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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 694-695:

Hon. Daniel P. Stratton

(Judge of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, Residence, Nevada).

   Daniel P. Stratton was born in Salem, N. J., September 19, 1839.  He was the son of one of the most prominent clergymen in that State, Rev. Daniel Stratton, a man of true, sincere piety, and thoroughly devoted to the ministry, whose entire life was spent without reserve in the prosecution of his sacred calling.  To this day his memory is warmly cherished by those families still living among whom he so faithfully labored.  He died at Salem, N. J., in 1866, leaving besides his wife, two children.  Mrs. Stratton, formerly Miss Eleanor Hancock, was also a native of Salem county, N.J.  Young Daniel when quite young was taken to Macon, N. C., where his father had charge of a church, and up to the age of fifteen years his time was passed in that locality, then removing with his parents to Salem, N. J.  His opportunities for acquiring an education were well improved, and after leaving school he took up the study of law in the office of Andrew Sinnickson, with whom he remained four years, closely applying himself to his legal studies until thoroughly prepared to attend the Albany Law School.  From this institution he was graduated in 1860, and since that time his efforts have been directed towards the active practice of his profession.  In 1867 he located at Stockton, Cedar county, Mo., but in 1883, forming favorable impressions of the future of Nevada, he decided to make this his home, and his experience in later years has only served to prove this wisdom of his selection at that time.  He soon formed a partnership with Hon. W. J. Stone (present Representative of this district in Congress) in the law practice, and the reputation which the firm enjoyed was a wide and honorable one, second to none in this portion of Missouri.  Mr. Stratton fully realizes the truth so often urged by the sages of the law that, of all men, the reading and thought of a lawyer should be the most extended.  In the conduct of his practice he has been faithful and laborious almost to a fault; no pains having been spared in the preparation of his cases and a thorough investigation made of the points in dispute, the law bearing upon the decision of the courts, and the testimony adduced, relying solely on his industry and clear understanding of the law rather than on flashy, meaningless arguments.  In financial circles he is also well known, and at the present time he is the efficient president of the Exchange Bank, an institution of sound, substantial worth.  In 1886 he received the nomination for the position of Circuit Judge of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, and was elected by a large majority.  In 1866 Mr. Stratton was married to Miss Belle Barnes, of the same county as himself, and to them an interesting family of five children has been given:  Eleanor H., Rebecca B., Daniel P., Henrietta G and Joseph B.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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