Hickman Cemetery
AKA: Bradley Cemetery
AKA: Boren Cemetery

Washburn Twp.
Land Office Location - NW Sec. 32, T22N, R28W
GPS - 363512N 0935932W

From the Photo Files of Cindy Marcell.



Directions: The cemetery is West of Washburn, Barry Co., Missouri. From Hwy 90/37 intersection take Hwy 90 west x 1.9 mi., turn left (south) on a small unnamed gravel lane that has a Hickman cemetery sign. Drive past the abandoned house x .2 miles up the hill where cemetery is located.

Visit Hickman Cemetery Files

Index A - M

Index P - Z

Gerald Haddock's Submissions

Bradley and Crim Families

It appears from this obit that the Hickman Cemetery was also called Boren Cemetery. The Boren family was related to the Bradley family, because Mary has a stone in Hickman Cemetery.

Cassville Republican, Thursday, July 7, 1892
"Washburn News: Thursday, June 30th, Mrs. Mary Gates, at the age of 44 years, 8 months, and 9 days, entered her rest. Mrs. Gates had been down sick for about ten weeks and had not enjoyed good health for about seventeen years. In her last days on earth she told her sorrowing friends that she did not fear death as she was prepared to meet the Lord. She had lived a devoted member of the Christian church for twenty-two years. She leaves, besides a host of warm friends, a husband and four children to mourn her loss. Her remains were interred at the Boren Graveyard, Friday, July 1st.

It appears from this obit that the Hickman Cemetery was also called Boren Cemetery. The Boren family was related to the Bradley family, because Mary has a stone in Hickman Cemetery.

Cassville Republican, Thursday, July 7, 1892
"Washburn News: Thursday, June 30th, Mrs. Mary Gates, at the age of 44 years, 8 months, and 9 days, entered her rest. Mrs. Gates had been down sick for about ten weeks and had not enjoyed good health for about seventeen years. In her last days on earth she told her sorrowing friends that she did not fear death as she was prepared to meet the Lord. She had lived a devoted member of the Christian church for twenty-two years. She leaves, besides a host of warm friends, a husband and four children to mourn her loss. Her remains were interred at the Boren Graveyard, Friday, July 1st.