The Descendants of Alexander Harvey 1957 Raw OCR File
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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE DESGENDANTS DF ALEXANDER HARVEY lj /f5'7 THE HARVEY NAM The Harvey name is derived from two Saxon words meaning an army fort and evidently had its origin in England prior to the Norman Conquest. It is one of the oldest among English family names and appears in the Domesday Book and other Saxon and Norman annalsa "Harvey (Saxon) from 'Here*, an army, and 'W1c', a fort." ARTHUR'S DICTIONARY OF NAMES, Page 15h. "Well distributed over England south of a line drawn from Hull to Chester. North of that line its frequency abruptly ceases. Is best represented in Essex, Hants and Kent, This name in the reign of Henry I took the form of Harvey and Hervi and was found in London and Cambridgeshirea (Hundred Rolls). Herve is an ancient Norman personal name. Harvey is also found in many parts of Scotlande Guppyis HOMES OF FAMILY NAMES, page 53. TH HARVEY FAMILY The Harveys came early to America, and settled in prac- t1cally.al1 parts of the country then open to colonization. When the Census_of 1790 was taken, families of that name were returned from every state, comprising a total of 556 families with an Aggregate of l,9Oh persons. The immigration of families of the name was evidently from both England and Scotland, and the Harvey hams appears in practically all Colonial and Revolutionary records Four Harvey genealogies are en file in the Library of Congress as follows: "The Harvey Book" by Oscar James Harvey, published in 1899; "Rev. Erastus Harvey and His Descendants" by Howard H. Harvey published in 1912; "The Ancestry of Col. John Harvey" by John Harvey Treat, published in 1907; and "The Des- eendants of Elisha Harvey" by Rev. John William Kappenberger, published in l9lh. It has been impossible to connect the Missouri branch of the family with any of those recorded in these genealogies, and unless the official records of the Virginia counties in which the family is known to have lived supply missing data it is lm- probable that the family history can be traced beyond Alexander Harvey the progenitor ef the Missouri Branch. The county histories of Norfolk County, Orange County, Albemarle County and Amherst County, while supplying a wealth of data relative to various Harvey families, make no mention of any from whom the Missouri family can be traced. One of the descen» dants in Missouri (V-53) is said to have made an exhaustive and costly investigation through professional genealoglsts, but was unable to establish Revolutionary service or trace the line back to the emigrant Harvey. The Census of 1790 returns 59 Harvey families for the State of Virginia as follows: (Each name given is the head of a separate family living in the state in 1790. The figures give the page of the census book and are followed by the name of the county from which the family was returned. As the census records for Virginia were destroyed when the British burned the Capitol at Washington in 18lh, the census records for_V1rg1n1a are incomplete and the absence of a name ls not conclusive evidence that such a family was not living in any particular county or in the state in 1790. 1. 2. Amelia Harvey, . Barnett Harvey, . Charles Harvey, ) Alexander Harvey, 9h 117. 3 0. O , Norfolk County. Richmond. Isle of Wight County. Charlotte County. New Kent County. Princess Anne County. Daniel Harvey, h8,'Amherst County. . Frances Harvey, 7h, Northumberland County . Gabriella Harvey, 117, Richmond. 9 20 21. 22 ln, Charlotte County. h2, Pittsylvania County. 68, Gloucester County. 90, Harrison County. 96, Orange County. 102, Princess Anne County. 117, R1Chm0nd» . Joseph Harvey, HO, Orange County. 2. Charles Harvey, 3. Charles Harvey, 9 10. John Harvey, ll. John Harvey, 12. John Harvey, . John Harvey, . John Harvey, 2. John Harvey, 1 . John Harvey, lg .!,' 22 .E 29 50 51 32. 2% 56 . Thomas . Thomas . Thomas . Thomas . Ksxiah Harvey, El, Isle of Wight County. . Margaret Harvey, 117, Richmond. . Mungo Harvey, 55, Lancaster County. Mungo Harvey, 91, Lancaster County. . Oneslphorous Harvey, Tn, Northunoerland County. (onesiphorous Dameron and several other Damerons in this same county - a coast county) . Onlsiphorous Harvey, 57, Northumberland County. . Patrick Harvey, 21, Frederick County. . Sinah Harvey, 57, Northumberland County. Harvey, HO, Orange County. Harvey, 96, Orange County. (Many Damerons in this co.) Harvey, Jr. (Son of John Harvey), lk, Charlotte County. Harvey, Sr., lk, Charlotte County. . William Hervey,(G.C.), 15, Charlotte County. . William Harvey, 50, Albemarle County, William Mallory Haggy, 51, Isle of Wight Countyu Daniel Hgrvie, 95, Amherst County. John Harvie, Bea., 80, Albemarle County. . Monte Earvle, H , Amherst County. . Richard Harvig, §9, Amherst County. Ao Richard Harrie, 5, imherst County. 5o. Willson Harvie, MB, Amherst County. 59. Nicholas Harvie, 109, Greenbrier County. we This wide distribution of the family ln Virginia at so early a date and a similar distribution of the family through the other colonies indicates a general immigration for many years prior to 1790 and from many sources and renders practically lm- possible the recognition of lines of descent unless supported by family records or genealogies or the will and probate records of the counties to which the branch of the family can be authen- tically traced. The following citations from a history of Orange County, Virginia may relate to men connected with early generations of the present Missouri family, but there is no evidence whatever to support such connection: "Thomas Harvey and Joseph Harvey were living in Orange County, Virginia in 1T82. Joseph Harvey enlisted in the Revolutionary Army and was enrolled in the company of Captain Francis Taylor from January 29, 1775 to March 17 of the same year. William Harvey also is enrolled in the company of Captain William Taylor." Insroay or ORANGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, by W. W. Scott, published 1907, page 252. I~l EXPLANATION Name ------------- - --------------- Name of spouse (Date of marriage) 2-Name -Name -Name 2-Name -Name 7-Name first Child--- second child third child--- fourth child fifth child- sixth child- Date Date Date Date Date Date Date of spouse's birth Date of spouse's death birth birth birth birth birth birth The Roman numerals on the left hand margin --Date of --Date of --Date of --Date of --Date of --Date of indicate death death death death death death the number of generations from Alexander Harvey. The figures next to the roman numerals indicate the number of the member of the family in the order of birth. THE HARVEY FAMILY. I"'1c (Unknown) Harvey ~----- ----- (Date of marriage 2-(Daughter)Harvey--Birth. -(Son) Harvey »--- ~»B1rth -Thomas Harvey~»--~Blrth 5-Alexander Harvey--Birth unknown) _unknown--- unknown--- unknown--- unknown--- Name of wife unknown Date of birth unknown Date of death unknown Death unknown Death unknown Death unknown Death unknown No definite record of this Harvey remains, either written or traditional. Mrs. Lahr (V-50) thinks he lived in England and that three of his sons, among them his son Alexander, emigrated to America and settled in Virginia, but does not vouch for the data as authentic. Mr. F. F. Harvey (IV-18) says there were three sons, Alexander, gotten, and a daughter mation is available. II"'2| Thomas and a son whose name he has for- who married a Mr. Snow. No further infor~ (Daughter) Harvey --------------------- (Unknown) Snow. (Marriage date unknown) Birth unknown Death unknown This daughter was married in Virginia according to Mr. F.F. Harvey (IV-18) and spent her entire life there. She was married to a Mr. Snow but nothing further is known of her or her family. II-5. (Son) Harvey- -------------~--» ~---~-'~ Uhm&PPi0d» This son is said by Mr. F. F. Harvey (IV-18) to have died unmarried in Virginia. No further information. II-M. Thomas Harvey ------------------------- Unknown Thomas Harvey served in the Revolutionary army in a company of Virginia Militia, and was killed in battle, according to Mr. F. F. Harvey (IV-18). It is possible that this is the Thomas Harvey mentioned as living in Orange County in 1782 in Scott's History of Orange County, Virginia, although hardly probable. No information as to whether he was married. fu, . II'5 0 Alexander Harvey --------------- ------- Name of wife unknown (Marriage date unknown) Birth date unknown Death date unknown 6-Francis Harvey -------- May 2, 1790 ---- -f-May 25, 1860 7-Augustin Harvey ------- Jan 29, 1797 -------- Oct 2, 1862 Nothing is known of Alexander Harvey except his name and that he was living in Virginia at the time of the birth of his son Francis. The Census of Virginia for 1790, the year of the birth of that son, gives only one Alexander Harvey as the head of a family, and he is returned from Norfolk County, one of the coast counties and entirely across the state from Albemarle, Nelson and Orange Counties in which the family is known to have been living thirty years later. However, as the census records for Virginia were burned in 181k by the Br1tish,_and the remain- lng records for that state are very incomplete this omission is not conclusive. Note; As Norfolk County is on Hampton R ads; one of the great harbors of the Atlantic coast and a por of entry to emi~ grants arriving ln Virginia, it is possible.that this is a record of the Alexander Harvey (11-5) above and indicates him as the emigrant and fixes approximately the date of the arrival of the family n America. This would corroborate the version of Mrs. Lahr¢(II-50) that Alexander was one of three brothers who came to America together, but there is no documentary evidence on which to base such a conclusion. 111-6. Francis Harvey ---------------- ------ Melinda Dameron (Unknown) June 15,180 July 17,187 8-Caroline Page Harvey ------- Apr 50, 1822---Oct , 1889 9-Nicholas Augustus Harvey---Aug 27, 1825 Jan , 1909 10-Sarah Elizabeth Harvey ----- 11-Susan Dameron Harvey ------~ Feb 12, 1829 May 17, 1306 12-Littlepage Dameron Harvey--Jun M, 1850 Apr 7, 1 62 1 -Thomas Alexander Harvey ---- Jan 20, 1852 Aug 2, 1309 1 -Lucy Ann Harvey ------------ Oct 27, 185 Aug ll, 1 52 15-Virginia Ann Harvey -------- Apr 15, 185 Feb 7, 1300 16-Melvinah Salina Harvey ----- Feb 9, 185;--~Oct 50, 1 38 lg-James Columbus Harvey ------ Jun 5, 185 ---Oct 20, 18 8 1 -Francis Floyd Harvey ------- Nov 17, 18 9 Jan 28, 1922 19-Margaret Elnore Harvey ----- Sep ln, 1831 Feb 20, 1300 20-John Andrew Harvey --------- Apr 15, 18h Sep 6, l 9 21-Mary Ann Harvey ------------ Jun 1, 18 Apr E, 18 6 22-Melinda Edith Harvey ------- Oct 50, l8h5 Feb , 1952 Francis Harvey was born in Orange ounty, Virginia, in 1790 (Head stone in family cemetery). He was married to Melinda Dameron about the year 1820 and either was living in Nelson County; Virginia at the time or moved there soon after, as he was living in Nelson County in 1825 at the time of the birth of his son Nicholas. (Census return for Nicholas Harvey for 1850 and History of Lincoln County, Pe 5H9). As Orange County borders on the northern edge of Albemarle County, the county in which his wife was born, and Nelson County borders on_the southern edge of Albe- marle, it may be inferred that he was born, reared and married in what in pioneer times amounted to the same neighborhood. About the time of his marriage Francis assumed the manage- ment of a'large farm owned by a Judge Reeves, an absentee landlord Ho continued as superintendent of the Reeves plantation for nine years at an annual salary of $550, competent salary in those days of limited specie. The remarkable thrift and management of his wife made his household self supporting and he was able each year to put out the $550 at 12% compound interest. When he decided to resign the management of the farm Mr. Reeves offered him an in- crease of $100 a year if he would sign a contract for two years but the lure of free land in the West towards which the tide of emigration was already setting strongly from.Virginia and the Carolinas, decided him and he declined Mr. Reeves' generous offer. Accompanied by one companion, a friend by the name of Emanuel Poor, he made a prospecting trip from Virginia to Missouri on horseback in 1829, and bought a tract of land in Lincoln County, on Bryant's Creek about three miles due north of New Hope, then the thriving metropolis of Eastern Lincoln. He returned to Vir- ginia and in 1851 (must have been later as Thomas Alexander (15) was born in Virginia) came with his family to establish here a home destined to become one of the noted homes in that section. The house erected by his slaves on a knoll Jutting out into the bottom lands which were the source of his wealth still stands. The frame is constructed of sawn oak fastened together with wooden pins and it was said at the time it was constructed that it could have been rolled about like a bird cage without breaking it apart, and the masonry foundation laid without mortar is still beauti- fully symetrical after more than a hundred years. Here was . brought the first carriage, the first piano and the first sewing machine seen in Lincoln County. Francis was both prosperous and progressive and brought with him the old Virginia customs of social intercourse and hospitality. The Harvey homestead and the large family of boys and girls with the numerous slaves that swarmed about the servants quarters, the rich abundance supplied by its fertile bottom fields and upland pastures, and its location on the principal road to the north, then the nearest road paral- leling the Mississippi traversable at all seasons, made it one of the social centers of two counties. Two of the slaves, Campbell and Eli, were very proficient on the "fiddle", and in the evening when the young people had gathered for a frolic with Campbell and Eli in attendance it was not an unusual occurrence for the clock to be surreptitiously turned back prolonging the festivities until a forbidden hour in the evening when it would be again turned forward to conform to sunrise in the morning. The first six children were born in Virginia and the eldest was but nine years old at the time of their removal to Missouri. There were fifteen children in all and Francis took great care in their training, Like the typical citizen of the Old Dominion, Francis was a staunch advocate of education. No public school was available in the neighborhood, so while the children were ' s small he secured a teacher and maintained a school an his home to which came many children of his neighborhood as well as his own. When the children were older he took the entire family to spend the winters near good schools. The winters of 185 and 1855 were spent in Louisiana, Missouri, and the winters of 1 56 and 1357, in_Troy, in both of which excellent schools flourished at that time. All of the children were given opportunities for advanced study. Littlepage attended the University of Virginia. Thomas and Floyd were students at Missouri University from which the latter was graduated as a civil engineer. Columbus was for two years at the United States Military Academy at West Po1nt.Caroline and Elizabeth were for several years at Lindenwood College at Saint Charles. Susannah attended school ln Clarksville, Missouri and Pittsfield, Illinois, both noted schools of that day, and St. Louis where she took dancing fnam Prof. Zorpee, an eminent educator. Lucy and Virginia were for a number of terms at Monti- cello College at Godfrey, Illinois and at Pittsfield, Illinois and Saint Louis, Missouri. Margaret Elnora was a student in Saint Louis and Little Rock, arkansas. Melinda Edith was a stu- dent at Visitation Convent, Saint Charles. Francis was considered a man of exceptional business ability_ At a time when ten thousand dollars was looked upon as a compe~ tency in his locality, and assessments were systematically low, the Census of 1850 assessed his property as, realty $2h,800; personality &1b16,50o; total 5,L|.L1,500. At the time of his death ten years later, after having given each of his children a farm or its equivalent, he owned 700 acres of land, many slaves, and other property in proportion. Francis was a devout member of the Baptist Church and a lifelong Democrat. In physique he was more than six feet tall, of fine proportion and commanding presence. It is related that he had his boots blacked every day and that he wore a tall silk hat at all times. He is buried beside his wife in a family cemetery which he established on a knoll just across the public road from his home. Before his death he had enclosed the cemetery with a stone wall planned to stand for all time and to be a landmark for future years. But within fifty years after his death the busy town of New Hope had become a deserted village, and inter- state highways had diverted the tide of traffic which flowed past his door leaving the once populous road a mere lane. The great establishment has disappeared; the farm has been cut into small holdings, and the cemetery in which he lies is remote and desolatr with fallen walls and broken gravestones. Once one of the noted and influential men of his community his name has been forgotten save by those few loyal descendants whose affectionate pride in his character and achievements preserves for their children the memory of their pioneer forefathers. Francis Harvey was a friend and supporter of Senator Thomas Hart Benton and Benton would spend the night at the Harvey home Whom passing through. At the political meetings he always invited Francis to sit with the dignitaries on the platform and in the course of his speech would refer with a wave of his hand to "my friend Harvey"; .. , ' *_ were a number of books with "Compliments Benton" on the flyleaves. in the old Harvey home of Senator Thomas Hart the History of Lincoln County, Missouri, published in 1868, page 5h9 and the Bio- graphical History of Saint Charles, Warren and Lincoln Counties, published in 1890, page 505. For reference see by Dr. Joseph A. Mudd, His wife, Melinda Dameron, daughter of Littlepage Dameron (1779-l8h8) and Susannah Turner (17 h-1850) married in 1802, was born in Albemarle County, Virginia in 180h. Her maternal grandfather william Turner (1757-1817), married 1785, died at Amherst Court House, where his will is recorded under date of 1805 (says Nicholas M. Bell V-28 but this is evidently error). Assisted Washington and Jefferson in surveying land in Kentucky, says V-28, (but this also is evidently in error as Washington and Jefferson did not survey in Kentucky) (1757-1817) who was married to Elizabeth Thurmond (born 1760) on June 1, 1785, was a private in the company of Captain Francis Taylor of the 2nd Virginia Regiment, and fought at Stony Point and at Germantown. (History of Albemarle County, Virginia, page 571) (Also, Mlssour Register, Sons of American Revolution. 1907-1909, page 159). She like her husband was a communicant of the Baptist Church and lies beside him in the family cemetery. The name of her father does not appear in the list of heads of families in the Census of 1790 for Virginia, but her family should be easily traced as there were but 17 Dameron families in the United States in 1790 and lh of them were returned from Virginia. 1 Melinda married Francis Harvey, Lizzie married Phil Thurmond, Susan married William Wells (Susan #11 named for her). These three sisters together had forty' children. III-7 Augustine Harvey----- ----Mildred Palmer 2 -Ardena Sarah Harvey--(unknown) ---------- -(unknown) 2 -Mildred Ann Harvey---Jul ll,18h5 --------- Aug 17,1867 2nd---~ ----------------- ---- Matilda Halley (Dee 10, 1852) Jul' ag, 1851 Aug 1 , 1819 22-Mary Elizabeth Harvey-Sep 7,l855--- --»~ May 9,19 5 2 -William Andrew Harvey-Oct 17,l857- -~----- D80 5,19 3 Augustin Harvey was born in Virginia and followed his brother Francis to Missouri where he secured land near the present church of Star Hope. He was twice married, the reached the age of 60. family adjoining his yard. last time after he had cemetery in orchard Mildred Palmer, daughter of John William Palmer and Louisa Riddle, was born in Fauquier County, Virginia, and was a sister of Cordelia Palmer who marrled Martin Joseph Mays, see #M Mays Book, biographical record of St. Charles and Warren Go. po 558. Her grandfather served in the War of 1812 and her great grand- father in the American Revolution. Matilda Halley was born in Bedford County, Virginia and was brought by her parents to Missouri Whed air month old. Baptist. Subsequently married to Frederick Burger were born five children as follows: Ada Belle Burger --»------ ~--- -Feb John Frederick Burger~ -------- Aug Joseph Edward Burger-- ----~°~- Oct Mary Jane Burger -»------- ---- -Sep Benjamin Franklin Burger- --*-- Jan Caroline Page Harvey--4May l,18hO)- 2;-Lou Washington Bell -------- Feb 2 -Nicholas Montgomery Bell---Nov 29-Lucy Melinda Bell ~--- ------ Aug 50-Theodore Preston Bell ------ 5l~William Avery Bell, Jr, ---- 52-Thomas Alexander Bell- ----- Oct April ZZ, 1865 to whom 15, 1866 ----- ' 11, 1867 ----~ 12, 18b9 ---*- 20, 1871 ----- a 1875* ""' =-Qwllliam Avery Bell Jun 6,181h Nov 5O,l89h 22,l8hl ---- 2,18h2 ~--- Aug 51,1951 11855 "" 12,1862 ---- Sep 19,1925 Caroline Page Harvey was born in Virginia and came with her father to Missouri at the age of eleven. Student at Lindenwood College, Saint Charles Missouri and communicant of the Christian Church. Married in 18&®. Lived for many years on the present site of Elsberry. Is buried in the family cemetery at Locust Grove. William Avery Bell, son of Major William Bell, Sr., came from Kentucky to Missouri in 1818, and member of 5th General Assembly, Missouri, that assembled at St. Charles then in Pike County, the state capitol in 1923, and Melinda Grimes, was born at Mount Sterling in Montgomery County, Kentucky. Ancestors emigrated to America from Scotland in 1710 to what is now Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Major William Bell, Sr. married Peggy McCarthy. Peggy McCarthy also from Scotland of Scotch Irish des- cent. (N.M. Bell V-27). Buried, Lincoln County, Missouri Nicholas Augustus Harvey---(Feb 1, 185h) ------ Amy Jane Reid Jan 2§ 1851 .nm 2611890 5 -James Francis Harvey-- Dec 2, 1853 Jun 28,L927 5 -George Robinson Harvey Jul 27, 18% Jan 21,1351 §2~Luoy Robinson Harvey»- Dec , 1860 Mar 11,1 61 5 »Garo11ne Harvey-~-~--- Mar 28, 1862 Apr 13,1863 5;-Alexander Reid Harvey- Aug 9, 18th ~---- Nov ,186 5 ~Lucy Reid Harvey ~--~-- Sep 26, 1865 Aug 1,19h9 9-Andrew Dameron Harvey- Jul 20, 1869 Feb 22,1gh1L 0-Fannie Finley Harvey-- Jul 20, 1869 Nov 21,1 75 Nicholas Alexander Harvey was born in Nelson County, Virginia and was but eight years old at the time of his father*s migration to Missouri. He was a Mason, an.Odd Fellow and a member of the Democratic Partys Immediately after his marriage in Lincoln County, Missouri, in 185h he moved to the State of Wisconsin where he was engaged in.the mercantile business until 1860 when he returned to Missouri and continued in business in New Hope until 1868 when he transferred his business to Cap-au-Gris and was in business there until 1875. After the death of his wife he lived with his sister Susan Dameron Dawson and after her death with his niece Mrs. Ida Dawson Lahr. Am Jane Reid, daughter of James Reid (born in Virginia, August E, 1799, died in Missouri, February 1, 1871) and Lucy Robinson (born in Kentucky, July 25, 1808, died in Missouri, April 51, 1886) was born in Shelby County, Kentucky. Her parents came to Missouri while she was young and spent the remainder of their lives in Lincoln County. Both were members of the Associate Reform Presbyterian Church and her father was a Democrat and was for a number of years County Surveyor of Lincoln County. éHistory of Lincoln County, Ivnssouri by Dr. Mudd, published in 188 ,P.5}.|.9.) Her father James Reid was the son of Major Alexander Reid (born in Scotland, April 28, 1766, emigrated to South Carolina, thence to Virginia later to Kentucky and finally to Missouriycgwi where he died in 1850, was the first buried in Reid #Sill y and Jane Shannon (Born April 22, 1769, died in Missouri in 1852). Her mother Lucy Robinson was the daughter of George Robinson (Born Oct. 12, 1771 in Virginia of Scotch descent and removed to Kentucky where he was living at the time of his death in 1861) and Amy Newland of whom little is known. (Biographical Record for Saint Charles, Warren and Lincoln Counties, page 200). IV-10. * Sarah Elizabeth Harvey--(l8H5)"----Theodore Preston Vgnce l8ET M1-Benjamin Vance ----- ----- Feb l9,18h5----May 11,1859 2nd ---- --------- Robert Lindsay Vagce 1 . 18TH M2-Francis Harvey Vance ------- May 5,1855 ---- Sep 11,1928 M -Caroline Vance ------------- ---- Apr 12,198 -Susan Virginia Vance ----~-- 1858 ---- 18? Sarah Elizabeth Harvey was born in Virginia and came to Missouri with the family in l85l(?). She was educated in Louisi ana and Lindenwood College, was married in Lincoln County and went with her husband to Saint Louis. And was living in New Orleans, Louisiana at the time of her death. She is buried in the VHIICS Cemetery at Vancewood. Theodore Preston Vance, son of Benjamin Vance and Margaret Lindsay, brother of Robert Lindsay Vance and Benjamin Milton Vance (IV-15). Buried at Vnncewood. (If so, no headstone).Died in Wisconsin. Robert Lindsay Vance, son of Benjamin Vance and Margaret Lindsay, brother of Theodore Preston Vance and Benjamin Milton Vance (IV-15). Buried at Vancewood, but if so there is no; headstone IV-ll. Susanna Dameron Harvey---(Apr l8,l850)---James Lewis Dawson E2 M? 83 M9 50 Melinda Harvey Dawson ----- Jane Elizabeth Dawson ----- Luo? Caroline Dawson ------ Francis Ludwell Lee Dawson Margaret Virginia Dawson-- Ida Louise Dawson --------- Jan Aug Jun Jan Nov Jan Mar 15,1828 Apr 25,1905 9,1851 Feb 12,1955 16,1852 ---- Feb 5,1331 11,185 may 8,1 1 27,185 ----Jan 23,1058 5,1825 ---- occ 2 ,l89' 20,18 8 Nov 15,1958 Susan Dameron Harvey was born in Nelson County, Virginia, and was but two years old when her father moved to Missouri in 1851. Educated in the schools of Louisiana, St. Louis and Troy James Lewis Dawson's grandfather, James Watt owned a home around which Appomatox River curved. She was a woman of unusual beauty and of lovable disposition Quiet, reserved, tactful, and with high ideals, she exerted through a busy but uneventful ldfe an influence reflected in the life and character of every descendant, and at every hearth kindled from her own. A A At her marriage her father gave her a tract of land on Bryant's Creek adjoining what was then known as the New Hope Ford Because of its lofty elevation and beautiful view the home was called "Top Lofty" and printed invitations are still preserved requesting the presence of fortunate recipients at social func# a tions at Top Lofty in the early seventies. James Lewis Dawson, son of Luiwell Lee Dawson and Jane Malvina Watt, was born in Amherst County, Virginia and came to Missouri with his guardian in l8hh. He was a Mason, a Democrat and a Baptist and his home was considered headquarters for the ministers officiating at the Ebenezer Baptist Church of which he was Clerk and Deacon_from the time of its founding. Long a prominent member of Salt River Association, he was the first Chairman of the Executive Board of Cuivre Association and pre- sided dver its meetings until his death. Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri. (History of Lincoln County by Dr. Mudd, published 1888, page 52}.|..) IV-12. Littlepage Dameron Harvey------ ---- --- ---------- Unmarried. Littlepage Dameron Harvey was born in Virginia and brought to Missouri. He was graduated from the Law Department of the University of Virginia and immediately made a prospecting trip to California with the gold seekers. (Census of 1850). On his return he located at Arkadelphia, Clark County, Arkansas for the practice of his profession. He was successful from the first and was shortly elected to the circuit bench where he was serving at the outbreak of the Civil War. He was among the first to volunteer and joined the army of the Confederacy taking with him as his bodyguard the negro boy given him by his father and kept as an office boy. His regiment bore the brunt of Grant's attack at Shiloh on the afternoon of April 6, 1862 and held position through such desperate fighting that at nightfall only 121 men remained, many of whom were wounded. Orders were given to re- place the shattered regiment with fresh troops but the men by a unanimous vote petitioned to remain and went into action at earl dawn the morning of April Yth. Out of Littlepage's company of li? men only 17 survived. The faithful negro servant searched among the piled up heaps of the slain until he found his master and carried him to the edge of the field and after removing his watch and papers buried him in a separate grave where he sleeps today. The watch, a gold hunting cased time piece was forwarded to the family by Confederate officers who retained the slave. He was later drowned in crossing a swollen stream. Littlepage possessed a well equipged office, a good law library and is said to have owned several undred acres of Arkansas land, but in the turmoil and uncertainty attending and following the war the family did not investigate and nothing was ever heard from his property. Nora: Judge James Linanan, er Trey, who participated in W the battle under Buell gives the following account of the battles Albert Sidney Johnston with consumate generalship planned to defeat the Union armies by piecemeal. He attacked Grant who had 25,000 men while he was separated from Buell by the Mississip- pi River, and drove him back five miles to the river bank and at fou o'clock in the afternoon had him badly beaten and huddled in a narrow valley, while Johnston held hills around. The death of Johnston early in afternoon saved Grant's command from annihilation and capture. That night Buell crossed the river with his division and reenforoed Grant and next day with his fresh troops overwhelmed the Confederates and drove them back, but could not capture or break them. IV-13. ' Thomas Alexander Harvey-(May ll, l877)§li2a Jane Wheeler ' Apr 5.1839 Mai 11,1877 51- Harvey ---------- Unknown --------- 4---Un nown 2nd ------------ Cynthia Anna Guy _ ( Aug lh,l888) nee Omohundro Oct 18,1856 Mar 23,l9hh S2-Floyd Block Harvey ~-------- May 19,1889 ----- -Jan 2,1890 53-Henrietta Jacquline -------- May 3,1893 ----- -- Sh-Julia Thomas Harvey--~ ----- Feb 16,1898 ------ Sep h,l91h Thomas Alexander Harvey was the last child born in Amherst County, Virginia. On the way to Missouri Thomas was taken violently ill and apparently died and was laid out on a trunk. Application was made to the owner of the farm on which the cavaloade was camped for permission for burial. The wife of the owner came down to " offer consolation. [She had herself recently lost a child of the same age and on seeing Thomas suddenly caught the child to her bosom crying: "Oh my baby, my darling baby". when she laid the child down a flutter of it's eyelids was noted. Restoratives were applied and the child revived and recovered. ' W ._ He attended school at Troy and Louisiana and was later a student at Missouri University. When gold was discovered in - California he joined the tide of adventurous spirits-seeking the Eldorado of the West and made the trip overland to the Pacific but returned after a short stay and was for many years engaged with his brother Floyd in the cattle business. Under their shrewd management both accummulated independent means and after his second marriage Thomas moved to Eureka Springs where he res sided until his death. ail¥¥G§; Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri. Eliza Wheeler, daughter of Judge Wheeler, sister of Dr. Charles Wheeler, was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. She was a daughter of Charles Wheeler, a graduate of Dartmouth and sister of Mrs. Lou East Carter and Judge Wheeler of Troy. She had no. children and is buried in the Troy Cemetery. Thomas Alexander Harvey was the second time married at Keokuk, Iowa, by Rev. John Burgess to Cynthia Ann Omohundro, daughter of Spottswood James Omohundro and Sarah Elizabeth Hutcherson and the widow of John W. Guy. She was born in Amherst County, Virginia,near Lynchb g. she aa#£'s1ster of w.w. omonunaro yo After Thomas' death she moved to Sprl§gfield, Missouri fat=T?C;East Lombard venue, o i IV-ln. ' Lucy Ann Harvey ------------------------------ Unmarried 1 Lucy Ann Harvey was the first child born in Missouri. Sh died at the age of nineteen and is buried in the fmaily cemetery at Locust Grove. Attended Monticello College at Godfrey, Illinois and contracted typhoid at school and died. IV-15. Q Q Virginia Ann Harvey--(May l7,l855)---Benjamin Milton Vande May 7,1829 Jan 12,1891 55-Charles Cameron Vance -----~ Mar 10,1856 -----~ Mar 2,h858 So-Frances Melinda Vance ~--~-- Jun 2,1858 ------ May 3,l935 Virginia Ann Harvey was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. She was educated in the schools of Pittsfield, Illinois, at Monticello College, Godfrey, Illinois and at Saint Louis, Missourtc § z a She was 1 member of the Baptist Church. She lies beside her husband in the Vanta Cemetery at Vancewood. ,_ Benjamin Milton Vance, son of Benjamin Vance (Har l3,l7B0e Jan 10, l8h8, Vancewood Cemetery) and Margaret Lindsay (Mar lu, 1790 - Apr 15, l8h3, Vancewood Cemetery) was born in incoln County, Missouri. His father was a native of Virginia who in 1810 emigrated to the State of Kentucky where he met Miss Lindsay, a native of that state, and was married to her a year later in 1811. They came to Missouri in 1827 and spent the remainder of their lives in Lincoln County on the farm which still bears their name. (Mrs. F. T. Meriwether says came to Missouri early part of 1829 bringing family and servants by wagon trail from Virginia to Missou i and oak tree under which they camped the first night at Vancewood is still standing and pointed out as one of the landmarks and heirlo ms). His paternal grandfather, Samuel Vance was born in Scotland, emigrated to America, and served as a Colonel in the French and Indian War under General washington. Benjamin M. Vance was a Baptist, a Mason and a Democrat. He went to Wisconsin in ISM9 and while there joined the gold rush to California in 1850 but returned in l85h to wisconsin and soon after to Missouri. Family Cemetery at Vancewood. Descended from Samuel Vance and Sarah Byrd; born in Augusta County, Virginia, and buried at Mountain Grove, once Vanoels Fort, Bath County, Virginia. Samuel Vance was a son of Colonel John Vance and Rachel Primrose of Virginia. Iv'16 Q Melvinah Selina Harvey ------ ---+- ---------- ----#Unmarried Born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Died in early infancy and is buried in the family cemetery on the Harvey Homestead at Locust Grove. IV-17. James Colu bus Harvey ..-........._ - ..-..-.....--- Unmarried James Colu bus Harvey was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, and was educated at Troy, where he met and courted Miss Eliza Wheeler. In 1853 he received an appointment as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point from Congressman Alfred William Lamb of Hannibal, Missouri, where he was student under Captain Robert E. Lee, later to become the great Confeder- ate Chieftain. He returned to Missouri, became engaged to Miss Wheeler and enlisted in the Cdnfederste Army at the first_ca11 for volunteers. He was commissioned as a Captain and served with distinction during the entire war, and when he returned after the~surrender at Appomattox to find his former sweetheart already married to his brother was so em&ittered that he never spoke to him againo He lies near his father in the family cemetery at the old Harvey Homestead. o _ Francis Floyd Harvey--(Oct 27,187O)--Cecelia Frances Block may 3O,18h6 Nov 3,1908 Znd- ----- - ---- Mary Lula Tinsley (Jan 12,l91h) Bright Mackey Jun 8,1553 FSI) Francis Floyd Harvey was born at the old Harvey ho estead in Lincoln County, Missouri. He was educated in the schools of Louisiana and Troy and was graduated from Missouri University at Columbia as a Civil Engineer. He taught school for a n mber of. years and then engaged in the cattle business with his brother Thomas Harvey. He moved to Elsherry in 1888 and organized the Bank of Lincoln County, the first bank to be organized in that section, and iii continued as President of that institution from its organization to 1921. He spent the winters in Miami, Florida, returning to Missouri for the sum ers. (Biographical Record of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties, page 503),t Cecelia Frances Block, daughter of Jacob Block and Catherine Adams was born in Pike County, Missouri. Louisiana Cemetery. Lula Bright Mackey, daughter of Captain Edward Bright and Martha Ward was born in Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri and was formerly married to Joseph S. Mackey (Jan ln, 1878 - Aug 25, l902)g Iv-19. Margaret Elnora Harvey--- ----- ---Clement Bell Lindsa 57-Willie Jane Lindsay ---- 58-Minkie Bell Lindsay ---- S9»Franois Harvey Lindsay- 6O~Melinda Maria Lindsay-1 61-Margaret Elnora Lindsay 62-Clement Boll L1ndsay--- nu-no-API' hov Nov Apr ----Jan 27,1868 5,1869 1T=187O 23,18T1 28,1875 30,1880 Feb 23,1829 Mar l9,19O? ------Jan 16,1869 ------:avr 7, /W5 ------aug 19,1867 --uounlrrlqpr 6 -Apr '&,1B 0 ,_ Margaret Elnora Harvey, affectionately known in the family as "Bratie" was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, and was edu- cated at Troy, Saint Louis, and Little Rock, Arkansas. Family cemetery at the Harvey Homestead. , Clement Ball Lindsay, son of William Culbertson Lindsay (Mar 8, 1793 ~ Sep 9, 1861) and Maria Lewis, nee Bell (1800 - Apr 12, 1883) was born in Scott County, Kentucky, and was brought by his father while a few weeks old to Missouri. The elder Lindsay was also a native of Scott County, Kentucky, coming to Missouri in 1829. ` Mason; Baptist; Democrat. IV"20e John Andrew Harvey ------------------------------- Unmarried John Andrew Harvey was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, and accidentally shot himself fatally trying to blow an obstruction out of the touch hole while hunting a hawk at the age of sixteen. Buried in the family cemetery at Locust Grove. It is related as an incident of the tragedy that he was accompanied by a hunting dog which had been his inseparable coma panion and which defended the body of his master so determinedly that no one was able to reach the boy until his mother was brought to quiet the dog and lock him in her room. IV-21. Mary Ann Harvey ----------------------------------- Unmarried. Mary Ann Harvey was born in Lincoln County, Missouri and died before she was two years old. She is buried in the family ceme- tery at the Harvey Homestead. IV-22. Melinda Edith Harvey---(Jul 1868)--James William Dameron Mar 1891 63-Mary Melinda Dameron--- --- 1869 --°-- --Jul 31,1936 6h-Frances Dameron-~-~ -------- 1871 ------- Apr 6,1931 65-Tella Damercn ------- ---- 187 ------- Mar 17,1951 66-William Dameron ----- 187 ------- May 1891 67-Lila Dameron ---------- 1878 1893 Melinda Edith Harvey was born in Lincoln County, Missouri on the old Harvey Homestead and was educated at Troy and Louis- iana and at the Visitation Convent at Saint Charles, Missouri. Familiarly known in the family as "Tuggie." Graduate of Still School of Osteopathy and practicing Osteopath. She married her cousin, James William Dameron, son of James Dameron. 'Q Prairieville Cemetery, Eolia, Missouri. IV-23. 5 ' `A Ardena Sarah Harvey ------ J ----------- PaschaI"Halley -w1111an Lee Haney --------- Unknown -... ,l;-_..Mar 23,1918 -Ellen Haney- Unknown----------Unknown -Milton Halley -------- ---~--Unknown-----;----Unknown -Ardena Halley-----~»-------Unknown-------»--Unknown 4 68 69 - ----------- - 70-Paschal Halley§9-\'5-S2-341-¥5-fziinimowm ---------- Hn-know-n Alu: fvj 71 72 73 *Lois Halley----- ------- ----Unknown- ----- ---- Unknown Mill Creek Cemetery Iv'2,-|»| Mildred Ann Harvey ---- ---John William Morton Palmer Jan 1,1839 Nov 18,1919 7h-Jennie Lee Palmer ---- ---- Nov 26,1865 ----- :Eaka wn7'3° 754William Palmer ------------- Jul 15,1867 ------ Aug 30,1867 Mildred Ann Harvey was born in Lincoln County. John Millian M. Palmer, son of William Palmer and Nancy Ellis was born in Kentucky. He was a manufacturer of tobacco in Louisiana and erected there the Palmer House, for half a century one of the noted hostelries of North East Missouri. Later a manufacturer of concrete products at Elsberry. Baptist; Democrat. Star Hope Cemetery. IV-25. Mary Elizabeth Harvey-- ---------- Alexander Levi Gililland (occ 16, 1877) 18113 _ Mar h,1896 76-Gayland Gordon Gililland---Jan 27,l88M ------ Apr 12,l9h8 -/95 Mary Elizabeth Harvey was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Christian Church; Democrat; married to Alexander Levi Gillilland, at Star Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri, Rev. William Malone officiating. Known in the family as "Betty." lexander John Gililland, son of Alexander John Gililland and' essie Polly Presly; born in Milwood, Lincoln County, Missouri in l8h3; farmer and stockman; Christian Church; Democrat; died March M, 1896. Millwood Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri. IV-26. William Harvey--- ------- -------------------- --Unmarried. 1 William Harvey, known as "Billy" Harvey was born in Lincoln County. Star Hope Cemetery, Apex, Lincoln County, Missouri. c Lou Washington Bell ---- --- ----- ---Phillip P. Green 77-Clara Bell Green-- .... ---..Unkncwn- --------- Unknown 78-May Green ----------------- -Unknown ---------- Unknown Educated at William Jewell College with Jesse and Frank James. Wholesale grocery merchant in St. Louis. Mother Couchie Wigginton stayed with them.when going down to see her physican. *t IV-28. Nicholas Montgomery Bell--(Sep 27,l888)---Margaret Hhperas l 9 Aus 7:1912 79-cnrisu1an_neper Bell ------- sep 9,1892 ----- - 80-Majorie Beper Bell ------- --May 8,l897-- ---- - Nicholas Montgomery Bell was born in Lincoln County, Missouri near the present site of Elsberry. "Mack" Bell. Scottish Rite Mason; Shriner. He has been for many years prominent in politi- cal circles and in l8__, was appointed by the Governor First Excise Commissioner of the City of Saint Louis, Member of Missouri Legislature in Twenty-sixth General As- sembly which met January M, 1871 and Twenty-seventh General assembly which convened in 1873. Through influence of Senator Stone appointed Third Assistant Postmaster General under Presi- dent Cleveland. Member of Louisiana Purchase Exposition Direc- torate 1903. Member of every National Democratic Convention, 1868-1896 inclusive. Secretary National Democratic Convention at Saint Louie, 1878. Negotiated first parcel peat realty with Mexico. Wrote law that created Forest Park, Saint Louis. Nicholas Montgomery Bell, een of william A. Bell, who came to Mieeouri from Kentucky and Caroline Page Harvey, born in Vir- ginia and graduated from Lindenwood College in 182o. Major William Bell, his grandfather moved from Bucks County, Pennsvl- vania to Mount Sterling, kentucky and sorted in the War of 1812 under General William Henry Harrison. Major Bell was a member of the General Assembly of Missouri from 1328 to 1838 and his grandson (Nicholas Mont omery Bell) was a member of the General Assembly of Missouri (22th General assembly) defeating Joseph Pulitzer. ` Major William Bell was the son of William Bell who was the son o william Boll, Sr., who emigrated to America from England and received a granton the Upper Racstar River in what is now Bucks County, Pennsylvania in 1710. Margaret Pnper, daughter of ChrietianvPeper and was born Bellefontaine County, St. Louis, Missouri. Her father was a manufacturer of tobacco in Saint Louis. V-29k Lucy Melinda Bell--~-(Jan 19,19Oh)----John Henry Dietrich .~ Unknown Dec 15,1922 No. Children; D.A.R. John H. Dietrich, merchant; Methodist; Republican, A.F. & A.M.; buried at Manchester, Missouri. MAME west Pine Boulevard , Saint Louie, Missouri. Manchester, Saint Louis County, Missouri. Masonic Home, St. Louie. v"3oe Theodore Preston Be1l---- --- -------------houise Basil 81-Blanch Be11----- ---- -------Unknown --------- - 82-Theodore Preston Bell, Jr., ,IBM9--~-°----MBP 27,19h0 83-Frank Be11------------ ----- Un1me.m---------- Commission merchant. Known in the family as "Dora." Mayor of Sen Angelo. San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas. Louise ("Law") Bazil was of Italian descent and was awarded title of most beautiful we an in her city. V-31° William Avery Bell, Jr.,----- ----- J-- --.---- -----Lou 8h~Avery$Be11= -------~------- -Unknown- --------- Unknown 85-Gene Boll- -------------~--- Unknown---f ------ Unknown 86+Dan Bell--~--~ ----~~---- ---Unknown----------Unknown V-32. Thomas Alexander Bell-----(May S,1886)------Almeda Weloh Mar 8,1868 may 23 ,l92l|. 8?-Caroline Castlemann Bell--#Jun 13,1888 ------ 88-Almeda Eugenia Bell ------- -Oct 9,1898 ------ :lease Thomas A. Bell opened Oklahoma's first gusher oil well was Oct Eh, 1902. The well was on the first Osage Indian lease granted approved by che Secretary of the Interior, Almeta 1903. Mr. Bell was a Thirty-second degree Mason and past grand master of Missouri AJF,&A,N,_and assisted in locating the Masonic Orphans Homes After filling out the Almeba lease Nr. Bell moved to Muncie, Indiana and later to the Pennsylvania and Ohio oil fields. Soottich Rite Mason; Shriner; Rotary. Almeda Welch, daughter of Dr. James Wesley Welch and Mary Ann Castleman. New Hope and Woodlawn Seminary; Methodist, Dem- ocrat; D.A.R»; Wednesday Club. V-33. James Francis Harvey--(Sep 6,l893)----Ellen West Johnson Jun 12,1870 89-Frances Sidney Harvey------Mar 21,l900------ 90-Barbara Reid Harvey-~ ------ Mar 31,1902 ------ 91-Ellen Lucy Harvey ---- ~ ----- Feb 9,l9Oh------Fab 7,192h James Francis Harvey was born in New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri, Deoenbor 2, 1855, Attended Missouri University, Rail- way mail service. Member of Methodist Church; Democrat, Married in Hannibal, Missouri September 6, 1893. Mr. Fielder officiated. Married to Ellon West Johnson, daughter of John Alexander Johnson and Elizabeth Barbara DeSpada. .»|.;,..m...»......;;.L V-3)_|.. George Robinson Harvey---r(Jan 2,l88n)-----Rilla Shannon 92»Lutie Harvey-- ------ as ----- Unknown ---------- Unknown George Robinson Harvey was born Lincoln County, Missouri. Attended Troy, William Jewell College. Manayer of Louisville Times and Journal Courier. Died Owensboro, Centucky. Reid Cemetery, Okete, Lincoln County, Missouri. V-35» Lucy M. Robinson Harvey ----- - ----------- ---- Unmarried Reid Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri; V"36o Caroline Harvey --------------------------- ------ Unmarried Reid Cemetery, Okete, Lincoln County, Missouri. V-37- Alexander Reid Harvey-¢- ------------------------- Unmarried Reid Cemetery, Okete, Lincoln County, Missouri. V-38. Lucy Reid Harvey--Q--4Sep 26, l88n)----William Pharr Stark ` Mar 16,1862 Oct 2,l9n3 93-William Harvey Stark- ---- --Unknown ---. --__--Unknown 9M-Amy Stark ------------------ Unknown --------- -Unknown 95-Isabelle Eleanor Stark-----Sep 27,1897------ "Lutie". ` william Pharr Stark, son of William Stark and Cynthia Eliza Pharr, was born in Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri. Educated at Louisiana Schools and McCune College and assumed charge of his £ather's business at age of 16. For many years President of Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Company at Louisiana, Missouri. Now President of the William P. Stark Nurseries of Stark City, Missouri, which town is named in his honor. Scottish Rite Mason, a member of Moclah Temple and a Knight Templar. A Presbyterian and recently a delegate to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church at Dallas, Texas. President of Board of Trustees of Missouri Valley College, President of Louisiana Public Library Association, President of Board of Education of Louisiana Public Schools. Author of numerous articles on horticulture and pomology. v'390 Andrew Dameron Harvey--(Jun 3, 1903)--Rosalind Ford Ewing - Jul 7,1875 96-James Ewing Harvey ------- f-May 25,l9Oh ------ Andrew Dameron Harvey known in the family as "Bunch." Born at Auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri. Educated in Psynesville High School, La3range College, William Jewell College. Member of Presbyterian Church. Belongs to Democratic party. Married at Liberty, Clay County, Missouri, to Rosalind Ford Ewing, daughter of Chatam Moore Ewing and Anna Louise Ford, born at Missouri City, Clay County, Missouri. Educated at Excelsior Springs High School, Kirksville Normal. Member of the Christian Church; Democrat. V-MO. < L. ¢U_¢ Bsié des isis, Ckétef Eiheein Grants; Misaessia B 3X1 5 B111 '13 fl :?3.\¥f.§9m-;z.1~'€f'~'9'*'e =s;~|5.-fi L-5-2 .,TIf¢f|g_g eossseie1%?scs~{Bssmia1 was hers in Btssolnncosnsy, s;§sqs;g &nd~diB& in Ba? Y Fduth. Slipped from rock bluff at Cah aux Gris! and drowned in Mississippi River, Bu ied at Vancgsoed, 9 Francis Harvey Vance~(Mar 3,1893)-Wilholmina Dorothea Lange Feb 6,1863 SSP 25,1933 97-Carolyne Vance ----- ----._. N¢v 5, 1893 _.... ~ H- »>~ ~- -w -'~4¢»+1ff»'..;$&'iwJ:! if ;?'§°Z~%1»£' 1 ,. _ _ Known as "Neokie". Barn at Maneew°GQ F!§ » LiH°°1N ¢°"B¥7¢ Missouri. Buried in Vancewood Cemetery, Linoo n County, Missouri, September 13, l?28. Wilnelmina Dorothea Lange (Minnie) born Quincy, Illinois, daughter of Louise Lange and Caroline Lange. Dateson head stone at Vanoewood are incorrect. v'L|.3 e Caroline Vance-- --------- --- ---- ------- ------- Butler Known in family as "Carrie." No children. vahhe S528 ER 'V ILFS i¥!ii& VSRQEQ 1* sesgersesue H' *Q* * '° ~ °»°1sm@'~iefrU¥iiii€`£?I*i'~.®¥i ~ Susan Virginia Vance was born in Missouri and died at the age of sixteen. v.z,5 . B linds IIPYCQ'UlHl0h¢¢¢-§¢u¢uo¢w1111ll Culbertson Ltldsmg (Novi 16, 1870) Sep 2,1 M2 Nov 12,1928 Melinda 98fMaria Dawson Lindsay- -~-- Sep 2,1871 -»--- --» 99-William.Vardeman Lindsay-Oct 20,1873 ------ -"Apr 2h,l9h3 100-Lucy Dawson Lindsay¢~-»--Mar 12,1676 ---- ~--~ 1Ol»Susan Dawson Lindsay»~---Mar 22,1880 ----- --~ Known in family as "Minkie". Housewife. ` William Culbertson Lindsay is a brother of Clement Bell Lindsay, He was born in Franklin County, Kentucky, and came with his father!s family from Frankfort, Kentucky to Missouri in 1828. His father bought 3000 acres of land in St. Charles County and built the house in which the family still resides. St. Paul, St. Charles County, Missouri. Democrat; Baptist; farmer and stockman. St. Charles Cemetery. Complete biography given in "Biographical Record of Saint Charles, Warren and Lincoln Counties, Missouri" (1895)» page 131. v-ue. Jane Elisabeth Dawson-~ ------- ~éFrancis Thornton Merfiwether (May 2, 1872) Mar 16,1838 _ Dec 30,1918 102-James Dawson Meriiwether--Jun 27,l87h-~----Jul 19,1880 lO3~Gharles Lewis Merfiwethar-Nov 20,1877------Jun 3,1928 Known in family as "Lizzie", Clarksville Public Schools. Housewife Francis Thornton Merfiwether, son of William Nicholas Maril- wether and Martha Louise Manson, was born at "Pebbleton" the count: home of his father in Bedford Count , Virginia. Graduate of the University of Virginia, Glass of 1820, and a member of the first chapter of Y.M.G.A. organized. Kappa Alpha Fraternity. He enlist- in the Army of the Confederacy at Forest Depot, May 2 , 1861, serving through the entire war as a member of Co pany G, 2nd Caval Army of Northern Virginia, General Stewart's Brigade and was pajroléed at Lynchburg, Virginia, May 27, 1665. At the close of the wa he cams to Missouri and was elected Superintendent of the public schools at Clarksville and was one of the organizers of the Episcopal Church there. ln l8?0 after taking the teachers exam- ination in San Francisco, California he was made a member of the State Examining Board of California. In 1876 he was elected Principal of the Louisiana High School and removed to Louisiana, where he resided until his death. Appointed Postmaster of Louisiana by President Cleveland and served during the Democratic administration. Was first president of Building and Loan Association, Louisiana, Missouri. He was a descendant of Colonel Nicholas Merqiwether who served on Washing- ton's staff, and Rev. William Doug as who was educated in Scotland Pralrieville Cemetery, Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. V-M7. Lucy Caroline Dawson--(Jun 6,1879)---Reuben Thomas Wigginton = Jul ll,_18L;_l Apr 6,1916 10h-Susan Teresa Wigginton--Jun 10,l880~-------Dec 23,1880 Reuben Thomas wigginton, son of Fielding Wigginton and Theresa Smith, born in Trimble County, Kentucky. Both buried at Star Hope Cemetery, gincoln County, Missouri. Lucy Farollne Dawson, born in Lincoln County, Missouri. As her last illness drew to its close her physician, Dr. Love lace, realizing that the end was near, suggested that she be told. The family shrinking from the ordeal placed it on the doctor. It was in the spring and a bush of flowering almond on the lawn was just bursting into bloom. He broke a spray of the blossom and coming in took his seat by her bed. "Don't you think it is beau- tiful, Lucy?" he asked. Startled by the gravity of his manner, she answered "Yes, Doctor, why do you ask?" Pausing for a moment, he bowed his head, "Heaven is more beautiful than this" he said. vane. _ Francis Ludwell Lee Dawson~(0ot l6,l88h)-Molly Jane Thomas Sep»7,l865 ` oct 105-Lillian Thomas Dawson---Nev 3o,1885- ------ -_f 106-Elizabeth Dawson -------- Jul 23,1890 ------- -Sep 8,1908 107-Mary Frances Dawson ----- Mar 31,1898 ------- - Frank L. Dawson was born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Educa- ted at William Jewell College. Member of the Baptist Church. Member of the House of Representatives in h2nd and h3rd General Assemblies of Missouri. Chief Clerk of the House of Representative in the hhth General Assembly. Judge of the County Court of Lin- coln County frcm the First District from 1910 to 1918. Mason. First_Clerk of Cuivre Association and Moderator from 1901 to l90h. Official Manual of Missouri, 1905-6, page 36° A.F.& A.M. Molly Jane Thomas, daughter of Abraham Milton Thomas and , Misso ri Howard, born near Eisberry, Missouri. Her father was 5, born in Kentucky, her mother in Tennessee. Attended Paynesvi11e` Academy. O.E.S., P.E.O., Christian Church, Democrat. v*,.|.9 0 Margaret Virginia Dawson- ------ ------Reuben Thomas Wigginton (Jun 28, 1883) Jul ll,loh1 Apr 6,1916 108-Ida Dawson.Wigginton----Jun'1,1885 ----- ---- 109-Sarah Melinda Wigginton-Sep 17,1891-----~--May 7,1917 (See note under V-M?) Margaret Virginia Dawson was known in the family as "Couchie" Graduated from the Baptist College at Louisiana, Missouri as valedictorian of her class. Star Hope Cemetery. v"5o| Ida Louise Dawson---(Nov l7,l887)-----Frederick William Lahr Mar 26,1859 Sep 17,1911 110-James Dawson Lahr-------Aug 26,1888 ----- --- lll-Charles Wigginton Lindsay Lahr-May 26,1890- Ida Louise Dawson, McCune College, Louisiana, Mol < u& E&E§H. n Oak Ridge Cemetery, _ 'Frederick William Lahr son of Antone Lahr (born January 1, 1522) and Hanna Bchu acher fbern December 17. 1833) daughter of Casper Schu acher fb. 1?9T~d. lBh?), was born in Vincennes, Indians His grandfather was elected Egrgomeister of the City of Udenhetm, Rrevinoe of Reinhesson, Germ y, August, 1822. Buried in the Cemetery in Vincennes, Indiana. -e- a~ V-#51, ~ Harvey ----- ; ---------------- ----~» -¢~- Unmarried Died in infancy and bu ied beside mother in Troy Uemetery. V-52. Floyd Block Harvey--»~-f -»----» -»- ------~----- --Unmarried Died in infancy. V-53. Henrietta Jacquline Harvey-(Ju ll,l913)-Robert Maupin Rawls Apr 5,1890 112-Julia Thomas Harvey Rawls-Jan 27,191T----- 1l3~Bobbie Jacqueline Rawls-Jul 17,1932-af----- 770 E. Lombard Avenue, Springfield, Green County, Missouri. Born in Pike County, Missouri. Attended Sacred Heart Convent and Crescent College, Eureka Springs, Arkansas; Christian Church; Democrat; Eastern Star. Robert Maupin Rawls, son of James B. Rawls and Ruth Ray. State Normal School, Daphne, Alabama, Springfield Com ercial College; Shriner. V-Siu Julia Thomas Harvey- ----- --- --------------- ------Unmarried Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County, Missou i. V"55 0 Charles Cameron Vance~--~ -»---- ~» »---- -----------Unmarried Charles Cameron Vance died in early infancy. Buried at Vance- wood. v-56. Frances Melinda Vance ------ (1882)- ---- William Jackson Seaman ' Mar 18,18h8 '/Lw. s<>,1°r;2 //Q'u\:\,q;a"?05/5 ' Gayland Gordon G11i11and-----»»-------»Zelms Ester Waggener (SL |'}_a__°/ SC/E, /5, /va-f/' 'LJ i11and**_°'/V0 ly. ~§*; '? :'4 1' ~ - - - fjx; Q _-J, 125-Gordop,§1Ii11and -~--- ---Ih1.v",; ' "" 4| €1-'#f,¢~ , Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. A i
»a~§&//~,4¢1.--/ I %/_» "f-(/7_4 l / VI-77. christian PBper Bel1-- ----- -( 1912)--- ---- -Hazel Walker Christian Heper Bell was born in Saint Louis, Missouri. Married in Saint Louis. Divorced April 19, 1918. MALE West Pine Boulevard, Saint Louis, Missouri. 2nd -------~------- (April 2u,19l8)- -------- --Helen E. ~ Divorced February 2S,l920. 3rd.---- ------- ---(Aug 23, l92O)- ------ Mrs. Hattie Greer Married in Topeka, Kansas. Divorced July 1927. Second -ceremony at St. Charles after divorce of third wife. hth. ------------- -(Sep 23,192h)- ------ ----»-Daplin 'Doyle Married in Texarkana, Arkansas. Divorced at Reno Aug 9,l928. 5th.- --------- ----(Aug 8,l929) ----~--- -----~-Mabel Boyer 1906 Divorced July 1, 1931 at Anniston, Alabama. P.o. Bax 371, Ocean Park, California (1952) VI-78. Majorie Hhper Bell--(Jun 1915)----Richard Eugene Hinrichs 126-Rohert H1nr1¢ns--------- 1917----------- Majorie/Beper Bell graduate of Mary Institute. Episcopalian. Candidate for_U.S. Senate in 1950 against_Thomas Hennings, Jr. Richard Eugene Hinriohs, Naval Reserve at Great Lakes, 1919. Junior Industrial Engineer, President, Young Men s Divis on, Chamber of Commerce, ` Divorced in 1932. 2nd--._--(Oct 9, 1935)4---w1111am E. Hoeflin MLMZ West Pine Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. | Clara Bell Green----- ----- ---- Greennnnuninn dnnnunnna neuron-nn:-¢u|!»¢¢¢¢»u»~ Member of writer's Guild. Now in New York. VI-81° Blanch Be11---- ----- ------ ------- ---- --- Montague 127-Louise Montague--------- 1907---------Feb 1930 128- Montague- ------- - ---- ----- 129- Montague- ------- - -- ------ - Blanch Bell was born in San Angelo, Texas, Catholic; Demos 0 Theodore Preston Bell, Jr°,------- - 130-Nicholas Theodore Be11-- 131-T. Frank Be11----------- 132-(daughter) Be11---- ---- - Mayor of San Angelo, Texas. City Council of St. Louis 188 1886. o Frank __§e11 VI-Sh. Avery _;Bel1 Q Gene Bell VI-86. Dan , Bell VI-87. Caroline Castlemann Be11~ ----- ~----Charles Spurgeon Elliott (Apr 7,1917) Jul 11,1891 Mar 15,l9hh 133-Charles Spurgeon Elliott-Feb 1, l923--- ---- Feb 1, 1923 Known in family as "Lina". Mary Institute; Washington Uni- versity; Episcopal; Democrat; Axson Club; Women's City Club. Charles Spurgeon Elliott son of J. C. El1iott_and Josephine Hawkins Halkon. Episcopal; Democrat; Engineer; Mason; Kiwanis. a Almeda Eugenia Bell---(Sep 20,192u)--Henry Fredrick Kors; Jr _ Mar 15 ,1895 13h-Joan Kors- ------ --------Nov lh,l926-------» Born in St. Louis, Missouri; Lindenwood College; Presbyteria Republican. Henry Fredrick Kors son of Henry Frank Kors and Laura Finney Born in Virginia, Illinoise VI+9u. Amy Starklnuunnasuunununh-é;|4;s_|»»¢§¢lll&-¢ll¢nl|Ea,I'1 Unknown l39~Amy Jane Wilson-------33 dead 1hO~ y Wilson---#4--44 was employed Earl Mott wilson mmm/in advertising department of the Curtis Publishing Company. vI'95e Isabelle Eleanor Stark-----(Jul l7,1929)-------John D. Cole Aug 5,1886 Isabelle Stark was born in Louisiana, Missouri; was graduated from Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Presbyterian; Democrat. John D. Cole, son-of Joshua T. Cole and Nancy T. Tomb. Westminster College; Presbyterian; Republican. Senior member of firm of Cole & Brack, lhh0 Broadway, New York. 25 Fifth Avenue, New York City, New York. vI'96e James Ewing lhl-James James Ewing Missouri. Eolia Detroit. Church Harvey--~--(Jun l5,l92h)--Lola Margaret Jameson Jul 5,1907 Noel Harvey------~Apr 26,1933-----~-- Harvey was born at Elsberry, Lincoln County, High School, teacher. Departmental executive in of Christ, Democrat. Lola Margaret Jameson, born at Cyrene, Pike County, Missouri, Eolia High School, Kirksville State Teachers College, Teacher, 13971 Roselawn, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. VI~97. Carolyn Vance-------(Oct 16,1915)------Samuel Whiteside Bell Aug 10,1885 lh2-Carolyn Bel1~ ------ f-n-~Ju1 29,1916-- ---- -~ 1h3~Rosemary Bell- -~--- -e---Oct 23,1919- ---- ~~» Carolyn Vance was born in St. Louis, November S, 1893. Attended Yeatman High School. Writer, Woman's National Press Club She married in Atlanta. She is the child of Frank Vance and Whilhelmina D. Lange. Samuel Whiteside Bell, son of Augustus John Bell and Caroline Margaret Boyce, was born in Toledo. Attended Kenyon College. Newspaperman. Member of National Press Club. 3803 Alton Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. Woodley #2531 e Maria Dawson LindsayJJ~-(Jun l8,l891)-~-Landy Pn111p waters Apr 23,1866 g Aug 9,1906 1hhéBerniece Lindsay Waters»Sep 26,1896~------- Bornin saint cnarxescehnuy, Missouri. Known inbthe family as "Maydeet, _Was graduated frbm_the Baptist College at Louisiana, Missouri in 1888; Married in Saint Edu s, Missouri. Landy Philip Waters, son of John William Waters and Mary Whiteside, was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, died in Dallas, Texas. Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri. VI-99. William Vardeman Lindsay---(Jun 29,190h)----Helen Vail Mills Sep 25,1880 1hS-Jane Dawson Lindsay-----Mar l2,l909-------- 1h6-Barbara Mills Lindsay~--Jul 29,l911~- ------ Dr. William Vardeman Lindsay, M.D., was born in Saint Charles County, Missouri. Was graduated from Missouri Medical College, Saint Louis, Missouri. Physician, Scottish Rite Mason, Shriner, Baptist, Democrat. Vclunteered at opening of the Great War and com issioned as Captain in Medical Corps in 1917, Served overseas in the Siberian Expedition and promoted to Major. Winona, Winona County, Minnesota. vI'].o0e Lucy Dawson Lindsay----~-----(1902)-------John Calvin Brown . _ Jan 12,1667 Mar 22,1939 0 Frances Sidney Harvey---(Jun 16,1926)-»-Wallace Elijah Wing Sep 12,1897 l3S~%allace Elijah W1ngé4Q¢~Mar 20,1927---~---- befor +\<1fvQ\/ \/Q>'\;-T -- - é5W§@I§gLLne»k_ '&av¥x>(a.¥&by MIKNH \»O'*\\°-C2, 3 . MDIIQQIEI.. 136. ©o\-<\\o.'> P- W \n<:\ ` A. B. Sieber ------ ------ ~ 137. Stark-- ------ - 138. Stark- ---- - 'I-39| Amy Jane wilson- -------- -(Nov 12,1932)---John Alexander Scarsdale, New York. Mathews, Jr VIIQIMO. y Wilson ------- -» V11-lhla Ja es Noel Harvey---~--#"- vII-3.3.2. f . y Carolyn Bell--~ ---- ---~5#e#*#4L*-Marcellus Cnristian Hughes 163-Christian Bell HughesJ#» ~-33---~ Marcellus Christian Hughes was prisoner in German prison camp in Africa in 19U3. vII=1u3; Rosemary Bell ------ -4~¢#-- V11-lun; _ Berniece Lindsay Waters-(Sep 15,19l7)~Alf¥ed Harvey Harrison C Oct 6,1895 lou-Lucy Kathryn Harrison--@Jan 1O5l919L-------- Formerly Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri, now, Kansas City, Missouri; Second time married Jesse Soradley, now residing in Kansas Ci y VII-1h5. VII O Jane Dawson Lindsay-- ------ e- ----- -----Charles Warley o 165-Melinda Norris Ndr1ey--- --------- 165%-son ----- deceased Blacksburg, Virginia. Teaches at Virginia Polytechnic Institute -1h6. S Barbara Mills Lindsay-----(Jun 2,l93S) ---- -----Paul Bérkman 9 166~Vai1 Lindsay Bu&kman---- -------- 166%-son 1665-son Live in New York. VIIa1L;7. John Calvin Brown, Jr.- ---- '-- ---- Edith Beatrice Glosemeyer (Jafla 20| 193,-I-) A1-15° 39 1-gg; /66 %%gl262Paul Louis Brown ------ - ----------- Jul. 23, l93Se- John Calvin Brown, Jr., son of John Calvin Brown and Lucy Dawson Lindsay. Attended Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Missouri; Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri; Cumberland University, Cumberland, Tennessee. Executive position in Federal government in Washington, D. C. Edith Beatrice Glosemeyer, graduate Webster College, Ste Louis County, Missouri. Graduate work at St. Louis University Catholic. Teacher at Saint Cecelia Academy, Alexandria, Virginia 3h22 South Wakefield, Fairlington, Virginia. ' Charles Lewis Meriwether, Jr. --------------------- Charles Lewis Meriwether, son of Charles Lewis Meriwether and Marie Naxera. Missouri University, Rotary Club, Lambda Chi Alpha, Episccpalian, Democrat. VII-lh9. Robert Francis Sanders ---- ------------ Marjorie (Oct. ll, 19u7) Aug 167l€?-William Clayton Sanders ------------------ Nov 168lb&~Robert Francis Sanders ------------------- Nov 169l6Q-Marjorie Ann Sanders --------------------- Apr 169113---Sally Sue Sanders ------------------------ Aug; Jane Etherton 3, 1918 13. l9h8 2¢'19a9 11, 1951 17 1956 Robert Francis Sanders, son of William Seaton Sanders and Lillian Dawson, born in Elsberry, Missouri. Elsberry Public Schools; Central College, Fayette, Missouri; University of Missouri. Presbyterian, Democrat, Mason, Scottish Rite, Shrine, Moberly Country Club. Mercury Auto Agency. Married at First Christian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Reverend Claude Hill to Miss Marjorie Jane Etherton, daughter of Henry Clayton Etherton and Winna Morton, Born in Overland, St. Louis County, Missouri. University City, Stu Louis, Schools, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College at Cape Girardeau, B.S, Teacher prior to marriage. Housewife, Presbyterian, Democrat, P,E.O,, American Association of Univer- sity Women, Beta Sigma Phi, Eastern Star. Urbandale, Moberly, Missouri. VII-150. Miles Lewis Hall, Jr.---~ ----------- Muriel Mullinaux Fisher