghai; Russian Greek Orthodox.
Address:_ 1? Owase, Okinawa, G.A.T., Incorporated, A.F.O. 239,
c/o Postmaster, San Francisco,_Galifcrnia.
V111-7;o. '
James Hercheval Marsh--:~=e---(May 2,l953)------~-Jill Carlson
Feb 17,1929
867-Barbara Sue Marsha--»-»~-anee h,l95S----
James Kercheval Marsh, born Belleville, Illinois; Belleville
High School; Insurance Underwriter; married by Rev. Wesley Hager at
Grace Methodist Church, St. Louis,.Missouri.
Jill Carlson, daughter of Harry G. Carlson and Avis Duncan;
born Kansas City, Missouri; Maplewood High School, St. Louis,
6lOT waterman, Stu Louis, Missouri.
Mary Carolyn Marsh
Attending Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Helen Louise Kercheva1--- --~------- »»------~ ~ ---- Robert E. Dodge
Helen L. Kercheval, born Belleville, Illinois; Missouri Univer-
sity; Washington State; University of Washington; B.a.§ Teacher;
Democrat; married Wenatecgee, washington.
Robert E. Dodge attended University of Washington, B.A.;
student; Democrat.
§61H~llth Avenue, N.E., Seattle, Washington.
Basyl Hurley Kercheval ~»-- -~~-- (Aug lh,1956)- ~----~- Edi Simi
Basyl Hurley Kercheval, born Belleville, Illinois; B.A. Washing-
ton State College; served U.S. army; married Bellevue, Washington.
Edi Simi, daughter of Ed Simi and Viola ; B.A. Washing~
ten State College; Phi Beta Kappa; Librarian.
5016 Horger Street, Dearborn, Michigan.
Marion Wray Brown--~~ --»- - - -~»- (Oct lo, )» ~--- Russia Ga bell
cet 3,1933
Marion Wray Brown was graduated from the Louisiana High School,
Pike County, Missouri, 1923. Appointed Headmaster of the Hannibal
(Missouri) Division of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad
May 1, 1929, the youngest roadmaater to serve on the Hannibal Divi»
sion. Baptist; Democrat; born Troy, Missouri; married by Rev.
Matthews at Bowling Green, Missouri.
Russia Campbell, daughter of John James Campbell and Emma Jane
Hoppe; High School at Paynesville, Missouri; Christian Cnurdh; Dem-
annada, Missouri.
John Powell Anderson
Son of Dr. Elmer Lawrence anderson and Mary Annie Powell, born
Los Angeles, California; had named legally changed from Elmer
Lawrence Anderson to John Powell anderson; B. J. at Missouri Univer-
sity; School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C.;
Reporter - Editor, San Francisco Bureau, International Hews Service;
Democrat; Lieutenant in U.S. Naval Reserve; Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Sigma Delta Chi, National Professional Journalistic Fraternity.
620 LaMesa Drive, Mano Park, California.

Helen Harsh.Powel1 -»---- ~(Feh lh,l9Ml)-»~-»--~Arthur Louis Landwehr
Arthur Louis Landwehr, from Eefferson City, Missouri; married
at home of bride's parents.
2135 North Knoxville dvenue, Peoria, Illinois.
Matson Whiteside, Jr.,
Graduate of Missouri University, 19hO; B.S. in Business admin-
istration; formerly employed circulation department of Des Moines
Register and Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa.
5300_Harwood Drive, Des Moines, Iowa.
James Edward Powell, Jr.,
Lenora Jane Powell- -~-----~~- -(Jun ?,L95T)----Robert Faucette Huffaker
Lenora Jane Powell, attended Bright School, Girls* Preparatory
School, Bradford Junior College and the University of Georgia. Kappa
Kappa Gamma Sorority; Presbyterian. Married Lookout Mountain Presby-
terian Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Robert Faucette Hnffaker, son of Hugh Dayton Huffaker; McCallie
School; Georgia Institute of Technology, B.S.; President, Phi Delta
Theta Fraternity; Presbyterian.
Address: Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Louis Claude Ellis
Constance Lee Deming
Edward Arley Deming
George Henry Moore

Joseph David Moore
Grace Virginia Lewis ~--- ~ ~---James William Wheeler
, 86B~Virginia Ruth Wheeler ----- Oct ln,l932----Oct 1h,1932
869-James William whee1er,Jr.,aay 3O,l93U*"""
B70-John Homer Wheeler-~»-~--»Feb 1,1936---~
8?1 Paul Louie Wheeler -~--- ---Jul lh,1938~-»-
Grace Virginia Lewis, nurse at Pike County Hospital, Louisiana
'James William Wheeler, son of Arthur Wheeler and Annie Patrick
James Benjamin Lewis-»-» ~--- (Jul 15,195G)-~-Mrs. Nina Mildred
Pollard Runge
Sep 30.1905
dep 22,1957
Mrs. Nina Mildred Pollard Runge, daughter of Glinth and Lily
Bray Pollard; Christian Church. '
James Benjamin Lewis, farmer. `
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Marion Lewis
Died in infancy. Mill Greek Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri
Clement Victor Lewis»--- ~~- - ---Bessie LaRue
872-Mary Ruth Lewis -----~ - ~--- Feb l5,19M0~-~-
B73-Charles Marion Lewis ----~~ Jan 5,l9HH--~-
87h»Riehard Michael Lewis--~~~Mar l2,19M8~---
2nd»-~~ ----- Mrs. Neva Bollinger
Peoria, Illinois

Etta Mae Gallison ---- ----- (Nov 26,1926)-»»--~--Glen Ed Anderson
Etta Mae Gallison,
' Des 25,1900
teacher in Ralls County, Missouri schools
for 31 years; Graduate Hannibal LaGrange College; Culver-étockton
College; Elementary teacher in Center, Missouri, Schools.
Glen Ed Anderson, s
VIII-729. '
Homer Francis Callison
on of Nels Anderson and Carrie Johnson;Farmer
Manager, Singer Sewing Machine Store, Moberly, Missouri
Victor Wilson
Died in infancy.
Virgil Wi1son~ --~--- ~~--
Mabel Davis, daugnt
Vera Wilson--~ - - ~---~ »~-~ ~---- ~----~-----
875~Ksthryn Damron~
B76-Resvis Damron--
Arthur Damron, son
Whiteside, Missouri
James Hugh wilson
»~---~-»-----»----~---~--~Mabe1 Davis
er of Hattie Books Davis.
~Arthur Damron
as;-nuq-an campus.-vu
of Ed Damron and Elizabeth Robinson.

Velma Wilson-~-~~~ --e ---- »~-(Oct 19,1929)~-- --~- Warren L, Kolb
Dec 11,1899
Warren L. Kolb, son of Chris and Bertha Howell Kolb; married
bv Rev. Newton Smelser,
Troy, Missouri.
Carroll Lee Wilson
Troy, Missouri.
Whiteside, Missouri
Willard Wilson
Silex, Missouri.
Vivian Mabel Wilson »---
B77~E1aine Jeems~--
878-Sandra Jeems--
Clifton Jeems, son
Burlington, Iowa.
Ethel Dfsline Milles
James Taylor Miles
Etta Mae Miles
----~~(JUn l7»l939)~---~---Clifton Jeems
--- --~~--- Jul 3,19LL0----
--------»-~-Oct 1S,19M6----
of Isaac Jeems.

VIII~7Ml. -
James Hunter Jones~--~- --»-»- (Dec H,19u3)~~---Margaret Jane Havener
f Jun 1,1923
James Hunter Jones, born St. Louis, Missouri; B.S. St. Louis
College of Pharmacy; Methodist; Lieutenant, Medical Division, World
War II; married by Rev. J. L. Wood, Hpworth Methodist Church, St.
Louis, Missouri.
Margaret Jane Havener, daughter of Hebert Edward Lee Havener
and Margaret Estelle Otter; attended Beaumont High School; Rubicsm
Business College, St. Louis, Missouri; Methodist; Secretary, Laclede
3700 Iowa Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
Ada May Jones -------~--~~----~ (Jul 26, ) ---- Glen V. Clovinger
Ada May Jones, Auditor at National Biscuit Company, St. Louis,
Missouri; married at lmmanuel Baptist Church, by Dr. Paul Weber.
Sybil June Waters -~--~---- ----~------------~-~- Henderson
Detroit, Michigan. '
Virginia Lela Howard ---- »~---(Jun M,l938)- ~----- Richard Clark Eberle
Sep 15,1912
879-William Howard Eberle--~~-Jun 21,1939---~
880-Karen Ann Eber1e»- -------- Mar 3l,l9h5 -~--
Richard Clark Eberle, son of Dr. N. H. Eberle and Kathryn Quick;
married at home of T. C. Howard, by Rev. Fools, Elsberry, Missouri.
Silex, Missouri.
Robert Wilson Howard~-- ~..~- (Nov 22,l9533-----~~Kathryn Mae Beaver
Jun 27,1930
38l~Kathryn Gertrude Howard~~-Odt 16,l95M--~»
882~Robin Gail Howard- ---~-~ -~Dec 26,1956-aaa

Robert Wilson howard, Farmer; served U. S. Army during Korean
Conflict; married Hannibal, Missouri, at home of officiating Minister,
Rev. John W. Golden.
Kathrgn Mae Beaver, daughter of Earl Beaver and Nettie Pratt,
of Monroe ity, Missouri; attended Monroe City High School; formerly
employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Comoany.
David William.Howard- ~~~----~»- (Sep lO,l9Sh)-~-Barbara Lindell Glisson
r Jun ll,l93H
B83-Carla Renee Howard~»--~--~May 30,1956-»-~
David William Howard, former professional baseball pitcher with
St. Louis Cardinals; Farmer. Elsberry High School.
_ Barbara Lindell Glisson, daughter of Lola Glisson and Ruby
Bassett; originally from Paducah, Kentucky; Church of Christ.
Mary Howard~--~--~~ ---~-- -(aug l2,l9h6} ~---~ William Arthur Gardner
Aug 1]-9  
BSL-Cheryl Bae Gardnera- --~--~ Dec 2,l9hT----
885-Kendra Lee Gardner~-- ~-~- ~Jul 21,1951 ---~ _
386-William Allen Gardner~ ---- Apr lT,l95S----
Mary Howard, graduate Elsberry High School, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Methodist.
William Arthur Gardner, son of W. A. and Mrs. Alice Gardner;
operator for G.M. & C. Railroad.
Ashland, Illinois.
Jane Louise Howard»- --~----- (aug 11,l956)-Rsv.Howard DeFrance Hardaman
Aug 3,1919
Jane Louise Howard, graduate Elsberry High School, Lincoln
County, Missouri; Central College, Fayette, Missouri; formerly
director of Religious Education at Stephens Memorial Church, St.
Louis, Missouri; married by Rev. Marvin Fortel and Rev. J. L. Wood,
Elsberry Methodist Church;
Rev. Hardeman, son of Mrs. G, H. Hardeman, Joneshurg, Missouri;
graduate Central College, Fayette, Missouri; Duke Divinity School;
Minister; Methodist.
Welhsville, Missouri.

Kathryn Howard »---»-- ---(Sep 1u,1952)~~~ -~---Harry Weber
- Jul 31,1932
88?-Richard Allen Weber- ---~-- Sep 22,1957----
Kathryn Howard, graduate Elsberry High School, Elsberry, Missouri;
Methodist. '
Harry Weber, son of Harry Weber; U. S. Navy Specialist in Tool »
and Dge.
eardstown, Illinois.
James Peyton Howard
Elsberry High School; Farmer.
Susanne Howard
Attended Northwest Missouri State Teachers College. Methodist,
VIII~T§2. '
Charles Cannon Howard ---»- ~-(Nov h,19hh) ---~-»~ Martha Virginia Reid
asf 30,1921
888-Charla Ann Howard ------ ---May 1T,19u6~---
B89~Brenda Jean Howard~~-----»Jan 16,195l----
Charles Cannon Howard, Westminster College; Naval Aviator; En-
sign in Naval Reserve; farmer; officer in Farm Bureau, Lincoln County,
Missouri. Baptist.
fa- Martha_Virginia Reid, daughter of Leslie Calvin Reid and Mary
Gledney Reid; Elsberry High School; Erskine College; Central Qo1;ega;
P :E 505; D UN-QC 1; PPBSbytePianl
--William Otto (Bob) Howard --~- (Jun 5,19h5)- --~-- »-Jana Willis Hunter
Jun 2h,192S
B90-Robert Thomas Howard --~~-- May 2O,1951~--~
B91-William KGWUIHOWQPG--~~---Jun 9,l95h---~

William Otto (Bob) Howard, attended Missouri University; Alpha
Gamma Rho; Farm Bureau; Baptist.
Jane Willis Hunter, dauahter of Howard C. and Frances Hunter;
married Clarksville, Missouri, by Rev. G. Elmo ?urvis; attended
William Jewell, Hannibal LaGrange College, Missouri University;
teacher; Baptist.
John Randolph Howard- --~-~- (Jun 23,l957)~-»~ ----- ~Mary Lynn Parks
Aug 18,193M
John Randolph Howard, served in U. S. Army; Mason; Kiwanis;
farmer; Baptist.
Mary Lynn Parks, daughter of Linwood Parks, born St. Louis,
Missouri; graduate Bhristian College and Washington University;
teacher; Phi Mu Sorority.
Molly Ann Howard
VIII-»'?56. ,
Lucy Catherine Harrison--------(Dec 2h,i9hl)----Walter D. Faler,Jr.,
892~Me1inda Dawson Faler- ---- -Dec l,19MM~--~
§g3~Michae1 David Faler- -~~--- Feb 15,l9h?---~
Married at Oak Park Christian Church, Kansas City, Missouri.
M250 Roanoke Road, Kansas City, Missouri.
VIII-757. r
_ Mortimer Thomas Bibb,Jr.,~ ---- (Jun 28,19h1)- -~~~-- Bernice Kessler
Bernice Kessler, from St. Louis, Missouri; married at Heat Park
Baptist Church, St. Louis, Missouri.
Mortimer Bibb, Junior Naval Officer in iir Corps during World
War II.

John William B1bb,Jr.
Harris Bibb
Betty Lee Bibb ------ »-- ----» White
VIII~761. _
Barbara Bibb
Jser Cline
VIII~763. '
Dorothy Jean Ashbaugh~ ---~-- (Aug lO,l9M6)--»--George Bierden John,Jr.,
89u¢J&mBS Randall John--»»~--»Ju1 9,19M8--~~
895-Gharles Gregory John~ -~-- -May ,l953 ~*"'
Dorothy Jean Ashbsugh, Ohio WesleyanUniversity; Washington
University graduate; Pi Beta Phi; married Pilgrim ongregational
Ghuroh, St. Louis, Missouri, by Rev. Dr. E. P. Sylvester.
George Bierden John, Jr., son of George Bierden John,Sn of
Jefferson City, Missouri; attended Jefferson City Junior College;
U.S. Coast Guard during World War II; Washington University; Pur-
chasiné Department, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, St. Louis,Mis
2 Cheyenne Court, Glendale, Missouri.
Ralph Lindell Davis

Joyce Mario York-~~ ~--»-- (May 2h,1956)-- ----~- »~--Howard Blair
896»Liaa Jaan Blair --~- --~-- ~~Jun ,19S? ----
Married Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri.
John Mason York
Mary Ann York
William Gentry Neikirk ---- ---- - ~-------------~~- Dorothy Naomi Marshall
89;-Helen Jo Naikirg----__-_-~Jul 29,l9M?----
89 ~Wi11iam Gentry Neikirk~-~»Mar 3,195O-~--
S99-Andrea Leigh Ne1k1rk-- ---- Aug a8,1957----
Whiteside, Missouri.
Robert Franklin Neikirk
Davin Wharton Naikirk ~---- -»~-- --~- »~~-»-- - ---- Mary Louise Bryant
900»Gynthia Ann Naikirk--~ ---- Jul 9,19Sh---»
901-Caleb Chris Neikirk-------Nov 2H,19§6----

Kathryn Ruth Magruder»»--~~~~(Nov 12,19h9) ~~-- »~Char1es Jenney Pearce
r oat 29,1920 (?)
902~Wi11iem Magruder Pearce---Oct 13,19S1»-~~
903~Po11y Jenney Pearce ----- ~-Mar 23,195h----
Kathryn Ruth Magruder, born Clarksville, Missouri; attended
public schnols at Whiteside, Eolia, Missouri; University of Missouri;
B. S. in Education; Baptist; Democrat; married by Rev. R. H. Nolte,
Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Jenney Pearce, son of Dr. George G. Pearce and Elsie
Jennay; born New Bedford, Missouri; attended public schools at New
Bedford, Missouri; Harvard University; University of Missouri; B. S.
in Engineering; Electrical Engineer.
231 Garden City Drive, Monroeville, Pennsylvania.
Joan Eva Magruder---- ---~ ~--- ----------- ~-~-»»- ~~--~ThOmss Hatcliffe
9Oh.~Deboreh Ann»Ratc1iffe-----Jul 16,1955
3lh7 suten Street, Gincinnatti 13, Ohio.
Ire Davis Smith
william Lee Machir ------------ (Jul 3,1952) ---- B0bGttS JO Hcpkins
Jun 2,l93M
905»Patrick Lee Machir~~»»-»~-May 6,195h---~
William Lee Machir, Elsberry High School; Christian Church.
Bobette Jo Hopkins, daughter of Robert and Alethe Hopkins.
1216 Cunningham Street, St. Charles, Missouri.
Jack Curtis Trail--- -----»- -(Oct 19,1952)~~~~ ~--Joan Elsie Beavers
Feb 11,1932
906»Terry William Trail -~.---- Jul 17;1953 ~---
907~Jan Marie Trail--~~~~ ~-~-Dec 10,195h--~»

Jack Curtis Trail, graduate Burlington High School, Burlincton,
Iowa; served in United States Air Force for four rears; during Korean
Conflict; emploved by Wholesale Grocer.
316 Melrose Court, 5urlin~ton, Iowa.
James Trail
Jo Anne Mhiteside ---- ~ ~--- -~--(Apr 22,19S1)~~--Charles William Talbot
lug 25,1928
9OB~ChaP1eS Michael Talbot-~--Oct 9,1952--~~
909-Kathryn Ann Talbot ~---- ---May l6,l95_----
9lO»Joseph Clarence Talbot --~- Jan 23,l9§ ---~
911-christine Marie Talbot ---- Mer 2.L1,,195?----»
Jo Anne Whitesiée, graduate Elsberry High School, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Charles William Talbot, son of Clarence Albert Talbot and Chris-
tina Douse; Elsberrv High School, Elsberry, Missouri; Lieutenat,
Infantry, United States Army; Officer, U. S. Army Reserve; Landscape
Advisor, Forrest'Ke§ling,Nursery, Elsberry, Missouri; Catholic;
married Sacred Heart Church, by Father A. F. Hilmes, Elsberry,
Missouri. 1
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Joseph Samuel Whiteside
Edward Lee Whiteside

Aokerly, Cora Lillian, 5 O
Don Franklin, 5 9
Gertrude Pauline, 588%
John Franklin, V=l59
Ole Bull, 5h2
Stonewall Jackson, 5hl
Alderman, Jean, VIL-M85
Alloway, Alphonse Reed, 500
Ann, T05
Anna Luoile, 50
Carrie Ellen, L h
Charles Louie, U#l27
Charles Robert, 701
Eliza Ann, 289
Grace Truman, M80
Jane, 7014.
John Monoruif, 287
Joseph Edward, E02
Joseph Lewis, A 2
Josiah Lewis 292
Lawrence Cooley, 505
Linnie Davis, 291
Louie Braoy, 501
Malcolm Medea, M85
Mary Elizabeth, 2 6
Mary Ellen, V»128
Mary Margaret, 502
Merritt, 288
Mildred Ellen, 295
Sarah Caroline, 290
Shirley Ann, 699
William Whiteside, M81
Wilva Dean, 700
Anderson, Elmer lawrence, VII~510
Elmer Lawrence, Jr., 715
Glen Ed, VIII-728
Lillian, IV-112
Lucinda, IV=105
Thankful, III-19
Appling, william, 111-M4
Arendell, III-51
Armstrong, Arthur Gary, VI»267
James Madison, 115
John, III-H5
Mildred Mary, MLS
Pamela Whiteside 67 5/L
Robert Marcellus, 9
Theodore Morelook, 75 2/L
Theodore Roosevelt, M50
Arnold, ma, V11-LL55
Aehbaugh, Charlea Waters, 552
Dorothy Jean, 765
John O. Dean, VI~5l§
austin, Frank, V~lB9

Badgley, Margaret, IVFST
Ball, Dorothy Ann, 707%
Harry Allen, VII-M83
Harry Robertson, TO?
Helen Gertrude, 706
Eaeerefe, Elsie alice, V11-MP5
serbee, Elizabeth, 222
Jesse, Jr., 105
Jesse, Sr., III-5?
Barnes, Elizabeth Ann VIII-619
Eeetee, Maurice, V11-1176
Bartlett, Beulah Belah ELE
Cordelia, Qhi
George Isaac, 579
Jessie Esther, 253
Rufus Earl, 259
Thomas Columbus, 2hO
Walter Edward, ZQE
William Henry, QE1
William Henry, Yell?
Zilpha White, ELL;
Baskett, Mildred Ann, V#l55
Beauchamp, Rosemary, VIII-665
Beaver, Kathryn Mae, VIII~?h2
Beavers, Joan Elsie, VIII~?T
Beebee, Nellie Esther, Vl~555 '
Bell, Rebecca, III-56
Bellsen,-John, V-222
Bibb, Barbara, T61
Betty Lee, 760
Harris, T59
Hurley Basoomb, VI~§1O
John William, 5L9
John William, Jr., E58
Mortimer Thomas, 5M
Mortimer Thomas, Jr. T57
Biggs, James Thomas, VII~Lé6
Mildred Rebecca, T05
sigeem, Elizabeth, Iv-58
Bird, Alfred Mark, 820
Mark Edward, VIII-65M
Natalie Sue, 819
Phyllis Ann, 821
Bleek, Mabel Mattie, VI-EO?
Blackmore, Milroy, VII»5 7 5/5
Blackwell, Everett, §T8
Geneva, 577
Marcus D., VI»2§8
Blair, Howard, VIII-265
Lisa Jean, 89
Bollinger, Mrs. Neva, VIII-727
Bornmueller, Myrtle Anna, VII-522
Bowers, Bruce, 859
David Thomas, 858
Donald eeerge, VIII-651

Bowles, Jane ann, IV-56
Bowton, Sudie Zehma, VlI»MTO
Beuna Arlene, 658
Dorie Irene, 6MB
Robert James, VII-H28
Robert Newton, 65;
William Clayton, L1
Winifred Euphemia, 659
Brandt, D'Arline Sarah, VI-571
Britt, Charles Edwin, v1»5c6
Mary Elizabeth, 5nO
Britton, Dorothy Josephine, VII-H59
Brookman, Harry JU, UII»M5l
Brooke, Colonel C, We UII~58T
Robert Rex, Jrn, VIII-62h
Brown, Gharlee Columbus, VI~26O
Earl Harvey,, M55
Eaward Yeaman, UI1~hT2
Franklin Delano VIII-£88
Ida elizabeth, Q58
Marion Wray, Tlh
Minnie, VIe555
Obinetta, h5T
William Beauchamp Sao
William Louie, t5§
William Louie, Jr., 665
William Price, V11-509
Browne, Eleano Sheppard, VIII-616
Bruokete, Elizabeth, II-9
Bryant, Mary Louise, VIII
Bufford, VII"555
Burke, George Ag 555
Melville Dwight, Ill, 795
Burton, Edna,`VIl-5L9
Bush, Ambrose Greenberry, IV-111
Butler, Atta Drusilla, V1»252
Butts, Frank, V»l56
Caldwell, Sarah Isabelle, V-159
Callieon, Etta Mae, 728
Homer Frances, T29
Lowell Lee, VII»55h
Campbell, aueeie, VlII~T1H
ae1vi11e`eeigne, Jr., VII~606
Sally Middleton, 79M
Geeil Whiteside, L2n
Clarence, H22
Cynthia Rebecca 808
Ida Elizabeth, élt
James Andrew SGH
John Lewis, 317
John Lewis, Jr,, 805
John Ranaolph, VI»255

Joseph Edwin, 807
Mary Lucy, VII~5n6
Ruby, Q25
Ruby Melinda, 612
William Joseph 13
William Olin, 906
Carbough, Ella Mae, VII-M27
Carlson, Jill, VIII-710
Carroll, Perlie Martin, VII-Q39
Charles Owen, VI-527
Geneva Nevada, 587
Georgia Elizabeth, 586
Carter, Judith Ann, IV~ll2
nary Davis, IV-108
Carver, Russia Allene, VII~h29
Chapman, Charles Mackey, M96
David Biokum, VI~29O
Gheatwood, Margaret, VII-559
Clark, Elsie Jane, VII-L25
mary Ann, II~ll
Cline, Burns, VII-551
Jaer, T62
clinton, W. O., VII~5n2
cloud, Ermal, VII*Un2
Talleyrand Hayne, 669
Glovinger, Glen V., VIII-THE
Cobb, Charles Andrew, 666
Jane Dean, 665
John Carlton, 66a
John Downing, VII»n57
Coffey, Elizabeth, II-5
Colbert, John Thomas, VIII-687
Sherrie Kay 86a
Terry Lee, 665
Cole, Virginia Adeline, 818
Willard John, VIII-655
Willard Hydren, 81?
Collins, C. C., V-257
Cooper, Rath Evangeline, Vll~n91
Cope, John Cowherd, IV&lO
oepenhaver, stacy VII-MOE
Anna Dean, 662
Connie Lee, Sol
Dianne Lynn 865
Gilda ann, $60
Lewis Lynn, 686
Patsy Lynn, 862
Ruby Ernestine, 683
vaivara Gentr , VII~nTl
Craig, David, lII~§2
William Lookheart, IV-ll
Crank, Helen Louise, VIII-6n2
Greevy, Delora, VI-525
Mary, VI-529

Cundill, Polly AHB, IV~l1§
Cunningham, Eugene, VIl~h69
oetenell, V111-652
Bryan, 355
Herele, 85s
Dameron, Margaret Juliana, V~l25
Damron, Arthur, VIII-T52
Kathryn, SZ5
Beavis, 87
Davidson, Mae Mildred, VIE-559
Davis, Burrell Elivra, VI~5l5
Em a Adalee, M59
Herbert Franklin 557
Hugh Francis, 553
John Wesley, VI-276
Louisa Marian, IV-lO6
Mabel, VIII-T 1
Mary Arline, 60
Ralph Earl, 556
Ralph Lindell, 76s
Raymond Armstead, 555
Samuel Overton, VI~§l6
William Theodore, M58
Dawes, Elizabeth, VI~512
Dawson, Ruth Stephens, VII-568
Day, Hilda Alberta, VIII~680
Deering, Evelyn Osgood, V111-627
Deming, Constance Lee, T20
Edward Arley, T21
Loyd Earl, VII-528
Dick, Elizabeth, III~lT»
Dodd, Jesse Paris, VI-550
Dodge, Robert E. VIII-T12
Drake, Paul, VlI»55O
Dugat, Emery Ae, VII»6ll
Dunbar, George, VII-M05
Dunlap, Hazel Katherine, VI-EMS
Dunn, Erma, VIII-655
Ebaugh, Charles Jesse, 557
Charles Lorenzo, V-159
Jean Elizabeth, 602
seen, 556
Virginia Ann 6O§
Eberle, Karen Ann, BQO
aieeere Clark, viii-quo
William Howard, 379
Ebers, Robert, VIII-700
Edmonds, John Lewis, VI-265
Edwards, Alice, VI~285
Carey Gibbs, VI-280

Edwards, Charles, VII~LOl
Edna May, Q75
Emma Katherine, L72
Elkins, Cleo Dolores, 59?
Edward Wilson, VI-552
Bess Luoile, 552
Claudius, 525
Glam Mad e, 551
Cora, 505
Gouehle Madeline, 529
Cynthia Elizabeth, 52h
Eleanor, llI»16.
Eliza Ann, 502
Gertrude Mildred, 550
John, 527
John Maloome, 505
John Peter, V#l29
Joseph Hamilton, 501
Lee, 525
Louie Claude, 719
Naomi, 528
William Duncan, 500
Mary Margaret VIII-650
Engle , Helen, VII-hiéé
Enke, Gordon Walter, VIII-622
Clyde Erskine, 627
Gladys Whiteside, 628
Ira Clyde, VII- 26
E11 is,
Wendell Magee, 29
William Wayland, 650
Evans, Marion, V-192
Faler, Melinda Dawson, 892
Michael David, 895
Walter D. Jr., VIII-756
Edith Laura, VI-269
John, 551
John wilson, V»l5h
Louella, 552
Mary Jane, 50
Maud Ann, 9
Nelson, 55
Robert Bennett, 5MB
SallY9: 555
Fillingham, Marion Randolph, V
Finely, Dean Mabel, VI»279
Mrs, Vinoil Wilson, VI
Foley, Margaret Agnes, V#l21
Gertrude Ellen, VII~L5l
Marilyn, 659
Randolph Thomas, M55
Sadie May, h5h
Thomas Jefferson, VI-259

Foster, Ora Ellen, MEO
Roy Monroe, M19
William Monroe, VI-255
Galef, Vine Williams VI-556
Galloway, Earl, VlI~85h
Hottie Inez, VI-28h
Cma Belle, VlI»5h5
Winnna, 661
Son, 660
Son, 662
Gardner, Cheryl Rae, 88a

Kendra Lee, 885
William allen, 886
william Arthur, VIII-767
Gilbert, Albert, VII1~TO
George Alfred, 21
G-lee, 6 'v'1»-2514.
Marie Ann Craig, IV-5h
Gilham, Mere, III-§5
Gilkeeon, Louoetta Cordelia, Vl»256
Gilliland, Gordon Taylor, VIII-6h5
Gladney, Charles Alloway, 69h
Ellen Elizabeth, 695
George Washington, V1~278
Helen Mae, 682
Janie Ann, 85?
Jeanette Kay, 856
John Matthew, 695
Lorena Katherine, M68
Luther Laws, L67
Maloomb Everett, h6
Margaret Gertrude, 69
Ronald Craig, 855
aueeell Everett 680
Samuel Paul, 66
Samuel Reid, 81
Steele Simington, VII-H78
Wayne, 685
Glick, Amelia, VI~§M5
Glieeon, Bavbara Lindell, VIII~Th6
Godensohwage, Martha Johanna, VI-§h2
Gonterman, Elizabeth Jane lV~8h
Goul, Hamilton Leroy, v1-.265
Gfafford, Mildred Jeee, VII-M92
Gnandquiet, Ralph, VII»%92
Gregory, Maria Hicks, I -107
Grossman, James, VIlI~62O
Gunn, Helen, VIlI»7C9
Haokethorn, David Lyon, 800
aeoey Bert, V111-615
John Gannon, T99
Susan Melinda, 801

Hagen, Louis Charles, VII-587
Haight, Effie Parker Hubbard, VI-558
Haines, Ruth Louise, 600
William wire, v1»556
william wire, Jr., 601
Hamel, Pearl Gertrude, VI»262
Eam on, Edward Oscar VII»5HQ
Hana, waggia, VII~52é
Hardeman, Rev. Howard DeFranoe, VIII
Harlow, Genevieve Edison, VI-271
Harrell, Tina Bell, VI-520
Harrison, Alfred Harvey, VII-5MT
Lucy Catherine, 756
Harsh, Helen Hall, VII-512
Hart, Leonard Randolph, B57
Vernon D, VIII-659
Havener, Margaret Jane, VIII~Thl
Hayes, J. W., VI»552
Mamie, 598
Hearn, Luoile, VII»h75
Margaret Lee, VII»5§6
Hendershott, Chalmer Doraw, VI-Bah
Charles Doran, 38h
George Eugene, E81
Harry Albert, 5 2
Howard Lead, 535
Paul Wayne, 586
Robert Ienn, 580
William Earl, 585
Frances Jane, 210
James Davidson, 212
John Allan, IV-85
Laura May, 211
Margaret Adah, 215
Mary Susan, 203
William Allan, 209
Holthoff, VIII-eau
Teddie Glen, 850
Hooper, Beatrice
Hopkins, Bobette
Houston, Eugene,
Jaeuline, VI
Jo, VIII-W75
Sarah Elizabeth, V1-29h
Howard, Brenda Jean, 889
Carla Renee, 855
Gharla Ann, 888
Charles Cannon, 752
Charles MH?tiR, VI~§O8
David william 7a6
James Peyton, 730
Jane Louiee, TH
Jean Bendelph, 75h

Howard, Kathryn Gertrude, 831
MaTY» Th?
Holly aaa, 755
Otha Groves, 5h5
Robert Armstron§, 5hn
Robert Thomas, O
Robert Wilson T 5
Robin Gail, BQZ
Suzanne, T51
Thomas Gannon, SL6
Virginia Lela, EMM
William Kevin, 91
William outa, 755
William Peyton, 5h5
Boyer, LeNora Pilsner, VII-516
Hubbard, Buna, VII~585`
Hhdkins, Alice Shell, 610
David Walker, VI-569
Hhffaker, Robert Fauoette, VIII-713%
Hunter, Jane Willis, VIII»T25
Huntsman, Samuel Wesley, 57
Samuel Wesley, VI-253
Bntchens, Margaret, Jane, VII»h§2
Ingram, Della, VI~5l8
Israel, Virgie Pearl, VII»h5§
Jaeger, Mary alice, Nll»605
Jeans, Catherine Margaret, 65h
Clarence, VII-Q28 -
Clarence May, 56
David Clarence, 316
Dawn Elaine, Blk
Glen Elwood, 822
Jessie Marlene_ B15
Judith ana, Bal
Lola virginia, 655
Thomas Edward, 825
Thomas Jefferson, 655
Vernon Millner 52
Vernon Millneri Jr., 815
Jeems, Gliften, VIIleY§T " |
Elaine, ST;
Sandra, 7
Jewkes, LaVerne Irene, E111-621
John Charles Gregory 95
' George B1eraee,'Jr., v111~765
James Randall, 89h
Johns, Mary Ann, V~125 _
Johnson, Eliza, II»2 '
Mary virginia, V#119
Samuel, V4lh9

Jones, Ada May, THE
Charles Clarence, VII-551
Clyde Toyn, VIII»52O
James Dallas (Grossman), 809
James Hunter Thi
Leslie Kay, Q10
Lorenzo, VII-5hO
Marian, VI-557
William R., III-M5
Judy, Jacob, Tl
Samuel, T5
Samuel, III~22
Sarah, T2
Thomas, Th
Kehun, Margaret, VII-512
Keintzy, Eleanor, VII~h32
Keroheval, Absolom Hurley, VI~29l
; Basyl Hurley, 715
Besyl Veaoh, L99
Carolyn Elizabeth, M97
Helen Louise, 712 -
Robert William, h93
Kerr, Stephen Hunter, VI-511
Kessler, Bernice, VIII-757
King, Bertha Mae, VII-5 6`
Kirby, Earl Burke, VII~EBh
Knox, Odessa, V-157
Kolb, Warren L, V111-75h
KOHtBY, Dorothy Leonora, VII-568
Kurs, Adolph Henry, 590
Adolph Henry, VI~5 5
Dorothy Juanita, 5 9
James Rodgers, 591
Joe Herald, 592
Landwehr, Arthur Louis, VIII-716
Langford, Harriett Jane, 6T§
Joseph, VII-ML6
Lssos, ssssis, VIII~T27
Ruth Patterson, VII~5§h
Law, , V-256
Lawless, Ida G&thSPiHB, VI-295
Iawson, Joseph Martin, 3h2
_ Robert Allan, VIIIp§T§
ledbetter, Victor Henigar, VII-551
Lee, Sherman, VII~5;h -

Leffler, Anna Lee, 'VII-lLT]_|.
Leighton, Mildred Louise, VII-5hl
Iesley, Edwin Walter, VII-U26
olifton Walter, 651
Margaret Nayland, 812
son, 311
Levengood, Julia Lucinda, VII~hh5
Lewis, Artie, VII~h5§
Charles Hannibal, VII-555
Charles Marion, 326
Charles Marion, T5
James Benjamin, T25
Clement Victor, 727
Grace Virginia, TEH
Mary Ruth, 372
Richard Michael, B7
Lilley, Forrest Taylor, 6?
John Thomas, VIIQL65
Michael, 355
Stephen Ray, 852
Ially, Lizzie Lee, vI~282
Landeay, Maydee Dawson, VI-509
Lingenfelter, Lutye Mae, VI-519
Litee, Louise Margaret, VII~595
Little, Andrew Bingham, VI-29
Loneberry, Stella Mae, V11-MTE
Luck, Mary Barnum, VII-557
Lmckett, Mary, VII-h6h
Machir, Ima Laura, VII-}_|_§6
Patrick Lee, 905
William H., vI1~587 1/5
William Lee, T75 `
Magruder, Alma Florence, h78
Anna Reid, hT9
Gentry Christy, 568
Helen Love, 567
Joan Eva, TT5
John Overall, UI-286
Kathryn anna, 772
Mildred Isabel, 568%
William Alpheue, VI~525
Mallette, Marsh Linn, VI~5T2
Manassa, Charles R. Jr., VIII~6?5
Marsh, Barbara Sue, $67
Dorothy Doris, 703
Hugh Linn, 709
Ian D., V11-Q97
James Kercheval, T10
Mary Carolyn, 711

Marshall, , Ill
Dorothy Naomi, VIII-T69
alfred William,
Mari e Eli zabe 'hh ,
William Peters, VI-567
Winston Edward A
James Lester, 691
John Seneca, VI~§O6
John William, VII-h
Lacy Catherine, VII
Peggy ann, 8hh
Richard Gannon, 8h5
Russell Taylor, VII
Samuel Gannon, 6?5
Sarepta Anne, V-l2@
William Edward, SUS
siiiiea aenaia, 692
Mays, Minnie Etta, VlITh;7
meoarthy, Ella Mae, v1I» 6
McClellan, L. G., VII-50
MoCollom, John F., III-5h
McCoy, Boone, 611
Eugenino H., vi-570
MoDannold, albert Hurley,
Mary Alice, Vl-
McGee, Mary Hulda, VI~2B8
William Kirk, VII-
Mollroy, Wilmer Lee, VI»5
Wilmer Lee, Jr.
Meueeif, Ruth Carr, V-15g
Sarah Ann, lV»5l
Alice Jane, 791
Jacob Heard, VI
John William, 6
John William, 7
Joseph Heard, 7
Middle ton ,
Julia Elizabeth, 606
Virginia Lou, 6
Mildred, Mae. Nine, VIII-T
Benjamin Taylor, VI
Cleveland Mortimer,
Cordelia Leigh, 53a
Ethel D'Aline, T5
Etta Mae, TMO
James Taylor, T59
Lula Belle, 555
Mary Elizabeth, 555
Myrtle Mae, 55;
George, VIII~ 36
Larry Edmond, 25

Miller, Nancy, III~25
Raymond Lyle, VI-275
Richard Craig, 82
Veda Dorothea, VIII-681
Annie Jean, 6 7
Barbara Kay, 53
Beuna Vista, M2
Beverly Jewell, 6 0
Buford Vardeman, 52
Burdell Mackey, 6M2
Charles Newton, 6MB
Frances Inoile, 6a6
Qlendon Dee, M50
Glendora, 6h5
Harry Randolph %29
James Buford, 65
Janet Louise, B28
John Mackey, 823
Karen Lorlane 29
Kathryn ann, 657
Margaret Genevieve, 652
May Imogene, 651
Minnie Gatherine, 6nd
Newton Dee, VI-258
Patricia Jeanna, 65)_|_
Peaay Ann, 655
Rawleigh Clayton, M27
Robert lee, 6n9
Thomas Vardeman, 658
Vinoil Sledd, M51
Willella Carver, 6h5
, Blanche Estelle, vii-M65
Kirk Richard, V111-625
Sarah Ellen, V-126
Mock, Rio DeJaniero, V-160
Anna Mary, 518
Elizabeth, 522
Emmagene, 521
Eugene Beauregard, VI~299, V
George Henry, T22
George Walter, VII-529
James Folsom, 517
John, III-23
John Gollahan, 525
Joseph David, T25
Inella, 520
Nellie, 519
Harold Edward, VIII-677
Harold Edward Jr., 351
James Kevin, 6 O
John Edward, Egg
Joseph Wayne, B
Morelook, Vassar Fambrougn, VII4i5O

Moss, Howard Benjamin, VII-600
Howard Haines, 785
Lydia Vardeman, IV-50
Motley, Laura Belle, V-161
Moxley, John Alexander, V-157
McKinley, 599
Solomon leaao, 555
nude, aaughter, 866
Ella Lee, 2?6
Jacob Theodore, 275
James Marcellus, V-12M
Thomas Joseph, VIII-695
Murphy, Martha, lV~5h
Music, David, IIl~2O
Myers, Ovela, VII~h8l
Neikirk, Andrea leigh, 399
Caleb Ghris, 901
Cynthia Ann, 900
Davra Whorton, T71
Helen Jo, 89?
Robert Anarew, UII~567
Robert Franklin, £70
William Gentry, E 3
William Qentry, 9
Nevins, James 565
James Thomas V-165
Joseph B. , géa
Kenneth, 565
Nesbit, Helen Mary, VII-L 9
Nine, Alice Josephine, 59
Frank Paul, VI-EL6
James Whiteside, 595 -
Judy, TBM
Noland, lewis, II-ln
Norman, William, III~n5
0*Bryan, Lamar, Jr., VIII-685
Overstolz, Marie Emilie von, VI
Owen, James William, VII-557
Owens, Myra, IV-Bl
Park, Mary ann, VI-500
Parker, , IU-60
Amanda, IV-55
Susan Bealer, IV-L9
Parks, Mary lynn, VIII-75M
Susan Elizabeth, U~l57
Parsons, Lester, VII~576
Ore Huntsman, 612

Partan, Pamelia, IV-5a
Paxton, William a., V~1h7
William A., Jr., 567
Pearce, Charles Jenney, VIII-T72
Polly Jenney, 905
William Magruder, 902
Peaeel, Jane Raenet, Sal
Raymond Thomas, VIII-665
Peeler, Melinda, 805
William Barney, VII~ 25
William Randolph, 61
William Randolph, II, 802
Peirce, Demis Maria, IV-61
Pence, Earl, 595
Euaena, 595
George B., VI-EHS
Howard, 59h
Irene, 596
Marvin LeRoy, 615
Pendleton, Susan Frances Metcalf,
Pfaff, Mrs. Florence, VII~5h9
Phoebua, Willa, VII-L67
Pixley, Thomas Dawson, 798
William Cannon, T97
William Irwin, VIII-61h
Plaaeey, Richard, VIII~656
Powell, Cathleen, 511
Harsh, T16
James Edward, 516
James Edward, Jr., E18
James Watson, UI-29
John Zimmerman, 515
Lenelle, 51h
Lenora Jane, 518%
Mary Ann, 510
Sarah Clyd e, 509
Thomas, 515
Watson Whiteside, 512
Watson Whiteside, Jr., Yl
Prior, Elizabeth Jane, VI-26h
Pulliam, Nancy, III~25
Purcell, Fike, 596
Hamilton, UI~5h9
Purdin, Herman Long, VII-M75
Rader, Effie May, VI~26l
Raines, III-50
Beech, Minnie, V1~5L1
Ratcliffe, Deborah ann, 90M
Thomas, VIII~T75

Rector, V11-»571
Reed, Margaret Ellen, VI~292
Reid, Martha virginia, VIII~T52
Renolds, Chaney, VII~h0B
Richards, Ruby Lee, V1I~h5
Robertson, Bessie Blanch, 86
Charles Eugene, T07 5/8
Charles Meritt, M92
Eliza ann, Iv-51
Elizabeth ann, 707 7/8
Eugenia Allen, M85
George Alloway, h 1
Iaura Iucille, M93
linnie Gertrude, L88
Mary Amneh, M87
Mary Amneh, TOT 5/3
Mildred, 1,90
Nannie Elizabeth, h89
Pauline Bertha, T07 igg
Raymond David, TOT M
Raymond Duncan, M95
Richard David, VI-233
Willeyne Guy, TOT 6/
William Dave, 1495
Rodgers, Mary League, V-lh5
Ross, Lucy Weston, V-160
Runser, Charles Joseph, VIII-699
Satterlee, Maud, VII-M31
Sawyer, VII-598
Harry, Ul~§5O
Schutkofke, Henry Nicholas, VII»552
Soolman, Robert, VII