From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 702-703: James A. Wilson (Proprietor of Transfer Line, Nevada). James A. Wilson was born in Ralls county, Mo., December 17, 1843, and is, therefore, a little past the age of 43 years. James Wilson, his father, was a Kentuckian by birth, and after reaching manhood he married a lady named Wood, a native of South Carolina. Four children resulted from this union and of these James A. was the youngest, his birth occurring after the death of his father. He was taken in charge by his uncle, J. O. Wood, under whose guidance he was reared upon a farm, and for a number of years his life was unmarked by any especial occurrence. But war troubles soon received his attention and he became a member of the 2d Missouri, Cockrell’s brigade, serving as a soldier for four years, during which time he took part in the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, Iuka, Vicksburg, Mobile, Atlanta and the Franklin campaign. At the battle of Altoona, and also in the engagement of Vicksburg, he was wounded and disabled for quite a while. After the close of the war Mr. Wilson returned to Monroe county, Mo., remaining there until 1875, when a desire to locate elsewhere led him to make a settlement in Vernon county. This has since been his home, his time having been spent in farming and the livery and transfer business. For four years he was engaged to tilling the soil. At the present time, he has eight double teams, one single one, two omnibuses and a carriage, and the extent of the business which he carries on is well known to those whose interests he has so faithfully served in the past. In 1869 Mr. Wilson was married to Miss Ora Jones, of Kentucky, who died in February, 1882, leaving three children; Lena, Alice and Annie Lutie. April 14, 1885, Mr. Wilson’s second marriage was consummated, when Miss Ella Denman, of Indiana, became his wife. Mr. W. is a member of the Knights of Pythias. [Transcribed by Julia Brown]
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