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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 763-764:

John Adam Young

(Farmer and Stock-Feeder, Section 30, Post-office, Enoch).

   The stock interests of Richland township have in more recent years assumed no small proportions, and among others whose attention has been directed largely to this branch of agricultural life is Mr. Young, a large land-owner and successful feeder of cattle.  Since 1876 he has been located upon his present homestead, and all the improvements which are now seen on this place have been made by him; and they are of a nature which leaves no doubt as to his good management as a farmer.  He owns nearly 600 acres of land, all of it being in a good state of cultivation or pasture, and well adapted to the purpose of stock feeding, which, as stated, Mr. Young is making a specialty.  He was born in West Virginia, Monongalia county, April 15, 1829; both his father, Adam Young, and his grandfather also having been Virginians by birth.  The maiden name of his mother was Trainor.  After leaving Virginia the father removed to Canada, and there entered extensively into the manufacture of lumber, remaining so occupied until his death.  J. A. passed his early youth principally in the West.  In 1850 he took a trip to California and while there engaged in mining, meeting with more than ordinary success.  After living in the Golden State some six or seven years he returned further east and settled in Bourbon county, Kas., for a time, coming thence to this county in 1858.  From 1859 until moving to his present home he was located on Charlow creek, the surroundings of which were in decided contrast to those where he now resides.  Mr. Young's wife was formerly Miss Catharine Terryberry, of New Jersey ancestry.  Four children, that are now living, have been given them:  William T., Charles K., Lydia Jane, wife of Enoch S. Weyand, and Joseph.  Two are deceased:  Frank A. and John Adam.  To each of his children Mr. Y. has given a good start, presenting them with farms and aiding them in other ways. Kind-hearted and hospitable, one always finds a warm welcome in his home.


     John A. Young died at Enoch, Mo., at 1 p.m., Friday, of paralysis, aged 68 years. Deceased came to Bourbon county in 1859 and moved to Vernon county in 1877.  He leaves a wife and four children. His funeral will be held at his late residence near Enoch Saturday, July 27th, at 3 p.m.

The Fort Scott Weekly Tribune, Fort Scott, Kansas; Thursday 1 August 1895 page 6.


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