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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 404-405:

James M. Rees

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Post-office, Arthur).

   This respected citizen of Osage township owes his nativity to Vermillion county, Ill., where he was born February 18, 1825, the youngest of seven children (two boys and five girls) in the family of his parents, John and Katherine Rees, both originally from Wayne county, Penn.  They removed to Illinois in an early day and located in the wilderness among the Pottawatomie Indians, the father engaging in agricultural pursuits.  He was noted as one of the early hunters of that period, and both he and an older brother of James were participants in the celebrated Black Hawk War, the father serving as captain until its close, when he returned home uninjured.  He died in 1876 at the advanced age of 84 years, the mother having preceded him to the grave some years, dying in 1853.  Only three of the original number of children are now living.  James M., as the youngest child, was reared to manhood on a farm, passing his youth amidst wild surroundings in a country inhabited largely by aborigines.  As might be inferred, his school advantages were decidedly meager, though in later years he has by no means fallen behind the generality of men in keeping posted on current topics.  Mr. Rees was first married to Miss Mary Maguess, who bore him five children, one of whom survives, James A., living in Bates county.  His second wife was Miss Minerva Elox, and the seven children resulting from this union are all living:  Mary is Mrs. Luther Long, of Kansas; Maggie became the wife of Avery Blankenship, of California; Lincoln and George are farmers; and Sherman M., Minnie and Avry are at home.  Mr. Rees' present wife was formerly Mrs. Mary E. Wilson, of Bates county.  Their only child is named Addie B.  The present comfortable homestead of Mr. R. contains 400 acres -- an estate well adapted to the purposes of general farming.  The improvements in the way of buildings, sheds, etc., are neat and convenient, and everything is kept in order.  As a politician he may be classed with the Republicans, and he has wielded no little influence in local political matters, as indeed he has taken no small interest in all worthy and enterprising movements of the county and township.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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