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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 747:

Darius Zerbe

(Farmer, Section 21, Post-office, Harwood).

   Under ordinary circumstances the life of an agriculturist of the present day, whose entire career has been devoted to farming and kindred pursuits, is not very eventful or replete with striking reminiscences of startling events.  Perhaps it is not so in the present instance, but true it is that in the life experience of the subject of this sketch is seen an earnest, determined and persevering effort to live as closely as possible to the truths taught in the Golden Rule--an aim which surely characterizes one of noble worth.  Though not as large a land owner as many who might be mentioned, Mr. Zerbe attends assiduously to the management of his 160-acre tract, carrying on everything in a neat practical manner, and working hard to bring his farm to an advanced state of cultivation.  It may be his ideas of agricultural life are in-born; it could not be wondered at, for, originally from a great farming State, Ohio, he grew up among farmers, learning their habits, customs, etc., which he may have unconsciously adopted and put into partial practice later on.  His birth occurred January 23, 1832. John Zerbe, his father, was of Pennsylvania nativity; the maiden name of his wife was Sophia Carpenter.  Seven children constituted their family and of these Darius was the fourth.  He lived in Ohio until twenty-one years of age, then removing to LaSalle county, Ill., where for the greater part of 30 years he was interested in farming.  In 1883, he became a resident of this county and since then has taken a warm interest in the agricultural affairs of the community, and of those among whom he lives.  In 1863, Mr. Zerbe was united in marriage with Miss Carrie T. McGrath, who was born in Fairpoint, O.  They have one child, Charles D.  Mr. Z. is a man of thorough business principles, a great reader and deep thinker, and is numbered among the progressive citizens of Bacon township.



     From Judge J. N. Staten the MAIL learned of the death of another one of Vernon county's oldest and highly esteemed residents. Darius Zerbe, whose death occurred at Harwood Saturday. The deceased was 79 years of age and was one of the oldest residents of the county. His death was due to general debility. The deceased is survived by a wife and one son. The remains were interred Sunday afternoon at the Mt. Vernon graveyard.

The Southwest Mail, Nevada, Missouri; Thursday 23 Mar 1911 page 7.



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