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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 678-679:

Eugene Parrish

(Dealer in Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Etc., Nevada).

   To say that the subject of this sketch is a live business man but faintly expresses or indicates the energy and force which he has manifested in building up the establishment of which he is now the head. A little over a year ago, withdrawing from a position as partner in a dry goods store, he purchased his present business, and since that time has devoted all his energies solely to its promotion and upbuilding, and not without substantial evidences of success. The stock which he carries, as has been mentioned, embraces a full line of books, stationery, wall paper, window shades, and fancy goods usually found in a store of this kind; and largely owing to his accommodating and courteous manner he has succeeded in establishing himself upon a sound base as a merchant. Mr. Parrish is still a young man, having been born December 24, 1859, in Pettis county, Mo. George W. Parrish, his father, was a Kentuckian by birth, and by occupation a farmer. His mother’s maiden name was Emira J. Marshall, Missouri being her native State. Of six children in the family Eugene was the eldest. He was reared and educated in the county of his birth, first learning the rudiments of a farm life, but subsequently he turned his attention to clerking, obtaining a position with J. F. Harber, of this place, with whom he remained some years. Later a partnership in the dry goods trade was formed with Mr. J. S. Clack, and this relation continued until November, 1885, as mentioned. February 4, 1885, Mr. Parrish married Miss Ella Callaway, of this county, daughter of Dr. James Callaway, whose name frequently appears upon these pages.

 [Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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