Dawson Book 1958 Raw OCR File
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This raw OCR conversion of the PDF for Clarence Cannon's The Dawson Book (1958) was created using the Windows command-line version of Tesseract. Due to the nature of OCR conversions, no feedback is desired. This file is provided stricly "as is". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE DAWS ON BGOK by CLARENCE CANNON (1958) M ai 4 \lCh4.A QJLPJ1 ' JOSEPH R. PALMER Family Memorial Library THE DAWSON NAME According to one version: "The Dawson name originated with Sir Harmaduke D'Ossone (Marmaduke of the Town of Ossone), the name being anglicized to Dawson. He was one of the Norman noblemen who accompanied william the Conqueror to England in 1066, and for service rendered in battle is said to have rece;ved"an estate and settled in England permanently." SOLONIAL FAMILlES`©F THE UNITED STATES, Vol. M, page 115; - Arthur takes the same view in the following paragraph: "Said to be a corruption of the Norman»French 'DfOssone*, from the town of Ossone in Hormandy. Gamden, however, thinks it is a contraction of Davidson, the son of David, which is the more probably derivation. DICTIONARY OF NAMES - by Arthur, page 112 Bering-Gould agrees with Camden and thinks the name a derivative from Daws a form of David. FAMILY NAMES AND THEIR STORIES, Bering-Gould paso 55- Lower also opposes the D'Osscne theory and says there is no mention of such a town as Ossone, and that the Itin. Norm. does not give it. DICTIONARY OF FAMILY NAMES by Lower, page Bus Gharles Dawson in his exhaustive genealogy of the Dawgon Family discusses the origin of the name at length: "Surnames as now used are of modern invention, At the beginning of the Christian era and for many centuries after they were unknown. Camden tells us that they began to be settled or hereditary in France about the year 1000 and in England about the date of the Conquest. The sources from which names have been derived are many. These include manifold forms of human pursuits, almost all varieties of bodily and mental characteristics, and a multitude of localities, events, and objects of natures Frequently the name of the father was used as a surname, with the addition of "son". Thus, instead of John's son the name became Johnson: David's son became Davidson. From Daw (the nickname for David) comes Daw*s son or Dawson. Another version, according to Burk, is that the founder of the Dawson Family in England was Marmaduke D'Ossone, a Norman who accompanied William the Conqueror. His descendants intermarried with many families and the name by easy process became anglicised to Dawson." THE DAWSON FAMILY' RECORD by C. C. Dawson, page 2. The name in its present form is undoubtedly English and the American families of the name are unquestionably of English origin. HEFERENGE do ENGLISH NAMES by Hitching, page xxxi. HOME OF ENGLISH NAMES by Guppy, page ATT. THE DAWSON CREST More than a score of crests are accredited to various branches of the Dawson family in English Heraldry, 22 in England and 2 in Ireland. A careful search would perhaps result in further additions to the 1ict» The following crest was confirmed on Juno 12, 1665-M to John Dawson of Sutterby in Lincolnshire, and io characteristic: "Dawson, (Suttorby, Lincolnshire) ar. (argent) two pales sa. (cable). a chov. (chevron) ga. (guloa) on a oanton of the last. a battle-axe or creat, a dexter arm, embowod, in armour. ppr. (Proper) garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a battlcvaxe of the last. BERRY'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA HERALDICIA, Vol. 11, FAIRBAIRN'S CRESTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND,Vo1 The following mottoa are found in various Dawson crests and arms: Vitae via virtuc. Manua haao inimioa tyrannis. Pcrscvcrando. Amor mana crucifixus. Alta volat. FAIRBAIRN'S CRESTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, VO1»1,p»156. THE DAWSON FAMIEY. The Dawson Family is of English origin. As early as 1601 the family was widely distributed throughout the British island and was found in Cumberland, Essex, Kent, Lancaster, Linco1n~ shire, Middlesex, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Suffolk, York- shire, Cheshire, London and Norfolk and perhaps other oounties.1 The authorities on En lien and Irish heraldry give, on superficial examination, ai different crests belonging to as many dietinct_branches of the Dawson Family, most of than confirmed at an early date, 22 of them in England and 2 in Irelandea It is evident therefore that the family was distributed as early as the close of the 15th century through more than half the English counties, and even at that early date ancient origin that the various branches had logg trace of their connection with any parent stem. was of such since lost all The name is foun among the first immigrants to America. It OOGHPS early as 1655 (English Virginia Immigrants, Page 91) and with increasing frequency during all periods of English immigrae tion, Fifteen of the name came over between 1655 and 165h and of course thi lists include only a small fraction of the total immigration. They seem to have come from many different ports of England, Ireland and Scotland and from many separate branches Their early arrival in America and their wide distribution through the colonies is shown by the returns from the first census taken in LTQO, which reports 175 families of the name Dawson, Dauson, Doreen, and Doreen, comprising a total of 998 , and distributed as follows: - persons l family in New Hampshire h families Massachusetts H gamilies Connecticut am lies New York 22 families Pennsylvania M families Maryland M7 families Virginia 2? families North Carolina 17 families South Carolina 1 REFERENCE TO ENGLISH NAMES 1601, by Hitching. 2 FAIRBAIRN'S BOOK OF CRESTS OF THE FAMILIES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Vols 1, page 156. HCM GF ENGLISH NAMES, page QTY, by Guppy. IBII5 page 91. While families of the name were found principally in Pednsylé vanie, Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas, they were enumer~, ated in every state of the then Union except Maine, Vermont an Rhode Island, and a large proportion of them had undoubtedly been in American for more than a century at the time the census was taken in 1390. ' The genealogy of many different Dawson families, as well ae the available European history of families of that name, are given in an exhaustive work, the "Dawson Family Record" by Gharlee G. Dawson, published in lSTH» Brief references to families of that name are also made in numerous other histories and genealogies, particularly the "Goode Genealogy, Virginia Cousins" by G. Brown Goode (1887). 1. A CENTURY OF POPUEATION GROWTH IN THE UNITED STATES, 1790»1900, THIRTEENTH CENSUS, U.S. CENSUS BUREAU. §"Q§.@Ul3.Ia!2§lW§9i3s-s 8 The Missouri branch of the Dawson family is descended from the Amherst County Dawsons of Virginia, who, because of their location in adjoining counties, contemporary dates, and partioue larly the similarity of names and professions, are easily con- fused with the Albemarle family of the same name. While the recurrence of the sane Christian names in both, especially of such unusual names as Martin and Pleasant, indicate a close relationship between the two, a comparison demonstrates that, even allowing for inaccuracies, they are apparently distinct and separate branches and not two versions of the same family. our knowledge of the Amherst County line is drawn largely from two sources, a fragmentary genealogy given as s collateral branch in the Dawson Family Record published in 1878, and a foot note in Gocdefs Virginia Cousins published in 1887. There is also a brief reference to the Missouri connection in a History of Lincoln County, Missouri, issued in 1888; also the returns from ' the First Census, and the usual records of service in the Revoe lution and the War of 1812. Aside from these no other authentic records have been found, although an inspection of the census returns from Amherst County for 1800, 1810, 1820 and 1850, and the probate, deed and marriage records of Amherst County, and of Albemarle County, from which Amherst was formed, would no doubt yield much interesting and pertinent data. Although the Goode Genealogy was written thirteen years after the publication of the Dawson Record, it is evident that its author had not seen the latter, and the very fact that the two do not fully agree in minor details is conclusive evidence of the reliability of the essentials vouched for by both authors. For example Goode in his account of the first Dawson family is able to name only the third and fifth of the five children pre- viously given by the Record. Had he had access to the Dawson Record he would, of course, have given them all. It is evident, therefore, that he obtained his data from a different source, and the two lists secured at different times and from different sources corroborate each other. The two agree on the Welch des- cent cf the mother but differ on the descent of the father. Goode attributing to him Scotch ancestry while Dawson says he is of English descent, another evidence of reliability asa,nmpe copyist would have agreed in auch details. Goode also gives the date of the elder Dawsonis immigration while the Record makes_no mention of lt, and is unable to glue even the Christian nemo of the head of the familys _ 5 ' ` THE DAWSON FAMILY I. Martin Dawson---# ---- -»--- ~--» ~--- --~ 2-Martin Dawson----Unknown------~»- 3~Robert Dawson~---Unknown -------- - -Joseph Dawson----Unknown-- ------ -~-- ------» -» -John Dawson-»----Cir. 1?5O ---- --- -nn;-nuunmuuun--soup Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown Before 1796 The name of the elder Dawson is in doubt. Goode gives it as Martin but follows it with a question mark. and the fact that the Dawson Record is silent on the subject, and that he may be confused with the Martin Dawson of the Albemarle family, or with his own son, renders it somewhat dubious, although the recurrence of the name in practically every succeeding generation makes it at least probable that Goode is correct. 'While both agree that his wife was Welsh, they differ as to his own descent. One says he was a native of Scotland, the other of England, but as the Dawson name is nowhere mentioned in Hanna's exhaustive work on "The Scotch Irish" or in the books of Bolton, Linehan, Ford, Ross and others on the same subject, we are forced to the conclusion that he was an Englishman and not a Scotchman. Goode says he came to america about l?q5 and there is no other testimon on the subject. (Virginia Cousins by G. Brown Goode, page 85§. A careful study of the immigration lists of the period might establish the exact date. He may have been that Martin Dawson who married Mildred Cox, October 18, 1795, or that Martin Dawson who was appointed at the first meeting of the county court of Albemarle County to appraise an estate "near the Cote." (Wood's History of Albemarle County, Virginia, page 176). If so, he probably died prior to 1783 as the return of beads of families from Hmherst County for that year gives only the names of his four sons. (Heads of Families, Virginia, First Census, page aG). He probably had other children, and it is possible that he was related to William Dawson and his brother, Thomas Dawson, both of whom were Presidents of William and Mary College at Williamsburg, Virginia. It is also quite likely that such Christian names in later generations as Ludwell and Lee indicate relation to prominent Williamsburg families. (Gampbell's History of Virginia, page *", Dawson Family Record, page 316). 0 Martin Daweon»-- »~~»»~~ w ~-- »»--» ~----»- Carter _ Unknown Unknown Lived and died in Amherst County, Virginia. Had many children, and was married more than once. His last wife was a Miss Garter. Goode gives as his children Nelson and Zechariah, while Dawson gives Martin, William, Nelson, Jessee and Zechariah. (Virginia Cousins by Goode, page 85, Dawson Family Record by 0.0. Dawson, page 316). The tax lists of 1783 show him to be living that year in Amherst County, his family consisting of nine per- sons, and owning seven slaves. (Heads of Families, Virginia, page hd). Same "Dawson's Row" at University of Virginia. James Lewis Dawson (L) told his daughter Jane Elizabeth (V) when she showed him.the Dawson Book that he went with his father Ludwell Lee Dawson (H) to see their cousin, Martin Dawson (B) who ave "Dawsonfs Row" (a row of dormitory rooms, today the campus? to the University of Virginia. 1 Robert Dawsen» -~-- ~---4Ik&HMwwQ- ~~-~~ - ------- »---Unknown No information as to personnel of his family. Reported in the tax lists of 1783 as living in Amherst County with a family of two, evidently himself and wife and two slaves. He is probably the Robert Dawson who served during the Revolution in the 2nd Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line. (Eokenrode1s List §§)Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, page 132, supplement, page o as-LL Joseph Dawson~-»-»---iUUkU0WH)**-- ---Christian Unknown Unknown '6Lewis Dawson~~»-~- - ----»Unknown-»--------Unknown` fFPleasant Dawson---- ---- -----Unknown» ----- -9-,Unknown Joseph Dawson was a Virginia farmer. He resided in Amherst County, where he was doubtless born, and is recorded as having died there, after living to the extraordinary age of 115 years. (Dawson Family Record, page 31?). His tombstone and the county records would doubtless give further information. He was a veteran of both the Revolution and the War of 1312. He served as a private in the company of Captain in the ' Sth Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line, commanded by Col. James Woods This regiment was organized and first commanded by Col. Peter Muhlenberg, a Luthern Minister, and brother of Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg the first Speaker of the House of Repro sentatives. (Payrolls of Virginia Continental Line, Folder l8l,1.). (Enckenrode'a List of the Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, Supp1ement,.page 88.) During the War of 1812 he was twice enrolled as a private in the Company of Captain John Wilson, the first time from Septem- ber 13, 181k to November l6, 131h in the End Regiment of Virginia Militia commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John Ambler. (Virginia Pay Rolls, War 1812, page 80). The second time in the same company in the 26th Regiment of Virginia Militia, the entire oompagioeerving for lk days, (Virginia Muster Rolls, war 1812, 138.56 e The tax lists of 1733 report him as living in Amherst County, the head of a family of nine gersons with seven slaves. (Heade of Families, virginia, page h 1. The tax lists of 1765 report him, or some other Martin Dawson, as living in Albemarle County, the head of a family cf lh persons, with three dwellings and three other buildings. (Ibid, page 81). Ae he is not reported in 1785 in Amherst he had either moved to Albemarle County in the meantime, or had died and the Martin Dawson reported is a member of the Albemarle family, the latter of which is hardly probable. II-S. John Dawson ---- -- -----(Unknown)------ ----- Watkins Unknown , Unknown was living in Amherst County, Virginia in 1783 the head of a family of seven persons with one slave, but in lTd5 is returned as Captain John Dawson the head of a fmnily of 12 persons, in- cluding slaves and others, with two dwellings and eight other buildings, (Heads of Families, Virginia, page hd and page Bk). He died some time prior to 1696 and his wife with two of their children, John and Elizabeth, moved to Lincoln County, Kentucky. (Dawson Family Record, page 317). III»6. Lewis Dawson-- ----- (Unknown)---------~-- Patterson Unknown Unknown B-Ludwell Lee Dawson----~---1800 ------- -- ---- -lBh3 9-Charles Wesley Dawson-»»--Unknown ----------- »Unknown 10-Elizabeth Dawson- ----- --~~Unknown ----- ------Unknown 11-Jane Dawson ----- -- ------- -Unknown---- ---Unknown Lewis Dawson was a Methodist minister. (History of Lincoln County, Missouri (1888), page 52h). He was born in Amherst County Virginia and lived there continuously until his death. The only comment made by the Dawson Record is the five words: "Said to be very able." (Dawson Family Record, page 317). His wife was a Miss Patterson a sister of Elizabeth Walker Patterson who married Colonel John Watt. _ III-T. Pleasant Dawson--~----~~=(Unknown) *-~-- e- Christian ' Unknown Unknown -Pleasant Dawson was living in Amherst County, Virginia in 1811. (Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Viréinia, by Chalkley. Vo1.2, page 198). His wife was a daughter of rury Christian. (Ibid, page 198). No further information. IV-5. Ludwell Lee Dawson--- -~~~ (182?) ---»------ Jane Malvina Watt 18Oh 18h2 12-James Lewis Dawson»---~Mar 13,1828 ----------- Apr 25,1903 1 ~John Robert Dawson--~»-Jul 31,1830 »--»--~- ---May 15,1900 1'-Albert Dawson ~----- ~-~- Unknown- ------- » ----- Unknown l54Wi11iam Dawson~ --~-~-~~ Unknown ------ »- --»- Unknown 16~Mary Louise Dawson~~-~-Jul 21,183 -~-»=~ ----- Jan 11,1916 1T»Samue1 Patterson Dawsonhay ,183 ~~-- »----- ~May 18,1898 Born in Amherst County, Virginia and spent his entire life there and is buried there. His death occurred within a year after the death of his wife leaving four small children. The oldest of the four emigrated to Missouri in 18hh withlis Aunt, Jane Reynolds, and later sent for the younger children, which accounts for their meager knowledge of their family connections in Virginia. He was a Methodist minister. (History of Lincoln County, Missouri, page 528). "Know all men by thee presents that we Ludwell L. Dawson, Willis M. Reynolds and Burwell H. Tucker are held and firmly bound unto John M. Gregory, Lieutenant Governor and Acting Gov" ernor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and his successors in office for the use of the Commonwealth in the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars current money of Virginia to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of ue and each of our heirs executors and administrators are jointly and severally bound firmly by these presents. Sealed without seals and dated this 19th day of December 18h2 and in the year of the Commonwealth. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Ludwell L. Dawson hath this day produced to the Court of Amherst Countygcredontials of his ordination as minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church and also of his being in regular communion with that Christian Society. New if the said Ludwell L. Dawson shall well and truly perform the duty of minister of the gospel in celebrating the rights of matrimony agreeably to the form and customs of the said church according to Law, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Ludwell L. Dawson - `Wi1lis M. Reynolds Bu well H. Tucker .A ` `At a cou t held for Amherst Gcunty on the 19th day or Decem~ ber 18h2, this bond was produced in open court and acknowledged by the parties thereto and ordered to be recorded. Sam M. Garland, Clerk." Willis M. Reynolds was appointed administrator of the estate of Ludwell Lee Dawson June 19,1Ba3. Jane Malvina Watt, daughter of Gola John Watt and Elizabeth Walker Patterson, was his first cousin, the1r.mothers being sisters. She was related to the celebrated Dr, Patterson of Lynchburg, Virginia. Dr. Patterson was either an Uncle or a Great Uncle of (dz) James Lewis Dawson. His son visited the Missouri Branch about 187h. Colonel Watt was born in 1752 and died in 1830. Colonel John James Watt was married to Elizabeth Walker Patterson, September 18, 1?9h, and to them were born the followe ing children: Elizabeth watt who married Mr. Monster; Sallie M. Watt who married Mr. Ferguson; #Lived and died in Fulton, Missouri ~-Tuberculosis, Watt who married Watkins; Jane Eeivina Watt who married Eudwell Lee Dawson; Catherine Watt who married Thomas A. Osborne; Watt who married Jones; Watt, a daughter, Burned to death in theatre in FIchmond, Virginia, name is on bronze bgblgt ¢n the site of theatre. William H. Watt, Unknown. Colonel Watt was the second time married to Patterson, daughter of Colonel Charles Patterson. Whether sEe was related to his first wife is not known. She was living in Louisville, Kentucky, at the time of har marriage and returned there after the death of her husband. She was a woman of independent means when she married Colonel Watt and inherited considerable pro- perty from him at his aoaeea Sne had no children and at her death willed everything to Robert Milles. Golonel John James Watt, In Baylorfs Regiment, afterwards Lieut. Col. U.S.A,; Garnett, Virginia, Dragoons, June 17, 1776; Lieutenant, lst- Gontinental Dragoons, December 18, 1776; Captain, April 7, 1778; wounded at Eutaw Springs, September 6, 1781; Retained in Baylor's Regiment of Dragoons, November 9, 1782; and served to the close of the war; Lieutn Col. Light Dragoone, UQS. army, January 8, l?99; Honorable? discharged, June 15, 1800. (§EITknn:S §EGIgTER¢ esaicsns ca tae Coeo3s"ao»L fart, Page aaa): IV*9. Sharles Wesley Dawson ----- -- --~-- ~~-»~- ----- -----Unmarried Born in Amherst County, Virginia and came to Missouri about the year 18th. Taught school in Louisiana when he first same to Missouri. Moved to Moberly and was a merchant there at time of his death. A IV-10. Elizabeth Dawaon~-----~~~-(Unknown}------ --~»Nimrod Guy ' Unknown Unknown First marriage, Dr. Phelps. Married and died in Virginia and left no children. 18-Anna Burton Guy ----- ~~-May lG;13a5--------e--Jun 1h,1902 was known in the family as Betty( Lived near Paynesville, Pike Gounty, Missouri. IV-11; Jane Dawson --~~~ e- ~~~- (In Virginia)~»-e--~#Wi11is'Reynolds 19-Marion (son) 20- - (son) Lived on farm near Millcreeka Second time married Miss McI11roy(2) IV~12. James Lewis Dawson---~- -~---------- -- (Apr. 18, 1850) I _ 2l»Me1inda Harvey Dawson----Jun. 22»Jane Elizabeth Daweon-~»-Aug. , 23-Lucy Caroline Dawson ----- Jun. Zh-Francie Ludwell Lee D----Jan. 25-Margaret Virginia Dawson-Nov, 26-Ida Louise Dawson ----- ---Jan. 9 16, 11, 27. 3: zo, Susan Dameron Harvey Feb. 12, 1829 May 17, 1906 1851~Feb. 12, 1852-Feb, 5, 185%-May 6, 185 »Jan. 29, 1858~0ot. 28, 186M~Nov. 13, 1933 1951 ee 33 189 193 County, Virginia, Hieaouri in 18th, at the age of 16. Chairman, Executive Board of Guivre Association from its organization to nie death. Complete biography in History of Lincoln County, page 52h. Oak Ridge Cemetery. Baptist, Democrat, Mason, farmer. James and came to L Dawson was born in Amherst ° Susan Dameron Harve§, daughter of Francis Harvey and Melinda Dameron, born in elson County, Virginia, and came with her father's family to Missouri in 1831. | John Robert Dawson--~- --~----- --~-Elizabeth Smith (Unknown) 2?-Margaret Stephens Dawson 28-Richard Lee Dawson~--~»- 29-Charles Wesley Dawson--- 3O~Robert G. Dawson »----»-- 31-Harry Ramsey Daweon----- 32-James Ludwell Dawson -~-- 33~Me1v1na Dawson ----- ----- 1| -Sep. 5. 'APP' 271 "Deco 9; *Agro 9, -Jane 23, Aug. 6, 1860 1863 1865 1871 1869 18 8» 1880 1 Jul. 12; Oct. ll, Oct I' 6| Jun. 9; Jan, 8, 1936 £3313 1895 1907 Pike County, Born in Amherst County, Virginia, married in Missouri, to Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Captain Richard Shannon (Dick) smite ana Elizabeth shew. Prairieville cemetery, Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. Via-Lf. q Albert Dawson ------- ~----- »~ ---------- -~ ~~-- »---Unmarried Dieu in infancy. Buried in Amherst County, Virginia. l William Dawson--~-~-----~»- ----- -» ~-»--- - ---- »--Unmarried Died in infancy. Buried in Amherst County, Virginia, v;"]-6* ' Mary Louisa Dawson-----~»--w---------- {Uhknown) 3h»He1en Turnsr-------- 35-Mollie Turner --~---- 36-Ada Molvins Turner-- 3;-Edwsrd Loo Turnor-»- 3 »N1mrod Guy Turnor--- 39-Lula George Turnor-- ho-Enna Turner -~----~-- h1~Garra George Turner- h2-Nevs Winifred Turner M3-Ruth Hiloroa Turner- Unknown-- Unknown-- Oct i 12; Marc 8, Uhknown-- Unknown-- Unknown- Unknown-- "SBP a 25, -Mar. 11, Goorgs Foster Turner 1327 Aug. 21, 1886 -- ---------- Unknown ------------Unknown 1853--Mar. 25, 1930 1857--Nov. 27, 1920 ----~-----~-Unknown -----»--»~»-Unknown ------------Unknown - ----------- Unknown 1871 -------» Unknown 1876~Aug. 20, 1915 Born in Amherst Gountya Virginia; marries in Missouri. Known in tho family as "Lou ; Christian Church, Democratic Party. Mrs. Sol. Watt, her stop-grandmother, wrote from Louis- ville, Kentucky, asking that she ho given to hor, and saying she would provide for hor as for hor own child, but when they reached Louisville, Louise, dismayed at parting from familiar faces, cried and bogged her aunt not to leave her, but to take hor on to Missouri, which she did, and Grandmother Wstt's pro~ porty went to others. Married in Pikq County, Missouri 'by Rev. Isaac Everett, Christian Church. '§Buris& in O sho, kobrasks, George Foster Turner, born in Virginia, buried at Omaha, Nebraska; farmer; Christian Church; Democrat. , v;17. Ssmusl Patterson Dawson ---- ~-------Mildred Ann Smith (1865) Nov. 27, 1820 Jan. ln, 18 7 I-|-I-I-*"I"1i1dI'Bd E11-Z&b8th"*'J`ano 7| 1867"""""""* gnimmwumnanu-q-rvnmwqnuumvannnnunyvgguswlh ` (Dee, 5, 1B$7} Jul. 11, 13h3 _ Jun. EQ, 1923 h5~Leon1das ~--~ 4 --»-- ---~Fe%. '§, 1868-Sep. 12, 1923 R6-Pleasant Ludwellwe- ------ Jun. 26, 1871-Jan. 17, 19MB M7-Lou Alice --~~----- ~» ---- Jun, 30, 18?5»Au§. 27. l9M9 L8-John Francis Meriwether Dawson~Mar. 9, 1 78-- -Sep, 26, 1931 M9-Nelle Jacksons ~-~~ --1---Jun. 11, 1830-May 2? (1910 gr 91 S04Wil1i&m Albert ---- *- ~-~- Feb, 3, 1B83»Jah¢ 1907 Samuel Patterson Dawson was horn in Amherst County, Virginia, His brother, James Lewis Dawson, sent for him and brought him to Missouri. He is buried in Paririeville Cemetery, at Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. Farmer; Baptist; Democrat, A.F.&,A.M. Mildred ann Smith born near Paririeville, Missouri. Buried`in Prairieville Cemetery, Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. Sarah Ann Edwards, daughter of Pleasant Carr Waller Edwards and Catherine Smith. Born in Pike County, Missouri, Baptist. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Louisiana, Missouri. v*1B| A , Anna Burton Guy---~--- ------- -~»---+--Andrew Jackson Forgey (Mar. 20, 1371) Aug. 12, 13MB , Jun. 1?, 1923 Married at Paynesville, Missouri, by Rev. J- J. Evett,' Christian Church. No children. Clarksville Cemetery. Andrew Fergey was the second time married to Miss Sarah Julia Gilbirds, Get. 6, 1903, who was the second time married to Lee Gardner, May 10, 1927. Andrew Fergey was a brother of Mrs. Kate Block. V»19. Marion Reynolds V»20 Son Reynolds v1-aa, Melinda Harvey Dawson---- »-»- William Culbertson Lindsay (Nov, 16, 1870) Sep. 2, l8h2 Nov. 12, 1928 51-Maria Dawson Lindsay-~---»Sep. 3, 1871-- 52-Wi11iam`Vardeman Lindsay»-Oct, 22, 1873--Apr, 28,1983 53-Lucy Dawson Lindsay- ------ Mar. 12, 1876-- Sh-Susan Dawson Lindsay ~-~~-- Mar. 20, 1880-- Born in Lincoln County, Missouri. William Culbertson Lindsay born in Franklin County, Kentucky and came with his father*s family from Frankfort, Kentucky to Missouri in 1828, His father bought 3000 acres of land in St. Charles County and built the house in which the family still resides. William Culbertson Lindsay is a brother of Clement Bell Lindsay. Democrat, Baptist, farmer and stockman. Complete bio- graphy given in "Biographical Record of Saint Charles, Warren and Lincoln Counties, Missouri" (1895), page 137, Saint Paul, Saint Charles County, Missouri. St. Charles Cemetery. 0 Jane Elizabeth Dawson-- ---~ ---Francis Thornton Meriwether (say 2, 1872) Mer. 16, 1838 55-Dawson Mer1wether---- -~-- -Jun. 27, l87h-Jul. 19, 1880 S6-Charles Lewis Meriwether--Nov, 20, 18TTeJun. 3, 1928 Born at "Top Lofty", Lincoln County, Missouri, Mcuune College; D.A.R.; Century Club; Baptist; Democrat; author many magazine and newspaper articles. Francis Thornton Meriwether, son of William Nicholas Meriwether and Martha Louise Manson; born at " Pebbleton" the country home of his father in Bedford County, Virginia; graduated at the University of Virginia, 1859, Served as regimental quartermaster in the 2nd Virginia Cavalry with Captain Flood, Lieutenant Poore and Captain Erent, 1860 to 1865. Enlisted May 28, 1861, at Forest Depot as a private in Captain Winston Radford's company, which subsequently became Company G, 2nd Regiment, Virginia Cavalry, Confederate States Army, paroled at Quartermaster Depot of the Regiment, at Lynchburg, Virginia, May 27, 1865. Member of State Examining Board, State of r California 1871-72. Superintendent of schools, Clarksville, Missouri 1869-71. Principal of High School at Louisiana, Missouri 1885-1893. Postmaster at Louisiana, Missouri under President Cleveland. County Supreintendent of Schools of Pike County. First President of Building and Loan Association, Louisiana, Mis so uri, The father (William Nicholas Meriwether) of F. T. THE HERIWETHER PHOTOGRAPH OF GENERAL LEE Mrs. Wm. Nicholas (Martha Manson) Meriwether, of Virginia, shortly after the close of the Givil War, took the local packet on the James River at Ho1comb's Rock, a river landing near Pebbleton, the Meriwether home, enroute to Richmond to attend the annual State Convention of the Episcopal Church to which sho was a delegate. General Lee, also a delegate to the Convention, was on the boat and as they neared Richmond left his cabin preparatory to disemharking. As he walked down the deck every woman present wept. But Mrs. Meriwether approached him and said: "General Lee, I have man¥ pictures of you in my home, as every Southern home has. But bought them. Is it too much to ask to have one from you? I have the right to ask because I had four sons in the Confederate Army who served the entire four years of the war. I hope you can find it in Your heart to grant me this favor. The General did not promise. He asked her name and address, patted the hand she gave him, bent his head, smiled gravely and passed on. But a few days after her return home she received through the mail a parcel from a Richmond photographer and opening it found to her surprise not the one photograph she had asked but four ~- one for each son, all hearing his autograph. Strangely enough, the card on which the photographs are mounted, although rather elaborate, bears no stamp or print_in- dieating the studio in which they were made and the name of the photographer has been lost. The photographer who recently copied the photograph pro~ nounced it priceless in that it is an untouched print and there ere no other known copies. The original photograph belonging to Francis Thornton Meri- wether, one of the four soldier sons, is new in the possession of Charles Le Meriwether, Jr., son of Charles L. Meriwether, Srs, grandson of F, T. Meriwether and greategrandson of Martha Manson Meriwether to whom the photograph was given by General Lee. (Cory) _ y =;--was rarearmenm- was #nitrate eaeaeetfs orrzce P 'washington `~ ESA -= ff . y +-__,»- September 30 19h0 -hhafi _=- _ 2 ,.., ' Meriwether, Frank Thornton £9-23-uc) ca aaa>feer1a e1afeet.tetne'&t, House of Representatiree. My dear Mr. Cannon: This'is in reply to your letter of September 23, 19uO, in which you request to be furnished the military and medical record of Francis Thornton Meriwether, said to have served in the 2nd Virginia Cavalry, Confederate States Army. The records show that one Frank Thornton Meriwether, (name also found as Fr. T. Meriwether but not as Francis Thornton Meriwether) enlisted May 28, 1961, at Forest Depot as a private in Captain Winston Radford's Company, Hedford's Regiment of Cavalry, which subsequently became Company G, 2nd Regiment Virginia Cavalry, Confederate States Army. He was detailed ee company quartermaeter September 28, 1961, and was promoted to quartermaster sergeant of the regiment about 1862, exact date not shown. The Field & Staff muster roll for July and August, 186k (last on file) shows him present. He was paroled May 27, 1865, at Lynchburg, Ha. No medical record has been found. _ Tne_co1lection of Confederate States Army records in this Department is incomplete and the failure to find the complete or any record of any person thereon is by no means conclusive proof that such person did not serve at some period not covered by the records. Very respectfully, EeSsAdams Ma§cr General The Adjutant Genoralx Meriwether was a classmate of Edgar allen Poe at the University of Virginia. Uncle Frank's (20) grandfather (Nicholas Meriwether) was a colonel in Washington's Army and_was one of the three men who carried Braddock off the field and Mrs. Braddock sent him a gold braided uniform which for years hung in the hall at Pebbleton. Prairieville Cemetery, Eolia, Pike Gounty, Missouris VI-23. Luo? Goroline Dawsone--~-~»~-~~-e-Reuben Thomas Wigginton (Jun. 5, 1B?9) Jul. 11, 1&a1 57»Suean Teresa W1gginton~-Jun. 10, 1§8O~Dec. 23, 1880 Lucy Caroline Dawson, born in Lincoln County, Missouri. McGune College. Died at 'El-Mo" farm. As her last illness drew to its close her physician, Drs Lovelace, realizing that the end was near, suggested that she be tolds The family shrinking from the ordeal placed it on the dootor. It was early spring and a bush of flowering almond on the lawy was just bursting into bloom. Breaking a spray of the blossom he took his seat by her bed. "Don't you think it is beautiful, Lucy?" he asked. "Yes, Doctor," she answered and than startled by the gravity of his manner, "why do you ask?" Pausing for a moment, he bowed his head. "Heaven is more beautiful than this,V he said. Reuben Thomas Wigginton. (See VI (23) _ | Francie Ludwell Lee Dawson- --~---- ----Mary Jackson Thomas (oss. 16, 1B8L} sep. 7, 1665 03150 3; 195,4- 58~Li11ian Dawsonse-----Nov. 30, 1885-» 59-Elizabeth Thomas Dawson--Jul. 23, 1890-Sep. 8, 1908 60-Mary Frances Dawson--Mar. 31, 189B~- Frank L. Dawson, born Lincoln County, Missouri. William Jewell College; Baptist; Democrat; A.F. & A. M,; Chairman of Cuivre Association 18-ef Moderator 18--: member of the House of Representatives in h2nd and 43rd General Assemblies of Missouri. Chief Clerk of the House or aapssssnsasivss in the hhth General Assembly. Judge of the oouaty Geert of Lincoln County from the rarstlbietrlet from 1910 to 191h; Official Manual or Missouri, | 368 AIT! & as M. Mary Jackson Thomas, daughter of Abraham Milton Thomas and Missouri Howard, born near Eleberry, Missouri, Known the family as "Mclly"n Her father was born in Kentucky, her mother in Tennessee. Attended Paynesville Pritchett Academy. Christian Church; Democrat; 0.E.S3; P.EzOs Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri. vI»25. _ Margaret Virginia Dawson--- ------- Reuben Thomas Wigginton Apr. ,6» 1916 _ 61-Ida Dawson Wigginton »--»- Jun. 1, 1885-» 62~Sarah Melinda Wigginton-~Sep. 17, 1891--May 7, 1917 Margaret Virginia Dawson, known in the family as Couchie. Bern at Top Lefty." Graduat Missouri, as valedictorian of Star Hope Cemetery, near Reuben Thomas Wigginton, Teresa Smith, born in drimble Kentucky to Missouri with his B d from Baptist College, Louisiana, her class. Baptist. a Elsberry, Lincoln. County, Nissouris son of Fielden Wigginton and County, Kentucky. Came from father's family in 18h6; merchant at Falmouth from 1862 to 1880; an inccrporator of the Bank of Lincoln County, 1888-1916. Star Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri. Q Frederick William Lahr Ida Louise Dawson- »---~-------- -~-- (Nov. 17, 1887) Mar. 26, 1859 , sep. 17, 1911 6 -James Dawson Lahr---- ---~ -Aug. 26, 1888-- 6 -Charles Wigginton Lindsay Lahr-¢May 26, l890~» Born at "Top Lofty". Baptist College; Baptist. Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri. Frederick william Lahr, son of Antone Lahr (born Jan. 1, 1822) and Hanna Schumacher (born Dec. 17, 1833) daughter of Gaspar Schumacher (born 1?9?~died 18h7), was born in Vincennes, Indiana. His grandfather was elected Burgomeister of the City of Uhenheim, Province of Reinhessen, Germany, August, 1822. Buried in`Vincennes, Indiana. VI-27. | Margaret Stephens Dawson-~»--------- --~--- - -_.. -Unmarried Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. Died as result of an auto- mobile accident. vI"'2B¢ Richard Lee Dawson-~- ~--~ ~---»- »------Virginia Lee Palmer (Mer, 13, 1890) Not. 26, 1865 65~Hilda May Dawson--ee ------ ---Doo.` B, 1390-- 66»Frank Palmer Dawson- ----- »--»Apr. 29, 1911-- Born in Pike County, Missouri. Farmer and surve or. Deputy-County Surveyor of Lincoln County, Missouri, 1590 to 1593. Member of House of Representatives from Pike County in %?th and hBth General Assemblies of Missouri, 1913-1916. Official Nanual of State of Missouri, 191S»1916, page TS.) Democrat, Methodist. t Virginia (Jennie) Lee Palmer, daughter of John W. M. Palmer and Ann Harvey. Eolia Gemetery, ?ike County, Missouri. vm.:-em e Charles Wesley Dawson»»»-4- -~e~ ----- ~--- ----- Flora Battson (sep. 16, 1897> Oee. 5, 1570 6?-Mildred Lee Dawson---Aug, 12, 1399-- 68-Dora Elizabeth Dawson-Apr. 9, 1902-- 69»Ludwe11 Lee Dawson---»Nov. 26, 191h»~ Born Eolia, Pike County, Miasouria Pritchett Institute, Paynesvillo, Missouri. Democrat Methodist.Married Elsberry, Lincoln Gounty, Missouri, by Rev. W. S. Booker. Flora Battson, daughter of J. D. Battson and Catherine Valery. Born Troy, Ohio. Centenary College. Methodist; Democrat, VI~6O. Robert G. Dawson-~-~ ------»-----» - -~~- ~ -~~ ---- Unmarried Methoaiet; Democrat. Prairieville Cemetery,-Eolia, Pike County, Missouri, g Harry Ramsey Dawson----e ----- - ~--#Unmarried Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. vI"'32o James Ludwell Dawson ----» ---~-----~ ~»~~ -~-Kota Emma Meyer (Jen. 22, 1903) Aug. 17, 1379 70-Ruth Stephens Dawson°Nov. 2?, I903--»Feb. 1T, 1929 Born near Eolie, Pike County, Missouri. ?ike College, Bowling Green, Missouri; Democrat; Methodist, farmer. Married at Clarksuille, Missouri, by Rev. L. Carlyle Maggart. Prsirievills Cemetery, Eolie, Pike County, Missouri. Kate Emma Meyer, daughter of William James Meyer and Susie Steele. Methodist. Subsequently married Oct. 16, 1909, to John N. Clark. Eolie, Pike County, Missouri. V1-33.` Malvina Dawoon--~~~---- ---- ~----- -- ------ ¢-Guy Fisher 71-James Lewis Fisher ?2»Robert Guy Fisher Frankford, Pike County, Missouri. Guy Fisher, son of sister of Mrs. Deva Bibb of Eolia. VI-3b. ' Helen Turner ----» -------~-------»----~---»-~~--- Unmarried Died in infancy. Turner Cemetery near Eolie, Pike County, Missouri. VI-3S. Mollie Turner~-- -----*-~ *'""" "'"*"""*""--*°-Unmarried Died in infancy. T rner Cemetery near Eolio, Pike County, Missouri. VI-36. Ado Malvina Turner-~ ---- -- ---- -»~ ~---- Arthur Carter Harris (Jul. 3, IBBM) Oct. 11, 185k Born in Pike County, Missouri, Teacher in Louisiana, Missouri, schools. School principal in Omaha, Nebraska. County Superintendent of Schools in Oregon. Died in Pacific County, Washington. Married at Omaha, Nebrosks, by Rev. J. W. Harris. Arthur Carter Harrie, son of George William Harris and Anna Hor1a»H111er, born at Upporville, Fauquier County, Virginia. Traffic manager; Baptist, T3-Arthur Oscar Harris-asap. T, 1858-- Yu-Helen Rosamond Harris-Nov. 7, lB85~- 75-Marjorie Harris~---~--Apr¢20, 1891»- Author of "Carl" in MoC1ure'e Ma§az1ne. also wrote in Cosmopolitan. Under non de plume of Ada Melvil" she wrote "Garl' and "A Ghriatmas Story" and other stories for MeG1ure's Magaziuee ` ` , Edmonds, washington, RFD 2, Box 86. 0 Edward Lee Turner ---» - »~--- ~~- -»------- ----~- Fannie Estes No children. Died of heart failure at home of Mrs. Te T. Meriwether. Montgomery City, Montgomery County, Missourie VI-33. Nimrod Turner~--~--~ ---- ~~ ---- -- ----»-- ~- ----~- Unmarried Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri. vI"39o Lula George Turnerw- ----»-~~-- ----- ~-*William Henry Stark (Jane 28, 1336) Feba 28, 1350 . Feb. 25, 1927 T6-Ruth Stark-- -~-----»-~ »-~----Nov. M, 1886»- 77-James Harold Stark---» --»-~~- May 3, 1902-- Born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Trained nurse, Baptist Democrat; D.A.R. Married at Eolia, Pike County, Missouri, by Rev. T. M. Patterson. William Henry Stark, son of James Watts Stark and Catherine Sohoolev; born in Pike County, Missouri. Farmer, Baptist, Democrat. Had been previously married. VI-MO, Anna Foster Turner--- ---»--- ---~ --~Dth9 Kirtley 78~Louise Kirt1ey-- T9-Otho K1rtley-~-- _ Separated. He is in Old Mexico. She is in New York City #36 Days in Louisiana, Missouri (1920) (?) Mrs. Medland gays both children are dead. VI~h1.~ Carre George Turner--- ---~-- ----~ ----- Dr. Samuel Rose No children. Buried in Omaha, Nebraska. YI,h2. Neva Ninifred Turner---------~ -»-- -----Unmarried Buried in Omaha, Nebraska. VI-HS. Ruth Mildred Turner~- ----- --- ~---- -Thomas James Medland BO-Mary Elizabeth Medland--»~Nov. 21, 1912-- Born Clarksville, Missouri. Nebraska State Normal; Episcopalian; Republican; D.a.R. Married All Saints Church, Omaha, Nebraska. Thomas James Medland, son of John Medland and Mary Prower. Born Bcwmanville, Ontario, Canada. Druggist; Episcopalian; Bepublidan; A.F. & A. M.; B. P. 0. E. Box S, Hyde Park, Los Angeles, California. v1~uu. A Mildred Elizabeth Dawson-----Dr. James William orewasen (Mar. 8, 1388) Jul. 9, 186- 81-Malinda Catherine Grandson-Jun, 15, 1889-- 82-Mildred Elizabeth Grewdson-Mar. 29, 189h--Aug.l1,19O B34Ni11ene Frances Crewdson---Ang. 27, 1899-- Mildred Elizabeth Crewdson born in Pike County, Missouri, Reared by her maternal grandmother. Regent of Pike County Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of which she was a oharter_member. Representative of her chapter in the National D.A.R. Congress of 1918. Dr. J, W. Grewdson, a distinguished physician who occupied many positions in his professional organizations and who served for many years as Mayor of the City of Louisiana. Louisiana Cemetery, Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri. VI~MS. Leonidas Dawson--- ---- ----Laura Dean Wood 1871 NOV! 7| Sh-James Robert Dawson----- ---- - Born in Pike County, Missouri. Known in the family as "Lee". Farmer; Baptist. Antioch Cemetery. Laura Dean Wood, daughter of William Wood, born near Eolia, Pike sesney, Mtasouri. Known in the family as "oens". Baptist. Antioch Cemetery. VI-ao. Pleasant Ludwell Dawson- -~---------- Susan Jane Simpson (Nov. 27, 1395) Sep. 22, 1672 85-Helen Lacy Dawson ----------- Feb. lg, 1897-- 86-Mildrod Sarah Dawson ----- ---Mar. , 1B99~- B?4Nil1iam Samuel Dawson ------- Oct. Eg, l903~- BB~Mary Margaret Dawson~ ---- ---Nov. 1 , 1906-- 89-Dorotny Eileen Dawson-- ----- Nov. 23, 1915»- Riverview Cemetery, Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri. VI*H7. Lou Alice Dawson ---------- ~~-- ----- --Mark Alvin Stewart (Aug. 15, 1901) ' Auge 9, 16Y1 Nov. 30, 1951 90eDawson Edward Stewart-----e--Jul.22,1902-Apr. 9,1913 91-Elizabeth Meriwether Stewart-Jun. B,190a-May 2h,l905 Born near Prairieville (Now Eolia) Pike County, Missouri. Buffalo Knob School, Pike County, Missouri. Baptist; Democrat; D.A.R.; Louisiana Garden Club. Married by Rev. James D. Biggs. Mark Alvin Stewart, son of William T. Stewart and Eliza- Manning. Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, schools. Postal Service; veteran of Spanish-American War; Presbyterian. Riverside Cemetery, Louisiana, Missouri. VI-MB. John Francis Meriwether Dawson~»-- ~---Mary Alma Reed (Jun. 7, 1921) Augs 15, 1893 No children, Known in the family as "Met", Baptist; -PXCFQ 8: .pismg Riverview Cemetery, Louisiana, Missouri \TI',-|-gn Nellie Jackson Dawson--~-- ------ ~ -------- ----- Unmarried Born in Pike County, Missouri. Pike County Chapter of D.A.R. Riverview Cemetery, Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri. VI-50. William Albert Dawson~--e --»--- ~- ~~-~ ---Unmarried Riverview Cemetery, Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri. One writes he died in 190T - another says 1915. VII»S1. Maria Dawson Lindsay ---~ --- -~-- - ~--~ Philip Landy Waters (Jun. 18, 1891) Apr. 23, 1866 . A-uga 93 92-Berniece Lindsay Waters ---- Sep. 26, 1896-- Born in Saint Charles County, Missouri, and married in Saint Louis, Missouri. Known in family as Maidee. Mas graduated from Baptist College at Louisiana, Missouri, 1888. Philip Landy waters, sen of John William Waters and Mary Whiteside, born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Died in Dallas, Texas. Elsberry Cemetery, Elsberry, Missouri. VII-52. William Vardeman E1ndsay-- ---- - -------- -Helen Vail Milla 92-Jane Dawson Lindsay---»~ ------ Mar. 12, 1909~- 93-Barbara Mills Lindsay~-- -~--- -Jul. 29, 1911-- Born in Saint Charles County. Physician; Scottish Rite Mason; Snriner; Baptist; Democrat. Volunteered at opening of the World War and commissioned Captain in Medical Corps 1917. Served overseas in the Siberian Expedition and promoted to rank of Major. Winona, winona County, Minnesota. Lucy Dawson Lindsay ----- »~ ~---- ~ ---~-- John Galvin Brown (Jun. 8, 1901) Jan. 12, 1867 Mar. 22, 1939 95-John Calvin Brown, Jr.- ------ Dec. 13, 1906-- Born in Saint Charles County, Hissouri. Hardin College, P.E.O.; D,s.R.; U.D.C.; Colonial Dames. Married in Saint Charles County, Missouri. . J. C. Brown, son of Dr. Andrew F. Brown and Mary H. born at Readsville, Callaway County, Missouri. President of Citiaen's Bank, Wentzville, Missouri. Mayor of City of Wentzville. Nominated by Repnblioan Party as candidate for Congress from the 9th_Dietrict of_MLssouri against Champ Clark in 191h. Member of State Republican Committee, Oak Gtove Cemetery, Saint Charles County, Missouri. VII-SH: Susan Dawson Lindasg- ----- ---------- Joseph Edwin Bright (dan. 18, 1912) Febs 20, 1853 Feb. 23, 19h0 §rominent in social affairs; rendered service in Red Cross during war. D.A,R,; U,D.C.; P.E.O, Joseph Edwin Bright, son of Captain Edward Bright and born in Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, President, Imperial Laundry Company, St. Louis, Formerly married to Miss Fowler. Two children by first marriage, Edwin and Eloise Wentzville, Missouri. u Dawson Meriwethervee--~ ---~ --v---~ ---- ---~~---Unmarried Prairieville Cemetery, Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. VII-56. Charles Lewis Meriwether----~~ ~-»~- - ---Maris Naxera (May 2, 19Oh) sep. 27, 1880 Charles Lewis Meriwether, Jr,------~~Feb. 25, 1905-- Dr. Charles L. Meriwether born in Louisiana, Missouri. Washington University; Dentist; Mason; Democrat. Marie Naxera, daughter of Frederick Naxera and Anna Conrad born in Pike County, Missouri. Monticello College; Century Club; State President of Parent-Teachers Association, The only school in Pike County to be named for a woman named for her -e-The Marie Meriwether Public School of Louisiana. 1100 North;Cero1ina Street, Louisiana, Missouri. VII-51; 1 Susan Teresa Wigginton------~ -----~-- - ------ -~Unmarried Star Hope Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri, VII-58, Lillian Dawson -»~~ »-~- -~--~ - -~-~-- William Seaton Sanders (JUll 33 190T) Sept 2, 18?1 9?-Robert Francis Sanders"--~-Mar. 23, 1908-» Lillian Dawson born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Christian College, Columbia, Missouri, B.S, President Al Chapter of P.E.0, 1915-1917. Christian Church. D-A.R. Married at Elaberry, Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. Claude E, Hill. William Seaton Sanders, son of Robert Foley Sanders and Fannie Randolph Knapp, born Nan Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri. St. Charles M,E, Military College; I.C.O.F.; B.P.O.E.; A.F. & A, M.; Thirty-second Degree; A.S.R.; Shrine; Democrat, Elsberry Cemetery. Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. Elisabeth Thomas Danson--~--~~~-~-------~----~Unmarried Died Sep. T, 1908. Oak Ridge Cemetery, Lincoln County, Missouri. VII-60. Mary Frances Danscn--~--»---~----~-----~Mi1es Lewis Hall (Ango 29 1921) Jun. lu, 1900. 93~Mi1es Lewis Hall, Jr,--» ---- ~----Aug. lh, 192h-- 99-Frank Dawson Hall-~--~---~------»Oot, ln, 1927-~ luoavincent Thomas Hal1»»-~~---- »---» Aug. 2, 1932-~ Born Elsberry, Missouri. Daughter of Judge Frank Lee Dawson and Mollie Thomas. University of Missouri, B, S. 1921; University of Arizona; Christian Church; Democrat; Alpha Mn Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta; P.E.O.; Pan Hellenic Association, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Recording Secretary Florida Federa- tion of women's Clubs; Trustee Junior Art Museum of Miami; Past President of Miami Children's Theatre, Inc.; Riviera Country Club; D.A.Ra_Delpnian. Married by Rev. F. J, Yokleye Q . Miles Lewis Hall, sen of Guy Wilbur Hall and L111ie'a, Lewis; born Greensboro, Georgia; University of Georgia; Uni- versity of Michigan, LL.B.; Attorney; Baptist; Democrat; " appointive Judge Municipal Court; Attorney for City; Mason; Knight Templar; Scottisn Bite; Shrine; Kiwanis; Captain Intelligence Division; Air Corps, World War II, l9u2; Charter _.Nember Orange Bowl Committee; Riviera Country Club; Law Firm Hall, Hedrick and Dekle of Miami, Florida. C5171 Greenway Drive, Coral Gables, Florida. "ide Dawson Wiggintonle- ---- ---------- »-eClarence Cannon (Aug."30, 1906) Apra711, 1879 1Cl~Ida Elizabeth Cannon-~-- ----- --Nov. 1, 1911-- 102-Ruby Melinda Cannon ~--~--- ~----Mar. 30, 1919-- Elsberry, Missouri. VII-62. Sarah Melinda Wigginton----William Caswell Prewitt, Jr, (Nov. 26, l91h) Aug. Zh, 1886 Jan, 26, 1950 103-Reuben Caswell Prewitt----Dec, 13, 1915-- Sarah Melinda wigginton born in Lincoln County, Missouri. Hardin College, Mexico, Missouri. Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. Beta Sigma Sorority. A1 Chapter of P.E.0. Pike County Chapter D.A.R. Clarksville Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri William Caswell Prewitt, Jr., son of William Caswell Prewitt, Sr., and Martha anderson, born in Pike County, Missouri; Missouri University. Second marriage March 2, l92M, to Julia Brown, daugh- ter of Joseph Brown and Ada Davis. Julia Brown married second time to James Starling Thomas, Santa Monica, California. VII~63. James Dawson Lahr~-- -**- ""~~------ ~-»---- Ernestine Long Born Eiueolm County, Missouri, son of Frederick William Lahr and Ida Louise Dawson, Elsberry High School; Baptist; Democrat; Farmer | Ernestine Long, daughter of Ernest Elmer Long and Mary Catherine Crank. History Club, A.B.C.Club; P,E.0.; Warrene~ burg State Normal; Peabody Teachers College, Nashville, Tennessee. Teacher in Hazelwood, St, Louis County, Missouri. Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. VII-on. Charles Wigginton Lindsay Lahr-----~ »--- Mary Allen Rose (Aug. 19, 1923) Sep. 17, 1891 lOh»Ida Sue Lahr- -»»» » ----- May 29, 1929-- 105»Martha Hose Lahr --~-»-- Oct. 13, l932~- l06~Mary Louise Lahr -»»~ ~--Cot. Qh, 193h~- 107-Charles Dawson Lahr ---- Mor. 12, 1936-~ Son of Frederick William Lahr and Ida Louise Dawson, born Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri. Former member Livestock Commission firm of Wilson & Lahr; _Democrat; Farmer, Director of Production Credit Association. Married by Rev. J. S. _, Eames at Elsberry, Missouri. Mary Allen Rose, daughter of Thomas M. Rose and Susan Nash; born at Elsberry, Lincoln County, Missouri. Graduated from.Warrensburg State Normal; former teacher in Saint Louis public schools, Christian Church; Democrat, Housewife; P.E.O.; D.A.R. _ BFD 1, Elsberry, Missouri. VII-65. Hilda May Dawson- --~-----~~---~------------ ---L. F. Bibb (Oct. 13, 1929) Jul. T, 18~- Born December B, 1890, Eolia, Missouri. Eolia, Missouri, Public School and Bowling Green College; Methodist; Democrat; D.A.R, Married by Judge Geary, East Saint Louis, Illinois. L. F. Bibb, son of Ben Bibb and Annie Yeager. Born Eolia, Missouri. Stock dealer, National Stockyards, East Saint Louis, Illinois. Baptist; Democrat; Eolia, Missouri, School; Knights of Honor; Modern Woodman. Married to Maud Dillard who died in 1912. ' Frank Palmer Danson--- »---- -----~-- Dorothy Louise Patton ' (Oct. 2. 1937) Ma? 30, 1917 Born Pike County, Missouri. Eolia High School; Farmer; Methodist; Democrat. Dorothy Louise Patton, daughter of Walter Patton and Mary Robert Crank, born Paynesville, Pike County, Missouri; Paynes ville High School; Christian Church; Democrat. Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. VII-67. Mildred Lee Dawson-~- ------ ~~-»-----»-----~-~--Unmarried _ Graduated from University of Missouri. Member of Faculty of Louisiana High School. Deputy Clerk in Recorder's Office, Bartow, Florida. -Reporter on St. Louis Times, Eolia, Missouri VII~68. Dora Elizabeth Dawson--~- ----- -- -~~----- ~~-- YII"'*69| r Ludwell Lee Dawson-»~» ---- --»~--- ~-» -~ #- VII-TO. Ruth Stephens Dawson---*»-»+- -»-- Gentry Christy Magruder (May 22, l926}Deo. 15, 190k 108~Kathryn Ruth Magruder----Apr. 1, 1927-- Born November 27, 1903, Pike County, Missouri. Eolia High School; Methodist; Democrat. Married by Rev; R. T. Campbell at Bowling Green, Missouri. Prairieville Cemetery, Eolia, Pike County, Missouri. Gentry Christy Magruder, son of William Alphens Magruder and Ruth Whiteside. Public Schools, Whiteside, Missouri, and Eolia High School; Baptist; Democrat. Pennsylvania Railroad, Chicago, Illinois, Traffic Department. James Lewis Fisher-----»=- -~---- F---»--~»---»~ Robert Guy F1ea@r------~--- --- ---~ - - --- VII""'73» Arthur Oscar Harris~~»~~ ---- a ---- »»- ~----- ~---Neva airey 2018 East Newton, North Seattle, Washington. VII-fm. Helen Rosamond Harris e--~--~---~--» ~-~»Darid Ladd Wilson 175 Coyuga Street, Santa Cruz, California. VII-TS. Marjorie Harris --~»---- ---Timothy»J@gegh.Mugg@g VII-TS. Ruth Stark-~- --- -------- ~---Cary Randolph Bankhead Gillum f (Nov. Ll, 1909) Jas. 15, 1887 109-Mildred Gillum----» ------ ~-~-Deo. 2, 1911-- llO~Rachel Evett Gi11um~-- ------- Sep. 2, 1913-- Buth Stark, born near Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri; Baptist, Democrat; married in Pike County by Rev. M. A. Broaddus. Gary Randolph Bankhead Gillum, son of Mark Miller Gillum and Mary Bankhead Gillumg a lineal descendant from Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States; Mason; Garage owner; Christian Church; Democrat. ' Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri. VII-TY, James Harold Stark- I llléwilliam Robert Stark --~------ ~~-~~~~~v~= `E£`13§f"§"i`§§§§`"`" Faith Shelton Ang. l2,fl901 Oct. ; 193? NOV. 19, 1926 James Harold Stark, born in Clarksville, Missouri; Louisiana High School; Lumberman; Baptist; Democrat; Knights of Pythias; ma by Rev. Pinkerton at St. Louis, Missouri. ' Faith Shelton, born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Newton Shelton and Mary Summers; Public High School and State Normal graduate; Baptist; Democrat. 202 Franklin Street, Jacksonville, Illinois. VYI~T3. Louis Kirtley VII~?9. VII-BO UTI-Bl Otho Kirtley Mary Elizabeth Medland daughter of Melinda Catherine Grewdson -----~- »~James William Buffington (Jun. 5, 1909) Sep. 9, 1333 I2 . rried 112-Mildred Elizabeth Buffington~~-Mar. 23, 1910-- 113-Elizabetn Willeyne Huffington-~Aug. 17, l9lu-- lla-James Grewdson Buffington -----~ Sep. 16, 1928~- Melinda Catherine Crewdson, born in Eolia, Pike County, Missouri; Central Gollege, Lexington, Missouri; Missouri University; Pi Beta Phi Sorority; Pike County Chapter, D.A.R.; Missouri Division Historian for United Daughters of the Confederacy; Former President Ninth Dis~~ triot Women's Democratic Clubs; former President of Audrain County Women's Democratic Club; Delegate to Democratic Convention 19n0, ' James W. Buffington, son of John Franklin Buffington and Elizabeth Mulholland; graduate of the University of Virginia; Missouri University; Lawyer; Prosecuting Attorney of Audrain Gounty,` Missouri, 1928-1932; former President of Chamber of Gom erce, Mexico, Missouri; former City Attorney of Mexico, Missouri. 702 Woodlawn, Mexico, sudrain County, Missouri. Mildred Elizabeth Crewdson VII-33. Willeyne Frances Grewdson»~-~~~ -~--- ~ ~»~- Edwin Jackson Stark (aug. 27, 1925) sep. 28, 1898 willeyne Frances Grandson, born in Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri; D.A.R.; married at Palmyra, Marion County, Missouri by Rev. M. F. Crow. ' Edwin Jackson Stark, son of Senator Eugene W. Stark and Anna Withrow; executive of Stark Brothers Nursery and Orchard Company; B.P.0.E.; A.F.&A.M.; Moolan Temple Shrine; Scottish Rite; Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri. James Robert Dawson VII-85. Helen Lacy Iawson- ~~----- ~----~- ------- Raymond Maxwell Knock €Mar. l?, l9l?) Oct. 9, 1895 Jun. 28, 1926 ll5~Harry Dawson Knock -»--- ----~ ~~--Dec. ll, 1918-- Baymond Maxwell Knock, Eolia Cemetery, Pike County, Missouri. 2nd-~ --~~~----- ~~~ ~~----- ----- ~ ~~~-~-~ ~ ---- -~Frank Pitna (aug. io, ies?) oet. ia, 1898 116-Robert Frank Pitna ------- ~ ~--- ~ ~~~---~ ~~-Dec. 6, 1929-~ 7308 gdkin5,St. Louis, Missouri. VII-86a Sarah M11¢r¢d naw3@n----,---h-+-Q-John Qnarrels Thurmvh Eiun. Zh, 1929) 11?-John Qharrels Thurmon,`Er.~»Sep» 1, 1986~» John Quarrels Thurman, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Eolia, Missompi. ' VII-87. william Samuel Dawmon»~~e»-+»»-»»- (Dec. 7, 1928) Febv 118-Shirley Dawson- **"-~--- -v h30B'Wal1ace Avenue, St* Lillian Nettie Gannon 9, 1905 Louis, Missouri. | Mary Margaret Dawson--~~~-»»~--»~ ----- »~Dona1d W. Kno¢k (Jul. 11, 192u} Jun. 20, 1902 119~Dorothy Lucille Knock---»»---»-Jun, 6, l925~~ 120-Jane Knock»»~--~ --- _ ¢¥IL§§Q;` ` Dorothy Eileen Dawson»-~ ---»- ----»~»-»~-~-John M. Eatés (sap. 26, 1936) 121-Lucinda Estes Glarksville, Missouri. VII-90" Dawson E&ward Stewart»-- ~--- ~-»~»~ #»~- VII~91.| E&1zsbeth Meriwether Stewart »~----- ~~- VIII-92. Befniace Lindsay Waters--*___-»-Alfreduri, to Rev. Fred B. Paxton; A.B., ssnhattan Bible Go11ogs§'M.A, and B.D. Johh Phillips Uhlversity, Enid, Oklahoma, Fcrmor}y on faculty of John Phillips University. Former field rcprsssgtttivs of Man~ hattsn Bible College, Mason, Knight Templar, Scottish Rite, O.E.3 White Shiine. Active in Boy Scout work. Qhcoeg rspressptativc Protestant minister of St. Louis ares by Ground Qhsgrscr Gorps. Pastor of First Ghristian Church, Dixon, Missouri,~ ` V111-4105 . t c Martha Ross Lshr _ Dstghtsr of Qharles Wigginton_Lindssy Lshr and Mgry-Allen Ross, born in Elsosrry, Missouri-. Graduate Eisberry l'ii_g~.g1'} School. .Q.t1:enoo_c I€c'._t11ssst.Mi$,scuri_stcte Teémhcrs GoJ,J,sgs»_ `G§!-?»"~?¢l .S@r*~ vice s pléyec, Qnganist,stfE1Sberry.Christiéq Ghurch, P?L.Q.,D.A o ' f j_ '_ . g _ cms. 7, 1952> Jars. 2.§_,, 1950 ' _l_L;}.|.=g1'§|?.;§sn_3§;qu;ts.o"Rsi¢1s~--j~`---é-e--541-11-_Q\3§i7-» 21, .1955-so __ ' offsmistiseractahf, ssughvefsoosr'tc1ts~1¢sf'@=Lfirséfri£<>o Lindsay an; §ary,gl1en`Ross,`born in Elsberry, Mtssonri.`Gradustc of Elaberry High School; Christiac; P.E,0. . Y. _rfIar':E;sa'§c- Esté;`r`ry,'sisséo;¢1, to 613318 issue Reis, suoosnsn' High School, Troy, sissotri. _Overseas service with`U,S,:Air_ Forcqi- St, Lcq;s County Hospital Schoo1_of XsRay|TacpQc1ogy; XfRsy_tcchnicisn at Lincoln County Memorial Hqspitél, Troy, _ @?iiS_s°tw'ié ` ` r _ f s c t I c Trois, Missouri ` I' I E I I' ` Y I 1' VIII*lOT, Charles Dawson Lanr~L~ -~-- --~ ---»--- ~~ -------- Carol DeGuentz (Args 18, 1956) Charles Dawson Lahr, son of Charles W, Lahr and Mary Allen Rose, born Eleberry, Missouri. Elsberry High School, attended Southeast Missouri State assesses College, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States Air Forces Married at Church of the Ascension, Normandy, St, Louis County, Missouri, by Father Scholten. Miss Carol Deduentz, daughter of Claude DeGuentz. Formerly employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, Catholics VIII-108, Kathryn Ruth Magruder--~-- -----»------ ~~Chsr1es Jenney Pearce (Nov, 12, 19M9) oss. 29, 1920 lhMi4Wi1liam Magruder Pearce-1--l~~Oct. 13, 1951~- lhhg-Polly Jenney Pearce~»=--~~--~-Mer, 23, 195h-- Kathryn Ruth Magruder, born Clarksville, Missouri; attended public schools at Whiteside and Eolia, Missouri; University of Missouri, B. S. in Education; Baptist, Democrat; married by Rev. R. Hu Nolte at Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri _ Charles Jenney Pearce, son of Dr. George C. Pearce and Elsie Jeuneys born New Bedford, Missouri; attended public schools at New Bedford, Missouri; Harvard University; University of Missouri, B.S. in Engineering; Electrical Engineer. 231 Garden City Drive Monroeville, Pennsylvania VIII»lO9. Mdldred Gil1ums-- ~--- -- ---- *- ---*------ ---Ross Elgin (ost. 1, 1937) Aprso, 1911 1h5eChar1es Crank Elgin ~---»~-- ---Mar.2h, 19h3 Clarksville, Missouri. `- VIII»110a Rachel Evett Gillum--~ Fathman VIII»1llQ William Robert Stark ----- 4 »--- d ---- Deroth§ Elizabeth Markward 1L;6-Reber-1; James s1;e1=1<-------~-- ----Jen. 7, 19145-- ln?-Richard Alan Stark ---- -~-- ~~--Feb. 22, 19hB~~ 1MB-Ronald Bruce Stark------- ---» »»~~-Feb. 7, l95O»- lhgé-Randall Glenn Stark ------ ~ ---~ ~--Jul. 7, 1953-~ lk 3»Sheryl Elizabeth Stark»----»~»»~»Dec. 6, 195k-~ IMS 3/h~Deberah Faith Stark~ -------~»- Jan, 17, 1958-- William Robert Stark, son of James Harold Stark and Faith Shelton, born in St. Louie, Missouri. Graeuate of University of Maryland. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Married Doro£ny Elizabeth Markward, daughter of Markward and Mary Violet Rupple, Presbyterian, 0¢E.S 513 Park Road Riverdale, Maryland Presbyterian. Kenneth Cecil VIII-112, Mi1dred_E1izabeth Buffington-e-~»--»--~Me1vin'Whiteside _ (Nov. l9, 1933) Apr. 27, 1908 Mildred Elizabeth Buffington, daughter of James william Buffington and Melinda Gatnerine Crewdson, granddaughter of Mayor J. W. Crewdeon and niece of Mrs. Edwin Starke Born Louisiana, Missouri.- Mexico, Missouri, public scnoo1s,_Hardin College. Stenographer, Methodist, Democrat, Women's Jefferson Democratic Club, Jefferson City, Missouri. Married Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, by Rev. Robert Mellroy, Pastor, Centenary Methodist sauraae to Me1vin`Wnite- side, son of Jess Whiteside and Florence Spencer. Born Boone County, Missouri, Gentralia Public Schools, Capitol Gity College, Jefferson City Junior College. Executive II`» Missouri Division of Welfare. Methodist, Democrat. Secretary Selective Service, Chairman of Price Stabilisation, Lieutenant Jefferson City Legion Police, American Legion, La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Gnevaux, Disabled American Veterans, Missouri _ ?oacs Officers Associationa 1715 Hayselton Drive, Jefferson City, Missouri. VIII-113. ' Elisabeth Willems Buffington---~-William seein rreisiey (Nev. za, 1939) tee. 21, 1907 lu?-Linda Kay Treibley~~--~ --------- Jul. 1, 19ul-- 15O~John Edwin Treibley- --------»~-- Nov, 8, 1950-- Elizabetn Willene Buffington, daughter of James William Buffington and Melinda Getnerine Grewdson, born in Louisiana, Missouri. Mexico, Missouri, public schools. University of Missouri, B. S. in Education. Teacher, Methodist, Democrat, Sinawiske, American association of Univereity`Women. Married Farmington, Missouri, to William Edwin Treibley, son of John Ge Treibley and Anna Farrow, born Snydertown, Pennsylvania. New York University, Methodist, Mason, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis. 8906 Sycamore Court, Overland lu, Missouri. VIII~11h¢ Jémea Grewdson Buffington --~--------- ----Ellen Sanders (Jun. lu, 1952) Oct. 8, 1929 151-Valerie Lee Buffington~»-»- ---- -»Apr. 9, 1953~- James Crewdson Buffington, son of James William Buffington and Melinda Catherine Grewdson, born Mexico, Missouri. Mexico High School, Westminster College, Missouri University, A.B. Methodist, Democrat, Phi Delta Theta. Insurance Adjuster. Married at First Methodist Church, Mexico, Audrein County, Missouri, by Dr. David Pegues to Ellen Sanders, daughter Walker H. Sanders and Sophia Kanenoley. Born near Florence, Morgan County, Missouri. Central Missouri State College, B. S.; teacher of home economics, Methodist, Republican, Kappa Omicron Phi (Honorary Sorority] Kappa Delta Phi (Honorary Sorority) Missouri State Teachers Association, National Educational Association, S.S.T.A. 822 Glendower Drive, VIII-115. Kirkwood 22, Missouri. Harry Dawson Knock VIII-116. Robert Frank Pytha VIII-117. Johnny Quarrels 1S2»Johnny 153-Robert Johnny Quarrels Thurmon- »---- ------- -»~Iva (Deo. 21, l9h5) Deo Quarrels Thurmon-~-- ---- Jan Henry Thurman-ee--~---e-Sep Thurmon, Jr., son of Johnny Grace Henry 26, 1928 I-I-1 195]-.""°` Quarrels Thurmon and Sarah Mildred Dawson, born Eolia, Missouri. Eolia High School, graduate Missouri University, B. S,i n Agriculture and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinarian, Methodist, Democrat. Married Whiteside, Lincoln County, Missouri, by Rev. Davis, to Iva Grace Henry, daughter of George Washington Henry and Minnie Dalton. Graduate Eolia High School, housewife, Methodist, Democrat, Aeolian Heading Club. Eolia, Missouri. VIII-115. Shirley Jean Dawson- ------ ~------» e ----- ---Roland Reese (apr. 21, 1956) Feb. 8, 1931+ Shirley Jean Dawson, daughter William S, Dawson and Lillian Nettie Gannon, born October 22, 1935. Attended Cleveland High School in St. Louis, Missouri; graduated from Central High nehool, Little Rock, Arkansas. Officer in Job*s Daughters; Rainbow Girls; Silhouettes, Attended Texas State College for Women at Denton, Texas. Roland Reese, Texas Agrieultnral and Mechanical College, Reserve Officers Training Corps. VIII-119. Dorothy Lucille Knock VIII-120. Jane Knock VIII»121. Lucinda Estes IX.l22¢ Lucy Kathryn Harr1son»- ----»-~- ~--Walter Dee Faler, Jr. (Dae. za, lem) 15h-Melinda Dawson Fa1er~~~~~Dec. 1, 19h&-~ 155-Michael David Faler-~»-~-Feb. 13, IQMT-» Married at Oak Park Christian Church, Kansas City, Missouri. M250 Roanoke Road, Kansas City, Missouri. I N D E X AIREY, Neva, 73 _ - BATTSON, Flora, 29 BEHKMAN, Lars, 127 Paul Bayard, 9a Robert Laird, 126 Vail Lindsay, 125 F., 65 BRIGHT, Joseph Edwin, EM BIBB, L, BROWN, John Galvin, 53 John Galvin, Jr,, 95 Louie, 128 Eliaabeth Willems, James Gvawdson, lla James William, S1 Mildred Elizabeth, Valerie Lee,151 Paul \ BUFFINGTON, GANNON, Clarence, 61 Ida Elizabeth, 101 Ruby Melinda, 102 saawaa, Miss, 2 GHRISTIAN, Miss, H, 7 GORTELYOU, Nancy Elizabeth, 103 GREWDSON, Dr. James William, gh Malinda Catherine, 1 Mildred Elizabeth 82 Willene Frances, 63 DAWSON, Albert D,, lk Gharles Wesley, 29 Charles Wesley, 9 Dora Elizabeth, 68 Dorothy Eileen, 89 Elizabeth, 10 Elizabeth Thomas, 59 Francis Ludwell Lee, 2b Frank Palmer, 66 Harry Helen Hilda Ramsey 31 Lacy, é5 May, 65 113 112 Dawson, Ida Louise,»26 James Lewis, 12 James Lndwell, 32 James Robert, Ba Jane, ll Jane Elisabeth, 22 dbhn, S Ecnn Francis Meriwether, MB Jenn Robert, 13 J053Phs H Leenidas, Q5 Lewis, 6 Lillian, 58 Lou Alice, M7 Lucy Caroline, 23 Ludwell Lee, B Dudwell Lee, 69 Margaret Stephens, 2? Margaret Virginia, 25 Martin, l Martin, 2 Mary Frances, eo Mary Louise, 16 Mary Margaret, B8 Melinda Harvey,'2l Malvina, 33 Mildred Elizabeth, hh Mildred Lee, 6? Mildred Sarah, 86 Nellie Jackson, M9 Pleasant, T Pleasant Lndwell, M6 Richard Lee, 25 Robert, 3 Robert G., 30 Ruth Stephens, 70 Samuel Patterson 17 Shirley Jean, 116 william, 15 Wllliam_Albert, SO William Samuel, 8? DeGUENTZ, Carol, 107 EDWARDS, Sarah Ann, 17 ELGIN, ESTES, 1M5 Charles-Crank, Ross, 109 Fannie, 3; John Meg 9 Lucinda, 121 ETHERTON, Marjorie, 9? FALER, Melinda Dawson, 158 Michael David, 155 Walter Dee, Jr», 122 FATHMAN, 110 FISHER, FORGEY, GANNON, GILLUM, Guyv 33 James Lewiel 71 Musiel Mullinaux, 98 Robert Guy, ?2 Andrew_Jackson, 18 Eillisn Nettie, 8? easy Randolph Bankhead, Mildred, 109 Rachel Event, 110 enosamsysa, Edith Beatrice, 95 GUY, Anna Burton, 18 Nimrod, 10 HAGKETHORNI, Davie Lyon, 139 HALL, Hgrry Bert, 102 John Gannon, 138 Susan Melinda, lhb Don Thomas, 133 Frank Dawson, 99 Laurie Dawson, 138 Miles Lewis, Sr., eo Miles Lewis, Jr., 98 Miles Lewis III, 132 Richard Karrison, 135 Vindent Thomas, 100 HARRIS, Arthur Carter, 36 Arthur Oscar, 73 Helen Rosamond, Th Marjorie, T5 HA3RI50N» ALfred Harvey, 92 -Lucy Katheryne, 122 HARYEY, Susan Dameron, 12 HENRY, Iva Graoe, ll? KIRTLEY, Louise 78 Osho, Ho otha, 79 Knees, Donald w., ee Dorothy Lucille, 119 Harry Dawson, 115 Jane, 120 Raymond Maxwell, 85 LAHR, Charles Dawson, 107 _ Gharles Wigginton Lindsay, oh Frederick William, Bo Ida Sue, 10h James Dawson, 63 Martha Rose, 105 Mary Louise, 106 LINDSAY, Barbara Mil1S, 9h Jane Dawson, 93 Lucy Dawson, 53 Maria Dawson, 51 Susan Dawson, Sh William Culbertson, 21 William Vardeman, S2 LONG, Ernestino, 63 MAGRUDER, Gentry Christy, 70 Kathryn Ruth, 108 MARKWARD, Dorothy Elizabeth, 111 MEDLAND, Mary slizabesn Bo , . Thomas James, £3 MERIWETHER, Charles Lewis, 56 Charles Lewis, Jrs, 96 Hanson, 55 Francis Thornton, 22 M YER, Kate Emma, 32 MILLS, Helen Vail, 52 MURPHY, Timothy Josephy Tg 1 MURRY, Jaffe P PALMER, virginia Lee, 28 PATTERSON, Miss, 6 PATTON, Dnrothy Louise, 66 PAUKEY, Katheryn Lee, 99 PETERSON, barole Aan, 100 PIXLEY, Thomas Dawson, 137 william Cannon, 136 William lrwin, 101 PREWITT, Mary Dawson, 1h3 Melinda, 1k2 Reuben Caswell, 103 Thomas Gortelyou, lhl William Caswell, 62 PYTHA, Frank, 85 Robert Frank, 116 REED, Mary Alma, L8 Reese, Roland, 116 REID, Gurtis Wayne, 106' Karen Louise, lhh REYNOLDS, Marion, 19 Son, 20 Willie, 11 ROSE, Mary Allen, 6h Dr. Samuel, M1 SANDERS, Ellen, llh Marjorie Ann, 131 Robert Francis, 97 Robert Francie, Jr., William Clayton, 129 William Seaton, EB SHELTQN, Faitn, 77 SIMPSON, Susan Jane, M6 SMITH, Elizabeth, 13 Mildred Ann, 17 130 STARR, Edwin Jackson, B3 James Harold, 7? Richard Alan, 1LL7 Robert James, lno Ronald Bruce, 1MB Ruth, 76 William HenPYs 39 William Robert, 111 STEWART, Dawson Edward, 90 Elizabeth Meriwether Mark Alvin, M? THOMAS, Mary Jackson, 2h THURMON, Johnny Quarrela, B6 ' Johnny Quarrela, Jr. Johnny Quarrels, 152 Robert Henry, 153 TREIBLEY, John Edwin, 155 Linda Kay, ln? William Edwin, 113 TURNER, Ada Malvina, 36 Anna Foster, no Garra George, M1 Edward Lee, 3? George Foster, 16 Halen, 3M Lulu George, 39 Mollie, 35 Neva Winifred, M2 Nimrod, 38 Ruth Mildred, L;3 92 WATERS, Bernieoe Lindsay, Philip Landy, 51 MATKINS, Misa, S WATT, Jane Malvina, 3 WHITESIDE MG¥YiH, 112 5 HIGGINTON, Ida Dawson, 61 Reuben Thomas, Saxah Melinda, 62 E§_\,1_aa$,. i1o~r~e>sa , 57 23, WILSON, David Ladd, Th WOOD, Laura Dean, M5 WORLEY, Melinda Norris, Samuel, l2h Samuel, Jr., 93 123 »91 r 117 25