Larger copies of these maps can be seen at the Nevada Public Library Genealogy Department.
1903 Osage and Metz Townships Map
Bridge timeline gleaned from the below articles.
Between 1841 and 1855: Bates Co court designated funds to build Little Osage bridge.
Jun 1858: Vernon Co court appropriated $600; increased to $1,000 for bridge repair.
28 Aug 1861: Federal troops burned bridge during Civil War.
After 1866: Bridge rebuilt sometime following Civil War.
28 Oct 1886: Bridge condemned.
25 Nov 1886: Bridge collapsed into river.
27 Jan 1887: Kansas City Bridge Company contracted to build new bridge by April.
2 Jun 1887: Bridge construction complete.
Also see the information about the Mill on the Little Osage at Balltown.
The 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri
Page 288: On the 28th of August [1861] a raid was made into the northwest part of this county by a body of Kansas troops from Ft. Lincoln under Capt. Jas. M. Williams, of Montgomery's regiment. The Federals numbered 150 or 200 men, all mounted, with Sergt. Tom Moonlight's 12-pound howitzer. The objective point was Ball's Mill, where had been stationed for a few days a detachment of rebel troops under Lieut. Col. Thos. Cummins, of Bates county, who had taken forcible possession of Col. McNeil's mill and were grinding a supply of meal for Gen. Price's commissaries.
Three miles northwest of the mill the Federal advance encountered Col. Cummins and 150 men from Rains' Division, and a little skirmish resulted. Williams and Moonlight were riding in advance and Capt. Williams had his horse killed under him, and one of his men was severely wounded. Cummins fell back to the mill and then to the army. His loss was two men killed and a few wounded. The federals followed up and cannonaded the mill, despite McNeil's protest. The next morning Capt. Williams, it is said by Lane's orders, burned both the mill and the bridge.
Page 391: The next morning the Kansans returned to Balltown, and some of them burned both the mill and the bridge over the Osage. Then, after gathering up Col. McNeil's and Mr. Ball's negroes, and a considerable herd of cattle, horses, mules, and hogs, Capt. Williams returned to Kansas.
The mill was a valuable one and of great service to the community. The bridge was a fine strong structure, built of hard-wood lumber, chiefly walnut, was covered and sided, and its destruction occasioned great inconvenience among the people and a considerable financial loss to the county.
Page 392: After the destruction of the bridge the only method of crossing the river was by fording or ferrying. In December, 1866 W. W. Tibbs operated the ferry here, under license from the county court. Another fine bridge was thrown across the Osage here some years since. The first bridge was built by the Bates county court, while this territory was a part of Bates, but in June, 1858, the county court of Vernon appropriated $600 for its repair, and during the year this amount was increased for $1,000.
The below newspaper articles pertain to the bridge which was rebuilt following the War Between the States.
The bridge over Little Osage just beyond Balltown, is in a dangerous condition. One of these days, unless steps be taken very soon to replace the bridge with a new one, an appalling accident will occur there. By all means let an iron bridge be built. There is a vast amount of travel over this bridge, and the lives of the traveling public are constantly endangered so long as the building of a new bridge is postponed. The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 14 October 1886.
The bridge over the Little Osage at Balltown has been condemned. Travelers ford the river now. The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 28 October 1886.
Bridge across the river at Balltown out of repair, so much so that travelers prefer the ford. The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 4 November 1886.
County Court Notes. Following are some of the more important matters of business transacted by the county court: H. Deitzman, for abutments for the Leach crossing bridge was allowed $1,000 and two warrants drawn, for $500 each. J. A. Johnson, account for abutments of Osage bridge, at Fish Trap Ford; allowed $1000 in two warrants of $500 each. Biggs & Son, account for grade and trestle in Marmaton bottom, north of Moore's mills; allowed $500, two warrants, one for $100, and the other for $400. M. Ready was allowed $1,500 in part payment for the bridge across Big Clear Creek. In the matter of Balltown bridge, Bridge Commissioner Logan was ordered to take old bridge out of river. In the matter of official bonds C. H. Prewitt's bond as treasurer was fixed at $50,000. The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 25 November 1886.
A petition of C. L. Humble, et al, was filed asking that the bridge at Balltown be repaired. C. N. Logan, bridge commissioner, was ordered to advertise for bids and let contracts, to erect an iron bridge over the Little Osage at Balltown, the abutments and piers of the old bridge to be used. Bids and contracts to the subject to approval of county court. County Court items, The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 27 January 1887.
Bridge Commissioner Logan has signed the contract with the Kansas City Bridge Company for the iron bridge to be built over the Little Osage, at Balltown. The bridge will be ready for use some time in April and will cost $3,490. The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 27 January 1887.
The Balltown iron bridge is now completed, and has been accepted by Bridge Commissioner Logan. The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 2 June 1887.
The Little Osage Bridge looks nice in its new coat of paint. The county court did a nice act when they made the order to paint the bridges. A bridge at the Dean or Caton ford will be a blessing to this part of the county and give Nevada a big trade that goes to Rich Hill during a great part of the year. We have been informed that the contract has been let for said bridge. Have we been correctly informed? [The contract has not been let, but probably will be let at the January term of county court--Eds.] Anon. Balltown Items, The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 19 October 1893.
FROM LITTLE OSAGE. The bridge across the Osage river at this place, fell with a loud crash, last Tuesday at 7 p.m. J. H. Wilson has the job of removing the ruins from the river. The Nevada Noticer, Nevada, Missouri; 25 November 1886.
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