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Below are articles and advertisements leading up to the construction of the grain elevator in Metz. 


1910 July 22, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   N. W. Barr of the People's Elevator Company of Butler was here Wednesday on business with the local agent, G. H. Summers.


1910 Nov 1, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

People's Elevator Company.

   The People's Elevator Company of Butler, represented by G. H. Summers, is our town's leading grain dealer.  Mr. Summers ships many cars of corn, wheat, oats and flax seed, and has all kinds of field and grass seed for sale. This firm will build an elevator and warehouse in Metz just as soon as a convenient location can be secured.


1912 September 6, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   J. E. Eichelberger and wife of Pilot Grove were here a few hours Wednesday. He is thinking of building an elevator and going into the grain and feed business and looks with favor at Metz as a location. Mr. Eichelberger owned what is known as the Cordry place, north of town, a few years ago.


1913 July 18, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   Wheat wanted. Will pay the highest market price at Metz, Horton or Rinehart. People's Elevator Co., R. C. Sinclair, Local Manager.  [Adv]


1914 July 31, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   W. W. VanDyke, local agent for the People's Elevator Company, moved his family here from Rich Hill Tuesday and they occupy the H. C. Charles house on West Elm street.


1914 August 14, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   Attention is called to the advertisement of the People's Elevator Company on the last page of this issue. W. W. VanDyke is the local manager and he has made friends with everyone whom he has met during his short stay here. He is located at the Hurley Lumber Co.'s where he will be pleased to bid on your wheat, oats, flaxseed, etc. He also has flour, bran, shorts and all kinds of field seed for sale.


1915 April 9, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:


People's Elevator Co. Will Be Ready For Harvest.

   G. I. Lynch of Butler, president of the People's Elevator Company, and Homer Humphries, manager for that company at Rich Hill, were here Monday discussing the company's affairs with the local manager, W. W. VanDyke.

   The People's Elevator Company will commence work on its new elevator building here in a few weeks and it will be completed and ready for business before harvest time arrives.

   It will be a fire proof structure and equipped with modern grain bins, and up to date in every respect.

   The company has a number of building sites in view, but is in no hurry about making a decision.


1915 May 7, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   Claud Tough has received a new portable grain dump and elevator which he is having installed.


1915 June 11, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:


Work on New Elevator to be Pushed to Completion.

   Ground was broken Wednesday morning for the new grain elevator to be erected by the People's Elevator Company. Two car loads of chat and cement were received the first of the week.

   W. W. Van Dyke, local representative, says the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible and they hope to have the new elevator completed by the time the small  grain crop is ready for the market.

   The delay in getting the work started on the new elevator was caused by an inability to get the railroad company to locate the lines for the side track.

   Metz is fortunate in securing this enterprise. The credit for landing it is largely due to the efforts of our wide awake commercial club.


1915 June 18, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

Work on New Elevator Progressing

   Work on the People's Elevator Company's new elevator is progressing rapidly. From eight to ten men have been on the job most of this week, and the work is all being done by home labor. Local Manager W. W. VanDyke says he hopes to have the new elevator ready to receive grain within thirty days.


1915 June 25, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   W. W. VanDyke met with quite a painful accident Tuesday evening. He was helping a little girl out of the grain bin at the new elevator where she had been playing when he fell down the embankment, a distance of about nine feet, bruising his left side and arm and lacerating his left hand. He held onto the little girl and she did not receive a scratch.


1915 July 2, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   Claud Tough has received two large bins which he is having put up near his portable elevator on the railroad right of way.


1915 July 16, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:


Big Elevator will be Ready for Grain in 10 Days.

   The big elevator being erected by the People's Elevator Company is rapidly nearing completion. In spite of wet weather the work has progressed rapidly and it will probably be ready to receive grain in ten more days.

   This is an enterprise that Metz can well boast of. The cost of the building, grain bins and machinery will be in the neighborhood of $5,000.

   Two of the twenty-six feet high tile bins will hold about 3,000 bushels of grain each, while the two smaller ones will hold about 2,500 bushels each. The elevator will be equipped with scales and self dump.

   The office part is built of tile and the other part will be covered with sheet-iron, making it almost fireproof.



1915 July 16, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   Just received a car of coal, at 10c. People's Elevator Co.  [Adv]


1915 August 27, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

New Elevator Nearing Completion.

   The People's Elevator Company's new elevator is nearing completion. The grain dump has been in operation for several days, and the machinery is about ready to start 'er up. Road Master Lee Mend had a force of men here the first of the week laying the sidetrack.



[It is presumed that construction was completed in September 1915 although no announcement was made in the local newspaper.]


1915 October 29, The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri:

   The People's Elevator Company's business is rushing and W. W. VanDyke, the local manager, has been a very busy man. He has shipped seven car loads of wheat the past two weeks.



[The below ad was published in the 19 Nov 1915 Metz Times.]




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