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Little Osage Cemetery

Now commonly known as Balltown Cemetery


The Little Osage Cemetery, now commonly known as Balltown Cemetery, was established in March 1838 with the death of 30-year old Nathaniel B. Dodge, Jr., who had been shot during a skirmish with Indians. From the original two acres which were set aside as the Little Osage Burying Ground, the cemetery presently encompasses seven acres of burials, with additional land available for expansion. Balltown Cemetery is an active, maintained cemetery located eight miles north of Nevada, Missouri and three-fourths mile west on Earp Road at the I-49/U.S. 71 Horton, Missouri exit. The cemetery has recently undergone complete renovation by community volunteer Robert Seater, U.S. Navy, Retired. The Nathaniel Dodge gravestone is located in the north section.


In Memory of
who departed this
life March 23rd 1838,
in the 30th year of
his age.
Therefore be ye also
ready for in such an
hour as ye think not
the son of man cometh.



Memorial Day Services Held at Baptist Church.

   G.A.R. Memorial Day services at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon drew a large crowd. The church was filled to overflowing. The program was nicely carried out. The address by Rev. G. W. McClanahan was a good one, well delivered.

   Mt. McGregor Post, G.A.R., attended in a body. An even dozen of the old veterans were present. Two or three were not permitted to attend on account of poor health.

The Metz Times, Metz, Vernon County, Missouri; Friday 2 June 1911, page 1




Decoration Day at Balltown Cemetery.

   The largest crowd that has been at Balltown cemetery in several years was present Tuesday at the Decoration Day services. The program was also the best given for several years.

   The speakers were Rev. E. F. Wright and Hon. W. H. Hallett of Nevada and their addresses were interesting from beginning to end. A quartet composed of Metz people furnished the music.

   The G.A.R. veterans marched through the cemetery while a number of little girls placed flowers on the graves of soldiers who fought in the great conflict of the sixties.

The Metz Times, Metz, Vernon County, Missouri; Friday 2 June 1911, page 1



Information on the renovation of the cemetery can be seen at these links.


Cemetery rehab is a labor of love


Renovation work being done


G.A.R Lot before renovation and ground penetrating radar


Individual G.A.R. Lot gravestones before and after


G.A.R. Lot after renovation


Black Granite Military Memorial


Click for larger picture



Additional information on Little Osage Cemetery / Balltown Cemetery.



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