Kemper Book 1957 Raw OCR File

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T H E K E M P E R B 0 O K
Clarence Cannon
.,» ~ 5.-\» `.v"'
The data in this manuscripEj"down tb and including the Fifth 5
generation, is taken from "The Génealogy of the Kemper Family in 'y
the United States" written by Willis Miller Kemper an& Garry Linn
Wright, and published in 1899 by Geo. K. Hazlitt k Company, of
575 Dearborn Street, Chicago.

Dear Cousin:
Am enclosing your copy of family book.
After you have had opportunity to read it shall be
glad if you will let us know in accompanying envelope of any
errors or omissions which you find so that they may be corrected
in the revised edition.
Shall also appreciate it if you will notify from
time to time of subsequent births, deaths or marriages in your
branch of the line.
Regret that no further copies of the hook are avail-
able for general distribution as only enough were printed to
supply those whose post office address we had.

HUMAN Psol cssss 2 -
The farmers of Iowa have doubtless spent ons hundred times
as much energy on keeping the pedigrees of their live stock
straight as the pedigrees of their own families. There has been
a tendency for many of us to think that under our democratic
system of government there is a feeling of false pride involved
in any effort to keep up the family history. And of course there
has been a lot of foolish energy expended by some people in an
effort to become linked up with such organizations as the
Daughters of the Revolution and the Colonial Dames.
Family histories, properly kept, mean a lot even to those
members of the family who pretend to despise such things. We
are talking now about a family record such as almost anyone can
start. The first thing to do is to put down the names of the
father and mother, together with the dates and places of the
birth and marriage, and the names of the children. Then go back
and sse if you can do the same thing for each of the four grand-
parents. In addition, secure e brief history of the life of
oach, the different places where they lived, the occupation of tha
mon, etc. In many cases, it will also be possible to list at
least a few of the eight great-grandparents. There is not much
reason in going back of this. In every case, so far as possible,
find out a little something about the physical and mental charac~
tcristics. Incidentally, this may tell you a little sonethlng
about the diseases and weaknesses to which the family is peculiar-
ly susceptible.
Usually there is no financial gain whatsoever in this kind
Of thing, altho occasionally there are families of people who
keep records of this sort who find themselves in line for bequests
which they would not otherwise have secured. The really important
results are not financial at all.~ The children become better so-
quainted with the people from whom they sprang, and thus become
possessed of a feeling of responsibility and a more accurate idea
ss to their place in the world, than would otherwise be possible.
In doing this kind of work, it ls important to get at it as
soon as possible, for the reason that the nembers of the family
who can furnish the best information are usually well along in
years, and when they die, the information they can furnish is
often totally lost. From a purely cultural point of view, we do
not know of any way in which time can be more profitably span#
during winter evenings than working up a family book of this sort.
It may involve considerable letter writing to distant members of
the family, but that should be worth while even tho there is no
such thing as a family book involved. While we believe that by
far the greatest emphasis should be laid on getting complete in-
formation concerning the parents, grandparents, and possibly
great-grandparents, it is occasionally interesting to those who
are historically minded to follow the thing back further, and in
that case, those of our readers who are interested in this sort of
thing will be glad to know that in the Historical Idbrary, at Des
Moines, there ls one of the best collections of genealogical
reference works to be found anywhere in 'l=h° United 555595-
Wallacos' Farmer, February 9, 1925.

The word kemper can be traced fsr back among the dialects
kemp or camp, perhaps
of the Germanic people. The German word
a place where an army
akin to the Latin campus, means a field,
means to contend, to
is encamped. The old German verb kempen
, a fighter, e warrior.
fight. A "Kemper" was one who contended
The first known of the family is that it was living about the
year 1650 in the little German village called Musen about fifteen
miles northeast of the city of Siegen, in the then principsllty of
NasssuwSiegen, the present Prussian province of Westphalia.
the Thir
in l6hS.
knowledge of the family
from the records of the
The earlier records of
ty Years War which ended
in these early times has been
little Reformed Church in that
the church were destroyed during
with the Treaty of Westphalia

Johann Kemper ---- -------~-
2-Belshasar Kemperee ----- Aug
-Anna Margarita Kemper--Sep
-John George Kemper -----
2-Johannes Kemper- ----- --
-Matthias Kemper --------
-------Anna Low
1655) Unknown
16' ---A . 12, 16'
15; légg---Ugénown )7
E, 1665---oct. 5, l75l
u, 166'---OCC. 15, 1683
M, 1655---nec. 20, 166
with the
The record of Johann Kemper'e birth was destroyed
bhrning~o£ the archives of the Reformed Church at Musen during the
Thirty Kears War, but there is reason to believe that he was born
about 1655- He evidently lived in or near the village of Musen
all his life and the burial records show that he died there
December 6, 1670.
John George Kemper --------------------- Agnes
(April 50, 1691)
3-John Kemper- ----- ~----- Jul
-John Henry Kemper ------ Mar
'John Geo ge Kemper -----------
-John George Kemper ~---
12-Anna Juliana Kemper--
-George Kemper ---------
Kemper -----~------ Feb
Margarita Kemper--
Cir. 1705
= 9, 1592-~-l75h-1759
. 25, 1696---Apr. 5, 1769
~ 25. l599---
. 20, 1705--
Jan. lh, l75h
---Anna Margarita Waffenschmied
20, l7Oh) Unknown
Jan. 8, l7h5
bap. Jan. 5, 1706-Unknown
-Dec. 50, 1708 ----- Unknown
Aug. 28, 1712 ----- set. 25, 1712
is the center of a noted iron producing and manufactu-
ring district of Germany and is the site of present Krup gun works.
At Musen is situated one of the famous iron mines of the empire.
It was worked as early as 1505 and practically all the inhabitants
are employed in industries in connection with the mines to this
day. John George Kemper was a mechanic, a blacksmith, and is
thought to have had charge of the tools about the mine. He
possessed a freehold and was an elder in the Reformed Church.

John Kemper---- --- ---------------- -Alice Utterback
(Cir. 1716) Unknown
-Harman Kemper -----
-Mary Kemper -------
19-Jacob Kemper ------
-John Peter Kemper----
-Catharine Kemper- ---- ~
-John Kemper ----------
-Dorothy Kemper -------
-Henry Kemper ------- --
-Elizabeth Kemper ------
-Deo. 25, l7lY---
Jul. 15, lY2O---
-May, 1722 -------
Unknown ---------
Unknown ---------
-clr. 1755 ------
-Unknown ---------
Jan. 28, 1758-~-Mar. 7,
Jun. l 1738
cir. léOO
Sep. 1727 -------
John Kemper was the emigrant. He Was born at Musen, Germany,
and, following his father's profession, was a skilled mechanic.
This fact brought about his emigration to America. Governor
Alexander Spottswood discovered evidence of iron ore in the
"districts towards the Blue Ridge", and was instrumental in se-
curing "skilled miners

relates in his letters.
out of Germany" to open mines there, as he
A colony was assembled largely from the
neighborhood of Siegen, and started for America in the late
summer or fall of 1715. They remained in London until the spring
of l7lh when they embarked for America, and by July 21, l7lh, were
safely established in a fort on the Virginia frontier. The new
settlement comprised fourteen dwellings, including Governor
Spottswood's mansion, the parsonage and a residence for each of
the twelve German families, one of which was that of John Kemper.
It was named Germanna and was situated in Essex County in the ex-
trams northeastern corner of what is now Orange County, Virginia.
Here was established the first German setthxm nt in Virginia; here
Saint George's parish was to be formed; here the first iron
furnace in America was built; here the first pig iron was m de;
here the first German Reformed Congregation in the United States
was organized; and from this place the famous expedition of "The
Knights of the Golden Horseshoe" set out on its historic and

romantic quest. 6'
About 1720 the growing colony divided and the twelve original
families went north about twenty miles into the Northern Neck and
settled in Stafford County where they founded a new settlement
called Germantown, near the present post office of Midland,
Virginia in Fauquier County, and devoted their attention to agri-
culture. John Marshall, the third Chief Justice of the United
States was born there, September 2h, 1755, and three generations
of the Missouri branch of the family here tilled the soil in the
eighteenth century.
John Kemper was evidently a man of some ability. His hand-
writing ahows him to have been a man of at least rudimentary edu-
cation, and immediately after his settlement in the new district
he set up a forge and invented and made the first shovel plough.
Encyclopedia of Biography, Burgesses and Other Noted Men of
Virginia, Vol. I, page 271.
John Kemper Il--- ------------ ---Ann
-Peter Kemper ------- ---Cir. 1750 ------ -
-Catharine Kemper ------ Unknown ----- ---
25--Elizabe th Kemper --~--- Unknown-~
26-John Kemper --------- --Unknown ------- --
-Moses Kemper --------- -Cir. 1757 -------
-Tillman Kemper -------- Apr. ll
-Susan Kemper ---------- Unknown
-Anne Kemper ----- - ----Unknown
1 1759
Dec. 5,
50-Mary Kemper ---- ---- Unknown ---------
-Charles Kemper -------- Unknown
5 -Joseph Kemper---- ---- 1770"-'
5 -Elias Kemper- ------- --Unknown
John Kemper II was born at Germantown and seems to have
resided there during his entire life. Hia wife, Ann Weaver, was
the daughter of Jacob Weaver, one of the original German immi-
grants in Governor Spottawood's colony of iron workerss No
further information.

Peter Kemper ---- ---- ----- ------- ----Mary Whiteside
(Cir. 1772) Unknown
55-Elisha Komper---
56~Joo1 Kemper -------
5U-Joshua Kemper --------
3-Moses Kemper ----------
--~Unknown----- ---- Unknown
-Martin Kemper --------- Jun. 21, 1778---Sap. 6,
-Unknown- ------- -Unknown
Unknown ---- -----Unknown
-Catherine Kemper ----- -Unknown --------- Unknown
Peter Kemper was living in Culpeper County, Virginia in 179
and he and his wife, Mary Kemper, that year executed a deed to a
certain tract of land lying in Culpeper County. See Deed Book
"Q", page 55h of the Records of Culpeper County, Virginia.
Moses Kemper- --------------- ---- Sarah
hl-Rosanna Kemper ---- -
Moses Kemper was evidently born and married,
cir. 1758
---Jul. 1, lB5h
and doubtless
and is buried, in Fauquier County, Virginia.
Sarah Morgan was a daughter of James Morgan and Elizabeth
Taylor. Daniel Morgan, who commanded the American Forces at the
Battle of Ccwpens, was her oouein,being a son of her uncle.
Kemper Genealogy p. 69.
James Morgan --------- ----- -------- -Elizabeth Taylor
(Uncle of Major Gen. Daniel Morgan)
a-Sarah Morgan ----- Cir.l73B(?)
b-Elizabeth Morgan-1760-l 62-5
c-Benjamin Morgan--1752--l7h1
d-Susannah Mau.zy---l76l;,--
.Moses Kemper 2d.Jaeob Button
John Kemper III.
Elizabe th Kemper 1282.
Charles Kemper 178 .
Doubtless there were other children.
Elizabeth Taylor second time married to Henry Mauzy.cir. 1765(?)

Accordin% to Willis M. Kemoer, author of the "emoer Genealogy,
Moses Kemper #72 served in the Revolutionary War and is the cousin
mentioned as dying on the way home by Benjamin Morgan fEE, who says
in his declaration for a pension, on file in the Pension Bureau
at Washington, D.C,: "I started home in company with some others
of the Fauquier and Culpeper Militia, two of which, a brother and
a cousin german, died on the way home,"
If this "cousin german" was Moses Kemoer, as seems certain
according to the letter of Tillie M. Kemper below, then hia ser-
vice was no doubt identical with that of Benjamin which is briefly
as follows:
Substituted for John Wishboch and served in 1731 under Cap-
tain Hank Reed and Colonel Pendleton, Served in the some comoony
with Frederick Fiahback,a brother of John Fishhackn Fauquier
County, Virginia was my native county. l was discharged at the
end of my term.
Later I again served for Frederick Krmper (Tvidently f5l)
who was a brother of Charles Kenmer who was Surveyor of Fouquier
County from l799u Served under Colonel Elia Adwords, Captain
William Jenninna, Lieutenant Tdwerd Fell, Orderly écrneant Charles
We marched to Richmond and there joined Generel lafoyette with
the regulars and General Muhlenberg with the militia, We were
captured on Ney 23 and put on board the Sh'p Appollyon and were
carried to Portsmouth, We endured great hardship Jnd privation
but were released on August 1E and "I started home in company with
some others of the Fauquier and Culpeper Militia, two of which,
a brother and a cousin german, died on the way homeu"
The Adjutant General at washington reports: "The name of
Moses Kemper hos not been found on the tolls, on file in this
Department, of any organization of Virginia or Continental troops
in service in the War of the Revolution~ However, the collection
of records of that war in this Department is far from complete,
and the absence therefore of any name is by no means conclusive
evidence that the person who bore the name did not servo in the
Revolutionary Armj." Merch 9, l9lh,
William H, Kemper in the cnornded letter says that Moses
Kemper and his cousin, John Button Vol, were on the way home and
Moses took the smallpox; that Jacob nevertheless tended him to
the last, and that Moses recommended his wife and llttlc daughter
to the care of Jacob, who took such mood care of the widow that
he married her August S, 1702, as the records of Fauqvier County,
Virginia indicate.
The wife in question was Snrah Morgan, whose father and five
or six brothers were in the Revolutionary \rmy, a noted Revolu-
tionary family,

A letter of inquiry addressed to the Adjutant General asking
for any record of the service of James Morgan in the Revolutionary
War elicited the following reply:
"March 9, l91M.
My dear Sir:
Referring to your letter of the oth instant, in which you
request the Revolutionary record of James Morgan, said to have
served in the Fauquier County Militia from Virginia, I have tha
honor to inform you as follows:
The record of this office show that one James Morgan, rank
no. stated, served in Captain rlexander Parker's Company, End
Virginia Regiment, Revolutionary War. His name appears on a list,
dated September 9, 1776, of the members of the company, which shows
in his case, time in service, 11 months, and under head of casual-
ties, "On command" (detatched duty). Neither the date of his
enlistment nor the date of the termination of his service has
been found of record.
The records also show that one James Morman served as s
soldier of the Vlrpinla Infantry, Revolutionary War, His name
appears on a list of soldiers of the Virginia Line who received
certificates for the balance of their full nay, which list shows
in his case as follows: "Dev when, June 19, 1783: Sum L 89-9-O,"
The records further show that one James Morgan served as s
private in Captain Wood Jones' Company, 2nd Virginia Regiment of
Foot, commanded bv Alexander Spotswood, Esq, His heme appears on
s muster roll dated June M, 1777, which shows that he enlisted for
three years, and it last appears without remark on the company
roll for November 1779.
The records further show that ons Janes Morgan served as a
private in Captain William Campbs1l's Company, lst Virginia State
Militia, Revolutionary War. His name appears without remark only
on a pay roll for December, 1779, and January, February, March
and April, 1780, of all monies received and paid by Lieutenant
Charle&SRusse11, Paymaster, to the lst Virginia State Regiment.
Nothing further relative to him has been found of record.
Sincerely yours,
(Sianed) Geo. xndrews
TWe Adjutant General.
Martin Ksmper--- ---(Unknown)--- ---Rosanna Kemper
Jul 1, lB5h
h2~Mat11dn Kemper -~-~ ~ ---~- Unknown ---- Unknown
h3~French Fleury Kemper ---- Feb 11,1801 Aug 25,1S5h
hh~Mary Kemper ------------- May 12,1BOh ---- »--Dec 6,1890
M5-Emily Kemper --------~--- Feb 28,1806 Aus 25,1876
M6-Alexander Dudley Kemper- 1808 ------- 18 8-1900
bg-Catherine Kemper ------- Unknown ----------~ Unknown
M -Gctsvius Kemper -------- Unknown ------ ---- 1561-1865
Q9-Nancy Kemper ------~----- Aug 2h,l81h Dec 31,1903

, 10.-
Martin Kemper was living in Culpeper County, Virginia in
the year 1532, BHG he BHG his wife, Rosanna that year executed
a deed to land in Culpeper County which is recorded in Book "ZZ"
at page h62, of the Records of Culpeper County, Virginia. Whether
he was born at Germantown in Fauquier County or in Culpeper
County does not appear. As the two counties edjoih it is at most
a matter of only a few miles.
He married his first cousin, the daughter of his Uncle Moses
Kemper, who seems to have been an only child. Both of them are
buried in the Kemper Burying Ground lying about a mile due east
of New Hope and about fifty yards northwest of the site of the
house which he built when he first came to Missouri, and in which
he lived until his death. Its site is still marked by the ruins
of the old limestone chimneys. The cemetery was looetod, after
the custom of the times, in what was them his orchard.
Soon after the Revolution, the families in and about German-
town began to disintegrate and one by one gained the tide of
emigration flowing towards the west. In 1 32 Ralei%h Mayes, a
son-in-law of Martin, removed to Missouri, and in l 35 Martin
followed him, the women riding horseback with the children behind
them'and the household effects in a covered wagon. The journey
was made overland direct from Culpeper County, Virginia to Lin-
coln Gounty, Missouri.
They crossed the Mississippi River at Saint Louis, then a
small Frannh settlement fortified against the Indians by sharpened
stakes driven into the ground, and with public lands open to pre-
emption all about. Land now in the most densely populated dis-
tricts of the city could have been boucht for $1.25 an acre.
The first night in Lincoln County the family camped et the Old
Fort Spring on the road between Troy and Auburn end the next dey
reached the home of his daughter, Emily Mayes. Martin prospecting
for a home located a spring in a smell ravine running into Lost
Greek lying between the creek and the New Hope-Falmouth Road, a
mils or two west of his son-in-law's farm. Over this spring he
built his spring-house, the indispensible adjunct of every pioneer
home, A short distance to the east, on a gentle slope protected
from the north winds by a thickly wooded hill, he built his log
house with huge stone fireplace. To this hospitable homo came
many Virginians seeking s home in the far West and stayed until
they could Joeste s claim and build a home for themselves. Mrs.
Robert (Fanny) Sanders, mother of W. S. Sanders, whose grandfather
came from Virginia to settle in Missouri. PSlHtSS that tha family
came first to "Uncle Martin Kemperfs" and remained there as his
guest for several weeks while locating a "claim" and that his
house was noted both in Virginia and Missouri for the welcome ex-
tended to the wayfsring emigrant seeking a new home in the wes-
tern Csanan.
WILL OF MARTIN KEMPER: from Troy Free Press, Aug. 13, 1937
"Martin Kemper had So sores, Eé S.E. Survey No. 6, Township
Sl, Range l East, valued at HBSO; 6 slaves valued at 2,300; 3
horses at $90, and 9 cattle valued at $100.
(The above shows that the land only averaged $h.35 Per sore,
the slaves about $386, the horses at about $30 and the cattle at
a little over $ll.)

--Copied from the Assessor's Book for the year l836 in the vault
of the County Clerk in the Courthouse at Troy, Mo."
Note: Assessors at that time were accustomed to count and
appraise at about one-third.
(Book 2, page 29, Will Records of Lincoln County, Missouri)
I, Martin Kemper, of the State of Missouri and County of Lin-
coln, being in my proper and disposing mind, make this my last
will and testament,
First, My will and desire is that after my death I wish my
body decently irterred, My soul I com end to od who gave it.
Second, My will is that my beloved wife, Rosanne Kemper, have
and enjoy all my estate, both real and personal, during her natural
life, with the proceeds thereof. For her to have full power to
sue and be sued in my name, to collect all monies that are or may
become due me and to give all necessary receipts or other acquitance
for the same that may be necessary to be done. And she is further
authorized and required to pay all my just debts without any action
or authority from the County Court; and my beloved wife is further
authorized to sell any of the proceeds of my farm or farms and
such of my stock as she may think proper without any authority
from court of record in this state. And my further will and de-
sire is that no court have any power over my aforesaid wife in
the transactions of the matters and things herein trusted to her
care and management.
Thirdly, My will and desire is that my daughters, Mary Shaw,
and Matilda Kemoer, after their mother's death, have two certain
tracts of land with all the improvements thereon, being and lying
in the state and county aforesaid (to-wit) Lot number two of the
south-west fractional quarter of Section No. Thirty-one in Town-
ship Fifty-one of Range Two East, containing lh7 acres, also the
east half of the south-east quarter of Section No. 36, in Town-
ship Nc. 51 of Renae one east containing Bo acres, and at the
final distribution of my estate by my executors my said daughters
in consideration of tha above described are to be charged the sum
of tboo each to ba deducted out of their proportional wart of my
Fourth, My will and desire is that my son Octavius Kemper
have to acres of land after the death of his mother, to-wit; Being
and lying in the State of Missouri and County of Lincoln, situated
on Lost Creek the south-west fourth of the south-east quarter of
Section Nos 31, Township Sl of Range One East; For and in consid-
eration of my estate, they are to deduct from my aforesaid son
Octavius's proportional pert the sum of $350.
Fifth, My will and desire is that my son Ambrose D. Kemper
have the following land being and lying in the state and county
aforesaid to-wit; the south-cast fourth of the southeast quarter
of Section No. l in Township S0 of Rance 2 East situated on»the
waters of Lost Creek. My executors are not to charge any amount
to my said son Ambrose D. Kemper for the last mentioned land as
he has paid me o full compensation in money for the same. And it
ia also my will and desire that my said son Ambrose D. Kemper

have the following described land to»w1t: BO acres being and lying
in the State of Missouri and County of Lincoln it being the east
half of the south-west quarter of Section No 1, in Township 50
of Range one east, and my executors after the death of my wife,
when they make a final settlement of my estate shall charge my
saidsson for and in consideration of the last described tract of
land as being given to him the sum of $300 to be deducted out of
his proportional part of my estate.
Sixth, My will and desire is that my grand children (to-wit)
Martin H. Beneer and Alexander D. Benear have do acres of land,
being lying in said County of Lincoln and State of Missouri each
described as follows (to-wit) The west half of the south-west
quarter of Section No 9, in Township 50 of Range 2 East and also
the Lot No. 1 of the north-west quarter of Section No. 7 in Town-
ship So of 2 East, this last named piece to Alexander D. Benear and
the piece or tract named before the last to belong to Martin H.
Bsnear, and after my wife's death when my executors make a final
settlement of my estate they are to charge each gf m y grand-
children (tc-wit) Martin H. Bender and Alexander D. Benesr the
sum each of $150 to be deducted out of their proportional part
of my estate.
Seventh, My will and desire is that my daughter, Nancy Watts,
wife of Seneca watts, at a final distribution of my estate by my
executors after the death of my beloved wife, return to my estate
(if alivea a negro girl new in her possession named Rachel or she
bs charged with the sum of seven hundred dollars to be deducted
out of her proportional part of my estate. And also my will end
desire is that at a final distribution of my estate by my executors,
that my said daughter Nancy Watts be charged with the sum of $300
heretofore advanced by me to her.
My further will and desire ls that my children (including
my two grandchildren) to-wit; Frenk Kemper, Matilda Kemper, Polly
Shaw, Ambrose D. Kemper, Kitty Benearle heirs, Octavius Kemper at
s final distribution of my estate aforesaid to be made by my execu-
tors, to have distributed to each of them, inclusive of what they
are in this my last will and testament charged, before my daughter
Emily Mayes gets any more of my estate. After that I give to her
one dollar, she having been heretofore sufficiently apportioned,
and after w_l my children except Emily Mayes are apportioned the
sum of $925 dollars, then the heirs of the body of my said daughter,
Emily Mayes, are to get one equal eighth part of the remainder of
my estate to be apportioned by my executors, said distributive
share of the heirs of Emily Mayes shnll be kept in the hands and
under the control of my executors untll`they arrive at the age of
21 years or marry, In either event my executors are required to
give to each one their proportional part according right and jus-
My further will is that my beloved son, French Kemper, have
the following described land lying and being in the state of
Missouri and County of Lincoln (to-wit) The south-east quarter of
the North-east quarter of Section No. 30 in Township No. 51 of
Range 2 East, and the north-east quarter of the south-east quarter
of Section 31 in Township No. 51 of Range 2 East, containing in
all BO acres, and sftsr the death of my wife at e distribution of
my estnte by my executors my said son French is to be charged with
by my executors with the sum of $275 to be deducted from his
distributive share.

My further will and desire is that each of my children (to-
wit) Emily Mayes, Marv Shaw, and Matilda Kemoer after the death of
my wife ani before distribution of my estate as above directed by
my executors, have a horse worth not more than $50 but as near
that amount as maybe.
And my further will and desire is that my two grsndsons,
to-wit: Martin H. Eenesr and Alexander D. Benear have one horse
before the distribution of my estate as above directed and after
the death of my wife or they arrive at the ate of 21 years.
My further will and desire is that if the negro girl named
Rachel, now in the oossession of my daughter Nancy Watts, die
before a final distribution by my executors as aforesaid, then
and in that case my said daughter Nancy Watts is not to be charged
with any amount for her.
And it is my further will and desire, and I wish it to be
understood both in law and in equity that I hereby appoint my
beloved son-in-law Seneca Watts and my two sons, to-wit French
Kemper and Ambrose D. Kemoer my executors to this my last will
and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
this 20th day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand,
eight hundred and forth-seven.
I His
Martin X Kemper (SEAL)
Wm, H. Nicklin
Elijah W. Buchanan
Thos. F. Foley
I, Martin Kemper, being in my proper and disposing mind,
make this codocil to my last will and testament, to-wit:
So much of my will as leaves it optional with my daughter
Nancy Watts to return to my estate a certain negro woman named
Rachel or to be charged $700 for her, my will and desire is that
before s final distribution of my estate that she must return
said negro women with hor increase to the general stock of my
personal estate to be equally divided in accordance with the
provisions of my said will and by said daunhter Nancy Watts is
not to be charged any amount for her whatsoever but is to be an
equal heir with the rest of my children according to the pro-
visions of my will.
And my further will and desire is that my before named ex-
ecutors (to-wit) my son-in-law Seneca Watts and my two sons
French Kemper and Ambrose D. Kemper, that they hereby have full
power and authority to divided and distribute all my estate both
real and personal to be sued to sue for and recover all debts
due me or to become due me or to my estate and to do and perform
all acts and deeds in the management of my estate without taking
letters testsmentary or in any manner whatsoever be subject to or
under the control of any court of record whatever unless it`be
for the prosecution of suits for the collection of debts.
ln tesimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and sesl this
29th dey of August, 15MB
Martin X Kemper (SEAL)

Brice W. Ham ack
Ephraim Davis
Thompson Cox
This will was filed for probate November l3,18U8.
Matilda Kemper
Know in the family as "Ti1da". She lived to an advanced age
and was never married. After the death of her parents she lived
with her nephew, Alexander Dudley Benear until her death. She is
buried in the family cemetery on her father's farm. At her mother's
death she inherited the family Bible, containing e record of the
family statistics, including dates and notations of the trip from
Virginia to Missouri. Upon her death the Bible passed to her ne-
phew Alexander Dudley Benear, and at his death it went to his
daughter Lucy Wheatley. Unfortunately this venerable heirloom was
destroyed when the Wheatley house was burned in 1916, without the
record having been copied.
Jane Hammack King
French Fleury Kemper ------ (Jan 28,18S8) ----~----
50-Mary Alice Kemper ---- ---- Dec 12,1858 ---- Sep
51-William Octavius Kemper--Jan 26,1861 ---- Dec
52-Anna Ellze Kemper -----~-- Dec 8,1863 ----
S3-James Henderson Kemper---Jun 30,1868 -~-- Jul
1 ,1B?7
1 ,wah
French Fleury Kemper came to Missouri from Culpeper County,
Virginia with his father in 1835. He remained with his parents
marrying subsequent to their death, and was a successful bus1nesS~
msn, and e man of influence in his community. He is buried in the
old family burying ground on the home farm.
Jane Hammack Luckett was the daughter of Francis Marion Luckett
born in Kentucky, August 12,1T92, died in Missouri, September 19,
1838 and Eliza Watts, sister of Seneca Watts (VII-U9 infra), born
ln Smith County, Tennessee, September 15, 1800, died in Missouri,
June 12, 1879. Her mother and Father came to Missouri in 1828 the
year of her birth, and both are buried near her in the Kemper
Cemetery on the Kemper Farm. Jane Hammack Luckett was the first
time married to Conrad Y. King, born May 13, 1821, to which union
one son was born, Joseph Francis King,

born July 31, 1853, died Merch 13, 18Sh. Son and husband are
buried at Truxton, Lincoln County, Missouri. She lived to an
advanced age, universally revered, and affectionately known as
"Aunt Jane . She is buried with her husband in the family
Cemetery on the Kemper Farm.
----Willlem Shaw
Mary Kemper---
SM-Martin French Shaw ----- Oct 27,1829 ---- ~-Jul 1, 1910
S5-Rosanne Jane Shaw ------ Oct 1,1831 ------ Apr 18, 1866
Mary was known ln the family as "Polly", the universal
nickname for Mary among Virginia peoples, bur always signed her
name in executing deeds as Mary Shaw. She was born in Culpeper
County, Virginia nnd was married there, and both her children
were born in that state. Her husband William Shaw was s gunsmith,
a profession much in demand in pioneer days, end accidentally
shot himself in handlina e rifle and died soon after. He is
buried in Culpeper County, Virainia. She lived with her father
and removed with him to Missouri in 1835. Later she resided
with her daughter Jane who married Thompson Cox. She is buried
in the Kemper Cemetery.
Emily Kemper ---- ---(Feb 3, 1831)
Raleigh Mayes
Aug 20, 1 O2
sep 23, 1869
S6-Mary Ellen Mayes-- ------ Oct 30,1833 ----~ Nov 29, 1892
57~Stephen Franklin Mayes-~Oct 29,1835 -May 15, 1917
S8-Charles Addison Mayes---Aug 18,1837 --~-- May 6, 1918
S9-Ssrepta Anne Mayes ------ Sep 18,18h1-»~~-Jun 23, 1930
60-Lourlnde Cather1neMeyes-Dec 28,lUh3 ----- Jul Zh, 1929
61-Silas Wright Mayes ------ Jan 13,18h7 ----» Jul 29, 1929
62-Burley Garner Mayes ----- 1839 ----- 18h6
63-Elton Mayes ------------ 18hS ----- l8h6
Rekeigh Mayes, the son of Henry Moyes and Mary Palmer, was
at Norfolk, Virginia and was married there. He was the first
of either family to come to Missouri, and was followed soon after
by both his father and his father-in-law. He reached Missouri
with his bride in 1832, having made the trip on horseback, and was
among the first to settle along the limestone bluffs of eastern
Lincoln, then practically a virgin wilderness. He purchased a
small tract of land from a settler who had pre-empeted it from

the government shortly before. (It is possible that this may have
been e oart of one of the numerous French grants which are found
in Lincoln and Saint Charles Counties, Reference to the deed
books of the two counties would show this. See abstract of Louis
Mayes farm for this datn,) At the time of his settlement the
Indians were numerous end their camps were found all along the
bluffs, Their teepees were erected on the bluffs in order to
escane the annual overflows of the Father of Waters and close
enough to give access to the river bottoms et that time teeming
with game and fish, The mounds in the present orchnrd of the
Jacob Ellis place, how owned by McDonald which was a pert of the
Raleigh Mayes tract of land. mark the sito of en Indian Village
and the remains of fallen lodges which members of the family now
living (l9l3) remember having seen" The whoops end cells of the
Indians were frequently heard in the forest nbout the cabins of
the early settlers, and in the sbsenee of the men of the family
the children were frequently kent in the house, end the doors
were barred¢ Arrow hoods and other Indien relies nre still found
in profusion over this and adjoining tracts of land" UHKC 2-
bounded in profusion" The second morning efter making camp
Raleigh went down to the ford and waiting there killed three
deer, which had come to drink. The next morning at the same
place he killed two deer. When visitors arrived and there wes
no moot in the house he would tehe his rifle and rsnve through the
woods until he found 5 deer, hang it uo where it was shot and
skin down the hind quarters and out it off there with his hunting
knife and carry it home on his back leaving the rnmnirder of the
deer to tho senvenvers of the forest. On one oeeesion A deer
which had been ehesed by men and does jumned the fence into the
yard while Raleigh was absent from home and in some wey entangled
its entlers in the fence and on eeeount of its exhausted eon~
ditions -- perheps wounded -- was held, Emily Kenner Mayes seized
an ex and with the Pssistanee of e negro woman, one of her slsvem
killed it and dressed it. Wild turkeys were found in large droves
all through the weeds and no attention was oaid to them until larger
game began to fail and shot guna come in to supplant the earlier
Releigh'o first house, like all pioneer hone" of the times,
was built of roughly hewn logs with clay floor, elap~boerd roof,
the crooks between the logs being "ehinked" with chips and clay,
It was heated by 9 arent fireplace which consumed large quantities
of wood with littlo`effedt, most ef the heat goine up the chimney.
Prnctionlly nll the furniture was homemade" Havirg no tubs or
jars in which to store the First lsrd he made, he aut do!-Jn a
hollow tree and mods; G trowrxh In which ho stored the lordq
Practically all the elothinn was of home manufeeture. Skins
were sent to the ten yard and then manufactured into rough shoes
by local eobhT":n,sometime by the slaves. Wool was corded, spun
and woven into cloth nfter which it was fashioned into garments
by the women of the family -- even the beds and blankets beine
made in this manner, All elothinp both of men and women hung
from the shoulder and none was uusoendéd from the waist"

Food was plentiful but of little variety, Qnd consisted large-
ly of wild ment. There was no "fed" meat, even the hogs being
raised on mast and allowed to range the woods until ment was needed.
A11 food was cooked in the fire place either in pots hanging from
A crane or in pans or ovens placed on the coals. Corn bread
served on week days and biscuit on Sundays only as wheat was
scarce and the grinding a difficult and expensive operation. There
were few vegetables and such as there were were small and ill
flavored. THere was no method of preserving fruits except by
burying in the ground or drying. Until cane was planted the only
sugar obtainable was moole sunnr, mnd every farmer maintained his
Sugar camp whore it was regularly made for the family use every
spring, Haber on cane suynr in tHe form of loaf sunar came into
use but as it sold for '1.2S B pound the price was prohibitive.
Nuts were carefully gathered every fa11 as a vsluahle addition to
the winter menu.
The use of whiskey was universal. Only homemade whiskey was
to be obtained and it sold for from 12% cents to 2§¢ ver pnllon
and was found on everv table. Tobacco was the nrincinal cron.
red an unusually lwrpa
harvested with a reap hook,
of rails and carried on
sold three bushels for a
were few conmmdities which
Ten acres of corn or wheat was conside
acreage. "Meat was sown , broadcast,
threshBd` out with B flail over 9 pen
horseback to Clarksville where it was
dollar or 33 1/3¢ s bushel. ~s there
the pionger ¢Du]d 5¢1] mgngy was scarce, and its wurchaslng power
was great. Although taxes were small *t was A hard strwn¢1e for
the noorer people to get sufficient money to may them, and as 1ate
as 1GhO a debt of $2.00 was a bxmden. Raleigh Mayes was Constable
of Hurricane Township, at that time a place of importance as it
constituted the executive officer of the law in what was then
frontier country. The fans nf the office gave him some ready money
and his trips to the county sent at Troy nnd his duties as Con~
stable gave him the opportunity to buy land sold For taxes. As 3
result he acquired a number of tracts of land which hq farmed with
his slaves. Slaves were the dividinf line between the aristo-
cracy nnd the plahian of the times. But slave labor was slow and
uninhelligent. They were more of a luxury than a necessity and in
lwtter days were principally valuable about the house. The1r only
real advantage was in clcwrinv the land of the dense growths of
timber, and in that wmv they contributed tn Rs1e1gh's prosperity,
making lsnd profitable bmich otherwise would nat have produced
taxes. He owned over thirty slaves at the opening of the Civil
War, men, women and children, and in the tax lists of 1850 is
named as one of the 1ar est slave holders in the county. (History
of Lincoln County (1BUBg, wage 320). Hn was President of the
first Board of Education of Dost Creek School, now the Elsberry
School District, U16, uh hnat time iuc1u4*nv all of Township Sl,
Range 2 and 3 East, and established in 1337. (History of lincoln
County 1908, were MQ.) Hs was active in the mfganizamon, and
was a Director on the first Board of Directors of the "Agricu1~
tural and Mechanical Society" which initiated the nresent Lincoln
County Fair. The Board was orrvnlzed in 1855, and the first-Fair
was held: October 11 1556- (History of Ylncoln County 1588, mage
325)~ (Atlas of Eincoln County, 1379,page 12). In the course of

time Raleigh became an important factor in his community and
accumulated considerable property holdings. He gave each of his
children at marriage a farm of 200 acres and stock and equipment
to operate it. He and his wife are buried in the small family
burying ground, which at that time was directly upon the New
Hepa-Falmouth road, a short distance from his house, but which
through change of tim road to the present highway is now isolated.
Alexander Dudley Kemper- -~--------------------- -
Unmarried. Lived with his parents until their death. After
the death of his mother an old slave, "Aunt Martha", kept house
for him. He is buried in the family cemetery on his father's
Catherine Kemper-~- ---- ---- Oliver Benear
hh-Martin Henry Benear ------ Jan 1h,1B30 ----- Mar 12,1905
65-Alexander Dudley Benear--May 16,1832 ~--- -Feb 13,1900
Catherine Kemper was born ln Virginia and there married
Oliver Benear. She died about 1830 before the removal of her
father to Missouri. Her two sons were reared by their Aunt Matild
and they and their father came west with Martin Kemoer when he
moved to Missouri. Nothing is known of the ancestry of Oliver
Benear. He seems to have died some time after coming to Missouri
and is buried in the Kemper Cemetery.
Octavius Kemoer--- ---- (Unknown) ---- ---Eliza Palmer
Ootavlus Kemper was one of the youngest, if not the youngest,
of his father's family. He was born in Virginia but wus probably
married in Missouri, and was living between Centralia and Columbia
in Boone County at the outbreak of the Civil War, He was taken

prisoner by the federal troops and confined on an island in the
Mississippi Rlver,balow Saint Louis where,he-contracted smallpox
and died. Little iswknown of his wife, She died about the same
time. They had no children: Their estate was administered on
by Charles Addison Mayes (VIIT-SB). L"T@R: Eliza Palmer, dauchtcr
of James Folmer, born in Vincoln County, Missouri and married there
Moved to Boone County shortly before Civil War. She is hurled in
Boone County.
Nancy Kemner--- ---- (Dec 3,l83§) ~--- ---Seneca Watts
Mar 13,1812
66-John Wiseman Watts ----~-- Jan 13,1830 -----
67-Matilda Catherine Watts--Sep 26,1819 -~--- Oct 12,1398
68-Mary Jane Watts ---------- Dec 12,lOhl -----
69-Nancy Francis Wstts ------ May 19,l@nh ----- Oct S,1909
70-Martin Taylor Watts ------ Feb l,lUh7 ----- Doc l8,lQh5
7l~Emily Mildred Watts ~----- Aug 2O,lUh9 -»--- Sep 9,1552
72-Amanda Ville Watts ---- »--May lO,18§2 ~---- Sep 13,1927
73~Nesley French Watts ~----- Nov 2h,18G§ ~--~- MUY 1U| 1957
7h-Martha Ann Watts- -~----- -
Seneca Watts, son of Cant. William Watts, (see abstract of
Survey to Mm. Palmer), horn ~nril 26, 1783, and Nancy "cmwackx
Watts, sister of Contain Richard Mommack, Sheriff of Lincoln boun-
ty, born July 10, 1796; was born in Tennessee, and came with his
father to Missouri in lB2b. his father stretched a tent on the
crest of the hill just east of the Bluff Road and directly across
from the site of Ihe Watts Cemetery on the nresant Forest Kocling
Nursery, on reaching Missouri until he could build s house. The
grandfather of Seneca Watts was John Watts, born January 26, 1736,
died Eentewber 25, 1323, married to Iucy Watts, born December 15,
1761. The Family of his Cather, William watts, consisted of:
a-Eliza Watts, born Sen 13, 1901, morcied Francis Vurlon
Uuckatt. (See VII-M3 sunra), died Jun l2,lU79.
b~Wesley Matts,born May 29, l30h, died Auvust 6, ldhl.
c-Seneca Watts, born March 13, 1812, married Nancy Kemper.
d-Gsbrilla Watts, born March 17, lhlh, married Jordan Gibson,
by whom she had two children: William N.Gibson
and a dauchter who married a Ward. Her hus-
band was shot by a man named Stewart, and she
was the second time married to Joseph Conn
Wilkinson. See Wilkinson Book IV-13.
e-Arzills Watts, born Uecembcr 7,l81b, married Charles Ferry,
1.John N. Ferry, married Ellen Calvin.
2.F~nnie Ferry, married Andrew Triplett.
3,Birdie Ferry, married Lieuellan Long.
h_D1iza Ferry, married James Norris.
S.den Ferry, unmarried.
.Sarah Ferry, unmarried.

7.Wl1liam Ferry, unmarried.
S.Edna Ferry, married D. F. Foley.
9.Jennie Ferry, unmarried.
f-Virdilla Watts, born Merch 12, 1819, married Lee Hemmack,
mother of Wes Hemmack.
g-Mordecai watts, born October lS, 1822, father of William W.
wects (VIII-52 infra).
h-Caucyre Watts, born January 26, 1820.
Seneca Watts was the first time married, November lh, 1833 to
Francis Buchanan, born February l, 1817, died August 13, l83h, to
which union one child was born, william Thomas Watts, born August 7
ldjh, died Merch 6, 1857,
Seneca Watts enjoyed the respect and affection of all who knew
him, and was a man of wide influence. He was a favorite with his
father-in-law, Martin Kemper, who made him executor of his will,
and when another son-in-law, Raleigh Mayes, unwittingly displeased
the old gentleman by selling e slave woman viven his wife Emily by
her father, he made Seneca trustee for the share of Emily in his
estate. This estate amounting to a little over one hundred dollars
for each child of Emily was paid each of the chihiren in gold by
Uncle Seneca on the day of their marriage. He lived to an advanced
age, a fine type of the old Virginia gentleman. He and his wife
are buried in the Hamilton Cemetery, on his old farm, now known as
the Taylor Place.
Mary Alice Kemper.
Died, unmarried, et the ege of 15. Buried ln the Kemper
William Octavius Kemper ------ (Sep S,1593)---Hope Kimball Elliott
Jun 11, 1866
(or 1867)
75-Cnpitola Margaret Kemoer-Jul 1,1B9h ----
76-William Oliver Vemner »--- Sep 12,1396 ---~
77-Faith French Kemper -~---- Feb 17,1898 ----
78-Alice Cecilia Kemner ~---~ Jul 6,1901 ----
Y9»Hope Elliott Kemper ------ Jun 15,1906 ----
80-Charity Ann Kemper -~~--~- Aug 15,1909 ----

william Oliver Kemper born in Vlnccln County, Missouri and
was married there. Moved to Cedar Gap, Texas in 1903, thence to
Coates, Texas, and in l9Oh to Abilene, Texas where he spent the
remainder of his life. Merchant - Feed of West Texas Coffee Com-
pany. Cedar Gap Cemetery.
Missouri in 1881. Abilene,
Anna Eliza Kemoer ------- (June
Hope K. Elliott, dauahter of Georae C. Ulliott and xdelia
Hitt, born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and came with her parents to
Taylor County, Texas.
10,1BBO) ---- »-William Wiseman Watts
61-Clarence Buell Watts ---- -Feb
82-Ethel Grace watts ---- ---- Jun
83-Moses Russell Watts -----
BM-Howard Kemner Watts----»-Jul
Jan 12,1556
sep 16,1950
3,1853 __._.
7,1506 -----
20,1890 ----- Apr h,l9h8
27,1596 -----
Anna Eliza Kcmner born and married in Lincoln County, Missouri.
William Wiseman Watts, son of Mordecai Richard Hatts, born
October 15, 1823, died July 5,
and Marv K. Watts, born Novem-
His grandfather (See VII-h9),
ber 19, 1529, died October 30, 1911.
William Watts for whom he was named came to Missouri from Huntsville,
Scott County, Tennessee to which he had emigrated from Covington,
Alleghany County, Virginia. Established the Bank of Annada and
was its first Cashier. Later Cashier of Bank of Lincoln County,
Elsberry, Missouri. Elsberry School
Mason, Christian Church. Celebrated
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
James Henderson Kemoer
Board, Mayor of Elsberry,
69th weddinp anniversary l9h6.
Died, unmarried at age of sixteen after an hourfs illness.
Kemper Cemetery.
Martin French Shaw.
Reslded for many years with his niece, Helen Cox Downing.
Died at advanced age, dlsberry Cemetery.

Rosanna Jane Shaw--- ---(May 2O,1855) ---- ---Thompson Cox
Oct 15,1508
Jan 16,1575
B5-William Thompson Valvard Cox-May 25,1856_May 2,l9hO
86-Halen Diana Cox ~--------- Jan 6,1859 ---~- Sep 2,1950
87~Emma Jane Cox ------------ Mar 22,1866 ----- Sep 18,1866
Rosanna Jane Shaw was born in Culpeper Count
to Missouri with her mother and maternal gre
Kemper Cemetery (?) Or Cox Cemetery (?)
C 51116
1835 to Marianna
Priest Hansbrough, born November 6, 1818, died June 1, 1852 to
which union was born:
Thompson Cox was first married, November 6,
Vlrgtnia Amanda Cox -------
Margaret Hansbrough Cox ----
Mary English Cox ------------
Susan Frances Cox ------ ---
Elijah Hansbrough Cox ----~--
-Mar 11, 18h2-
May 1, 18h3"
Sap ll, l8hh-
Sep 1, 1851-
Virglnla Amanda Cox married January ll, 18
--April M,l8MO --~- -
y, Virginia, and
ndfather in 1835.
-Apr 21,1893
Feb 2,1858
Nev 17,l86h
Deo 17,1863
Sep 12,1852
59 to William
Henry Priest, born March 21, 1835, who was the second time marrle
to Anna Welch, died November 26, 1911. He was the third time
married, January 16, 1867 to Emma S. English, to
Frederick Cox
A daughter who married A. L. Johnson
which union were
Emma English Cox died October 25, 1923. Cemetery nt Hamburg
New York.
Mary Ellen Mayes ---- ----Dec. 10, 18h9)-Wm, Lewis Candus Elsberry
Apr 11,1822
Nev 2,1895
8 L-w1111 El a --------- f ~-5 - l°5l
Sdiamiiy ?licg tlgterry ---- -Jul 851855 ----- Jen 9,185h
B9-Olevia Anne Elsberry ----- Oct 31,1856 --~-- Feb 21,1950
90-Margaret A. Mayes Elsberry-Jul l1,1859~-- ,1935
91-Louise Catherine Elsberry-Nov. 1,1861 ---- Nov 25,1393
92-Mary w111enna a1sberry---Nev 2,1875 ----- Jul 1,1955
Mary Ellen Mayes was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, and was
married by Rev. Samuel S. Ralston. (Marriage Rec
County, Missouri, Book B , page 5h).
ords of Lincoln

William Lewis Candus Elsberry, son of William M, dlaberry and
Lydia F. Owens, was born in Bourbon Countv, Kentucky, and came to
Missouri in 1837. Hevwas a brother of Robert Thomas Elsberry,
founder of the town of Elsberry, Missouri (b.June 1M,1818, d.Oot.
lb, 1891). Prior to the war he was a Whig. Durinp the war he
was an ardent Southern symnathizer, and cftor the war he always
voted the Democratic ticket. His wife was a member af the Bryant's
Creek Primitive Baptist Church, and he gave that faith his hearty
support. Both he and his wife are buried in a private cemetery on
a part of his farm west of New Hope on the New Hope and Auburn
Stephen Franklin Mayes---(May 2l,l857) ~--- --Margaret Alcinda Cox
May 10,1880
93-Charles Linn Mayes ----- --Jun 17,1858 ----- May 19,1859
Stephen Franklin Mayes ---- (Jun 28, 1860)--~-- ---Susannah Turner Guy
Feb 2,18h0
Jun 10,1890
9h-Amos Maker Mayes --------- Jul 20,1861 ----- Nov 25,1888
95-Lucy Guy Davis Mayes ----- May 12,1863 ----- Apr 27,1895
96-Marosret Elizabeth May---Ded 15,1865 ----- Dec 1,1867
97-Clarence Gordon Maves ---- Sop 28,1867 ~---- Aug 1g,&3%;
98-Watson Elliott Mayes ----- Sep 28,1869 ----- Jan 22,
99-Catherine Clifford Mayes-Feb 15,1862 ----- Feb 11,1875
100-Guy Hurbert Mayes ----- ---Nov 5,1878 ---- -
lOl-Archie Rawlston Mayes ---- Sep 10,1876 ----- Apr 28,1909
102~Nancy Estelle Mayes ------ Sep 7,1880 ----- Jul 18,1906
103-Birdie Wells Mayes ~------ Dec 23,1883 -~---
A merchant at Clarksville for many years. Married the last
time by "J.J. Errctt, Minister of the Gospel" and recorded in
Book 3 at page 278 records of Pike County, at Bowling Green.
Scent last years with Gordon at Norfolk, Virginia.
Charles Addison Mayes ---- (Nov H,l858) ------~~ Mary Jane D. Sanders
59? 23,1339
Nov 26,1892
103%-Robert Duncan Mayes ---- Oct 17,1859 Oct 17,1859
108-William Oliver Mayes ---~ Ney 10,1861 ----- 0ct 13,1917
105~WS1ter Mayes ---------- -»Nay 3,1568 ~---- Feb 10,1938
106~Edward Yeughtery Mayes-~Ju1 15,1865 ----- Aug 13,1866
107-Gore Wnalish MHy@H"'----May 1?,l869 ~---- ner 26,19h2
108~Ha111e Mayes -~~- ~ -----~ ~Feb 26,1871 ----- Apr 20,1872
109-Raleigh Lewis Mayes ----- Aug 28,1877 May 26,1930
110-Mary Elsie Mayes -------- Jul 5,1880 ----- Oct 27,l9hh

2nd------(Oct 29,1901) ----- Fannie Randolph Steele
Jan 11,1865
Dec ,19h3
111-Charles Addison Mayes---Dec 18,1902 ----- Aug 23,1903
First marriage by Rev. A. G. Mitchell, recorded Volume B.
page 372, records of Lincoln County. Charles Addison Mayes was
the first Mayor of Elsberry, Missouri. Ha was one of the wealthier
men of the community and financed many of the earlier enterprises
of Elsberry. Ha was a man of wide influence and largely controlled
the affairs of the growing town.
Sareota Anna Mayes ----- (Dec 25,1856) ------- Edwin Ellis Whiteside
Jan 13,1832
Sep 8,1899
112 Ida Glovina Whiteside---Nov 30,1857 Sep 11,1981
113-Raleigh Ewing Whiteside-Dec 30,1859 ----~ Jan 20,1982
118-Charles Forest Whites.--Feb 18,1863 ----- Sep 18,1865
115 Mary Lola Catharine W.--May 27,1865 ----- Sep 17,1957
116-Lenora Whiteside ----~--- Oct 10,1867 -----
117 Emma Dean Whiteside ----- Mar 29,1870 ---~- Apr 7,1985
118 Edwin Forest Vmiteside--Aug l1,1873~----
119 Talleyrand Hayne W. ----- May 10,1876 ----- May 12,1983
120-Myrtle Prudence Whites--Jun 17,1879 ----- Dec 3,1938
121-Jacob Vardeman WhitesidsJun 1,1882-----
Elsberry, Missouri. Edwin Ellis Whiteside, son of Jacob
Whiteside and Lydia Vardeman Moss. Born near Whiteside, Lincoln
County, Missouri. Baptist, Democrat, Member of Auburn Lodge No.
lb A.F. k A.M. Under direction of Lincoln County Court supervised
the changing of the channel of Lost Creek to its present bed.
Married by Rev. A. G. Mitchell, recorded in Bock B at page 328,
records of Lincoln County. Buried in Elsberry Cemetery. Teacher
of Lost Creek School, the first public school in Hurricane Town-
Lourinda Catharine Mayes---(Dec 8,1859) ~-~-~ Jacob Whiteside Fllts
Jan 30,1831
Dec 8,1915
122-Mary Ann Ellis ---------- Apr 23,1861 ----- Aug 1:1953
123-Raleigh Duncan Ellis ---- Oct 28,1863 ----- Mar 22,1865
128-Lorena Ellis ------------ Jan 1h,1866 ---~- May 1U,l928
125-Charles William Ellis---Oct lh,l868-----
126-Stephen Franklin Mayes E.Jw.3l,l87l -----
126§=S113g Kirby E11is-- ----- Jun 30,1878 ----- Nov 29,1986

Elsberry, Missouri. Local magistrate for many yanrss Son
of Duncan Ellis who emigrated to Missouri from Kentucky. For full
history of Ellis family see Whiteside book.
Silas wright Mayes---- ------(Feb 9,lB6B)----Bathsheba Jane Nelson
Sep 29,1BM9
Jul 1h,l93N
127-Raleigh Emmett Mayes------Jan 3l,1869~---
l28-Hettie Leene Mayes ------ --Sep ll,l870----
129-Lela Leota Mayes ----- ---Jul 2h,l872----May ,19h3
l3O-Mary Lovsrta Mayes ------ --Mar 1,1875----Sep 28,l9hS
131-D¢111e Mayes--- --~-------- Apr 15,1877----sep 16,1892
132-Nelle Temperance Mayes ---- Jun 23,1879----Jul 21,190u
133-Elizabeth Nelson Mayes----Jan 30,1882 ----
13h-Emma Lillian Mayes- ----- --Oct 9,1886 ----
New Hope, Missouri, A charter member of Deadwood Lodge of
I.0.0.F., established at New Hope, February 27, 1878 and later
moved to Elsberry. Buried New Hope Cemetery.
Burley Garner Mayes
Died in infancy.
Elton Mayes
Died in infancy.
Martin Henry Benear ----- ----»-(Mar 6,18S9)- ~----- Mary Jane Watts
Dec 12,l5h2
1 Jan 29,1922
135-Elizabeth Beneer -----~---- Mar 8,1860----Sep 11,19h5
136-Nancy Catherine Benear----Aug 2l,1861----
137-John Alexander Benear ---- -Oct 7,1863----Mer l0,19h1
138+William Wesley Benear- ---- Aug lS,1868~---Jan 9,1901
139-Thomas Martin Benear ------ Oct 9,1671 ---- Mar 20,1929
lh0-Margaret Vaughan Benear---Apr 9,187h ---- Jun 13,1939

Martin Henry Eenear, was born in Culpeper County, Virginia,
and came with his father and his grandfather to Missouri in 1835.
Hs, with his brother was reared by his aunt Matilda Kemper. He-
sided all his life on his farm near Fink School. Married his
cousin Mary Jane Watts, in direct line (VIII-68). Buried New Hope
Cemetery. Baptist and Democrat.
Mary Jane Watts, daughter of Seneca and Nancy Watts, born in
Lincoln County. Sister of M. J. Watts, W.F. Watts, Mrs. Joseph
Water and Miss Manda Taylor. Buried New Hope Cemetery.
Alexander Dudley Benear ---- (Aug ,l86h) --~---- Nancy Frances Watts
May 19,1888
Oct 5,1909
lhl~lda Belle Bsneer ~--------- May 3,1865 --~- Jun 3,1916
lh2~W1lliam Henry Benear ------ Nov 6,1866 -~-- Dec 3,1988
183-Nancy Catherine Benear ---- Apr 16,1871 ---- Dec 28,1935
lhh-Lucy Jane Bensar-~ -------- May 20,1878 ~--- Oct 10,1953
185-Martin Taylor Benear ------ Sep 30,1882 ----
Alexander Dudley Benear, born in Culpeper County, Virginia.
Left motherless in infancy, he was reared by his aunt, Matilda
Kemper, and came with his father and his maternal grandfather to
Missouri in 1835. He was married to Nancy Frances Watts, known
in the family as "Fannie", who was (VIII-69) in direct line of
descent. Both were members of Baptist Church. New Hope Cemetery.
John Wiseman Watts ~--- ---- Paulina Jane Martin
Feb 1,1837
Dec 27,1868
186-William Thomas Watts ------ Feb 1,1858 ---- Sep 22,1931
187-Susan Natalie Watts ---~»-- Dec 23,1859 ----
188-John Frederick Watts --~--- ----
189-Lou Anna Watts ~------- ---Oct 28,1865 --~- Apr 18,1868
John Wiseman Watts -----~ -------------~- Mary Jeffries
150-James Watts ---- --- _
151 Charles Watts---
152-Emmett Watts ~--- -
1 Ada Lou Watts--- ----
158-Edward Watts ~--- ---
can 2,1881 ---~ ,l955

John Wiseman Watts born in Lincoln County, Missouri and both
times married there. Many years Marshall of Elsberry. Later lived
with his
son, Charles, ln Kansas.
Paulina Jane Martin, daughter of William and Elizabeth Martin,
(IX-85) buried in Taylor Cemetery near old Seneca Watts Farm.
Mary Jeffries, daughter of Bryant and Sarah Jeffries, and
sister of James Samuel Jeffries (Gannon Bock V»607), born at
Wsrrenton, Virginia. Buried in Pettis County near Sadalia.
Matilda Catherine Watts- ---- (Dec 2h,l85h)------William Henry Mayes
155-John Seneca Mayes ------- May
156-Thomas Dudley Mayes ----- Feb
157-Richard Martin Mayes ---- Feb
158-Anna Bell Mayes -------- -Apr
159-Nancy Jane' Mayes ------- Jan
Jun 13,1831
Jan 29,1911
6,1856 -----
25,1858- ---- Sep 30,1932
28,1862» ----
19,1868 ----- Dec 15,1951
Marriage by A. B. King, and recorded in Book B at page 278 of
Records of Lincoln County. William Henry Mayes, son of John Mayes
and Isabelle Randolph McCormick, born in Indiana. Both buried in
New Hone Cemetery.
Mary Jane Watts ---- --~(Mar 8,l859)~ ----- --Martin Henry Benear
Jen 18,1830
Mer 12,1905
l35~Ellzabeth Benear ---- ~---Mar 8,1860 ---- -sep 11,1985
136-Nancy Catharine Benear--Aug 21,1861 -Mar 10,1981
137-John Alexander Benear---Oct 7,1863-~---Jan 9,1901
138-William Wesley Uenear---Aug l5,l8b8~---4War 20,1929
139-Thomas Martin Bender----Oct 9,1871 -Jun 13,1939
180-Margaret Vaughan Bonear-Apr 11,1878----4Way 16,1832
Mary Jane Watts married ln line
Nancy Frances Watts -~--- (Aug ,l86h
lhl-Ida Belle Benear -~------ May
lh2~W1lliam Henry Beneer ---- Nov
of descent. See VIII-68 supra
) ------- Alexander Dudley Benear
May 16,1932
Fab 13,1900
3,1865 ----- Jun 3,1916
6,1866 ----_ Dec 5,1928

183-Nancy Catharine Benear --~- Apr 16,1871----Dec 28,1935
188-Lucy Jane Benear ~~-------- May 20,1878 ---- Oct 10,1953
185-Martin Taylor Benear ------ Sep 30,1882 ----
Alexander Dudley Benear is (VIII-65) in the direct line of
descent. See Supra.
Martin Taylor Wetts--- -~-~(Jan 27,l866) ---- ---- Helen Carr
Jun 30,1885
Mar 20,1910
160-Frances Bell Watts ----~~-- Sep 30,1868 ---- Jun 9,1932
161-John Seneca Watts -----~~-- Oct 8,1871--~-Jun 29,1926
162-Ewing Henry Watts ------~-- Nov 25,1877 ---- May 25,1951
Martin Taylor Watts, born in Lincoln County, Missouri and
was married there. Elder in Christian Church; Democrat. Supplied
mush data for this record.
Helen Carr, daughter of John Carr and Susanna Martin, born in
Lincoln County, Missouri.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Amanda Ville Watts--- ---(May 27,l875)-----George Nixon Taylor
Jan 28,1883
Jul 26,191
163-Forest Edwin Taylor ------- Apr 30,1876 -~-- Apr 22,1987
168-Floyd Nixon Taylor- ------- Jul 18,1878----
165-Florence Ville Taylor ----- Sep 15,1883 ----
Amanda Ville Watts, born on the old home place in Lincoln
County, Missouri, and after her marriage lived with her parents end
received from them the Family Bible with complete records of the
family from which much of this data is copied.
George Nixon Taylor, born near Brussells, Lincoln County,
Missouri. Buried ln Elsberry Cemetery.
Emily Mildred Watts.
Died in early childhood. Watts Cemetery.

Wesley French Watts ------ (Jan 28,1878) ------ Emma Plthiana Taylor
166-Walter Lovelace Watts---Nov 11,1878
167-Claudius Caesar Watts---Sep 12,188O----
168-Ernest Columbus Jetta---May 21,1887
169-Bessie Lee Watts -------- Jul 19,1889
Jan 22,1852
Jun 2 ,1908
Emma Plthiane Taylor, daughter of Arch Taylor and Sonora Carr,
grand daughter of James C, Taylor.
Wesley French Watts resided in Snow Hill Township, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Martha Ann Watts ---- ---(lug 19,l877)---
170-Landy Phillip Waters ---- May 17,1878
171-Valle Watts Waters ------ Apr 28,l88O---
172-Laura Bell Waters ------- Nov 11,1882
173-James Kelley Waters ----- Jun
178-Katherine Nelson Waters-Mar 18,188
James Foley Waters
may 13,1589
Sep 20,1928
Jan 6,1951
-Aug 8,1950
Mar 28,1988
May 6,1952
Martha Ann Watts, youngest child of Nancy Kemper and Seneca
Watts, born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
James Foley Waters, son of Landy P. Waters end Elizabeth Ann
Foley Waters, born in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Farmer,
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mapltola Margaret Kemper--- ---- Severo Gomez Gonzales
El Paso, Texas. Post Office Box 1218.
Nov 26,1925

1x-je. 7
William Oliver Kemper --~-- (Aug 8,l9l8)--- ----Maude Judie
oct 8,1893
175-Howard Oliver Kemper----Nov 9,l919----
176-Guy Harmon Kemper ------- Jun 12,1921 ---- Nov 19,1983
177-Roy Frank Kemper -------- Mar 1,1923 ----
William Oliver Kemper, born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Elsberry Elementary Schools; attended Public Schools,
Abilene, Texas; First Christian Church, Abilene, Texas; Democrat;
Deputy Sheriff; Mason; married by Rev. Stockard, Cisco, Eastland
County, Texas.
Maude Judie, daughter of George H. Judla and Eva Cantrell;
born Cisco, Texas; attended Public Schools, Cisco, Texas; Democrat;
St. Paul Methodist Church, Abilene, Texas.
Abilene, Texas, 798 Ballinger
Faith French Kemper ------ (Sep l2,l925) --~-- Wilbur Hendrick Hand
Faith French Kemper, daughter of William Oliver Kemper and Hope
Kimball Elliott. Born in Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. Re-
moved to Abilene, Texas. Buyer in Department Store.
Wilbur Hendrick Hand, son of James Winfield Hand and Julia
Elizabeth Riley.
1102 Poplar Street, Abilene, Texas.
Alice Cecilia Kemper--- ---( ) ---- Victor William Gillett
Oct 18,1896
DSC 17,1958
1771-Victor w1111am Glllett,Jr.---Feb u,1932--
177§-scewart M. Gillete ----------- Nev 5,193e--
Victor William Cillett, son of Victor Andrew Glllett and
Elizabeth Sullivan.
621 Robinson Street, Sen Antonio, Texas.

Hope Elliott Kemper ---- ---(Jun 1M,l921) ---- Andrew Jackson Hoover
178-Andrew Jackson Hoover, Jr.,--May 31, l93h--
Hope Elliott Kemper, born Taylor County, Texas; married
Sweetwater, Texas. '
Andrew Jackson Hoover, son of Charles C. Hoover and Emma
2051 South 30th Street, Route #§, Abilene, Texas.
Charity Ann Kemper --~------- (Dec l7,l927) ----- Charles Lafayette Langford
Charity Ann Kemper, born Taylor County, Texas.
Charles Lafayette Langford, son of George Augusta Langford and
Lula Mae Dooley.
Abilggn, Texas~
Clarence Buell Watts~»- ---- (Sep l§,l909) ----- Nelle Lee Daniel
Jul 3,1888
l79~William Edward Watts ---- Aug 26,1910 ---- Apr 27,1916
180-Anna D'Arlina Watts ~---- Mar 25,1912
Dorothy Nelle Watts ----
Clarence William Watts--
Aug 21,1921
Clarence Buell Watts, born in Elsberry, Missouri; married
Lincoln County to Nelle Daniel, daughter of Edward Daniel and
Anne Patton, and sister of Patton Thomas Daniel. Cashier of
People's Bank of Troy, Missouri until 1921.
Troy, Missouri

Ethel Grace Watts~-- ---- (Apr 7,1909) --~-- ---- William Ellis Long
oct 25,1582
183-Kenneth Watts Long ------ Dec 25,1911 ---- Apr 25,1913
Ethel Grace Watts, daughter of Anna Eliza Kemoer and William
Wiseman Watts. D.A.H., Christian Church. History Club, O.E.S.
William Ellis Long, son of James Madison Long and Catharine
Nolan Long. Station Agent at Elsberry Depot, retired in 1955.
Married by Rev. B. G. Reavis, Christian Church Minister.
Moses Russell Watts ---- -~--(Aug 9,l92l) ---- ~Lucretia Jane Stone
sep 16,1892
18'-Margaret Ann Watts -----~ Feb 25,1922 ---~
15 -w1111sm Russell --------- oct l2,l92b ---~
Lucretia Jane Stone, daughter of James Duvall Stone and Alice
Meloan. Married at Methodist Parsonage by Rev. L. G. Meggart.
Moses Russell Watts, Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Howard Kemper Watts ---- --~(Dec 26,1926) ------ Mary Ann Green
Dec 19,1901
Mary Ann Green, daughter of Ida Bradley and Benjamin Franklin
Green. Married by Rev. French at St. Charles Methodist Church.
Teaches at DeHart Elementary School, St. Louis, Missouri.
Howard Kemper Watts former jewelryman in Elsberry, Mm souri.
Elsborry, Missouri.
William Thompson Valverd Cox--(Nov 2S,lB7h) ---- -
166-Addaline Vaughan Cox ~---
187-James Thompson Cox ------ ~-~~~
188-Frederick Marion Cox ---- Sep 6,1683 -----
-Mary Jane
Feb 6;lBS6
Feb 6,1939
065 5,1933
Dec 3,l9h6

Mary Jane Luckett, daughter of James M. Luckett and Elizabeth
Martin. Elizabeth Martin, daughter of William and ilizabeth
Martin. (See VIII-66). United with New Hope Baptist Church under
the meeting of Rav, Everett in 1567. Democrat.
City Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri.
Helen Diana Cox ----- ---(June 2, 1878)-~---Henry Harrison Downing
sep 11,18u6
Aug 18,1821
189-Rosanna Bell Downing ---- Jun 27,1879 ---- Jul 19,1927
190-Lets Brown Downing ------ Oct 25,1582 ----
l91~Roy Cox Downing ----- --~Sep 19,l89O~---Jun 2h,l9S7
192-Nell Henry Downing ------ Jan 31,1892 ----
Henry Harrison Downing, son of Andrew Downing, born March 31,
1501, died Nugust 6, 187h, married to Obedience Bell, who was born
June 29, 1803 end died March h, lB9h, brother of Harvey Brown Down-
ing, born November S, lBh3. Primitive Baptist, Democrat, Odd
Fellow, and Mason. President Hurricane Township Gravel Road Com-
nany. Member Lincoln Countv Central Democratic Committee for
Hurricane Township.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri
Em u Jane Cox.
Died in infancy.
William Elsberry.
Died in infancy.
Emily Alice Flsberry.
Buried in family cemetery on her father's farm.

Olsvia Ann Elsberry ---- (Jan 16,1B77)--~---Samuel Ticen Singleton
Sep 2O,lBW2
may 2h,l92l
19 -Beulah Elsberry Singleton-Nov 2h,l878--Apr 10,1955
1 -Lois Elizabeth Singleton--Nov 11,1860--Oct 3,1957
195-Barbee Candus Singleton---Jan 2B,lB89--
Samuel Ticen Slnaleton was born in Fauquier County, Virginia
and came to Missouri in 18 .
Olevia Ann Elsberry, Baptist, Elsberry Cemetery.
Margaret Ann Mayes Elsberry-(Apr 2u,lB79)Mordeca1 Watts Wilkinson
Deo 5,1538
Jul 7,15 3
2nd--- ---(Aug 3,1B93) ---- ---Newton Levi Luckett
Jan 15,1868
Mordecai Watts Wilkinson, son of Joseph Conn Wilkinson and
Gsbrilla Watts Gibson, was born and died in Lincoln County, M1s~
souri. His death occurred under tragic circumstances (History of
Lincoln County, Missouri, 1885). He is buried in the Watts Ceme-
tery on the Forest Keelina Nursery, Elsberry, Missouri.
,Newton Levi Luckett, was born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Democrat, Baptist, M.W.A., Farmer and Stookmsn. Elsberry, Cemetery.
Louise Catherine Elsberry---(Jun lo,1BB6) ----- Marion Gordon Tate
Nov 15, 1860
Jul 15, 1931
Louisa Catherine Elsberry was born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
Attended LaGrange College and Lindenwood Colleve. Buried in family
cemetery on the Elsberry Farm. On the headstone her name is
spelled "Louella", but should be "Lcu1se".
Marion Gordon Tate later married Elizabeth Lenore Settles
(V-55) in direct line of descent. He was the son of George Turnbull
Tate and Mary Elizabeth Early, reared by Aunt, Texanna Early Gordon,
Frankford, Missouri.

Mary Willenna Elsberry---(Dec le,l89h) ---- ---Emmett Emerson Ellis
Sea 5. 1575
196-Lou Altha Ellis ------ ---Feb 17,l896----
197-Raymond Elsberry Ellis--Aug 19,1900 ----
Mary Willena Elsberry, buried E1sberry,Cemetery, Elsberry,
Emmett Emerson Ellis, son of Henry C. Ellis and Ann Johnson
Mitchell. His arsndfather Duncan Ellis came to Missouri from Ken-
tucky in IBM6. His Great Grandfather Issac Newton Ellis was a
Captain in the War of the American Revolution. Democrat, Baptist,
Director of Elsberry Banking Company.
Elsberry, Missouri, Lincoln County.
Charles Linn Mayes.
Clarksville Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Amos Mayer Mayes.
Clarksville Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Lucy Guy Davis Mayes--- ---- ---Clarence Gates Mills
Dec lU,l862
l9B»Cora Clifton Mills ------ Nov 10,1883 ----
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1X~196 .
Margaret Elizabeth Mayes.
Burned to death by explosion of lamp.

Clarence Cordon Mayes.
Head of Building Loan Association in Norfolk, Virginia. His
father resided with him during the last years of his life, and died
Forest Lawn Cemetery, Norfolk, Norfolk County, Virginia.
Watson Elliott Mayes ----- (May 18, 1891) ------- Louella Cook
Aug 19,1872
199-Susannah Guy Mayes ------ May 6,1892 ----
Mr . L uella Mayes Red Lodge, Carbon County, Montana. She
s o
wrote from Roberts, Montana, January 15, 1913 asking when Mayes
1913 tellin
Book would be published. And wrote again March 12, g
of her daughter's marriage.
Catherine Clifford Mayes.
Clarksville Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri.
Guy Hurbert Mayes -------- (Jan l5,l896) ~---- Sue Fanille Thurmond
Jan 28,1876
200-Stephen Kirk Mayes ------ Dec 21,l896----
201-MBP1gH Lucile Mayes ----- Oct 29,l900---
202-Clarice Rose Mayes ------ Jan 6,l903---
1829s East Prairie Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Archie Ralston Mayes ----- (Jun 23,l903) --~- --Em a Elizabeth Hopke
Mar 3,1883
203-Ella Elizabeth Mayes----Jan 20,l9Oh----Dec h,l90h
2OlrG1adys Evelyn Mayes ----- Dec l2,l906----

l Buried in Clarksville Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County,
Missouri. Emma Elizabeth Mayes the second time married and livinn
in Saint Louis. The daughter Gladys now living with her grand-
father Hopke near Pnynesville, Pike County, Missouri.
Nancy Estelle Mayes- ---- ----------- ------------ W. B. Cox
Clarksville Cemetery, Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri.
Died in Saint Louis.
Birdie Wells Mayes ----- ---(Deo 2},l900)----Joseph Carroll Fry
Aug 8,1882
205-Edith Elizabeth Fry ----- Oct 29,1901----
206-Gordon Earl Fry -------- -Nov 12,1903 ---- Feb ll,191l
2nd ---- (Nov 29,l911) ----- Hildreth Steel Macy.
Birdie Wells Mayes and Joseph Carroll Fry separated, March Zh,
1908. Joseph Carroll Fry is buried in Clarksville Cemetery, Clarks
ville, Pike County, Missouri.
1720 East 21st Street, Los Angeles, California.
Robert Duncan Mayes.
Died in infancy.
IX-101| .
William Oliver Mayes ------ (Nov 25,1880)-----Susan Louise Luokett
Aug 28,1862
Sep 12,1931
207-Edward Henderson Mayes--Sep 18,1881 Aug 1,l93h
208~Clara Pearl Mayes ------- Sep 16,1883 ---- Jan 25,1907
209-Mary Susan-Mayes -------- Jun 23,1897 ---- Jun 28,1897
Cox Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.

Walter Mayes--- ---(Sep 25,l887) ----- Margaret Eugenia Scott
Jul 28,1863
Deo 20,1988
210-Mary Eva Mayes ---- - ----- Jun 27,189O~---
211-Hellie Mayes ------------ Sep 27,1891 ---- Feb 5,1892
212-Margaret Elsie Mayes ---- Dec 7,1892 ---- Nov 7,1953
213-Charles Thomas Mayes ---- Aug 11,1895 ----
21M-Melba Eussnia Mayes ----- Aug
9.1899 ---~
Walter Mayes was a member of the Christian Church, and is
buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Margaret Eugenia Scott, dauahter of Dr. James Thomas Scott,
and Elizabeth Damron. She was e sister of Mrs. R. E. (Sadie) Black
Born in Paynesville, Missouri. Graduate Pritchett Institute, music
teacher in Texas and Missouri. Christian Church. Greenwood Ceme-
tery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Edward Laughtery Mayes.
Cox Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Cora English Mayes ----- (Jun l2,l888)--- ---- Thomas
215-Orwin Mayes Foley ------- Mar 12,1889 ---- Aug
216-Charles Franklin Foley--Mer
217-Thomas Elmo Foley ------- Dec
Hallie Mayes.
Cox Cemetery, near New Hope, Missouri.
12,1891 ---- use
9,1895 ----
Lee Foley
Thomas Lee Foley was the first jeweler in Elsherry, Missouri.
near New Rope, Missouri. Buried Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry,

Raleigh L°w15 Maye5-_-_..(Jun M,1B99)------Rebecca Virginia Briscoe
Fab 23|lS11
Nov 29,1956
21B~Mary Virginia Mayes-----Nov 11,1900 ----
219-Elizabeth Frances Mayes-Oct 12,1908----
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Rebecca Virginia Briscoe, daughter of Ralph D. Briscoe and
Emily Bowles.
Mary Elsie Mayes--- ---(Jan 2,19oo)-~~----onto Bo0mer Gannon
Jan 2,1567
Aug 18,19h5
220-Mary Lucy Cannon ------ --Jul B,1901----
221-Isaballe Mayes Cannon---Nov 27,1913--~-
Otto B. Cannon, son of Isaac Cannon and Lucy Wilkinson, born
in Lincoln County, Missouri. Merchant, Baptist, Democrat, Odd
Elsbarry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Addisdn Mayes.
Died in infancy. Cox Cemetery, New Hope, Missouri.
Ida Glovina Whiteside ------ -(Apr h,1B7S)----John Randolph Cannon
Sep 26,1856
Aug 30,1923
Clarence Cannon-~ ------- Apr 11,1879 ----
-Ruby Cannon ------------ -Jun 20,1881----Dee 26,1955
-Cecil Whiteside Cannon--Jan 1h,l891----Sen 7,1937
Glovina Whiteside was born at E1-Mo Farm, dlsberry,
Missouri; United with Star Hope Baptist Church January 17, 1575;
Attended Presbyterian Academy nt Troy, Missouri 1876-1377; Member
of Pike County Chapter D.A.R,; Elsberry Chapter O.E.S.; Federated
History Club; and A.I. Chapter P.E.0.

John Randolph Cannon, son of Isaac Cannon and Lucy Wilkinson,
born on present site of Cannon Heights, Elsberrz, Lincoln County,
Missouri; went to Nebraska in the spring of 187 and again in Sep-
tember 1877; In partnership with T. R. Goodman and Dr. W. A.
Horphlll bought the first penerel store ln Elsberry from James C.
Wilkinson, and R. T. Blsberry April 12, 1880 and moved to Elsborry
from his farm, September 8, 1880. Member of the firm of Goodman
Cannon and Hemphill from 1880 to 1881; Cannon and Sons, 1881-1888;
Cannon Brothers, 188k-1886; Cannon and Alloway, 1886-1893; Gannon
& Mitchell, 1893-1896; Cannon Dry Goods Company 1896-1923. was
one of the incorporators of the Village of Elaberry, November 17,
1883; of the Blsberry School District, 1888; of the ilsberry Banking
Company, 1891;and of the Wlsherry Chamber of Commerce, 1908. Was
a charter member of the Board of Trustees of the Villsoe of Ele-
bsrry 1883; of the Blsberry Baptist Church, October 27 1883; of
the Board of Deacons of the llsbsrry Baptist Church, 1883; of the
Board of Trustees of the Tlsberrv School, 1888; of the Trustees of
Deadwood Lodge l.0.0.F., 1907; Mayor of Zlsberry 1886-1888; Clerk
of Cuivre Baptist Association, 1918; Democratic, Congressional
Committeeman from the Seventh Congressional District of Missouri,
1895-1896, 1897-1898; United with Star Hope Baptist Church under
ministry of Rev. W, B, Burnham, January 10,1875; married at E1-Mo
Farm, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. Marcellus Sobeski
Whiteside. Elsberry Cemetery.
' Raleigh Ewing Whiteside-- --»- Feb 2h,1887)---Elizabeth Lenora Settle
Dec 15,1868
May 16,1982
22§-Joseph Vance Whitss1de~-May l8,l89O----
226-Gladys Rebecca Whiteside-Cot 13,1892 ----
2nd ---- ~ ---------- Loudetta Cordelia Gllkeson
Jun 9,1867
Elizabeth Lenora Settles divorced and subsequently married
Marion Gordon Tate, and lived ln Clerksdala, Arizona. One child
Mary Lucille Tate born to the second union.
Loucetta Cordelia Morris, dau~hter of George Anthony Morris
and Catherine Lotta, born in Monroe County, Ohio. Married to Ro-
bert Gilkeson, December lo, 1892 and had one child, Ethel Marie
Gilkoson, born January 31, 1898.
Edmond, Oklahoma rmmcy, Oklahoma, R.F.D. #5, Box 25.
Charles Forest Whiteside.
Died in infancy. Family Cemetery on Raleigh Mayes Farm.

Mary Lola Catherine Whiteside-(Nov 2
227-Raleigh Clayton Millner-Jul
228-Beuna Vista Millner ----- Mar
229-Harry Randoloh Mlllner--Feb
230-Glendon Dee Mlllner-----Apr
2]2~Vlno11 Sledd Millner ---- May
232-Buford Vardeman Millner-Jun
-Newton D. Millner
Oct 13,1858
Oct 18,1929
Oct 7.1958
-APP 23.1956
Mary Lola Catherine Whiteside was born Cummln
now B1air,Nsbraska and came by steamboat June 1865
County, Missouri. Baptist, Elsberry Cemetery.
City, Nebraska,
to Lincoln
County, Virglni
Newton D. Millner was born Lynchburg, Amhurst
and coma to Missouri in early manhood. Methodist,
Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, Canada, 1911-1926. Elsberry Cemetery.
Farmer. Lived
Lanora Whiteside ---- ---- (Feb 25,l897)----Thomas Jefferson Ford
23]-Randolph Thomas Ford----May
238-Sadie May Ford ---------- Jun
sep 30,1863
SGP 17.1987
26,1898 ----
23,1900 ----
Lenora Whiteside, born Lincoln County, Missouri. Christian.
Thomas Jefferson Ford son of James Madison Ford and Mary Anna
Ferguson. Farmer, Deacon Christian Church. Greenwood Cemetery,
clsrusville, Missouri.
Emma Dean Whiteside ~----- (Oct 19,l892) ----- Charles Columbus Brown
Jul 1l;,1B71
235-Earl Harvey Brown ------- Jul 27,1893---~
23e-w1111an Louis Brown- ---- occ 2L|_,189l|----
237-Obinettla Brown----- --~- Aug 2h,l896----
238-Ida Elizabeth Brown ----- Jul 20,1903----
County, Missouri.
Emma Dena Whiteside was born in
Christian Church. Elsberry Cemetery.
Charles Columbus Brown, son of Mill Brown and Elizabeth Shuok.
Elsberry, Missouri-

Edwin Forest Whiteside- ----- (Oct 30,1905) ------- Effie May Rader
Aug 26,1 73
239-Edwin Kenneth Whiteside-Dec 30,1906 ----
280-Robert Gerald Whiteside-Aug 29,1910----Aug 17,1930
Formerly in Genesee, Letah County, Idaho. Later Mldvale,
Washington County, Idaho and Crosser, Benton County, Washington.
R.F.D. #1.
Talleyrand Hayna Whiteside---(Jun l,1908) ---- Pearl Gertrude Hamel
Deo 17,1882
281-Helen Whiteside --------- Aug 5,1910 ----
282-Kathoryn Mmlteslde ------ Dec 31,1912 ----
283-Francis Edwin Whiteside-Nov 23,1915 ----
288-Norris Tal Whiteside ---- Sep 9,1921 ----
Formerly a merchant at Bristow, Creek County, Oklahoma. Later
Marshfield, Webster County, Missouri. Maple Park Cemetery, Spring-
field, Missouri. Married at Springfield, Missouri.
Myrtle Prudence Whiteside ---- (May 2é,1896) ---- Hamilton LeRoy Goul
Jen 8,1876
Aug 16,1906
2nd ------ (Dec 26,l909)---Harry Ezra Shoemaker
May 18,1879
aug 31,1916
3rd ------ (Jul 7,1917) ---- John Louis Edmonds
Jun 29,1860
Nev `,19gc
hth ------ ( ,1928) ----- T. Clarence Seckman
Myrtle Whiteside and Harry Shoemaker adopted a daughter in
1910, Emily Mardo Shoemaker, born March lO,l91O. Married by
S.H. Robins, Claremore, Oklahoma.
John Louis Edmonds born Meade County, Kentucky, son of Jordan
Edmonds & Sarah Case, Baptist, Republican, O11 Operator.
Myrtle P. Whiteside died in hospital, Little Rock, Arkansas.

IX-121. M3-
Jacob Vardeman Whiteside---(Nov 26,1903) ---- Elizabeth Jane Pryor
Aug 18,1888
28S-Edwin Richard Whiteside-Jul 7,1906---- ;.g;¢
286-Winifred Whiteside ------ Aug 30,1911 ---- "
., .V
Jacob Vardeman Whiteside, Christian, Democrat, Recorder of
Deeds & Circuit Clerk of Lincoln County. Married by Rev. M. D.
Dudley in Plke County, Missouri.
Elizabeth Jane Prior, daughter of Watson L. Prior and Carrie
Mclean, born Pike County, Missouri. Christian Church, Democrat.
Mary Ann Ellis ---- ---(Nov 3,188S) --------- Daniel K. Knapp
Jan 22,1856
.nm 21,1931
2h7-Inez Knapp ---~---------- Deo 1,1886 ---- Mar 17,1988
2h8-E111s Daniel Knapp ----- -sep 1u,1RPa ---- (died w.w. 1)
289-Thomas Columbus Knapp---Mar S,1893 ---- Apr 27,1988
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Raleigh Duncan Ellis.
Drowned in infancy.
Lorena Ellis.
Primary teacher ln Elsberry Schools 35 years, Baptist, O.E.S.,
History Club. Born near Elsberry, Missouri. Elsberry Cemetery.
Charles William El1ls-- ---- (Oct 1M,l9C7) ---- Lutie Belle Walton
sua 28,1883
250-Mona Ellis ---- ---- Oct 26,l908----
251-Eunice Ellis ------------ ----
73h3 Marietta Avenue, Maplewood, Saint Louis County, Missouri.

Stsphen Franklin Mayes Ellis--~(Apr 20,190S)- ---~- Clara Walton
Feb 26,1551
252~Lenora Catherine Ellis--Jun 20,1908---~
2215 Rainer Avenue, Everett, Snohomish County, Washington.
Silas Kirby Ellis ----- ~--( ,1B93)---- ---- Dolly Connors
253-Maydes Ellis ------ < ----- Aug 26,1895---»
25h-Walter Edwin Ellis ------ Aug 23,1900 ----
Silas Kirby Ellis, Baphist, Elsberry Cemetery, Elsbarry, Mo.
Dolly Connor was remarried, one child by second marriags.
Raleigh Emmett Mayes-~-(Feb 28,1899) -~--- Anna Elizabeth McDsno1d
sen 20,1B7b
Married in Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. E. L. Rutledge.
(Marriage Records of Lincoln County, Book 8, page 132).
Elsbarry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Hattie Laene Mayes--~- ---(Mar 7,189h) ----~ William Edward Dillard
Aug 29,1571
Jun 5,1923
William Edward Dillard, son of William Dillard and Julia
Druggist. Married by Rev. J. A. Grimes. (Marriage Records of
Lincoln County, Book 7, page 17.)
Leota Mayes---- --~(Sep 18,1906) ---- Luther Leonidas Martin
AVE 2U»157h
255-Kenneth Mayes Martin ---- Aug 17,1908 ----
Luther Martin Huilding Contractor in Oklahoma and Texas.
Estate business in San \ntonib, Texas,
Childress, Childress County, Texas,

Mary Loverta Mayes
Known in family as "Mayme". New Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County,
Dollie Mayes.
Family cemetery on Raleigh Mayes farm, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Nellie Temperance Mayes
New Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Elizabeth Nelson Mayes----- ---------- ------ George washington Buxton
256-Marian Elizabeth Buxton~-»Ju1 27,1913~-~- ~
257-Emily Jane Buxton -------- -Dec h,19l7~---
Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri.
Emma Lillian Mayes----- ---(Sep 23,l923)--- ---- william W, Trail
Nov h,lB82
Dec 19,195
William W. Trail, son of Isaac Cannon Trail and Mollie Catherine
Shelton; married Pekin, Tazewell County, Illinois, by Rev. Bagby;
Modern Woodman; Christian; driver for Burlington Bus Linesy Elsberry
Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Elizabeth Benear ---- ---(Aug ,l89l) ---- Albert Reed Mitchell
Sep 18,1936
Elizabeth Benear, born in Lincoln County, Missouri; reared by
Roy Curtis Mitchell from ape of U months; Baptist; Oak Ridge Cemetery
Albert Reed Mitchell, formerly married to a Miss watts, by which
union the following children were born: Vesta,

lXf~l3': n
Nancy Catherine Benear ----- (Oct ll,lB9l) ---- Albert Quincg Suddarth
Dec.25,l S9
Nov 11,1939
258-Laura Cordelia Suddarth-Aug h,lB92 ----
259-Cora Etta Sudderth-» ---- Nov 2O,l59b----Deo lS,l9l2
Albert Q. Sudderth, son of Robert Jefferson Suddarth and
Louvise Catherine Ma es, born Lincoln County, Missouri, and ma
ln Lincoln County. gemoorat, Baptist. Later estranged. Mayes
Book V-60. New Hope Cemetery.
John Alexander Benear ------ (Sep 28,lB9O)-~--Etta Susan Dudley
Dec 22,1868
Apr |41  
Aug 1,1892--~-
May 2,1895--~~
Mar 7,1897
Apr 22,1099---
260-Oscar Martin Benear -----
261-Charles Dudley Benear---
262-Willie Vaughan Benear---
263-Roy Taylor Benear -------
-Nov 23,1957
of William Thomas Dudley and
Virginia. Baptist. Cemetery,
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. Celebrated Golden Wedding
Anniversary, l9hC. Lived in Elsberry, Missouri.
EUE1 Susan Dudley, daughter
Lucy Sledd Dudley, born Roanoke,
william Wesley Benear.
Star Hooe Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Thomas Martin Benear ----- (Sep 2l,l90h) --~-- Loucatta May Belle
SSP 5,1879
26h-Anna Catherine Benear---Jun 25,1906--~~
265-Henry Palmer Benear ----- Jul 2l,l905----
Lcucetta May Belle Palmer, daughter of Janes Palmer and
America Ann Mayes, born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Known in
family as "saddle", Mayes Book V-78.
Thomas Martin Benear, Farmer, Baptist, Deacon of New Hope
Baptist Church, Lincoln County, Missouri. New Hope Cemetery.

Vaughan Benear--&(Apr l,l901)-~---Bruce Napoleon Hammack
266-Clarette Hammock -------- Jan 9,1903
267-Mary Lee Mammack--~-----
268-Otis Martin Hammack ---- -Sep 26,1907
Margaret Vaughan Benear
New Hope Baptist Church, Sta
Bruce Napoleon Hammack,
Hammack. Star Hope Cemetery,
Jun 26,l905~---
Jan 31,1957
was born in Lincoln County, Missouri.
r Nope Cemetery.
son of Virgil Hammack and Sarah Watson
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ida Belle Benear ----- --(Nov 5,l8B3) --------- James Franklin Palmer
269-James Franklin Palm
2nd -----
er---Sep lO,l8Bb---
(Cot ,l59O)---
270-Emma Bello Dudley ------- Nov 11,1592 ----
271-Sallie Dudley ----------
-Nov h,lH98 ----
272-Anderson alexander Dudley-MayS,lQOO---~
Jul ,wat
-Jun 22,19b7
-William Tho
cet 22,l8hl
Jun 23,1915
mas Dudle
James Franklin Palmer, son of Charles Lewis Palmer (born in
Fauquier County, Vhmginia, January 7,1C32) and Gabrllls Ann Llgon.
His father, Charles Lewis Palmer was the son of William Palmer
(born in Virginia, January 8,l79h) and Louisa Parker. And his
grandfather William Palmer was the son of John and Elizabeth Palmer
born 1750-1760. See Biogra hlcal History of St. Charles, Lincoln
and Warren Counties, page aio. Star Hope Cemetery.
William Thomas Dudley, born in Bedford County, Virginia. Was
first married to Lucy Sledd in 1867, by which union he had a son,
Hobart O. Dudley.
William Henry Benear --------- -----~-- ---Unmarried
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.

Nancy Catherine Benear.
Born in Lincoln County. New Hope Cemetery.
Lucy Jane Banear---- ---(Dec 2,1906) ---~ Charles Carroll Wheatley
` Jun 1,1566
273-Martha Frances Wheatley-Sep 8,l9OS---
27h-Nancy Irene Wheatley ---~ May l7,l9l1---
75~Charles Wilson Wheatley-Apr 22,l9lu---
276-William Franklin Wheat--Jun
Pontiac, Michigan 23
Church. Perry Mount
Charles Carroll
. R.F.D.
Lucy Jane Benear was born in Elsberry, Missouri. Residcd in
years before her death, Star Hope Baptist
Park Cemetery, Pontiac, Michigan.
Wheatley, son of Mathew Wheatley and Martha
Carrier at Elsberry, Missouri.
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Martin Taylor Benear------(Jul 3,l9lO) ------~ Bessie Irene Tucker
277-Martin Woodrow Benear--~Dao
278-Leona Benear ~-------- ---Jul
279-Leon Benear» ------------ Jul
1U,1912 ----
Martin Taylor Benear appointed Postmaster at Foley, Missouri
in 1913. Resigned and appointed R¢F.D. Carrier l9lS. Transferred
to Elsberry 1917.
3Sh3 Michigan Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.
William Thomas Watts_-_ ---- Zula Moore
Jan 2,1566
Nev 17,191h
28O~Emmett Watts--- ---Dec 2h,1B89
251-Ethel Watts ---~- -------- Mar h,lB93 Jun 2,19h2
282-owen wants ---.---------- Apr 2,1895 Jun 15,1915
253-William Jennings Bryan--Dec 7,1598 Jul 5,1916
25h~Reuben Watts~~ ---------- Oct 22,1902
28§~0t1s Watts ---~---------- Apr 22,1905
286-Viola May Watts -------~~ May
287~Howard Kenneth Watts ----

Zula Moore, daughter of George Wheaton Moore and Nancy Ann
Wilkinson, formerly married to Charles Robert Sylvester Suddarth,
born December 12, 1862 and died January 23, 1953, son of Louvlse
Catherine Mayes and Robert Jefferson Suddarth, to whom one child,
Charles Mayes Suddarth was born April 29, 1885. Divorced and
0.2.5. Suddarth subsequently married Ida Weyman. See Mayes Book
V- 2.
Zula Moore Watts burned to death and buried in Taylor Cemetery.
Wilkinson Book V~72.
Susan Natalie Watta---- -~---Charles Edward Mountjoy
Aug 1h,l56O
Jun 29,1913
2B8-Nel1e Mae Mountjoy ------- Jun 25,1886 ----
2B9_Hurley Mountjoy ---------- Feb 7,1682---dwar 13,1933
290-Arthur Mountjcy----' ---
John Frederick Watts.
John Frederick Watts went to Tansas City where he married and
where now resides. Has two children.
Lou Anna Watts.
Taylor Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
James Watts
Unmarried, Pearl,\F1ka County, Missouri.
Charles watts ' '
Married and has three children. Did reside in Mineola,
Clark County, Kansas-

Emmett Watts---- ---- -~-~Neeley Potts
2nd--- ---- Julia Gleeson
Naeley Potts was an orphan who came to Missouri from Tennessee.
Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Julia Gleeson, daughter of Charles W. Gleeson and Sarah (Dite)
Law Elsberry.
Hansboro, Towner County, North Dakota.
Ada Lou Watts
Taylor Cemetery, Lincoln County, `Missouri.
Edward Wstts--- ----- - ----- Mattie Lipscomb
Oct 8,1882
291-Nellie Watts ----------~- Jul 15,1910 ----
Mettie Lipscomb, daughter of Thomas and Carrie Lipscomb.
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
John Seneca Mayes- ------ (Jan 12,l882)--- ---Ada Viola Waters
Feb 28,1861
Jul 26,l89h
2nd ------ (Mar 9,l89O)---Rachel Temperance Shannon
Jan 7,l86%
oct 31,1911
292-Augustus William Isaac--Jun l2,l892----
John Seneca Mayes was born ln Lincoln County, Missouri. He
was married the first time by Rev. W. N. Maupin (Marriage Records
of Lincoln County, Book 5, page 39.) Were divorced and she later
married Charles Edwin Britt, September 23, 1889, to which union
one daughter, Mary Elizabeth Britt was born, November 19,l89l. She
is buried in the Elsberry Cemetery.
Rachel Temperance Shannon, daughter of Isaac Cannon and Lucy
Elsbsrry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.

Thomas Dudley Mayes ------ (Jan 2h,l886) ------- Mary Della Nalley
Jun 22,1863
Jun 27»19l2
29]-Catherine Mayes -------- -Jan 3,1896 -----
Mary Delia Nslley, known in family as "Mcllia". Buried in
New Hope Cemetery, lincoln County, Missouri.
Richard Martin Mayes ----- (Jun lC,l888)--- ---Elizabeth Cannon
29h-Lottie Temperance Mayes
295-Roy Wilkinson Mayes----
296-Russell Taylor Mayes ----
297-Lucy Catherine Mayes----
Jun 8,1868
Aug 27,1950
23,1859 ---- Jul 15,1955
2 .1892 -~--
25,1898 ---~
20,1903 ----
Richard Martin Mayes, born ln Lincoln County, Missouri, Dem
carat; Baptist, M.W.A.
Elizabeth Cannon, daughter of Isaac Cannon and Lucy Wilkinson
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Anna Bell Mayes# ---- (Feb 5,l885) ---- ---Hardin Robert Stirmllnger
Sep 12,1862
298-Anne Mayes -------------- May 17,1891 ---- Mav 17,1891
299-Jennle Dee Stlrmllnger--Jul 13,l898----
300-Raymond Sebastian S. --~- May 10,1901 ---- Jun 30,1952
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Nancy Jane Mayes ---- ---- (Nov 5,1885) ----- George Thomas Blackmore
301-Annie Lois Blackmore----Sep
302-Rubie Dee Blackmore- ---- Jun
303-William Mayes Blackmore-Nov
30h-Robert Paul Blackmore--
Aug 26,1860
May 27.19111
12,1886 ----
27,1088 ----
10,1890 ---- Oct l8,19h5
2,1892 ----

George Thomas Blackmore, oldest member of New Hope Baotist
Church, Lincoln County, Missouri.
New Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Frances Bell Watts ------ (Jan 6,l887) ------ Earle Randolph Foley
Jul 27,1863
Nov 21,1903
305-Ethel Vaughan Foley ----- Jan 18,1888 ----
306-Watts Maher Foley ----~-- ---- Aug 2,1982
Frances Bell Watts was born near New Hope, Missouri; Christian
Church ln 1888. Buried Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
John Seneca Watts ---- ---- (Feb 1,l90S) ----- Emma Field
Feb 28,1576
May h,19hU
30;-Frances Irene Watts ----- Dec h,l9OS ----
30 -Curtis Frank Watts --~--- Oct 1,1907 ----
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ewing Henry Watts ---- ---(Nov 8,l900)--- ---Grace Farmer
Jul 26,1880
Var 20,1926
Wo children, Grace Flrmer, daushtar of Thomas Victor Farmer
and Mary Melissa Sitton. Cannon Book V1-1016.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Forest Edwin Tay1or--- ---(Oct ,l900)---Lillian May Bailey
Sep 18,1883
Jan 13,1930
309-George Edwin Taylor ----- Jan 26,1902 ---- Apr 9,1983
310-Albro Weis Bailey Taylor- ----
311-Ellzsbeth Ville Taylor--Deo 20,l90S----
312-Richard Tolbert Tay1or-- ----
Forest Edwin Taylor, born Lincoln County, Missouri. Farmer,
moved to St. Louis 1920.

Lillian May Bailey, daughter of Albro S. Bailey and Alice
Birkhead, born near Ethlyn, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Floyd Nixon Tay1or--- ---(Feb 23,l9Ol) ---- Maude Hausgens
Apr 29,1882
Apr 28.1905
313-Anna Paulina Taylor ----- Jan 27,1902----
318-Charles Christopher Winklemayer Taylor--Apr 16,1905---
2nd ----- (Oct ,1908)--Hertrick(Hett1e)0wens
Jan 22,1887
Dao 12,1920
Maude Hausgans, daughter of Charles Hausgens and Anna Childs,
born and married in Lincoln County, Mlssouri. Hamllton Cemetery.
Hettie Owens, daughter of John Owens and Catherine Jehn, born
in Paynesvllle, Pike County, Missouri. Methodist. Clarksville
Floyd Nixon Taylor, Floor Mananer, Famous & Barr Dry Goods
Company, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Florence Ville Taylor ------ (Dec 9,1909)-- ---- Henry Patton
May 8,1815
315-Anna Amanda Patton ------ Feb 13,1910 -~--
316-Joseph Nixon Patton --~-- Nov 8,1915 ----
Henry Patton, son Of Joseph A. Patton and Mary F1elder,born
Paynesvi11e,M1ssouri; Republican~ farmer' married by Rev. Silas Sears
R.F.D. #1, Aeneas, Pike County, Missouri.
Walter Lovelace Watts- ---- (Aug 28,l902)--- ---- Elnora Luckett
Dec 25,1882
317-Ermal Lovelace Watts----Sep 2U,l9OM--~-
318-Thelma Ardls Watts ------ Jun 13,1910 ----
319-Lillian Katherine Watts-Aug 16,1912 ---~
320-Walter Leroy Watts ------ Jan 29,1917 ----
321-Ruth Elmo Watts --------- Jul 7,1921 ----
Elnora Luckett, daushter of Katherine Taylor and Seneca
Luckett, married in St. Louis. Methodist.
Address: Troy, Missouri. (1957)

Claudius Caesar Watts----(Oct 23,l901) ------- Mary Inez Hopkins
May 20,1883
May 2B,l9hl
322-Otis Carl Watts --------- Mar 5,1903
323~Esr1 Wesley Watts ------- Mar 23,1909 ----
32h-Robert Reece Watts ------ Feb 16,l9l2----
2nd ----- (Oct 2,l9D3} ----- Nancy V. Halley
Mary Inez Hopkins, daughter of William N. Hopkins and Mary
Louise Logan.
Nancy V. Halley, daughter of Ruth Elizabeth Halley. Married
by Rev. Gaines, Troy Methodist Parsonage.
Claud Watts, born near Snow Hill.
Address: Troy, Missouri. (1957)
Ernest Columbus Watts ------ (Dec 2},1909)--Edith Lorena Cunningham
Mar 9,1889
]2S~Reginald Lee Watts ------ May 3,1911 -----
326-LaVerne Taylor Watts ---- Sep 3,1920 -----
327-Ernest Eugene Watts ----- Mar 6,1925--~--Apr 27,19h5
Edith Lorena Cunningham, daughter of Joel Cunningham and
Nellie Taylor. Born in now Hill, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Bsssie Lee Watts ---- ---(Jul 2M,l909)---Littleton Jessie Harrell
Jul 2M,lB73
328-Owen Watts Harrell ------ Oct 30,1920---~
329-Opal Lea Harrell -----~-- Jun 27,1915 ~-~-
Littleton J. Harrell, son of Samuel A. Harrell and Elizabeth
(Betty) Crume. Married by Rev. McBee, Methodist Parsonage, Win-
field, Missouri. Methodist, Democrat.
Davis, Missouri. (1957)

handy Phillip Waters ------ (Apr 6,1903)---Magdalene Nora Stirmlinger
Jan 25,1882
330-James Aaron Kenneth WatersMay 25,l905--
Landy Waters, Deadon in Star Hope Baptist Church, Lincoln
1 St. Louis.
County, Missouri; also Third Baptist Church n
3252 South Grand Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. (1957)
Valle Watts Waters--- ---- Mary E. Triplett
May §,l879
Feb 26,193h
End---(Aug 2B,l93S)~-Martha Mae Shaw Hastons
Aug 7,1897
Mary Triplett, daughter of Charles T. Triplett and Nancy B.
Li ln County Missouri.
. Elsberry Cemetery, nco ,
Mae Hastons, previously married to Jesse Haatons, by which
A Married to Valle Waters
union one daughter was born, Bettya nn.
by Rev. M. D. Dudley. Daughter of J. Hackley Shaw and Ida Mae
Donaldson. Has since remarried and resides in St. Louis.
Laura Bell Waters~--- ----(Nov h,l9Oh)-»~~Robert Oscar Dudley
Jun h,lB72
may 23,19ue
---~May l9,l9h2
331-Virginia Ann Dudley----
Robert Oscar Dudley, son of William Thomas Dudley and Lucy
Sledd (IX~lU1, supra). Democrat, member of Star Hope Baptist
Church. Elsherry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Laura Bell Waters born Lincoln County, Missouri. Baptist.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
James Kelley Waters ---- --~- Anna Lee Cannon
Sep 5,1889
332-Clark Gannon Waters ---- -Nov 2,19l7~ ---- Apr 13,1956

James Kelley Waters, Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County,
Annie Lee Cannon, daughter of John Cannon and Linnie Howlett
See Cannon Book.
Elsbarry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Katharine Nelson waters.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Howard Oliver Kemper --~---- ( ) ---- Charlie Jean Dublin
332 -Dorothy Jean Kemper ---- Sep 2,1939---
332 -John Howard Kemper ---~~ Dao E,19M9--~
Charlie Jean Dublin, daurhter of Charles M. Dublin and Viola
Terry Dublin.
Address: c/o Great Southern Life Insurance Agency, Phoenix,
Guy Harmon Kemper.
Unmarried. Killed as a Marine pilot in World War II, over
Rabaul. Never found or heard from.
Rey Frank Kemper--- ---(Jul 3,l9Ml)--- ---Verla Joyce Perkins
Judia Faye Kemper ----
Susan Lynn Kemper----
-Martin French Kemper-
-William Daniel Kemper---
Alan Roy Kemper ------
Anita Jane Kemper ----
26,1950 ----
15 1953
Jan l3,192h

Roy Frank Kemper, born Cisco, Eastland County, Texas; attended
Abilene Elementary Schools and Abilene High School, Abilene, Texas;
McMurry College, Abilene, Texas, B.S. l9h9; Southwestern Medical
School of the University of Texas, Dallas, Texas, M.E., 1955;
Member of First Methodist Church, Coleman, Texas; Secretary-Treas-
urer of Coleman County Medical Society; married by Rev. C. A. Long
at 1902 Swenson, Abilene, Taylor County, Texas.
Verla Joyce Perkins, daughter of Eli Linton Perkins and Hester
Verona Cornelius; attended Abilene Elementary Schools and Abilene
High School, Abilene, Texas; Methodist.
Coleman, Texas.
Victor-William Gillett, Jr.,~~(Feb 27,195h) ------- Kay Pitman
559-victor William G111enc,111,--Jul 1o,1955--
Kay Pitman, daughter of Sylvia Johnson Pitman and Russell
Raymond Pitman.
Stewart M. Gillett
Andrew Jackson Hoover,Jr.,---(Apr 22,l955)-~Shirley Arleen Cook
Abilene, Texas.
179 .
William Edward Watts
Anna D'Arline Watts--- ---(Feb 5,195h) ---- Charles Henry Kemper
Nov h,l905
5hO-Charles Henry Kemper,Jr.,--
Anna D'Arl1ne Watts, born Troy, Missouri; Willinmswoods College;
State Teachers College, Marrensburg, Missouri; Christian Church;
Democrat; married by Rev. T. H. Trotter, at Troy, Missouri.
Charles Henry Kemper, son of Henry William Kemper and Gussio
Johanna Slevert; born Troy, Missouri; Westmlnister College; Kansas
City College of Pharmacy, Ph.B., Kansas City, Missouri; Retail
Lumberman; Methodist; Democrat; I.0.0.F.
Troy, Missouri.

Dorothy Nelle Watts--- ---Hamilton William Hinghausen
Dec 31,1915
3hl-Roblyn Hinghausen ----- --Oct 2O,19h2 ----
3h2-Robert Daniel R. -------- Jul 19,19h8 ----
3h2é-Richard Watts Ringhausen Jun 5,1951 ----
Hamilton Rinahausen, son of Harry William Rlnghausen and
Violet Hamilton.
Louisiana, Missouri.
Clarence William Watts
Died in infancy.
Kenneth Watts Long.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Margaret Ann watts
Attended Elsberry High School, Hannibal LaGrange College,
Hannibal, Missouri. Teacher, Methodist. Secretary, Gladney Motor
Company, Elsberry, Missouri.
William Russell Watts ---- ---(Sep 16,19U7)------Geraldine Radar
Jul 1,1926
3h3~Doug1as Russell Watts---Oct l9,l951-~--
3111;-Cynthia sue wants" ----- Jun 7,195Ll ----
Geraldine Rader, daughter of O. Russell Rader and Margaret Simms.
Adallne Vaughan Cox ----------- ---------------- M. Fisher Graves
3h5-Roy Cox (R.C.) Graves---Nov 5,1899----
BM6-Virginia Rosa Graves ---- Oct 10,1901 ---- Dec h,l902
3h7~Mary Lou Graves -~------- Sep 15,1906 ----
2nd ---- ---------------- Hicks

James Thompson Cox ----- (Oct 9,l906)--- ---- Anna Elizabeth Gentry
Jun 23,1588
Aug 17,1931
3h5-Mattie Rose Cox -------- ~Cct 23,1907 ----
3h9-Valvard Gentry Cox- ----- Jun 19,1910 ----
Anna Gentry, daughter of George Nixon Gentry and Carrie Davis
New Hope Baptist Church, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Davis Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Frederick Marion Cox-----(Jun 6,19OB) ---- ---Vesta Vera Palmer
Nov 3,1889
350-Edward Palmer Cox -----~- Mar 8,1911 ----
351-Thomas Marion Cox ------- Sep lh,19lh ----
Vesta Palmer, daughter of William Henry Palmer and Alice
Fred Cox, Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Rosanna Bell Downing--- ---(Mar l2,19l2)-----Thomas Homer Trail
Sep 11,1885
Rosanna Downing, Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Thomas Homer Trail, son of James Marion Trail and Sarah Vir-
ginia Daniels. Cannon Book, VI-lBh5.
Elsberry, Missouri
Leta Brown Downing ---- ---(Oct 1h,l9O}) ---- Benjamin Henry Wells
Aug 12,1579
352-Mary Virginia Wells ----- Jul 29,1901 ---- Mar 5,1909
353-Benjamin Downing Wells--Mar 30,l908----
Benjamin Henry Wells, son of John Curtis hells and
Elsberry, Missouri.

Roy Cox Downing--~ ---(Dec l9,1917)---Virginia Edna Conlee
35h-Clendon Carl Downing ---- Apr 2U,l92l ----
355-Conlea Downlnrln -------- May ,l92h
Virginia Conlee, buried Waverly, Illinois.
Roy Cox Downing, born Elsberry, Missouri; farmer; President
Sangamon County Farm Bureau; East Cemetery, Waverly, Illinois.
Nell Henry Virginia Downing ----- (Oct 19,l9l9)--Clinton H. Hilton
356-William Henry Hilton ---- Sep 1,1921 ----
Clinton Hilton, born New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri.
At time of marriage was a salesman for the Famous-Barr Company,
St. Louis, Missouri. Married at St. Charles, Missouri. In 1953
he was residing at: 1515 North Pearl, Compton, California.
(At same address January l958)
Beulah Elsberry Singleton---(Nov 2h,l898)--Richard Curtis Trail
Jun 9,1869
Feb 26,1953
357-Mary Luclle Trail ------- Aug 8,1900 ---- Nov 28,1908
358-Samuel Rose Trail ---- ---Sep 29,1902 ---- Jul 26,1953
359-Frances Olevla Trail ---- May 26,1905 ----
360-Richard Curtis Trail --~- Apr 5,1908 ----
361-Doran Frlshle Trail- --~- Aug ,l9l6----
Richard Curtis Trail, son of William Perry Trailand and
Frances Tmaline Sltton, born ln Lincoln County, Missouri. Mer-
chant, Baptist, Democrat.
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Lois Elizabeth Singleton ---- (Dec 2h,l9l8)---Jamest Ernest Hammack
Feb 3,1878
Feb 1,1957
Jamest Ernest Hammack, son of William Wallace Hammaok and
Nelle Elsberry. Baptist, Democrat, Merchant, Elsberry City Cemetery

Barbes Candus Singleton ----- (Oct 13,19l0)---Grace Waddell Cobb
Dec 2,1889
362-Ruth Olevia Singleton---Apr S,l913-~--
Grace Waddell Cobb, daughter of George Henry Cobb and Mamie
Elsbsrry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Lou Alths E11is--- --~(0ct 25,191M)----Roy Wilkinson Mayes
Jun 28,1892
363-Infant ------~----------- Jen 6,1917 ---- Jan 6,1917
36h-Mary Wlllena Meyss ------ Jul 6,1923 ----
Elsberry, Missouri. Married in direct line of descent, soo
Mayes Book.
Raymond Elsberry Ellis ----- (Oct 21,1922)- ----- Bessie Mae Wilson
use 2,1901
Mar 2S,19hl
2nd ------ (Jul 2,19h2) ------- Ruth Henry
3rd ------ (Aug 9,19§1) ------ *Myrtle Elncrs Bufford
Jan 1B,19lh
Bessie Moe Wilson, daughter of Robert and Mattie Cochran
Wilson. Nsw Home Baptist Church, Lincoln County, Missouri. D.A.R.;
P.E.0.; Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ruth Henry daunhber of P. T. Henry, former Lincoln County.
Attended Eolis high School, Snringfield State Teacher's College,
Springfield, Missouri, Delta Kappa Gamma, Teacher. Married in
Springfield, Missouri.
Myrtle Elnore Bufford, daughter of Wesley Huntsr and Cora
Ellen Leffert; Baptist.
Cora Clifton Mills ----- ---(May 2S,19Oh) ----- Norman Adolgh Gordon
Apr 8,1 51
Either: T30 East High Street, Jefferson City, Missouri
Hot Springs, Arkansas, Gsrlsnq County
Kansas City, Missouri. ` `

Susannah Guy Mayes--- ---(Apr 9,1912) ----- Eugene
365-Addie Lucile DsHugh ----- Mar 1,1913 ----
M10 N Street, Glebe Road, Arlington, Virgin
Stephen Kirk Mayes.
Marian Lucille Mayes
Clarice Ross Mayes
Ella Elizabeth Mayes
Gladys Evelyn Mayes
Edith Elizabeth Fry ----~-~
Leon de Hugh
Feb 2,189M
(Nov 17,l916)---~John Kenneth Andrews
Nov 27,1930
366-Marjorie Gail Andrews---Aug l6,l91?~~-r
Gordon Earl Fry
Inglewood Cemetery, Los Angeles, California.

Edward Henderson Mayes.
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Clara Pearl Mayes.
Cox Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri
Mary Susan Mayes.
Died in infancy. Cox Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Mary Eva Mayes ---- ---(Apr 8,l91O) ~-~--- Ephiaim Russell Cannon
Mar 25,1892
Oct 5,1950
E. Russell Cannon, son of William Franklin Cannon and Birdie
Triplett, born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Cannon Book~970)
Elsberry, Missouri.
Hallie Mayes.
Died in infancy, Clarksville Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri
Margaret Elsie Mayes ---- --~-(Sep l1,l909) ---- Ray Frank Meloan
Jun 6,1691
Nov 2h,19S3
367-Dorothy Mildred Msloan-- ,l9ll----
Ray Frank Meloan, son of Robert Meloan and Mary Temple, born
Paynesvills, Missouri. Christian Church, drag line operator.
Buried Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Margaret Elsie Mayes, Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri.

Charles Thomas Mayes ---- ---(Deo 31,l923)~--Margaret Bx mohundro
May 2h,l39B
Margaret Omohundro, dauahter of Reuben Carver and Birdie
Francis Shook Omohundro. Methodist, skilled dressmaker, born hear
Elsberry, Missouri.
St. Louis, Missouri.
Melba Eugenia Mayes ------- (Oct 2l,l92O)-~-Dr. Cecil W. Powell
Aug 2h,1695
368-Etta Jean Powell ---~---- May 7,1922 ----
Cecil W. Powell, son of Dr. Charles E. Powell and Lovetta
Powell. Dentist, Elsberry, Missouri.
Orwin Mayes Foley
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Charles Franklin Foley ------ (Jun 29,l91S) ---- Eva Catherine Spence
Eva Spence, daughter of John M. Spence, married at Hiawatha,
Brown County, Kansas.
Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska.
Thomas Elmo Foley ---------~ (Jul 2B,l923) --~--- Gladys Burton
Sep 9,1901
Married Jefferson City. Gladys Burton, from St. Louis.
Stenograoher for United Railways; daughter of David Lemuel and
Elizabeth Frances Davis, born Gray Summit, Missouri.
Thomas Elmo Foley; jeweler; merchant.

Mary Virginia Mayes -------- (Jun 23,l92l) ------ George Lee Robinson
Feb 7,1900
Mary Virginia Mayes, born Elsberry, Missouri; graduate of Els~
berry High School, Lincoln County, Missouri; Christian Church;
Democrat; married New London, Missouri by Rev. J. A. Jacobs.
George Lee Robinson, son of William Thomas Robinson and Anna
Belle McMahill; born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; Elsberry
Public Schools; Chicago Technical College; Mechanical Engineer;
Christian; Democrat.
Elizabeth Frances Mayes.
Mary Lucy Cannon ------- (Nov lB,l92O) -------- Thomas Cannon Howard
Oct 11,1595
369-Charles Cannon Howard ----~ Dec 13,1921 ----
370-William Otto (Bob) Howard-Apr 3,1923 ----
371-John Randolph Howard ------ Sep l7,l92S ---~
372-Molly Ann Howard ---------- Jen 29,19hO ----
Mary Lucy Cannon, Baptist; P.E.O.; D.A.R.: O.E.S.
Thomas Cannon Howard, son of Alice Lelia Waters and Charles
Martin Howard; farmer; Baptist; designated Master Farmer by Missouri
Ruralist, 19hO; held office in Farm Bureau; Pike Hereford Association;
former member of Elsberry School Board.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Isabelle Mayes Cannon -------- (Jan l8,l9h7)---John Bernard Griffiths
May 23,1908
373-Ann Cannon Griffitts ------ Dec 2,1950 -~~-
Isabelle Cannon, attended Elsberry High School, Elsberry,
Missouri; Hardin College; personnel analyst in office of Army En-
gineers. Married Third Baptist Church by Rev. C. Oscar Johnson.

John Griffitts, son of Ann Griffitts, Galesburg, Illinois.
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; engaged in manufacturing
of cosmetics.
St. Louis, Missouri.
Clarence Cannon ---- ----- (Aug 3C,l906) ------ Ida Dawson Wi ginton
Jun l,1§ 5
37 -Ida Elizabeth Cannon ------ Nov 1,1911 ----
37 -Ruby Melinda Cannon ----~-- Mar 3O,l919----
Elsberry, Missouri.
Ruby Cannon ---- ---- ---- (Aug 3O,l9Ch) ----- William Barney Pseler
sep 2§,1 69
Oct 2h,1953
376-William Randolph Pseler---Aug h,191O----
Ruby Gannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; attended Elsberry High
School; Elsberry Academy; Stephens College; B.O. and B.M.; Member
of Tuesday Club; Alumnae Association; D.A.R.; married by Dr. C. W.
Hatcher, Baptist Church, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
President, P.E.O. Chapter 1932-1933; King's Daughters; Elsberry
William Barney Peeler, son of William Henry Peeler and Eliza
M. Atherton, born in Fayette, Howard County, Missouri; attended
Missouri University; B.S.; President of Stephens College, Columbia,
Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; Elsberry Cemetery.

Cecil Whiteside Cannon--- ---(Sep 23,l9l3)--Margaret Rebecca Trescott
377-John Lewis Cannon --------- Nov 7,1923 ----
378-William Joseph Cannon ----- Jan 17,1926 ----
Sep 23,1893
Cecil Whiteside Cannon, born in Elsberry, Missouri; William
Jewell College; Baptist; Democrat; I.0.0.F. and A.F. & A.M.; marrl d
by Rev. W. L. Hatcher, at Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. E18
berry Cemetery.
Margaret Rebecca Trescott, daufhtcr of Isaac Louis Treecott
and Minnie Rebecca Callaway; born Foley, Lincoln County, Missouri
attended Howard Payne College, A.B.; Baptist; Delta Pl Delta; P E O
O.E.S.; second time married Harry Curtis Gladney, June 16, 19MB
Elsberry, Missouri.
Joseph Vance Whiteside
Gladys Rebecca Whiteside
Raleigh Clayton Mlllnor ---- ---(Nov l9,1905) ---- Minnie Etta Mays
Nov 12,1391
2nd ----- (Mar 7,l95l} ------ Elle Mao Carbourh
Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Jan lM,lB96

Beuna Vista Mlllner -~---- (Nov 22,1905) ---~----~ Clarence Jeans
Feb 1h,l682
Sep 26,1915
339-Vernon Mlllner Jeans -~-~ Jul 21,1906 -~--
3 0-Lola Virginia Jeans -<-~- Jun, 2,1908 ----
381-Margaret Catherine Jeans-Feb2B,l911 --~-
382-Thomas Jefferson Jeans--Apr 26,191h----
383-Clarence May Jeans ------ May 26,1919 --~-
2nd ------ (Jun l0,l92l) ~---- ~Robert James Braid
Aug 9,1591
-Robert Newton Braid -~--- May 3,1922 ----
-Beuna Arlene Braid -~--~- Apr 27,l92h ----
356-Winifred Euphemia Braid-Jul 20,1926 ~~--
33;-Doris Irene Braid- ----~- Jul 3O,l929"'**
38 ~W1lllam Clayton Braid---Jul 3O,1929----
Beuna Vista Mlllner, born, Sledd, Pike County, Missouri,
Methodist, moved with parents to Canada after death of husband.
Married at Paynesville Christian Church by Rev. M.D. Dudley to
Clarence Jeans, son of Thomas Jefferson Jeans and Sarah Virginia
Clarence Jeans, born at Paynesville, Pike County,CM1ssouri.
Christian Church, Democrat, Farmer and Stockman. Clarksvllk
Cemetery, Clarksville, Missouri.
Married the second time at Tamarisk Parsonage, Grand View,
Manitoba, Canada, by Reverend J.B.E. Anderson to Robert James
Braid, son of William Braid and Uphemla Cummings, born at Colllng
wood, Ontario, Canada, farmer and stockman.
31 Lincoln Street, Oxford, Michigan
110 Eagan Drive, Lake Orion, Michigan.
Harry Randolph Mlllner ~----- (Aug lO,19l1} ~~-~ Russia Allene Carver
Jul 19,1893
3S9~Burdell Mackey Mlllner-~Sep jO,1913~--~
390-Wlllella Carver Mi1lner~Jul 20,1918 ---~
Married at Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri, by Rev.
E.L. Rutledge and immediately left for Dauphin, Canada where they
resided until 1926 when they returned to Elsberry, Missouri.

Glendon Dee Millner ---~---- (Jul 29,19l6) ~--- Ruby Frances Springstcn
Jul h,159M
391-Minnie Catherine Millner~Mer 15,l9l8---
392~G1endora Millner -~-----~- Mar l9,l92O~~~
393-Frances Luoile Mi11ner~--Apr 19,l921-~-
393§~Annis Jean Millner-~ -----~ Apr 2LL,l92l;,---
39h-Charles Newton Millner---Mar 3,l927~--
395-Robert Lee Mlllner ~-----~ Jul l,1929~--
396»Beverly Jewell Millner---Doc 29,193u-~-
5161 Alcott Street, Denver, Colorado.
Vlncil Slodd Millner ------ (Jun l,1919) ------- Gertrude Ellen Ford
Dec 27,1599
397-May Imogene Millner ---~~ Apr 3,1920 ~---
398~Morgarot Genevieve ----~ Nov 7,1921--~~
Vincil Sleld Millner, born Paynesvllle, Pike County, Missouri.
Seventh Day Adventist Church. Later Gilbert Plains, Manitoba,
Canons. Married at Dauphin, Canada.
Gertrude Ellen Ford, daughter of John Madison Ford and Mattie
Martin, born Eolia, Pike County, Missouri.
Ithaca, Michigan, Route #3. (1933)
Buford Vordsmsn M1llner~-~--~(Sep 7,l935>*~--Margaret Jane Hutchens
May 5,1911
399-Peggy Ann Millner ~------ Nov 8,1936 ----
hOO-Patricia Jeanne Millner-Mar 21,1939 ----
hC1~Barbaro Kay Mlllner~--~-Sep B,19hl----
uO2~Jamos Buford Millner -~-- Sep 29,19hh ~---
U03-Kathryn Ann Mil1ner~ ---- Mar 3,19h7~~~-
uOh~Thoman Vardeman Millner~Jul 23,19El----
Lanslrg, Michigan.
Randolph Thomas Ford~ ~--~-- (Jun S,l927) ----~-- Virgis Pearl Israel
Jul 8,1901
Feb 16,1929
hOS~Marilyn Ford ---~ ~-~Apr 6,l92B----

2nd----(May 7,l937)-~- ---- Ruby Lee Richards
Jul 25,1907
Ruby Lee Richards, daughter of James Sherman Richards and Aura
lia DavIs,born Lincoln County, Missouri, Elsberry High School,
Hannibal-LaGrange College, Kirksville State Teachers College.
Methodist, Democrat, Teacher.
Randolph Thomas Ford, farmer; Deacon in Elsberry Christian
Church; Democrat.
R.F.D. #2, Elsberry, Missouri.
Sadie May Ford---
M06-son -------------- ---
h0B~son -----»--------------
---(May lh,l92T) ------- Earl
-Sap 5,1929 ---- SBP 9,1929
Galloway--- ---- Apr b,1931---
'MBV 3»193U*"
May 9,1898
:May 3,193u
Sadie Ford, attended Northeast Missouri State Teaches Coll
Kirksville, Missouri, Hardin College, Christian Church, Fort-
nightly Club.
Earl Galloway, son of Kirby
Wilkinson. Farmer, stockman.
Earl Harvey Brown* ---------- (Jun
Ida Arnold, born Thornhill,
Sarah Cary and Ridgewater Arnold
Smith Galloway and Belle Zora
3,l925) ---- - ------- Ida Arnold
oc: 2,1897
Ontario, Canada; daughter of
Earl Harvey Brown, retired Civil Service Cost Accountant.
2921-llth Street, North, St. Petersburg, Florida.
William Louis Brown ------- (Mar 9,l92l) ------- Ima Laura Machir
Jun 6,1899
M09-William Louis Brown, Jr.,-Feb l,1923---
William L. Brown, born in Lincoln Count , Missouri. Army
Serial No. 2SM,2BO, was inducted
Missouri, assigned to Company D.
Se tember lg,1917, at Troy,
355th Infantry, Camp Funston,
Kansas; Participated in Champagne-Marne defensive; Aisne-Marne
offensive; St. Mihiel offensive;
Tcul-Boucq, Pas Fini, Hupt and
Troyon sectors.
Ima Laura Maohir, daughter of Frank Machir and xnnie VanMatre.
Fort Nightly Club-
Elsberry, Missouri.

Obinetts Brown ---- ~--(Jul 3O,l9l9) ---~--- John Downing Cobb
Feb 5,1B5h
M10-John Carlton Cobb -----~- Oct h,l920----Sep 12,19Uh
M11-Jana Dean Cobb --------- -Jul 25,1929 ----
M12-Charles Andrew Cobb --~-- Jun 1h,l9hO ----
John Downing Cobb, son Ezekiel Andrew Cobb and Sarah Jane
Cannon. Retired merchant, farmer, Mason. See Cannon Book.
Obinetta Brown for several years operated the Lullabye House,
Elsbarry, Missouri. Housewife.
Elsberry, Lincoln County,Missouri.
Ida Elizabeth Brown ----- (Apr l8,1929) ---- Kenneth Edward Thayer
JBC 31. 190
Born, Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri; graduate from
Elsberry High School; Christian Church; Democrat; married at
Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois; by Rev. A.W. Bartz to Kenneth
Edward Thayer.
Kenneth Edward Thayer, son of Ralph Scott Thayer and Mary
Ellen Rooney, born at Antigo, Wisconsin; attended Beloit High
School and Northland College; Roman Catholic; Democrat; Caterer.
Optometrist. Commander, American Levion Post at Elsberry, Missouri.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Edwin Kenneth Whiteside ----- (Jun l2,193l) ---- Dorothy Josephine Britton
Feb 20, 1912
M13-Howard Wallace Whiteside-Feb 13,l935"-
Edwin Kenneth Whiteside, born Potlatch, Idaho; miner; Baptist;
Democrat; Eagles Lodge; Shoshone County Sportsmens Association;
married at Coeurd 'Alene, Idaho by Rev. Hunter.
Dorothy Josephine Britton, daughter of_Arthur Clarence Britton
and Elsie Tumbs; born Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Mullon,Idaho
O E S Rebekah.
Schools; housewife; Baptist; Reoublican; . . ,
S05 Mullon Avenue, Osborn, Idaho.

Robert Gerald Whiteside
Buried Union Town, Washington.
Helen whiteside ---»-»~-- (Jan 26,l936} -~--~------- -J. Bartlett Ward
hlh-James Bartlett ward, Jr.,--~Dec 15, l939-~~-
Kathryn Whiteside ------- (Nov 3,l93h) ---- ---- Ermal Cloud
Nov 29,1909
Nov 29,lQh7
hlS-Talleyrand R. Cloud----~Jan l6,l937-~--
2nd--- ---(Sep 6,l3h6)-- ~--- Robert Scolman
Apr 30,1915
Kathryn Whiteside, born Bristow, Oklahoma; graduate Marshflel
Missouri, High School and Springfield, Missouri, Teachers College;
Methodist; Democrat; Teacher.
Ermal Cloud, son of William Walter Cloud and Ida Ray, born at
Ponce de Leon, Missouri; plant employee; Democrat; divorced l9ho.
Robert Scolman, son of John Scolman and Hazel Crowe; born
Rice Lake, Wisconsin; Eau Claire, wisconsin, Public Schools;
Methodist; Democrat; employed by U.S. Rubber Company.
3R51 Olive Street, Huntington Park, California.
Francis Edwin Whiteside-~- ---- Elsie Alice Bancroft
Apr 5,1916
M16-Victoria Pearl Whiteside-Mar 26, l93H~--

Francis Edwin Whiteside, born Marshfield, Missouri. Attended
Marshfield High School; machinast; Methodist; Democrat.
Elsie Alice Bancroft, daughter of Allan Clark Bancroft and
Marfyd Alzina Freeman; born Tulsa, Oklahoma; Methodist; Democrat.
3288 Eccelston, bblnut Creek, California.
Norris Talleyrand Lhitaside-~(Aug ll,1956)~-~Eetty Penn Wilkins
Nov 17,1932
M17-Laura Penn Whiteside ~-~- Sep 30,1957 --~-
Norris Talleyrand Whiteside, born Marshfield, Missouri;
graduate of Navy Officers School, l9h1; Ensign Naval G0TPS» 19UUi
married Bala~Cynwyd Methodist Church, Bala-Cynwid, Pennsylvania;
formerly employed by Atlas Vonstruction Company, French Morrooco.
Now with Union Carbide Company, west Virginia. Draughon's Business
Collage; Engineer; Methodist; Democrat; Kanawha County Juvenile
Council; Chairman, Kanawha County Youth Program; Lions Club; Mason;
Young Democratic Club.
Betty Penn hilkins, daughter of Willis Jarrell Wilkins and
Martha Elizabeth Williams; born Atlanta, Georgia; Mary washington
College of University of Virginia; Methodist; Independent.
96h2 Maplewood Estates, Scott Depot, West Virginia.
Edwin Richard Whiteside~ ---- (Dec 3O,l9}3)---Julia Lucinda Levsngood
Jun 15,1907
M15-Judith Ann Whiteside ---- Jul 10,1937 ----
Edwin Richard Whiteside, Elaberry High School; Northern
Illinois College of Optometry, O.D.; Optometrist; Mason; Mayor of
Elsbarry, Missouri; Director, Bank of Lincoln County; Christian
Church Board; Merchant; Chamber of Commerce.
Julia Lucinda Levengood, daughter of George Currence Levengood
and Julia Edith Evans; born Elsberry, Missouri; Christian College;
School Teacher; Christian Church; Rebekah.
Elsbarry, Missouri

Winifred Whiteside ---- --~(Jun l5,1933)-----Joseph E. Langford
Aug 1L;,1911
M19-Harriett Jane Langford--Aug 23,l93U '-'*
Joseph Langford, son of Jesse I. Langford and Hottie May
Brewer; employed Charles D. Kelly Engineering Company, St. Louis,
13h1 North Geyer Road, St. Louis, Missouri.
Inez Knapp
Inez Knapp, born Elsberry, Missouri; graduate Stephens College;
Central Missouri State Teacher's College; Primary Teacher in Iowa,
Missouri, and Indiana; Baptist; Elsberry Cemetery.
Ellis Knapp
Killed in World War I.

Thomas Columbus Knapp.
Born Elsberry, Missouri; watch maker; U.S. Army during World
War I, served overseas; President, American Legion of Elsberry;
real estate and insurance interests; Justice of the Peace; coroner
of Lincoln County; Police Judae. Elsberrv Cemetery.
Mona Ellis --- -~~~- ----- _Eoengger
Eunice Ellis "'" "' "" """' l___,,_.,W°3ner
Lenora Catherine Ellis ------ (May 12,l927)---Frank Horace Cooley
May 16,1905
%19%-Cary Cooley ------------ Nov l2,l9U0 -~--
enora E lis, born Everett, Washington; Everett schools;
telephone operator; married by Rev. O.D. Harris at Everett, Wash-
Frank Cooley, born Arlington, Washington, son of Ferry Cooley
and Mary Elizabeth Reed. Shell Oil Company, truck driver; Captain,
Modern Woodmen.
3327 Pine Street, Everett, Washinaton.
Maydee Ellis ---- ---(Aug ,l9hh) ---- Charles Walter Linhoff
Jul 9,1553
Apr 2§,l95l
Charles Llnhoff, was the first time married to Gladys
i hild
Boettler, who died March 19Mh, and by which union n ne c ren
were born. Married Maydee Ellis at Holiness ChurCh» TP0y» MiSSUUPi
by Rev. Elda Smith. Buried Oak Hill Cemetery, St. Charles, Mo.
Walter Edwin Ellis ---~- --- ---Lillian
M20-Joanne Ellis ----- -~
M21-Steve Ellis--- --

Kenneth Mayes Martin~~-~(Sep E, 1933)--~ --~-- Eva Colleen Keeling
Jan 12,1912
M22-Mary Ellen Martin --~~~-- Mar 29,l9h3 ----
M23-John Richard Martin~~ ---- May 2l,l9H6 ---~
Kenneth Mayos Martin, born Childress, Texas; attended Texas
Christian University, Andover-Newton, Minister, Congregstionslist;
Mason, I.0.0.F,
Evo Colleen Keeling, daughter of Rev. J.R. Keeling and Clara
Quillin, born Hiram, Ohio" Attpnded Texas Christian University;
Andov@r~Newton; Housewife; Congzegationalist; married Alexandria,
Louisiana, by Rev, J. R, Keoling¢
Address: `Wo1hourn Community Church, 5217 Leavenworth Road,
Kansas City, Kansas,
Marian Elisabeth Buxton ~-~- (Cot 20, l935)--~Chester Arthur Dean
oct 15, 1912
M2M~Jano Elizabeth Nosn~~-~MApr 18,1936--~
h2§~Arthur Buxton Deon~~~--~Aug 26,lQh5-»~~
Marlon Elizabeth Buxton, born Joplin, Missouri; Joplin High
S"hool, Cottoy Junior College, Arkansas University; member of First
Community CUUYCU of Joplin; Democrat; Phi Theta Kappa; Delta Delta
Delta; Tau Phi Gamma; married by Rev. Cliff K, Titus, Joplin,
Gnostor Arthur Dean, son of Arthur Dean and Caroline Gertrude
Moore; horn Lewisville, Arkansas; Texarkana, Arkansas, High School;
Arkansas University; Engineer; Presbyterian; Democrat; Sigma Alpha
Epsilon; Theta Tau, Eta Eta Eta; Alpha Cmoga,
900 North Pino Street, Little Rook, Arkansas.
Emily Jane Buxton-~~ --(Mar 3,l9hO) ----- Jack William Robbins
Jan 23, 1916
U26-Peggy Ann Robblns~~~ ~--- Aug l6,lQhl--~~
h27~Jso; william Rohbins,Jr~Nov h,l9Mh---~
Fmily Jane Buxton, born Joplin, Missouri; attended Lindenwood
College, Str Charles, Missouri; University of Arkansas; Housewife;
Democrat; Delta Delta Delta Sorority; married by Rev. Cliff K,
Titus, Joplin, Missouri
Jack William Robbins, son of James Monroe Robbins and Nelta
Hawkins; University of Arkansas, Methodist; Democrat; Sigma Nu;
Ares Manager, Parkorsburg~Aotna Corporation.
ll27 Stadium Drive, Parkersburg, West Virginia. (19S7)

Laura Cordelia Suddsrth ----- (Aug 13,19lO) ---- John Everett Watson
Dec 2,1552
M23-Ernest Everett Watson--~Nov 23,192O----
Laura Suddsrth, Baptist, housewife; Democrat; Okete Extension
Club, Elsberry History Club; married by Rev. w. L. Hatcher, pastor
of Elsberry B sptist Church.
John Watson, son of John Robert Watson and Imogene Childs;
Baptist; farmer; Democrat; Hickory Ridge Rural School, Lincoln,
County, Missouri.
Cora Etta Suddarth.
Oscar Martin Benear -»--------~-~ »- ---- Unmarried.
Farmer. Elsberry, Missouri.
Charles Dudley Benear ---- ---(Apr lO,l92h) ----- Ins B555 Gray
M29-Charles Robert Banear---
UBO-Eugene Thomas Banear----
Mjl-Glsn Gray Benear --------
Ina Gray, daughter of Arthur and MyrtleZ5ray, married Elsberry,
Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. K. F. Magruder.
Willie Vaughan Benear ---------~------ -------- --------- Unmarried.
Farmer. Lives with his brother Oscsr Benear (X-260) near
Elsberry, Missouri.

Roy Taylor Benear ---------- (Mar 5,l922) ~---- --Elvs Pauline Mitchell
M32-Harry Taylor Benear -----
Roy Taylor Benear, served in France during World War I; street-
oar conductor, St. Louis, Missouri; married by Rev. W. E. Darrow,
in St. Louis at brlde's home.A.F. & A.M. Scottish Rite, Moolah
Temple Shrine; Elsberry Cemetery, Elsbsrry, Missouri-
Elva Pauline Mitchell, daughter of Harry C. Mitchell.
Anna Catherine Benear
Henry Palmer Benear ---~- (Oct 2h,l936)--- ---Veoie Laverne Thompson
Sep 23,1908
M33-Thomas Franklin Benesr~-Jul lh,1937 ----
Henry Palmer Benear was born in Lincoln County, Missouri;
attended Hannibal LaGrange College; Baptist Minister; msrried by
O.E. Allen at Woodrivar, Madison County, Illinois.
Vecis Laverne Thompson, daughter of Charles Franklin Thompson
and Ellen Halley.
Clsrette Hammsck --------- (Deo 2O,l93l)--__ ___ Tom Wallace
Aus 2.1995
h3u-James Bruce Wallace ----- Jul 3'1Q37 __._
h35-Mary Ellen Wallace -~---- Sep 2u,1Quu .___
Clarette Hammock, born near Fink School, Elsberry, Missouri;
member of Star Hope Baptist Church, Lincoln County, Missouri; married
by Rev. F. B. Edwards; Democrat.
Tom Wallace, son of William C. Wallace and Martha Ellen Graves;
born Snow Hill, Lincoln County, Missouri; attended Brussell School,
Lincoln County, Missouri; farmer; Democrat.

X 267.
Mary Lee Hsmmack--- ---(Dec 7,l9h6)--- ---Orvel Harrell
No children; Baptist; buried Star Hope Cemetery, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Orvel Harrell, lives at Snow Hill, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Otis Martin Hcmmack----»-(Oct 6,l928)---~Lillion Florence Admire
Feb 21,1907
M36-Ronald Hammock" ------ --Dec 29,l938-.---
l»37»Denn1s Lee Hammock ----- -use }O,l9ll6---<-
Lillian Admire, daughter of James Albert Admire and Ruth Ann
Elsbsrry, Missouri.
James Franklin Palmer
Born, Lincoln County, Missouri; member Star Hope Baptist
Church, Lincoln County, Missouri; Mason; A.F, & A.M.
Star Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri,

Emma Belle Dudley ---- ---- (Feb 13,19OB) ------ Grover
M38-Blanche Emarsl Watson---Feb 3,1910 ---- Jul
M39-Fraida Bernice Watson---Oct 30,1911
MMO-Melba Mildred Watscn ---- Aug 6,191M--»-
hhl~John Thomas Watson~ --~-- Fab 11,1917
MMZ-Harry Dudley Watson~ ---- Mar 1,192O----
hM3-Emogene Watson ------- --~Nov 15,1922
MMM-Kathleen Watson ---- ----- Jul 28,1925
Oak Watson
Emma Belle Dudley and Grover Oak Watson divorced in 1930.
Grover Oak Watson, son of John Watson and Emma Childs; born
Lincoln County, Missouri; later married Edith Ethel Turher East.
Buried Star Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
2nd ------ (Mar 2M,193h)--- --~-- Herman wehrmsn
Address: 203 Picker Avenue, Wood River, I11inois~

Ssllie Dudley~-~ ---(Dec 2h,l9lE)~--~-~-
MMS-infant Reed --~~----- ---- --Mer
MM6-Milton Alexander Reed- ---- Jul
hh7~Mildred Bernice Reed~ ----- Sep
Cecil Price Reed, son of Web Reed
7016 Brownsville Street, Houston,
Cecil Price Reed
may 15,1696
17,1917 ---- MBP 13,1917
1,1919 ----
5,1923 ----
and Catherine Grimes.
Texas. (1957)
Anderson Alexander Dudley----(Sep 2},l923)--~ ---Jessie Livesey
Feb 17,1902
Jessie Llvesay, daughter of Marshall A. Lindsey and Rachel
Welton. Clerk in Elsberry, Missouri Post Office for many years
retired 1957;
Elsberry, Missouri.
Martha Frances Wheatley --------~~---- ----
819 Oak Street, South Bend, Indians.
Nancy Irene Wheatley
Charles Wilson Wheatley
William Franklin Wheatley
Martin Woodrow Benear
Gsston Tent

Leone Benear
Leon Benear
Em ett Watts ------------ ---Melvins Wheeler
MMS-Mary Lou Watts ----------
Drag line operator, living in state of Louisiana, l9M1.
Ethel Watts ------------- ( ,19l0) ------ James A. Gregory
ht9~C1arence Gregory--- -
M50-James Greaory -------
M51-William Gregory ----~ ----
M52-Walter Louis Gregory ----
MS -Mary Margaret Gregory-~-
MS -Melve Mae Gregory -------
M5 -Emmett Charles Gregory--
MS6-Huth Gregory ---------~--
Fee Fee Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri.
Owen Watts. ~ ' _ .
Buried in France, A.E.F.
William Jennings Bryan Watts
Buried Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri. Killed
bv train at Old Monroe, Missouri with narty attending picnic.

Reuben Watts--~ ~---~ ---- ---~--~ »- --------~------ l A7 3555>
Married a Miss Watts (no relation), divorced. Dorn on Elmo
Farm, Elsberry, Missouri) named for R. T. Wiafinton.
Alton, Illinois.
Otis Watts ~--- »---- --- Schaffer
Oct ,l9hO
Alton) Illinois.
Viola May Watts ---- ---- Herbert Peters
2nd -----~-- ~ ------------ --Harry Dowar
Herbert Peters, killed in autcmobilsacoident in Alton, Illinois
Alton, Illinois.
Howard Kenneth Watts ------ (Sep 2M,l9M2) ---~-- Doris Fay Evans
Doris Fay Evans, daughter of R. V. Evans; married at home of
Mr. & Mrs. Guion Lee, Goldsboro, North Carolina, by Rev. A. J.
Smith. Graduate Hannibal High School, Hannibal, Missouri.
Howard K. Watts, First Sergeant, Army Air Force, World War II;
graduate Hannibal Hiah School, Hannibal, Missouri.
Nellie Mae Mountjoy
Hurley Mountjoy
Arthur Mount j oy

Nellie Watts ---- ---- (Oct 2S,1929) ~--- --~Rex Barton Watts
Apr 2§,l597
W57-Marilyn Kay Watts -----~ -Mar l6,19h6~--»
Rex Barton Watts, son of Leyden C. and Elizabeth L. Barton
Watts; farmer; Methodist.
X 292.
Augustus William Isaac Mayes---(Nov 26,l9lh) ---- Bello Stone
Jul 6,1895
MSB-John William Mayes ---- --Mar 19,19l6--~-
Belle Stone, daughter of John T. Stone, born in Lincoln Goun
ty, Missouri; Baptist; Farmer.
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Catherine Mayes
Lottie Tomperaxcc "eyes ---- (Aug lO,l9OS)»»--Guy Cannon Elatou
Feb 25,1866
h59~Gurt1s Mayes Elston ----- May 26,l909----
h6O~Harry Daniel Elstcn ----- May h,19l2----
h6l~Riohard Guy Elston ------ Feb 1O,19l6»---
h62~Mary Elizabeth Elston---Sep 2§,19l8----
a63~Kathrine Eileen Elston--Sep 13,l920----
Lottie Temperance Mayes, Baptist; Elsberry.Cemetery, Elsberry,
Mis sour i .
Guy Cannon Elston, son of Samuel Lee Elston & Ads Rebecca Cannor
Elsberry, Missouri.
Roy Wilkinson Mayes--- ---(Oct 2S,l9lh)~ ~---- Lou Altha Ellis
Feb 17,1596
36}~infant» ----------~----- ~Jen 6,19l7~----Jan 6,1917
36h-Mary Willena Mayes ---~ »~Jul 6,l923-----
Married in direct line of descent, see X-196.

Russell Taylor Mayes ------- (Jun 2O,l92O)----Cora Blanche Weeks
Nov M,l89t
hob-Sammy Cannon Mayes -----~ Aug 30,1927 ----
Cora Blanche Weeks, daughter of Sam Weeks, married Louisiana,
Missouri, by Rev. Charles King.
Russell Taylor Mayes, Farmer; Baptist.
Luoy Catherine Mayes ------ (May 16,l926) ------ --Virgil Stuckert Weeks
Dec 25,1596
MGS-John Richard Weeks ------ May 23,1930 ----
M66-Catherine Lou Weeks ----- Jan 2h,1932 ----
Lucy Catherine Mayes, Baptist, A.B.C. ; A.B.C. Club.
Virgil Stuckert Weeks, son of Samuel Taylor Weeks and Statlra
Ellenna Whiteside; lon" time employee of Wells Lamont Corporation,
Elsborry, Missouri. Baotist, `
Elsberry, Missouri.
Anne Mayes Stirmlinger
Died in infancy.
Jennie Dee Stirmlinger----( ) ---- --~Cec11 G. Marsh
' ,159M
Feb 2519119
M67-Marilyn Marsh -----------
Cecil Marsh, son of Charles 0. Marsh and Martha Aurelia Marsh.
Vice President and District Manager of Missouri Edison Company,
Louisiana, Missouri.
Jennie Dee Stirmlinger, teacher.
X 300.
Raymond Sebastian Stirmlinger~-(Jun ]9,l929) ---- Gladys Barrett

Gladys Barrett, daughter of Albert Barrett, married Oak H111
Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Missouri, by Dr. Malcolm Matheson
Annie Lois Blackmore-~--»(Dec l2,1906) ----- Archie Duncan Suddarth
Mar 21,1587
h6B»Forest Leon Suddarth --~- Oct 12,1909
M69-William Thomas Suddarth-Jun 19,1911
M70-Johnny Wilson Suddarth--Jan 1,1913
h7l»Robert Mayes Suddarth--~MHy l],19lH
h72~Anna Vh°ginia Sudderth--Mar 3,1919
h73~Gerald1ne Blackmore S.~-Sep 1,1921
h7h~Georgia Doe Suddarth---~Feb 26,1925
Archie Duncan Suddarth, son of William Martin Suddarih and
Eunice Caroline Palmer. See Mayes Book.
Rubie Doe Blackmore~-~--»(Mar 19,191l)-~- -~ Richard He.1y Cranl
Ma. 1.,1aav
Richard Henry Crank, son of Andrew Jackson Crank and Sallie
Route "2, Tlsberry, Missouri.
William Mayes Dlackmore~---(May 11,1919)---Mattie Belle Tucker
Aug 23,1598
h76~Edell Blackmore ~--- ---Apr S,l92O---
u7T-lsabelka Blackmore ~----~ May 6,1921 ~----
William Mayen Blackmore, born New Hope, Missouri; died St.
Louis, Missouri; Baptist; farmer. Rose Hill Cemetery,Elsberry, Mo
Mattie Belle Tucker, daughter of O. A. Tucker, employed by
Elaberry Democrat, Elsbcrry, Missouri, for many years; Baptist.

Robert Paul Blackmore- ----- (Aug l,l9lt)--- ---- Nell Eyaline Palmer
Jul 23,1892
M78-Robert Paul Blackmore,Jr.-
Nell Evaline Palmer, daughter of Charles Palmer.
Robert Paul Blackmore, farmer.
Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Ethel Vaughan Foley ----~--- (Aug h,l9OS) ------ Patton Thomas Daniel
Mar 29,1886
1179-Themes aenaeiea osniei 1,1912---
MBO~Virginia Bornioce Daniel ~Aupl8,l916-~-
Patton Thomas Daniel , son of Edwards Daniel and Anna Patton.
Farmer, Elsberry, Missouri.
Watts Maher Foley ----~ ------------- -------- -Hclon Vinamen
Watts Maher Foley, born Ilsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri;
watchmaker and jeweler, married Nebraska City, Nebraska.
Helen Vinamen, from Nebraska City, Nebraska.
Frances Irene Watts--- ---(Feb 22,l93U)--- ---Jack Vann
Nov 10,1903
M81-Nancy Suzan Vann -------- Mar 23,1939 --r~
M82~Dottio Jo Vann ----- ---May l9,l9h2---
M83-Myra Jane Vann3-- ~~---Jul l9,l9hM---~
Frances Irene Watts, A.B.C.; Jessie Black,Jr. Club; Christian
Church; teacher, Sunday School teacher;.
Jack Vann, son of Hugh Vann and Annie Shelton Vann; born in
Alabama; merchant; Mason; married by Rev. Jacobs, Elsberry, Missouri

Curtis Frank Watts ---- (Oct l,l929) ---- ~Marian Josephine Weidner
Jun 28,1907
MSM-Shirley Lee Watts ------- Feb 23,1931 ----
M85-John Curtis Wetts--- --~- Mar 22,1936 ----
h86-Marjory Karen Watts ---~- Jun 12,1937 ---- '
I Curtis Frank Watts, born Elsberry, Missouri; attended Els-
berry High School, Culver-Stockton College, Northern Illinois
College; Christian Church; Optometrist.
Marian Joseohine Weidner, daughter of George Tilman and Emma
Goetz Weidner; born Memphis, Scotland County, Missouri; Christian
Church, attended Canton High School and Culver-Stockton College.
George Edwin Taylor
Electrician, General Cable Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri
Albro Weis Bailey Taylor
HB7-Betty Taylor ----------
M58-Gall Lucille Taylor ----
M89-Mildred Lee Taylcr---
St. Louis, Missouri
Elizabeth Ville Taylor ------ (Apr 3,l929) ---- Frederick Galvin Miller
M90-Sue Carol Miller --------
Elizabeth Ville Taylor, known in family as "Bettle"; lives in
St. Louis, Missouri. _
212. " 1
Richard Tolbert Taylor _

Anwa Pauline Tnylor -~--- -~-(Jul 1,1925)-~--Clarence H. Kramer
Jul 11,1903
Married Lutheran Parsonage, St. Louis, Missouri, by Rev,
Hannibal, Missouri, 3253 Sb. Marys Avenue.
Charles Christopher Winklemeyer Taylor--(Jan 31,19]0)-Helen Kramer
Sep 10,1909
Married by Rev. Beckman, Lutheran Parsonage, St. Louis, Mis-
Anna Amanda Patton
Daughter of James Henry Patton and Florence Ville Tsyloo;
born Annada, Missouri; attended Pavncsville High School, Nann1hH1
LnGvange College; Catholic, Uemocrnt.
1001 Georgia Street, Wnnuibal, Missouri.
Joseph Nixon Patton- --~~--- (Nay 19,1935) ----'~ Dorothy Wright
Dec 20,1916
M91-Jo Ann Patton ---~--- ---Jun 6,1936----
M92-James Henry Patton ------ Jun 15,1937 --~'
U93-Michael Taul Patton ----- Jan 13,l9M3---
Joseph Nixon Patton, born Aunada, Missouri; attended Paynes-
ville, Missouri Public Schools; farmer; Democrat; married by Rev.
Ivan C. Whipple, Bowling Green, Pike County, Mlssouvi.
Dorothy Wrivht, born Clayton, Missouri; dauphter of Kirby
Wrinht and Ruby Ratt; attended Public Schools at Bowling Green,
Columbia and Pavnosville, MiSPouri; housewif
Women's Society of Christian Service-
s; Methodist; Democrat;

Ermal Lovelace watts ---- (Jun 27,192S) ----- Stanley Mo
son of Lee McMshan and
Stanley Morgan McMahon,
Methodist Parsonage in
married by Rev. Kimbrell, et
1025 South Main street, Troy, Missouri. (1957)
Thelma Ardis Watts -------- (Jul ,l929) ---- Clifford
h9h-Jeannine Watts Lionberger-Aug 16,193O---
116 Anderson Street, Columbia, Missouri. (1957)
rgan MoMahan
Selly Turnbull;
Troy, Missouri.
L. Lionberger
Lillian Katherine Watts ---~- ( )- ---- ---Robert J. Brown
M95-Jessie Edward Brown ----- Sep 1O,1932---
M96-Patsy Ruth Brown- ------- Apr 5,193 ---
h97-Michael Joe Brown- ------ Dec 27,1937 ----
Robert J. Brown, son of Robert L. Brown and Rinsman.
#ll Lakewood Place, East St. Louis, Illinois (1957)
Walter Leroy Wstts-~- ---( ,1935) -------- Carroll Ponder
Sep 11,1916
M98-Robert Leroy warns ------ Jul 1e,1935----
U99-Charles Ronald Watts ---- Feb 5,1939---
500-Julie Ann Watts~ --~----- Dec S,19hl----
Carroll Ponder, daughter of Charles Ponder and Ella Bock-
horst Ponder, of Trey, Missouri; married by Father Hurley, Cath
Rectory, Troy, Missouri; proprietor of Carrol1's Flower Shop,
Troy, Missouri.

Ruth Elmo Watts--- ---(Sep U,l9H3)'~°--~-Ansel Eugene Evans
Jun 25,1919
501-Deborah Lou Evans ------- Feb 2l,l9M7 ----
S02-Kathryn Sue Evans--~ ---- Jun 22,l953----
Ansel Eugene Evans, son of Emmett Evans and Edith Estes
Evans; married Columbia, Missouri, by Rev. Critohlow.
X 322.
Otis Carl Watts ----~---- (Oct l7,l92S)--- ~--- Elvera C. Stock
S03-Otis Carl Watts,Jr., --~- Jun ll,l927----
SOM-Russell Wesley Watts ---~ Feb 20,1932 ----
Otis Carl Watts, registered pharmacist; Evangelical Church
Elvera C. Stock, daughter of William Stock.
1609 Orchard Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. (1957)
X 323.
Earl Wesley Watts ---- ---(Oct 2O,l932) --~- ---- Corrine Fehleg
Aug 20,1905
§O5~Dele Douglas Watts ------ Feb M,l93U"'*
S06-Jill JOBHH Watts -------- Mar 2O,l9h2 ----
§O7-Cherie Lynn Watts ------- Apr h,l9hh -~--
SOB-Terry Michael Watts ----- Mar 27,l9h7 ----
S09-Diane Gail Watts ~------- Feb 6,19M8 ----
Earl Wesley Watts, employed with General Motors Gomoany,
Kansas City, Missouri.
Corrine Fehler from Portage des Sioux, Missouri.
S319 Forest Street, Kansas City, Missouri. (1957).
X 32U.
Robert Reece Watbs--- ---(Apr S,l93h) ~--- -Tula V. McCullough
Apr h,1912
a.Jsrry Robert Watts ---- ---Mar 29,19U7----
b.Mary Lee Watts -~------~--- Sep l9,19h8----
Both children are adopted.

Reginald Lee Watts ---- (Mar 21,193h) ------- Clara Gertrude Meyer
Jun 7,1913
Clara Gertrude Meyer, employed by Missouri Edison Company,
Elsberry, Missouri; Bantist.
Reginald Lee Watts, Baptist,
Elsberry, Missouri.
Laverne Taylor Watts ------ (Apr l7,19hO) ---- Nora Lucela Hausgens
Dec 25,1920
510-LaNora Ann Watts --~----- May 9,l9hl ----
511-caralyn Lea watts ------- May ll,l9U3 ----
512-william Gilbert wants---Fab 9,19L19----
Nora Lucela Hausgens, daughter of Fred W. Hausgens and Ber-
nice Sheffler. Eaotiat.
Laverne Taylor Watts, Baptist. Operates buses for Elsberry
Public Schools.
Elsberry, Missouri
Ernest Eugene Watts.
Killed in battle action on Okinawa, April 27,l9h5.
Owen Watts Harrell ------- (Jul 3,l9h8) --~----- Dorothy Mae Frink
513-Gerald Lee Harrell ------ Apr 25,l9b9 ----
Dorothy Mae Frink, daughter of Dallas and Mary Burns Frlnk;
married at Troy Methodist Church.
Davis, Missouri. (Lincoln County). (1957)
Opal Lee Harrell ------------ (Aug 26,l933) ---~ Garett Gregory Dryden
51M-Gilbert Littleton Dryden-Jul 23,l93h---
515-Harrell Gregory Dryden~~-Jul 3,1950--~
516-Burnadett Catherine Dryden-Apr9,l952---
Garett Gregory Dryden, son of Gilbert and Virgie Dryden;
married by Rev. Robert Connelly, Troy Bactiet minister, ln private
High Hill, Missouri. (1957)

James Aaron Kenneth Waters---~-(sep 2,19hB) _._._. -Helen Hohmgn
Feb 23,1905
James Aaron Kenneth Waters, maintenance worker; Democrat; Ben-
tiat; born Burr Oak, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Helen Hohman, daughter of Charles Hohman and Marie Lorenz.
9997 Clyde Avenue, Lemay 23, Missouri. (1957)
Virginia Ann Dudley
Clark Gannon waters ----- --(Aug 8,l938) ---~-- Martha Lucille Reid
Nov 15,1913
517-Janice Ann Waters ------- Nov 2@,l9b0 ----
5l8~Ssrah Lynn Waters- ------ Jul 7,l9M9----
Clark Cannon Motors, born Ckete, Lincoln County, Missouri;
Elsberry High School; Sanford Brown Business College; Served in
world War II; Vice President of Sparks, Waters and Farnen Grain
Brokerage Comoany; Director, Merchants Exchange, St. Louis,
Missouri; Presbyterian. 3lsberry.Cemetery.
Martha Lucille Reid, married by Rev. Charles E. Edwards at
family residence; daunhter of David Calvin Reid and Annie Elizabeth
Reid; Elsberry Hiph School; Erskine College; Presbyterian.
Dorothy Jean Kemoer
John Howard Kenner
Judie Faye Kemper
Susan Lynn Kemper

Martin French Kemper
William Daniel Kemper
Alan Roy Kemper
Anita Jane Kemper
Victor William Gillett, III
Charles Henry Kemper, Jr.,
Hoblyn Ringhauaen
Robert Daniel Ringhausen
Richard Watts Ringhausen

Douglas Russell Watts
7 Cynthia Sue Watts
HQV COX GFSVSS-»-~<»--»` ---------------- ---------- -»Rose Franco
519-Edward Valvard Grevea~~-Oat_9,1939---»-
' XI-3116.
Virginia Rose Graves.
Died in infancy.
Marv Lau GPÂ¥V@S--' " Albert Grenneman
520-Valhea Lou Granneman ---- Oct 15,1927---_
521-Fred Albert Granneman--- ----
Mattie Rose Cox ---- ---- (Deo 2h,l927)- ---- ~---Otis B. Wallace
Jun 15,1897
522-William Thomason Wallace-Jul l2,1929---
523-Jackie stsiiare Wallace--Oct 1u,193S---
52h-Sarah Elizabeth Wallace--Jan 29,193§---
Otis B. Wallace, son of William C. and Ella Graves Wallace.
rn "l 1,

Valvard Gentry Cox--~ ---(Jun h,l927) ------ Edith Mabel Whiteside
525-Lewis Lynn Cox -~-- ---Auf 3l,l93O----
526-Anna Dean Cox ---- -- ---Sep 9,193
527-Ruby Ernestine Cox ~----- Dec 6,193
Z .___
May 3,1906
Edith Mabel Whiteside, daughter of Ernest E. and Dean Finley
Whiteside, (See Whiteside
Snow Hill, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Edward Palmer Cox -------- (esp 3,1933)--- ---- Reba Ass Roberts
ost 6,l91h
528-Susan Ann Cox ----- ---May 5,l9bO----
529-Roberta Jane Ccx--- ---- Apr 1b,19h1---
530-William Edward Cox ---~-- Aug 2l,l95h---~
Reba Ann Roberts, daughter cf William Clarence Roberts and
Florence Litka, Council Grove, Kansas; Sunday School Teacher,Christian
Palmer Cox, Deacon in Elsberry Christian Church.
Thomas Marion Cox --------- -(Jun l2,l937) -~----- Bernice Triplett
53l»Sherrie Ann Cox --------- Jan 27,1938 ----
532-Gary Thomas Ccx--- ---Apr B,l9hO--~-
533-Betty Lou Cox ----------- Jan 31,l9h5 ----
Oct 15,1915
Bernice Triplett, daughter of Cyrus E. Triplett and Lorene
Taskar- Baptist.
Thomas Cox, Baotlet.
Elaberry, Missouri.
Mary Virginia Wells
Benjamin Downing Wells ----- -
53h-John Curt Walle---
Elsberry, Missouri.
Julia Reid, daughter
of Curt Reid.
---Aus 3.19h3----
(Mar lh,l936) ----- Julia Elizabeth Reid
Jun 8,1913

Glendon Carl Downing
Conlee Downinc
William Henry Hilton
Studied desianina in Paris, France. Now employed by Trans
World Airlines.
Los Angeles, California, l9h5.
Mary Lucile Trail
Died at ape of eight year.
Samuel Rose Trail ----- - ---- --------- ----------»-- Unmarried.
Served in World War II. Buried Elsberry Cemetery, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Frances Clevia Trall--- --(Aug 15,1951)- ----- Sidney S, Lovell
May 13, 189_
Frances C. Trail, beauticlan; married Hannibal, Missouri,
by Rev. John Golden.
"Sid" Lovell, farmer; automobile and implement dealer. One
son, Leon Lovell, by first marriage; second time married to Mary
Kathryn Ross Meyer.

Richard Curtis Trail ---- ---(May 17,l9]O) -------- Odessa Whiteside
Jun 2,1909
S35-Jack Curtis Trail ---- ---- Jul 30,1933 ----
S36-James Trail ---~----------- May 2,1938 ~---
Odessa Whiteside, daughter of Richard Franklin Whiteside and
Mary Greevy; graduated from Elsberry High School in 1925; married Bt
Baptist Parsonage, St. Charles, Missouri, by pastor of St. Charles
Baptist Church.
Richard Curtis Trail, born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Mm souri;
graduated from Elsberry High School, 1926.
1500 South 15th Street, Burlington, Iowa, (1957)
Doran Frisbee Trail ---- ---(Jul 29,l9M6) ------- Betty Ann Schoen
Aug 6,1923
S37-Joseph Francis Trail ------ Feb l0,l9h9 ----
538-Susan Trail- ------------- -Nov l,l9S1 ---~
Doran Frisbee Trail, Warrant Officer, United Stats Army.
Betty Ann Schoen, daughter of Dr. J. F. Schoen and Kathryn John-
son, born Blairstown, Iowa; Lindenwood College; tesdher'
Ruth Olevis Singleton--- ---(Jun 2E,l93S) ------ Thomas Taylor Hammaok
Jen 22,1912
539-Barbara Jean Hammsck ----~- Feb 6,l9h1 ----
EMO-Carol Jane Hammack -------- Nov l2,l9h3 ---~
Shl-Sharon Lee Hsmmsck --~-~--- Oct 26,l9h6 --~-
Ruth Olevis Singleton, born Elsberry, Missouri; attended Els-
bsrry High School, Gem City Business College, Quincy, Illinois; Bap-
tist; Democrat; married by Rev. T. J. Smith.
Thomas Taylor Hammsck, son of Roy Hammsck and Wanda Cannon; born
New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri; Chillicothe Business College;
Salesman; Baptist; Democrat.
2238 Malcolm Avenue, West Los Angeles, California.
Infant Mayes.
Mary Willens Mayes.
Lindenwood Collsve; teacher; Baptist.

Addis Lucille DeHunh
""Mar50vi5lc21l,ADa»»»e.....foee~r:,1Qtol-~-stanley MnrlonLGrcas
§M2-Stevan Marley Gross~ -~~» Jan 29,l9M} ---~
5MB-Jerrold Marston Gross---May lb,l9h6 -~--
Married in Los Angeles, California.
Dorothy Miléred Meloan-~~-»(3ep 2l,l935)--~Harry~S, Held
Jan l2,19OU
Nov 7,1956
Harry "Pokay" Reid, son of Montgomery Reid and Georgie Basket
Ooerated a school bus in Elsberry, Missouri, for many years; Els-
berry Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Etta Jean Powell ------ (Oct 3,l9M2) -~----- Francis Marion Sleet
End ----- (Nov ,l9El)--George Arthur Worley
EMM-John Patrick Worley ----- Oct 27,1952 ----
§hS-Merry Sus Worley <--- ---- Nov 19,1955 "'*
Francis Marlon Sleet, son of Ferl Sleet, Foley, Missouri;
1 d '
marr e at bride s home.
B27 Lakeside Place, Chicago MO, Illinois.
Charles Cannon Howard--- ---(Nov h,19UU)---Martha Virginia Reid
Apr 30,1921
Sho-Charla Ann Howard ------- May lT,l9h6 ----
Sh?-Brenda Jaan Howard ----~- Jan 16,1951 -~--

Charles Cannon Howard, Westmister College; Naval Aviator;
Ensign in Naval Reserve; farmer; officer in Farm Bureau, Lincoln
County, Missouri.
Martha Virginia Reid, daughter of Leslie Calvin Reid and
Mary Gladney Reid; Elsberry High School; Erskine College, Central
College; P.E.O.; D.N.C.; Presbyterian.
William Otto (Bob) Howard ---- (Jun 5,19b8)---Jane Willie Hunter
Jun 2ll,l92S
SUB-Robert Thomas Howard ~--~ May 20,1951 --~-
Sh9~Wi1liam Kevin Howard -~-- Jun 9,195h ----
William Otto (Bob) Howard, attended Missouri University;
Alpha Gamma Rho; Farm Bureau; Baptist.
Jane Willis Hunter, dauahter of Howard O. and Frances Hunter;
married Clarksville, Missouri, by Rev. G. Elmo Purvis; attended
William Jewell, Hannibal LaGrange College, Missouri University;
teacher; Baptist.
John Randolph Howard ~~---- (Jun 23,l957>--- -~--- Mary Lynn Parks
Aug 1 ,193H
John Randolph Howard, served in U.S. Army; Mason; Kiwanis;
f9Fm5F3 B9PtiSt~ Married Nelson Presbyterian Church, St. Louis,Mo.
Mary Lynn Parks, daughter of Linwood Parks, born St. Louis,
Missouri; graduate Christian College and Washington University;
teacher; Phi Mu Sorority.
Molly Ann Howard
Ann Cannon Griffiths

Ida Elizabeth Cannon -----» (Jun l,1937) ---- ~-William Irwin Pixley
Mar 7,1911
SSC-William Cannon Pixley---Aug 2O,l9h0~---
§Sl~Thomas Dawson Pixley ---- Apr 2B,19h3--~-
Ida Elizabeth Cannon, born Elsberry, Missouri. Elsberry High
School, Eastern High School, Washington, D.C.; Missouri University,
B.J. 1932, A. M. 1936; Baptist; Democrat; Alpha Phi; Theta Sigma
Phi; P.E.O.; Jessie Black Club.
Married at Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia, by Rev. H. L.
Doll, Rector, and Rev. James Shera Montgomery, Chaplain of the
House of Representatives, to William Irwin Pixley, son of Harry
Clinton Pixley and Sarah Ann Irwin. Born at Ferguson, St. Louis
County, Missouri. Ferguson Hiah School. Missouri University,
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering 1933. Methodist, Democrat, Pi Kappa
Alpha, Pi Tau Sigma, Tomb and Key, A.S.M.E., Power Transmission
Club, Sales Engineer.
21 Huntleigh Woods, St. Louis 22, Missouri.
Ruby Melinda Cannon-»-- ---(Apr 6,l9h}) ----- Harry Bert Hackethorn
May 20,1918
S52-John Cannon Hackethorn--Dec 28,19U3 ----
553-David Lyon Hackethorn---Jun l,l9b9-~--
55h-Susan Melinda Hackethorn-Jul13,l9Sl----
Ruby Melinda Cannon, daughter of Clarence Cannon and Ida
Dawson Wigginton, born St. Louis, Missouri. Graduate Elsberry
High School; Randolph Macon Women's College, Lynchburg, Virginia;
Missouri University, A.B., M.A.; P.E.O.: D.A.R.: Eastern Star,
P1 Beta Phi, Alpha Fi Zeta.
Married at Christ Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Virginia,
by Rector Edward Randolph Wells, to Harry Bert Heckethorn, son of
Harry Dalton Heckethorn and Pearl Mount. Born in Columbia,
Missouri. Missouri University, B.S. in Business Administration,
Captain U. S. Army, Methodist, Republican, Kappa Alpha, Assistant
District Director, Aetna Life Insurance Company.
531 Pine Haven Drive, Houston, Texas.

William Randolph Peelar ----- (Oct 23,l937) ---- Eleanor Sheppard Browne
Aug 27,1918
SSS-William Randolph Peeler,II,-Apr l3,1939--
556-Melinda Peeler -------------- Deo l3,19h1--
william Randolph Peeler, born Elsberry, Lincoln County,
Missouri; Mexico, Missouri High School; Missouri University; Hall
War College; United States Naval Academy; B.S. l93h; Naval Officer;
Baptist; Kappa Sigma; Norfolk German Club.
Eleanor S. Browne, daughter of Randolph Maury Browne and Jean
Maxwell; born in Norfolk, Norfolk County, Virginia; Episcopalian;
Democrat; Member of Junior League, Maury High School, Norfolk,
Virginia; Wells Business School; married Church of the Good Shepherd.
Norfolk, Virginia, by Rev. Gunn.
712 Poppy Avenue, Corona del Mar, California.
John Lewis Cannon--- ---- (Oct 29,l9h8) ---- Doris Marie Stratton
557-James Andrew Cannon ----- Aug 12,1951 ----
ESB~John Lewis Cannon,Jr.,--Dec lB,195U*"'
John Lewis Cannon, son of Margaret Trescott and Cecil Cannon;
Elsberry Hi h School; Central College; Yale University School of
Medicine 1957; Nu Sigma Nu; interned at Hartford Hospital, Hart~
ford, Connecticut.
Doris Marie Stratton, daughter of Thomas J. Stratton; graduate
Hartford Hospital School of Nurses; Supervisor of Nurses, Hartford
Hospital; married St. Maryfs Episcopal Church, Manchester, Connec-
ticut by Rev. Alfred Wilmes.
William Joseph Cannon ------- (Aug l3,l95O) ---- Doris Eleanor Shoop
Apr 3,192h
SS9-William Olin Cannon-----Apr l5,19S2----
S60~Joseph Edwin Cannon ----- May 30,1953 ----
561-Cynthia Rebecca Cannon--Aug 31,l953~---

William Joseph Cannon, son of Cecil Whiteside Cannon and
Margaret Rebecca Trescott; born Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missour
_ High School; Central College; Washington University; B.S.;
M.D.; Physician; Baptist; Democrat; American Medical Association;
Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity; Post graduate work at Colorado
General Hospital, Denver, Colorado; married First
Church, Findlay, Hancock County, Chic, by Dr. Guy
Doris Eleanor Shoop, daughter of William Ray
Bell Rrickman; born McComb, Hancock County, Ohio;
Shoop and Donna
McComb High
School; R.N. Lima Memorial Hospital, Ohio; R.S., University of
Colorado; nurse; Presbyterian; Democrat; American Nursing Associ-
ation; National League Nursing Education.
Vernon Millner Jeans ------ (Jun l2,1926) ------ Elma Dora Sonith
Dec 11,1907
So2~Vcrnon Millner Jeans,Jr.,-Jun 27,l927--
S6}~Dawn Elaine Jeans ------- --Mar 19,l9}O--
Sch Jessie Marlene Jeans --~--- Nov lo,l933»-
565-David Clarence Jeans --~--- Jul l7,l93G--
75 Vanderpool Street, Birmingham, Michigan.
-Alfred Mark Bird
Virginie Jeans~-- ---(Dec 1O,l92h) ----- Willard John Cole
oat 1,1902
-Willard Mydren Cole ------ May l3,l926---
-Virginia Adeline Cole ---- Aug l2,19}M---
Catherine Jeans----( )--- ---- Mark Edward Bird
Natalie Sue Bird---- ---- May l2,l939---
IZ- _Hz ,19Myl_,
Phyllis Ann Bird
Lake Orion, Michigan.

Thomas Jefferson Jeans ----------- ------------- ---Erma Dunn
571~G1en Elwood Jeans ------- Aug 28,1935 ~---
572-Thomas Edward Jeans ----- Jun 1,1937 ----
S13-Judith Ann Jeans ---~- ~-~ ----
Oxford, Michigan.
Clarence May Jeans ---------- ---- George Miller
STM-Larry Edmond Mi11er---
S75-Richard Craig M1l1er---
2nd ---- ---- Richard Flassey
Lake Orion, Michigan.
Robert Newton Braid~J---(Sep U,l9M2)- ----- Marian Dora Van Wagner
Feb 1,1923
Marian Dora Van Wagner, daunhter of Dewey Alonzo Van Wagner
and Helen Mary King.
Robert Newton Braid, student Company C First Engineer School
Regiment, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Lake Orion, Michigan.
Beuna Arlene Braid
Winifred Euphamia Braid
Doris Irene Braid

William Clayton Braid
Burdell Mackey Millner ----- (Feb 26,l939}----Helen Louise Crank
Apr 12,1915
S76-John Mackey Millner --~-- Nov },l9Uh--~-
S77-Janet Louise Millner ---- Nov 3,l9UU --~-
S75-Karen Lorlane Mlllner-~-Dec 2l,l9h5----
Burdell Mackey Millner, Methodist; Democrat; I.0.0.F.; Sales
man; born near Paynesvllle, Missouri; Eolia High School; Scout-
master; Manager, Kroger Store, Louisiana, Missouri.
Helen Louise Crank, daughter of Charles Meriwether Crank
and Ethel Corlne Shields; teacher; Baptist; Democrat; Coterie
Club; Rebekah; Hannibal LaGrange College; married by Rev. Guy
Brown, Curryville Baptist Church, Curryville, Missouri.
(lor H l9UU) Taylor
w111e11a Carver M11lner---- _--- -1 ------------ ---G@rd0i7§III11and
Jul l5,191h
Gordon Gilliland, son of Gayland Gordon Gilliland and Zelma
Esther Waggener. (See Harvey Book)
Minnie Catherine Mlllner ----- ---- ------- Holthoff
579~Teddle Glen aolchaff ---~ Feb 3,l9hO ----
Glendora Millner
Frances Lucille Millner
Died at age of three years.

Annie Jean Mlllner
Charles Newton Mlllner
Robert Lee Mlllner
Beverly Jewell Millner
May Imogene Millner --------~ - ---- -
580-Mildred Kay Scott-- ----- Jun
-Patricia Ann Scott- ----
S51-Richard Lee Scott-
Margaret Genevieve Millner-
563-Harold Cutahall---
EBM-Bryan Cutshall ----
Peggy Ann Mil1ner----
S85-Cheryl Lynn
Patricia Jeanna Millner
Barbara Kay Millner
,19u2 ----
26,l9MU --~-

James Buford Millner
Kathryn Ann Mlllnar
Thomas Vardeman Mlllner
Marilyn Ford -----~ ------ (Oct l,l95O) ------ Vernon D. Hart
MBV 25.1921
S86-Leonard Randoloh Hart---Nov 3,l9S2-----
Marilyn Ford, Elsberry High School; Gem City Business College;
Secretary, A. P. Green Company, Mexico, Missouri; housewife;
Christian Church; married by Rev. Harold Odor at bride's home.
Vernon D. Hart, son of Leonard B. Hart; born Gasconade County;
Hermann High School; served in U.S. Army Air Corps; employed at
Mexico Refractories Company, Mexico, Missouri.
Quantico Road, Mexico, Missouri.
Infant son Galloway
Winona Galloway--- ---(Oct lS,l9SO) ------ Donald George Bowers
can 21,1928
58;-David Thomas Bowers ----- Jan 1,1953 -----
S8 -Bruce Earl Bowers ----- Oct h,l955-----
Winona Galloway, Elsberry High School; formerly employed by
Blue Cross, St. Louis, Missouri; A.E.F. Club; Christian; housewife;
married Elsberry Christian Church by Rev. Harold Odor.

D ald George Bowers, son of Frederic Clare Bowers and Elnora
Alice Hard of Battle Creek, Michigan; Christian Church, acoutmas-
ter; employed by McDonnell Aircraft Gorporat on.
Infant son Galloway
William Louis Brown, Jr.---(Mar l,l9h3) ---- ---- Rosemary Beauchamp
Nov 16,1919
589-William Beauchamp Brown-Mar 17,1951 ----
William L. Brown, attended Elsberry High School; Culver-
Stockton College; member of the college basket ball team; U. S.
Army during World War II; attended University of Arkansas and
Stanford College while in service; B.S. & M.S. at Washington
University, St. Louis, Missouri; teacher; Christian Church.
Rosemary Beauchamp, daughter of William Manlove Beauchamp and
Grace Tannehlll; graduate of Southeast Missouri State Teacher's
ll did raduate work at Washington University, St. Louis,
Co age; g
Missouri; teacher; married by Rev. J. C. Schenk, pastor of Evan-
gelical Church, Union, Missouri.
John Carlton Cobb
Graduate Elsberry High School; served U. S. Army Air Corp
during World War II, missing in action and later declared dead .
Jane Deen Cobb ---- ---(Mar 2S,l95O)--- ---- Raymond Thomas Peasel
Dec 29,1926
SQO-Jane Raenet Peasel ------ May 23,1951 ----
D Cobb Elsberr High School' Central College; Rubl-
Jane san , < y ,
can Business College; Baptist; formerly employed by Missouri State
Legislature; D.N.C. Club.
Raymond Thomas Peasel, son of Frank and Frances Lenk Peasel;
born Silex, Missouri; U.S. Army; Agent, Standard Oil Company, Els-
berry, Missouri; officer in Young Democratic Club; President,
' i i ' Catholic.
Elsberry Chamber of Commerce, K wan s,

Charles Andrew Cobb
Hcward Wallace Whiteside
James Bartlett Ward, Jr.
Talleyrand Hayne Cloud
Victoria Pearl Whiteside--(Jun.
Victoria P. Whiteside, born Los
College of the Pacific, Stockton,
married Morris Chaoel, College of
Richard E. Shore, son of Walter
7, 1957)----Richard Eugene Shore
Jul 5, 1937
Angeles, California; student at
California; Methodist; Democrat
the Pacific, by Rev. George Goodwin
B, Shore and Tillman; student
at Collage of the Pacific; Methodist; Republigan; Phi Mu Alpha;
Beta Beta beta.
633 North Hunter, Stockton, California.
Laura Penn Whiteside
Judith Ann Whiteside
Elsberry High School, Missouri University. Gemma Phi Beta
Sority; Christian Church.
Harriett Jane Langford----(Seo 17, 1955) ------ Robert Allan Lawson
591-Joseph Martln Lawson ---- Aug. E, 1956 -----
Robert Allan Lawson, son of Morris Lawson of Bay Village,
Ohio, originally from Demark.
Gary Cooley

Jeanne a111s -------- ----------- -------~~- - ---- Eldie Palmer
592-w1111sn Walter Palmer---Nov 2,l9§_-- -
Steve Ellis
Mary Ellen Martin
John Richard Martin
Jane Elizabeth Dean
Arthur Buxton Dean
Peggy Ann Robbins
Jack William Robbins, Jr.,
Ernest Everett Watson ------- (Jul l,l9h5) ------ Velma June Gibson
Jun 6,1921
59]-Andrea Watson ----------- Aug 9,l9h7 -----
Velma June Gibson, daughter of Morphls Gibson and Jessie Welh

Charles Robert Benear '
Reported missing in action over Germany, October 7,19hb
Eugene Thomas Benear
Glen Gray Benear
Harry Taylor Benear--- ---- -~~-
Lives in Chicago, Illinois.
Thomas Franklin Benear
James Bruce Wallace
Mary Ellen Wallace
Ronald Hammack

Blanche Emeral Watson
Died at age of three years.
Freida Bernice Watson- ---- (May l9,l925) ----- Holland Klenk Reed
593s-Robert Glendon Reed ---- Jul 1,1929 ----
S93b-Edmond Lester Reed- ---- May 19,1931 ----
S93c-Juanita Jean Reed-- ---- Jun 7,1933--~
Divorced September, 1937.
Melba Mildred Watson ---- ---Atha Allen Busch
S93d-Joyce Dean Busch- ------ Sap 29,1930 ----
Address: 203 Picker Avenue, Wood River, Illinois.
John Thomas Watson--- ---(Mar 2,l9hO) ---- ----Thelma Virginia Shaw
593s-John Dudley Watson ----- Dec 1,l9h2 ----
$93!-Judith Louise Watson---Apr 9,l9hB----
171 East Alton Avenue, East Alton, Illinois.
Harry Dudley Watson ---- ---(Jan 3,l9h8) ----- Geraldine Sandbach
593g-Gwen Andrea Matson ----- Oct h,19h8 ----
S93h-Kevin Watson ----------- Dec ll,l9SO----
509 Fifth Street, Wood Hiver, Illinois

------ i Era an Jr.,
Emcgene Watson ---- ----
(died at age
----Jan 28,l9h ----
----Feb 9,19EO----
Oct 5,1952 ----
John Michael Ersyen----
593j-Viokye Jean Erayen~
593k-Gail Lynne Ersyen--
5931-Lewis Daniel Ersyen ----
203 Roosevelt Street, Bethalto, Illinois.
Kathleen Watson ------------ (Jun u, 9
593m-Susan Paulette Gallagher-Jun 6,19h7---
(Oct 12,l9h5)-- V c y ,
of lh months)
1 ho) ----- Steve Carl Gallagher
h divorced 1952.
Kathleen Watson and Steve C. Gallag er
2nd ------- (May 29,l9Sh) ---- Henry
503 East Adams Street, O'Fallon, Illinois
A. Schwassy

Infant Reed
Milton Alexander Reed ------- (Aug 8,19h2) ------ Helen Ruth Jenkins
Jul 7,1925
(a)Katheryn Anne Reed -------- --Sep 22,1957 ---- (adopted child)
Milton A. Reed, born Elsberry, Missouri; Baptist; salesman,
Mason; married Houston, Texas by Rev. Turner.
Helen Ruth Jenkins, daughter of Garland Thomas Jenkins and Edna
May VanCleve; Born Dallas, Texas; Baptist; Eastern Star;
7015 Brownsville, Houston, Texas. (1957)
Mildred Bernice Reed -------- (Oct lc,l939)---Marshall Howard Harrington
59h-Linda Kay Harrington--
S95-Tommy Kent Harrington -----
596-Robhin Reed Harrington---
597~infant Harrington --------
Feb 5,1915
21,19M2 ----
13,19hB ~-~-
21.1953 -~-~ Dec 2h.1953
21,1953----Dec 21,1953
Mildred Bernice Reed, attended Milby High School, Houston, Texas,
Baptist; Democrat; married Harris County, Houston, Texas, by Rev
W. L. Shuttleworth.
Marshall Howard Harrington, son of Thornman Cornell Harrington
and Jesse lula Robison; born Aldine, Texas; attended Milby High
School, Houston, Texas; Baptist; Democrat; employed by Shell Oil
217 Engil Street, Houston, Texas (1957)
Mary Lou Watts
Clarence Gregory
-Ago. James Gregory
XI-h5l. William Gregory

Walter Louis Gregory
Mary Margaret Gregory
Melva Mae Gregory
Emmett Charles Gregory
Ruth Gregory
Marilyn Kay Watts
John William Mayes ---- ---(Jul 3O,19hO)---Martha Belle Whiteside
xug 7,1919
598-James Lester Mayes -------- May l9,19hl ----
5c9-w1111sm Ronald Mayes ------ Jul 11,1955~---
John William Mayes, President of Cuivre Baptist Associatlonal
Brotherhood; Farm Bureau; Farmer.
Martha B. Whiteside, daughter of Jacob Tapley Whiteside and
Hattie lnez Galloway; Baptist; Graduate of Wlsberry High School.

Curtis Mayes Elston ------ --- ---Unknown
Last time heard from, residing in Carbondale, Illinois.
Harry Daniel Elston ------ (Apr 12,19}h) -------- Anna Mae VenMatrs
Jan 28,1913
602-Iris Jeanette Elston ------ Aug 25,1935 *-'-
603-Alice Faye Elston ----- ---Dec 3,l937"--
60h-Anne Arleen Elston -------- May h,l9h2 ----
Anna Mae VanMatre, daughter of Delmar I. VanMatre and Izetta
Irvine; married by Rev. Gregory.
Elsberry, Missouri.
Richard Guy Elston --------- (Mar 2O,19h2) ------ Wanda Maurins Lyter
Sep 10,1921
605-Connie Lou Elston --------- Feb 5,l9U3 -~"
Richard G, Elston, born Tlsberry, Missouri; farmer; Bsntist;
Democrat; married St, Louis, Missouri, by Rev. Holland N. Dutton;
I.0.0¢F.; American Legion.
Wanda Maurine Lyter, daughter of Luther Alexander Lyter and
Roxis May Edwards, born Clarksville, Missouri; attended Gem City
Business College; Baptist; Democrat.
Address: Clarksville, Missouri
Mary Elizabeth Elstonu --~---- (Jan h,l9h7) ----~ Nathan Brady Hughes
Jun 2M,1909
Mary Elizabeth Elston, born Lincon County, Elsberry, Missouri;
attended Elsberry High School, Brown's Business College, St. Louis,
Missouri; Baptist; Democrat; married St. Louis, Missouri, by Dr.
C. O. Johnson.
Nathan Brady Hughes, born Houston, Texas; son of Nathan Asbury
Hughes and Mabel Clare Brady; attended University of Georgie,LL.B.;
Lawyer; Baptist; Democrat.
Address: Route #1, Buns, Texas.

606-Robert Stephen Taylor -----
607-Betsy Kay Taylor ----------
College; stenographer; Baptist; Democrat.
Kathryn Eileen E1ston--- ---(Feb 8,l939)------Robert Lee Taylor
Sep 29,1913
Kathryn Elston, born Lincoln County, Missouri; attended Elsberry
School, Lincoln County, Missouri; also attended Brown's Business
Robert Lee Taylor, son of Obadiah Cecil Taylor and Annabelle
Palmer; farmer; Democrat; married Elsberry Baptist Parsonage by
Rev. Ed D. Dausen.
Address: Elsberry, Missouri.
Sammy Cannon Mayes ------ (Apr lS,l9SO) ---- Carol Frances Walterscheidt
Jun 25,1930
608-Richard Cannon Mayes ------ Aug lB,l9Sl---~
609-Peggy Ann Mayes ----------- Jul 30,1953-
6l0-William Edward Mayes- -~--~ Sep l7,l9§S----
Samuel Cannon Mayes, son of Russell Taylor
Blanche Weeks, born ln Lincoln County, Missouri
High School, University of Missouri; Farmer and
Democrat; Alpha Gamma Rho; married at Morrison,
Mayes and
by William
Carol Francis Walterscheidt, daughter of S. H. Walterscheidt
and Emma Augustine; Catholic; Democrat; Typist in State Division of
Employment, Jefferson City, Missouri.
Richard weeks--- ---(Jun 27,l9Sl)--- -~-Bonnie Lee Stone
Sep 15,1931
611-Richard Guy Weeks ---- ---- Dec 5,1952 ---~
612-Kathy Lou Weeks ----------- Jul 9,l95U ----
John Richard "Dickie" Weeks, born Tlsberry, M1ssouri;ottended
Elsberry High School; Central College; Rublicam Business College:
Employee of Forrest Keeling Nursery, Elsberry, Missouri; married by
Rev. Marvin Fortel, Epworth Methodist Church, St. Louis, Missouri.
Bonnie Lee Stone, daughter of Henry Stone and Jessie
Stone; attended Elsberry High School, Lincoln County, Missouri.

Catherine Lou Weeks--- ---(
Jose h Wa ne Moran -----»--
613- . p y ,
olh-John Edward Moran ---------
615-James Moran~-- -»-------- --
616-Harold Edward Moran,Jr.,-
)--- ---Harold Edward Moran
Dec 27,1925
3.1952 --~-
5.1955 ----
21,1956 ----
graduate of Elsberry High Schoo
Catherine Lou Weeks, Baptist;
formerly employed by Bank of Lincoln County, Elsberry, Missouri.
Harold E. Moran, son of Hugh Moran and Margaret Weber.
llhO Redman Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
Marilyn Marsh--- ---- John Ohlar
Forest Leon Suddarth ---- ---(Jul 2,1932) ------- Virginia Lilley
61;-Patricia Suddarth ---- ---
ol -Leon Suddarth,Jr.
619-William Suddarth -----
2nd--- ---Ruth Farr
Mar §,1952
620-Leona Lois Suddarth ------- Jan 13,l9h9 ----
Forest Leon Suddarth, married at home of officiating minister,
Rev. L. D. Gregory, Elsberry, Missouri, to Virginia Lilley.
Virginia Lilley, daughter of I. L, Lilley.
Ruth Farr married tc Forest L. Suddarth in California
Louis, Missouri.
William Thomas Suddarth ------ (Apr 23,1937) ----- Gladys Armbruster
Edward Suddarth--
Joe Suddarth -----
-Madeline Suddarth ---- ----
-Rebecca Suddarth-
Janet Suddarth---
-Ph1111p suaearch-
Mar 2h,l9l6
;l9hO ----
22,l9h2 ----
22;l9H7 ----
15,1951 ----
15.1952 --'-
H.l956 ----

Gladys Armbruster, daughter of Jake Armbruster
Address: Clarksville, Missouri.
Johnny Wilson Suddarth -~----- (Wpr 3,l937) --------- Etta Mae Mayes
me %1m7
62?-Norma Dean Suddarth ------- Aug 10,1935 ----
625-Emily Jean Suddarth- ------ Aug 17,1939---'~
629-John Edward Suddarth ------ May 2,l9Uh ----
Etta Mae Mayes, dauchter of Junene Leora Mayes and Georgia Anna
Elsberry, Missouri.
Robert Mayes Suddarth -------- (Jul M,l93§) -------~ -Helen Burkamp
630-Robert Wayne Suddarth -~--- Jan 29,1935 ----
631-Gerald Suddarth ----------- Oct 29,l9Mh ----
2nd ---~--- (Jan l3,l9S2) ----- Mrs. Kay Jackson
Mrs. Kay Jackson, formerly married to Robert Jackson.
Address: 1521 Benton Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
Virginia Suddarth--- ---- Lewis Fritch
632-Eloise Fritch -------- ---- Nov 22,l9h2 ----
633-Louvlsa Ann Frltch -~-- ---Jun 13,l9h6
63h-George Robert Frltch ------ Jul 2O,l9U7 ----
635-Lewis Duncan Fr1tch--- ---Jun 1§,l9hB----
636-Julia Jane Frltch-~ ------- Mar
lO,19U9 ----
Lewis Fritch killed in auto accident.
Address: Clarksville, Missouri
a.Dec 1,1950

Geraldine Blackmore Suddarth ---- (Aug lC,19kO) ---- »Robart Wilson
637-Rena1e Barrett Wilson ----- lor l,l9h3 ---~-
638~Bonita Gail Wilson -------- Oct },l9hh -----
Robert Wilson, son of Barrett7;mechanlc for Turnbull Motor
Company, Troy, Missouri.
Address: Trov, Missouri.
Georgia Dee Suddarth---
Kathleen Crank
Graduate of Elsberry High School; Secretary and Bookkeeper.
EBel1 Blackmorel ---- e ------ (Apr 2B,l9h6) ---------- Darel Fox
639-Galen Gene Fox ---- -------- May 2E,l9hB ----
6hO-Donna Kay Fox ---- ---Aug 3O,l9SO--~-
ohl-Garet Fox ----------------- Oct S,l9S3~-~-
Edell Blackmore, married at home of Mrs. Mayes Blackmore by
John Peters.
Darel Foy, son of Wayne Fox; farmer.
Route #2, Fairfield, Illinois.
Blackmore ------- ---- a ----------------- Walter McClellan
6k2-Folly McClellan ---- ------Jan l2,l9hk----
6MB-Randy McClellan ----- ---May lU,l9h9----
2nd- ------~------------ James P. Tucker
130 Blackburn, Watsonville, California

*Robert Paul Blackmora,Jr., ---- (Oct lO,19h2) ------- Mildred Schroer
Mildred Schroer, from Old Nmnroe, Missouri.
Robert Paul Blackmore served U.S. Army, World War II
Thomas Randolph Dan1els--- ---(Aug lh,l9h2) -~----- Louisa Lyden
May 12,
2O,19M7 ----
oho-Sandra Sue Daniels -------- Aug 17,1950 ----
6h5-Robert Stephen Daniels ---- May
Thomas R. Daniels,
Missouri; served in U.S.
Louise Lyden, born
1815 Faller Drive, Dallas, Texas
Virginia Barnieca Daniel -~--- (Dec
oh?-Daniel Franklin Thoma ---- Jul
6MB-James William Thoma ----~- Sen
ohg-Marilyn Vaughan Thoma ---- Apr
1610 LaGrande Street, Huntsville,
Nancy Suzan Vann
Dottie Jo Vann
Myra Jane Vann
attended Paynesville High School, Paynesvllle,
Army during World War II.
Arcadia, Kansas.
11,l937) ------ James Thomas
May 139
l2,19h5 ----

Shirley Lee Watts ----- ---~ (Jan 9,l951) ----- Charles Dalton Mitchell
650-Barbara Denise Mitchell---Feb l5,l95h~---
651-Audrey Lynn Mitchell- --~-- Mar 21,1957---'
Shirley Lee Watts, attended Llndenwood CoHege, St. Charles,
Missouri, Kansas University, graduate of St. Mary's College,Lesven-
worth, Kansas; married Eoiscooal Church,Leavenwcrth, Kansas.
Charles Dalton Mitchell, son of Charles and Orrie Mitchell;
student at Kansas University.
John Curtis Watts
Attending Kansas University.
Marjcry Karen Watts
Betty Taylor
Gall Lucille Taylor
Mildred Lee Taylor
Sue Carol Miller

Jo Ann Patton--- ---(Aug ll,l95h) ----- Ronald Hartley
652-Rhonda Jo Hartley- --~----- May 25,l956----
652%-Chrystal Ann Hartley ------ Dec 26,1957 ----
Ronnie Hartley, son of Charles and Helen Taylor Hartley.
Elsberry, Missouri.
James Henry Patton
Michael Taul Patton
Jessie Edward Brown
Patsy Ruth Brown ---- ---(Jan 7,l956) -----~ William Creech,Jr.,
Sep 13.1933
653-Dana Katherine Creech ----- Sep 16,1957 ----
Patsy Ruth Brown, married by Rev. George Massey, Troy Christian
Church, Lincoln County, Missouri.
William Creech, son of William Creech,Sr., and Flora Witte of
Troy, Missouri
Address: Troy, Missouri (1957)
Michael Joe Brown

Robert Leroy Watts--- ---- (Jul 27,l956)--- ----- -Lela
65h-daughter ------------------ Dec 18,1956 ----
Married Sacred Heart Church, Troy,Missouri. Troy High School,
Troy, Missouri; Missouri University.
Charles Ronald Watts
Student at Missouri University.
Julia Ann Watts
Deborah Lou Evans
Kathryn Sue Evans
Otis Carl Watts,Jr.
Russell Wesley Watts
Dale Douglas Watts ------~- (Sep 28,l957) ----- Joan Elizabeth Haynes
Joan Elizabeth Haynes, daughter of Dr. Solon Earl Haynes;
married St. Francis aavier Church, Kansas City, Missouri
Jill Joann Watts

Cherie Lynn Watts
Terry Michael Watts
Diane Gall Waters
LaNora Ann Watts
Carolyn Lee Watts
William Gilbert Watts
Gereld Lee Harrell
Gilbert Littleton Dryden
Harrell Gregory Dryden
Burnadette Catherine Dryden

Janice Ann Waters ---- ---(Oct 27,l956) ----- Paul D. Bunker,III
oct 18,1937
Paul D. Bunker, III, son of Gen. William Bechler and Crystal
Carr. Attended Hanley Senior High, University City, Missouri
Sarah Lynn Waters
Edward Valvard Graves
Valhea Lou Granneman ----
655-Tamela Vest
656-Terra Vest ----
Fred Albert Granneman---
657-Kevin Lynn ----
William Thompson Wallace ------ (Nov
658-Thomas Eugene Wallace -----
659-Gary Bryan Wallace- -------
660-Wanda Belle Wallace -----~
661-Tins Marie Wal1ace--- ---
----Gene Vest
l9h6) ---- ---Nancee Winder
Aug l7,193U

l 127.
Jackie Stallard Wallace
Sarah Elizabeth Wallace ------- (Jun l7,l956) ----- Norman Otis Fines
Jun 20,1935
Dec 27,1957
Norman O. Fines, son of J. W. Fines of Pleasant Hill, Missouri,
and Mrs. hd Kerpash, Elsberry, Missouri. Served in U.S. Army.
Lewis Lynn Ccx---- ---(Apr l,l95O) ----~- Shirley Delores Wonsewitz
Apr 26,l93U
662-Linda Ann Ccx--- ------- Dec l,l950----
663-Connie Lee Cox--- ---- Sep 1O,195h----
66h-Patsy Lynn Cox ------------ Aug 13,1956 ----
Shirley Delores Wonsewltz, daughter of Charles and Minnie
Anna Dean Cox--- ---(Nov 25,l953)~-----John Thomas Colbert
Oct 7,1932
665-Terry Lee Colbert ----- ---Mar 1h,1956----
666-Sherrie Kay Colbert ------- Aug 30,1957 ----
John Thomas Colbert, son of John W. Colbert and Ethel Achor.
Ruby Ernestlne Ccx---- ---(Seo 22,l956) ----- Franklin Delano Brown
SSP 29.1935
667-Diana Lynn Brown --------- -Sep 17,1957 '-°~
Franklin Delano Brown, son of John Allen and Lucille Carsons

Susan Ann Cox
Roberta Jane Cox
William Edward Cox
Sherrie Ann Cox ---- ---- ( ,l956) -------- Charles Reed
668- Charles Thomas Reed -~---- Dec lh,l957 ----
Sherrie Ann Cox, Elsberry High School; Baptist.
Charles Reed, son of Homer Reed and Nellle Gray; attended Els
berry High School, Lincoln County, Missouri.
Gary Thomas Cox
Betty Lou Cox
John Curt Wells
Jack Curtis Trail ---- ---(Oct 19,l952) ---- ---Joan Elsie Beavers
Feb 11,1932
669-Terry William Trall ------- Jul 17,1953 ----
670-Jan Marie Trail ------ ----Deo l0,195M

Jack Curtis Trail, attended Burlington, Iowa High School; served
in U. S. Air Force during Korean Conflict; employed by Whclesgle
Grocery Company in Burlington, Iowa; married at Westminster Community
Church, Burlington, Iowa, by Rev. Malcolm D. Ludy.
Joan Elsie Beavers, daughter of Basil Beavers
316 Melrose Court, Burlington, Iowa.

Lillian Florence, X-268
John Kenneth K-205.
Marjorie Gail 556.
Armbruster, Gladys XI-hé9.
Arnold, lda X~255.
Bailey, Lillian May lX»l65.
Bancroft, Elsie Alice X~2h5.
Barrett, Gladys A-500.
Beauchamp, Rosemary KI-MO9.
Beavers, Joan Elsie X11-555.
Alexander Dudley 65.
Anna Catherine zéu.
Charles Dudley 261.
Charles Robert 14.29.
Elizabeth 155.
Eugene Thomas h§O.
Glen Gray L51.
Harry Taylor MEZ.
Henry Palmer 265.
Ida Belle lhl.
John Alexander 157.
Leon 279.
Leona 278.
Lucy Jane lhh.
Margaret Vaughan IMO.
Martin Henry éh.
Martin Henry V111-68.
Martin Taylor 1M§.
Martin Woodrow 277.
Nancy Catherine 1 6.
Nancy Catherine l 5.
Oliver V11-147.
Oscar Martin 260.

Roy Taylor 255.
Thomas Franklin M55
Thomas Martin 159.
William Henry ll2,
William Wesley 158.
Willie Vaughan 262,
Alfred Mark 569.
Mark Edward xl-581.
Natalie Sue 568.
Phyllis Ann 570.
Boeneger, I
Annie Lois Ol.
Daughter 6h .
Edell M76.
George Thomas IX-159
Isabelle h77.
Robert Paul §Oh,
Robert Paul, Jr. M78
Rubie Dee 502.
William Mayes §0§.
'Bruce 588.
David Thomas 537.
Donald George XI-M07-
Beuna Arlene
Doris Irene 5 7
Robert James X-228.
Robert Newton 58h.
William Clayton 533.
Winifred Euphemia 386.
e, Rebecca Virginia lX~lO9
Charles Col bus IX-117.
Diane Lynn 227.
n Dorothy Josephine X-259

Earl Harvey 255.
Franklin Delano Xl-527.
Ida Elizabeth 258.
obineevla 257,
Robert J. X-519.
William Beauchamp 559.
William Louis 256 .
William Louis, Jr. MO9.
Browne, Eleanor Sheppard XI-576
Bufford, Myrtle Elnora X~l97.
Bunker, Paul D., III. X1-517.
Burkamp, Helen XI~h71.
Burton Gladys X-217.
Busch, Atha Aiien, Xl-MMO
Busch, Joyce Dean, S936
Emily Jane 257.
George Washington IX-155.
Marian Elizabeth 256.
Anna Lee IX-175.
Cecil Whiteside 22h.
Clarence 222.
Cynthia Rebecca 561.
E. Russell K-210.
Elizabeth IX-157.
lea Elizabeth 57h.
Isabelle Mayes 221.
James Andrew 557.
John Lewis 577,
John Lewis, Jr. 553.
John Randolph IX-112.
Joseph Edwin 560 .
Mary Lucy 220.
Otto Bohmer IX~llO.
Ruby 225.
Ruby Melinda 575.
William Joseph 578,
William Olin 559.

Carbough, Ella Mae X-227.
Carr, Helen VIII-70.
Carver, Russia Allene X»229,
' Ermal X-aaa.
Talleyrand Hayne Ll5.
Charles Andrew hl2.
Grace Waddell X-195.
Jane Dean hll,
John Carlton hlO.
John Downing X-257.
John Thomas Xll~526.
Sherrie Kay 666.
Terry Lee 665,
Virginia Adeline 367.
Willard John Xl-5 O.
Willard Dwdren 566.
Conlee, Virginia Edna X-191.
Connors, Dolly IX-126%
Cook, Louella IX-98.
Shirley Arleen, X-l75
Frank Horace X-252.
Gary h19é
Addaline Vau han 186,
Anna Dean 522.
Betty Leu 555.
Connie Lee 665.
Edward Palmer 550.

Emma Jane 87.
Frederiok Marion 188.
Gary Thomas 352.
Helen Diana 6.
James Thompson 187.
Lewis Lynné225.
Linda Ann 2.
Margaret Alcinda VIII-57.
Mattie Rose 5h8.
Patsy Lynn 66h.
Roberta Jane 529.
Ruby Ernestine 527.
Sherrie Ann 351.
Susan Ann 52 .
Thomas Marion 551.
Thompson V111-55.
Valvard Gentry 5h9,
W. B. IA-102.
William Edward 550.
Wm. Thompson Valverd 85,
Helen Louise 1:1-589.
Kathleen H75.
Richard Henry X-502.
Dana Katherine 655.
Wil 1 im Jr . XI-l|,96 .
Cunningham, Edith Lorena IX-168
__x1- 98.
Bryan 58 ,
Harold 5 5.
Daniel, Nelle Lee lX<8l.
Patton Thomas X-505.
Robert Stephen 6h5.
Sandra Sue 6h6.
Thomas Randolph M7 .
Virginia Beruiece 80.

Arthur Buxton 525.
Chester Arthur X~256.
Jane Elizabeth MZM.
Addie Lucile 565.
Eugene Leon X-199.
Dillard, William Edward IN-128
Conlee 555.
Glendon Carl 55h.
Henry Harrison IX-86.
Leta Brown 190.
Nell Henry 192,
Rosanna Bell 139.
Roy Cox 191.
Dowar, Harry X-286.
Burnedett Catherine 516
Garett Gregory X-529.
oiiberc Littleton 5lh.
Harrell Gregory 515.
Dublin, Charlie Jean, X-175
Anderson Alexander 272.
Emma Belle 270.
Etta Susan lK»l57.
Robert Oscar IX-172.
Sallie D. 271.
Virginia Ann 551.
William Thomas IX-lhl.
Dunn, Erma Xl-582.

East, Edith Ethel Turner, X-270
Edmonds, John Louis, IX-120
Elliott, Hope Kimball, v1r1~51
Ellis, Charles William, 125
Emmett Emerson, IX-92
Eunice, 251
Jacob Whiteside, VIII-60
Joanne, M20
Lenora Catherine, 252
Lillian, X-25h
Lorena, 12h
Lou Altha, X-295
Lou Altha, 196
Mary Ann, l22
Meydee, 253
Mona, 250
Raleigh Duncan, 123
Raymond Elsberry, l97
Silas Kirby, 1265
Stephen Franklin Mayes, 126
Steve, M21
Walter Edwin, 25h
Elsberry, Emily Alice, 58
Louise Catherine, 91
Margaret A. Mayes, 90
Mary Willenna, 92
Olevia Anne, 89
William, 87;
William Lewis Candus, VIII-E6
Elston, Alice Faye, 603
Anno Arleen, 60h
Connie Lou, 605
Curtis Mayes, D59
Guy Cannon, X-29h
Harry Daniel, M60
Iris Jeanette, 602
Kathrine Eileen, U63
Mnry Elizabeth, M62
Richard Guy, H61
Ersyen, Gail Lynne, 593k
Lewis Daniel, 593L
Vic, Jr., XI-MM]
Vickye Jaan, 593j
Evans, Ansel Eugene, X~32l
Deborah Lou, S01
Doris Fay, X-257
Kathryn Sue, S02

Far, Ruth, XI-U68
Farmer, Grace, IX-162
Fehleg, Corrine, X-325
Field, imma, lx-161
Fines, Norman O., Xl-52h
Foley, Charles Franklin, 216
Earle Randolph, IX-160
Ethel Vaughan, 305
Orwln Mayes, 215
Thomas Elmo, 217
Thomas Lee, IX~lO7
Watts Maher, 306
Ford, Gertrude Ellen, X-231
Marilyn, M05
Randolph Thomas, 233
Sadie May, 23M
Thomas Jefferson, IX-116
Fowler, William Chwrles, IX-75
Fox, Darel, XI-M76
Donna Kay, 6hO
Galen Gene, 639
Geret, ohl
Franco, Rose, XI-3h5
Frlnk, Dorothy Mae, X-325
Fritch, Eloise, 632
George Robert, 63h
Julia Jane, 636
Lewis Duncan, 635
Lewis, XI-M72
Louvise Ann, 633
Fry, Edith Elizabeth, 205
Cordon Earl, 206
Joseph Carroll, IX-103

Gallagher, Steve Carl, XI~hMb
Gallagher, Susan Paulette, 593m
Galloway, Earl, X-23h
son, M06
son, boa
Winona, M07
Gentry, Anna Elizabeth, X-157
Gibson, Velma June, XI-U25
Gilkeson, Loucetta Cordelia, IX-113
Gillette, stewart M., 177%
Victor William, IX-78
Victor William, Jr., 177%
Victor William, III, 339
Gilliland, Gordon, KI~39O
Gleeson, Julia, IX-ISE
Gonzales, Severe Gomez, IX-75
Gordon, Norman Adolph, X-198
Goul, Hamilton LeRoy, IX-120
Grannemen, Fred Albert, 521
Jerri, XI-521
Kevin Lynn, 657
Valhea Lou, 520
Graham, William Raymond, XI-M39
Graves, Edward Valvard, E19
Mary Lou, 3h7
M. Fisher, X-186
Roy Cox, BMS
Virginia Rose, BU6
Gray, Ina Bess, X-261
Green, Mary Ann, IX-BU

Gregory, Emmett Charles, MSS
Clarence, hug
James, USO
James A., X-251
Mary Margaret USB
Melva Mae, USL
Ruth, M56
walter Louis, M52
William, M51
Griffiths, Ann Cannon, 373
John Bernard, X-221
Gross, Jerrold Marstan, Eh)
Stanley Marlon, XI-366
Stevan Marley, SME
Guy, Susanna Turner, VIII-S7
Hackethorn, David Lyon, S53
Harry Bert, XI-37S
John Cannon, S52
Susan Melinda, SSM
Halley, Nancy V., IK-167
Hammaek, Barbara Jean, S39
Bruce Napoleon, IX-1hO
Carol Jane, 5uo
Clarette, 266
Dennis Lee, D37
Jamest Ernest, X~l9U
Mary Lee, 267
Otis Martin, 268
Ronald, M36
Sharon Lee, Shl
Thomas Taylor, XI-362
Hamel, Pearl Gertrude, IX-119
Hand, Wilbur Hendrick, IX-77
Harrell, Gerald Lee, 513
Littleton Jessie, IX-169
Opal Lee, 329
Orvel, X-267
Owen Watts, 328

Harrington, infant, 597
Linda Kay, 59h
Marshall Howard, XI-MM6
Robbin Reed, 596
Tommy Kent, 595
Hart, Vernon D., XI-MOS
Leonard Randolph, S86
Hartley, Rhonda Jo, 652
Ronald, XI-M91 1
Ghrystal Ann, 6525
Hastcns, Martha Mae Shaw, IX-171
Hausgens, Maude, IX-16M
Nora Lucela, X-326
Haynes, Joan Elizabeth, XI-EOS
Henry, Ruth, X-197
Hicks, X-186
Hilton, Clinton, X-192
william Henry, 356
Hclthoff, XI-391
Teddie Glen, S79
Hoover, Andrew Jackaon,'IX-79
Andrew Jackson,Jr., 178
Hopke, Emma Tllzabeth, IX-101
Hopkins, Marv Inez, IX-167
Howard, Brenda Jean, 527
Charla Ann, SM
Charles Cannon, 369
John Randeloh, 371
Molly Ann, 372
Robert Thomas, 5MB
Thomas Cannon, X-220
William Kevin SM9
William Otto zBob), 370

Hughes, Nathan Brady, XI-M62
Hunter, Jane Willis, XI-370
Hutchens, Margaret Jane, X-232
Israel, Vlrgle Pearl, K-233
Jackson, Mrs. Kay, Xl~M7l
Jeans, Clarence, X-228
Clarence May, 383
David Clarence, E65
Dawn Elaine, 563
Glen Elwood, 571
Jessie Marlene, Sch
Judith Ann, ST)
Lola Virginia, 380
Margaret Catherine, 351
Thomas Edward, 572
Thomas Jefferson, 392
Vernon Millner Jr., S62
Vernon Millner, 379
Jeffries, Mary, VIII-66
Judie, Maude, IX-76
Keeling, Eva Colleen, X-ESS
Kemper, Alan Roy, 337
Alice Cecilia, 78
Anita Jane, 338
Anna Eliza, 52
Anna Juliana, 12
Anna Margarita, l0
Anna Margarita, 3
Anne, 31
Belshasar, 2
Gapitola Mar aret, 75
Catharine, 2E
Catherine, no
Catherine, 15
Catherine, M7
Charity Ann, Bo
Charles, 32
Charles Henry, X~l8O

Charles Henry, Jr., BMO
Dorothy, 20
Dorothy Jean, 332%
Elias, 3h
Elisha, 35
Elizabeth, 22
Elizabeth, 25
Emily, M5
Faith French, 77
French Fleury, M3
George, 1]
Guy Harmon, 176
Herman, 17
Henry, 21
Hope Elliott, 79
Howard Oliver, 175
Jacob, 19
James Henderson,
Johann, I-1.
Johannes, 5
Joel, 36
John, 16
John, 26
John, 7
John Henry, 8
John Howard; 332%
John George, M
John George, ll
John Peter, lb
Joseph, 33
Joshua, 38
Judia Faye,
Martin, 37
Martin French, 335
Mary, Uh
Mary, 30
Mary, 18
Mary Alice, 50
Matilda, M2
Matthias, 6
Moses, 27
Moses, 39
Nancy, U9
William Oliver, 76
William Octavlus, Sl
Paul, 9
Peter, 93
Rosanna, Ml
Rosanna, VI-37
Roy Frank, 177
Susan, 29
Susan Lynn 33h
Tillman, 26
William Daniel,

King, Jane Hammack, VII-M3
Kleb, Agnes, I1-M
Knapp, Daniel K., IX-122
Ellis Daniel, 2MB
Inez, 2h7
Thomas Columbus, 2h9
Kramer, Clarence H., X-313
Helen, X-31h
Lankford, Charles Lafayette, IX
Jane, hl9
Joseph, X-2h6
Lawson, Joseph Martin, XI-U19
Robert Allan, XI-D19
Levengood, Julia Lucinda, X-2h5
Lilley, Virginia, XI-M68
Llnhoff, Charles Walter, X-253
Lionberger, Clifford L., X~3l8
Jeannine Watts, h9h
Lipscomb, Mettle, IX-15M
Livesay, Jessie, X-272
Long, Kenneth Watts, 183
William Ellis, IX-52
Lyden, Louise, X1-M79
Lovell, Sidney S., XI-359
Low, Anna, I-l.
Luckett, Elnora, IX-166
Mary Jane , IX-55
Newton Levi, IX-90
Susan Louise, IX-10h
Lyter, Wanda Maurlne, Xl-M61

McClellan, Folly, 6M2
Walter, KI-H77
McCullough, Tula V., X-32h
MoDanold, Anna Elizabeth, IX~l27
McMahan, Stanley Morgan, X-317
Machlr, Ima Laura, K-236
Macy, Hlldreth Steel, TX-103
Martin, John Richard, M23
Kenneth Mayes, 255
Luther Leonldaa, IX-129
Mary Ellen, M22
Paulina Jane, VIII-66
Marsh, Cecil C., X-299
Marilyn, M67
Mayes, Amos Maker, 9
Anna Bell, 15
Archie Rawlston, 101
Augustus William Isaac, 292
Birdie Wells, 103
Burley Garner, 62
Catherine, 293
Catherine Clifford, 99
Charles Addison, 111
Charles Hddison, 5B
Charles Linn, 93
Charles Thomas, 213
Clara Pearl, 208
Clarence Gordon, 97
Clarlce Rose, 202
Cora, 107
Denis, 131
Edward Henderson, 207
Edward Laudory, 106
Elizabeth Frances, 219
Elizabeth Nelson, 133
Ella Elizabeth, 203

Elton, 63
Emma Lillian, 13M
Etta Mae, Xl~h70
Gladys Tvelyn, 20h
Guy Hurbort, 100
Hallie, 211
Hallie, 108 '
Hettle'Leene, 128
Infant, 363
James Lester, 598
John Seneca, 155
John William, M58
Lola Leota, 129
Lottie Temperance, 29h
Lucy Catherine, 297
Lucy Guy Davis, 95
Lourlnda Catherine, 60
Margaret Elizabeth, 96
Margaret Elsie, 212
Marian Lucile, 201
Ellen, 56
Elsie, 110
Eva, 210
Loverta, 130
Susan, 209
Virginia, 218
willena, 36h
Eugenia, 21h
Jane, 159
Estelle, 102
Temnerance, 132
Inn, 609
Ralelnh, VII-M5
Raleigh Emmett, 127
Raleigh Lewia,'l09
Richard Cannon, 600
Richard Martin, 157
Robert Duncan, 103;
Roy Wilkinson, X-196
Roy Wilkinson, 295
Russell Taylor, 296
Sammy Cannon, U6h
Sarepta knee, 59
Silas Wrivht, 61
Stephen Franklin, 57
Stephen Kirk, 200
Susannah Guy, 199
Thomas Dudley, 156
Walter, 105
Watson Elliott, 98
William Edward, 610
William Henry, VIII-67
Wllllam Oliver, 10h
william Ronald, 599

Mays, Minnie Etta, X-227
Ne1oan} Dorothy Mildred, 367
Ray Frank, X-212
Meyer, Clara Gertrude, X-32S
Miller, Frederick Calvin, X-311
George, XI-383
Richard craig, 575
Sue Carol, U90
Millner, Annls Jean, 393%
Barbara Kay, M01
Beunn Vista, 228
Beverly Jmwell, 396
Buford Vnrdeman, 232
Burdell Mackey, 339
Charles Newton, 39h
Frances Lucile, 393
Glendon Dee, 230
Glendorn, 392
Harry Randolph, 229
James Buford, M02
Janet Louise, 577
John Mackay, S76
Karen Lorlane, S78
Kathryn Knn,'UO3
Larry Edmond, STU '
Margaret Genevieve, 393
May Imogene, 39?
Minnie Catherine, 391
Newton D., IX-11S
Patricia Jeanva, moo
PSEEY AU", 399
Raleigh Clayton, 227
Robert Lee, 39S
Thomas Vardemau, MOL
Vincil Sledd, 231
Willalla Carver, 390
Mills, Clarence Gates, IX-95
Cora Clifton, 198
Mitchell, Albert Reed; IK-135
Andrey Lynn, 6S1
Hmrhsrn Denise, SSO
Charles Dalton, XI~M8M
Elva Pauline, X-263

Moore, Zula, IX-lhé
Moran, Harold Edward, XI-M66
Harold Edward, Jr., 616
James, 615
John Edward, 61h
Joseph Wayne, 613
Morgan, James, V-27
Sarah, V-27
Mountjoy, Arthur, 290
Charles Edward, IX-lh7
Hurley, 289
Nellie Mae, 286
Nslley, Mary Della, IX-156
Nelson, Bsthsheba Jena, VIII-61
Ohler, John, h67
Omnhundro, Margaret U., X-213
Palmer, Eldie, X1-M20
Eliza, VII-UB
James Franklin, 269
James Franklin, IX-lhl
Loucetta May Belle IX-l
N811 Evnline, x~3oI]
Vesta Vera, X-188
William Walter, 592
Parks, Mary Lynn, XI~37l
Patton, Anna Amends, 315
Henry, IX-16S
James Henry, M92
Jo Ann, M91
Joseph Nixon, 316
Michael Tuul, M93
Peasel, Jane Rsenet, 590
Raymond Thomas, XI-hll

Melinda, ES6
William Barney, X-223
William Randoloh, 376
William Randolph, II, SSE
Perkins, Verla Joyce, X-177
Peters, Herbert, X-256
Pitman, Kay, X-177%
Pixley, Thomas Dawson, 551
William Gannon, 550
William Irwin, xr-37h
Plassey, Richard, XI-383
Ponder, Carroll, X-320
Potts, Naeley, IX-152
Powell, Dr. Cecil W., X-21h
Etta Jean, 368
Pryor, Elizabeth Jane, IX-121
Rader, Effie May, lx-118
Geraldine, X-185
Reed, Cecil Price, X~271 Rggd,
Charles, XII-E31 Read,
Infant son, DMS
Mildred Bernice,
Milton Alexander, hhé
Harry S., XI-367
Julia Elizabeth,
Martha Lucille, X-332
Martha Virginia, XI-369
Richards, Ruby Lee, X-23h
Hamilton William, X
Richard Watts, 3u2é
Robert Daniel, 3hE
Roblyn, Bhl
Robbins, Jack William, M27
Jack William, X-257
Peggy Ann, M26
Roberta, Reba Ann, XI-350
Robinson, George Lee, X-218
Charles Thomas, 668
Edmond Lanhoi, 59Jb
Juanita Joan, 5939
Robert G1ondon| 59 A
Rolland Klenk, XI~ 39

Sandbach, Geraldine, XI-hh2
Sanders, Mary Jane D., VIII~58
Schaffer, X-255
Schoen, Betty Ann, XI-361
Schroer, Mildred, XI-M78
Schwarey, Henry A, XI-MMM
Scclmen, Robert, X-2h2
Scott, XI-397
Margaret Eugenia, IX-105
Mildred Key, §9O
Patricia Ann, S82
Richard Lee, 551
Seckman, T. Clarence, IX-120
Settles, Elizabeth Lenora, IX-113
Shannon, Rachel Temperance, IX-15S
Shaw, Martin French, Sb
Rosanna Jane, "S
William, V11-ui
Thelma Virginia, XI-hhl
Shoemaker, Harry Ezra, IX-120
Shoop, Doris Eleanor, XI-376
Shore, Richard Eugene, XI-M16
Singleton, Barbee Candus, 195
Beulah Elsberry, 193
Lols Elizabeth, 19h
Ruth Olevla, 362
Samuel Tlcen, IX-59
Sleet, Francis Marlon, XI-365

Sonith, Elma Dora, XI-379
Spence, Eva Catherine, X-216
Sprinrston, Ruby Frances, X-230
Steele, Fannie Randolph, VIII-58
Stirmllnger, Anne Mayes, 295
Hardin Robert, IX-155
Jennie Dee, 299
Magdalene Nora, IX~17O
Raymond Sebastian, 300
Elvera C., X-322
Stone, Rollo, X-292
Bonnie Lee, XI-M65
Lucretia Jane, IX-B3
Stratton, Doris Marie, XI-377
Suddarth, Albert Quincy, IX-136
Anna Virginia, M72
Archie Duncan, X-301
Cora Etta, 259
Edward, 621
Emily Jaan, 628
Johnny Wilson, 370
Forest Leon, ho
Georgia Dee, h7b
Gerald, 631
Geraldine Blackmore, M73
Janet, 62S
Joe, 622
John Edward, 629
Laura, 258
Leon,Jr., 618
Leona Lois, 620
Madeline, S23
Norma Dean, 627
Patricia, 61?
Phillip, 626
Rebecca, 62M
Robert Mayes, M71
Robert Wayne, 630
william, 619
william Thomas, h69

Tant, Gaston, X-273
Tate, Marion Gordon, IX-91
Albro Weis Bailey, 310
Anna Pauline, 313
Betsy Ka , 607
Betty, MET
Charles Christopher Winklemcyer, 31h
Elizabeth, V-27
Elizabeth Ville, 311
Emma Pith1ana,'VIII~73
Florence Ville 165
Floyd Nixon, 16h
Forest Edwin, 163
Gall Lucille, M88
George Edwin, 309
George Nixon, VIII-Tl
Mildred Lee, M89
Richard Tolbert 312
Robert Lee, XI-663
Robert Stephen, 606
Kenneth Edward , X-238
Uanlel Franklin, 6h7
James, x1~u8o
James William, 6h8
Marilyn Vaughan, 6h9
n, Vecie Laverne, X-265
Thurmond, Sue Fanillo, IX-100
Frances Olevla, 359
Doran Frisble, 361
Jack Curtis, S35
James, S36
Jan Marie, 670
Joseoh Francis, E37
Mary Vucile, 357
Richard Curtis, 360
Richard Curtis, X-193
Samuel Rose, 3S5
Susan, 538
Terry William, 669
Thomas Homer, X-159
william W. , IX-13L|.

Trescott, Margaret Rebecca, X-22h
Triplett, Bernice, XI-3§l
Mary E., IX-171
Tucker, Bessie Irene, TY-1hS
Mattie Bella, X-303
James P., XI-M77
Utterback, Alice, III-7
VanMatrs, Kuna Moc, XI-M60
Vann, Dottie Jo, M82
Jack, X~307
Myra Jane, M53
Nancy Susan, M81
Vanwagner, Marian Dora, XI-BSN
Vest, Gene, XI-520
Tamela, 655
Terre, 656
Vinamen, Helen, X-306
Wsffenschmied, Anna Margarita, II-M
Wallace, Gary Bryan, 659
Jackie Stallard, 523
James Bruce, h3h
Mary Ellen, M35
Otls a., xl~3L|8
Sarah Elizabeth, 52h
Thomas Eugene, 658
Tina Marla, 661
Tom, X-266
william Thompson, 522
Wanda Belle, 660
Walterscheldt, Carol Frances, XI-t6

Glare, IK-126
Lutie Belle, IX-125
J. Bartlett, K-Zhl
James Bartlett, Jr., Mlh
Ada Viola, IK-155
Clark Cannon, 332
James Aaron Kenneth, 330
Jams Foley, v111~7u
James Kelley, 173
Janice Ann, S17
Katherine Nelson, 17h
Landy Phillip, 170
Laura Bell, 172
Sarah Lynn, E18
Valle waccs, l71
Andrea, S93
Blanche Emeral, A38
Emogena, hh]
Ernest Everett, M28
Freida Bernice, M39
Grover Oak, X~27O
Gwen Andrea, 593g
Harry Dudley, HMZ
John Dudley, 5939
John Everett, X-255
John Thomas, hhl
Judith Louise, §93f
Kathleen, Uhh
Kevin, S93h
Melba Mildred, MMO
Ada Lou, 153
Amanda Ville, 72
Anna D'Arline, 180
Bessie Lee, 169
Carolyn Lee, 511
Charles, 151
Charles Ronald, M99
Cherie Lynn, 50?
Clarence Duel, U1
Clarence William,
Claudius Consent 167
Curtis Frank, 305
Cynthia Sue, 3h&
Dale Douglas, 505
Diana Gail, 509
Dornthy Nelle, 181
Douglas Russell, 3k3
Earl Uesley, 323
Edward, 15h
Emily Mildred, 71
Emmett, 152

Emmett, 250
Ermal Lovelace, 317
Ernest Columbus, 165
Ernest Eugene, 327
Ethel, 281
Ethel Grace, 52
Ewing Henry, 162
Frances Bell, 160
Frances Irene, 307
Howard Kemper, Hu
Howard Kenneth, 287
James, 150
Jerry Robert, X-32h
Jessie Edward, M95
Jill Joann, 506
John Curtis, MHS
John Frederick, 1MB
John Seneca, 161
John Wiseman, 66
Julie \nn, SOO
LaNora Ann, E10
Laverne Taylor, 326
Lels, XI-M98
Lillian Katherine, 3
Lou Anne, lh9
Margaret Ann, 18h
Marilyn Key, M57
Merjory Karen M56
Martha mee, 75
Martin Taylor, 70
Mary Jeno, 63
Mary Jeno, VIII-Eh
Mary Lee, X-32h
Mar, Lou, MMU
Metzlda Catherine, 67
Michael Joe, M97
Moses Russell, H3
Nancy Frances, VIII-65
Nancy Francis, 69
we111e, 291
Otis, 235
Otis Carl, 322
one Cerl,Jr-, G03
Owen, 282
Patsy Ruth, use
Reginald Lee, 325
Reuben, 28h
Rex Barton, X-291
Robert Leroy, U95
Robert Reece, 32h
Russell, 185
Russell Wesley, SOM
Ruth Elmo, 321
Seneca, VIl~h9

Watts, Shirley Lee, MSM
Susan Natalie, 1h7
Terry Michael, 508
Thelma Ardls, 318
Viola May, 206
welter Leroy, 320
Walter Lovelace, 166
Wesley French, 73
William Edward, 179
William Gilbert, 512
William Jennings, 253
William Thomas, lhé
William Wiseman, V111-52
Weaver, Ann, IV~l6
Weeks, Catherine Lou, M66
Cora Blanche, X-296
John Richard, M65
Kathy Lou, 612
Richard Guy, 61l
Virgil Stuckert, X-297
Wehrmann, Hermann, 270
Weidner, Marian Josephine, x-303
wells, Benjamin Downing, 353
Benjamin Henr , X-190
John Curt, 535
,Mary Virginia, 352
Weyner, X-251
Wheatley, Charles Carroll, IK-lhh
Charles Wilson, 275
Martha Frances, 273
Nancy Irene, 27h
William Franklin, 276
Wheeler, Malvina, X~2BO
Wigglnton, Ida Dawson, X-222
Wilkins, Betty Penn, X-Qhh

Wilkinson, Mordecai Watts, IX-90
Winder, Nancee, XI-522
Wilson, Bessie Mae, K-197
Bonita Gail, 638
Robertf XI-M73
Ronald\Earrett, 637
Wonsewitz, Shirley Delores, XI-525
Worley, George Arthur, XI-368
John Patrick, She
Merry Sue, 5M5
wright, Dorothy, X-316
Whiteside, Edwin Ellis, VIII~59
Charles Forest, llh
Edwin Forest, 118
Edwln`Kenhbth, 239
Edwin Richard, 2h5
Edith Mabel, XI-Hug
Emma Deon, ll7
Franc is Edwin, 2L|3
Gladys Rebecca, 226
Helen, Zul
Howard Wallace, M13
Ida Glovina, ll2
Jacob Vardeman, 121
Joseph Vance, 225
Judith Ann, M18
Ketheryn, 2h2
Laura Penn, M17
Lenora, 116
Marthe.Belle, Xl~u5B
Mary, V-23
Mary Lola Catharine, ll5
Myrtle Prudence, 120
Norris Tal, Zhh
Odessa, XI-360
nalelgh Ewing, 113
Robert Gerald, 2hO
Talleyrand Rayne, 119
Victoria Pearl, U16
wlnlfred, 2u6