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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 689-690:

Prof. Samuel S. Simpson

(Agent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., Kansas City).

   Prof. Simpson is a native of Virginia.  He was born in Fauquier county, that State, January 12, 1843, and was the son of William and Eleanor A. Simpson, née Jones, both of whom were Virginians by birth.  The former was a mechanic by occupation, and in 1844, when Samuel was but an infant, he removed his family to Missouri and settled in Boonville, Cooper county.  There the parents still reside, esteemed, well known residents of that community.  Of their six children Samuel S. was the second child and son.  His boyhood days and youth were passed at Boonville, occupied in a manner not unlike that of other boys, except, perhaps, that he was more highly favored with educational advantages.  After a primary course of instruction he entered the celebrated Kemper School, of that city, where a thorough and exhaustive course of study was pursued until his graduation in 1863.  Leaving this institution he determined upon a professional career as a teacher, a capacity in which he remained upwards of 20 years.  A portion of this time he had charge of the literary department of the female college known as "Boonville Seminary" at Boonville, and at other times he was in control of the schools at Fayette, Jefferson City, and Nevada, besides conducting a boarding school at Versailles for two years.  In the year 1866 he and Prof. D. R. Cully established in the center of Cooper county, what was known as "Cully & Simpson's Institute," in which many prominent men and women of that section received their principal education.  In 1878 he came to this county and for four years afterwards served as superintendent of the schools at this place.  As is well known, Prof. Simpson's experience and zeal in the cause of education could hardly have resulted otherwise than in making him a teacher of ability, success and enviable standing.  In subsequent years he has been the special agent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, and in this business he has met with no less success than as an educator.  Until recently his headquarters have been at Nevada, but now he is the Kansas City agent of the same company, with headquarters in the latter city, where his permanent home will probably be in the near future.  As one of the respected citizens of Nevada, in both private and social circles, Prof. Simpson has been known to almost every one, while his position as a leading member of the Baptist Church has also been of recognized prominence, and it goes without saying that in his new home the same respect is sure to be accorded him.  January 16, 1867, Prof. Simpson was married to Miss Bettie W. Lockett, who was born in Prince Edward county, Va., a daughter of George W. Lockett.  Four children are in their family:  George W., Stephen S., Maurice E. and Edgar N.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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