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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 580-581:

Archibald S. Welton

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 12, Post-office, Deerfield).

   Among other respected residents of Vernon county whom Ohio has given her may very properly be mentioned Archibald S. Welton, whose home has been in this community for upwards of 15 years.  Originally from Warren county, of the Buckeye State, he was born July 23, 1823, of English ancestry.  Solomon Welton, his father, was a Virginian by birth, and a true representative of the Old Dominion.  His great-grandfather came from England and had a land grant for property in Virginia, signed by Queen Ann.  Mr. Welton’s mother before her marriage was Miss Elizabeth Tullis.  Of eight children in the family of his parents, Archibald was the third.  He grew up in Ohio, until 10 years of age, passing his childhood days in attending school, etc., and in 1833 he accompanied the family to Edgar county, Ill., where his father died.  Returning thence to Ohio for a short time, he subsequently became located in Lee county, Ia., and in 1846 went to Oregon, where his home continued to be for 11 years, and where he was married, as subsequently stated.  During this period he was engaged in both mining and farming, meeting with fair success in the efforts there, but finally he determined to return further East, and accordingly came by way of the Isthmus from San Francisco, landing in New York.  After visiting friends in Ohio he settled in Indiana, lived there several years and in 1872, as intimated, took up his settlement in Vernon county, where he has since closely applied himself to the cultivation and management of his excellent farm of 520 acres.  This is conducted in a practical, intelligent manner, and is made to yield substantial returns.  One secret of this, perhaps, is the knowledge and experience which is given it by Mr. Welton, whose long association with the calling has rendered him well informed on all details of agricultural labor.  On February 18, 1852, an Indiana lady, Miss Elizabeth Clinton, became his wife, and to them three children have been born: Charles, now train dispatcher of a railroad in East Kentucky; and Thomas B and David F., who ably assist their father in working the farm.  The stock industry also receives a large share of their attention, and in this direction as well they are meeting with encouraging success.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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