Metz, Vernon County, Missouri
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.
M. B. McCormick, after farming in this locality a couple of years, decided to come to Metz and try his hand at merchandising. He bought the stock in October, 1909. Mr. McCormick was formerly in the merchandise business at Indianola, Iowa, where he did an extensive business. He carries a large stock of general merchandise, and by fair and honest dealing has built up a large patronage. He has a force of clerks that is ever attentive to the wants of his patrons and his business continues to grow rapidly.
Dry goods, groceries, shoes, notions and hats and caps are his leading lines, but many other lines are also kept in stock, and the average customer can be supplied at reasonable prices.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; 1 November 1910
Come in and see those beautiful plates to be given away at McCormick's store. (click on picture)
Come in and see those silks and ginghams at McCormicks store.
May Flour $1.40 a sack at McCormicks. Guaranteed or money refunded.
100 pairs of Ely & Walker overalls just arrived; $1.00 per pair; best on the market; at McCormicks store.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; 1 November 1910
All kinds of dress goods at low prices at McCormicks store.
Bring your poultry and eggs to McCormicks and get the highest market price in cash or trade.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; 4 March 1910
M. B. McCormick Buys the Farmers' Cash Store.
The Farmers' Cash Store opened up Wednesday under new management. A deal was closed last Saturday by which M. B. McCormick acquired Mr. Charles' interest by trading his farm of 150 acres north west of town. The goods were invoiced the first of the week and figured up almost $7,000.
Mr. McCormick was formerly in the mercantile business in Iowa and takes hold of the work like an old hand.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; 5 November 1910
A deal was closed Monday by which Wiley Cox got possession of the M. B. McCormick stock of general merchandise. Mr. McCormick gets the C. D. Jennings farm of 145 acres northwest of town. The work of invoicing the stock began Tuesday morning and was almost finished last night.
James Cox becomes a partner with his father in the business and the firm name will be Wiley Cox & Son.
Wiley Cox is too well known in Metz for the Times to say one word in his behalf. He is a wide-awake hustler for business and succeeds in ever thing he undertakes. He is a good business man for any town. The Times joins hundreds of friends in welcoming the firm of Wiley Cox & Son to Metz.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; 15 September 1911
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