Vernon County Queries Helpful clues regarding ancestors can sometimes be found in old query posts although the email address may no longer be valid. Use the search function of your computer (ctrl + F) to then search for the surname on this page. Close this window to return to the Queries page.
BATES, HENRY, VERNON Families 1850 I would like to connect with anyone who is studying the DICKINSON, CUMMINS, GUTRIDGE, DRAKE, LUTSENHIZER, HARBERT and McCOOL families that lived in Henry, Bates, Vernon, Cass counties, Missouri starting around 1835. I think we can help each other. Any of the names below look familiar???
DESCENDANCY CHART 1-- John Dickinson-304 (Probably born about 1775) sp-Elizabeth-1040 (Probably born about 1775) 2-- Humphrey Dickinson-1041 (1800-1867) Died in Missouri sp-Myra Goff-318 ( -1840) 3-- Ruth Anne Dickinson-325 (1822) 3-- Caroline Dickinson-324 (1824) 3-- William Goff Dickinson-331 (1827) 3-- Sarah Ann Dickinson-1043 (1829) 3-- Anson Dickinson-1044 (1832) 3-- Louisa Dickinson-1045 (1836) 3-- Albert Dickinson-1047 (1840) sp-Elvira Dodge-326 3-- Myra H. Dickinson-327 (1844) 3-- Thomas Humphrey Dickinson-1048 (1846) 3-- Edwin James Dickinson-319 (1852-1891) 2-- Samuel Dickinson-1049 (1807-1862) Died in Missouri sp-Sarah A.-1050 (1816-1876) 3-- Angelina Dickinson-1357 (1829-1898) sp-Peter Gutridge-1356 (1823-1878) 3-- Artemus J. Dickinson-1051 (1834) 3-- Marcus B. Dickinson-1052 (1838) 2-- Mary Dickinson-(1906) sp-Hance Murdock-44 (1833-1914) 3-- Rebecca Cummins-24 (1834) sp-Thomas Summers-32 3-- Samantha Cummins-25 (1837-1906) 3-- Thomas Jefferson Cummins-26 (1838-1910) sp-Cordelia J. Bostwick-58 (1841-1914) 3-- Susan Emelina Cummins-27 (1839-1906) 3-- John H. Cummins-28 (1843-1919) sp-Margaret Elizabeth Parry-113 sp-Emma E. Hunt-136 3-- James Cummins-29 (1844-1906) 3-- Samuel Cummins-30 (1846-1906)
I am researching Jesse DILLON(1821-1893) and his wife Emily Margaret DAVIS (1823-1905) who were living in Milton and Belamy, Vernon County, Missouri. I believe they are buried there, but would like to know where. I am also interested in descendants. I have lots of information on ancestors. Thank you for any information. Shaunee Power
I am seeking any information on Dillard L TRAMMELL/TRAMEL/TRAMMEL. He was born GA on 2-29-1824 and died in Vernon Co., MO. He married Sarah A born 12-25-1829 in VA died 1875 Schell City, Bacon Twsp. Vernon Co., MO. Between 1850 and 1860 they lived in Camden Co., MO. Sometime after 1860 they moved to Bacon Twsp., Vernon Co. Dillard is listed as a hotelkeeper in the 1870 Vernon Co. MO census. They had Lucius M, Rebecca Frances (Fanny) who married 1)Theodore Waite BARROWS and 2)Andrew Suter KEMPER, Sarah (Sallie) A, William C, Arthur, and Edward. Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I am seeking several of my paternal families that resided in Vernon County during some part of their life. The following surnames are among them: CALVERT, DICKSON, TALLEY, SIMS, SNIDER, PERIMAN, GRAY, PANE. Most of these families were in Vernon Co. by other MO counties and KY during the mid to late 1800's through to the mid 1900's. All information is appreciated. Thanks!
Most all of my lines converged in Vernon County in the late 1800's and early 1900's, as my parents both grew up in Walker and Nevada. Researching these surnames: EDMISTON, KEY, MAY, DEERING.
My grandfather's mother is a mystery. Charles Franklin McConnaughey was born 3/6/1897 in Dunklin co., MO. His father, Ira, was working at a sawmill probably with his brother, Andrew Jackson McConnaughey in Dunklin co. Ira's family moved to Vernon co., MO ca. 1900. Ira McConnaughey, born 3/7/1863 @ Mount Vernon, Jefferson,IL., married 10/13/1889 at Metz, Vernon, MO to Clara Shafer (as spelled on mge license). They had 3 children, Cora Etta, James Rueben, & Charles Franklin. Clara and Ira seperated between 1900-1905. Have no idea where Clara went, her parents, etc. The Shafers lived near Rhinhart, MO. Leona Smith (nee Shafer) was a sister to Clara Shafer. Don Knight 811 Longmeadow, Schaumburg, IL 60194
Trying to find information about George Christopher Sonner b. 1839 d. 1914 m. Nancy ______ b. 1843. I have three children for this family; John H. Sonner b. 1860; Lee Jackson Sonner b. __; Sidney Albert Sonner b. 1872. George Sonner's father Henry b. 1817 d. 1858 moved to Vernon County, Missouri about 1848.
Rachel Rebecca Stitt b. August 31, 1856 Fremont, Mahaska, IA, m. April 9, 1876 Bates Co. Mo. by L.W. Putnam, J.P. Spouse: James B. Rowe; she died March 20, 1926 Nevada State Hospital, Vernon Co. Mo. State Hospital record #3, Case No. 390. Have letter form state hospital that verify's her death. Nothing else. She is not buried in family cemetary, so assume she is buried at hospital. Would like to have some record of that. Her mother was made guardian of her. Do not know what happened to her husband. Her child was sent to her brother to raise, and told she was dead.
VERNON COUNTY QUERY: Can anyone give me directions to the COLEMAN Cemetery in Vernon County, MO?
Jesse T. and Lucinda MADDOX moved to Vernon Co. in 1840's. There children were: 1. Wilson C. 2. George Anthony md. Susan Greer and Caroline Woodson 3. Elizabeth Ann md. Robert M. Curry 4. Martha J. married Thomas E. Willis 5. Josephus 6. Sarah D. md. John M. Curry 7. Ezekiel S. md. Malissa J. Wright and Ida Augusta Bryan 8. William T. 9. John Stuart md Martha Jane Cooper Jesse T. Maddox died in 1861. The family had 640 acres east of Shelton. Wilson and William Maddox are in the HISTORY OF VERNON CO. where they organized a raid on Union Soldiers at Montevallo. They both died in the Civil War. John Stuart Maddox was killed by jayhawkers when he returned home from the war when they attacked and ravaged the farm outside Shelton. This attack sent his wife, baby son and Wilson's wife and daughter to refugee to Paris Texas and that is why I am here today. Ezekiel remained in Vernon Co. took over the farm and died there.
CLENDENIN, CAMPBELL, LONG. Two of my gg-grandfathers, Polemon Louden LONG, and John C. CAMPBELL came to the Cedar Co., MO and Vernon Co., MO area in the 1840's and 1850'. My g-grandfather, John Louden LONG married Mary Adaline CAMPBELL in Vernon Co. abt. 1867. My grandfather, Albert Harley LONG (b. 1869 in Virgil City, Vernon Co., MO; d. 1905 in Quincy, IL) was the oldest of their seven children. John CAMPBELL's father-in-law, and my ggg-grandfather, Alexander CLENDENIN also migrated to Montevallo Twp., Vernon Co. in the 1850's. His wife was Mary C. FRESHWATER CLENDENIN. John CAMPBELL's wife was Sarah E. CLENDENIN CAMPBELL. I believe John CAMPBELL and a brother-in-law, William CLENDENIN, were killed in a Civil War skirmish in the area. Some of my grandfather's syblings stayed in the Vernon Co. area, and may still have kin in the area. I would appreciate any information on the LONG, CLENDENIN, and CAMPBELL families.
ASHER (esp. Ambrose or Conrad); BARTHOLEMEW (esp. James); EUBANK(s); DYE; WADE; WALTON Seeking information of all and any kinds on these people. Looking especially for bio-link between Mary Eliza EUBANK ASHER, DYE; WADE. Ambrose Asher was son of Mary Eliza. He was also known as Connie (Conrad) Eubank. His father's given name is unknown, if ASHER, and later M.E. EUBANK married DYE, and later WADE. Any newspaper accounts or death records?
George W. BRIDGES and his wife, Mary Ann BRIDGES nee PETERSON, married and raised a family in St. Clair co., IL. George's pension application notes, however, that he is living Schell City, Vernon, MO by the mid-1880s, suffering from TB. In that application, no mention is made of his wife, nor his daughters Anna (b ca 1866) and Florence J. (b ca 1869) BRIDGES. Seek death dates and locations of George and Mary Ann, as well as marriages of his children. Also looking for their descendants.
Looking for info on the families of Grandville HOSS and Thomas MCBRIDE. Both families living in Nevada ass of Aug 1884. Any info greatly appreciated. Jim
REVELS-McCORD(I), GROMANN: My sister's fiancee has this family tree info and is interested in finding out more about them. It is:<<<<John W. REVELS married Tempea C. McCORD or McCORDI in Balltown, Mo 16 March 1865 in the presence of John and Telitha GROMANN (sp?). The certificate is signed by Eli (or E.R.) HALE, Minister of M.E. Church.>>>> This fiancee is just starting to work on his family tree with my sister helping him. This info was passed on to me and I believe it came from an original marriage certificate of some of his ancestors. We would invite anyone with knowledge of this couple/couples to write to me as his online helper. I just have the info, but I'm sure that he knows who they are supposed to be. Thank you for any help.
AUW/AU, Jessie d.1919 buried somewhere near Sheldon, MO. This was my ggrandmother's maiden name. Her married name was Jessie CREAMER. Would like any info on people with either of these surnames in this area. Thanks in advance.
Collecting any and all information on Robert Huckaby (1822-1860) m. 1847 Vernon Co., MO - Elizabeth Aultfather /and descendants. Four generations of his descendants born in Vernon Co., my father Jewell J. Huckaby Jr. in 1928.
I am searching for information on Robert G. Kirsch. Kirsch was an architect practicing at the turn of the century and known to have lived in St. Louis Missouri and Wisconsin. He designed courthouses in Carroll, Adair, Polk, and Vernon counties as well as Randall County Texas</B>
I am looking for any information on the BRANDT's, who lived in Walker & Nevada, MO. My grandmother was Sophia Maggie Brandt who married Walter S. Smith in Nevada in 1897. Her parents were Louis & Johanna Brandt. They are buried in Mount Vernon Cemetary. Other BRANDT's include John, Mary, Louise, Annie, Grace, Frederich, etc. I have very little on any of them. Any information would be deeply appreciated.
Seeking info on Jesse STRATTON and his father, J. H. STRATTON who were known to be in Cedar and Vernon Counties in 1898.</B>
I am looking for a death date and burial place of Jesse C. Newell, b. April 1831 in Kentucky. He and his wife, Margaret A. Durham Newell lived in Nevada and are listed in the census records until 1910. I haven't been able to check for them after that date. Margaret is buried in the Moore Cemetery and their daughter, Clarinda Jane Newell Hudson is buried in Deepwood Cemetery in Nevada, but we can find no trace of Jesse.
Alfred KIME-RYAN: A real mystery family! We have a bible record showing the names, birth, marriage records of the Kime family who lived in Vernon Co MO at the beginning of the Civil War. Alfred KIME(s) married 12 Aug 1858 in Vernon Co MO to Leanner (Leanora), dau of William BETHELL and Margaret BRUCE. For some unknown reason, the entire family started using the name of RYAN between 1860/1870, and this name continued even through their relocation to Indian Territory in 1892 and deaths in Oklahoma. Does anyone know any possible reason for this change of names? When Alfred KIME married Leanner BETHELL, he had other children; (no sex indicated in bible records); C. E. (b/7 Jan 1852); W. R. (b/8 Sep 1854); and S. L. (b/2 Apr 1856). Alfred and Leanner's children were; Theadoshe Francis RYAN (b/24 Jul 1860); Margaret Ellen RYAN (b/30 May 1862); Averiler Easan RYAN (b/1 Dec 1865); and Nora Belle RYAN (b/12 Jun 1871). Nora Belle is the only member of this family that we have further information on; she married Perry Davis Lewellen. The Bethell had lived in Cedar Co. Would be happy to share information.27 Surnames: PETERSON BALDWIN LATHROP
Zalmon J. BALDWIN (1828 Richland County, OH - 1883 Vernon County, MO) and (third) wife Mary Elizabeth LATHROP joined brother Andrew BALDWIN in Vernon County about 1877. Children John J. (born 1862), Philina B. (1865), Clendenning (1867), Carlton J. (1872), Alice Adell (1876), Minnie (1878), and Mary (1880). In 1889 widow Mary remarried in Vernon County to George B. HARRPOLD. Where did this family go?
ROBERTS-THARPE James Thomas ROBERTS, b. Sep 1834, Ill., d. aft 1900, Lincoln Co., Okla.?; mar. Elizabeth THARPE, b. 18 Jun 1837, Ill., d. aft. 1900, Lincoln Co. 5 known children: William H., James Franklin, George K. Polls (b. 1861 Vernon Co., Mo.), Charles Grant, and Florence Louella. In Miami Co., Kansas, 1870, Howard Co., Kansas, 1875, Chautauqua Co., Kansas, 1880. Where did the parents in Illinois? Welcome contact with descendants. Leonard J. McCown, 217 West 14th Street, Irving, Texas 75060-5903.
My name is Laura J. Craft. I am looking for the Dunnagan/Dunnegan family that lived in Vernon County, Missouri. I known that some of the family is buried in the Dunnegan Grove Cemetery. Where can I get a listing of individuals buried in that cemetery or perhaps someone who may be working on that family? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Seeking information on a WALTERS listed as a grocer with VINCENT DALLY in Moundville, Mo area on 1870 cencus of Vernon County. Any clues helpful. Thank you in advance.
I am looking for any records or information about (JOSEPH WOOD) he was maried to (JOANN ERMAN BALDWIN"WOOD") both died in 1909.Thay had several children but (LAWRENCE LEROY WOOD) is the only one I know of.
Am seeking information on the death of my grandmother Lucy (Pickett) LOOKINGBILL, married 4 Dec. 1891, Nevada, Vernon Co. to George W. Lookingbill. Moved to Crawford Co. KS and believed died around 1905/09. Can not locate information on her death or internment. Is it possible she is Vernon Co. MO or other MO locations. Lucy aka May Lucy. Thank you for any information you may provide. Will respond. Leon L.