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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 838-839:

Benjamin M. Smith

(Farmer, Sheldon).

   During the year 1880 among those who removed into this county from other portions of Missouri was Benjamin M. Smith, now one of the respected, influential and reliable citizens of this community. He was born in Henry county, Ky., October 7, 1843, of which locality his father, Ballard S., was also a native, though of Virginia parentage. His mother before her marriage was Julia Shrader, and her birth occurred in Oldham county, of the Blue Grass State. Benjamin was the fourth son and child in a family of nine children. Perhaps it was natural that he should grow up as a farmer, located as he was in such a famous agricultural region. At any rate he was attending to the duties of this calling when the war broke out. Hastily laying aside his farming implements he joined the 9th Kentucky cavalry, C. S. A., commanded by Col. Breckinridge, under Morgan, and followed that brave and intrepid General through all of his campaigns. Once, at Bethel Church, in Georgia, he was wounded in the arm, and to this day carries the ball in that member; it is said of him that he made a brave and faithful soldier to the cause in which his sympathies were enlisted, and which he believed right, being one of the last to surrender. After the war Mr. Smith returned to Kentucky, where he remained until 1879, then coming to Missouri and settling in Bates county, from whence he moved to Vernon in 1880. At first he was engaged in farming and in dealing in farming lands, but at this time he has closed out the greater part of his interests in this direction, retaining, however, some 80 acres adjoining the town of Sheldon. In 1865 Mr. Smith was married to Miss Susan Parkhurst, a Kentuckian by birth. Their two children are named Bernice and Mabel, two besides these having died, Curtis and Claudie. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the M. E. Church South. The former is now in a situation to enjoy the comfortable competency which he has obtained during life—the results of energy and successful business management, though he is not one to be content unless actively occupied. He numbers his friends by the score, every one of whom finds in him a man worthy of esteem and respect.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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