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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 838:

George M. Shanton

(Of Shanton & Campbell, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., Sheldon).

   The oldest merchant in point of residence in Sheldon, and one of the most public-spirited citizens of this portion of the county, is George M. Shanton, whose birth occurred in Carroll county, O., November 27, 1849. His father, A. C. Shanton, was a Virginian by birth, his mother, whose maiden name was Catherine Way, having come originally from Pennsylvania. Nine children constituted their family circle, and of these George was the fourth child. He was brought up on a farm, receiving his primary education in the public schools, and this he supplemented with a more thorough course of instruction at the schools in Pierceton, Ind., whither he had accompanied his parents from Ohio. After leaving school he embarked upon a professional career, teaching for some time in Indiana, or until 1872, when he came to Missouri, and here, too, he followed the same calling with unquestioned success for about nine years. In 1881, however, he came to Sheldon and was among the first to engage in business in the new town, and from that time to the present he has contributed a full share towards its prosperity and the reputation which it enjoys abroad. Among his fellow-citizens Mr. Shanton has long been recognized as a leader, his substantial character and undoubted integrity gaining the unlimited confidence of all who know him. Personally, as well as in business circles, the same sincere esteem is accorded him. The firm with which he is connected do a good business, carrying a large and well selected stock, which is sold at prices within the reach of all. In 1873 he was married to Miss Alphraetta Renison, a native of Pennsylvania. They have three children: Charles, Thompson and Leon. Mr. S. is a member of the M. E. Church; he is also connected with the I. O. O. F.


[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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