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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 678-679:

H. Clay Parrish

(Section 18, Post-office, Garland).

   Mr. Parrish is one of the important factors in the business and agricultural interests of this portion of the county and on this account if for no other reason deserves special mention at this place.  He is a Kentuckian by birth and bringing up—born in Nelson county, of the Blue Grass State January 2, 1842, his parents being Benjamin F. and Minerva A. Parrish, née Hamilton, also natives of that same State.  The father during life has followed farming exclusively; he still resides in Kentucky.  Eight children constituted the family, and of this number H. Clay was the eldest.  As intimated he was reared at his old home until about 14 years of age, when he came further west and subsequently obtained a good education in McDonough county, Ill.  There he taught school two years, and in 1867 returned to Kentucky and resumed teaching for the same length of time.  In the year 1869, on the 29th of April, Mr. Parrish was united in marriage with Miss Lydia A. Conklin, daughter of Thomas Conklin, deceased.  Like her husband she was also born in Kentucky.  The names of their two children are Emma G. and Robert A.  Since his location in this county Mr. Parrish has devoted himself somewhat to a professional life in connection with the conduct of his farm.  He has practiced law to some extent, and at this time attends when called upon to do so to the interests of those of his acquaintances whose affairs need the protection of the law.  In this capacity he is well known and it is but the truth to say that he discharges his duties in this direction to the utmost ability.  Mr. P. is a member of the A. F. and A. M.  He owns 80 acres of land.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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