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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 849-850:

Francis B. Shelton

(Farmer and Stock-Feeder, Post-office, Bellamy).

   Not without justice this representative citizen of Dover township is accounted one of the substantial agriculturists of the Southern portion of Vernon county. By birth he is a native of Warren county, Ill., born May 4, 1849. His father, David R. Shelton, was born in Kentucky, and was a farmer by occupation. The maiden name of his mother was Lucy A. Whitman, also of Kentucky nativity. Four children were in the family, Francis B. being the eldest. He was reared in Illinois on a farm and has since continued to follow this occupation, together with the stock business, in which he has met with success. Remaining in Illinois until 1870, he then came to this county and now owns 270 acres of land, devoting his attention largely to feeding stock, for which he has a natural adaptation. His success in this direction has made him one of the largest feeders in the township, as well as one of the most prosperous and prominent. Mr. Shelton was married in 1869 to Miss Mary E. Hill, who was born in Pettis county. She died in Vernon county, Mo., March 14, 1878, leaving three children, David T., Carlos and Guy. Mr. S. married for his second wife Mrs. Ida A. Snider, whose maiden name was Taylor, in June, 1883. She was a daughter of Mr. Lewis Taylor. They have one daughter, Lucy J. Mr. Shelton is a member of the A. F. and A. M. His farm is underlaid with coal of superior quality, which is found only from four to six feet below the surface, and this of course adds largely to the natural good value of the land. All his efforts indicate him to be a person progressive and enterprising, and the results which have attended these labors are certainly not undeserved.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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