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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 582:

John H. Wright

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 14, Post-office, Deerfield).

   That success is sure to follow the earnest and sincere application of labor is strikingly proven in the case of Mr. Wright, whose example is certainly one of encouragement for young men of the present day.  Still a young man himself, having been born October 15, 1852, he has given his attention closely to farming and stock-raising during life, and with the results which show him to be the owner of a splendid farm of 320 acres, excellently improved, and with surroundings all that could be desired; he also has 160 acres in Texas.  It is no exaggeration to say that not a man in the county has worked harder than Mr. Wright; this industry, added to his peculiar successful management, has established him very comfortably in the possession of this world's goods.  On his farm is a four-foot vein of potter's clay, of fine quality, which is worked on a royalty by parties from Fort Scott and Butler, as well as by other manufacturers.  In wheat raising he has won a creditable reputation, for three consecutive years he has raised on an average 27 1-2 bushels to the acre.  Mr. W. is a native of North Carolina, the State in which each of his parents, Henry and Mary (Merritt) Wright, were also born.  They came to this county in 1870, and it was then that our subject first settled here.  He was the youngest of the family of eight children born of the union of his father and mother, and as has been intimated his early training was in the direction of agricultural labor.  The worst thing that can be said about him is that he is still unmarried, but with such desirable surroundings and bright outlook for the future it is but fair to presume that some one will soon be found to share these comforts with him.


     John H. Wright, a large stock dealer and farmer who resided two miles southeast of Eve, died Wednesday morning after a week's illness. The remains were buried in the Deerfield cemetery Friday afternoon.

The Southwest Mail, Nevada, Missouri; Friday 20 January 1911 page 5.



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