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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 560-561:

William A. Terrill

(Farmer and Raiser of Thoroughbred Stock, Section 33, Post-office, Walker).

   As one of the prominent citizens of this township Mr. Terrill is well known, and the reputation which he enjoys is by no means a local one.  His connection with the stock affairs of this vicinity has placed him before the people of other localities in such a manner as to give him an extensive acquaintance and popularity which he warmly merits.  Wm. A. Terrill was born in Garrard county, Ky., February 26, 1844, the eldest of eleven children (nine now living) born to Elijah J. and Susan B. Terrill, née Smith, both of which were Kentuckians by birth.  The father is a farmer by occupation and is still a resident of the Blue Grass State, a hale, hearty gentleman 72 years of age; his worthy companion is also spared to him, and is 67 years old.  William A., as the oldest son of an agriculturist, very naturally grew up to an agricultural experience and his entire attention during life has been directed to this channel.  His education opportunities while young were only such as could be obtained in the common schools, though sufficient for all practical purposes.  When 18 years of age he enlisted in Co. B. 8th Kentucky cavalry, under Gen. John Morgan, and took part in that commander’s remarkable campaigns through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio; as orderly under Gen. Clark, he served until his capture at Buffington, O., from whence he was sent to Camp Morton, Ind., and about a month later to Camp Douglas, Chicago, where he remained some 18 months.  During this period he suffered many hardships and privations and, indeed, a true account of the brutalities which these prisons were obliged to undergo would fill a volume.  The pangs of hunger, known to so many during these dark days, sickness which so often resulted in death, horrors which the mind of to-day cannot realize – all these were experienced by Mr. Terrill until his release in Montgomery county, Va., after which, in company with some 20 other fellow-sufferers, he started on foot for home, finally reaching his destination in safety.  Mr. Terrill was married April 5, 1877, to Miss Sophia J. Hill, and they have had the following children:  Roy, born January 17, 1878, died July 5, 1879; Josie, born October 27, 1880, and Harry L., born January 22, 1884.  Mr. T. is the owner of a valuable and highly improved farm in section 33, upon which he raises quite extensively thoroughbred Short-horns, Poland China hogs and Southdown sheep.  The latter class of stock deserve special mention, as some of his animals have secured prizes at several fairs, among other places at the fair in Kansas City.  In politics he is Democratic.  Live, enterprising and progressive, he has done much through his influence in elevating and advancing the interest of this community, and by his honor and genial disposition has established himself in the confidence of all with whom he comes in contact.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


William A. Terrill

     William A. Terrill, 86 years old, father of Mrs. M. T. Slane, of 916 West Sixth street, one of Sedalia's oldest and highly respected residents, died at his daughter's home about 6 o'clock Tuesday evening.

     Mr. Terrill was born February 26, 1844 in Jackson county, Ky., and fought in the Confederate army. At the age of 23 he came to Missouri to reside near Nevada, Mo., where he was a stockman.

     He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sophia J. Terrill of Nevada and his daughter, Mrs. Slane and one son, H. L. Terrill of Dallas, Tex., and six grand children.

     He was a member of the Presbyterian church.

     His sister, Mrs. Sudie Frasa, of Bryansville, Ky., the only living member of the immediate Terrill family was at the bedside of her brother at the time of his death.

     Mr. Terrill had an unusually active career during the Civil War, enlisting at the age of eighteen years. He served in Company B., Eighth Kentucky Cavalry under General John Morgan, and was with his forces in the bitterly contested campaigns in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio.

     He served as an orderly under General Cluke and was captured at Buffington, Ohio, being sent from there to Camp Morgan, Ind., and later to Camp Douglas, Chicago, from which place he was released.

     The funeral party will leave the Slane home at 8 o'clock this morning for Higginsville, Mo., where funeral services will be held at the chapel at the Old Soldiers' home.

     Burial will be about 10:30 o'clock that morning in the cemetery for the old soldiers there.

Sedalia Weekly Democrat, Sedalia, Missouri; Friday 19 September 1930 page 6.


Funeral of W. A. Terrill

     Funeral services for William A. Terrill, 86 years old, father of Mrs. M. T. Slane, 916 West Sixth street who died at the home of his daughter Tuesday evening, were held at the Old Confederate Soldier's Home at Higginsville this morning.

     Burial was made in the cemetery there.

The Sedalia Democrat, Sedalia, Missouri; Thursday 18 September 1930 page 2.


Mrs. Sophia J. Terrill

     Mrs. Sophia J. Terrill, aged 92, died at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. T. Slane, 916 West Sixth street, where she had resided almost five years. Mrs. Terrill, whose home was in Nevada, Mo., was injured in a car accident, suffering a concussion, five years ago. Since that time she had been an invalid and made her home with her daughter.

     Mrs. Terrill was born at Miami, Mo. While visiting friends in Nevada, Mo., she was married to William A. Terrill and they made that city their home. Mr. Terrill, also an invalid before his death, died in Sedalia at the home of Mrs. Slane about fifteen years ago.

     Surviving Mrs. Terrill are two children, Mrs. Slane, and H. L. Terrill of Dallas. Texas, who is ill and unable to come to this city for the funeral. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Lulu Snook of Redbud, Ill., and a brother, William Hill of Osawatomie, Kas., six grandchildren Mrs. V. A. McFadden, Sedalia; Thomas W. Slane, in service in the Philippines, Jack Slane, Sedalia; Harry Jr. and Leslie Carl Terrill and Mrs. Isabel Turner, Dallas, Texas and two great grandchildren Michael Joseph McFadden, Sedalia and Leslie Carl Terrill, Jr., Dallas.

     Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at McLaughiin's chapel. Mrs. Terrill was a member of the Christian church in Nevada. The Rev. Dewey Meranda, pastor of the First Christian church in Sedalia conducted the service.

     Pallbearers were H. H. Swan, Alfred Schreiner, Jess Saunders, Eugene Miller, Dr. W. M. Wheeler and William Couhig.

     Interment was in the Slane family lot in Calvary cemetery.

Sedalia Weekly Democrat, Sedalia, Missouri; Friday 9 November 1945 page 3.



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