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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 511-512:

William H. Prewitt

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 16, Post-office, Walker).

   Mr. Prewitt is only little past the age of 46 years, having been born June 2, 1840, in Bourbon county, Ky. His parents were James M. and Mattie (Bedford) Prewitt, both of whom were natives of the Blue Grass State; the Prewitts were of French Hugenot descent, some of their ancestors having been early colonial settlers of South Carolina. The Bedfords were of English origin. William C. Prewitt, the paternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a pioneer of Kentucky and held a general’s commission in the State militia. His wife was formerly Margaret Edmiston, a daughter of Col. Edmiston, who was killed at the battle of River Raisin. The Prewitts, Edmistons and Bedfords were all prominent and influential citizens of Kentucky and persons of substantial worth. In 1852 James M. Prewitt moved to Saline county, Mo., and lived there some years, going thence to Lafayette county, where he died din 1858. The mother of William is still living, a resident of Lexington, Mo., and is quite advanced in age. Two sons and one daughter were in their family, all of whom are alive and married. Of these William H. is worthy of special mention. He was reared to a farm experience, attended during youth the ordinary common schools and when the war broke out he entered the Missouri State Guard, serving one year, when he joined Gen. Jo. Shelby’s cavalry, with whom he remained until the cessation of hostilities, principally in the Trans-Mississippi department. His service was marked by signal bravery and gallantry, and upon leaving the army he carried with him wounds received while actively fighting. After returning home Mr. Prewitt worked at whatever he could find to do and on May 9, 1866, was united in marriage to Miss Barbara J. Bush, who was born in Clark county, Ky., December 3, 1847. The following children having blessed this union: James, Samuel T., George, Mary P., William T., Mattie B., Evelyn P., Maggie G. and Thomas H. In 1878 Mr. Prewitt left Lafayette county, where he had lived so many years, and came to his present location in Vernon county, renting the land at first and subsequently purchasing 80 acres where he now lives. He is actively engaged in raising stock of all kinds and is recognized as a good farmer and stock man. Politically he is a Democrat and recently he was the nominee of his party for associate judge of the county court, a position to which he was elected, and one which it is but the truth to say he is well qualified to fill. Mr. P. is known all over the county. He is a member of the Masonic order and also belongs to the A. O. U. W.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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