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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 592-593:

Elkanah M. Scroghem

(Farmer and Carpenter, Section 30, Post-office, Nevada).

   Mr. Scroghem is another of the residents of Vernon county formerly from the “Kingdom of Callaway,” his birth having occurred there (in Callaway county, Mo.) February 14, 1845. From about the age of eight years until the breaking out of the war he was reared in Bates county, whither his parents’ family had moved in 1853, but when the first call for troops to suppress invasion was made, with characteristic patriotism he enlisted in Shelby’s regiment of Confederate troops, commanded by Col. Gordon; while in the State service he was a member of Cummings’ command. He was taken prisoner in Bates county, in 1862, and was subsequently confined in St. Louis and Alton, and after remaining a prisoner of war for a year he took part in the battle of Helena, July 4, 1863, and also in the engagement at Little Rock, and Prairie Dehand, Jenkins’ Ferry, and Marks Mill and many others, besides this accompanying Shelby on his raid. After the war closed Mr. Scroghem returned to Vernon county and for 12 years devoted himself to the carpenter’s trade, an occupation to which he still gives some attention in connection with his agricultural affairs. He is the owner of 340 acres of land, upon which is a valuable stone quarry that is now being worked. In his methods of work Mr. S. indicates without doubt his thorough familiarity with every detail of his adopted avocation. The improvements upon his place are above the average and all the surroundings show him to be a man of taste as well as of industry. He has been a resident of this county ever since his first location here, except during the year 1873, when he lived in Texas. In 1871 he married Miss Emily Ward, of Cedar county, Mo., who died in 1875 leaving two children: Thomas D. and Laura Florence. In 1878, Mr. Scroghem was again married, Miss Florinda Herriford becoming his wife. She was born in Barry county, Mo. In this connection it may be proper to give a brief outline of the history of Mr. S.’s father, Thomas Scroghem, not unknown to may citizens of this locality. He (Thomas) was born and raised in Virginia, subsequently emigrated to St. Louis and thence to Callaway county, where he lived until May, 1853, following farming and carpentering. In 1838, he married Miss Susanah Herriford, who was born in Middle Tennessee June 10, 1810. In 1853 he moved to Bates county, where, during the war he was taken prisoner and confined in Alton prison, where he died in 1852. Of six children that were in his family three are now living: Lydia S. Welch, wife of Levi Welch; Elkanah M. and Lucy A., now Mrs. Charles Davis. One son, William T., was a prisoner at Little Rock while in the army, and died there.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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