Larger copies of maps can be seen at the Nevada Public Library Genealogy Department.
Metz Bandstand and Public Well
A Band Stand to Be Erected Over the Public Well.
The board of
town trustees held a regular meeting Tuesday night. All of the members
were present and Mayor G. P. Wolfe presided.
The following committees were appointed:
Sidewalks--W. G. Morrison and Harry Reed.
Streets and Alleys--Rawley Ramsey.
C. O. Wilson was appointed to see that the street lamp is put up in good shape over the band stand to be erected at the public well. Mr. Wilson will also look after the building of the band stand, and work of it will begin in a few days. This ornament to our city will be paid for by our citizens, the sum of $60 having been subscribed. It will cost when completed about $100.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; Friday 10 June 1910, page 1.
Tigers vs. Business Men.
The Metz Tigers will play base ball with the Metz business men next
Wednesday at 2:30 p. m and it promises to be a warm game. The game will
be played on the ground east of the school house. The nines will be
pretty evenly lined up and the game will no doubt be interesting. An
admission fee of 10 cents will be charged and the proceeds used in
building the band stand to be erected over the public well. Ladies free.
Everybody turn out and help swell the band stand fund. It is also
proposed to give a drama in a few weeks for the benefit of the band
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; Friday 30 September 1910, page 1.
Metz Concert Band.
The Metz Concert Band was organized July 19, 1907, with the
following officers: J. H. Pettit, president; Walter Cox, secretary and
treasurer, and C. H. Compton, manager. The band now has a membership of
eighteen. A new band stand is soon to be erected over the public well.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; Friday 1 November 1910, page 5.
The new band stand is nearing completion.
The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; Friday 18 November 1910, page 1.
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