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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 406-407:

Reuben Thornhill

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 12, Post-office, Katterman).

   Mr. Thornhill comes of an old and illustrious Virginia family, his father Bryant Thornhill, having been a native of Culpeper county, though a resident principally of Rockingham county, where he married Rachel Phillips.  Moving to Licking county, O., he owned and operated a large farm and mill there.  As a Democrat he was very popular, and for five successive terms represented Licking county in the Legislature, where he discharged his duty with such faithfulness that he was given a responsible and lucrative position under President Taylor.  Before moving to Ohio he had been a soldier in the War of 1812, and a participant in the siege of Norfolk.   He occupied offices of trust and honor until his death, April 8, 1861, having been in the State Senate when Thomas Ewing was a candidate for the United Sates Senate; and he cast the deciding vote which elected him.  Mr. Thornhill was on intimate terms with Gen. Ewing, Henry Clay, Webster, Calhoun and other noted men while in Washington.  A brother of his French W. Thornhill, was also in the Senate from Coshocton county a number of terms, his popularity being indicated by his return to that body during the war though a stanch Democrat.  He still survives at the good old age of 87 in Mt. Gilead, O.  His son, French W., Jr., was an elector in the Tilden and Hendricks campaign, and is also prominently connected with political affairs in his State.  Reuben was the fourth of seven children in his parents’ family.  John P., the eldest, was a Mexican soldier under Taylor, and took part in the battles of Cerre Gordo, Buena Vista, and up to the capture of Mexico.  He was a millwright by trade, and after removing to Memphis, Tenn., published a book, “The Miller's Guide,” which had an extensive circulation.  He died in 1856 in that city.  Maria married Almerion Clark, who lost his life by the explosion of a vessel while engaged in the Confederate service during the war as engineer of a gunboat.  Catherine married James D. Young, and died in 1853.  Bryant was among those fired upon at Charleston, Ill., during the war, was arrested and sent to Fort Delaware, where he remained until released by direct order of Lincoln some nine months later.  Jonah is a cattle raiser in the Indian Territory.  Reuben Thornhill, on account of his father’s financial reverses, was somewhat deprived of more than a common school education, though to this has been added individual exertion and close application in later years, rendering him a man of good information.  His first entrance upon business life was as a merchant in Lock and Middleton, O., which he followed 11 years, going thence with his father and younger brother to Ottumwa, Ia., where he taught school.  Returning to LaSalle, Ill., he remained during the winter, went thence to Attica, and two years later to Vermillion county, Ill., where he commenced farming.  Afterwards he resided at Peoria county until 1864, when through force of circumstances he was compelled to enter the 58th Illinois infantry, though a Southern sympathizer; but he never fired a gun.  Returning home after the war closed, he took his family to Johnson county, Mo., in 1866, remained a short time, then returned to Ohio, but subsequently became located in Pettis county, Mo., from whence the following year he came to this county.  Here he now owns 400 acres of good land, well improved, and gives considerable attention to stock raising.  August 29, 1848, Mr. Thornhill was married to Miss Rebecca Barnes, daughter of Jacob Barnes, formerly of Hampshire county, Va.  They have had two children:  Cassius M. is deceased, and French W. is a farmer near his father.  Mr. T. politically is strongly Democratic.  He is a most popular man, and may be characterized as a person of good conversational powers, genial humor and superior social qualities.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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